

May 4th, 2016
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  1. ??? aeonicOracle [?AO] ??:?? FROM ???? responded to memo.
  2. ?AO: Loading game file...
  3. ?AO: Loading...
  4. ?AO: A B Y S S A L 8 O D D I T Y
  6. CUC ceased responding to memo.
  7. CAC: Play
  8. ?AO: Is this your last saved game:
  9. CAC: >Y
  10. ?AO: Loading game....
  11. ?AO: Loading...
  12. ?AO: Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.
  13. CAC: Hmm
  14. CAC: >Continue leaving ship
  15. CAC: >Towards where you were before
  16. ?AO: You leave the ship. In fact, you make it all the way back to the ravine unchallenged.
  17. CURRENT pionoPlayer [CPP] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  18. CPP: Okay
  19. CPP: Due to lack of foresight on my part
  20. CPP: That last session is going to be slightly unreadable
  21. CAC: ?
  22. CPP: Due to the only separation between The Demon and The Trickster being color.
  23. CPP: And Pastebin not supporting color.
  24. CTT: Eh
  25. CAC: Ah...
  26. CPP:
  27. CAC: Maybe try posting it elsewhere?
  28. CPP: Pastebin's there for any who want to read it
  29. ?AO: Please enter command.
  30. CPP: Well, ! COULD upload it to drive
  31. CPP: But...
  32. CPP: Eh
  33. CPP: Anyways,
  34. CAC: >Go to the door you went to
  35. CPP: ! gotta go
  36. CPP: Ciao!
  37. CTT: Contemplate attaching something to gem that makes it more easily retrievable
  38. CPP ceased responding to memo.
  39. ?AO: One at a time.
  40. ?AO: You head back through the door. You can still see the blood-ash stains on the ground.
  41. ?AO: Similarly, whose gem, and why?
  42. ?AO: Regardless, shall you head onwards?
  43. CAC: >Yes
  44. ?AO: The two of you march into the unsightly abyssal hall.
  45. ?AO: Passing several large parted roots in the wall, you meet an intersection. There are only two forks this time. Right and left.
  46. CAU: >Peer down the left path.
  47. CAC: >Examine
  48. ?AO: At the end of the left path, you can quite clearly see dancing blue flames upon the walls.
  49. ?AO: Down the right, merely deep purple lights.
  50. ?AO: Of the circular variety.
  51. CAC: >Right
  52. CAU: >Right
  53. ?AO: You head right.
  54. CAC: Oh
  55. CAC: God
  56. CAC: Why
  57. ?AO: Entering the room, you look around.
  58. CAC: /Off for nourishment.
  59. ?AO: It appears to be a long hall of stone bricks, all ascending along a linear stair-path.
  60. ?AO: The lights, predictably, were those of what appear to be the plasma rifles of some goblins.
  61. ?AO: "Nice... nice work."
  62. ?AO: Cyan doesn't seem to be able to fully muster sarcasm in this affair.
  63. CTT ceased responding to memo.
  64. CAC: >Attempt to hide both you and Cyan
  65. CAU: >Mmmmaaybe they didn't notice you yet? Go back, quickly!
  66. ?AO: You dodge behind the bend once more, pulling Cyan by the hand.
  67. ?AO: Congratulations. Check failed.
  68. ?AO: The goblins notice you, but they cannot directly fire at you.
  69. CAC: Hell.
  70. ?AO: They will have to walk past the bend to get a direct shot.
  71. ?AO: That should take some time.
  72. ?AO: Please enter command.
  73. CAC: >splash water on ground
  74. ?AO: You splash some regular water on the ground.
  75. ?AO: You suppose you might be able to use this as a trap?
  76. ?AO: If that's what you had in mind.
  77. ?AO: The left path is still open to entry.
  78. CAU: wait what're we gonna do with the water AC?
  79. CAC: Bug Zapper
  80. CAU: Ah. That was my first guess.
  81. ?AO: You know, water only conducts electricity well when there is an ionic compound dissolved in it.
  82. ?AO: Among other things.
  83. ?AO: Regardless, shall you proceed, or flee?
  84. CURRENT anachronisticUniversal [CAU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  85. CAU: Whoa, lots of people
  86. CAU: >Do we have any salt?
  87. ?AO: Ylahrthuian Salt, but that isn't the same thing.
  88. CCA ceased responding to memo.
  89. ?AO: In any manner whatsoever.
  90. CAU: well this is a fine pickle
  91. ?AO: There's never any shame in bailing.
  92. CAU: Guess this falls on me then.
  93. CAC: We are a hydrokinetic
  94. ?AO: (-- Greg Universe.)
  95. CAU: What, are we going to water-punch them from below when they walk through that nice puddle there?
  96. CAC: Bail it is.
  97. CAU: >It's the bail, it never fails.
  98. ?AO: You flee down the left pathway.
  99. CAC: I suppose we could drown them
  100. ?AO: The first goblin slips on the water, and falls, blocking the others from noticing you leaving.
