
Elite Knight in Equestria ch1

Apr 18th, 2013
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  1. Canterlot was in pandemonium.
  2. During the early morning, Changelings had stormed the guards at the city’s limits, and poured unmolested into the heart of the Equestrian capital.
  3. Heavy fighting was already concentrated at the castle, while the residents barricaded themselves indoors, listening fearfully to the sounds of struggle and violence outside.
  4. Queen Chrysalis was most vengeful in her counterattack; Enough so that she was willing to commit an act unthinkable…She had loosed the beasts of Tartarus.
  5. Huge, misshapen creatures lumbered amongst the guard ponies. Troll-like some, other’s sprouting wings and black, charred tusks like a porcine daemon.
  6. The stalwart defenses were nearing their breaking point, as ponies were sent flying into walls and battlements to lie moaning with broken limbs.
  7. In the confusion, some of the braver citizens had elected to supplement the guard in their time of need, and one such soul was-
  8. “Trixie laughs at your pitiful efforts! Ha ha ha h-YIPE!”
  9. Was The Great and Powerful Trixie, who was perhaps out of her element.
  10. A competent sorceress, the pony leapt nimbly from one vantage point to another, casting electrical charges at the beasts clamouring up over the ramparts of Canterlot Castle. Even now, she recited her next boastful introduction of how she stood beside Celestia casting spellfire and ruin at the enemy, rather than a couple hundred meters away from the epicenter of the fighting like she truly was.
  11. Indeed, Celestia’s power was no small thing, augmented by her sister Luna viciously fighting beside her at the swell of Queen Crysalis’s ranks. The tide of Tartarus beasts was more a disorganized rabble than under the Changeling queen’s command, and it seemed she was uncomfortably aware of how little sway she held over the monstrosities wreaking havoc.
  12. At her own spellfront, Trixie stood separated from the guard ponies, who were thinly spread to maximize their efforts along the walls. It was as such that she found herself flanked, if one may forgive the pun, and in dire consequence.
  13. “Your attacks amuse the Great and Powerful Trixie! Have a taste of th-”
  14. A sweeping fist of some misshapen troll had knocked the little blue pony away, her cape tangled and her wide-brimmed hat flopped to the ground, to be crushed underfoot by a winged daemon with a spear.
  15. “Y-you dare?!” She wavered, eyes riveted on her favorite hat.
  16. The monsters offered no reply, and struck out with heavy, crushing limbs and sharp weapons.
  17. “Eep! Ah! Ow!” The mare danced awkwardly backwards, trying to avoid the strikes, until she found herself backed up against the castle walls, surrounded by foes.
  18. This…is hardly ideal, Trixie thought to herself. Eyes wide as she watched the circling monsters. She told herself the shivering in her limbs was just exhaustion, certainly one so great and powerful like herself would not suffer something so ignoble as fear…
  19. The dead look in the beast’s eyes only further terrified the poor mare.
  20. Spellbolts aren’t good enough… she thought quickly, hyperventilating as she felt the very real danger of her situation, no room for a bait and switch disappearance… T-Trixie has to do something! Anything!
  21. She felt naked without her favorite hat, scared more acutely than she ever had before in her young life, and all around her the screams and clatter of steel added to the hopeless air. Trixie felt hot tears prickle in her eyes as she charged all of her remaining strength into her horn, glowing brilliantly azure.
  22. Somepony, ANYpony…please help Trixie…Please help me!
  23. Her magical summoning produced no guardian beast, no spell-woven construct, and as the hammer of one of the monsters raised up into the air to crush her, Trixie shut her eyes and quavered alone against the wall, whispering wetly with fear.
  24. “Mother…I’m so sorry…”
  26. Then, a brilliant golden light exploded from the ground before her, knocking the beasts back a step, and the fighting lulled as even the Pegasus sisters and the greater Daemons turned to look upon the miracle shining on the battlements.
  27. A white hot ring of light had settled before the beleaguered mare, and from its confines rose an alien shape.
  28. It stood from its kneeling position in the brilliant halo, upon two legs like a Minotaur. It was tall, slightly more so than even Celestia, garbed totally in metal armour. Unlike the guard ponies, this was raw steel, grey and blackened by filth and blood; Dented and scraped all over. A blue robe of some sort covered its body over the armor, wrapped in belts and the head of which was protected by a fluted mask under which no features could be discerned from the slits in the helm. A damaged shield was held in one hand, and the other rested on the golden hilt of a sword longer than a guard’s spear.
  29. Rising fully, the strange beast looked about itself, at the trolls and daemons perched on the walls. It turned, and seeing the blue mare whom had summoned it, stared quietly at her fitful state. A moment later it looked away from Trixie, and without a sound, drew it’s sword with a savage grating that rung in the sudden quiet.
  30. The simple mind of the spear-wielding daemon recognized the challenge, and roared, spitting globules of saliva as it thrust its weapon at the armoured figure.
  31. The creature deflected the strike effortlessly with its raised shield, and stepped in to rip it’s sword swing across the beast’s neck, lopping the head of in a spray of gore.
  32. Quickly, the figure’s plated legs stepped in and pressed the assault on the other monsters, lancing it’s own thrust into a troll’s eye socket, and kicking the twitching beast savagely from its blade. Another met its end on a backswing flaying the chest open, and the shield brutally caving in the monster’s exposed ribcage.
  33. The armoured figure worked with cold precision. There was an efficiency to it’s attacks, similar to the guard ponies’ practiced discipline. It ran, rolled and leapt at the much taller and bulkier monstrosities that dared stand in it’s way along the wall, sword flashing and shield crashing down all around it.
