
Lotte and Sucy Shenanigans

Jul 9th, 2017
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  1. Lotte and Akko sat by a rather large window to the outside of Luna Nova. The rain splattering against the glass as another typical English spring day ticked away second by second. Though the school year had certainly gotten a lot more exciting after Akko and Diana saved "That Country" from complete annihilation. As time rolled on that excitement slowly dissipated back to the tedium of classes and lesson plans. True, it is what they had originally came here for. But clearly everyone needed an injection of fun into their lives before they all died from boredom.
  3. Suppressing a small yawn, Akko said, "Ah, this is lame. I just wanted to go flying but this stupid rain keeps ruining my day." Akko hadn't even been able to really fly until a month ago and now she tried to spend every waking moment on a broom. Lotte nodded in agreement.
  4. "I know. I really was hoping to go into town. They just released a new collectors edition of Night Fall Volumes 35-68. It has a cool leather cover and gold binding." Akko pressed her face against the glass. Slowly her face slid downwards against the pain as she groaned.
  5. "Why doesn't the rain stop? I'm soo bored." Lotte looked at Akko. Despite all the growing as a person she had done she was still the same Akko that begged her for a ride all those months ago.
  6. "It's ok Akko. The rain will end soon enough. Besides, it's not like you can do anything to get rid of it." Akko perked up as if she were struck by a lightning bolt. Her face filled with a contemplative look. Lotte knew exactly what Akko was thinking and she didn't like it. "Akko, no, I didn't-"
  7. "But what if I can do something about the rain?!" shouted Akko. "After all, I'm a witch. I'm sure that somewhere there is a spell that will let me vanquish this loser rain from spoiling my day." Akko leapt up and began running down the hall at breakneck speeds.
  8. "Akko, where are you going?"
  9. "To the Library. I'll catch up with you when I find a way to get rid of the rain. Don't worry Lotte. You'll get your Night Fall book. I promise you" She said other things but they she was too far away to hear them at that point. Lotte looked back out the window at the rain which had intensified.
  10. "Oh Akko....."
  11. Lotte went back to their room. Content with re-reading one of her favorite Night Fall volumes and waiting out the rain. As she opened the door a loud crash filled the room. She looked down to see a large, metal pale lying on the ground at her feet.
  12. "Aw man, it didn't work" Said Sucy who was sitting on her bed. Lotte looked at her confused.
  13. "What didn't work?"
  14. "The bucket. It was supposed to land on your head. Well, technically Akko's head but beggars can't be choosers." Sucy stood up and examined the bucket. "I can never seem to get this one to work. Oh well. Better luck next time I guess". Lotte watched Sucy fidget with bucket before grabbing a volume of Night Fall from a shelf. As she opened it's pages she glimpsed back at Sucy who was now pouring glue into the bucket with her usual toothy grin. Sucy went back to her book but for some reason couldn't stop watching Sucy and her strange actions. Eventually Lotte closed her book and spoke up.
  15. "Hey Sucy, what are you doing?"
  16. "hmm, oh not much. Just thought I'd try the bucket with glue this time instead of water. That way Akko will have an even harder time getting it off her head." She said with a slight chuckle.
  17. "That sounds kind of mean, Sucy."
  18. "I suppose if I do it right, then yes."
  19. "So then why do you do it?". Sucy looked at Lotte with a bewildered look on her face as if the answer was obvious.
  20. "Because it's fun." Fun? Lotte couldn't quite grasp how Sucy found fun in other people's misery. However, she did look like she was enjoying herself and it had been quite a while since Lotte did anything truly fun in the last couple of weeks. Lotte looked to their room window with the rain still coming down with no end in sight. "Oh well, What's the harm?" thought Lotte before speaking up.
  21. "Hey Sucy?"
  22. "hmm?"
  23. "Would...would I be able to help you with one of your pranks?" Sucy once again looked at Lotte bewildered this time not because of the answer but because the question was one she didn't expect to be asked. "It's just, it looks like you're having so much fun and I-"
  24. "And you just wanted to join in?" interrupted Sucy now standing uncomfortably close to Lotte's face. "I knew one day I'd corrupt you. Took a little longer than I thought but I guess better late then never."
  25. "Great." Said Lotte with a hint of enthusiasm in her voice. "So, are we going to do your.....bucket thing?"
  26. "No, the bucket is some expert level pranking that you're not ready for. Tell me, what's the most ridiculous thing you've ever done to someone"
  27. Lotte thought deeply for a moment before coming up with an answer."Well, i guess there was that one time..."
  28. "Yes" Said Sucy listening intently but still way to closely for Lotte's comfort.
