
Kirk fights imps

Oct 18th, 2015
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  1. <Jaczac> ===START===
  2. <Kirk_Stevens> I see the imps and remember that they tried to murder me last time
  3. <Jaczac> You find the trio of imps sitting underneath a flower.
  4. <Jaczac> One is asleep, the other two aren't facing you.
  5. <Kirk_Stevens> I decide to try to hide
  6. <Kirk_Stevens> b/cause I dont want to get murdered
  7. <Jaczac> Ok you hide.
  8. <Kirk_Stevens> no roll?
  9. <Jaczac> From nobody.
  10. <Jaczac> Nobody is looking for you
  11. <Kirk_Stevens> okay
  12. <Kirk_Stevens> i decaptchalogue the flower power skateboard and fire it at one of the awake imps
  13. * `DICE ( has joined
  14. <Jaczac> wait what?
  15. <Jaczac> Fire it?
  16. <Kirk_Stevens> with mindknind
  17. <Kirk_Stevens> sorry
  18. <Jaczac> ah
  19. <Jaczac> .roll dex
  20. <Kirk_Stevens> isnt mindkind int
  21. <Jaczac> i dunno
  22. <Jaczac> sure roll int
  23. <Kirk_Stevens> roll 1d20 + 3
  24. <`DICE> Kirk_Stevens rolled 1d20 + 3 [ 1d20=13 ]{13}
  25. <Jaczac> you hit Awake imp 1
  26. <Jaczac> roll 1d20-1
  27. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=10 ]{9}
  28. <Jaczac> The other imp awakens.
  29. <Jaczac> You deal...
  30. <Kirk_Stevens> roll 1d4 + 3
  31. <`DICE> Kirk_Stevens rolled 1d4 + 3 [ 1d4=4 ]{4}
  32. <Kirk_Stevens> i forgot that it doesnt like spaces
  33. <Kirk_Stevens> so that should be 7
  34. <Jaczac> k
  35. <Jaczac> You appear to have crushed it's collar bone, and it is extremely angry and/or in pain.
  36. <Jaczac> roll 3#1d20-1
  37. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 3#1d20-1 [ 1d20=5 ]{4}, [ 1d20=2 ]{1}, [ 1d20=13 ]{12}
  38. <Jaczac> wow thats some shitty initiative
  39. <Kirk_Stevens> is iniative dex
  40. <Jaczac> ok so the once-sleeping imp attacks
  41. <Jaczac> yo udont roll it, you attacked from hiding
  42. <Kirk_Stevens> okay
  43. <Jaczac> roll 1d20-1
  44. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=4 ]{3}
  45. <Jaczac> Sleepy-imp misses his claws.
  46. <Jaczac> roll 1d20-1
  47. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=14 ]{13}
  48. <Jaczac> ((ac?))
  49. <Kirk_Stevens> 13
  50. <Jaczac> The injured imp stands and attacks sucessfully.
  51. <Jaczac> roll 1d4-1
  52. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d4-1 [ 1d4=1 ]{0}
  53. <Jaczac> and does 1 damage.
  54. <Kirk_Stevens> okay
  55. <Jaczac> next imp attacks depite almost falling on his face.
  56. <Jaczac> roll 1d20-1
  57. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=5 ]{4}
  58. <Jaczac> and misses miserably.
  59. <Jaczac> Your turn.
  60. <Kirk_Stevens> okay
  61. <Kirk_Stevens> i mindkind the first imp with the flower power skateboard again, seeing as it's already out there
  62. <Kirk_Stevens> roll 1d20 + 3
  63. <`DICE> Kirk_Stevens rolled 1d20 + 3 [ 1d20=10 ]{10}
  64. <Jaczac> You smack it in the head and it deflates and dies, leaving behind a modest pile of grist.
  65. <Jaczac> ((1 hp))
  66. <Kirk_Stevens> okay
  67. <Jaczac> roll 1d10+10 t1 grist
  68. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d10+10 t1 grist [ 1d10=10 ]{20}
  69. <Jaczac> roll 2d8 build
  70. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 2d8 build [ 2d8=5 ]{5}
  71. <Jaczac> It's friends attack.
  72. <Jaczac> roll 1d20-1
  73. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=18 ]{17}
  74. <Jaczac> The once-sleepy imp attacks
  75. <Jaczac> roll 1d4-1
  76. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d4-1 [ 1d4=4 ]{3}
  77. <Jaczac> and does 3 damage.
  78. <Jaczac> It's friend continues the assault.
  79. <Jaczac> roll 1d20-1
  80. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=11 ]{10}
  81. <Jaczac> You manage to block it with your skateboard.
  82. <Jaczac> Your turn.
  83. <Kirk_Stevens> i am somewhat injured at this point
  84. <Kirk_Stevens> 8/16
  85. <Kirk_Stevens> so i start getting fed up with the imps
  86. <Jaczac> You've only taken 4 damage yes?
  87. <Kirk_Stevens> now i think i did 8
  88. <Kirk_Stevens> 1 then 4 then 3
  89. <Kirk_Stevens> took8
  90. <Jaczac> no
  91. <Kirk_Stevens> *
  92. <Jaczac> that 4 was a to hit
  93. <Jaczac> imps cant do 4 damage
  94. <Kirk_Stevens> so it was
  95. <Kirk_Stevens> still im getting kind of mad
  96. <Jaczac> hehe
  97. <Jaczac> Yes.
  98. <Kirk_Stevens> so i ask/tell them to stop
  99. <Kirk_Stevens> and accidentally use the beastcontrol power i got when i respecced as a shitblood
  100. <Kirk_Stevens> b/cause i didnt have it before
  101. <Jaczac> They are not beasts unfortunately.