  101. CAU: sup Crystal
  102. ?AO: You head down the left path, toward the blue flames.
  103. ?AO: After a minor descent, you pop out in what appear to be high-ceilinged underground chambers with makeshift wooden stairs heading in a variety of directions.
  104. ?AO: The room is vast, and you cannot quite make out what the sources of the flames are.
  105. CAU ceased responding to memo.
  106. ?AO: Please enter command.
  107. CAC: >directions of stairs?
  108. CAC: >Take a random stair
  109. ?AO: Log staircase number one goes left. Log staircase number two heads right. There are several other log staircases on the other side of the wall.
  110. CAC: s
  111. CUT ceased responding to memo.
  112. CAC: >Right
  113. ?AO: You think you might be able to make out what the flames are coming from if you strained your eyes...
  114. CAC: >look closer
  115. ?AO: You peer across the chasm.
  116. ?AO: Cyan does the same, and the sudden grip on your wrist informs you that this might be quite bad. If you couldn't see it already, of course.
  117. CAC: >What?
  118. CAC: Fucking eldritch tricks
  119. ?AO: It appears to be a ritual procession of goblins, all carrying blue-flamed torches, with plasma rifles on their backs. They all seem to be holding up ends of small wooden platforms carrying what appear to be ash-coated wolfish... creatures.
  120. ?AO: They are all speaking a phrase repeatedly, in unison.
  121. ?AO: Please enter command.
  122. CAC: >What's the phrase?
  123. ?AO: "Shrouded by night, but with steady stride. Colored by blood, but always clear of mind."
  124. CAC: We are gonna need more gun
  125. CAC: >Count goblins
  126. ?AO: They don't appear to notice you.
  127. ?AO: 48 and counting.
  128. ??? godmoddedGolem [?GG] ??:?? FROM ???? responded to memo.
  129. ?GG: back
  130. CAC: ...remember how many were on the left path.
  131. CAC: More DAKKA
  132. ?AO: The beasts on the platforms have all been clearly slain at the hands of the goblins.
  133. ?AO: There were about fourteen back there.
  134. CAC: >Go back there
  135. CURRENT caledfwlchUnleashed [CCU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  136. CCU: AMBUSH!!!
  137. CCU: ...
  138. ?GG: yo
  140. CCU: AND MΞ
  141. CTG: KEK
  142. ?GG: kek
  143. ?AO: You turn around, only to see the goblins heading down the left path. You're trapped.
  144. ?GG: so how competent ıs soccer ımp nowadays
  145. CAC: Hello to all
  146. CAC: Wait, what?
  147. ?GG: yo ıre
  148. CAC: So are the left goblins here now
  149. CCU: hellow?
  150. ?AO: They are about to be here.
  151. CAU: actually they were the right goblins.
  152. ?AO: They are not quite here yet.
  153. ?AO: Oh, yes.
  154. CAU: right now we are on the left path. there are 48 left goblins and 14 right goblins.
  155. ?AO: Yes, yes. Of course.
  156. CAC: wat
  157. ?AO: The error is at my hands.
  158. CAC: Oh right
  159. ?AO: The left goblins do not appear to be hostile, though.
  160. CAU: >Right Goblins: Notice the 48 extreme-leftist goblins across the chasm and start shouting obscenities at them  (joke command)
  161. CAC: Hmm.
  162. CAC: We should fight the right goblins.
  163. CAU: Anyway the right goblins probably are hostile, while the left goblins are more concerned with their rituals.
  164. ?AO: It should also be noted that bloodstains are prevalent on the clothing of the left goblins.
  165. ?AO: Of course, you can fight, or once more flee downward, if you so wish.
  166. ?GG: so uh
  167. ?GG: AO
  168. ?AO: ((Yes?))
  169. CAU: It may be best to handle the Right Goblins here while there are no other threats immediately present.
  170. ?GG: how dıd you have so much trouble wıth soccer
  171. CAC: >Fight the right
  172. ?GG: ı'm stıll usıng my strategy and ıt works fıne
  173. CAU: >Fight Right Goblins
  174. ?GG: 
  175. ?AO: ((I'm shit, and the explosive boxes kept on getting detonated by the shit.))
  176. ?GG: ah
  177. ?AO: You engage in combat.
  179. CAC: >Observe
  180. ?GG: my strategy ıs lıterally just to shoot the lower left barrel and dash the ball ınto the area left behınd
  181. ?AO: Forest Knight: ███████████████ HP. NOTES: An emaciated husk of a goblin holding up a long-range plasma rifle in one hand.
  182. ?AO: (x14.)
  183. CAC: Wat
  184. ?AO: Can you not see colors again.
  185. CAC: >scream "WAAAAAGH! after your first attack
  186. ?AO: Are you sure you want to do that? That might alert the left goblins to your presence.
  187. CAC: >Don't
  188. ?AO: You don't do that. It is still your turn.
