
Workout (Lincoln/Leni)

Apr 20th, 2017
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  1. >"Hurry up Lame-o!" Taunted Lynn as she Lapped Lincoln "That's the fourth time I've passed you."
  2. >"I'm trying Lynn." Whined Lincoln under heavy breathing "But my legs are really starting to hurt."
  3. >"Quit complaining." Scolded Lynn as she did another lap around the yard "You've only done 30 laps, and you've got 12 more to go before we hit the weights."
  4. >Picking up the pace, Lincoln managed to get in two more laps before Collapsing from exhaustion
  5. >"I guess that will have to do..." Sighed Lynn as she dragged Lincoln to the garage by his shirt "Time to hit the weights"
  6. >After dragging Lincoln to the bench-press and unceremoniously throwing him into position Lynn began to load up the weights
  7. >"I think you should start with..." Lynn thought for a moment as she eyed the wide array of plates "A hundred pounds"
  8. >"You know Lynn" Started Lincoln as Lynn loaded up the plates "Lifting heavy weights as a child can stunt your growth"
  9. >"......Is that so?" asked Lynn giving Lincoln a death stare
  10. >"Yeah" Stuttered Lincoln, Knowing he just messed up but too stupid to stop "It might shave a few inches, maybe even a foot off how tall you will grow."
  11. >"I see" mumbled Lynn as she grabbed two more plates and put them on the bar
  12. >"Uhhh, Ly-"
  13. >"Get lifting" interrupted Lynn as she sat behind Lincoln, Not bothering to spot him
  14. >Lincoln pushed as hard as he could, but no matter how much he tried he couldn't lift the barbell
  15. >"I can't do it, Lynn" Grunted Lincoln as he pushed with all his might "Can we please make it lighter?"
  16. >"Guess all that height didn't make you stronger" Mumbled Lynn under her breath as she stared at the floor
  17. >"Lynn?"
  18. >"Let's call it a day, Lincoln" grumbled Lynn as she pulled the plates off the barbell and put them back in their place "We'll do more laps tomorrow"
  19. >"Alright" Replied Lincoln as he tried to get up "Hey uh Lynn, Could you help me up?"
  20. >Not paying attention to what Lincoln had to say, Lynn shut off the lights and exited the garage, Leaving Lincoln behind in the dark
  21. >"Lynn?" Mewled Lincoln as his vision grew foggy "help..."
  23. ______________________________________________________________________________
  24. >"So I... OMG, tha... otes your color!"
  25. >"Hello?" Grumbled Lincoln, starting to wake up
  26. >"Uhhh, Hello?" Replied Leni, Not sure who was calling her
  27. >"Leni, is that you?" Called Lincoln from the garage
  28. >"You know my name?" Gasped Leni as she put her ear to the garage door
  29. >"What? Of course I do, I'm your brother"
  30. >"Oh my God, This is amazing" Shouted Leni as she clapped her hands excitedly
  31. >"What's amazing?"Asked Lynn after taking a sip of her protein shake "Did you see your reflection in the door knob again?"
  32. >"Even better!" exclaimed Leni as she grabbed Lynn by the shoulders and began to shake her "The garage is alive!"
  33. >"Uhh... what?" Asked Lynn, Feeling rather confused
  34. >"The garage is alive, Lynn! It's alive and it thinks I'm its sister!"
  35. >"Oooh, That's probably just Lincoln."
  36. >"Don't be silly Lynn." Giggled Leni as she patted Lynn's hair "Lincoln's not a garage."
  37. >"What? No, I mean he is IN the garage" Explained Lynn before taking another sip of her shake
  38. >"What's he doing in there?"
  39. >"eh, I dunno." Shrugged Lynn as she started to walk away "I haven't seen him since this morning"
  40. >Starting to feel a bit worried, Leni decided to check in on Lincoln
  41. ______________________________________________________________________________
  42. >"Lincoln..." Called Leni as she slowly opened the door "Where are you?"
  43. >"I'm over here" Replied Lincoln as he waved his arm about
  44. >Walking further into the garage, Leni saw Lincoln lying down on the bench
  45. >"What are you doing in here?" Asked Leni as she sat down on a box "It's getting kinda late."
