

Nov 10th, 2019
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  2. Lean muscle boosts your body's metabolism permanently, as long as you maintain it. Each extra pound of muscle you carry can burn up to 50 additional calories, with little to no effort on your part. This means that you can consume more calories on a daily basis than you could prior to adding the lean mass. This can significantly help with weight loss maintenance. Strength training is the fastest way to increase lean muscle mass. The training should be geared towards muscle hypertrophy, which means that a specific number of exercises, reps and sets will be necessary to make those gains.
  4. An experienced Health and Fitness Professional can design an exercise routine geared specifically to increasing lean muscle and boosting metabolism. This will enable you to accomplish your weight loss goals rapidly, as well as maintain them.Why should you listen to me regarding weight loss? I'm not a health expert; I was trained as an accountant. As an accountant, I look for facts to base financial decisions on. It was the same for my own weight problem.
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