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Oct 26th, 2017
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  1. Before microtransactions. Before every single one of their franchises sported hats, trading cards and lottery loot boxes as the company's soulless, money-hungry bread and butter. Before they stopped caring that their brand is tainted by affiliation with Skin Gambling Sites directed at children. There was a time when they could do no wrong. When they were hailed as the saviours of video games, the ones who would give us sanctuary from Crimes Against Gaming led by the greedy, filthy street-gang of aborted satan-spawn fetuses of Activision, EA and Warner Bros - so much so, that Gabe became one of the best known memes to ever grace the net. Every gamer loved the brilliant guy who started his own company, doubled down on the quality of the game he wanted to release, dreaming of building something more than a sustainable bank account. And £uck having some board consisting of old people in gray suits with Playmo-hairdo's - he didn't need a board, he didn't want one. He was the promised one and his ambition grew with his knife collection, putting The Fear into the black hearts of The Awful Ghost of XBOX Live, The Abhorrent Demons of Horribly Implemented DRM, and The Cult of Selling Video Game Art and Experiences Like Cheap Washing Powder. The same deprived-of-emotions CEOs and Corporate Henchmen reading spreadsheets to their kids at bedtime, Gabe would fight with all his righteous fury. I used to love Valve. Before that same brilliant guy became a victim of his own Laissez-faire company where the apathy of being too afraid to release proper games seems to be the only needed credential for any new hire. Before Valve developed a reaction time akin to a fossilized Brontosaurus, where fixing a line of code started taking 6 months of meetings to decide on what editor to use and to check if there was any microtransactions or VR they could implement in the future. You know what? Sometimes changing full diapers IMMEDIATELY is the best cause of action before the stink starts ruining every pleasentness around you; not thinking about why, when or the optimal way of changing it for a long time before you do, looking like 40 road workers looking bewilderly at each other while tossing one spade between them. Stop being so "brilliant" and start doing the maybe boring, but hugely necessary menial tasks REQUIRED of you. You come off as spoiled prodigy kids to your customers. Empty your to-do list diapers, and start with the no-curated-games diaper first because it has the greatest stink of all. Astronauts have to p|ss and sh|t and clean up after themselves BESIDES the brilliant, awesome research stuff that make them legends. So please, for the love of liar-lofty Molyneux promises, you hipster-developer-douchedivas-too-great-for-this-world; start doing the same. I used to love Valve. Before they decided to never curate another game again, letting all the asset flippers run rampant and sh|tting up the store front. Before they started hiding behind numbers of too many customers to curate content for when they have an income next to a middle-sized country. Before they changed their Steam EULA to say you now rent the games you buy instead of owning them. We all know about the cliffhanger that is a decade old now. We also know of the other cliffhangers that aren't going to be solved anytime soon. We know that all the writers left the company. Guess why. How fulfilled would you be as a writer if you were told there will not be another story in a game we make ever again? Here, have a DOTA promotional package and a cookie. I used to love Valve. Before the politics of the company dictated that no one has to work on anything they don't want to. Before it became all too clear that no one wants to bring a fresh coat of paint to the store or anything else crumbling around them because they don't deem it "cool" enough to work on. Before Valve's employees were worth more than their customers. Before what the workers wanted was more important than what the customers needed. Imagine Christopher Nolan dropping anything resembling Inception, Interstellar, or The Dark Knight, deciding to make Smurf-movies instead. Catering to foul-mouthed kids and toxic teenagers screaming at each other in the movie theatre. He would betray his vision, ethics and work morale. He would betray himself. He would tarnish his reputation just as Valve has done by not cleaning up after themselves after all the sh|t they pulled these last years. I used to love Valve. Before cowardice and the easy way out became the norm at the company who was once at the forefront of everything great and revolutionary