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a guest
Oct 18th, 2019
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  1. on skript load:
  2. login to "NjM0NzQzOTk1NTU3MzQ3MzI4.Xam9cQ.kjOc8XX71wulK0a5QoZQ9EJzcq0" with name "Calixphoenix"
  3. set {serverchat} to channel with id "634743891937067009"
  4. set {unload} to true
  6. every 5 seconds:
  7. if {unload} is true:
  8. execute console command "/sk reload discordbot"
  9. set {unload} to false
  10. else:
  11. if {unload} is false:
  12. create embed:
  13. set the title of embed to title with text "Server"
  14. set the description of embed to "Serveren er oppe igen"
  15. set the thumbnail of embed to ""
  16. send the last created embed to channel with id "634743891937067009" with Calixphoenix
  17. delete {unload}
  19. on skript stop:
  20. create embed:
  21. set the title of embed to title with text "Server"
  22. set the description of embed to "Serveren er lukket ned"
  23. set the thumbnail of embed to ""
  24. send the last created embed to channel with id "634743891937067009" with Calixphoenix
  27. function report(p: player, pl: text, t: text):
  28. set {reporter.%{_p}%} to {_p}
  29. set {reported.%{_p}%} to {_pl}
  30. set {reason.%{_p}%} to {_t}
  31. if {reason.%{_p}%} is not "notset":
  32. set {uuid.%{reported.%{_p}%}%} to {_pl}'s uuid
  33. replace all "-" with "" in {uuid.%{reported.%{_p}%}%}
  34. create embed:
  35. set the title of embed to title with text "**%{reporter.%{_p}%}%** - ***Lobby*** "
  36. add split field named "Reported player" with value "%{reported.%{_p}%}%" to embed
  37. add split field named "Reason" with value "%{reason.%{_p}%}%" to embed
  38. set the thumbnail of embed to "{uuid.%{reported.%{_p}%}%}%"
  39. set the timestamp of embed to now
  40. send the last created embed to channel with id "634743891937067009" with Calixphoenix
  41. delete {reporter.%{_p}%}
  42. delete {reported.%{_p}%}
  43. delete {reason.%{_p}%}
  44. if {reason.%{_p}%} is "notset":
  45. set
  48. command /report [<offline player>]:
  49. usage: /report (player)
  50. description: report a player what does not folow the rules
  51. permission: report.use
  52. permission message: &cYou have not permission to use report
  53. trigger:
  54. if arg-1 is not set:
  55. message "&9&lCL &8» &7You have forgot set the player, you wanne report."
  56. else:
  57. if arg-1 is "%player%":
  58. message "&9&lCL &8» &7You cant report your self"
  59. else:
  60. open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&c&lREPORT &8- &3&l%arg-1%" to player
  61. set {_n} to 0
  62. loop 15 times:
  63. format gui slot {_n} of player with blue stained glass pane named ""
  64. add 1 to {_n}
  65. format gui slot {_n} of player with white stained glass pane named ""
  66. add 1 to {_n}
  67. format gui slot 11 of player with book named "&c&lChat" with lore "&7Report &3%arg-1% &7for not follow our chat rules" to close then run function report(player, "%arg-1%", "chat")
  68. format gui slot 13 of player with feather named "&c&lHack" with lore "&7Report &3%arg-1% &7for hack on the server" to close then run function report(player, "%arg-1%", "hack")
  69. format gui slot 15 of player with feather named "&c&lOther" with lore "&7Report &3%arg-1% &7for something else" to close then run function report(player, "%arg-1%", "notset")
  70. on chat:
  71. if {report.%player%} is set:
  72. if "%message%" is "cancel":
  73. message "&9&lCL &8» &7You have cancel your report"
  74. delete {report.%player%}
  75. else:
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