
Homeless Sunset (Anon/Shimmer)

Nov 12th, 2014
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  1. >Your alarm hardly has a chance to ring before you snooze it
  2. >It was 5AM on a Saturday
  3. >Pulling on your sweats you go over a mental checklist
  4. "Showered, brushed teeth, clothes, phone, wallet and key."
  5. >That was everything you needed and it only took you about 30 minutes, beats your old record at the academy
  6. >Jogging hadn't been one of your interest before
  7. >Even now, making your way down the street you wonder why
  8. >Why wake up this early on a Saturday?
  9. >Most people are still in bed, why aren't you?
  10. >But no matter how often you ask these questions to yourself the answer is always the same
  11. >And there she was
  13. >Only a good 10 minute jog away from home and all your questions are put to rest
  14. >In that time you are able to look over and evaluate your week
  15. >Machine steals your money, stressful work days and so on
  16. >But as she comes into view, her smile wipes these thoughts from your mind and her greetings make the week worth it
  17. >"Hi Anon."
  18. >Sitting on a bench before you was the homeless Sunset Shimmer
  19. >She was always here on Saturday mornings but disappears during later hours of the day as well as the rest of the week
  20. "Hey Sunset, fancy meeting you here."
  21. >She chuckles and rolls her eyes
  22. >Every Conversation you have here is generally the same
  23. >You greet each other
  24. >You feign ignorance
  25. >Idle chatter ensues
  26. >You offer her breakfast
  27. >She declines
  28. >You bring her some anyway
  29. >"Oh that sucks, I stopped trusting those after the one in my high school malfunctioned. Trixie never did get her peanut butter crackers."
  30. >Looking at your phone you check the time
  31. "It's getting close to 7, how about we go grab some breakfast?"
  32. >As usual she gave you a hesitant look thinking it over to herself
  33. >Expecting the usual answer you had already stood up and turned to walk
  34. >"S-Sure"
  35. >Turning towards her you grin
  36. "Well Come on then, I know just the place."
  38. >The small bell sounds your arrival to the restaurant
  39. >Being early on a Saturday there were few people aside you and Sunset, meaning few people and fast service
  40. >When it came time to order Sunset was still very hesitant and even when she did order it was very little
  41. "We will also have a french toast platter as well as 2 plates of eggs,bacon and 2 pancakes."
  42. >You say this looking less at the waitress and more towards Sunset who stared back at you in disbelief
  43. >"But Why?"
  44. >She made a good point but you already had had an answer
  45. "Because I wanted to, why wouldn't I?"
  46. >She is about to object but you cut her off with a chuckle
  47. "Don't answer that."
  48. >Even while the platter sits on the table she refuses to eat more than she originally ordered
  49. >Pretending to be distressed you drop your fork onto your plate lean back in your chair and place your forearm over your forehead
  50. "I think I may have ordered to much there is no way I could possibly eat all of this by myself, what ever shall I do?"
  51. >Sunsets smile returned and with a sigh she reaches for one of the french toast sticks
  52. >"Fine"
  53. >She finally begins eating a decent amount as the conversing between you two ceases
  54. >There is only silence, save the overhead radio giving a forecast
  55. >The only part of the forecast you had caught had been something about rain tonight
  56. >You look over to sunset who returns your gaze, before you speak she raises her finger and speaks
  57. >"Don't worry about it, I'll be fine."
  58. >The look on your face must give away that you aren't quite sold on that
  59. >She tries to suppress a laugh as her heart warming smile spreads across her face
  60. >"It's sweet of you to worry anon but really, I will be fine."
  61. >Maybe you are worrying to much, she has gone this long without help anyway
  62. >But it still bothers you
  63. "Fine."
  64. >Checking your phone you see it's just half pass 8, there is still plenty of daylight to burn
  65. "Say, up to go to the park?"
  66. >You begin to pat your stomach
  67. "We have to burn this all off somehow."
  68. >You swear you saw the smile falter for just a tenth of a second but before you could say anything Sunset stammered over her words
  69. >"Sounds, Sounds like fun."