about the games industry. Before they started to "communicate through products" in lieu of words - the same "products" they are no longer making. Same goes for updating their storefront that sells games, but doesn't curate them, sort them or organize them in any decent or fashionable way, shape or form. I remember when Valve was MAKING trends instead of following them. When THEY set the standards in games instead of being content with a participation diploma. They broke piñatas like they owned the room. They looked by far the best of the whole line-up, they were the 10 out of 10, the perfect model without the make-up, the flexible aluminum standard to the iron curtain of evil giants hellbent on destroying game franchises instead of preserving the medium and the culture behind it. I used to love Valve. Before they dropped news of something everybody wished could be a relevant or even a sparkling new IP. Before revealing it's a friggin' card game for DOTA instead of the drippingly epic, story-driven, inventive adventure they used to create. Before money, money, and MORE MONEY became their sole purpose in life. Before they announced: "Hey, here's Artifact, the DOTA card game no one wants. Or as we'll call it in-house, Money Printer E". I watched in horror and disbelief as they turned into a worse version of the same soulless, imperialistic stinkadoors that Pachinko-Konami-firing-Kojima, UDon'tPlay-Ubisoft, and other Game Companies of Lucifer has become - and decided to one-up them, to actually dethrone them and take the evil seat for themselves. Proving to everyone that you either die a hero of the industry or you sell microtransaction-items long enough to become a worse gambling-supported-by-our-in-house-pyschologist's-addiction-analysis, money-grubbing cumharvester than Bobby £ucking Kotick. I used to love Valve. Before they broke my heart and destroyed the one hobby that took me away from the staleness of a world where Donald Trump is the US President, where baby-boomers have destroyed everything they could get their tiny hands on, where most millennials will never own their own house, where religious people blow up other people because they believe in the wrong imaginary god or are simply too adult to believe in such bs at all, where the 1% £uck over people in their own tribe daily, where CEOs are better if they are sociopaths because it's good for business. The ONE darn thing I could immerse myself in, that would let me escape from the suffocating toilet-clogged world's tyranny, Valve made their mission to destroy. Because like every other frog-jockey, goat-m4sturbator and med-student-turned-Mengele that will be the end of this planet and the human race - Valve decided MONEY is worth more than ethics, art, the joy of creating something unique, the reason why you became a designer, programmer, engineer, or why you're human at all. It's more important than the exploration of the universe or seeing your newborn baby in the eyes. Even when you have $2,000,000,000 ALREADY. I used to love Valve. Until they betrayed their fans, goals and ideals for nothing else than money, turning themselves into the greatest real life tale of The Great Fallen Hero usurped into The Foulest Game Villain of them all. i have been playing Dota 2 since it was in early Beta and have been playing for a long time. I have around 4800 Hours of my life wasted on this game. It was all fun and amazing when i started to play and discovering a whole new game with endless possibilities and ways to play it. But it all went downhill when Ranked Matchmaking came out. I started to play the 10 calibration games eagerly as i thought i was hot shit, after the games i got 3.1 k . To no surprise i was sad and after another few games i dropped to 3k and i immediately stopped playing ranked and went back to normal matchmaking. A year passes and i watched people like RTZ,Dendi and many others get to 6k and i was inspired to get back on the saddle to grind for MMR. To my surprise a year of training actually made me better,Months of grinding i finally got to 3.8 but i was stuck around there for almost half a year.For those 6 months i was fucking pissed,depressed and just a fucking piece of shit where i kept raging and just going full tilt game after game. I dont know what happened but i somehow got it together and made it to 4k recently(Wooho) . I made my way to 4.6k and i thought to myself , Hey this shits getting pretty easy i think i might get to 5k. Im pretty fucking sure right after i thought of that i lost game after game after game until i am now at 4k. I go through game after game of flames from teammates,cancerous heroes and people going mid/carry thinking they are hot shit but after they die