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Feb 7th, 2017
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  1. {:timestamp=>"2017-02-07T17:42:47.743000+0000", :message=>"fetched an invalid config", :config=>"input {\n\n # ------------ NOT NEEDED ---------------\n\n #timing input\n #file {\n # path => \"/logs/eurostar/**/*timing*.log\"\n # start_position => \"beginning\"\n # #sincedb_path => \"/sincedb/timinglog\"\n # type => \"timing\"\n # \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"eurostar\" }\n # }\n\n # application input\n #file {\n # path => \"/logs/eurostar/**/*media-server*.log\"\n # start_position => \"beginning\"\n # #sincedb_path => \"/sincedb/applicationlog\"\n # #codec => multiline {\n # # # Grok pattern names are valid! :)\n # # pattern => \"^\\[%{LOGLEVEL}\\]\"\n # # negate => true\n # # what => previous\n # #}\n # type => \"application\"\n # \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"eurostar\" }\n #}\n\n #timing input\n #file {\n # path => \"/logs/virgin_westcoast/**/*timing*.log\"\n # start_position => \"beginning\"\n # #sincedb_path => \"/sincedb/timinglog\"\n # type => \"timing\"\n # \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"virgin_westcoast\" }\n # }\n\n # VIRGIN section\n #file {\n # path => \"/logs/virgin_westcoast/**/*media-server*.log\"\n # start_position => \"beginning\"\n # #sincedb_path => \"/sincedb/applicationlog\"\n # #codec => multiline {\n # # # Grok pattern names are valid! :)\n # # pattern => \"^\\[%{LOGLEVEL}\\]\"\n # # negate => true\n # # what => previous\n # #}\n # type => \"application\"\n # \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"virgin_westcoast\" }\n #}\n\n # ------------ NOT NEEDED ---------------\n\n #Sync log input EUROSTAR\n file {\n path => \"/opt/logstash/input/eurostar/**/*syncLog*.log\"\n start_position => \"beginning\"\n ignore_older => 0\n type => \"sync\"\n sincedb_path => \"/opt/logstash/sincedb/sincedb_eurostar_synclog\"\n \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"eurostar\" }\n }\n\n # Events log input EUROSTAR\n file {\n path => \"/opt/logstash/input/eurostar/**/*event*.log\"\n start_position => \"beginning\"\n ignore_older => 0\n type => \"events\"\n sincedb_path => \"/opt/logstash/sincedb/sincedb_eurostar_eventlog\"\n \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"eurostar\" }\n# max_open_files => 3500\n close_older => 5\n }\n\n #Sync log input VIRGIN_WESTCOAST\n file {\n path => \"/opt/logstash/input/virgin_westcoast/**/*syncLog*.log\"\n start_position => \"beginning\"\n ignore_older => 0\n type => \"sync\"\n sincedb_path => \"/opt/logstash/sincedb/sincedb_virgin_westcoast_synclog\"\n \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"virgin_westcoast\" }\n }\n\n # Events log input VIRGIN_WESTCOAST\n file {\n path => \"/opt/logstash/input/virgin_westcoast/**/*event*.log\"\n start_position => \"beginning\"\n ignore_older => 0\n type => \"events\"\n sincedb_path => \"/opt/logstash/sincedb/sincedb_virgin_westcoast_eventlog\"\n \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"virgin_westcoast\" }\n# max_open_files => 3500\n close_older => 5\n }\n\n # Sync log input VIRGIN_EASTCOAST\n file {\n path => \"/opt/logstash/input/virgin_eastcoast/**/*syncLog*.log\"\n start_position => \"beginning\"\n ignore_older => 0\n type => \"sync\"\n sincedb_path => \"/opt/logstash/sincedb/sincedb_virgin_eastcoast_synclog\"\n \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"virgin_eastcoast\" }\n }\n\n # Events log input VIRGIN_EASTCOAST\n file {\n path => \"/opt/logstash/input/virgin_eastcoast/**/*event*.log\"\n start_position => \"beginning\"\n ignore_older => 0\n # set to remove some test logs from taht date\n exclude => \"*2016-05-16*\"\n type => \"events\"\n sincedb_path => \"/opt/logstash/sincedb/sincedb_virgin_eastcoast_eventlog\"\n \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"virgin_eastcoast\" }\n# max_open_files => 3500\n close_older => 5\n }\n \n # Sync log input NATIONAL_EXPRESS\n file {\n path => \"/opt/logstash/input/national_express/**/*syncLog*.log\"\n start_position => \"beginning\"\n ignore_older => 0\n type => \"sync\"\n sincedb_path => \"/opt/logstash/sincedb/sincedb_national_express_synclog\"\n \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"national_express\" }\n }\n\n # Events log input NATIONAL_EXPRESS\n file {\n path => \"/opt/logstash/input/national_express/**/*event*.log\"\n start_position => \"beginning\"\n ignore_older => 0\n type => \"events\"\n sincedb_path => \"/opt/logstash/sincedb/sincedb_national_express_eventlog\"\n \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"national_express\" }\n# max_open_files => 3500\n close_older => 5\n }\n\n # Sync log input NATIONAL_EXPRESS_BUS\n file {\n path => \"/opt/logstash/input/national_express_bus/**/*syncLog*.log\"\n start_position => \"beginning\"\n ignore_older => 0\n type => \"sync\"\n sincedb_path => \"/opt/logstash/sincedb/sincedb_national_express_bus_synclog\"\n \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"national_express_bus\" }\n }\n\n # Events log input NATIONAL_EXPRESS_BUS\n file {\n path => \"/opt/logstash/input/national_express_bus/**/*event*.log\"\n start_position => \"beginning\"\n ignore_older => 0\n type => \"events\"\n sincedb_path => \"/opt/logstash/sincedb/sincedb_national_express_bus_eventlog\"\n \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"national_express_bus\" }\n# max_open_files => 3500\n close_older => 5\n }\n\n # Sync log input C2C\n file {\n path => \"/opt/logstash/input/c2c/**/*syncLog*.log\"\n start_position => \"beginning\"\n ignore_older => 0\n type => \"sync\"\n sincedb_path => \"/opt/logstash/sincedb/sincedb_c2c_synclog\"\n \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"c2c\" }\n }\n\n # Events log input C2C\n file {\n path => \"/opt/logstash/input/c2c/**/*event*.log\"\n start_position => \"beginning\"\n ignore_older => 0\n type => \"events\"\n sincedb_path => \"/opt/logstash/sincedb/sincedb_c2c_eventlog\"\n \"add_field\" => { \"client\" => \"c2c\" }\n# max_open_files => 3500\n close_older => 5\n }\n\n}\n\nfilter {\n\n if [type] == \"application\" {\n\n multiline {\n pattern => \"^\\[%{LOGLEVEL}\\]\"\n negate => true\n what => \"previous\"\n }\n\n grok {\n break_on_match => false\n patterns_dir => \"/etc/logstash/patterns\"\n match => {\n \"message\" => \"\\[%{LOGLEVEL:level}\\] \\[%{IPORHOST:from}\\] %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} \\[%{DATA:thread}\\] \\[%{NOTSPACE:logger}\\] %{GREEDYDATA:msg}\"\n \"thread\" => \"(%{GREEDYDATA}%{REQUEST_TYPE:reqType}%{SPACE}%{URIPATH:reqPath}(%{URIPARAM:reqParam})?)?