
villagers WTF

Apr 23rd, 2018
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  2. Maddyn99 - Today at 7:49 PM
  3. anyone know of a way to disable villager spawns totally till the issue is fixed? our server crashes every 30 mins or so
  4. phit - Today at 7:50 PM
  5. go back to the recommended sponge version?
  6. Maddyn99 - Today at 7:51 PM
  7. which has the same problem?
  8. phit - Today at 7:51 PM
  9. no
  10. Maddyn99 - Today at 7:51 PM
  11. and wont run with the forge needed to run the server
  12. if it was that easy i would have done it
  13. phit - Today at 7:53 PM
  14. well we are aware of the issue, if you go to an unstable version you have to live with the side effects
  15. Maddyn99 - Today at 7:55 PM
  16. unstable version? its not like im using an experimental version? recommended is 19 days old
  17. phit - Today at 7:55 PM
  18. you are
  19. Maddyn99 - Today at 7:55 PM
  20. and is incompatable with recent forge builds
  21. phit - Today at 7:56 PM
  22. everything newer than recommended is experimental
  23. Maddyn99 - Today at 7:56 PM
  24. then why is there a stable and experimental set?
  25. phit - Today at 7:56 PM
  26. thats just the name of the branches
  27. and refers to the api version
  28. not implementation
  29. Maddyn99 - Today at 7:57 PM
  30. yeah that makes sense
  31. kencinder - Today at 7:57 PM
  32. It's the craze of "New versios...must update everything that was working, and break stuff"
  33. Maddyn99 - Today at 7:58 PM
  34. 1.12.2-2655-7.1.0-BETA-3055 STABLEFORGE 2655
  35. Kitsune - Today at 7:58 PM
  36. its great for bug finding :smile:
  37. Maddyn99 - Today at 7:58 PM
  38. does stable not mean stable
  39. phit - Today at 7:58 PM
  40. stable API
  41. not stable implementation
  42. phit - Today at 8:00 PM
  43. to put it in different terms, the api plugins use wont change on stable
  44. but everything internally or how mod compat is handled can break and change
  45. kencinder - Today at 8:01 PM
  46. I'm sticking to my view on what Forge version RB is built against...I don't want to deal with "this"
  47. Maddyn99 - Today at 8:01 PM
  48. im sorry but this might make sense to YOU...but stable means stable in my world not experimental
  49. phit - Today at 8:01 PM
  52. kencinder - Today at 8:01 PM
  53. RB is against Forge 2611...2611 I shall be using, mod updates can take a back seat
  54. Kitsune - Today at 8:02 PM
  55. Maddy, there are multiple things mentioned in the naming
  56. kencinder - Today at 8:02 PM
  57. @Maddyn99 are you new to modded Minecraft? EVERY release of everything is freaking experimental lol
  58. Maddyn99 - Today at 8:03 PM
  59. yeah im new. been around since notch sold his soul to m$ and then some
  60. killjoy - Today at 8:03 PM
  61. not his soul, just his intelectual property
  62. Maddyn99 - Today at 8:04 PM
  63. and just about killed modded MC
  64. killjoy - Today at 8:05 PM
  65. that didn't kill it
  66. we're still kicking
  67. phit - Today at 8:05 PM
  68. lol
  69. kencinder - Today at 8:05 PM
  70. 1.13 will come...break everything...then another, rinse and repeat. All you devs are crazy to keep at it, but you're awesomesauce.
  71. killjoy - Today at 8:05 PM
  72. what changed?
  73. literally, what changed when Microsoft came along?
  74. The only version ms cares about is console. They let mojang do what they want with java
  75. kiwifrogg - Today at 8:08 PM
  76. the only real change was windows 10 minecraft and that is very stable and can connect cross platform, so you play the same world at home on the pc then log and continue to play on a apple or android.
  77. java won't die for a while yet
  78. killjoy - Today at 8:08 PM
  79. except java
  80. kiwifrogg - Today at 8:09 PM
  81. You do get it free with your java account
  82. killjoy - Today at 8:09 PM
  83. if only it supported xbox play anywhere
  84. varrix - Today at 8:09 PM
  85. Java version won't die till the modding community dies imo.
  86. Zidane - Today at 8:09 PM
  87. Windows 10 edition is not stable
  88. Not even close
  89. killjoy - Today at 8:09 PM
  90. and incomplete
  91. Zidane - Today at 8:10 PM
  92. Not to mention it has horrific performance
  93. Maddyn99 - Today at 8:10 PM
  94. look i get it, if i could pay you guys to fix the issue if I would. But i have a server full of players thant crashes every 30mins thanks to sponge. At this point i dont have an option other than to use just forge which sucks or try out somehting like paper which might or might not be better. I LIKE sponge but i deal with the constant crashes and if I use recommened build i cant run the server. How is that an option?