  70. >The walk to the park was fairly quiet, you didn't travel around this part of town much anymore
  71. >The buildings were in fair conditions but nothing like the rest of the city
  72. >Finally arriving to the park you take an exaggerated breathe
  73. "Haven't been here since I was a kid!"
  74. >Looking around you rush over to the swing set, specifically the second from the left which had been your favorite when you were younger
  75. >Tugging on the chains supporting the seat you grin at sunset who stares back at you amused
  76. "Come on, you know you want to."
  77. >She hesitantly sits in the chair, gripping the chains much tighter than necessary while staring at the ground
  78. "Something the matter?"
  79. >She quickly turns and looks to you
  80. >"Oh it's nothing, I've just never done this before."
  81. >Your expression must of thrown her off because she gripped the chains even tighter than before
  82. "Never? What about when you were younger, you never had someone push you on the swing?"
  83. >she slowly looked away from you and returned her gaze to the ground beneath her
  84. >"I-I was alone for most of my life."
  85. >Her voice gave away exactly how she felt about this subject
  86. >Sunsets past wasn't something you two spoke about, you always thought if she wanted to tell you she would when she felt comfortable
  87. >This was a side of Sunset you never thought you would see
  88. >Whenever you thought of Sunset Shimmer you thought of a girl who could smile in even the worst conditions, but that isn't what sits before you
  89. >Wrapping your arms around Sunset you speak softly
  90. "Well you don't have to worry about being alone anymore, I'll always be here."
  91. >You couldn't help but feel cliche and you slightly hoped she had not actually heard you
  92. >but she turned around and looked you in the eyes, the smile had returned to her face and she returned your embrace
  93. >Her warmth was absolutely intoxicating, you could only wish to remain in that hug for eternity
  94. >Sadly it only lasted about one full minute
  95. >As you explain the basics to Sunset you give her a few pushes and within minutes she has got it down
  96. >Her new found smile was even more awe inspiring than her last, and you couldn't help but feel proud of yourself as you watch her swing
  97. >Today had to have been the best day of your life
  99. >Sitting on the couch in your living room you think back to the events of this evening
  100. >It had been the most fun you've had as far as you can remember
  101. >Sure it was childish and you would of looked and felt foolish enjoying those activities by yourself
  102. >But that was just it, you weren't by yourself
  103. >For the last few years you had yourself convinced that you didn't need anyone
  104. >But as Sunset entered your life, you found yourself enjoying life so much more
  105. >Time had got away from you while with Sunset
  106. >Normally you only spend an hour or two with her but today you were together for nearly twelve stopping for breakfast and lunch
  107. >Today was a slight change to the norm, even though you preferred to have a routine the surprising amount of time you had together was kind of nice
  108. >Though the thought of her in tears were still fresh in your mind
  109. >You couldn't help but wonder what happened to her friends or if she had any
  110. >Leaning back in your seat you sigh trying to relax,
  111. "Of course she did."
  112. >But what about her family she had to have those, if not what happened to them?
  113. >You're focusing to much on the negative now, what about the good things that happened today
  114. >An easy start would be that she finally accepted breakfast and generally enjoyed it
  115. >After the syrup from the toast sticks had gotten on her fingers she'd innocently lick them clean
  116. >Oh how you tried and failed to keep your mind out of the gutter
  117. >Though it wasn't as effective as she had hoped, she eventually picked up her fork and attempted to spear the sticks, only to become even more annoyed as she felt the sticky residue was now on the fork as well
  118. >It was funny but also adorable in a way
  119. >Switching on the television you mindlessly flip through channels but unable to find anything that seems interesting
  120. >Finally you settle on the news
  121. >The casters were joking around as usual which was one of the reasons you hardly watched the news
  122. >"Well I'd hate to be stuck out there right now."
  124. >You felt your heart drop as the alert for a Flash Flood Watch scrolled across the screen
  125. >Turning your head you finally acknowledge the rain hitting your window
  126. "Doesn't look like it is going to let up anytime soon."