once or twice start blaming everyone for every death/fight. This game has been everything to me. It helped me through shit times and made me happy when i got to play with my friends and fuck around. Sadly i am unable to play with my friends now as i have moved. Now all im left with is Ranked matchmaking where every game u feel like u want to shoot yourself while u drown yourself. So im here on reddit to ask for some guidance and help on how i can just calm the fuck down when my team starts flaming and the asshole i am start joining in and the whole team becomes a shitshow and not even a team anymore. TL;DR - This games cancer and im pretty much done with it,but as a latch ditch effort im here on reddit to see if anyone got any ideas on how to calm people down/myself down when things start going to shit P.S- Valve please release the next patch,if i see one more lina or storm or lesh i swear to god i will fucking become the next hitler DotA can't compete. The player count amounts up to a measly sub 1 million, while 1% of the worlds entire population plays league. Soon DotA will die, it will because Valve can't carry games, but League of Legends will live on. So basically, you're all future league players. I BET that the next prizepool will either be the same as last year's or will stagnate. If it does, it's over, already the prizepot growth slowed down dramatically. It's basically just a waiting game. See you fags when you're the next starcraft! Starting to masturbate as soon as the "Ready" thing pops up and it makes that "DAAAHH!!" sound. I just get this extreme arousal from it so I immediately go on pornhub to watch a porn video and masturbate whilst the game is loading. Sometimes it takes quite a bit longer so I had to AFK in the drafting phase or even the first 2 minutes but it's already I feel revitalised as soon as I finish and start playing. I've done this a couple of times already and I feel like I've conditioned my body to get aroused every time I hear the "DAAAH!!" sound and I get erection all the time. TLDR: Conditioned myself to get aroused when i hear the "DAAAH!!" sound at the start of dota games Sorry for my english, i am a native spanish speaker) Well, first of all i am a avg player who likes to play this game for fun, also i enjoy playing ranked games too. The thing is, that i have been reading how people complain about how broken is this patch, how they want the new patch and blablabla, but that's not the point which is wrong, the point is this: As an average player i can play at certain times because of my studies and when i play, the game puts me in the team with toxic people (mostly peruvians), i'm not that kind of guy who insults and blames his teammates all the game, i always try to be kind and calm down throughout the match. In my last game (Match id = 3507857814) a player (@ron, peruvian player, I deduced it because i know how they spanish attempt is) asked mid to play kunkka, then another asked mid too, to play windranger, and well i asked safe lane to play jugg (i wanted to improve my stats), when wr asked mid, kunkka started to flame and insult wr. At the beginning of the game i noticed that kunkka didn't buy anything, and i asked him in a nice way to play bottom with pudge and control enemy's farm, then he started to insult me and flame me, after that i asked to wr to go bottom with pudge, same thing, venge took my rune, i made a couple of pings to her. The match starts, and with this, kunkka started feeding, once and another. Pudge gets tilted, and he goes afk, i asked him if he can abandon, because i didn't want to play with that kunkka, and he replies me that he abandoned last game because of the same player(don't know if that's true), and then i decided to leave the match. This not a complaint, I just want you to know what's killing the game. Is not the patch, is not how broken are some items or heroes, it is the players that are killing the game, and valve does nothing to fix it. There are literally no words left in the dictionary to describe how slow and awful valve's updates are. But still, even though MYM was a huge disappointment, and there are so many under and over-powered weapons in the game, I would still have fun playing tf2. I love playing as all classes except for demo. But then it just stopped. Without exaggeration, a quarter of the time I walk out of spawn, there's some demo spawn camping us with crits, or there's a heavy + med spamming quick-fix ubers, or a server rapist who's invested too much time into a dying game, lmaobox hacker, or even fucking delfy himself. Assuming you make it past that, half the time your team is getting steamrolled. The other half of the time, i just get horribly bored stomping