  189. CAC: >Azure: Splash mercury water mix across as many of the goblins as possible
  190. CAC: >Cyan: Form a plasma shield between the goblins and both of you
  191. CAU: >Cyan: Prepare a shield to ward off the future onslaught of plasma rounds.
  192. ?AO: You strike five of the goblins with mercurial water, poisoning them horribly.
  193. ?AO: Cyan forms the shield.
  194. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  195. ?GG: tıme to contınue my run
  196. CAC: /AFK
  197. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  198. ?AO: Fourteen full plasma rounds strike the shield. The force alone actually forces the two of you back to the edge.
  199. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  201. CAC: Damn...
  202. CAU: >BOTH: Circle strafe around the goblins slowly to a more advantageous position? (Would this consume our turn)
  203. ?AO: What sort of command would that be?
  204. CAU: Fair question, actually. Hrm.
  205. ?AO: Fair note: utilize is still a thing that exists.
  206. CAC: Right
  207. ?AO: And checking your inventory is a free action.
  208. CAC: >Azure: check inventory
  209. CAC: Actually, both
  210. ?AO: AZURE INV: Medkit x3, Water Vial, Mercurial Water Vial, Undulating Water Vial, Welding Equipment, Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse x4, Gem Fragment x3, Ylahrthuian Salt x3, Amalgam Interface, Flipside Elixir, Gluon Destabilizer x2, Potion of the Nine, Bottle of Water x2, Draught of Tears, Plasma Rifle.
  211. CCA ceased responding to memo.
  212. ?AO: CYAN INV: δ-ψ-φ-Bioschema, Deactivated Vitae Canister, Medkit x3, Gluon Destabilizer x2, Laser Pointer.
  213. CAC: >Azure: Gluon Destabilizer. Aim at the non-poisioned goblins, if at all possible.
  214. CAC: >Cyan: Renew plasma shield
  215. ?AO: Very well.
  216. ?AO: Cyan renews the shield just after you toss a primed Gluon Destabilizer at the unpoisoned goblins.
  217. ?AO: You don't wonder if you're far away enough from the blast to be safe until the thing goes off.
  218. ?AO: Check: succeeded.
  219. ?AO: The force of the explosion MERELY forces the two of you off the edge, given the shield. You have a moment to react.
  220. CAC: The edge of what
  221. ?AO: Your half of the chasm.
  222. ?AO: As opposed to the ritual goblins' half.
  223. CAC: Is the chasm bottomless
  224. ?AO: Bottomless things don't exist. Still, you can see no real end.
  225. CAC: >Azure: Use water to slow and cushion fall
  226. CURRENT taintedChampion [CTC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  227. CTC: No
  228. CAC: ?
  229. ?AO: What will it be.
  230. CTC: We need a depth gauge
  231. CAU: hm, maybe cyan could point her shield downward as well
  232. CAC: Wouldn't that evaporate the water
  233. CTC: What if we can't get back up
  234. ?AO: It is still an entirely feasible course of action to carry yourselves back up, you know.
  235. ?AO: Like, you've only just fallen.
  236. CTC: Oh
  237. CTC: Do it
  238. ?AO: How?
  239. CAC: >Make a platform of condensed water
  240. CAU: naturally, water tends to collect at the bottom of chasms since it is a point of low ground. thus, we can use the water at the bottom of the chasm to make a platform.
  241. CAU: >So yeah, water platform.
  242. CAC: I mean, we have water.
  243. CAU: Also that :V
  244. ?AO: You land on a platform of superdense water. In lieu of just falling down, you use the platform to pull you back up, away from the doorway.
  245. CAU: I was practicing my asinine logic skills.
  246. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  247. CAC: Doorway?
  248. ?AO: The right goblins step out onto the platform, looking your way.
  249. ?AO: The intersection of the left path and this chasm, yes.
  250. CTC: Drop them?
  251. ?AO: It is not your turn.
  252. CTC: Also
  253. CAC: "memecrunch"
  254. ?AO: Several goblins across the chasm carefully place their oaken platforms on the ground, breaking their chant.
  255. ?AO: "Behold, southward!"
  256. CTC: Terrible
  257. ?AO: The chanting ceases.
  258. CTC: But PS4
  259. ?AO: The leftist goblins pull out a number of rifles, and...
  260. ?AO: They absolutely annihilate the right goblins with bursts of deadly flesh-melting plasma.
  261. CAC: Reee tankies.
  262. CAU: I knew it.
  263. ?AO: They all proceed to shoulder their weapons, pull up their platforms, and continue the procession.
  264. CAC: Well then.
  265. CTC: Yay
  266. ?AO: The chant returns.
  267. CAC: >Loot right goblins
  268. CTC: Bigotry
  269. ?AO: You get another fourteen plasma rifles! Hooray.
  270. ?AO: Just what you wanted.
  271. CTC: Bigotry saves the day
  272. CAC: >Go right
  273. ?AO: What, the right path, or the right staircase?
  274. CAC: Right path
  275. ?AO: You return to the room on the right. The room terminates on a raised stone area with a pedestal bearing a hand symbol in the center.
