Guest User


a guest
Nov 12th, 2018
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  1. game = 0
  3. import random
  4. import sqlite3
  6. with sqlite3.connect("login.db") as db:
  7. cursor = db.cursor()
  8. cursor.execute('''
  9. create table if not exists user(
  10. userID integer primary key,
  11. username varchar(20) not null,
  12. firstname varchar(20) not null,
  13. surname varchar(20) not null,
  14. password varchar(20) not null);
  15. ''')
  17. def login():
  18. while True:
  19. username = input("(+) Enter your username:")
  20. password = input("(+) Enter your password:")
  22. with sqlite3.connect("login.db") as db:
  23. cursor = db.cursor()
  24. find_user = ('SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = ? AND password = ?')
  25. cursor.execute(find_user, [(username),(password)]) #[] replaces the values of the ?
  26. results = cursor.fetchall()
  28. if results:
  29. for i in results:
  30. print("Welcome "+i[2])
  31. a = 1
  33. return (i[2])
  34. else:
  35. print("(-) Username and password not recognised")
  36. again = input("Do you want to retry? (Y/N)")
  37. if again.lower() == "n":
  38. print ("Goodbye")
  39. exit()
  40. return ("Exit")
  42. def newUser():
  43. print("(+) Add a new user")
  44. #check username is taken
  45. found = 0
  46. while found == 0:
  47. username = input("(+) Enter a username: ")
  48. with sqlite3.connect("login.db") as db:
  49. cursor = db.cursor()
  50. find_user = ('SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = ?')#?stops SQL injection
  51. cursor.execute(find_user,[(username)])#[] replaces the values of the ?
  53. if cursor.fetchall():
  54. print("(-) Usename taken")
  55. else:
  56. found = 1
  58. firstname = input("(+) Please enter your first name: ")
  59. surname = input ("(+) Please enter your last name: ")
  60. password = input ("(+) Please enter a password: ")
  61. password1 = input ("(+) Please re-enter your password: ")
  62. while password != password1:
  63. print("(-) Passwords do not match")
  64. password = input("(+) Please enter a password: ")
  65. password1 = input ("(+) Please re-enter a password: ")
  67. insertData = '''INSERT INTO user(username,firstname,surname,password)
  68. VALUES(?,?,?,?)'''
  69. cursor.execute(insertData,[(username),(firstname),(surname),(password)])
  70. db.commit()#saves the results to the database
  75. def userMenu(game):
  76. score = 0
  77. score2 = 0
  78. dice1 = random.randint(1,6)
  79. dice2 = random.randint(1,6)
  80. dice3 = random.randint(1,6)
  81. dice4 = random.randint(1,6)
  82. RolledDice = dice1 + dice2
  83. RolledDice2 = dice3 + dice4
  84. print(" ")
  85. print("(-- Player 1 Press Enter to roll a dice --)")
  86. input()
  87. print("Player 1 has rolled a dice and got",dice1, "(press enter to roll your second dice!)")
  88. input()
  89. print("Player1 has rolled another dice and got",dice2,"(press enter to see your total score!)")
  90. input()
  91. print("Player1's total score is now",RolledDice)
  92. score = dice1 + dice2
  93. if RolledDice % 2 == 0: #used from comments of
  94. print(" ")
  95. print("your rolled dice added to make an even number so 10 points have been added to your score!")
  96. score = score + 10
  97. print(" ")
  98. print("your score is now",score)
  99. else:
  100. print(" ")
  101. print("your rolled dice added to make an odd number so 5 points will be taken from your score!")
  102. score = score - 5
  103. print(" ")
  104. print("Player1 your score is now",score,"(press enter)")
  105. input()
  107. print(" ")
  108. print("(-- Player 2 Press Enter to roll a dice --)")
  109. print(" ")
  110. print("Player 2 has rolled a dice and got",dice3, "(press enter to roll your second dice!)")
  111. input()
  112. print("Player2 has rolled another dice and got",dice4,"(press enter to see your total score!)")
  113. input()
  114. print("Player2's total score is now",RolledDice2)
  115. score2 = dice3 + dice4
  116. if RolledDice2 % 2 == 0:
  117. print(" ")
  118. print("your rolled dice added to make an even number so 10 points have been added to your score!")
  119. score2 = score2 + 10
  120. print(" ")
  121. print("your score is now",score2)
  122. else:
  123. print(" ")
  124. print("your rolled dice added to make an odd number so 5 points will be taken from your score!")
  125. score2 = score2 - 5
  126. print(" ")
  127. print("Player2 your score is now",score2,"(press enter)")
  128. input()
  129. game = game + 1
  130. return game
  132. def rules():
  133. print("------------------------------------")
  134. print(" Rules of the game")
  135. print("------------------------------------")
  136. print('''
  137. • The points rolled on each player's dice are added to their score.
  138. • If the total is an even number, an additional 10 points are added to your score.
  139. • If the total is an odd number, 5 points are subtracted from your score.
  140. • If you roll a double, you get to roll one extra die and get the number of points rolled added to your score.
  141. • The score of a player cannot go below 0 at any point.
  142. • The person with the highest score at the end of 5 rounds wins.
  143. • If both players have the same score at the end of the 5 rounds, they each roll 1 die and whoever gets the highest score wins (this repeats until someone wins). \n ''')
  144. print("------------------------------------")
  145. print(" Press Enter to start the game")
  146. print("------------------------------------")
  149. while True:
  150. print("------------------------------------")
  151. print(" Welcome to the system ")
  152. print("------------------------------------")
  153. print(" ")
  154. print(" ")
  155. print("------------------------------------")
  156. print(" User options")
  157. print("------------------------------------")
  158. menu =('''
  160. 1 - Create New User
  161. 2 - Login
  162. 3 - Exit \n ''')
  164. userChoice = input(menu)
  165. game = 0
  166. if userChoice == "1":
  167. newUser()
  168. elif userChoice == "2":
  169. enter = login()
  170. if enter == "exit":
  171. break
  172. else:
  173. print("Game Starting!")
  174. askrules = input("Do you want the rules of the game? If you do type *yes* otherwise, press enter")
  175. if askrules == "yes".lower():
  176. rules()
  177. while game < 5:
  178. game = userMenu(game)
  180. elif userChoice == "3":
  181. print("Goodbye")
  182. exit()
  183. else:
  184. print("(-) Input not recognised, please try")
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