
The Fluffy Factory: The Sun Rises

May 7th, 2012
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  1. >It's been over two weeks since Sunflower killed her white foal.
  2. >Despite being mated with Willow each day, she has failed to conceive.
  3. >It's like she's denying pregnancy through sheer force of will.
  4. >The only words that come out of her mouth are “No wan' babehs.”
  5. >Sarah is growing annoyed with her failure to get pregnant.
  6. >You've been trying a different tactic the past few days.
  7. >Since two of the fuck pillows died, you've moved Willow and Sunflower into their former cage.
  8. >Now he gets to mate with her at will, a process you've encouraged with a small dose of pheromone spray.
  9. >You hear a steady stream of 'eenf' from that part of the basement.
  10. >You have to remind Willow to take it easy or he'll hurt himself.
  11. >He, of course, doesn't listen.
  12. >”Wuv giwlfwiend Sunfwowa, gif huggies aww time!” he'll say.
  13. >He thinks they're a couple because you've put them together.
  14. >Oh well, if it'll help ensure she gets boned constantly, so be it.
  15. >Four days after you put them together, Sunflower looks very lethargic.
  16. “What's wrong, Sunflower? Are you sick?”
  17. >She barely looks up at you. “Sunfwowa get funny feew in tummy...”
  18. >This is another part of the job that the fluffies themselves help with.
  19. >Somehow, the mares know when they've conceived successfully.
  20. >This is the 'funny feel'. They never try to hide it from anyone.
  21. >In fact, they usually tell everyone within earshot. It makes record keeping very easy.
  22. >”Sunfwowa haf mo' babehs? No wan'! Jus' gon' take babehs 'way!”
  23. >Great, she's entered that transitional phase.
  24. >The newer dams are all very happy to get foals, at first.
  25. >After a few litters, though, they realize pregnancy just leads to loss.
  26. >Some of the dams actually manage to accept this naturally.
  27. >The dams that don't get hit with the stun gun.
  28. >The resets don't always stick, but they're enough for some of the dams.
  29. >As reset-resistant dams get impregnated and birth more foals that are taken away, they become increasingly bitter until they finally break.
  30. >This is the fuck pillow path, and Sunflower is on it. She's already had a failed reset.
  31. >You mark down the date of her conception in her paperwork and remove Willow from the cage.
  32. >”Wha? Gif back to giwlfwiend! Wiwwow wan' stay wif giwlfwiend!” he whines.
  33. >He forgets her when you give him a cookie.
  34. >Sunflower is left in her cage alone now. You replace her yellow sticker with a red one.
  35. >Now all you can do is wait.
  36. >Because fluffy genetics are so heavily manipulated, development occurs fast.
  37. >For the first seven days, Sunflower is regularly sized, but very sluggish.
  38. >”Back weggies feew funny!” she complains constantly.
  39. >Her teats are beginning to load up with milk, causing her to feel strange.
  40. >By the eighth day, the rest of her abdomen is beginning to swell.
  41. >”Sunfwowa feew funny! Weggies no wowk wight!” she whines.
  42. >At this point, you move her down to basement two for the duration of her pregnancy.
  43. >Usually, by the end of the second week the dam is as big as she's going to get.
  44. >The next week or so is spent preparing her body for fluffsplosion – a process defeated by ingestion of their sodium hydroxide-laden food.
  45. >Dams with small litters have shorter gestation periods, because less time is spent developing their foals than preparing their bodies to explode.
  46. >Sarah hasn't yet found a way to force early labor besides hurting or stressing the dams.
  47. >That isn't very efficient, since it produces a large percentage of stillborn or injured foals.
  48. >And even more dead dams.
  49. >On day fourteen, you are surprised to hear Sunflower crying in her cage, wobbling around uselessly on her side.
  50. >She hasn't gotten very big, just large enough to lose the use of her legs.
  51. >”Feew big poopies! Babehs? No wan' babehs, babehs jus' go 'way! No wan'!”
  52. >If she's ready this fast, she either has a very small litter or a lot of stillborn foals.
  53. >You send Steve up to get Sarah, since she wanted to witness the birth.
  54. >She arrives just as you set Sunflower on the table.
  55. >”About fucking time,” she grumbles, walking over to stand beside you.
  56. “Don't get too excited, it's only been two weeks.”