  29. "There was that one time when I accidentally passed my dad the salt when he asked for pepper" Sucy took a step back. the sheer disappointment was evident from the frown.
  30. "Hmm, this is going to be tougher than I thought. I guess we're going to have to start small. Go to the kitchen and grab as much Saran Wrap as you can carry and meet me in the East Main hall in 20 minutes"
  32. About twenty minutes later Lotte found herself standing alone in the middle of a empty hallway with about two dozen packages of plastic wrap in her arms with Sucy nowhere in sight. As Lotte stood there she began to think how ridiculous she looked and perhaps Sucy was pulling some sort of prank on her.
  33. "Oh Good, you got the wrap." Said Sucy from behind Lotte startling her and causing her to drop all of her goods. "This is perfect. Now quick, help me to stretch this from one end of the hallway to the other." Over the course of the next 15 minutes Lotte and Sucy stretched layer after layer of saran wrap until the hallway was completely blocked. They both took a step back to take in the Semi-Transparent fruits of their labor.
  34. "Look at that, Lotte. Doesn't that just bring a tear to your eye?" Lotte looked at the barrier with confusion.
  35. "So what do we do now?"
  36. "Now we wait."
  37. "Wait for wh-" Before Lotte could finish they could hear voices coming from the other end of the hallway. it was Hannah and Barbara.
  38. "Quick, hide." whispered Sucy as she retreated behind a nearby pillar. Lotte followed suit. As Hannah and Barbara came closer they could make out their conversation.
  39. "....And so I said, I don't care if they sound the same. We have nothing to do with some 1950's American production studio." Said Barbara with Hannah nodding exuberantly in agreement.
  40. "I know, right? You'd think people would have enough decency to stop making the same joke over and over. And another thing....." As they continued their way towards the blockage Lotte began to worry.
  41. "Hey, Sucy?" whispered Lotte
  42. "Yeah?"
  43. "I don't think they see the plastic"
  44. "I know. I was kind of worried it wasn't transparent enough."
  45. "But, they're going to walk into it?"
  46. "No they're not. They're going to RUN into it." Sucy pulled out her wand and with a flick of her wrist created an illusion of a horrific monster right behind Hannah and Barbara. It let out a thunderous roar mere feet from the two causing them to completely freak out.
  47. "AAAAAAH, HOW DID THAT GET THERE!" shouted Hannah
  48. "I DON"T KNOW.JUST RUN" shouted Barbara. The pair both ran for their lives towards Lotte and Sucy.
  49. "Oh boy Lotte, here it comes." Lotte watched intently as the pair ran closer and closer to the trap that laid before them until finally....WHAM!
  50. Both Hannah and Barbara collided face first into the saran wrap. It was so tightly hung that it actually caused both of them to bounce back several feet and fall right on their butts.
  51. "Ah, what the heck was that?" Asked Barbara in complete embarrassment.
  52. "Hey, who did this!?" shouted Hannah to an empty hallway as both Lotte and Sucy had turned tail just after the collision.
  54. Back in their room Lotte and Sucy celebrated over a job well done. Well, Sucy did.
  55. "Aw man, did you see the look on their faces? Priceless." said Sucy. As She continued her recounting word for word of the events that had just transpired Lotte sat on her bed holding her knees to her chest. She was deeply conflicted. On one hand Hannah and Barbara could have gotten hurt. On the other hand she had more fun in that moment than she had in the last couple of weeks. Is this what Sucy got out of all her jokes on Akko? Was there more to it than that? Though she didn't want to get anyone hurt she didn't want to stop.
  56. "So, what are you thinking for the next one? Maybe replace Diana's wand with a toy? Oh, maybe we replace all the textbooks with pornography? What do you think Lotte?"
  57. "Um, I'm not sure. Maybe we should do something involving magic?" said Lotte just to the wind.
  58. "Magic pranks huh?" Sucy grinned "I like it. And I have the perfect idea too. Do you think you could somehow get a couple of magic magnets from Constanze?"
  59. "What? Why would we need magnets?"
  60. "Don't worry about it. Just meet me in the practice room in 15 minutes."
  62. Time passed and once again Lotte found herself alone with a handful of magic magnets. Eventually Sucy did find her way to the practice room.
  63. "He Lotte, give me a couple of Magnets."
  64. "Oh, ok. Here." said Lotte handing Sucy a handful of the magnets.
  65. "Great, I'll be right back." Sucy turned and walked right back out of the room
  66. "Hey wait, what should I do?" Sucy poked her head back in the room
  67. "Oh yeah, just go ahead and embed those in the floorboards all over." said Sucy before disappearing again. Several more minutes had passed as Lotte carefully hid the remaining magnets all around the room. Not sure of their purpose she kept a magnet just in case. As she pocketed it Sucy came back.