  95. kiwifrogg - Today at 8:10 PM
  96. Windows 10 version works really well, its like java without the bugs
  97. Rasgnarok - Today at 8:10 PM
  98. Hold on
  99. killjoy - Today at 8:10 PM
  100. @Maddyn99 Have you created an issue?
  101. kencinder - Today at 8:10 PM
  102. Microsoft Store only too isn't it? MS store needs so bad
  103. Rasgnarok - Today at 8:10 PM
  104. Why do you crash?
  105. Zidane - Today at 8:10 PM
  106. No it doesn't
  107. Rasgnarok - Today at 8:10 PM
  108. I have my issues with Sponge, but I ain't crashing every 30mins
  109. So something else is at play
  110. Maddyn99 - Today at 8:11 PM
  111. its a sponge issue
  112. kiwifrogg - Today at 8:11 PM
  113. maddy pastbin the crash reports
  114. Rasgnarok - Today at 8:11 PM
  115. Yes please
  116. Maddyn99 - Today at 8:11 PM
  117. i have. hold on
  118. Rasgnarok - Today at 8:11 PM
  119. and yeah, it can be
  120. killjoy - Today at 8:11 PM
  121. Yes, it is a sponge issue (as you mentioned). We can't help fix it if we don't know what's wrong
  122. Rasgnarok - Today at 8:11 PM
  123. No one here can tell without more information
  124. phit - Today at 8:11 PM
  125. its an issue with modded villagers(edited)
  126. Zidane - Today at 8:11 PM
  127. He already put it above
  128. kencinder - Today at 8:11 PM
  129. You have the option to not be running the latest builds, just because some very latest mod version needs a newer version of forge...
  130. Maddyn99 - Today at 8:11 PM
  132. Pastebin
  133. sponge villager jamguy -
  135. Zidane - Today at 8:11 PM
  136. You guys are wasting time
  137. I know the issue, I just need time to fix it
  138. killjoy - Today at 8:12 PM
  139. more like killing time :smiley:
  140. Rasgnarok - Today at 8:12 PM
  141. oh well
  142. cool
  143. varrix - Today at 8:12 PM
  144. Good man
  145. killjoy - Today at 8:12 PM
  146. Yes, I've seen this crash before :stuck_out_tongue:
  147. Zidane - Today at 8:12 PM
  148. Hollering constantly is doing no good, have some patience @Maddyn99
  149. Rasgnarok - Today at 8:12 PM
  150. Well if there's a ticket made for this
  151. Sit tight and it gets fixed
  152. kiwifrogg - Today at 8:12 PM
  153. oh its a AA issue
  154. phit - Today at 8:12 PM
  155. no
  156. kiwifrogg - Today at 8:12 PM
  157. you can disable that villager cant u
  158. phit - Today at 8:12 PM
  159. its villagers in general
  160. Maddyn99 - Today at 8:12 PM
  161. im not hollering... i was asking for way to disable villagers while waiting
  162. phit - Today at 8:13 PM
  163. theres no ticket, because everyone i asked to make one didnt bother
  164. Maddyn99 - Today at 8:13 PM
  165. and i got the whole im using wrong version of sponge
  166. Zidane - Today at 8:13 PM
  167. No you aren't getting a way to disable villagers
  168. That is just silly
  169. varrix - Today at 8:13 PM
  170. Why's that?
  171. Zidane - Today at 8:13 PM
  172. So hold on a sec while I fix that
  173. Cause it'll take longer to do that than fix the damn issue'
  174. kencinder - Today at 8:13 PM
  175. Not wrong...just NUTS to be running such a build on a production server IMO
  176. killjoy - Today at 8:13 PM
  177. well.... might be a plugin to disable mobs
  178. Zidane - Today at 8:13 PM
  179. Now go talk about something else so I can lol
  180. killjoy - Today at 8:13 PM
  181. can't help you with that though
  182. varrix - Today at 8:14 PM
  183. Understandable, I thought you meant in general there was something silly with having the ability to disable them.
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