  46. >"I was training with Lynn and I kinda passed out" Explained Lincoln as he tried to sit up on the bench
  47. >"Training?" Questioned Leni "What for; are you joining a team?"
  48. >"No, nothing like that." Sighed Lincoln, finally managing to sit up "'s kinda embarrassing."
  49. >"Linky" Started Leni as she put her hand on his shoulder "You can tell me anything, I won't laugh at you."
  50. >"Well...I think Ronnie Anne might be getting sick of me" Explained Lincoln, his eyes starting to well up
  51. >"WHAT?" Exclaimed Leni "I thought you two were doing so well together!"
  52. >"I thought so too." mumbled Lincoln "But lately she's been making fun of me more than usual, and it's always about my weight. 'Hurry up butterball', 'Get a move on Fluff butt', or she'll grab my stomach and say 'Looks like your head isn't the only thing full of pudding'."
  53. >"So... You were exercising so Ronnie Anne would like you more?" Asked Leni
  54. >"Yeah, but..."
  55. >"But what?"
  56. >"I don't think I can keep this up." Moaned Lincoln as he rubbed his sore legs "I could barely run 30 laps around the yard, and I can't even lift weights....It's hopeless"
  57. >"Don't give up, Linky" Cooed Leni as she held her brother close "Maybe Lynn's idea of working out just isn't right for you."
  58. >"Maybe, But I really don't have any other options." Sighed Lincoln as he let his head rest on Leni's shoulder
  59. >Thinking for a moment, Leni experienced a new sensation
  60. >"Wait a minute!" She exclaimed "I've got a thing!"
  61. >"A thing?" Repeated Lincoln confusedly
  62. >"Yeah you know, a thing!" Shouted Leni as she poked her head repeatedly
  63. >"An....idea?" asked Lincoln "What kind of idea?"
  64. >"You should totally come to the gym with me!" Suggested Leni, shaking with excitement
  65. >"Leni" Started Lincoln "I can barely work out here with Lynn; I don't want to go to a gym and get laughed at."
  66. >"It's nothing like what Lynn does" Explained Leni "I do Pilates every Tuesday and Friday over at global health."
  67. >"Pilates?" Questioned Lincoln "Isn't that for girls?"
  68. >"No, no" Replied Leni "It'll be perfect for you; It's fun, fast, and really helps you lose weight without all the pain."
  69. >"I guess I could give it a shot" Conceded Lincoln "Not like I have any other options"
  70. >"Great!" Cheered Leni "We'll start on Tuesday."
  71. >"KIDS!" came a shout from the kitchen "Dinner's ready!"
  72. >"Oooh, Dinner." Chirped Leni, getting up from her box "Let's get going, Linky"
  73. >"Sure thing, Leni" Replied Lincoln "but uh, one thing first."
  74. >"What is it?" Asked Leni
  75. >"Would you mind helping me up?"
  76. ______________________________________________________________________________
  77. >"Lincoln!" Shouted Leni as she knocked on his bedroom door "Are you ready to go?"
  78. >"Coming" Replied Lincoln as he came out of his room "Are you sure these shorts are gonna b-"
  79. >"What do you think?" asked Leni as she twirled around in her seafoam short shorts and tiny top that barely covered her chest "Isn't it like totally adorable?"
  80. >"Uh, yeah" stuttered Lincoln, trying not to stare "It looks great, but uh..."
  81. >"But what?" Asked Leni "Does it not go with my shoes?"
  82. >"No, no, nothing like that." he clarified, remembering what happened the last time someone told Leni her outfit clashed "I just thought you were going to wear a T-shirt or something like that"
  83. >"Ooh, I see" said Leni as she struck a revealing pose "You're afraid that you won't be able to keep your eyes off me."
  84. >"WHAT, No, I don-"
  85. >"Relax, I'm just kidding, Linky" Giggled Leni as she rubbed Lincoln's head "I'm wearing this because a T-shirt tends to snag or get caught."
  86. >"I see" stuttered Lincoln, his face red as can be "So I should probably go find something else to wear as well then."
  87. >"Not to worry, Linky. " said Leni as she reached into her duffle bag and pulled out an blue pair of short shorts and an orange tiny top "I got an outfit for you too"
  88. >"Oh gee uh, Thanks, Leni" mumbled Lincoln as he eyed the revealing set of what could barely be considered clothes "You shouldn't have..."
