
horrible dinners

May 26th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((Where's this bitch!?))
  2. Alexithymiaa: (You're a bitch)
  3. Tsaaq: ((You the bitch.))
  4. Tsaaq: ((Wooo.))
  5. Covet: [It's not pants!...but it fits... XD]
  6. Tsaaq: Remy stirred the pot of sauce, and spaghetti listlessly as he looked over to his mom. "I just dont get why we have to have cauliflower and broccoli. One is fine. // Jacqueline stood in the kitchen with Remy and rolled her eyes. "Just make the goddamn food. Can't you see I'm trying to make dessert?" She scolded him but was also eating raw cookie dough. // Sasha stood at the tank, looking at the snake before he turned to Hayley who was already seated at the table. "Princess do you and Adam want to set the table for everyone?" He asked. // Hayley looked up from her phone and gave a look that said: 'not really.' she stood up and glanced in the kitchen. "I don't know where they keep the shit in here." She muttered.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "I'm sure we can find it." He chimed in quickly, not wanting to be anything other than a perfect gentleman in front of Hayley and Remy's parents. He walked over into the kitchen, looking over the cabinets briefly before pulling the first one open, but no dice. He pulled open the next one to find a stack of plates, getting them down and turning to walk to the table to begin setting them out in front of each chair. "Maybe you can fold some napkins?"-
  8. Covet: "Babe... This is probably the only time we'll even eat veggies, just entertain your mom." She laughed then heard Sasha, "I'll help." Cadence said as she sat near the table watching everyone doing things, but not wanting to get inthe middle of Remy and Jacque cooking. She went into the kitchen, figuring this gave her permission and started getting out plates and dishes to hand to Adam and Hayley. When she grabbed the silverware she took out an extra spoon to try to pilfer some of the cookiedough that Jacque was hoarding.
  9. Covet: *[Silverware... amend my post!]
  10. Covet: [Since adam found the plates.]
  11. Tsaaq: Remy turned to Cadence with a blank expression. "Whatever." He grumbled. "She's not even making the dessert. She's eating the fucking shit before it even cooks." He grumbled begrudgingly. // Jacqueline's eyebrows furrowed at Remy and she lifted the empty cookie sheet and slammed it against his shoulder. "Don't talk to me like that! I'm your mother!" She said angrily then went to grab the backup cookie dough because Sasha knew this would happen.She hissed when Cadence tried to take some. // Sasha smiled at Adam and Cadence. "You both are more helpful than my actual children." He smiled. // Hayley exhaled through her nose exasperatedly. "Napkins?" She repeated then grabbled the
  12. Covet: [Grabbed...the....? GRABBED THE BUTT!?]
  13. Tsaaq: ((FUCK))
  14. Tsaaq: ((The spoons idk lmaooo.))
  15. Covet: [LMAO]
  16. Tsaaq: ((Grabbed Adam's penis and then it's a whole porno, unholy porn.))
  17. Alexithymiaa: (This is not the group of people to make a porno together)
  18. Alexithymiaa: (I just keep picturing Sasha and Im not okay)
  19. Tsaaq: ((lmaooo. Exactly.))
  21. Alexithymiaa: -After finishing setting the plates down at the respective chairs, Adam left out a small playful laugh in response to Sasha. "Well... I was invited to dinner. It's only right to help the hosts." His eyes swung over to Hayley, raising his brows. "Right Halo?" Taking the silverware from Cadence, he started to walk around the table to set it down next to each plate, trying desperately to ignore the shit in the kitchen over cookie dough.-
  22. Covet: Cadence bit her lips in a pursed smirk as she watched Jacque nearly take Remy out with a cookie sheet, then dropped the spoon when she was hissed at, skittering back into the dinning room, to reply to Sasha, “Well.. It helps that I know where everything is too.” She heard Hayley’s question and stated pulling paper towels off the roll. “And I’m never allowed to help in the kitchen when Remy’s cooking. I just make messes.”