  127. >The flash of lightning combined with the roar of thunder startled you causing you to drop the remote, it was close
  128. >Sunset really didn't want or need you worrying about her, regardless of that you did
  129. >Winter was just beginning and even though it wasn't snowing yet it was still cold
  130. >That tattered jacket she had wouldn't protect her from the freezing temperatures she would be dealing with
  131. >It was then that you made up your mind, She had to stay with you even if only for tonight. You just couldn't bear leaving her out there tonight
  132. >Grabbing your car keys and stepping out the door you are immediately hit by a breeze that chills you to the bone
  133. >It had become much colder than this morning, this only increased the rush you felt in needing to find Sunset
  134. >Finally on the road you can't help but wonder how you are going to find her, you usually only ever see her in the mornings on Saturdays
  135. >Maybe she's at the bench, it is where you see her most of the time
  136. "Nope."
  137. >You decide to try the other places you visited with her today, next on the list was the breakfast joint
  138. "Not here either."
  139. >The park?
  140. "Surely she has to be out here somewhere."
  141. >You feel your heart start racing upon the thought that you may not find her
  142. >You never actually see her aside the Saturday mornings
  143. >Though that didn't mean you wouldn't find her tonight
  144. "There is a first for everything... r-right?"
  145. >The next few hours are filled with you driving to the places you visited and then aimlessly, even after the rain subsides
  148. >...Apparently there wasn't a first for everything.
  150. >When you open the door to your home you hear your alarm clock
  151. "Was I really gone that long?"
  152. >You had been searching all night yet you never found her
  153. >Trudging to your bed thoughts of what could of happened to her flood your mind
  154. >Turning off the alarm you lay in bed, more frustrated with yourself than anything
  155. "Just yesterday I told her that I'd be there for her, so much for that."
  156. >You had to catch up on your sleep, you had to work on Monday
  158. >At the end of the street you could see Sunset Shimmer sitting against a building
  159. >Even from here you could hear her sobbing
  160. >You try to call out to her but you make no sound
  161. >No matter how loud you try to speak or what you try to say you are unable to produce a sound
  162. >Walking towards her you move slowly as to not startle her, finally by her side you kneel and reach for her
  163. >But you never make contact, No matter how close you are you never actually touch her
  164. >You are only able to sit and observe the sobbing Sunset
  165. >Eventually she looks up to you and chokes out a sentence between her sobs
  166. >"Where were you Anon? I needed you, why didn't you come?"
  167. >The tone in her voice was absolutely heartbreaking
  168. >And even as much as you wanted to say something you couldn't
  169. >She watched your hand as you once again reach for her but then looks back to you while shaking her head
  170. >"I thought you actually cared."
  171. >With these words everything began fading to black
  172. "But I do c-!"
  174. >Immediately sitting up upon awakening you stop yourself from shouting mid sentence
  175. >It was still Sunday and only 2 PM, it was going to be a long week
  176. >And a long week it was
  177. >The following week was actually slightly different from the normal and rather inconvenient pattern that they usually had
  178. >Work was slow as usual but that came with being an assistant manager at a convenience store, but today was rather relaxing
  179. >You didn't waste your money on the machine this week, even you could learn from a mistake
  180. >You couldn't wait to tell Sunset about the actually decent week you had
  181. >Then you remember Saturday night, during your Monday through Friday morning jogs you hadn't seen her but that was normal
  182. >The weather was only getting colder and it would start snowing within a few weeks if not days
  184. >Your alarm didn't have a chance to ring even once before you hit snooze and practically raced to prepare for your jog, it only took five minutes tops
  185. >It was finally Saturday again and you had to reassure yourself of her well being
  186. >your 'jog' was less of a jog and more of a full force sprint and you had ran as if your, or more specifically her life was on the line
  187. >Sure enough as the bench came into view
  188. >So did Sunset Shimmer
  189. >"Morning Anon!"
  191. >She gave you a smile and waved as you approached
  192. "Where were you!?"
  193. >The tone in your voice was sharper than you intended and Sunsets smile immediately vanished
  194. >"W-what do you mean?"