  89. >"No problem" replied Leni as she handed him the outfit and pushed him back into his room "Now hurry up and get changed, We don't wanna be late."
  90. ______________________________________________________________________________
  91. >"Are you sure these pants are for men?" Asked Lincoln as he stretched the shorts back over his underwear "They seem a little....tight."
  92. >"Of course they are." reassured Leni as she took off her seatbelt "I got them at the gap; Don't you like them?"
  93. >"I do like them" Replied Lincoln, getting out of the car "But they uh, they keep riding up"
  94. >"Look" started Leni, wanting to quell Lincoln's concerns "When I looked at the tag for your shirt it said 'man' on it; It's a man's outfit and you look very handsome in it."
  95. >"If you say so" mumbled Lincoln "You're the fashion expert..."
  96. >"Exactly, Just trust me Lincoln." said Leni as they walked into the gym "You know I'd never steer you wrong."
  97. >"Welcome back, Leni" Greeted the girl as the register "I take it you're here for Pilates again."
  98. >"Like, totally" Replied Leni as she ran her hands along her hips "Veronica's classes have really helped me get in shape"
  99. >"ok, and who is this?" She asked, looking down at Lincoln
  100. >"Oh, This is Lincoln, My little brother" Chirped Leni as she pulled Lincoln close "He's going to start coming to class with me!"
  101. >"I see..." mumbled the young woman "You do know that uh-"
  102. >"That what?" Asked Leni, her grip on Lincoln not letting up
  103. >"Uh... Never mind" acquiesced the young woman "You two have a good time"
  104. >As the two walked off to class the young woman couldn't stop staring at Lincoln's ass and noticeable bulge
  105. >"They are gonna eat that poor boy alive..."
  106. ______________________________________________________________________________
  107. >"Welcome everyone" Greeted a wide hipped woman wearing a pair of yellow leggings as she surveyed the room
  108. >"Who's that?" Whispered Lincoln
  109. >"That's Christina" Replied Leni "Our instructor."
  110. >"I see we have a new member today" Commented Christina, Giving Lincoln a sly smile "Perhaps you could help me with today's demonstration"
  111. >"uhh, I don't know." Mumbled Lincoln nervously
  112. >"Go ahead Linky" Giggled Leni reassuringly "It'll be fun"
  113. >"Oh um, Okay" agreed Lincoln, still feeling a bit unsure
  114. >"Wonderful" Chimed Christina as she laid Lincoln's yoga mat down next to hers "Now let's get started"
  115. >"Today we are going to do some slightly more advanced positions" explained Christina as she lifted Lincoln off the ground, Holding him so his knees were up to his chest "This position is called the 'Seal', and requires a fair bit of balance if you do it alone"
  116. >A whisperous giggle or two came from the class as they saw Lincoln in such a compromising position
  117. >"When doing this position you want to keep your form tight" continued Christina as she squeezed Lincoln, forcing his head further into her cleavage "But not so tight that your legs begin to hurt"
  118. >"Are you doing alright, Young man?" Cooed Christina as she slowly rubbed his legs
  119. >"Y-yes ma'am" Replied Lincoln, His face red as a beet
  120. >"Very good, Let's move on" instructed Christina as she flipped Lincoln onto his back and pulled his feet up to his face "Our next position is called 'The Boomerang'."
  121. >"This position not only strengthens your arm muscles, but also requires a fair bit of core strength"
  122. >"uh, Christina" Mewled Lincoln, his mouth obscured by her sizable breasts
  123. >"Yes, What seems to be the problem?" Asked Christina, allowing her breasts to rest heavily on the young man's face
  124. >"I'm sorry for bothering you" Mumbled Lincoln "but, it's kind of hard to breath in this position."
  125. >"I see..." grumbled Christina, slightly disappointed that her fun had to end early "I think perhaps we should end the class here for today"
  126. >"I'd like to thank you all for coming today" Said Christina as she stood up, finally allowing Lincoln to breath "And a big thank you to my young assistant for helping me out with today's demonstration; I hope to see you all again next week"
  127. >"...especially you, young man"
  128. __________________________________________________________________________
  129. >"So, Linky" Started Leni "How did you like your cla-"
  130. >Lincoln darted off on his own, His face red as a beet
  131. >"Wait up, Lincoln!" Shouted Leni as she pushed her way a sea of people "Where are you going?"
