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a guest
Jul 25th, 2017
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text 0.70 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Ruby Keywords
  2. +=
  3. /=
  4. &&
  5. ||
  6. ::
  7. []
  8. <<
  9. >>
  10. ==
  11. __LINE__
  12. __FILE__
  13. BEGIN
  14. END
  15. alias
  16. and
  17. begin
  18. break
  19. case
  20. class
  21. def
  22. defined?
  23. do
  24. else
  25. elsif
  26. end
  27. ensure
  28. false
  29. for
  30. if
  31. in
  32. module
  33. next
  34. nil
  35. not
  36. or
  37. redo
  38. rescue
  39. retry
  40. return
  41. self
  42. super
  43. then
  44. true
  45. undef
  46. unless
  47. until
  48. when
  49. while
  50. yield
  51. Array
  52. Complex
  53. Float
  54. Hash
  55. Integer
  56. Rational
  57. String
  58. abort
  59. at_exit
  60. autoload
  61. autoload?
  62. binding
  63. block_given?
  64. callcc
  65. caller
  66. caller_locations
  67. catch
  68. chomp
  69. chop
  70. eval
  71. exec
  72. exit
  73. exit!
  74. fail
  75. fork
  76. format
  77. gets
  78. global_variables
  79. gsub
  80. iterator?
  81. lambda
  82. load
  83. local_variables
  84. loop
  85. open
  86. p
  87. print
  88. printf
  89. proc
  90. putc
  91. puts
  92. raise
  93. rand
  94. readline
  95. readlines
  96. require
  97. require_relative
  98. select
  99. set_trace_func
  100. sleep
  101. spawn
  102. sprintf
  103. srand
  104. sub
  105. syscall
  106. system
  107. test
  108. throw
  109. trace_var
  110. trap
  111. untrace_var
  112. warn
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