  23. Tsaaq: Remy fell forward then onto the floor. He quickly stood up and groaned. "You waited until it wouldn't be child abuse to strike me with abstract objects!" Remy said, carrying the pot with his sweater pulled all the way around his hands and putting it down on the table. // "You're damn right I did." Jacque replied and actually got the cookies started. "Thank you for helping anyways Cadence... And..." Jacque paused and stared at Adam because she didn't want to get his name wrong. "You." She smiled at him. "Great young man." // He moved away from the tank and took a seat at the table. "Can we smoke in here. This is driving me crazy?" He asked Cadence. // She nodded her head at Adam and folded the paper towels in half, the most uncreative way to fold napkins.
  24. Covet: [It's okay Hayley...that's how I fold them too]
  25. Alexithymiaa: -Adam forced a smile at Jacque because it was obvious she couldn't remember his name. "You're welcome." He moved to a chair to pull it out away from the table, holding his hand out toward Hayley. "Here, come sit."-
  26. Covet: Hearing Sasha’s question she raised an eyebrow, “Yeah, of course. Soggy cigarettes are no laughing matter, I’ll just crack the window so we don’t get smoked out.“ She said with a smile, walking into the front room area and turned the latch on one of the windows to swing it open just a crack. Cadence made her way to the fridge and grabbed herself and Remy a beer, then looked back at everyone else, “What’s everyone’s drink of choice tonight? You name it, I’ve got it.”
  27. Tsaaq: Remy went to take his seat and saved one for Cadence by propping his foot up on the chair beside him. "Just beer. And hand me a cigarette." // Jacque became excited at the notion of finally having a smoke. "I'm so glad you're such a nice boy too." Jacque tried to ease the awkwardness. She jogged over to the table and began to serve up the food. "Babe!" She called out to Sasha. // He exhaled with relief. "Thank you. Shit. I was dying." He muttered, getting out his pack and looking at wife and son. "Ugh, fine." He sighed, handing a cigarette to each of them then putting one in his own mouth. "Uh, Jacque will have a sprite. I'll have a beer." He answered. // Hayley took Adam's hand and took her seat. "His name is Adam." Hayley spoke more words in that sentence than she did since she got to the apartment. She looked over to him and shrugged. "I don't know, what do you want to drink?" She asked him.
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Um..." He paused to think about the fact that he wanted coffee, but didn't want to put anyone out by having them brew some so he quickly shrugged off the idea. "Just water for me. Thank you Cadence." He took a seat down beside Hayley, scooting in closer to the table.-
  29. Covet: Cadence got the rest of the drinks and passed them out on the table and sat down next to Remy, she looked around in a bit of an awkward silence, then gave a quick grace because that’s what normal families do before they eat, she assumed, “Lord, we know without a doubt you'll bless this food as we pig out. Amen” She twisted the top off her beer and tipped it back, and waited patiently as food started to be passed around.
  30. Alexithymiaa: (WHAT KIND OF GRACE IS THAT)
  31. Covet: [LMAO the best kind... ]
  32. Tsaaq: Remy's eyes widened as he watched Cadence say grace, lighting his cigarette and inhaling. "You uh, don't have to do that with us." He told her awkwardly in a whisper, shaking his head. "That's not a thing we do."// "Oh, like my brother's children... Except not as laid back." She shrugged her shoulders. "Thank you." She let the cigarette hang in her mouth as she served everyone their plates. // Sasha lit his cigarette then went to light Jacque's raising an eyebrow at Cadence. "Do you guys always say grace when you eat Rem?" // "Yeah..." Hayley trailed off and poked her fork at her spaghetti.
  33. Alexithymiaa: -Adam took his plate of spaghetti spaghetti, setting it down in front of him and picking up his fork after the most awkward grace he'd ever heard. "This is really nice. Thank you... for this." He tried to lighten the mood, twirling his fork in his spaghettis. "How long are y'all in town for?"-
  34. Covet: "God no... But we're all together.. so I thought something halfway nice should be said. I mean, it's not like I put that much effort into it or really anything else tonight. " She said with a shrug, and dished herself up some of that delicious spaghetti. "Thank you Stud Muffin." Cadence smiled at him then got some of that food in her mouthole.