  195. >You sit next to her and sigh, trying to keep yourself from yelling once more
  196. "Where were you last Saturday? I spent that whole night searching for you."
  197. >She breaks eye contact with you and fiddles with her fingers
  198. >"Come on Anon, I told you I'd be fine."
  199. "I tried to not worry about you but look at the weather, I'm not sure if or how you dealt with the winter before but staying out in weather much colder than this could kill you."
  200. >You remember what you asked her seconds ago, she is trying to dodge the question
  201. "So? Where were you that Saturday?"
  202. >"I was at the park sleeping."
  203. >You raise an eyebrow
  204. "I passed the park, no one was there."
  205. >"Yeah... I wasn't in plain sight."
  206. "Then where?"
  207. >She hangs her head sheepishly
  208. >"Do you know that dumpster near the-"
  209. >You could feel your levels of worry rising
  210. "You mean to tell me that you slept in a dumpster?"
  211. >A near minute of silence tells you she had nothing to say
  212. >Wrapping your arm around her you could feel just how cold she actually was, physically shivering
  213. >you couldn't stand this any longer. She couldn't stay on the streets anymore you just had to ask
  214. "Sunset, why don't you stay with me? We have known each other for nearly five months and I-"
  215. >You couldn't tell her how you felt now, you just asked her to stay with you
  216. "I think that everyone deserves second chances."
  217. >She still refused to look at you but the way she choked on her next words gives you an idea of how she was feeling
  218. >"W-Why are you doing this?"
  219. >You smirk and pull Sunset into a hug already knowing the answer
  221. "Because I wanted to, why wouldn't I?
  223. >She doesn't answer but you assume she wants to, it only took her four months to accept breakfast
  224. "Come on, lets go get something to eat and some clothes for you to wear, you've worn those same rags long enough."
  225. >She still does not speak but there is no resistance as you pull her up start walking and not to long later you're both home
  226. >It wasn't to bad, there were two floors and bathrooms as well as three bedrooms though you used one for storage and one as a guest room
  227. >needless to say you never had a guest, but now someone would be able to occupy it
  228. "Why don't you go take a bath and change clothes, I'll run the water. It'll be a great chance for you to finally relax."
  230. ----
  231. >Anon was right, Just soaking in helped you ease your nerves
  232. >You could finally think without being paranoid that you were in constant danger or when you would have your next meal or even if you would wake up to see tomorrow
  233. >But one thing that never left your mind was Canterlot high
  234. >Most of the students at Canterlot High never seemed to forget the fall formal incident
  235. >Sure you had five friends that seemed to be over it but they would constantly let it slip into a majority of the conversations you had been a part of
  236. >You really began to believe they were only your friends because Twilight told them to, who also didn't put in much effort
  237. >When she did return to help with the sirens she had been really hesitant to even look at you
  238. >The only times you two had spoken during that whole ordeal had been when you practically confronted her. Even though you two had a few things in common you never really clicked
  239. >Sure you had been an awful person before but it hurt to know that no one who knew would give you an actual chance
  241. >Cleaned dried and dressed you look around the guest-
  242. >You look around 'your' room, Still unable to believe Anon would do this for you
  243. >The room had a bookshelf a small dresser and a bed, which had caught your eye
  244. >How long had it been since you slept in a bed?
  245. >Turning you catch anon just as he gets to your door, holding two mugs
  246. >"I know it's pretty early in the season but I thought I'd make some hot chocolate as a welcome home gift."
  247. >You managed to smile and even as weak as it was it was more than you'd done since you arrived
  248. >You were nervous and afraid that if you said something Anon would probably throw you out
  249. >But he wouldn't do that to a friend would he? He also doesn't know much more about you than you do him
  250. >Lost in thought you raise the mug to your lips
  251. >You felt silly having burned your tongue immediately and being basically unable to taste the hot chocolate for the next moment
  252. >But it was nice to be able to share a laugh with Anon over it
  254. >"You know, Twilight is going back to Equestria soon."
  255. >Placing her hand on her hip Rainbow gives you a reassuring look
  256. >"The Rainbooms could really use someone to help Fluttershy on backup vocals."