  102. <Kirk_Stevens> "Beastcontrol can be used to take over all animals, and enemies that drop grist. "
  103. <Jaczac> huh
  104. <Jaczac> so it is.
  105. <Kirk_Stevens> yeah
  106. <Jaczac> alright go ahead and roll
  107. <Kirk_Stevens> b/cause tavros did that
  108. <Kirk_Stevens> roll 1d20+8
  109. <`DICE> Kirk_Stevens rolled 1d20+8 [ 1d20=20 ]{28}
  110. <Kirk_Stevens> yessssssss
  111. <Jaczac> You control the everloving fuck out of them.
  112. <Jaczac> Duration doubled.
  113. <Jaczac> Well whatchu wanna do
  114. <Kirk_Stevens> i am surprised with my newfound control
  115. <Kirk_Stevens> so nothing with him right away
  116. <Jaczac> Cool.
  117. <Jaczac> end?
  118. <Kirk_Stevens> instead i just use my minor to mindkind the other one
  119. <Jaczac> Cool.
  120. <Kirk_Stevens> duration should be 6 btdubs
  121. <Kirk_Stevens> 3*2
  122. <Kirk_Stevens> roll 1d20
  123. <`DICE> Kirk_Stevens rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=2 ]{2}
  124. <Jaczac> you miss, pretty badly.
  125. <Jaczac> Your skateboard stays intact though.
  126. <Kirk_Stevens> yay
  127. <Jaczac> Also the combat has sobered you up a bit.
  128. <Kirk_Stevens> okay
  129. <Kirk_Stevens> i was planning on that anyway
  130. <Jaczac> The imp attacks, outraged that you are controlling his friend.
  131. <Jaczac> roll 1d20-1
  132. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=20 ]{19}
  133. <Jaczac> roll 2d4-1
  134. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 2d4-1 [ 2d4=8 ]{7}
  135. <Jaczac> ouch
  136. <Jaczac> thats a fuckton of damage.
  137. <Kirk_Stevens> noooo
  138. <Kirk_Stevens> im only at 5 now
  139. <Jaczac> yep
  140. <Jaczac> your turn
  141. <Jaczac> and your imps turn
  142. <Kirk_Stevens> okay
  143. <Kirk_Stevens> I'm all like
  144. <Kirk_Stevens> shit that really hurt
  145. <Kirk_Stevens> and accidentally discover another power i got from magically becoming a troll
  146. <Jaczac> shh
  147. <Kirk_Stevens> i.e. the heal cantrip
  148. <Jaczac> just normal psionic powers nerd
  149. <Kirk_Stevens> i didnt have them before
  150. <Kirk_Stevens> this makes no sense to me
  151. <Kirk_Stevens> anyway
  152. <Kirk_Stevens> roll 1d4 for heal
  153. <`DICE> Kirk_Stevens rolled 1d4 for heal [ 1d4=2 ]{2}
  154. <Jaczac> you heal 2 damage
  155. <Jaczac> your controlled imp has his turn
  156. <Kirk_Stevens> okay
  157. <Kirk_Stevens> i get him to attack the other imp
  158. <Kirk_Stevens> roll 1d20-1
  159. <`DICE> Kirk_Stevens rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=10 ]{9}
  160. <Jaczac> He hits, barely.
  161. <Kirk_Stevens> is he a knife imp
  162. <Kirk_Stevens> or just normal 1d4 imp
  163. <Jaczac> normal imp
  164. <Jaczac> 1d4-1
  165. <Kirk_Stevens> okay
  166. <Kirk_Stevens> roll 1d4-1
  167. <`DICE> Kirk_Stevens rolled 1d4-1 [ 1d4=3 ]{2}
  168. <Jaczac> You deal 2 damage.
  169. <Kirk_Stevens> also i never use my minor
  170. <Kirk_Stevens> so im gonna try to mindkind that imp
  171. <Kirk_Stevens> roll 1d20
  172. <`DICE> Kirk_Stevens rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=13 ]{13}
  173. <Jaczac> cool
  174. <Kirk_Stevens> roll 1d4
  175. <`DICE> Kirk_Stevens rolled 1d4 [ 1d4=3 ]{3}
  176. <Jaczac> You hit him with your skateboard.
  177. <Jaczac> It hits him in the stomach and he falls over, dropping girst
  178. <Jaczac> roll 1d10+10 t1
  179. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d10+10 t1 [ 1d10=1 ]{11}
  180. <Jaczac> roll 2d8 build
  181. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 2d8 build [ 2d8=10 ]{10}
  182. <Kirk_Stevens> okay
  183. <Kirk_Stevens> i guess its my turn again kind of?
  184. <Kirk_Stevens> b/cause im still controlling the imp?
  185. <Jaczac> yeah
  186. <Jaczac> i mean what do you want to do with him
  187. <Kirk_Stevens> Iunno
  188. <Kirk_Stevens> I guess I have to kill him
  189. <Kirk_Stevens> but it doesn't seem right
  190. <Kirk_Stevens> seeing as he's already subdued
  191. <Kirk_Stevens> I use my last 3 PP to talk to him
  192. <Kirk_Stevens> with Beast Tongu
  193. <Kirk_Stevens> tongue
  194. <Jaczac> k
  195. <Kirk_Stevens> I ask him if I let him go if he will leave me alone
  196. <Jaczac> He says yes.
  197. <Kirk_Stevens> okay then
  198. <Kirk_Stevens> I let my beastcontrol end (i assume i can just do that)
  199. <Jaczac> Yes.
  200. <Kirk_Stevens> and let him on his way
  201. <Jaczac> He stumbles away in a daze.
  202. <Kirk_Stevens> yay
  203. <Kirk_Stevens> i win
  204. <Jaczac> ==END==
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