  276. ?AO: There are no further doorways from there.
  277. CAC: >Hand the hand
  278. ?AO: You place your hand to the hand. Immediately, a vial tinted rose is revealed by a sliding panel in the side of the pedestal.
  279. CAC: A...vial...tinted rose?
  280. ?AO: Yes.
  281. ?AO: Shall ye take it?
  282. CSE ceased responding to memo.
  283. CAU: It is clear to me now. Consumption of this concoction will result in you seeing things as if they were better than they really are. 
  284. ?AO: Or examine it, perchance.
  285. CAC: Is it a rose than looks vialy or just weird phrasing.
  286. CAC: >Examine
  287. ?AO: I was referring to a color.
  288. CAU: >Examine
  289. ?AO: Draught of Tears: A corked vial of rose quartz, filled with some sort of unknown substance. You haven't any idea what this thing does. That which is dead can eternal lie, o'er altar grave and incensed sky.
  290. CTC: Heals gems
  291. CAC: ...we already got one.
  292. ?AO: Indeed you did.
  293. ?AO: Here is another.
  294. CAU: good stuff
  295. ?AO: Shall you take it?
  296. CTC: Too obvious
  297. CAC: >Ye
  298. ?AO: +1 Draught of Tears.
  299. ?AO: Oh, but you weren't here for the improper ritual parameter command when they tried to use it, champion.
  300. CTC: What
  301. ?AO: What indeed.
  302. CAC: We need three, to be brief.
  303. CTC: Also I'm Revan
  304. ?AO: I know who you are. Blah blah, OldSithRevan, et cetera.
  305. ?AO: Where now?
  306. CTG ceased responding to memo.
  307. CAC: >To the left
  308. ?AO: You head back to the left chasm.
  309. ?AO: ...
  310. ?AO: The procession is still producing yet more goblins.
  311. CAC:'s producing goblins?
  312. ?AO: It is figurative language.
  313. CAC: Ah.
  314. CAC: >Right staircase
  315. ?AO: You traverse the right staircase.
  316. CTC: Goblins are born in hallways
  317. ?AO: The two of you proceed for what is at least three minutes until you reach the bottom.
  318. CTC: So
  319. ?AO: The end of the depths is rather horrific, you think.
  320. ?AO: Oaken crosses on the earthy ground bear burnt beasts akin to those on the platforms, nailed to the things.
  321. CTC: Should we get Strangelove to examine the Draughts?
  322. ?AO: Should you?
  323. CAC: You should read the log.
  324. ?AO: ^
  325. ?AO: Or, more accurately, have you already.
  326. CAC: >Ignore them, look around
  327. ?AO: Both you and Cyan shudder, then look about some more.
  328. ?AO: There appear to be hazel-wrought doors in the earth, all sealed. There are no windows, though there are certainly incense-filled lanterns lining the narrow walls.
  329. CAC: Hmm.
  330. CAC: >Wonder if exploring here will annoy the goblins above
  331. ?AO: They to ignore you in every instance, so probably not?
  332. ?AO: *appear to.
  333. CAC: >Open hazel door
  334. ?AO: You pull open a hazel door to reveal standard living quarters.
  335. CTC: Also is Flipside a reference to Paper Mario?
  336. ?AO: All seems to have been thrown about hastily inside, as if an evacuation was made not long ago.
  337. ?AO: No.
  338. ?AO: More of a reference to the acts of mister Slick.
  339. CAC: >Indulge kleptomania anyways
  340. ?AO: However fictional they may be in this realm.
  341. ?AO: Nothing of value appears to be within, save for some water mixed with ash in a bottle.
  342. CAC: >Leave room
  343. CAC: >Count hazel doors
  344. ?AO: You exit the room, counting exactly twenty-four hazel doors in this particular stretch, though the place seems to open up to a larger area further down.
  345. CTC: Thannks
  346. CAC: >Go through all of them, looting everything of note, unless any aren't living quarters
  347. ?AO: They all appear to be houses. There's absolutely nothing different about them from the first in any manner, save for just how much of a dissarray the rooms are.
  348. ?AO: *disarray.
  349. CTC: Also Strangelove is my favorite asshole
  350. CAC: Did we take the ash water?
  351. ?AO: You did not.
  352. CAC: Also, any loot?
  353. CAC: >Take ash water
  354. ?AO: +1 Ashwater Serum. Would you like to examine?
  355. CAC: >Examine
  356. ?GG: damn, I dıed
  357. ?AO: Ashwater Serum: Shrouded by night, but with steady stride. Colored by blood, but always clear of mind. The first medical line of defense against the Ashen Plague beneath the trees. One cannot tell whether it was the source or the treatment, quite frankly.
  358. CTC: Oooh
  359. ?AO: The only other thing of note to loot is a large jar of incense in house fifteen.
  360. CAC: >Take
  361. ?AO: +1 Incense Jar.
  362. CTC: Could Strangelove create an antidote?
  363. ?AO: You don't know.
