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Jun 20th, 2018
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  1. # Interview score card
  3. ## Part 1. Basic knowledge
  5. 1. (2 points) Easy: What is the difference beteen var, val and def? [x] 2
  6. 2. (3 points) Easy: How does pattern matching work in Scala? [x] 3
  7. 3. (3 points) Easy: What are right associative methods in Scala? [x] 0
  8. 4. (3 points) Easy: What is the difference between a trait and an abstract class in Scala? [x] 3
  9. 5. (2 points) Medium: What is scala.util.control.NonFatal? [x] 2
  10. 6. (3 points) Medium: How does Scala solve the diamond resolution problem with traits? [x] 3
  11. 7. (4 points) Advanced: What is the type hierarchy of supertypes in Scala? [x] 4
  13. ## Part 2. Case classes
  15. 1. (3 points) Easy: What is a Scala case class and what methods does it pre-define? [x] 3
  16. 2. (3 points) Easy: What was the primary design goal of case classes? [x] 2
  17. 3. (4 points) Medium: Why is case to case inheritance prohibited in Scala? [-] 1
  18. 4. (3 points) Advanced: Are there ways you could implement generic operations on case classes? [x] 0
  19. 5. (3 points) Advanced: What are Optics and how are they usually used with Scala case classes? [x] 3
  21. ## Part 3. Scala collections
  23. 1. (3 points) Easy: What is a List in Scala? [x] 3
  24. 2. (3 points) Easy: What are the performance characteristics of a List? [x] 1.5
  25. 3. (3 points) Medium: What is the variance of List and why? [x] 0
  26. 4. (4 points) Medium: How are immutable operations optimised in Scala? What happens in the case of prepending to a List for example, using the default ::? [x] 4
  27. 5. (4 points) Advanced: What is scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom and how is it used by the collections library? [x] 1.5
  28. 6. (3 points) Advanced: How is foldLeft implemented inside scala.collection.immutable.List? [x] 3
  30. ## Part 4: Concurrency in Scala
  32. 1. (4 points) Easy: What is scala.concurrent.Future? [x] 3
  33. 2. (4 points) Easy: How is Future.successful different than Future.apply? [x] 1
  34. 3. (4 points) Easy: What is scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext? [x] 1.5
  35. 4. (4 points) Easy: What is the difference between Future.sequence and Future.traverse? [x] 0
  36. 5. (2 points) Medium: What is kind context is the [x] 0
  37. 6. (2 points) Advanced: What is a good ThreadPool to use? [x] 0
  39. ## Part 5: Part 5: Generic programming
  41. 1. (3 points) Easy: Where does Scala look for implicits? [x] 1
  42. 2. (3 points): Easy: What are type bounds in Scala? [x] 0
  43. 3. (3 points) Medium: What is a context bound in Scala? [x] 0
  44. 4. (3 points) Advanced: What are higher kinded types? [x] 0
  45. 5. (3 points) Advanced: What is f-bounded type polymorhphism? [x] 0
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