  34. The tide of battle began to turn. With the unexpected summoning of this strange alien, the guard ponies renewed their assault. The tall creature hacked and hew monsters asunder in it’s unstoppable charge along the battlements, alongside the gold-clad defenders of Canterlot Castle.
  35. Through the ranks it killed, until the small changelings had fled outright in terror of the metal beast. Now only the twisted denizens of Tartarus, consumed by their dull minded hate and hunger, bellowed and struck out at it.
  36. To no avail, the nimble warrior blocked or evaded the attacks. And soon, it stood at the crest of the small army, amid a broken trail of monsters; To the left, the Pegasus sisters and their elite guard ponies, and to the right, the largest and most horrific of the Tartarus abominations.
  37. The greatest of the beasts, a curl-horned daemon five times as tall and ten as large as the armoured warrior, rose up to it’s full height and screamed hatefully at the newcomer. It’s coat burned by ineffective spellfire, and two crude cleavers held tightly in it’s fists.
  38. The alien creature gave no response, only a sure footing and steady trot towards the beast, moving in for the attack.
  39. The cleavers rose up, and despite cries of dismay from the Princesses and guard ponies, the armoured figure pressed on, only to suddenly dash of course and roll out of the attack’s vector.
  40. Up close and personal, the alien hacked and distracted the greatest of the monster horde, and in the lull he bought the Canterlot forces, the Princesses renewed their ranged magicks upon the great beasts, aided by the guards as they two launched spellfire while the armoured warrior gave them the openings they needed.
  41. Dozens of beasts sought to crush it, yet the creature was much too fast, too well trained to be struck so easily. Alone against the evil horde, the creature felled them slowly, aided by the incoming spells that wore down the monster’s defences. A score of them remained, and then ten, and after that five, until only the greatest of the host howled in rage before the summoned warrior, only to have the thing dash inside a swung cleaver’s arc, and plant it’s blade up to the engraved hilt in the daemon’s throat. A fountain of crimson decorated the warrior as it leapt back, and the great beast collapsed.
  42. For a moment, only the sound of rising and falling chests could be heard as the defenders gasped for breath, and the moaning of the wounded. And then a fell cry rose up over the battleground.
  43. Dragon.
  45. A jagged black shape circled above the city, risen from it’s imprisonment in Tartarus, both Celestia and Luna wobbled in exhaustion, staring up grimly at the hateful shape of one such creature that should never have come to light again.
  46. “Crysalis!” The sun princess spoke in a booming voice, “How dare you loose such a monster on this land!”
  47. The Changeling queen merely stared in horror at the shape high above.
  48. “…no…no, no, no, no… this wasn’t supposed to…” She babbled in terror.
  49. The Great Black Dragon Viinturuth was from a forgotton age. Long before Celestia’s line, it had been sealed away at great cost to protect the creatures of the land. Some thought it only a fairy tale, yet the impossible shape high above now cemented an eldritch fear in the onlookers, pony and changeling alike.
  51. In the uncertain lull, the tall armoured warrior turned it’s silent gaze back at the blue mare that had numbly trotted up to the gathered defenders, her crumpled hat clutched in her forehooves. She met his gaze, her mouth working to form some coherent sentence, and finding none, shut.
  52. The figure merely nodded with a tired air deep in it’s bones, and began jogging along the castle’s outer ramparts to the western rim, where the Dragon was aiming to settle down.
  53. Some cried out for the alien warrior to stop, that it was suicide. The figure stalwartly ignored them, the shift of chainmail and clatter of heavy plate lonely amid the thunderous crash of the landing dragon, which towered impossibly high over the white walls, glaring balefully at the lone challenger that dared approach.
  54. A great inhalation, and then the beast spewed forth a terrible wave of fire, engulfing the warrior whom had raised his shield. Flames subsiding, the defenders saw the creature press on, having weathered the deadly assault, faster as it ran towards the beast.
  55. Angrily, Viinturuth belched forth fiery death once more, twice as hot as before, and once again the armoured creature withstood the barrage, a red ring on one of it’s digits glowing brightly.
  56. Then the strange alien, and the legendary dragon were within striking distance of each other, and the battle descended into the savage violence of melee combat.
  57. Talons as long as spears lanced out, the jagged tail swung and smashed; Terrifying jaws snapped and roared, as all of the tonnes of scaled death writhed in hate, directed at a lone figure braving the unthinkable.
  58. Even as the Canterlot Defenders rallied to surround the beast, and fire some kind of ranged spells, the dragon’s hide was thick, and many millennia resistant to magicks greater than even Celestia had to bear. It all came to nought as orders were barked and futile bolts harmlessly danced over black scales, while pig-iron and steel stabbed and hacked within the dragon’s furious attentions.
  59. For an hour they clashed, the warrior whittling away at the dragon as it’s sword began to draw deeper wounds. Black lifeblood spattered the pristine walls, and the great beast shook the foundations in it’s wrath.
  60. Then, the great tail clipped the warrior’s shield a mite too harshly, and it was ripped from his grasp to clatter a hundred meters down the ramparts, dented almost in half.
  61. Arm broken from the twisting of it’s lost defence, the warrior pounced on the sudden over-extension the dragon suffered, and dashed up as it turned to attack once more.
  62. The sword flashed in the morning light, through hewn dragon scale and sinew, pierced the thick flesh, and found the great five-chambered heart.
  63. A deafening roar cascaded from the mortally wounded beast, and in it’s death throes, the dragon Viinturuth destroyed the crippled wall, and with the tumbling masonry and dying body of the great black dragon, the armoured warrior fell into the broken chasm, and was obscured by the cloud of debris.
  64. In the confusion, the voice of a blue mare screaming in anguish was lost.
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