
Freddy heart stab

Mar 15th, 2024
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  1. Panic-stricken, still on the basement floor, Chip began to pull the long cutting knife out of his belt, but Al easily kicked it away. Out of reach.
  3. Johnny loped across the basement floor to the foot of the stairs. "Come on down and join the party!" he shouted up to Alicia in Chip's voice. Chip's identical voice.
  5. Chip stared at Johnny with a bewildered expression. Even Al's eyes flickered nervously.
  7. "Chip?" came Alicia's voice from the top of the stairs, sounding small and faraway. "Is that you? Are you all right?"
  9. "Down here," Johnny said in Chip's voice. "Alicia Norris — come on down!" Johnny bellowed enthusiastically as if he were a game show host.
  11. Alicia hesitated at the top of the stairs.
  13. "Ali — run!" Chip shouted.
  15. "Alicia Norris — come on down!" Johnny called again in a cheerful version of Chip's voice.
  17. Alicia came partway down the stairs, then froze. Her mouth locked in shock and terror.
  19. "Run!" Chip shouted again. He knew he was doomed, but maybe she could still escape.
  21. Chip watched as Johnny beckoned to Alicia with his finger. Only now the fingernails were long and sharp and had turned black like an animal's claw. "I want you to meet someone special," Johnny said, this time in a voice that was oddly metallic and inhuman.
  23. "Yeah, Alicia," Al said, his voice hollow. "Johnny's been telling me some mighty interesting things I thought you might like to know. Seems he did a little digging around in the state hospital files before he broke out. He found Krueger's old file. Turns out Krueger had a son after all. And he really was a chip off the old block. And guess who it is?"
  25. "Yeah, guess," Johnny said, his eyes glinting madly, glowing red like the furnace fire across the room as he kept beckoning to Alicia to come down the stairs with fingers that were now growing long and knifelike. Razor-sharp fingers.
  27. Chip thought his mind might come unglued.
  29. The furnace fire crackled loudly.
  31. "I'd like you all to meet my son. He's a chip off the old block." Johnny's voice had turned rough and gravelly, like he had a throat full of ground-up glass.
  33. Then Johnny walked over to Al and gave him an affectionate squeeze on the shoulder with a razory hand.
  35. "Say hello to the nice people at home — Alfredrick!" Johnny tugged down his hood. Then he pulled a fleshy mask off his face with a sickening tear. The face underneath was hideously scarred and melted, the slimy brains exposed and shining like a bowl of glistening oatmeal.
  37. Chip couldn't take his eyes off the savage, brutal face. Frozen in terror, he was stuck to the ground, like a fly caught in a spider's web.
  39. Alicia screamed.
  41. Al slowly turned his head toward Johnny, his face filling with horror. "Dad?" Al rasped in disbelief.
  43. The boiler fire flickered madly.
  45. Freddy Krueger cackled loudly, his raspy voice breaking through Alicia's screams, his foul, disgusting breath filling the basement air with a stench worse than decaying meat. He smiled, revealing two uneven rows of small, brown, rotten teeth. "The game of life's a lot like football. But this is one game | think's going to end in sudden death!"
  47. Krueger smiled wickedly at Al. "Right, son?"
  49. "Right, Dad," Al replied in a hoarse whisper, the words choking him. His pale blue eyes lit up and burned brightly with madness. "It's so great to meet you after all these years. I knew someday my wish would come true."
  51. Then Al slammed the red dragon switchblade knife into Krueger's heart.
  53. Krueger tottered backward, shock registering on his hideous face. A razory hand gripped the red dragon handle of the knife sticking out of his heart. He staggered toward the open examination room door and almost stepped on Chip.
  55. Chip rolled out of the way and rose shakily to his feet, his mind numb with the horror unfolding before him.
  57. Suddenly Krueger's mouth dropped open and flames shot out as he pulled the knife out of his heart and plunged it into Al's skull. He braced himself against the door frame with his other hand, struggling not to fall.
  59. Al fell to his knees. The knife jutted grotesquely out of his head.
  61. Adrenaline pumping through his system, Chip bolted past Al. He ran across the basement floor and headed for the stairs. He ran partway up the Stairs, tripped, and slipped back down the stairs.
  63. He flashed a terror-filled glance over his shoulder.
  65. Krueger pointed at him, then at the furnace fire. "You're up next!" he said and cackled loudly.
  67. Chip screamed hysterically, unable to move.
  69. Then suddenly Alicia was at his side. She yanked him to his feet. "We've got to get out of here!" Alicia shrieked, shaking Chip, shaking him hard, shaking him out of his dazed state.
  71. "No!" Krueger roared in a husky voice, still clinging to the doorway, blood dripping from his heart. "You're mine!"
  73. Chip's stare swiveled to Krueger. Krueger's eyes were shining a bright red, drawing him into the examination room, drawing him into the fire, drawing him with irresistible force.
  75. Freddy Krueger's Tales of Terror: Fatal Games, chapter 39
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