

Nov 25th, 2018
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  1. [color=gray][quote][center][color=red][b]╭━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╮ [/b][/color]
  2. [color=gray][small][color=black]|[/color]Humans:[color=green]✔[/color][color=black]|[/color]Anthros: [color=yellow]?[/color][color=black]|[/color] Ferals:[color=red]✘[/color][color=black]|[/color] Canon Universe: Pokemon[color=black]|[/color] Alt Settings: [color=green]✔[/color][color=black]|[/color]Smut Focus:[color=pink]85%[/color][color=black]|[/color]Story Focus:[color=red]15%[/color][color=black]|[/color]Chrome - Dark Theme -1920x1080[color=black]|[/color][/small][/color]
  3. [color=white][b]╰━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╯[/b][/color][/center][/quote][center][img=690840]Lusamine[/img][/center]
  4. [hr][hr][indent][big][color=black]⋅ [/color][/big][s][color=cyan][big]Aether Foundation President[/big][/color] [/s][big][color=black]▮[/color] [color=yellow]Lusamine[/color] [color=black]⋅ [/color][/big][indent][indent][color=gray]"[small]My sweet Pokémon... I promise I'll keep you safe... I'll protect you with my love...[/small]"[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][hr][hr][indent][color=cyan][b]☩[/b][/color]   [color=gray]◦   ◦  ◦[/color]   [color=yellow][big]-𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍-[/big][/color][indent][indent][indent]
  5. [justify][color=gray]Lusamine is the antagonist of the Pokemon games set within the Aloha region. She is an extremely wealthy woman who used her wealth to set up an establishment known as the Aether Foundation, a giant man made island made for the sole purpose of sanctioning endangered Pokemon. She presents herself in a very kind hearted way as well as in a very presidential manner, but this is all to keep public appearances. Lusamine has a more sinister plan under way that involves petrifying rare Pokemon and other specimens she finds beautiful. She has selfish desires to capture rare and powerful Pokemon, even at the expense of others. She has caused suffering of other Pokemon and people just so she can achieve her dream of preserving all kinds of rare Pokemon. The two most notable people are her daughter and son who had 'betrayed' her plans by running off with Pokemon she had caused suffering too or were had plans to endanger for her main plans.
  7. As far as scenes go, Lusamine does fit in a variety of scenes including settings outside the Pokemon universe. The characters of aloha region are the ones that make the most sense to participate in an RP with her, but there are other characters in the Pokemon canon or even outside of the canon that can work. In general the main characters that appeal to me for play with Lusamine include Lillie, Nihilego (anthros), the female protagonist of the games, and really any of the other characters in game I find appealing. There are a number of Pokemon anthros and personifications that are appealing for scenes as well. There is even alternative realitys involving Lusamine acting in place for your characters mom as well, for anyone who wants to have some kind of incest focused scene but doesn't want to play as Lillie. [/color][/justify][hr]
  9. [/indent][/indent][/indent][color=cyan][b]☩[/b][/color]   [color=gray]◦   ◦  ◦[/color]   [color=yellow][big]-𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢-[/big][/color][indent][indent][indent]
  10. [justify][color=gray]Lusamine by default will show herself as being someone who is kind hearted and wishes to just create a peaceful utopia for Pokemon who are injured and lost in the world. She uses her positive and loving personality to manipulate others into doing what she wants to do. Her nice personality will always come up to those that don't really matter to her, because unless she has something to gain from you or views you as an obstacle, she doesn't show any kind of malice. Lusamine has some more demented and selfish desires at her hand, and she is willing to do anything to get to them, even cause the suffering of others. She has desires to capture rare and powerful Pokemon for herself, all so she can freeze away the Pokemon for all eternity. This sparks a bit of outrage from other people, including her own children who do eventually end up betraying her and her demented plans she has. She acts resentful and cruel to her children who have betrayed them, but also to anyone else who gets in her way.
