
[Roblox] GameGuardian - Flee The Facility

Sep 1st, 2019
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  1. gg.alert('All Estuardo145 Hacks are in the MEGA MOD MENU')
  2. gg.toast('By Estuardo145')
  3. print('Roblox Mega Pack')
  4. --Game guardian detection
  5. if gg.BUILD < 5511 then
  6. print('You need latest version of GameGuardian to run this script. Minimum GG v.8.68.1.')
  7. goto update
  8. end
  9. if gg.isVisible(true) then
  10. gg.setVisible(false)
  11. end
  12. gg.clearResults()
  13. goto START
  14. ::START::
  16. menu = gg.choice({'Air Walking','Air Walking Off','Cross walls','Cross walls Off','Strange Camera','Strange Camera Off','Ghost Mode','Ghost Mode Off','No Legs','No Legs Off','Skating','Skating Off','Jump Down From The Earth','Jump Down From The Earth Off','Fish Mode','Fish Mode Off','Strange Letters And Walking In The Air','Strange Letters And Walking In The Air Off','Frozen Movement','Frozen Movement Off','New Animation','New Animation Off','Fast Movement','Fast Movement Off','Avatar Speed','Big Strange Head','Big Strange Head Off','Reach','Reach Off','FreezeKill','FreezeKill Off','Invisible Head','LagSwitch','LagSwitch Off','Super Jump Menu','Avatar Speed Off','DarkMap','DarkMap Off','TextureMap','TextureMap Off',' Black and White Map','Black and White Map Off',' Texture Map 2','Texture Map 2 Off','Small Shift Lock','Small Shift Lock Off','Faceless','Faceless Off','Dark World 2','Dark World 2 Off','Teleport','Teleport Off','Hack Eliminated Do not Touch','Rabbit Mode','Rabbit Mode Off','Lag Mode','Lag Mode Off','Strange World','Strange World Off','Light World','Light World Off','Rare Shield','Rare Shield Off','Fog Map','Fog Map Off','Detect Players','Detect Players Off','Big things','Big things Off','More Hacks','Credits','EXIT'},nil,'Made By Estuardo145
  18. if menu == 1 then goto jump1 end
  19. if menu == 2 then goto jump2 end
  20. if menu == 3 then goto jump3 end
  21. if menu == 4 then goto jump4 end
  22. if menu == 5 then goto jump5 end
  23. if menu == 6 then goto jump6 end
  24. if menu == 7 then goto jump7 end
  25. if menu == 8 then goto jump8 end
  26. if menu == 9 then goto jump9 end
  27. if menu == 10 then goto jump10 end
  28. if menu == 11 then goto jump11 end
  29. if menu == 12 then goto jump12 end
  30. if menu == 13 then goto jump13 end
  31. if menu == 14 then goto jump14 end
  32. if menu == 15 then goto jump15 end
  33. if menu == 16 then goto jump16 end
  34. if menu == 17 then goto jump17 end
  35. if menu == 18 then goto jump18 end
  36. if menu == 19 then goto jump19 end
  37. if menu == 20 then goto jump20 end
  38. if menu == 21 then goto jump21 end
  39. if menu == 22 then goto jump22 end
  40. if menu == 23 then goto jump23 end
  41. if menu == 24 then goto jump24 end
  42. if menu == 25 then goto jump25 end
  43. if menu == 26 then goto jump26 end
  44. if menu == 27 then goto jump27 end
  45. if menu == 28 then goto jump28 end
  46. if menu == 29 then goto jump29 end
  47. if menu == 30 then goto jump30 end
  48. if menu == 31 then goto jump31 end
  49. if menu == 32 then goto jump32 end
  50. if menu == 33 then goto jump33 end
  51. if menu == 34 then goto jump34 end
  52. if menu == 35 then goto jump35 end
  53. if menu == 36 then goto jump36 end
  54. if menu == 37 then goto jump37 end
  55. if menu == 38 then goto jump38 end
  56. if menu == 39 then goto jump39 end
  57. if menu == 40 then goto jump40 end
  58. if menu == 41 then goto jump41 end
  59. if menu == 42 then goto jump42 end
  60. if menu == 43 then goto jump43 end
  61. if menu == 44 then goto jump44 end
  62. if menu == 45 then goto jump45 end
  63. if menu == 46 then goto jump46 end
  64. if menu == 47 then goto jump47 end
  65. if menu == 48 then goto jump48 end
  66. if menu == 49 then goto jump49 end
  67. if menu == 50 then goto jump50 end
  68. if menu == 51 then goto jump51 end
  69. if menu == 52 then goto jump52 end
  70. if menu == 53 then goto jump53 end
  71. if menu == 54 then goto jump54 end
  72. if menu == 55 then goto jump55 end
  73. if menu == 56 then goto jump56 end
  74. if menu == 57 then goto jump57 end
  75. if menu == 58 then goto jump58 end
  76. if menu == 59 then goto jump59 end
  77. if menu == 60 then goto jump60 end
  78. if menu == 61 then goto jump61 end