  364. CAC: >Examine jar
  365. ?AO: He is rather... preoccupied at the moment, though.
  366. ?AO: Incense Jar: Glass jar of herbal incense from the old days. Said to ward of the beasts of the Plague.
  367. ?AO: *off.
  368. ?AO: Please enter command.
  369. CAC: Huh...
  370. CAC: >Go to larger area
  371. ?AO: You head to the larger area.
  372. ?AO: You both emerge out on what appears to be a stone balcony overlooking a massive carven chamber, lit up near the bottom by magma ducts and incense lanterns. There is an elevator on the balcony platform itself.
  373. ?AO: There are a great deal of shapes moving down in the room below.
  374. CAC: >Does the elevator go up or down
  375. ?AO: Down.
  376. CAC: >Examine shapes
  377. ?AO: They are the goblins from the procession, it seems. The same chant rings up at least a hundred feet into your ears.
  378. CAC: >Go down
  379. ?AO: They all appear to be taking the oaken platforms down to a large bonfire, where they are tossing the beast corpses within the flames, and parting from the group, into side-chambers.
  380. CAC: >Wait until they clear out
  381. ?AO: The flow is unending. The night of the hunt is long and unchanging, after all.
  382. CAC: Well then.
  383. CAC: >Consider waiting until day.
  384. ?AO: You look at your phone, Cyan craning over your shoulder to examine it. The time is about nine forty PM.
  385. CAC: >Alright, go down
  386. ?AO: You descend.
  387. ?AO: Reaching the floor of the area, the goblins all seem to ignore you, focused on their task instead. You have free reign, it seems.
  388. CAC: >Look about
  389. ?AO: There are a few alleyways leading to more houses, as well as two staircases heading further downward.
  390. ?AO: One on the left side of the room, the other on the right.
  391. CAC: >Right
  392. CAC: >Are goblins in the houses?
  393. ?AO: You pass through the ground, holding Cyan's hand to keep you from separating in the mass crowd.
  394. ?AO: Likely so.
  395. ?AO: There is more chatter here.
  396. ?AO: Heading down the right stairs, you note that the place is rather silent.
  397. ?AO: Too silent, perhaps?
  398. CAC: >Be ready for a fight
  399. ?AO: Regardless, the chamber leads onwards, magmatic slits in the walls providing light. There is a door at the end of the hall.
  400. CAC: >Open
  401. ?AO: You open the door, revealing a cubic room with exactly two other doors in it, side by side. One has naught but a single pentagonal carving in the center, the other possesses a hand with three navy hashes.
  402. CAC: >Open hand door
  403. ?AO: You unseal the hand door, cautiously peering within. Cyan's grip on your hand grows a bit tighter.
  404. CAC: Hey Erelye, could you give names to the list of logs?
  405. ?AO: I suppose, but why?
  406. CAC: Easier to navigate.
  407. ?AO: ((Do you want, like, 'Mu Sector, part X', and such, or something else?))
  408. CAC: Pretty much, yeah.
  409. ?AO: ((I'll do that after this session.))
  410. CAC: Kay
  411. ?AO: There is a pedestal on the other end of the room behind the door. A silver chandelier hangs from the ceiling, unlit.
  412. CAC: >Examine pedestal
  413. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  414. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  415. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  416. ?AC: X
  417. ?AO: The two of you quietly rush down the room to reach the pedestal.
  418. ?AO: It is covered in Rodarbi inscriptions, most unreadable.
  419. CAC: >Read those that aren't
  420. CTC: Ciao for now.
  421. CTC ceased responding to memo.
  422. ?AO: One in particular is the most interesting. "Seek the altar grave at the summit of the Manufactory. There you will find you escape." The only other one you can find is "Splintering gems best not succumb to the Plague."
  423. ?AO: *your escape, fuck.
  424. CAC: ... How specific
  425. CAC: >Try the other room
  426. ?AO: Probably, given the pictograms of monoliths and large carven citadels on the walls.
  427. ?AO: You move to head back, but the chandelier rattles against the walls, of its own accord.
  428. CAC: >Prepare to fight?
  429. ?AO: You ready your weaponry.
  430. ?AO: An inscription is just above the door, actually. "Ye will smell them as an odor before they descend. Beware the blades of the afflicted."
  431. CAC: >Do you smell anything?
  432. ?AO: Something vile, indeed. Rotted flesh, and ash.
  433. ?AO: Pungent indeed are the fumes.
  434. CAC: >Make shields pointed upwards
  435. ?GG: oh shıt a stream
  436. ?AO: You defend yourselves just in time, as a hideous wolflike creature leaps from the chandelier, landing before you.
  437. ?AO: It snarls madly.
  438. ?GG: ı'm probably gonna be afk for a long whıle
  439. ?GG: haha
  440. CAC: >Fight
  441. CTT ceased responding to memo.
  443. CAC: >Observe
  444. CTT ceased responding to memo.
  445. CAU: >Observe
  446. ?AO: Ashen Horror: ███████████████ HP. NOTES: Beasts, succumbed to the ashen plague of Aft'mathai. It sickens you to think these were once living beings with conscious goblin thoughts.