\"\n }\n #remove_tag => [\"_grokparsefailure\"]\n #named_captures_only => false\n }\n\n date {\n locale => \"en\"\n match => [\"timestamp\", \"ISO8601\"]\n timezone => \"UTC\"\n target => \"@timestamp\"\n add_field => { \"debug\" => \"timestampMatched\"}\n }\n\n mutate\n {\n remove_field => [ \"timestamp\"]\n }\n }\n\n if [type] == \"sync\" {\n\n multiline {\n pattern => \"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601}\"\n negate => true\n what => \"previous\"\n }\n\n grok {\n break_on_match => false\n patterns_dir => \"/etc/logstash/patterns\"\n match => {\n \"message\" => \"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} - %{NOTSPACE:logger} - %{LOGLEVEL:level} - %{NOTSPACE:syncType} - %{NOTSPACE:runid} - %{GREEDYDATA:msg}\"\n \"msg\" => \"((Number of regular files transferred: %{BIG_NUMBER:filecount})|(Total transferred file size: %{BIG_NUMBER:bytecount}))\"\n }\n remove_tag => [\"_grokparsefailure\"]\n #named_captures_only => true\n }\n\n date {\n locale => \"en\"\n match => [\"timestamp\", \"YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS\"]\n timezone => \"UTC\"\n target => \"@timestamp\"\n add_field => { \"debug\" => \"timestampMatched\"}\n }\n\n mutate {\n remove_field => [\"timestamp\"]\n }\n\n mutate {\n gsub => [ \"filecount\", \"\\D\", \"\" ]\n gsub => [ \"bytecount\", \"\\D\", \"\" ]\n }\n mutate {\n convert => [ \"filecount\", \"integer\" ]\n convert => [ \"bytecount\", \"integer\" ]\n }\n }\n\n if [type] == \"events\" {\n\n mutate {\n gsub => [\"message\", \"[\\u0000]\", \"\"]\n }\n\n json {\n source => \"message\"\n add_field => { \"file_path\" => \"%{path}\"}\n }\n\n if [eventType] == \"WATCH_CONTENT_CLICKED\" and [pageId] =~ \"magazines\" {\n mutate {\n update => { \"eventType\" => \"READ_MAGAZINE_CLICKED\" }\n }\n }\n\n if [eventType] == \"CONTENT_CLICKED\" and [pageId] =~ \"magazines\" {\n mutate {\n update => { \"eventType\" => \"MAGAZINE_CLICKED\" }\n }\n }\n\n\tif [pageId] =~ \"index.html\" {\n mutate {\n\t\tgsub => ['pageId','index.html',\"\"]\n }\n }\n\n date {\n locale => \"en\"\n match => [\"timestamp\", \"ISO8601\"]\n timezone => \"UTC\"\n target => \"@timestamp\"\n add_field => { \"debug\" => \"timestampMatched\"}\n }\n\n if [contentId] and [eventType] != \"READ_MAGAZINE_CLICKED\" {\n translate {\n field => \"contentId\"\n destination => \"movieTitle\"\n exact => true\n dictionary_path => \"/etc/logstash/mappings/movies.yaml\"\n fallback => \"No mapping found\"\n }\n }\n\n\tif [adId] and [eventType] =~ \"^VAST_*\" {\n translate {\n field => \"adId\"\n destination => \"adTitle\"\n exact => true\n dictionary_path => \"/etc/logstash/mappings/ads.yaml\"\n fallback => \"No mapping found\"\n }\n }\n\n if [from] {\n translate {\n field => \"from\"\n destination => \"trainUnit\"\n exact => true\n dictionary_path => \"/etc/logstash/mappings/trains.yaml\"\n fallback => \"%{from}\"\n }\n }\n\n if [userAgent] {\n useragent {\n source => \"userAgent\"\n }\n }\n\n\tif [eventType] == \"PAGE_VIEW\" {\n gomedia_aggregate {\n task_id => \"%{visitor}\"\n code => \"\n map['page_viewed'] ||= 0;\n map['page_viewed'] += 1;\n map['int_duration_sum'] ||= 0;\n map['userAgent'] ||= event['userAgent'];\n map['last_event'] ||= Time.parse(event['timestamp']);\n map['file_path'] ||= event['file_path'];\n map['session_id'] ||= SecureRandom.hex;\n map['client'] ||= event['client'];\n event['evt_session_id'] = map['session_id']\n\n if map['last_event'] < Time.parse(event['timestamp'])\n map['last_event'] = Time.parse(event['timestamp'])\n end\"\n\n flush_on_all_events => true\n\n timeout_code => \"\n event['userAgent'] = map['userAgent'];\n event['page_viewed'] = map['page_viewed'];\n event['last_event'] = map['last_event'];\n event['@timestamp'] =['last_event']);\n event['int_duration_sum'] = map['int_duration_sum'];\n event['eventType'] = 'SESSION';\n event['session_id'] = map['session_id'];\n