
A Baby's Nest - 08

Dec 30th, 2019
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(DISCLAIMER: App Translations so not everything is accurate)

젖동냥 --- Publisher Link --- By Kongbiji "콩비지"

~ A Baby's Nest / Milk Match ~

Notable Characters:

Name / Nickname Situation Relationship
Wang Gu (MC) Super Dad Single Father
Woo Hee (FMC) Chairwoman (?) Minhyeok's Wife
Minhyeok (Hubby) Team Leader Woo Hee's Husband
Kim Hyejeong (Bitch) Full-time Slut MC's Ex-Girlfriend
Yejiya (Twin) Cute Daughter MC's Daughter
Eeunah (Twin) Cute Daughter MC's Daughter
Seongjya (Blonde) [N/A] Hubby's Bitch

(TLN: High possibilities for Kim Hyejeong and Seongjya to be the same woman, but well it still not totally confirmed)

Chapter - 08


Street MC x FMC

MC is holding FMC's shoulder and tidying up the blanket on top of her.. He tells her how she can't walk back home in this state and he'll call her a taxi. She slaps MC's hand away while telling him how it's alright because the house is pretty close, MC holds her hand once again saying how she doesn't even know where her house is.

She throws a tantrum and starts to shout loudly.. She says how he's such a bother and to let her go while calling him 'Wang Gutti' (his real name is Wang Gu). MC wonders what she means by calling him like this and if she's already too drunk to spell her shit properly.

FMC acts all confident telling him to pay close attention to her because she'll prove him that she can walk pretty well alone. She starts to walk alone,all proud of herself saying she doesn't need him anymore and to leave her.
MC tells her to watch out, FMC doesn't pay attention and trips over her on foot before falling on the floor.. MC runs towards her to provide her his help.
MC asks her if everything is okay and to answer him.. She's unconscious and can't answer him.. FMC's ruckus cause a bunch of people to come over.. Some are talking about how dunk she, some are talking about how beautiful and some are comparing her to 'Lee Young-ae' (South Korean Actress / Model ..)

MC is now bringing FMC's home by carrying her on his back.. He thinking about how the night was hard for FMC today and wonders how he can explain it to her husband. He now thinks about his daughters and wonders if it'll be okay even after informing the nurse from his late arrival..
FMC is moaning and pressing her body closely to him.. He feels her wet and warm breasts against his back and thinks there is no way it's what he's thinking of..

He keeps enduring and walks straight towards her place, he thinks how breast milk is leaking from FMC's nipples because she's pressing them against his back. FMC keeps sleep talking and calls MC a 'Bad Bitch', he wonders if this appellation is referring to him or someone else..

Hubby's Car Blonde x Hubby

Blonde is looking at MC and FMC with interest.. She calls Hubby and explains him how a man looking like a gangster just took a young woman. She tells him how it's really looking like a kidnapping.. Hubby doesn't really care about what she's saying.
She leans overs his body asking him what he'll do if she was kidnapped and if he'll act like the main protagonist of an action movie and will rescue her.

He thinks about it for a moment before telling her how he'll kill all those abductors before rescuing her. She's pleased with his answer and gives him a few kiss.
Hubby tells her to stop disturbing him while he's driving because it's dangerous..

He parks the car and lets Blonde going out, she tells him how she really enjoyed this little talk with him and how they'll have much more fun later on.
He starts the engine once again and heads towards his home. He thinks about Blonde just said (A man looking like a gangster kidnapping a woman) and thinks about MC (when he asked him if he should call FMC).

Hubby is clearing his mind inside his car before walking back home..

FMC's Residence FMC x MC x Hubby

Hubby walks out the elevator and finds FMC, siting on the floor, leaning against their entry door, he's surprised to see her here in such a state and runs towards her.
He looks at her attire and wonders where she went.. He smells an odor of alcohol and complains about FMC never knowing when to stop.. He tells her how they'll have a chat later but they should first go in.

MC is in the staircase, listening to everything Hubby just said and heaves a sigh of relief. He recalls what happened earlier and how he's still feeling FMC's warmth against his back.. He looks at his cellphone thinking how he must pick up the babies..

There is 21 missed calls and a text from the nurse telling him to contact him immediately because something big just happened. He looks at it wondering what's going on.

To be continued..
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