  57. >Sarah folds her arms and glares down at the shivering yellow dam.
  58. >”I better not get dead foals, Sunflower.”
  59. >”Sunfwowa no wan' babehs...”
  60. >You begin assisting with the birth.
  61. >Since Sunflower is unusually small, you gently feel her stomach to ensure there's actual pressure.
  62. >Her skin isn't completely taut, but her belly pushes back against your fingers.
  63. >”Big poopies!” she whines as you check.
  64. “She's ready. Don't know what we're going to get, but it's something.”
  65. >”Whatever it is, it better be alive.”
  66. >The labor starts. Sunflower's legs run through the air as she cries.
  67. >”Big poopies! No wan'! No wan'!”
  68. >You squeeze her gently. A bloody foal plops out onto the table.
  69. >It is quiet.
  70. >”Oh, for fuck's sake,” Sarah grumbles.
  71. >”B-babeh come out? Whewe babeh?”
  72. >You pick up the foal. It's breathing.
  73. “This one's not dead. Sunflower, clean it off.”
  74. >She complains again, but does as told, licking the blood and slime from its face.
  75. >With a tiny gasp, it begins to chirp.
  76. >”Babeh! Mumma hewe!”
  77. >As the blood is cleaned away, white fuzz becomes visible.
  78. >Sarah just smiles. You begin squeezing again.
  79. >”Owwies, no huwt!”
  80. “Sorry.”
  81. >A second slimy red foal pops out onto the table. This one begins squeaking immediately.
  82. >”Heaw babeh! Come to mumma, babeh!”
  83. >Everything else that emerges is afterbirth. She's done.
  84. >”Uh, is this usually so bloody?”
  85. >You shrug at Sarah while you give Sunflower her second foal.
  86. “Depends on the dam. She would tell me if she were really hurting.”
  87. >Sunflower continues to lick her foals clean. They are both white.
  88. >She growls angrily when you pick them up to sex and type them.
  89. >”Gif back! Gif owwies to Mista if no gif back babehs!”
  90. >Sarah thwacks her on the nose, stopping her protest in its tracks.
  91. >”Shut up, Sunflower. What have we got?”
  92. “One female white pegasus and one male white earth fluffy.”
  93. >”No take babehs, pwease no take, pwease wet haf babehs, wan' wuv...”
  94. >”Are they healthy?”
  95. “Yeah, she wouldn't have cleaned them if they were rejects.”
  96. >Surprisingly, Sarah pets Sunflower on the head.
  97. >”Well, you're out of the doghouse now.”
  98. >”Wha? No am doggy, am Sunfwowa...”
  99. >She rolls her eyes. You move to put the foals into their respective pens.
  100. >The bitching begins anew. “No take babehs! Gif owwies to meanie Mista!”
  101. >She looks like a smarty friend with her cheeks puffed and glaring eyes.
  102. >”Wait a second.”
  103. >You look up at Sarah. She motions you back to the table and takes the squeaking pegasus from your hand.
  104. >It tries to suckle on her black fingernails while she shows it to Sunflower.
  105. >”Now we're even.”
  106. >”Pwease no take babehs!”
  107. >”I'm not.”
  108. >You blink at Sarah as she takes the white earth foal away, and sets both of them next to Sunflower's stomach.
  109. >”You take good care of these foals, Sunflower.”
  110. >”Sunfwowa...Sunfwowa haf babehs? Wet haf babehs?”
  111. >She can't believe it, and neither can you.
  112. >”Yep. You gave me what I wanted, and now I'm going to give you what you wanted.”
  113. >Sarah leans down until her face is close to Sunflower's.
  114. >”But if you try to kill your foals again, I will break every bone in your fluffy little body, got it?”
  115. >She panics a little. ”No wan' huwt! Sunfwowa good mumma! Wuv aww babehs! Wuv babehs!”
  116. >”Good girl.”
  117. >Sarah departs. You take Sunflower and her foals to the empty cage in basement one, to avoid harassment by the more jealous dams below.
  118. >Once you're done setting them up, you take your lunch break and go topside.
  119. >You catch Sarah in the storage room, making notes about how much food is left.
  120. “Hey, why'd you let her keep them?”
  121. >She looks back at you with a grin.
  122. >”I've heard white fluff is a recessive trait. Once her kids get older, we're gonna find out.”
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