  12. A lot of the reasoning for her more demented behaviors does come from the fact that she is intoxicated by poisons that were put into her by Nihilego, however she has always been someone who is a bit selfish in terms of her desires and can't comprise for anyone. At one point in her life she may of never considered being cruel as an option for her personality, afterall she is the founder of the Aether Foundation. Even after the events of the games she is in, she does try to accept that she went a bit overboard and admits that she was in the wrong. [/color][/justify][hr]
  14. [/indent][/indent][/indent][color=cyan][b]☩[/b][/color]   [color=gray]◦   ◦  ◦[/color]   [color=yellow][big]--𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎--[/big][/color][indent][indent][indent]
  15. [justify][color=gray]Lusamine is a 40 year old woman who is good at taking care of herself so she always appears younger than she actually is, even without make-up. She has long, straight blonde hair with silver streaks that stretches down to the ground. She can be rather emotive at times, and it can be easy to read her expressions to know if she is doing something sinister or not. As the president of the aether foundation she does dress in fashionable attire that is fitting for someone in her standing. She wears a white and yellow dress that has a diamond badge as the center piece of it, which represents her status as the present. She wears long black and white horizontally striped leggings, and boots that match the same color.
  17. In Sun and Moon, there is a part where her appearance is altered as she fuses with a Nihilego. Her hair becomes black and yellow, her dress changes hue from yellow to a dark violet, and her body is morphed with a giant jellyfish like beast. This transformation is not something she can summon at will, but given a scenario where Lusamine 'wins' it is possible for her to upkeep this corrupted form. In this form its also assumed that she has more powers to utilize as she is no longer human but instead some monstrous hybrid of beast and man. [/color][/justify][hr]
  19. [/indent][/indent][/indent][color=cyan][b]☩[/b][/color]   [color=gray]◦   ◦  ◦[/color]   [color=yellow][big]-𝚜𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢-[/big][/color][indent][indent][indent]
  20. [justify][color=gray]By default Lusamine comes off to be a more dominant personality, and even has an alternative corrupted form that gives her powers that make her appear as more dominant. Lusamines has a huge thing about arrogance, control, and selfish desires, and if that personality is thrown into the sexual setting then it would be easy for her to be dominant. She does lean to be more dominant, but that doesn't mean subbing be it forced or not is out of the picture. Lusamine does have a high image of herself, so breaking that image down is another way to play with her in the more submissive setting. Two main themes to take in consideration with Lusamine are going to be incest relationships, be it her playing with her kids , non-canonical kids, or kids she "adopts". The other theme is Pokemon as she is a character in that universe. (I tend to like anthros that are human like in nature, ie gardevoir, lilligant, tsareena, etc). Another thing Lusamine can be responsible with is make-over based scenes as she only wants those who are beautiful to be around her, so she would put someone in a situation where they are being dolled up all for Lusamines shallow and selfish desires. [/color][/justify][hr][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][center][collapse=OOC][color=white][left][hr][indent][indent][indent][indent][hr][quote]
  21. This is the out of character collapse tab that I post on all of my character profiles. I do not require anyone to read through all the bullet points for this tab, as it really isn't necessary to do so. This is just to have a list so new people who approach me have something to skim over and get a better understanding of how I go about doing things here. The first section is all about what I seek out in partners on this site, the second section is all basic overview stuff for all my characters, and the last section contains bullet points about how I use my characters. I like to think of this section as more of the 'answers' section of a Q&A rather than strict guidelines that anyone has to play. Just simple little explanations of what to expect from me.