  257. >Everything was going so well,You would finally spend time having fun with your friends without someone bringing out something from the past
  258. >The first practice went amazingly, the girls were finally not only talking to you but also including you in activities
  259. >The music sounded amazing and you finally felt accepted by the girls, you finally felt you had a place in this world
  260. >What could possibly go wrong?
  261. >...
  262. >What didn't go wrong?
  264. >Rainbow said it herself some time ago, the Rainbooms were only put together to perform at the musical showcase that became a battle after the fact
  265. >There were no real plans to keep this group together beforehand, but that didn't stop you from coming to practice every week
  266. >Everyone else had other plans, life getting in each of their way in one way or another they would come to practice less and less over time until not at all..
  267. >It began with Rarity, who had hit a big break with her fashion career
  268. >"I just got a commission from Sapph the performer!"
  269. >Then AJ who had to help at home with the farm
  270. >"Winter'll be here before y'all know it."
  271. >Dash was still head of all the sports teams and had to keep up with practice
  272. >"Otherwise the team will get lazy without me."
  273. >Even Pinkie was busy for the upcoming holiday
  274. >"It's going to be Pumpkin n Pounds' first, I have to make it the best!"
  275. >The last practice had been just you and Fluttershy
  276. >Who left to attend to the shelter, so it was only you..
  277. >No one was around as you crumbled against the wall into a sitting position
  278. "Things are going to be just like before."
  279. >Even after you started practicing with them the only real change is that they included you more in band. They also talked with you more...
  280. >About the band...
  281. "I don't belong here.."
  282. >But now, no one was around
  283. >No one would see the tears
  284. >No one would hear you Sobbing
  285. >And what hurt the most
  286. "Even if someone did see they wouldn't care.."
  287. ----
  288. >The sunlight peeking through your window stirs you from your sleep
  289. >Glancing at the scenery behind the window you feel as great as the day looked
  290. >The last week had been an absolute nightmare but the ending was absolutely worth it
  291. >Just down the hall was Sunset Shimmer
  292. >You could hardly believe it yourself, you couldn't help but check on her
  293. >Less for her well being and more for your sanity
  294. "She is actually here, I wasn't just dreaming."
  295. >You say to yourself more as a statement than a question
  296. >Walking through the hall you are careful not to step on the loose plank that would creak otherwise
  297. >Standing at the door you couldn't help but be nervous
  298. >Placing yoru hand on the doorknob
  299. >Taking a deep breath and counting to yourself
  301. "One..."
  303. "Two.."
  305. "Three"
  307. >You turn the handle and push the door open
  309. >You were relieved to see her still asleep
  310. >As you paced closer to her you noticed that she was muttering something to herself
  311. >But before you're able to make it out you also notice the tears staining her face
  312. >"...even someone did see me, they wouldn't care."
  313. >The words from two weeks ago immediately come to mind
  314. >"I-I was alone for most of my life."
  316. >The idea hit you like a truck, although a truck wouldn't leave you with a smile
  317. >Your Uncles owned the Canterlot Carnival and it would be opening today and for the rest of the week
  318. ---
  319. >Waking and disoriented you nearly panic until you remember last night and recognize the room
  320. >'Your Room', it would be a while before you were completely use to that
  321. >There was a note on your bedside, unfolding it you read it aloud to yourself
  322. "Gone out, if you get hungry help yourself to anything in the fridge."
  323. >Walking through the house was rather unsettling, it was so quiet
  324. >You still couldn't understand how Anon had preferred to live on his own
  325. >Lead by your stomach you stumble into the kitchen
  326. >The note said to help yourself but that didn't stop you from feeling guilty
  327. >Sifting through the fridge you were surprised to find that it was absolutely stocked; milk, orange juice, eggs though most people keep them in cartons
  328. >Grabbing a few you decide to start making breakfast
  329. ---
  330. >You got the tickets much easier than you expected
  331. >"Two tickets you say, why would you need two tickets?"
  332. >Was it not obvious?
  333. "I'm taking a friend a friend, what do you think."