event['file_path'] = map['file_path'];\n event['type'] = 'events_session';\n event['session_duration'] = map['last_event'] - event['creation_timestamp'];\n event['client'] = map['client']\"\n timeout_id => \"visitor\"\n timeout => 900\n periodic_flush => true\n timestamp_field => \"timestamp\"\n timestamp_key => \"path\"\n track_times => true\n }\n }\n\n if [eventType] == \"CONTENT_PLAYBACK\" {\n gomedia_aggregate {\n task_id => \"%{visitor}\"\n code => \"\n map['page_viewed'] ||= 0;\n map['int_duration_sum'] ||= 0;\n map['userAgent'] ||= event['userAgent'];\n map['int_duration_sum'] += event['int_duration'];\n map['last_event'] ||= Time.parse(event['timestamp']);\n map['file_path'] ||= event['file_path'];\n map['session_id'] ||= SecureRandom.hex;\n map['client'] ||= event['client'];\n\n event['evt_session_id'] = map['session_id']\n\n if map['last_event'] < Time.parse(event['timestamp'])\n map['last_event'] = Time.parse(event['timestamp'])\n end\"\n\n flush_on_all_events => true\n\n timeout_code => \"\n event['userAgent'] = map['userAgent'];\n event['page_viewed'] = map['page_viewed'];\n event['last_event'] = map['last_event'];\n event['@timestamp'] =['last_event']);\n event['int_duration_sum'] = map['int_duration_sum'];\n event['eventType'] = 'SESSION';\n event['file_path'] = map['file_path'];\n event['session_id'] = map['session_id'];\n event['type'] = 'events_session';\n event['session_duration'] = map['last_event'] - event['creation_timestamp'];\n event['client'] = map['client']\"\n timeout_id => \"visitor\"\n timeout => 900\n periodic_flush => true\n timestamp_field => \"timestamp\"\n timestamp_key => \"path\"\n track_times => true\n }\n }\n\n\tmutate {\n remove_field => [\"path\", \"timestamp\"]\n }\n }\n\n if [type] == \"timing\" {\n json {\n source => \"message\"\n add_field => { \"file_path\" => \"%{path}\"}\n }\n\n date {\n locale => \"en\"\n match => [\"timestamp\", \"ISO8601\"]\n timezone => \"UTC\"\n target => \"@timestamp\"\n add_field => { \"debug\" => \"timestampMatched\"}\n }\n\n\n mutate {\n remove_field => [\"timestamp\" ]\n }\n }\n}\n\noutput {\n\n # ---------------- NOT NEEDED ----------------\n #if [type] == \"timing\" {\n #\n # file {\n # path => \"/output/timing.log\"\n # }\n #\n # stdout { codec => rubydebug }\n #\n # elasticsearch {\n # host => \"\"\n # cluster => \"logstash\"\n # index => \"timing-%{client}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}\"\n # template => \"/opt/logstash/templates/timing.json\"\n # template_name => \"timing\"\n # manage_template => true\n # }\n #}\n\n #if [type] == \"application\" {\n # file {\n # path => \"/output/application.log\"\n # }\n # stdout { codec => rubydebug }\n #\n # elasticsearch {\n # host => \"\"\n # cluster => \"logstash\"\n #\n # index => \"application-%{client}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}\"\n # template => \"/opt/logstash/templates/application.json\"\n # template_name => \"application\"\n # manage_template => true\n # }\n #}\n # ---------------- NOT NEEDED ----------------\n\n if [type] == \"sync\" {\n #stdout { codec => rubydebug }\n elasticsearch {\n hosts => [\"localhost:9202\"]\n index => \"sync-%{client}-%{+YYYY.ww}\"\n template => \"/opt/logstash/templates/sync.json\"\n template_name => \"sync\"\n manage_template => true\n user => \"reporting_admin\"\n password => \"Sc8gcqqmNikRP3C4i7KDAVTc\"\n }\n }\n\n if [type] =~ \"^events.