  35. Tsaaq: "Usually when people say grace when we have dinner. They're my cousins and they're being petty assholes." He said with a shrug before digging into his meal. "You're welcome, it's fine. It's whatever." // Jacque finally sat down and drank from her glass. "We're leaving Saturday morning." She answered Adam. "It's okay. My brother's kids are okay. Remy just hates them." She told Cadence. // Sasha went silent a moment because food. "Well we didn't want you to do anything. That was the point... Sooo, Hayley, Adam. You're not just going to be in your friend's apartment by yourselves are you?" He asked cautiously. // Hayley didn't really eat. She just pushed her food around on the plate. "Ugh. I don't know." She sighed. "We're not going to do anything bad. It's fine." She muttered.
  36. Covet: "I mean, I didn't say mine to be petty... It was more for quick humor. I hate when people draw out graces, especially when people just want to eat." She said, taking a drink from her beer. "I remember them a little bit from the holidays, I don't mind the youngest one of that lot. He's been here before." She said getting quiet as Sasha questioned Hayley and Adam.
  37. Tsaaq: ((You skipped Steph!))
  39. Alexithymiaa: -Adam shifted awkwardly because he kind of wanted to die right now a little bit and was defintiely sweating bullets. "Of course not, Mr. Berkoff. They'll be in and out of the apartment just as much. And we won't be spending all that much time there with finals week coming. It's a bit of a hectic time for everyone right now."-
  40. Tsaaq: "Well you don't have to was my point." He said with a raise of his brow. "Yeah, he's still a little creep. But he's the least horrible." Remy chimed it. "Dad they're young. Why do you even care?" He asked with a roll of his eyes. // Jacqueline tapped the ash off of her cigarette and shook her head. "Nobody is taking advice from you Remiel if you were a girl you'd be pregnant by now." She sassed. "And leave Eugene alone." She said quickly. "Hayley... Is everything okay? You seem... Upset?" She asked softly as she peered at her. // Sasha nodded his head at Adam. "Well, alright. Sounds innocent enough." He shrugged. "It is a big deal." He said sternly to Remy then turned to Hayley to await her reply.// She furrowed her eyebrows and slouched in her seat. "I'm fine." She grumbled. "Just tired."
  41. Covet: Cadence tensed up for a moment when Jacque started speaking about everything from Pregnancy to if Hayley was okay, causing her to drop her fork on her plate, making a loud clatter, "Woops... my bad..." She said quietly after clearing her throat and taking a long drink from her beer, because Cadence has no cool.
  42. Alexithymiaa: -Adam quickly stuffed a bunch of spaghetti in his mouth, chewing with his lips sealed tightly shut as he looked back and forth between Hayley and her parents. Swallowing hard, he covered his mouth and coughed just a big, unable to get rid of the lump in his throat.-
  43. Tsaaq: Remy looked between everyone at the table then shook his head at Cadence, his eyes widening at her. // Jacque saw the awkward silence as a bad sign and shook her head. "Oh god. You're not pregnant are you? How are you supposed to fit in a cheer uniform with a giant belly? You look so cute in it." She whined. // Sasha didn't like the silence either but didn't jump to conclusions too soon. "Wow, is there actually something wrong or are you guys just normally this awkward?" Sasha asked then glanced at them all. // "I just said everything was okay." Hayley groaned, leaning her head on her hand and actually starting to eat now. "No. I'm not pregnant mom. Jesus Christ." She scoffed.
  44. Covet: Cadence caught Remy's look and turned her head down to her food taking a bite as she talked through the last half of it, while covering her mouth with her napkin, "Nobody's knockeded Up, Not even pumpkin anymore. It's actually kind of an NWSU miracle." she said with an awkward laugh, nodding her head at Sasha, "Always... Forever and always."