  334. >"Well Flim,"
  335. >"Yes Flam?"
  336. >"Looks like Nonny boy here has himself a date, are you thinking what I am?"
  337. >"I sure am!"
  338. >looking to each other they nod and present you with the two tickets
  339. "Uh, thanks..
  340. >You wait for the catch...
  341. >... but it never came
  342. >Turning to leave you are stopped upon reaching the door by the voices behind you
  343. >Guess you spoke to soon
  344. >"Hey Anon.."
  345. >Something was off, they didn't sound as upbeat or enthusiastic as usual
  346. >Turning back you see their expression had become more serious if not upset
  347. >"Were going to see your father next week. Would you like to.. tag along?"
  348. >You hadn't stopped by your fathers for a couple years now, you planned to but something in one form or another would always come up
  349. "I'll think about it, I'm kind of busy right now
  351. >Opening the door the aroma of food made its way to you immediately
  352. >Someone was cooking and you had a pretty good idea as to who
  353. >Holding the tickets behind your back you walk into the kitchen
  354. "Hey Sunset..."
  356. "You've never been to one before?"
  357. >She shrugs
  358. >"Even when I was in school I spent most of my time studying."
  359. "Well your in for quite a surprise
  360. >Walking passed the the admission gates you look over to Sunny awaiting her reaction
  361. >Her eyes light up upon seeing the assortment of lights, booths, games, and rides
  362. >Your slightly caught off guard as you feel her hand grip yours
  363. >before you know it you were being dragged around the park
  364. >She was so ecstatic about everything her smile finally making a reappearance, it was hard to tell whether your heart was beating because of the running or how adorable she looked
  365. >Stopping at one stall in particular something catches Sunsets attention
  366. >Or someone...
  367. >"Pinkie Pie?"
  368. >The person in question turns before gasping and pulling out her phone
  369. >"Sunset! We've been looking all over for you, how have you been?"
  370. >"He-"
  371. >Before she could say a word
  372. >"The girls are all around here somewhere-"
  373. >You tune her out, but could still slightly hear her going...
  374. >and going...
  375. >...and going
  376. >It was a good five minutes before you two were on your way
  377. >You even won a small bracelet at the booth
  378. >Though Jewelry wasn't really your thing so you gave it to Sunset, at least she seemed to like it
  379. >Then came the moment that you hadn't thought of
  381. >Sunset had caught a glimpse of the Ferris wheel, and that's where you two were headed
  382. >On the way there you happen to see Your Uncles, both failing to hide a shit eating grin
  383. >Strapped into the seat it would only be seconds before you faced one of your few fears
  385. >Heights
  387. >looking over you see Sunny intentionally watching the night sky. She still hadn't released your hand in fact, your fingers were now laced together
  388. >She seemed rather disappointed
  389. "Whats on your mind?"
  390. >She sighs
  391. >"The one thing I don't like about living in the city is that you can't see the stars."
  392. >She was right, but if you knew anything about Ferris wheels other than your fear of heights...
  393. >You give her hand a squeeze pulling her attention
  394. "Well we might not have stars but I'll do you one better."
  395. >It pulls a questioning glance out of Sunset but before she can ask anything
  396. "Trust me."
  398. >The ride began to move and you could feel your heart drop immediately
  399. >It was rather slow but as it went on, more and more of the carnival came into view
  400. >You could see everything, everyone including Pinkie accompanied by four other girls all of them waving to you or rather to Sunset
  401. >Looking around you notice you are the only two on the ride
  402. >As you two near the top you nudge Sunset who is still looking over only the carnival
  403. >You point out towards the city, each of the bright lights standing out in the darkness
  404. >Her smile was even larger than it had been that Saturday
  405. >"Wow~"
  406. >Your attention is pulled away as the ride stops, your fears quickly making itself known
  407. >Glancing down you see your at the top of the wheel
  408. >At the bottom your grinning Uncles are both giving you a thumbs up
  409. >Turning back to Sunset your eyes meet
  410. >The distance between you two closes as do your eyes
  412. >Your lips finally meet
  415. >You hope the ride never ends
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