

Jan 20th, 2020
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  1. BIitzo has joined the chat
  2. VitalDreams has joined the chat
  3. Guest_XHerXBeastX has joined the chat
  4. HalleOcasio has joined the chat
  5. Guest_GuardedFolk has joined the chat
  6. xMoonFruitx has joined the chat
  7. xMoonFruitx: <.<
  8. BigBlackShuck: Hii
  9. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I sent you messages on discord of the entire chat logs of before I left.
  10. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I left before I was kicked.
  11. Guest_XHerXBeastX: It doesn't matter anyways.
  12. BigBlackShuck: oh. everything okay man?
  13. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I will be deleting this account with Halle and starting over again anyways.
  14. VitalDreams: Welcome shuck ^.^
  15. BigBlackShuck: Hi!
  16. xMoonFruitx: herro
  17. VitalDreams: How are you? c:
  18. BigBlackShuck: I'm okay--did I come in at a bad time?
  19. Guest_XHerXBeastX: Brb I need to cool off.
  20. Guest_XHerXBeastX has left the chat
  21. VitalDreams: No you're okay shuck
  22. Miraz has joined the chat
  23. VitalDreams: Okay austin
  24. Guest_XHerXBeastX has joined the chat
  25. BigBlackShuck: Everything okay? :c
  26. HalleOcasio: wb hun
  27. Guest_XHerXBeastX: No Delimons friends attacked me because of shit.
  28. Guest_XHerXBeastX: He couldn't tell me here in person.
  29. BigBlackShuck: Whom?
  30. Guest_XHerXBeastX: They had to invite me to their room to attack me.
  31. BigBlackShuck: Why would they do that though?
  32. Miraz: Oh deary dear. I sowwy tht happened
  33. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I made a joke about having a pair of balls that itch and I said they wouldn't know what it's like.
  34. Guest_XHerXBeastX: Then I said shit happens when I upset them because I fuck up everything anyways.
  35. Guest_XHerXBeastX: So. Delimons and delimond are on the ban / block / automatic boot from this room list in my book.
  36. VitalDreams: Honestly you apologized for what you said, so they can suck it up and move on like adults.
  37. VitalDreams: -Said my piece
  38. VitalDreams: Miraz you're so cute c:
  39. BigBlackShuck: You'll have to forgive me, I just woke up.
  40. Miraz: Austin. Obviously you don't seem to FUCKING understand. The one thing I fucking wanted was a sorry. But, you don't say sorry. Oh no. You can't say sorry to me. You won't even fucking listen to me. You made it about you. You sat there and made me feel like complete and utter shit. And you don't give a fuck. You made me feel less of a man. But you know what. That's what homeless drunks do. They attack the people they fucking care about. So fuck you and fuck your dumb ass problems. I knew kt was a bad fucking idea to have you in my life again. I fucked up and let you back in. You're a POS just like your step dad says.
  41. Miraz has left the chat
  42. VitalDreams: o_o
  43. xMoonFruitx: o.o
  44. BigBlackShuck: ...what
  45. HalleOcasio: o.o
  46. BigBlackShuck: happened
  47. VitalDreams: trys to keep room zen
  48. VitalDreams: DONT PANIC EVERYONE
  49. VitalDreams: lmao
  50. xMoonFruitx panics and screams
  51. xMoonFruitx: o.o
  52. VitalDreams: lmfao xD
  53. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I guess that was Dill.
  54. VitalDreams: I SWAAAAARE this kid better not be sending people in my room
  55. VitalDreams: >.>
  56. VitalDreams: <.< Ima be a boot spree
  57. BigBlackShuck: But why would they send people
  58. xMoonFruitx: o.o ooof
  59. GuestXHerXBeastX: Because that's how they are.
  60. VitalDreams: so he can keep saying shit to austin
  61. VitalDreams: o-o
  62. VitalDreams: like grow up ..
  63. Guest_XHerXBeastX: They are a transgender who I upset because I offended them.
  64. HalleOcasio: its sad really nd austin said sorry dats one
  65. VitalDreams: lmfao wait I love moonfruit
  66. Guest_XHerXBeastX: Like omg get over it sensitive snowflake.
  67. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I fucked up yes.