*\" {\n #stdout { codec => rubydebug }\n if \"_jsonparsefailure\" in [tags] {\n file {\n path => \"/opt/logstash/output/events-%{client}-%{+YYYY.ww}_failed_json.log\" \n }\n } else {\n if [eventType] in [\"CONTENT_PLAYBACK\", \"PAGE_VIEW\", \"SESSION\", \"CONTENT_CLICKED\", \"WATCH_CONTENT_CLICKED\", \"AD_IMPRESSION\", \"VAST_IMPRESSION\", \"VAST_START\", \"VAST_FIRSTQUARTILE\", \"VAST_MIDPOINT\", \"VAST_THIRDQUARTILE\", \"VAST_COMPLETE\", \"GAME_CLICKED\", \"MAGAZINE_CLICKED\", \"READ_MAGAZINE_CLICKED\", \"PLAY_NOW_GAME_CLICKED\", \"CONTENT_PLAYBACK_ERROR\", \"LICENSE_UNAVAILABLE_POPUP_SHOWN\", \"SKE_ENTITLEMENT_ERROR\", \"DRM_POPUP_SHOWN\", \"SKE_ENTITLEMENT_SUCCESS\", \"WATCH_TRAILER_CLICKED\"] {\n elasticsearch {\n hosts => [\"localhost:9202\"]\n index => \"events-%{client}-%{+YYYY.ww}\n template => \"/opt/logstash/templates/events.json\"\n template_name => \"events\"\n manage_template => true\n user => \"reporting_admin\"\n password => \"Sc8gcqqmNikRP3C4i7KDAVTc\"\n }\n } else {\n elasticsearch {\n hosts => [\"localhost:9202\"]\n index => \"unknown-events-%{client}-%{+YYYY.ww}\"\n template => \"/opt/logstash/templates/events.json\"\n template_name => \"events\"\n manage_template => true\n user => \"reporting_admin\"\n password => \"Sc8gcqqmNikRP3C4i7KDAVTc\"\n }\n } \n }\n }\n}\n\n\n", :reason=>"Expected one of #, {, } at line 512, column 34 (byte 17499) after output {\n\n # ---------------- NOT NEEDED ----------------\n #if [type] == \"timing\" {\n #\n # file {\n # path => \"/output/timing.log\"\n # }\n #\n # stdout { codec => rubydebug }\n #\n # elasticsearch {\n # host => \"\"\n # cluster => \"logstash\"\n # index => \"timing-%{client}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}\"\n # template => \"/opt/logstash/templates/timing.json\"\n # template_name => \"timing\"\n # manage_template => true\n # }\n #}\n\n #if [type] == \"application\" {\n # file {\n # path => \"/output/application.log\"\n # }\n # stdout { codec => rubydebug }\n #\n # elasticsearch {\n # host => \"\"\n # cluster => \"logstash\"\n #\n # index => \"application-%{client}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}\"\n # template => \"/opt/logstash/templates/application.json\"\n # template_name => \"application\"\n # manage_template => true\n # }\n #}\n # ---------------- NOT NEEDED ----------------\n\n if [type] == \"sync\" {\n #stdout { codec => rubydebug }\n elasticsearch {\n hosts => [\"localhost:9202\"]\n index => \"sync-%{client}-%{+YYYY.ww}\"\n template => \"/opt/logstash/templates/sync.json\"\n template_name => \"sync\"\n manage_template => true\n user => \"reporting_admin\"\n password => \"Sc8gcqqmNikRP3C4i7KDAVTc\"\n }\n }\n\n if [type] =~ \"^events.*\" {\n #stdout { codec => rubydebug }\n if \"_jsonparsefailure\" in [tags] {\n file {\n path => \"/opt/logstash/output/events-%{client}-%{+YYYY.ww}_failed_json.log\" \n }\n } else {\n if [eventType] in [\"CONTENT_PLAYBACK\", \"PAGE_VIEW\", \"SESSION\", \"CONTENT_CLICKED\", \"WATCH_CONTENT_CLICKED\", \"AD_IMPRESSION\", \"VAST_IMPRESSION\", \"VAST_START\", \"VAST_FIRSTQUARTILE\", \"VAST_MIDPOINT\", \"VAST_THIRDQUARTILE\", \"VAST_COMPLETE\", \"GAME_CLICKED\", \"MAGAZINE_CLICKED\", \"READ_MAGAZINE_CLICKED\", \"PLAY_NOW_GAME_CLICKED\", \"CONTENT_PLAYBACK_ERROR\", \"LICENSE_UNAVAILABLE_POPUP_SHOWN\", \"SKE_ENTITLEMENT_ERROR\", \"DRM_POPUP_SHOWN\", \"SKE_ENTITLEMENT_SUCCESS\", \"WATCH_TRAILER_CLICKED\"] {\n elasticsearch {\n hosts => [\"localhost:9202\"]\n index => \"events-%{client}-%{+YYYY.ww}\n template => \"", :level=>:error}
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