
F1 Anon - Chapter 27

Nov 14th, 2015
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  1. Formula 1 Anon in Equestria - Chapter 27
  5. >Friday. One week before the final race weekend this season.
  6. >Recovery is going well. You can go out and walk around town whenever you feel like and not have any problems.
  7. >So you've decided to go and give Rarity a visit at her boutique. Seeing as she might be the best pony to get some patches made.
  8. >Yes, those patches. The James Hunt ones. Rainbow wasn't kidding when she said she wanted them.
  9. >After entering her boutique, Rarity stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of you. Then promptly ran over and hugged you.
  10. >She and a few others were pretty much front-row-center for your accident. This is the first time Rarity has seen you since then.
  11. >The others came by and visited the library while you were bed resting, so everyone did get a chance to see you.
  12. >Along the way though, you learned that Rarity is actually pretty busy with being the whole "Official apparel provider" for Formula 1.
  13. >You kinda knew that before, but didn't realize the scale. Her boutique has expanded. Exponentially.
  14. >She still does dresses by han- uh, hoof. But she now has a showroom and a store for all F1 team apparel. She had to hire employees.
  15. >Yeah, that big.
  17. >"Oh my gosh! I'm so happy to see that you're up and walking!" Rarity says.
  18. "Yep. I'm pretty lucky." you say, nodding your head.
  19. >"You are not kidding. We all thought..." she pauses "We all thought the worst."
  20. "Yeah. Sorry about that."
  21. >"Oh don't be darling. Please. You're here to live another day."
  22. "Eh. Still."
  23. >Judging from how Rainbow acted that day, Rarity and the others probably fared no better. You don't even want to think about it.
  24. >"Anyway, you must be here for something other than to see moi, I imagine. How can I help you?" Rarity asks.
  25. "Well. Rainbow wants some patches made for our suits."
  26. >Rarity smiles "Well you've come to the right place! Do you have a design?"
  27. "Yeah."
  28. >You take a folded sheet of paper out of your pocket and hand it to her. She takes it with her magic, and unfolds it.
  29. >"Ok, lets see what we ha- Oh my."
  31. >Rarity glances up at you. Back down to the sketch. Back up to you.
  32. >"Do I... want to know?"
  33. >You let out an "uuuhhhh" then proceed to let out a small laugh.
  34. "Do you?"
  35. >"aaaahhh, not right now. hehe. Um, question."
  36. "Answer."
  37. >Rarity points to the center of the design. "Is the bicep supposed to look like a butt?... and the X supposed to look like its goin-"
  38. "Yeah." You quickly interrupt. "Yeah it's- it's supposed to look- jus- Can you just make 4 of them please?"
  39. >Rarity gives a small giggle, and says "Sure. I'll have them done in about 2 hours."
  40. "Cool. Thanks. See ya in a bit."
  41. >As you turn to head out and go get some food. Rarity says, smiling "I suppose Rainbow Dash has been taking 'very' good care of you? hmm?"
  42. >You stop dead, and point a finger up.
  43. "...No comment."
  44. As you exit the boutique, Rarity turns back to the sketch and says to herself "Ill take that as a yes. *giggle*"
  47. 2 hours later
  49. >You come back to the library with 4 new patches in hand. Setting them down on the table, you call out for your teammate.
  50. "Hey Dash! Your sex patches are done!"
  51. >...
  52. >... No response. Weird.
  53. >Twilight definitely would have said something, but shes not here right now, so.
  54. "Dash?"
  55. >Still nothing.
  56. >Time to scout out the library. Who knows where Rainbow went.
  57. >The first room you come up to though, the tv room, you see her sitting on the couch.
  58. >Leaning on the door frame to the room, you state:
  59. "Dash, I got the patches made"
  60. >She immediately goes "SHH" paying attention to the television screen.
  61. "Don't 'SHH' me. What the he-"
  62. >"Shut up and look." She says to you. Still looking at the screen.
  63. >Walking in, you see that EBC Sport has footage of an authorized one car test session at EquineRing.
  64. "That's a Wonderbolts car. What were they doing at EquineRing?"
  65. >"They found a new driver." Dash says. Almost in a fearful tone.
  66. "Shit."
  67. >The appeal must have gotten denied. They wouldn't be looking for a new driver if it didn't.
  68. >*Though the Wonderbolts appeal hearing won't happen until tomorrow afternoon. The team has already found a replacement driver just in case it doesn't go their way.* is what you hear out of the television.
  69. "It got rescheduled for Saturday!?" You say, pleasantly surprised. "I can actually help them out!"
  70. >"You fucking better." Says Dash.
  71. "Ooookay, something happened, what?"
  72. >"Look at who those idiots got to replace Spitfire" Dash says, pointing to the screen.
  73. >A pegasus climbs out of the Wonderbolts machine. You can tell by the bulges from the wings in her racing suit.
  74. >Taking off the helmet reveals a seafoam green pony with a blonde mane- Oh shit.
  75. >Like, holy shit.
  76. >They got fucking Lightning Dust. Oh this not good.
  77. >You remember the stories Dash told you about her when she was in the Academy. If that pegasus finds her way on the grid, there 'will' be an accident worse than yours next week. Fuck that.