innocent players. The saddest part is that this is not even exaggeration. I get more random drops than I do remotely-well balanced games (which, to be fair, isn't saying much because crates are so common.) TF2 is so horribly inconsistent. One minute you're on a 20-godlike killstreak as a soldier, helping your team push through, and the next minute you die 5 times in a row IMMEDIATELY after respawning because you got killed by crits, stickies, stomped by the server rapist... whatever. I think completely random teams would be fairer than this. Just put on class limits of 2 each, put high-level high-hour server rapists on both sides, and then just roll the dice for everyone else. It's so frustrating that the TF2 team is trying their fucking hardest to save this sinking ship, this hidden gem of unique class-based shooters, but because for some fucking reason they can't get more staff, this game is just left to die. I bet overwatch would've never existed, or would not have been so popular, if TF2 was instead a fully fleshed-out game with excellent team balance, bug fixes, balanced weapons, and actually fucking helped out new players by telling them what all the hundreds of different weapons and game mechanics were. What's really fucking sad is that even CSGO, valve's most popular shooter (unfortunately more so than tf2) still has a somewhat slow development cycle and indescribably horrible updates created by people who don't play the game (R8 update anyone?). The only things valve cares about are dota 2 and Steam VR, because that's all the "new and flashy" stuff these days. I feel so bad for the tf2 team. Shitheads like me are probably flooding out all the meaningful posts who want to help the game. there are just a handful of people running around with their hair on fire, trying to save this sinking ship. Nobody else at valve wants to help them out. And I don't blame them for not helping, because it seems like every time anyone touches the game it just gets worse and then the community gets stirred up and... ugh /rant To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand DotA 2. The strategy is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of game theory and stochastic outcomes most of the gameplay will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Icefrog’s teleological outlook, which is deftly woven into the characterisation of his heroes - Icefrog’s personal philosophy draws heavily from Tolkien literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the game, to realize that it’s not just a pastime – it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike DotA 2 truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the epistemological consequences of denying creeps, which itself is a cryptic reference to Derrida's metaphysical essay How to Avoid Speaking: Denials. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Icefrog's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a DotA 2 tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 500 MMR points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Last night while playing Dota 2 for 16 days straight, god Gaben the Almighty visited me in my dreams after losing 6k MMR points. Gaben has shown me the future of Dota 2. Believe me this is as real as it gets boys. After TI7, RTZ will leave EG to join Secret again because they lost TI. Fear's girlfriend will play as the new carry for EG. Dendi will still be playing for NaVi because he still refuse to retire. XBOCT will finally reach a rating of 5 as a carry. SingSing will create a new professional team and play all five roles by himself. Admiralbulldog will stop his twitch streams and also shutdown his youtube account because the god almighty Gaben has revoked his "TI WINNER" status. God Gaben has also shown me a short vision of the final match of Abed and Miracle playing against each other, both having MMR of 9976. Just short of 1 game to be hailed the first 10K MMR in dota history. Miracle is in Dire and Abed is in Radiant. Abed instapicks meepo at the first 0.005 seconds of the picking phase and Miracle went for the hard carry Anti-Mage. Abed then tells his whole team to focus hunting down Miracle for the first 5 mins of the game. However Miracle didnt go for the typical battlefury AM and instead went for an early fighting AM with shadowblade as his first item, no boots. I was honestly shocked by this amazing 10K play. Literally never been done in the history of dota 2. Miracle then starts roaming the map and automatically cast manavoid on unsuspecting radiant heroes, resulting to an ultrakill for Miracle just 14 minutes into the game. Meanwhile abed with his meepo also has a trick on his sleeve for this decisive match. Abed didnt