

Jan 5th, 2012
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  1. [Quote: Originally Posted by yifanlu]
  2. I got the Kindle modem working on my netbook with minimal work.
  3. ...
  4. There is also nothing challenging or clever about getting free 3G internet, which is why there is no posts about it. It is very easy to get free internet from the kindle...
  5. [/Quote]
  7. Umm... that sounds like an invitation to the script kiddies (it's easy), and to rebellious youth (look at me, I did it, but YOU CAN'T!... Ha Ha..). That would stimulate any hacker wannabe to try it.
  9. And wasn't there a comment in there about doing what you want (wink and a nod) but being QUIET about it? This will pop right out to people attracted by the thread title who are scanning for details that they WANT to see -- not so quiet I think...
  11. This could have been handled differently. Because your name is linked to the jailbreaks that bring people here, you are an authority figure to set an example for the rest about what is and is not acceptable behavior. Your "wink and a nod" and advertising your success with tethering your netbook does not set a good example IMHO. I could easily make such a mistake myself, but I would go back and edit my post in an attempt to provide responsible guidance and leadership to all those who follow my posts.
  13. And you in particular have a very large following. Look at the thread view counts in your popular threads.
  15. I think those comments should be editted out. I will remove mine if you remove yours...
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