  447. CAC: >Does it have blades?
  448. ?AO: Claws, certainly.
  449. ?AO: Razor-sharp teeth, yes.
  450. ?AO: Blades? Not really.
  451. ?AO: Perchance it was a metaphor, or something else entirely.
  452. CAC: >Azure: Use mercurial water to force the horror away from the two of you
  453. CAC: >Cyan: Fire plasma beams at the horror
  454. CAC: Shields are still up, yea?
  455. CAC: >If not, don't do that
  456. ?AO: Yours is.
  457. CAC: Right...
  458. CAC: >Cyan do something else
  459. ?AO: You pierce the thing through the chest. It howls, and is forced into the wall next to the open door.
  460. ?AO: What shall 'else' be?
  461. CAC: >Cyan: Launch electricity at the horror
  462. CAU: Uh oh, my internet is dying I think.
  463. CURRENT universallyCognizant [CUC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  464. CUC: /back.
  465. CUC: Finally.
  466. CUC: Dinner woes.
  467. ?AO: She nearly misses, but manages to strike the thing in the foot. It shrieks as electricity races up its limbs, to its heart.
  468. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  469. ?AO: The shambling thing leaps forth, and immediately kicks Cyan in the chest with beastly strength, and hind legs.
  470. ?AO: She screams, sails backwards, and strikes the wall.
  471. ?AO: Luckily, she takes no hit to the head.
  472. CAC: Oh... Was her shield not up even if she didn't use plasma?
  473. ?AO: You didn't move the shields so that they weren't pointing to the ceiling, you know.
  474. CAC: ... whoops
  475. ?AO: Hah.
  476. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  478. CAC: >Both: Move shields to face horror. Azure, remake shield using mercury water as well.
  479. ?AO: You both do so.
  480. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  481. ?AO: The beast claws at the shields, and gets nothing but plasma burns and mercury poisoning.
  482. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  484. CAC: >Observe
  485. ?AO: Ashen Horror: ███████████████ HP. NOTES: Beasts, succumbed to the ashen plague of Aft'mathai. It sickens you to think these were once living beings with conscious goblin thoughts.
  486. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  487. ?AO: ((/AFK. Please stand by.))
  488. CAC: Alright.
  489. CAC: >Azure: Send poison water into the horror's mouth
  490. CAC: >Cyan: Send a lightning strike... Or something at it
  491. ?AO: ((/UNAFK.))
  492. ?AO: The thing swallows the poison whole, and shudders uncannily, before being struck by a bolt of sparks. Cyan's quite new at this. She isn't some sort of thunder mage.
  493. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  494. ?AO: The beast claws once more at the mercury-water shield. This time, it breaks through entirely. You are grabbed at by hideous mercury-stained claws.
  495. ?AO: It proceeds to grab hold of you, breaking your concentration.
  496. ?AO: Then, it flat out tosses you into the plasma shield beside you.
  497. ?AO: Your back strikes the thing, and you absolutely freak out, hot tears of pain streaking down your face. Cyan quickly deactivates the shield, before anything can get much worse.
  498. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  500. CAC: >Observe
  501. ?AO: Ashen Horror: ███████████████ HP. NOTES: Beasts, succumbed to the ashen plague of Aft'mathai. It sickens you to think these were once living beings with conscious goblin thoughts.
  502. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  503. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  504. CAC: >Azure: Use medkit
  505. CAC: >Cyan: Remake plasma shield to cover you both
  506. ?AO: You shakily manage to inject yourself with the medkit syringe's pale green fluid, and Cyan pulls up the shield, muttering apology upon apology to you for having the shield up earlier.
  507. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  508. ?AO: The beast does not attack. It knows the burn of the plasma.
  509. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  511. CAC: Is the poison water still in it?
  512. ?AO: It is. Along with some mercury.
  513. ?AO: Speaking of that, the slices from the mercury-stained claws on your body were still a thing. Who knows if the medkit dealt with it?
  514. CUC: /reback
  515. CAC: >Azure: Take any Mercury on you and send it at the horror
  516. CAC: >Cyan: Zap the horror
  517. ?AO: You spear the thing through the face, and Cyan sends an arc of electrical discharge at the thing, breathing heavily.
  518. ?AO: It drops to the ground, dead.
  519. CAC: >Check injuries
  520. ?AO: You're one hundred percent fine, thanks to the medkit. Cyan, on the other hand, is not as much so.
  521. CAC: >Cyan: Use medkit
  522. CAC: >Regather and separate waters
  523. ?AO: Combat is over! You cannot control Cyan.
  524. CAC: >Suggest to Cyan she use a medkit
  525. ?AO: You recollect your water, regardless.
  526. ?AO: She winces at your speaking, rubbing the back of her neck with a hand. "Uh, are you sure? I don't want to waste them." She cringes from what is likely pain.