  68. "Did you place everything?"
  69. "Well yeah, but what are we-"
  70. "Oh dear, I almost forgot. The most important thing." Sucy produced a metal pale from her cloak and using her wand placed it ever so gently above the doorframe.
  71. "Uh, Sucy. I don't-"
  72. "Shhhh, someone's coming. Hide." Interrupted Sucy as she and Lotte took cover behind a desk. They waited in silence for a few moments before someone walked into the room. It was Amanda with her broom in her hand.
  73. "Amanda? What is she doing here?" whispered Lotte
  74. "She practices her little broom routine here every day around noon. It's actually not a bad show." Lotte and Sucy peeked over the top of the desk as Amanda was preparing. She took a quick look around the room to make sure no one was watching, obviously not seeing her two audience members, and mounted her broom. As she began her little routine Sucy produced a remote control with several flashing buttons on it. Lotte thought it looked complicated but thought that Sucy probably knew what she was doing.
  75. "Ok Lotte, let's get the real show going" Said Sucy with her creepy grin. Sucy held her finger mere centimeters over one of the flashing buttons and looked anxiously at Amanda. Waiting for the perfect time to enact her devious plot. Whatever it was. Finally, Sucy pressed down and as soon as her finger made contact Amanda's broom jolted to the left. Amanda looked around confused but took it as a fluke before getting back to her routine. A few seconds later Sucy pressed another button causing the broom to shoot straight up almost throwing Amanda off entirely. Now Lotte understood what was happening.
  76. "Oh, I get it. You put some magnets in her broom and using them to force her broom to move erratically."
  77. "Hey, now she's getting it." Sucy held out the controller in front of Lotte "Do you want to give it a go?" Lotte looked at the device. She didn't want to hurt Amanda but at the same time it did look fun and that was the whole point of joining Sucy.
  78. "Well, I guess a little bit." Said Lotte as she timidly grabbed the controller from Sucy. Lotte looked back to Amanda still practicing but cautiously as she wasn't sure what was happening. Slowly, Lotte pressed one of the buttons causing the broom to come to a dead stop. Amanda was now getting incredibly suspicious.
  79. "Hey, what gives ya stupid piece of wood?" shouted Amanda as she tried forcing the broom to start moving. Lotte pressed another button and the broom shot straight forward with Amanda holding on.
  80. "What the heck?" shouted Amanda.
  81. "Ha, press another button" said Sucy to which Lotte obliged. This time causing it to go backwards. Lotte then cracked a smile, something that didn't go unnoticed by Sucy. Then Lotte pressed another button. Then another, and another. Until the broom was flying all over the room with Amanda still holding on for dear life. This Sucy also took notice of.
  82. "uh, Lotte. Maybe you should take it easy on the buttons." Said Sucy now actually getting a little concerned. But it was no use. Lotte kept pressing button after button and with each press her smile grew until she actually started laughing. Finally Amanda was saved when the controller overloaded from too many commands and broke causing her broom and Amanda herself to be thrown out the door. The force created forcing the door to shut behind her. Lotte and Sucy looked in silent awe by what they just witnessed. A silence that was only broken by the metal clank of the bucket that Sucy had planted earlier falling harmlessly to the ground.
  83. "Oh come on. Why doesn't that work?" groaned Sucy clearly more disappointed in the bucket than excited about their success." Perhaps I need a bigger bucket? Oh, no matter. I must say Lotte, you actually seemed like a natural back there. Dare I say, even having fun" Lotte perked up.
  84. "Ye-Yeah, I guess. You really think I was good there?"
  85. "Yeah, sure. I guess. Oh, that reminds me. I have a great idea on how we can-"
  86. "Actually Sucy, do you mind if maybe, I take the next one?" asked Lotte interrupting Sucy. Sucy noticed the increased confidence in her voice from when they started. She liked it."
  87. "Hmm, I don't know. Do you think you're ready?" to which Lotte nodded profusely. "Alright, you take lead. What are you thinking?"
  90. An hour had passed since Lotte explained what she needed for her master plan to Sucy. To prepare, Lotte asked Sucy to get some apples, a tube of super glue, and a USB flash drive and meet her just outside of Chariot's classroom. For the first time today it was now Sucy who found herself waiting for Lotte, completely in the dark on her plan. As Sucy stood there waiting for Lotte she took the time to silently reflect on their shenanigans of the past couple hours. Sure, she may not have been the best trickster but it was nice to know that there was someone Sucy could turn to help mess with Akko. Maybe she'd even be able to help Sucy figure out how to get that damn bucket thing to work. Gradually the minutes counted by and before Sucy knew it almost 45 minutes had passed and Sucy was the one beginning to think that Lotte abandoned her. She was just about to leaves when she heard a voice call her name.