skill up his Meepo's "Divided we Stand" and opted for a single hard hitting Meepo with only Net and Geostrike. From the way I see it, Miracle didnt have any idea what Abed was doing boys. Abed went for an early radiance build with his single meepo, farming it just after 16minutes. The runes spawn and abed suddenly sees an invi rune in the river near the dire secret shop. Abed quickly gets the rune and walks toward the dire alone with his single radiance meepo. He sees miracle farming 16 ancient stacks and stands beside him while he farms for EXP and casual last hits from his radiance. Miracle didnt know why he was losing so much HP aside from the fact that almost 40 ancient creeps was attacking him. When he was down below 50hp, Abed tossed a net on Miracle, breaking the invisibility and preventing him from escaping. Abed secured the most crucial kill of the game. The death of Miracle's AM gave out an intense light like the sun was about to explode that it blinded me for the rest of my life. My eyes burning from the Intensity of the 10K MMR fight between a single radiance Abed Meepo and a shadowblade no boots Miracle AM. God Gaben whispered to my ears that in order to restore my vision again and be able to play dota, I must first reach a battlepass level of 4000 for TI8 and spread the good news to reddit that HalfLife3 will release after 20 more years. I have been blessed by God Gaben. My blindness allowed me to see the future. As of the moment I am still blind. I wrote this post using my still functional feet and third leg. While I am still unable to play Dota 2, I had already made loans to secure my level 4000 battlepass for TI8. slark is such a balanced fucking hero, oh yeah let's give a hero who can purge literally anything free heart and the ability to escape any teamfight or gank ever, let's make a hero who preys off of supports who can't defend themselves when they try to ward and put sentries for slark but it doesn't fucking matter because even if you try to counter slark some gay-ass bullshit purging fucking shit makes it impossible, fuckig slark gay ass hero I am so close to just abandoning games if enemy team picks him fuck slark fuck shit ass fuck fuck, also EVERY FUCKING GAME SOME FUCKING RUSSIAN INSTALOCKS PUDGE IF HE'S ON MY TEAM HE MISSES ALL HIS HOOKS, TAKES SAFELANE, TRIES TO FARM AND DIES IF HE'S ON THE ENEMY TEAM HE'S HOOKED QOP MID 4 TIMES, IS ON 5-0-6 AND HAS A BLINK AND TRANQUILS 6 MINUTES INTO THE GAME HE HAS A FUCKING FREE AGHANIMS SCEPTRE AND WILL HOOK YOU FROM YOUR FOUNTAIN EVERY 4 SECONDS. FUCK THAT HERO FUCK CYRILLIC NAMED PUDGES DELETE THIS FUCKING HERO OH AND DON'T BUY DIVINE YOU FUCKING RETARDS, THEIR WAS LITERALLY NO FUCKING REASON TO GET A DIVINE WHEN WE HAD A 20K NETWORTH ADVANTAGE AND ALREADY GOT MEGA CREEPS, NAGA WAS FUCKING POOR, EMBER WAS FUCKING POOR, AND YOU LITTLE SHIT HAD TO GET A RAPIER, RUN OFF BY YOURSELF, AND GET CONTROLLED TO DEATH BY THE SPIRIT BREAKER AND OGRE, WHICH EMBER PICKED UP OF COURSE, MAKING IT DIFFICULT TO ACTUALLY GET THE TIER 4S, THEN YOU ENDED UP AFK ABANDONING AND DOWN THE DRAIN OUR TEAMFIGHT GOES SINCE NAGA IMMEDIATELY SONGS WHEN WE GET CLOSE ENOUGH TO JUMP EMBER SPIRIT AND WE CAN'T DO SHIT ABOUT IT BECAUSE WE ONLY HAD ONE BKB WHICH WAS INSTANTLY BURSTED DOWN, WE ENDED UP GETTING WIPED AS HE PURCHASED A SECOND RAPIER ALONG WITH NAGA GETTING SIX SLOTTED IN THIRTY MINUTES AFTER THAT, EVENTUALLY, YOU CAME BACK AND SAID THAT YOU WERE SICK AND THROWING UP, WHY THE ACTUALLY FUCK WERE YOU PLAYING RANKED WHEN YOU WERE SICK, ITS LIKE YOUR DECISION MAKING IS LITERAL GARBAGE BOTH IN GAME AND REAL LIFE, EVETUALLY, THEIR PUSHING BECAME TOO MUCH WITH NAGA EMBER AND NATURES ALL PUSHING A LANE WITH TPS AND WE LOST THANKS TO YOU. YOU THREW A NINETY GAME BECAUSE YOUR ACTUALLY AUTISTIC, YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN ALLOWED TO PLAY RANKED MMR. I ACTUALLY DON'T KNOW HOW THE FUCK YOUR EVEN ABOVE 3K MMR WHEN YOUR TRASH DECISIONS THREW THE GAME, I ACTUALLY HOPE AT THE VERY LEAST YOUR FINGERS GOT FUCKED UP SO EVEN IF YOU PLAY DOTA, YOUR MMR WILL TANK UNTIL YOUR PLAYING WITH THE TRENCH THAT NEVER BUYS BOOTS AND CONSTANTLY FEEDS UNDER TOWER, THANKS AND FUCK YOU So I am around 3k trash. I am trash and I know it. I know I can play cores but since the usual trash can't supp for shit I'll support. I pick Ogre. I roam the shit out of the map, we lead 30 TO FUCKING 0, ZERO by minute 15. Not a single enemy gets feed. 60 MINUTES LATER, WE LOST THE GAME. WE LITERALLY HAD TO TAKE ONE MORE RANGED RACKS FOR MEGAS. WE HAD SD, THE SIEGING MACHINE, WE HAD SNIPER, THE SIEGE TANK OF DOTA. AND WE HAD KUNKKA, THE USELESS CUNT. So what do they do? EXACTLY. They start suiciding for chip damage to the racks, they