  527. ?GG: >sure
  528. CUC: >"I'm sure."
  529. ?AO: She uses one of her medkits. You can clearly see relief spread across her face as she does so, the pain fading with the injuries.
  530. ?AO: Now what?
  531. CAC: >Consider looting horror
  532. ?AO: You could probably do it. It doesn't have any pockets, however.
  533. CURRENT wD [CWD] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  534. CWD:
  535. CWD ceased responding to memo.
  536. CAC: >Search it anyways
  537. ?AO: It has nothing.
  538. CAC: Don't know what I expected
  539. CAC: >Leave, try other door
  540. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  541. ?AO: "Enchanted Rat Skull, Level 451."
  542. ?AO: You both leave, and examine the other door.
  543. ?AO: It appears to be exactly the same as the one the Venator opened back in the ravine.
  544. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  545. CAC: >Can you open it?
  546. ?AO: You have one of the devices the Venator used to unseal it, yes. A Sanguine Keystone, your gem tells you.
  547. CCC made TG an OP.
  548. CURRENT transcribedGuardian [CTG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  549. CTG: ((hey))
  550. ?AO: ((Hey.))
  551. CAC: >Use
  552. ?AO: You open the door.
  553. CTG: ((GG: ninjatwist just asked me on steam what all the cat avatars were for, and when I told him you made them, he said he doesn't want anything to do with you be cause you ruined his april fool's prank on the wiki))
  554. CTG: ((he is legitimately still upset over that, apparently))
  555. ?GG: ha
  556. ?GG: wow
  557. ?GG: I also blocked hım that day
  558. ?GG: 
  559. CTG: 
  560. ?AO: There's nothing inside, save for a stone tablet bearing an unrecognizable eldritch symbol, and some carvings on the walls.
  561. ?GG: well
  562. ?GG: unfrıended hım
  563. CAC: >Examine carvings
  564. ?AO: There's another picture of what you assume is the Lambda Manufactory, and the visage of the horrid Plague Doctor, beneath which Rodarbi text labels him Aft'mathai the Horrible.
  565. CAC: He created ashen plague?
  566. ?AO: It appears so. It would fit in with Topaz's ailment, certainly.
  567. ?AO: The symbol on the tablet seems familiar to you.
  568. ?AO: Somehow.
  569. CAC: >Recall?
  570. ?AO: You ponder it.
  571. ?AO: A sudden recollection from nowhere draws forth a conclusion.
  572. ?AO: Thkhu-ustmiagl.
  573. ?AO: That was it.
  574. ?AO: It seems important.
  575. CAC: ...
  576. CAC: >Ask Cyan if she knows what that is
  577. ?AO: What, Thkhu-ustmiagl?
  578. CAC: Yea
  579. ?AO: She looks at you oddly. "... You can read that?"
  580. CUC: Hold on, I'm translating.
  581. CAC: "No... I just. Remember it from somewhere?"
  582. CUC: 'Magic water place'. Aklo.
  583. ?AO: "Hmm. What do you know about it?"
  584. CTG: how the hell did you figure that out
  585. CUC: I have an Aklo dictionary saved to my phone.
  586. CTG: aklo?
  587. ?AO: ((Thkhu is magic, agl is the suffix denoting place, and ustmi is water.))
  588. CUC: And I have the equivalent of ctrl-F.
  589. CUC: It's Lovecraft language.
  590. ?AO: ((We both have translations of the language.))
  591. CAC: >"Uh... Something to do with magic water place?"
  592. ?AO: "..."
  593. ?AO: "Sounds like you're taking it too directly, to be entirely honest."
  594. CUC: ((Twin, have link: ))
  595. ?AO: ((^))
  596. CAC: >"Maybe... "
  597. CUC: "I think that's just the most direct translation, yeah."
  598. CAC: >Look up what it is
  599. ?AO: ERROR: Tongue of the ancients detected. Level 451 clearance required.
  600. CAC: I thought levels that high were classified?
  601. ?AO: Nah, they appear when reached. The number of levels is classified.
  602. CAC: Ah
  603. CUC: >Respond to Cyan:"...Yeah, I think that was just the most direct translation. It definitely could be interpreted any number of ways."
  604. ?AO: "Yeah."
  605. CAC: >Try having your water touch the symbol?
  606. ?AO: "I mean, a water place, or whatever, would probably either be a body of water."
  607. ?AO: Nothing happens in response.
  608. ?AO: "Or some kind of storm, maybe?"
  609. CAC: Storm...
  610. CAC: >Try making a storm with your powers combined or whatever
  611. CAC: /brb
  612. ?AO: You do so, touching the tablet to no avail.
  613. CUC: >"Or some place where 'magic water', whatever that might be, is made or stored. Who knows."
  614. ?AO: "Hmm, yeah. Magic body of water. Occult Sea? Recondite Ocean? Maybe just Magic Bottle, or something. I don't know many more synonyms of magic, really."