  91. "SUCY, There you are!?" Sucy turned to the direction the voice came from. It was Amanda with Jasminka and Constanze in tow.
  92. "What are they doing here?" Thought Sucy. As the trio made there way towards her Sucy could see that Amanda seemed awfully mad about something. Sucy began to worry a bit that she perhaps found out about the magnet thing.
  93. "Just what the heck is wrong with you girl?" asked Amanda. Sucy decided to play coy
  94. "Hmmm, what are you talking about."
  95. "You know damn well what I'm talking about. Just look at what you did to Jasminka and to Stanbot." Sucy peeked around Amanda to see Jasminka. Her skin turned a dark green and her hair now bright blue. Constanze was holding Stanbot in her arms as its arms and legs were freaking out. Sucy was confused how she had anything to do with this.
  96. "What happened to them? Asked Sucy.
  97. "What Ha-, I'll tell you what happened. Someone switched out Jasminka's apples with poisoned ones and someone replaced Stanbot's operating system with Windows 98. That's what happened."
  98. "Uhhhh?" was all Sucy could muster. Suddenly, two more voices called out her name
  99. "SUCY!" It was Barbara and Hannah. Both looked incredibly furious as they came running down the hall towards her holding each other's hand. "What do you have to say for yourself?" Asked Barbara.
  100. "What did she do to you two?" Asked Amanda
  101. "She super-glued our hands together." responded Hannah.
  102. "Do you know how hard it is to do anything when you're forced to hold someone's hand all day?" added Barbara. Amanda looked back at Sucy
  103. "Damn, I knew you were vicious, but this is much even for you."
  104. "Listen, I swear I didn't do this." said Sucy.
  105. "Oh yeah, then how come we caught you red handed." Sucy suddenly realized that she was holding literally all the proof that they needed to convict her. All the things that Lotte told her to get. Sucy dropped all the items and tried to plead her case.
  106. "Guys, I didn't do any of this. It' was Lotte. Lotte told me to get these things and-"
  107. "Oh really? You really expect us to believe that Lotte is some sort of criminal mastermind?" asked Amanda.
  108. "You'd really blame your friend?" asked Hannah
  109. "That's low." added Barbara. As the group accused Sucy they began getting closer and closer to her until Sucy was pressed against the classroom door. Sucy began to reach back to find the door knob to try and get into the classroom as she tried to explain herself.
  110. "H-Hey now. We can talk this through, right? Think of all the good times we've had." As the continued to encroach on her Sucy finally found the doorknob. This was her chance to get some room and maybe escape, she thought. She turned the knob and pushed the door open. As soon as she did she was suddenly drenched with water as a large bucket landed right on top of her head. As Sucy tried to figure out what had just happened she could hear the others laughing at her expense. She lifted the bucket off of her head to see not just Amanda and the others, but Lotte who was sitting in the classroom with a big smile on her face.
  111. "Hey Sucy. Glad you could....Drop by." said Lotte as she began to laugh as well. Sucy was still trying to grasp the situation.
  112. "Lotte? Wait, this was all....? What the heck is going on?"
  113. "Well, I saw how much fun you were having pranking everybody that I thought that maybe everyone else would want to join in on that fun as well." Sucy was finally beginning to understand.
  114. "Wait, so you were all in on this?"
  115. Amanda nodded "absolutely. When Lotte told us that you were the one to prank us earlier we were, of course, mad." said Amanda
  116. "But when She said she had the perfect payback we couldn't resist" added Barbara.
  117. "So Sucy, what do you think? Did I do well for a beginner?" asked Lotte with a smile still on her face. Sucy looked at Lotte. She looked down at the bucket in her wet hands before cracking a smile herself.
  118. "I say that I found a new prank partner." said Sucy as she jumped at Lotte giving her a hug.
  119. "Hey look." said Amanda "The rain stopped." Everyone looked to one of the large windows in the room to see a ray of sunlight finally come from behind the clouds. Just then they could hear the pitter patter of someone running down the hall towards the classroom and then suddenly Akko ran through the door.
  120. "Hey guys. I'm glad you're here. I think I finally found a spell to stop the rain. All I need is a goat, a bottle of Malört and someone to play Fugue in G minor." Everyone looked at each other before breaking into laughter in unison. Akko just looked at everyone puzzled. "Hey, what's so funny?"
  124. FIN
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