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Aug 23rd, 2019
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  1. Draconic Evolution: another ridiculous, infamous endgame mod with some absurd new equipment and power storage/generation
  2. Immersive Railroading: giant, life-size trains and railroads. just google it honestly, it looks great
  3. Industrial Foregoing: another industrial mod that fills many niches not currently filled in the modpack (especially some farming and ranching utilities, IMO)
  4. Integration Foregoing: just mod compatibility for the above
  5. RandomPatches: what it sounds like
  6. RandomTweaks: what it sounds like
  7. StackSize: sets some annoying stacksize maximums to 64. no more tiny egg stacks!
  8. MegaCorp: another endgame resource sink mod that gives you randomly generated resource requests to fulfill in exchange for buffs
  9. Morph-o-Tool: a sort of omni-wrench that combines all mod wrenches into a single item, similar to akashic tome
  10. Villager Info: Info about Villages
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