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C Robert G

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Jan 18th, 2020
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  1. The Jewish community reveals their selves every time someone major speaks out. Every time those people get attacked by Jews right afterwards, often into silence and retracted statements, needs to be documented. It happened with Yang. I personally think he is an actor of sorts with strategy. He is 100% cognizant that he can out himself as anti-circumcision when he's relatively unknown, then retract, and come out as pro-circ. I think he says the positive Bullshit about circumcision with strategic intent, and I don't think he's happy about having to do that to have a shot at presidency. Ilhan Omar criticised Israeli influence in the USA and she's still being attacked. California tried to ban it and a lot of blatant attacks from the Jewish community came to the front of the scene plus some more subversive and illusive ones. Germany banned circumcision in 2012 and had to recind that law. Denmark banned it, and I doubt anyone knows. The ADL threatened Iceland, was it? They threatened them by force of disinformation. If all this information of as many times as this type of thing has happened was curated and pushed into the brains of Americans forcibly, things would change. Problem is, near every media outlet is either Jewish or is scared to have a solid stance that solidifies them as a sort of altruistic harm reducing entity that is easily mislabled by those in power to control thought on a mass scale. It's an obvious atrocity, but an atrocity that will not hit the news without snarky women and in-denial or malicious men making it out to be a non-issue and the complaintants out to be ridiculous. You can go look at any anti-circumcision video and note that it didn't do incredible numbers. Do you wonder why that is? The YouTube algorithm seems to be similar to the news narrative a lot of the time. News and Youtube both show people's negative actions and also what they think people will like to see, often next to each other both in suggested videos and in order of news segments. They don't show, or possibly even know, what things need to be pushed into people's faces, what content needs to be seen even if people virulently do not want to see it or accept it.
  3. If we could get YouTube to blast foreskin restoration videos to every American's YouTube homepage recommendations, then we'd see change. Those videos all have a small number of views, generally, and in perspective to some things that get millions upon millions on that site. Draw people's attention to the absolutely insane inattention to reality they have all been suspended in. There's factual videos on YouTube that would blow people's mind and get no views. There's plenty of facts everyone in here knows that could easily be posted in every news website you know about, even the Onion. Think objective fact in The New York Times about how the war on HIV in the USA, Africa, and now China, has always been a delusional farce at the very same time that the Onion posts an article titled something like "53 Year Old American Man Is Still Stupid Enough To Believe Having Part Of His Dick Cut Off Is A Good Thing."
  5. It would take the giants in the media sphere stopping their complacency and complicit ignorance or malice, or at least some of them. Those some of them would have to be taking shots, having stark call-outs of everyone staying quiet. This is objectively wrong. It's systematic violence at it's very most and widespread peak.
  7. It's hard to tell who is scared and who is too weak and who is complicit and who is malicious when it comes to this issue. Companies, people, news outlets, websites, near everyone is too chicken shit to take a stand. You've been talking about it already. The way those who speak out are inundated with hatred and ignorance, some meet violence. Some meet targeting.
  9. We all know about Jonathan Conte. Interesting how that story really doesn't make the news, mostly just makes the Twitter timelime and the blog post. You, I, many have probably seen people and whole organizations disappear like they were never there until you really, really go down the rabbit hole of search engine, internet page, archival black hole of the internet.
  11. I gaurantee there's been silencing and abuse toward near everyone in this group. You can hear me out when I tell you that it's gauranteed that there's been hits, murders, assassinations, coercions, and silencing of those acts committed against many we haven't heard from.
  13. The vilification of men by our government, media, feminists, cops, everyone is a strong indication that they know they can't keep everyone quiet. It's a strong indicator that someone, or some group, has met and coordinated tactics that are sinister. That, paired with the fact that the genital mutilating war in Africa has not slowed HIV even a bit, and the ineffectual, harmful, bombing, murderous, fraudulent war in Iraq that started the same year are solid evidence to me that someone knows they have to drive a subversive message along with the blatant one. The subversive message being peddled is, "Men are complete shit. They are abusers, rapists, and their only emotion is anger. They are not smart enough to control their selves or understand consent. There for, men deserve this harm." Don't believe me? Search "men are" on any and every search engine and web site. You'll notice a common theme, and don't let you catch yourself dismissing it as a joke.
  15. What if everyone were to have the idea that the *at least* 140 million dollars spent with the purpose of cutting men's (people's) genitalia in Africa would have been better used to develop medication and treatment of HIV particularly considering the HIV rate in Africa has not gone down even a little bit? What if it was smashed right into their eyes and ears that someone who created an OS that spies on you and then he spends 100 million on genital cutting might be a total piece of shit even if he's spoken well and is considered respectable? What if people were made critically aware of how the sexually transmitted HIV rate in China is now exploding just about 10 years after a kind, health oriented, Chinaman created a device not much different than already invented devices? In fact, the general concept is said to be from the 1930's... and It's probably older than that. What if they knew this particular device requires a combination of "special tools" to remove after being placed. Would it sit right with them if they knew these devices were essentially locked with a particular key to men's genitalia? Of course. But that information is not being distributed. It is the opposite that is happening. Anyone and everyone on the wrong side of this issue wants to obfuscate that information. They want to throw dirt on the name of the people that spread that information. They are people defending and committing genital cutting. You better believe they will silence by most any means they can get away with.
  17. There is a certain point in which truthful, honest, logical, and obviously valid information not hitting the public eye is violence particularly when a heinous form of violence like this is continuously being perpetuated due to people's ignorance and their blatant misdirection. The people have been brain washed, they have been tricked. They have been so fooled that admitting they were fooled would be too shameful for them, but they need to know that remaining complacent is far more shameful.
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