  68. VitalDreams: xD
  69. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I made a mistake and was insensitive toward their feelings.
  70. HalleOcasio: nd chu addmitted dat
  71. Guest_XHerXBeastX: Exactly.
  72. GuestXHerXBeastX: They're just triggered.
  73. VitalDreams: Legit, You said sorry in that chat and admited you fucked up. So that's it. They need to move on.
  74. HalleOcasio: so pretty much now he's seeking attention because chu apolgised nd addmitted to chur actions
  75. xMoonFruitx: hehe
  76. VitalDreams: .. Fucking cry babies
  77. VitalDreams: ANYWAYS c:
  78. Guest_XHerXBeastX: VitalDreams
  79. Guest_XHerXBeastX: Nikki
  80. VitalDreams: Yes
  81. Guest_XHerXBeastX: What started this was a long time ago.
  82. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I am an alcoholic, I admit. I do have a drinking problem.
  83. VitalDreams: das no gewd
  84. VitalDreams: ;-;
  85. Guest_XHerXBeastX: When at my step dads like now I stay up all night and keep the fire going that heats our home.
  86. Guest_XHerXBeastX: The reason for my drinking was so I can sleep.
  87. Guest_XHerXBeastX: When you stay up all night sometimes all the next day - You start to get delirious and dilusional from sleep depravation.
  88. Guest_XHerXBeastX: No one else kept the fire going but me.
  89. Guest_XHerXBeastX: So my parents at the time could have a full night sleep.
  90. Guest_XHerXBeastX: On top of that, being called a worthless, lazy piece of shit who does nothing but sleep all day.
  91. Guest_XHerXBeastX: Do you see how that works? I stay up keeping the fire going that heats the home and when I sleep I sleep sometimes for over than 24 hours? And that makes me a lazy piece of shit?
  92. Guest_XHerXBeastX: That is entrapping me in a situation I can't get out of.
  93. Guest_XHerXBeastX: So - One night, on my various drinking binges, I was dead tired from cutting wood, splitting wood, and staacking wood all night - I bought a fur from the creator Zordic. It was his Dr. fur.
  94. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I was super excited and in a happy-go lucky mood.
  95. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I was being obnoxious drunk, I admit.
  96. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I climbed out on my roof to take a picture of the tree we drug up I was cutting on with a chainsaw.
  97. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I was explaining this situation to Zordic, how we heat with wood and sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do for work, you know?
  98. VitalDreams: (im reading)
  99. Guest_XHerXBeastX: He basically called me an ignorant fuck tard for being drunk and operating a chain saw while drunk and said how stupid I was for drunkenly doing this. ( IN reality - IN context ) I was 100 % functionable and able to to work and operate a chainsaw without any troubles. I would know better if I was not able to operate it, I would have had some help from family.
  100. Guest_XHerXBeastX: He kicked me and banned me from his room.
  101. VitalDreams: jesus
  102. Guest_XHerXBeastX: This is why I dislike Zordic.
  103. Guest_XHerXBeastX: BUT
  104. Guest_XHerXBeastX: When that happened I was IN MY FUCKING PRIVATE ROOM BY MY SELF.
  105. Guest_XHerXBeastX: When you are in my room - It is my room, my rules.
  106. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I had rules posted that stated this.
  107. He's quite self centered
  108. Guest_XHerXBeastX: All of my friends / family / everyone / Entered my room.
  109. Guest_XHerXBeastX: Cier, Dilian, my niece, Oddity, AzurliteTheFox ( A few others )
  110. Guest_XHerXBeastX: They ALL started lecturing me about my drinking problem.
  111. VitalDreams: o boy
  112. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I simply said to stop. I said please, enough. I don't want to hear it. I didn't need to hear it.
  113. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I did not need patronized. I did not need lectured.