  23. [/quote][hr][b][u][color=white]What I look in a profile/partner. [/color][/u][/b]
  24. [color=red]▬▬▬[/color][color=orange]▬▬▬[/color][color=yellow]▬▬▬[/color][color=green]▬▬▬[/color][color=blue]▬▬▬[/color][color=purple]▬▬▬[/color][indent][indent][color=red][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- The main things I look for in a profile is the character's [b]Background, their Personality, their Appearance, and Sexual Information[/b]. This can usually be written in a paragraph or two, through the info and pictures tab, and the custom kinks. You don't need to have a complex profile in order to gain my interest, but these things pretty much make an ERP Profile [/color]
  25. [color=orange][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- If you are going to [b]Approach Me[/b], please do it [b]OOC[/b], as I'm most likely going to ignore a set up that is in character. [/color]
  26. [color=yellow][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- When it comes to [b]Furry/Anthro[/b] characters, I can be a little bit picky at times. There are a lot of furry/anthro characters which do not appeal to me for various reasons. However, there are two artists which draw furrys/anthros which I admire and they are [url=]Smutbunny[/url] and [url=]CookingPeach[/url].[/color]
  27. [color=green][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- There are a lot of [b]Kinks I'm Interested In[/b], but I don't expect every person to be into all the weird kinky fetishes that I'm into. All I ask is that you have some common ground with some of the stuff listed in my favorites. [/color]
  28. [color=blue][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- I would much rather have a scene that focuses on [b]Kinks, Sex, and Character Interactions[/b] than a scene that focuses on Story and Non Sexual/Kinky Acts. Build Ups to the sex and smutty stuff are fine, but I prefer it if the build up to the smutty stuff doesn't drag on too much. [/color]
  29. [color=purple][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- [b]Don't Be Intimidated[/b], as the worst thing I can do is decline you. I also try my best not to ignore people who approach me, unless I'm afk. [/color][/indent][/indent]
  30. [hr][color=white][b][u]OOC Background Information[/u][/b][/color]
  31. [color=red]▬▬▬[/color][color=orange]▬▬▬[/color][color=yellow]▬▬▬[/color][color=green]▬▬▬[/color][color=blue]▬▬▬[/color][color=purple]▬▬▬[/color][indent][indent][color=red][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- All [b]Other Characters[/b]can be found at [user]The Heart Hub[/user][/color]
  32. [color=orange][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- An [b]Extended List of my Kinks[/b]can be found on [user]The Heart Kinks[/user][/color]
  33. [color=yellow][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- The [b]Canonical Character's[/b] I play are sexualized and are not going to be 100% true to canon.[/color]
  34. [color=green][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- I don't have a strict [b]Post Length Preference[/b], but I average around 1 paragraph per post (4-7 lines)[/color]
  35. [color=blue][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- My [b]Average Reply Time[/b] for a post of my average length is usually between 5 - 10 minutes. [/color]
  36. [color=purple][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- Private Messaging on F-Chat is my [b]Preferred Platform For RP[/b], other wise its Rooms > Discord/IM > Notes.[/color][/indent][/indent]
  37. [hr][color=white][u][b]Basic Character Information.[/b][/u][/color]
  38. [color=red]▬▬▬[/color][color=orange]▬▬▬[/color][color=yellow]▬▬▬[/color][color=green]▬▬▬[/color][color=blue]▬▬▬[/color][color=purple]▬▬▬[/color][indent][indent][color=red][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- The [b]Orientation[/b] is listed as being gay (or straight for male profiles). I actually identify as being Pansexual in the sense that a characters gender, gender status, or genitals don't determine my interest in the characters. I'm only interested in [b]Feminine and Androgynous[/b] characters, and a majority of those characters happen to be pink, purple, and orange names with a few blues sprinkled in the mix. [/color]
  39. [color=orange][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- The [b]Listed Gender[/b] that is set on my character by default is going to be female for girls and male for boys. I'm flexible though with my characters and their genitals, as well as open to the idea of gender-bending my characters. [/color]
  40. [color=yellow][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- I do not engage in [b]Profile Play[/b], nor do I have any interest in modifying a character profile based around a scene they partook in. [/color]
  41. [color=green][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- I'm someone who is a fan of [b]Alterations[/b] for my characters such as modifying their gender, age, body type, setting, orientation, etc. I'm usually open about whenever I want to do an alteration, and I do try to avoid using alterations to try and force an RP to go on. Please feel free to request alterations of any of my characters for a scene, as I'm usually open to the idea. [/color]
  42. [color=blue][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- The [b]Kinks List[/b] on the profile is a shared list among all of my characters, so there may be some kinks which are on the characters page which may not apply to them. [/color]
  43. [color=purple][b]●[/b][/color] [color=gray]- I [b]Don't[/b] expect anyone to [b]Read The Entire Profile[/b]. You can usually get an idea of who my character is by skimming through the info tab, reading the first few lines in the intro or background paragraph, and just sort of skimming through the profile. Its really not going to break the scene if you didn't read the part where my character's favorite color is a light shade of blue. [/color][/indent][/indent]
  44. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hr][/left][/color][/collapse][/center][/color]
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