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Catachan strength

a guest
Feb 22nd, 2021
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  1. We weren't going to make it, I could tell, the thick slabs of metal moving closer and closer together as I watched
  3. Abruptly their progress halted, and I caught a glimpse of the two Catachan troopers straining to keep them apart, their overdeveloped muscles bulging with the effort. No ordinary men could have managed it, but the natives of that hellish jungle world are made of unusually stern stuff, and to my delighted astonishment they seemed to be prevailing. Faces contorted with stress, they shouted encouragement as our battered quartet neared safety at last.
  4. ...
  5. Among the strongest specimens of humanity they may have been, but even their mighty muscles couldn't tolerate the strain of keeping that heavy portal open for long.
  7. Death or Glory pg. 36
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