  132. >"Excuse me, Miss" asked the young woman working at the smoothie bar "Are you looking from someone?"
  133. >"My Little brother, He just ran off" explained Leni "Short, White hair, Chipped tooth, wearing a totally cute outfit."
  134. >"I saw him" Replied the young woman "He ran off towards the sauna; Poor kid was blushing like mad and covering some wicked large wood."
  135. >" where did he get a stick?" mumbled Leni, forgetting what she was doing
  136. >"uh, excuse me?" said the young woman as she snapped her fingers "You alright?"
  137. >"What, oh yeah." replied Leni "Which way was the sauna again?"
  138. >"Just go down the hall and make a right" Instructed the young lady "The sauna is the 3rd door on your right."
  139. ______________________________________________________________________________
  140. >"Lincoln?" Whispered Leni as she knocked on the door to the Sauna "Lincoln, are you in there?"
  141. >"uh, yeah, I'm here." said Lincoln
  142. >"Are you alright?" asked Leni as she jiggled the handle
  143. >"What, yeah I'm fine" Grunted Lincoln "Just need a few minutes."
  144. >"Lincoln" Started Leni "you need a massage after class or you'll cramp up."
  145. >"Leni, Please do-"
  146. >"It's fine Linky" said Leni as she barged into the sauna "There's nothing wrong with getting a massage from your sister."
  147. >"Leni, Please!" Shouted Lincoln as he struggled to cover his crotch
  148. >"Look, your already cramping up" Commented Leni as she pulled Lincoln's hands away "This is why you need to massage it properly."
  149. >"Leni" Pleaded Lincoln "Please stop"
  150. >"Don't worry Linky" cooed Leni as she began to stroke his dick "Just let me take care of it, and you'll be feeling better in no time."
  151. >"Leni..." Moaned Lincoln, His legs and arms tensing up
  152. >"See" said Leni "Your feeling better already"
  153. >"Oh god, keep going" Begged Lincoln "Please keep going."
  154. >"Alright Linky, I- Ow"
  155. >"What's wrong?" Asked Lincoln, his dick still twitching in the heat of the sauna "Why'd you stop?"
  156. >"My hands are getting like, way too hot" Replied Leni "If I keep giving you a dry rub it might do some damage."
  157. >"Oh..." Mumbled Lincoln "So we have to stop?"
  158. >"Well" said Leni, Figuring out what to do "There may be something I can do..."
  159. >"What is it?" Asked Lincoln
  160. >"Well, if a dry massage won't work" started Leni as she took her pants off "Maybe a wet massage will."
  161. >"uh, What are you doing?" asked Lincoln as Leni positioned herself over him
  162. >"Just gotta stick this here" Mumbled Leni as she pointed Lincoln's dick towards her dripping entrance and lowered herself down "And there we go."
  163. >"Oh fuck..." Mumbled Lincoln as his dick sunk deeper into Leni's soaked womanhood
  164. >"Linky!" Exclaimed Leni as she began to 'Massage' his dick "Language!"
  165. >"Sorry, Leni" Apologized Lincoln "It's feel really good."
  166. >"I know Right?" Started Leni as she began to speed up "A proper massage just takes all the stress away."
  167. >"Leni!" Grunted Lincoln as he began pulling Leni down harder and harder onto his dick "I'm almost there!"
  168. >"It's ok, Linky." Moaned Leni, grinding with each thrust "You can finish inside me!"
  169. >"Oh God" Grunted Lincoln as he pushed into Leni as far as he could and unloaded the full force of his load "god...damn"
  170. >"That was amazing" Commented Leni as she sat back on the sauna bench, allowing Lincoln's cum to drip out and sizzle on the heating element beneath the wooden seats "You feel better?"
  171. >"Yeah" grunted Lincoln, still feeling the aftershocks "Much better."
  172. >"Good." said Leni as she stood up and began stumbling towards Lincoln "Cuz I still need to massage your legs."
  175. END
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