  78. >"You better go to Canterlot tomorrow and you BETTER get Spitfire back in her car." Dash demands. "Or she will kill someone."
  79. "I know. I'm going to make my case heard. Ill leave first thing in the morning."
  82. ---Yesterday---
  84. >"*Alright Lightning Dust. Pull the car in.*" Fleetfoot says over the radio.
  85. >"*How did I do?"* Lightning inquires as she enters pit road.
  86. >After a few seconds of radio silence, she hears "*Better than... Expected.*"
  87. >"YES!" says lightning Dust to herself in the cockpit. This second chance has finally gotten her into F1. Hopefully.
  89. >She was one of the better drivers during the simulator sessions back before the season started. Not the fastest but she was ok.
  90. >The only thing that kept her from getting in was her "extreme" racing methods.
  91. >If it wasn't for her inability to keep her head cool when someone over-took her, and the overly aggressive blocking that caused a few accidents, she might have had a seat for the start of the season.
  93. >Lightning parks the car nose first into the garage, turns off the engine, and climbs out.
  94. >"You've improved. I'm impressed" Says Fleetfoot. Knowing Lightning's past driving history.
  95. >Dust just completed 40 race pace laps in a row. Ran a little wide in a few corners, but maintained control.
  96. >"But, you were by yourself." Fleet continues as Dust takes off her helmet "We have yet to see how you do in traffic."
  97. >"Are we gonna do that today or what?" inquires Dust. Setting her helmet down on the car.
  98. >"Hold up. Not today. That will happen only if our appeal gets denied."
  99. >"Ok, Why are you going for the appeal then? If I'm faster, why go through the trouble of keeping a slower driver?" Dust says, arrogantly.
  100. >That statement did not get her on Fleetfoot's good side.
  101. >"Seriously?" Fleet retorts "Your fastest lap was .7 seconds away from Spitfires 'slowest' GP time."
  102. >"WHAT!? That cant be possible!" Lightning states, flabbergasted.
  103. >"I TOLD YOU. You are only here because we might lose Spitfire for good to this penalty. If we had to choose between you and her, you might as well just pack your bags now."
  104. >"Let me back out there! I'm sure I can find another line somewhere!" Dust demands.
  105. >Fleetfoot denies her request. "40 Laps was plenty of time to get used to the track and put in a reasonable lap time. Which you did. Compared to S.P.A. Racing anyway."
  106. >Ouch.
  107. >Lightning pleads: "Come on, 10 more laps? I bet I can-"
  108. >"Enough!" Fleetfoot slams her hoof down. "We will call you after Saturday if, and only if, a spot is open."
  109. >A frustrated Lightning Dust replies "Yes ma'am."
  110. >Fleetfoot exits the garage and leaves Lightning there with the car. As Dust looks over the sleek and powerful Wonderbolts Racing vehicle, smiling, she thinks to herself:
  111. >*I will be driving this car at Ponyville. They want Spitfire back? Too bad, their appeal will be denied. I'll make sure of it.*
  114. ----Back to present----
  116. "Huh, Look at her times."
  117. >Dash examines the fastest laps that she put down during her 40 lap stint.
  118. >Surprised, Rainbow states "Wow. She wouldn't have even beaten Lotus with those times! Let alone Blossomforth."
  119. "Why do you think Wonderbolts Racing is even investing in her then?"
  120. >"More than likely because of her 'potential' energy." Dash says making "quotation" motions with her hooves.
  121. "Yeah, potential to destroy everything. Literally."
  122. >"No kidding." Dash agrees. "I don't feel good about this Anon."
  124. >A few moments go by. Then, more footage from yesterday appears on the tv. Some troubling footage.
  126. "Why is she laughing? and why is she alone in that garage?"
  127. >The footage was captured from a camera across the front stretch from the garages. Lightning had no idea she was being filmed.
  128. >"Okay. Now I really don't feel good about this." says Dash.
  129. >Putting 2 + 2 together, you suspect that she cannot be up to any good with that demeanor. You look to Rainbow and say:
  130. "I think you should come with me tomorrow. You know, just in case."
  131. >"Do you think shes gonna do anything?" Dash inquires.
  132. "With lap times like those? If Spitfire gets her licence back, shes gone, and she knows it. I think shes going to try, somehow, to get their appeal denied for sure so she has a guaranteed seat."
  133. >"You got all that just by seeing her laugh?" Rainbow asks.
  134. "I've been around some desperate people in my motorsports career. I've seen alot, and that is not a good sign."
  135. >"Ok. One more question then."
  136. "Yeah?"
  137. >"How is she gonna do that? I don't think she has the power to convince Celestia or Luna on her own." states Rainbow.
  138. >You think for a moment. Only one thing shows up in your mind.
  139. "I'm thinking the stewards are just going to deny it anyway. That is, if I'm not there. Lightning might just hang around and keep anyone from trying to interrupt the hearing. By any means necessary."
  140. >"Oh shit." says Rainbow. "Yeah. I'm coming with you. We'll get Spitfire's license back together."
  141. >Awesome.
  142. "That's what I like to hear. Be ready. We'll leave at 6 tomorrow morning."
  143. >"You got it Anon."
  150. "Oh. By the way. Um, I got us those sex patches you wanted."
  151. >"Haha! YES."
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