  114. Guest_XHerXBeastX: Yet, they all treated me like a child.
  115. Guest_XHerXBeastX: They entered my room and disrespected me.
  116. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I basically booted everyone.
  117. VitalDreams: .-.
  118. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I felt bad for my brother, Cier, because he and I have been tight and close from when we first met.
  119. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I recently made up with everyone.
  120. Guest_XHerXBeastX: Until now, Delimons, being a sensitive snowflake, got triggered and offended over nonsense I said about having a pair of balls between my legs that needed a scratch and I said they wouldn't know what it's like. ( They are transgender ) and it upset them. I apologized and said shit happens because I fuck up everything.
  121. Guest_XHerXBeastX: Well - They invite me to their room which I recorded the logs.
  122. Guest_XHerXBeastX: They had all their friends harass me
  123. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I have the logs on file.
  124. HalleOcasio: i read it nd didnt like it one bit
  125. Guest_XHerXBeastX: XHerXBeastX#3361
  126. Guest_XHerXBeastX: If you want my discord, I'll gladly share the files so you can see just how they acted towards me when I tried to apologize in the first place.
  127. BigBlackShuck: Forgive me, I don't have a discord.
  128. HalleOcasio: nu chu apologised a second time
  129. HalleOcasio: dat fact he was so emotional didnt see dat nd mad chu look like da bad guy
  130. Guest_XHerXBeastX: No worries, Shucks, it's not your business anyways, but apparently I am the one playing victim?
  131. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I am being kicked out of my step dads house because I am a worthless lazy piece of shit and I had Delimons help me contact my family and they rubbed it in my face they regret helping me.
  132. Guest_XHerXBeastX: That's what the message above was about.
  133. Guest_XHerXBeastX: That user posted.
  134. VitalDreams pokes moonfruit
  135. Guest_XHerXBeastX: - Sighs -
  136. xMoonFruitx: o.o
  137. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I'm sorry Nikki.
  138. HalleOcasio holds him
  139. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I am legit sorry.
  140. Guest_XHerXBeastX: - Sighs and leans into -
  141. VitalDreams: why are you sorry?
  142. Guest_XHerXBeastX: For bringing this into your room.
  143. Guest_XHerXBeastX: It was wrong of me to do so.
  144. VitalDreams: it's alright austin
  145. xMoonFruitx takes a bong hit then pokes vital back
  146. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I invited Delimons in the first place b/c family / but well, gee, look at what happened.
  147. Guest_XHerXBeastX: Also
  148. VitalDreams: ooooo shit?? shes blazin
  149. xMoonFruitx: xD
  150. GuestXHerXBeastX: They were harassing mi amor for her grammar.
  151. HalleOcasio: it how meh speak irl ><
  152. VitalDreams hints for moon to pass the bong
  153. VitalDreams: awwh that mean :/
  154. VitalDreams: thats*
  155. BigBlackShuck: Some people can't handle different folks.
  156. Guest_XHerXBeastX: Scroll up
  157. xMoonFruitx hands the bong to her and a lighter
  158. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I asked for you help and sent you a message on discord asking for your help and I have a 17 inch water bong that is silicone, glows in the dark, has an ice catch, and it smokes like a beast c:
  159. VitalDreams takes hit and passes back
  160. VitalDreams: ty love c;
  161. xMoonFruitx: np :hearts:
  162. HalleOcasio Sighs "Dat da first time someone tried to correct meh grammer anyone else ask why meh talk like dis"
  163. xMoonFruitx: lol sounds like my bong just isnt silicone
  164. BigBlackShuck: I read dong whoops
  165. xMoonFruitx: xD
  166. VitalDreams: l0l
  167. xMoonFruitx: oooof
  168. VitalDreams: yikes
  169. HalleOcasio: oof
  170. VitalDreams: my dong looks like that
  171. VitalDreams: 100%
  172. Guest_XHerXBeastX:
  173. Guest_XHerXBeastX: LOL DONG
  174. HalleOcasio: z
  175. Guest_XHerXBeastX: das what it looks like
  176. VitalDreams: oo pretty
  177. Guest_XHerXBeastX: :3
  178. VitalDreams hits skully in the face with my tail
  179. VitalDreams: wake up
  180. HalleOcasio: so like i was gone get high but dis bottle is doing justice
  181. HalleOcasio: z
  182. VitalDreams: watcha drinkin
  183. HalleOcasio: white henny
  184. VitalDreams: oooo damn
  185. HalleOcasio: im a biggg drinker
  186. VitalDreams: halle over here getting turnt
  187. HalleOcasio: Yush ^^ nd it feels wonderful!
  188. Guest_XHerXBeastX: I was gonna say something but I'll tell you privately about drinking togeher and whas gonna happen x)
  189. HalleOcasio: i did say further up in da chat i need a drink maybe 8 but now im on shot 9
  190. HalleOcasio: >.>
  191. HalleOcasio: <.<
  192. HalleOcasio: Oooo tell mehhhh >_<
  193. VitalDreams: oh boy xD
  194. HalleOcasio: Hehe i wan to kno ^^
  195. VitalDreams: KEEP IT PG-2 IN HERE KIDS.
  196. VitalDreams: lmfao.
  197. VitalDreams: xD
  198. HalleOcasio: hehe don worry we are XD
  199. GrizzlyGarrie has joined the chat
  200. VitalDreams: c: hehe
  201. HalleOcasio: so like i spilled a lil of meh liqour
  202. HalleOcasio: nd meh cat
  203. VitalDreams: Welcome Grizzly ^.^
  204. HalleOcasio: jus walked up
  205. HalleOcasio: nd licked it up
  206. HalleOcasio: now meh gone have a wasted kitty
  207. xMoonFruitx lays on the couch stoney
  208. GrizzlyGarrie: Thank you hello
  209. VitalDreams: uh oh o.o
  210. HalleOcasio: hehe
  211. HalleOcasio: shes running around a house
  212. HalleOcasio: XD
  213. VitalDreams: oh no xD
  214. HalleOcasio: ooo
  215. HalleOcasio: his a teddy bear
  216. HalleOcasio: *he's
  217. VitalDreams: How are you tonight Garrie
  218. VitalDreams: c:
  219. GrizzlyGarrie: I'm alright and yup
  220. HalleOcasio: awww hehe i have like
  221. HalleOcasio: 30
  222. HalleOcasio: teddies in meh room
  223. HalleOcasio: irl
  224. VitalDreams: awwwh c;
  225. GrizzlyGarrie: Thats a lot of teddies are they all bears or is it a mix?
  226. HalleOcasio: i love teddy bears dey are mixtuers i collect dem^^
  227. GrizzlyGarrie: Thats pretty cool
  228. HalleOcasio: i also like to sew meh own
  229. HalleOcasioHalleOcasio WhisperAdd Friend: took sewing classes to learn
  230. GrizzlyGarrieGrizzlyGarrie WhisperAdd Friend: Was it hard to learn?
  231. HalleOcasio: very
  232. HalleOcasioHalleOcasio WhisperAdd Friend: chu need patiance
  233. GrizzlyGarrieGrizzlyGarrie WhisperAdd FriendGrizzlyGarrie WhisperAdd Friend: Oh I beat
  234. VitalDreams: :o
  235. HalleOcasio: but i have alot of dat XD
  236. BigBlackShuck: If you'll forgive me, I work tomorrow. Do take care, all!
  237. HalleOcasio: tc ^^
  238. GrizzlyGarrie: Thats good, have a wonderfull night Shuck
  239. xMoonFruitx: byyyye shuckieee
  240. VitalDreams: Take care! Nice meeting you c:
  241. BigBlackShuck: I shall!
  242. BigBlackShuck: It was awesome meeting you,too.
  243. HalleOcasio: i started a charity for autistic kids
  244. HalleOcasio: nd made over 300 teddy bears
  245. GrizzlyGarrie: Thats awesome
  246. HalleOcasio: was up for freaking 5 nights
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