start suiciding on the map for possible support kills. They start feeding the Morph, Legion and Drow that will later start fucking us. THEY DONT BUY EVASION, NEITHER BKBs, Mirana KEEPS SUICIDING INTO LEGION BLADEMAIL. SNIPER DOES NOT KNOW THE ITEM DRAGON LANCE. I WANT TO GRIND MMR. I WANT TO WIN. I WANT TO SUPPORT MY TEAM. BUT WHAT CAN I LITERALLY DO WHEN MY TEAM STARTS SPLITTING UP AND FEEDING LIKE TURDS? WHAT CAN I DO AGAINST 3 BKBs? I would like to apply as a mod because my emote was removed and i will ban/kick who ever fucks with us or doesn't obey the rules. I do not have experience but I had experience cleaning dishes cuz my mom force me too or clean the house, like moderating hehe. And I'll talk about myself now. I'm Mark. Male. Straight, dont forget about that. 14. I'm diagnosed with bipolar, autism and depression. Not really that serious since I get really calm when I'm playing games. Really didn't have a lot of friends back in Elementary because I did not fit in with the "kids". I played many games back in the 2005-2007. I can remember playing on my PS2 and you can tell I play a lot of games. First game I could remember was Warcraft 3. Then some other games. Oh maybe also Chicken Invaders and Pacman. Great games on the Windows XP. "Work, Work" Man memories of the Dota mod multiplayer servers. Too sad that the game died down and some people still play. Mostly its just bots. Diablo 2 even died down and theres some people playing. Almost all of them are bots. I played Counter Strike 1.6 and Source. Pirated them few years back and I'd say I have good skills playing. Usually I just slack off school. Not even kidding man. I kinda hate my teachers. I sometimes get bullied. Get called names. Hey, sometimes people be kind to me. I have lots of games but i'm not that rich so don't beg me games or items rawr xd. I also have lots of anime posters. Hehe like Re:zero, love live, death note. My favorite anime is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Ya kno? Where the stands appear then the big muscle guys fight. "ZA WARDO!" "ORA ORA ORA" "MUDA MUDA MUDA" Season 3 is my favourite. Old guys just having adventures hehe. Joseph Joestar is a great character. The 5th manga looks like a bunch of gay dudes with weird haircuts. Ok so the mod part. A mod would have responsibilities. "Respect users, warn/ban gay heads" Thank you for reading and hopefully you will accept me for a future moderator. Let me just rant real quick about this because it's finally come up in a sub that people will agree with me in. Esports are not sports. It's not a fucking sport so stop fucking calling it one. These little twigs are not athletes and they don't need dri-fit "jerseys" with their names on em, because jerseys with names and numbers serve an actual function when you're running around on a field, not so much when you're glued to a $1000 chair. I'm sick of people calling e-sports "the new sports". It's not a fucking sport. I'm typing this on the toilet right now and that's about as much movement as is being done when playing fucking Dota 2. Just because you put a couple thousand people in a stadium, still, doesn't make it a sport and I'm sick of gaming nerds comparing this shit to real, actual sports. I'm not some jock. I play rocket league. But im sick of this new movement to try and pretend like video games are inherently good the way actual sports are. If your kid plays sports, he's physicslly active and he's being social and it's healthy for him. DotA fuckin 2 can't replace that. I just needed to get that out of my system. I was only 13 years old I loved Gaben so much, I had all the Dota 2 cosmetics and followed all the Half-Life 3 rumors I pray to Gaben every night before bed, thanking him for the highly-discounted games I’ve been given "Gaben is love" I say; “Gaben is life” My dad hears me and calls me a pretentious shill I know he was just jealous of my superior gaming platform I called him a console peasant He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep I’m crying now, and my face hurts I lay in bed and it’s really cold Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me It’s Gaben I am so happy He whispers into my ear “This is my consumer-friendly DRM.” He grabs me with his powerful hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees I’m ready I spread my wallet for Gaben He penetrates my bank account It hurts so much but I do it for Gaben I can feel my account balance dropping as my Steam library increases I add more items to my wishlist I want to please Gaben He roars in a mighty roar as he fills my library with cheap indie games My dad walks in Gaben looks him straight in the eyes and says “It’s all on sale now.” Gaben leaves through my