  615. CAC: >Try pouring rose water?
  616. ?AO: ERROR: wasting ritual water on this is probably the worst thing to do.
  617. ?AO: "Water."
  618. ?AO: Tears, saliva, whatever it may be.
  619. CAC: Are those not water
  620. CAC: >Try the ash water?
  621. ?AO: Nothing happens.
  622. ?AO: You have yet to comprehend the meaning, let alone what this is.
  623. CAC: >Retrieve
  624. CAC: Oh
  625. ?AO: You take the Ashwater Serum back.
  626. CAC: >Leave?
  627. ?AO: The door is sealed.
  628. ?AO: It closed behind you.
  629. CAC: Hmm
  630. ?AO: Would you just like to start spouting possible meanings at the thing, or something else?
  631. CAC: >... Sure
  632. ?AO: "Mystic Vial. Um. Occult Bottle. Eldritch Sea?"
  633. ?AO: "Recondite Sea?"
  634. ?AO: "... Arcane Lake."
  635. ?AO: Cyan's eyes widen, as if she hadn't meant to say that, yet she did.
  636. ?AO: The symbol before you is burned into the minds of all within the room. Would you like to examine it within?
  637. CUC: >Yes.
  638. ?AO: Large bodies of water serve as a bulwark guarding sleep. Astral communion of consciousnesses in sleep is entirely possible for those attuned to the dripping.
  639. ?AO: The door opens behind you.
  640. CAC: Hmm.
  641. CAC: >Leave
  642. ?AO: You exit the Arcane Lake chamber.
  643. CTG: ((AC: hey))
  644. ?AO: Your phone rings with a text from Strangelove.
  645. CURRENT alternateCreeper [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  646. CAC: ((Hello!))
  647. CAC: >Checj
  648. CAC: Check
  649. CAC: ((Anyway, CU: You don't have any life bottles to rez people. Want to change up your action?))
  651. CTG: ((tazz isn't pinged by anything))
  652. CTG: ((you're better off pestering him directly, I guess))
  653. CUC: ((^))
  654. CAC: >Run back
  655. CAC: ((thank))
  656. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  657. ?AO: You rush back to the ship. It still takes five minutes.
  658. CAC: >Examine scene
  659. ?AO: When you enter the thing, Topaz appears to be curled up on the ground, hands covering her face. She is definitely crying, though the look in her eyes is quite distant. Dull, perhaps?
  660. CAC: >Show Strangelove Ashen Water
  662. CAC: >"Can you... Reverse engineer a cure from it?"
  663. CTG: ((split got to 4-1 as melting))
  665. CAC: >Offer him the serum
  666. ?AO: Strangelove accepts a sample "COULD YOU AID THE PATIENT WHILE I ANALYZE THIS?"
  667. ?AO: *sample.
  668. CAC: >Aid her?
  669. ?AO: How?
  670. CAC: >Try talking to her
  671. ?AO: What shall you say?
  672. CAC: >"... What's wrong
  673. ?AO: ...
  674. ?GG: holy shıt
  675. CAC: ... That's terrible, but idk.
  676. ?AO: That is literally one of the worst things to say after an anxiety/panic attack/seizure, holy shit.
  677. ?GG: number 8 on the leaderboard
  678. ?GG: wow
  679. CAU: 10/10 relationship skills
  680. ?AO: How about you try again?
  681. CUC: "Do you need anything? How can I help you?" (sound good?)
  682. CAC: ... is there some sort of list of things you shouldn't say or
  683. CAC: I don't have personal experience in this.
  684. ?AO: I've got a little, along with accounts from others. You don't say that.
  685. ?AO: Would you like to go with Crystal's response?
  686. ?GG: hey crys, how far have you gotten ın slıther.ıo
  687. CUC: I've gotten up to maybe level 2 on the leaderboard?
  688. CAC: Yeah.
  689. CUC: Can't remember.
  690. ?GG: ah
  691. ?AO: Very well.
  692. ?GG: I just got 8th
  693. ?GG: whıch ıs nıce
  694. ?AO: Topaz blinks a little, looking up to you, light returning to her eyes.
  695. CTG: playing as The Godmodder
  696. ?AO: She winces at the light in the ship. "I-I. Uh. Don't worry about me. I'm... I'm f-fine."
  697. CUC: Nice, Twin. Unfortunately, homework, else I'd join you.
  698. CAU: pass me that server link twin
  699. CAC: Yeah, I'm just... Not going to say anything 
  700. CAC: >Turn off the lights?
  701. ?AO: You turn off the lights, as somebody in this memo hopefully suggests something feasible to say.
  702. CUC: Sorry, work.
  703. CUC: Someone else pick up the slack.
  704. ?AO: Would you like to save your game, and return to this conversation at a later date?
  705. ?GG: yes
  706. ?AO: Saving...
  707. ?AO: Saving...
  708. ?GG: how far have you gotten, twın
  709. ?AO: Game saved successfully. Would you like to quit?
  710. CAC: >y
  711. ?AO: Game quit. Have a nice day.
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