  45. Alexithymiaa: -Adam coughed a bit more because this pregnancy talk made him gravely uncomfortable, picking up his napkin to wipe his mouth before looking to Jacque. "With all due respect Mrs. Berkoff, I would never put Hayley in that situation."-
  46. Tsaaq: Remy shook his head at Cadence. "Stop talking." He said with a sigh. "I'm gonna need another cigarette." He said to Sasha holding his hand out. Remy gave Adam a look then turned away. "Oh dear god." // "I mean... I would assume that. She eventually would have to give birth." Jacqueline replied skeptically then looked at Hayley. "I don't like the vibe here right now." She said then began to get up from her seat. "Um... Come again?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrow. "You would never get Hayley pregnant by accident you mean?" She asked, looking horrified. // "Your generation is so shit." Sasha shook his head then went to gawk at Adam as well. // Hayley groaned and laid her head on the table. Just wanting to disappear.
  47. Covet: Cadence took Remy's advice to stop talking and just went about clearing her plate of any and all bits and particles of food, but it was short lived, "I think any conversation with one's boyfriend and or girlfriend's parents of this context is going to have an awkward vibe to it."
  48. Alexithymiaa: "I... uh...." Adam stammered, unsure of how to get himself out of the grave he was furiously digging himself. He glanced over to Hayley for help, but nothing could help him now. "Nevermind..."-
  49. Tsaaq: "I just said stop talking." Remy said irritably now, shaking his head. "Just shut up." He grumbled. "Cigarette please?" He asked again. // She gave Adam a skeptical look and nodded her head. "Okay..."Jacqueline trailed off then reached into Sasha's cigarette box and handed another cigarette to Remy then lit her own. She turned to Sasha and rose her eyebrows. "Well this was fun." She said sarcastically, picking up her dish and walking away. // Sasha watched Adam stammer and narrowed his eyes at him a moment. He got up and kissed Hayley's forehead. "It's going to be okay honey." He said, patting her shoulder because now he was assuming her bad mood was because of her sercretly gay boyfriend. // Hayley sighed and got up from her seat. "I want to go home-" She paused because their home was fucked. "I want to go back to Eli and Bliss' home I guess." She grumbled.
  50. Covet: "I'm going to get started on dishes... " Cadence said getting up from the table with her plate, and a "tail between her legs" look on her face as she went about getting the dishwasher loaded and things cleaned up from dinner, as quiet as a mouse.
  51. Alexithymiaa: "Ill help you Cadence." Adam nearly bolted from his chair with his plate, helping collect the plates from the table to bring them over into the kitchen, thankful for the reason to leave the table. Once he felt he was helpful enough to be polite, he turned to Hayley, holding out his hand. "Cmon, we can go back to Eli and Bliss'. Im sure Lady needs to go out anyway."-
  52. Tsaaq: Remy shook his head, exhaling the smoke from his nostrils. "See you guys." He said, rolling his eyes and taking another pull. // "Well... Come see us before we leave." Jacqueline watched as Hayley walked away from the table. "You know, so we can say goodbye?" She said gently. // Sasha put his arm around Jacqueline and his gaze held on Hayley as well. He saw Cadence was taking care of the dishes so he decided they should head to bed. "Alright, goodnight." He said with a shrug. // Hayley inhaled then exhaled angrily with her arms crossed. She looked at Adam's hand a moment before taking it and didn't really say bye to anyone, just nodding her head when she was told to see them before they left.
  53. Covet: [Cadence is in trouble.....] Goodnight, get to Bliss and Eli's safe. And Goodnight Mr. and Mrs. Berkoff, sounding strangely formal before she went to curl up on the couch after stipping down.
  54. Alexithymiaa: -Adam took Hayleys hand and turned quickly, making his way through the apartment to the door. "Thank you for having us. Have a good night." He led her outside and exhaled the second he stepped into the hallway, making his way down to the truck so they could go home. Im tired.-
  55. Tsaaq: ((Get yo ass some sleeps.))
  56. Covet: [I'm goin! I'm goin! I have my sister showing up in like... 3 hours... ]
  57. Alexithymiaa: (Bleh)
  58. Tsaaq: ((SLEEP))
  59. Covet: [I'm gonna get my ass to bed before she gets here. ]
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