window Gaben is love. Gaben is life. Why you just don't use rapture on, uhh, I dunno, whadafak why you just don't use rapture on fucken w-- on fucken shaker?! WHAT DA FUCK IS PROBLEM? YOU JUST PICK CORE BLOODSEEKER AND YOU JUST DON'T DO ANYTHING ON THE GAME, HELLO? DUDE! USE RAPTURE ON FUCKEN--uhh shaker I dunno, you just stupid, you just most stupidest dog ever saw in the Dota pool. I must confess, I play league because I have foot fetish. When I saw screenshots of LoL with Janna in them, I instantly knew it was my type of game. I used to play Dota, but I didn't like it very much because of lack of barefoot female champions there. Lina looked like she could be my type of champion, but unfortunately she has such ugly and long feet that it wasn't even funny. Then there was Enchantress, but her hooves ruined any appeal for me. LoL, on the other hand, immediately drew my attention as the game that put a lot of detail into the things I like. My favorite champion in LoL is obviously Janna. Her appearance, clothes and, most importantly, her feet are perfect. I play Janna very often, but I must admit I sometimes lose focus in early game when I get.. 'a rocket in my pocket' after zooming in on her feet when the game starts in the spawn. My only problem is she does not walk with her feet. I wish i could see them in action rather than floating. My second favourite champion is Nidalee. While Janna's feet ignite my desire directly, Nidalee soft and pleasant looking fur boots teases me with their massive size, hinting at a great bountiful pair of feet. I also like how Nidalee throws her javelin, how she leans forward, stepping forward for a delightful moment, and doing a double-take. Sometimes it turns me on, sometimes not. I like Riven, but I have to say that her feet are not so good in comparison to my two favorites, but I fancy her anyway. It seems that Riven runs a lot so her feet must be very rough so she must wear sandals. She is still cool though. I would appreciate a skin that could change her legs and feet to look more feminine and preferably, bare. I don't know if Morgana's feet are good or not because I couldn't see them no matter how I tried to move her around, I was greatly disappointed. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the future LoL developments and I hope there will be more beautiful barefoot female heroes. League did an amazing job for people like me and I'm going to play and support this game however I can. ill have you fuckers know that league is 10x better than dota. if you want to talk then fucking fight me right now. ill have you know i main syndra and will literally fucking pummel you into the ground. dota sucks dick and sniper is ass. i dont care if it came out before league, cause the graphics are dick. dota will always be garbage and you should just kill yourself if you play it still. Ever since has started significantly acknowledging this subreddit and the game has gone popular it's been all downhill. Seriously, how the fuck does anyone think that the majority will legitimately assess the meta game and situations about some heroes when about 1% of the DotA 2 player base actually plays the ''real'' meta game and an even smaller percentage of players understands how everything affects everything? (very high skilled captain players). I'm 6000+ and I don't even try to pretend that my suggestions about the metagame could lead it to a better place and so do most of us. It's just fucking mind boggling how so many players who can barely play the fucking game properly try to promote their awful ideas with any form of legitimacy and we encourage them. Oh and the memes. This place used to laugh about twitch chat unironically but I'm not sure that's a possibility anymore. Every 2-3 threads is filled with nothing but meme based retardation that just goes on and on. Every single fucking time there's a discussion about whether or not we should add a new feature to the game the top comment's ALWAYS ''BUT MUH SKILL CAP'' like we can't have a legitimate discussion cause there's too many degenerated fucktards who can only communicate through memes. And after that you wonder why most pros dont bother to come and discuss on this shithole. I'm sure if some came undercover you'd find ways to downvote them to oblivion to upvote some 3K'er brilliant fucking thoughts. Stop being so fucking kneejerk all the time. Appreciate the game, try to use English properly. End of rant. TL;DR ---> So few people are actually good and dota and understand the game properly (like maybe a 1000) stop acting like this shithole actually has good ideas and stay humble, love the game, stop mindlessly spewing memes.
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