  79. if menu == 62 then goto jump62 end
  80. if menu == 63 then goto jump63 end
  81. if menu == 64 then goto jump64 end
  82. if menu == 65 then goto jump65 end
  83. if menu == 66 then goto jump66 end
  84. if menu == 67 then goto jump67 end
  85. if menu == 68 then goto jump68 end
  86. if menu == 69 then goto jump69 end
  87. if menu == 70 then goto jump70 end
  88. if menu == 71 then goto jump71 end
  89. if menu == nil then print('error') end
  90. goto noselect
  92. ::jump1::
  93. gg.searchNumber('1.1', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  94. gg.getResults(9000)
  95. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('101', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  96. goto sdone
  98. ::jump2::
  99. gg.searchNumber('101', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  100. gg.getResults(9000)
  101. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('1.1', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  102. goto sdone
  104. ::jump3::
  105. gg.searchNumber('0.010', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  106. gg.getResults(9000)
  107. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-10.2', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  108. goto sdone
  110. ::jump4::
  111. gg.searchNumber('-10.2', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  112. gg.getResults(9000)
  113. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.010', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  114. goto sdone
  116. ::jump5::
  117. gg.searchNumber('5000', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  118. gg.getResults(9000)
  119. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-1.9', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  120. goto sdone
  122. ::jump6::
  123. gg.searchNumber('-1.9', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  124. gg.getResults(9000)
  125. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('5000', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  126. goto sdone
  128. ::jump7::
  129. gg.alert('Sometimes this Hack works if it does not work Turn your camera only if you want to Fix This Hack you must exit or Off the menu and only sometimes you can close Roblox')
  130. gg.searchNumber('1.75', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  131. gg.getResults(9000)
  132. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('2.5', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  133. gg.clearResults()
  134. goto sdone
  136. ::jump8::
  137. gg.searchNumber('2.5', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  138. gg.getResults(9000)
  139. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('1.75', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  140. gg.clearResults()
  141. goto sdone
  143. ::jump9::
  144. gg.searchNumber('0.1000', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  145. gg.getResults(9000)
  146. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-2.4', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  147. goto sdone
  149. ::jump10::
  150. gg.searchNumber('-2.4', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  151. gg.getResults(9000)
  152. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.1000', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  153. goto sdone
  155. ::jump11::
  156. gg.searchNumber('0.000001', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  157. gg.getResults(9000)
  158. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('1005', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  159. gg.clearResults()
  160. goto sdone
  162. ::jump12::
  163. gg.searchNumber('1005', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  164. gg.getResults(9000)
  165. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.000001', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  166. gg.clearResults()
  167. goto sdone
  169. ::jump13::
  170. gg.alert('First you must activate the Noclip to jump below the Earth')
  171. gg.searchNumber('1.1', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  172. gg.getResults(9000)
  173. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-1000', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  174. gg.clearResults()
  175. goto sdone
  177. ::jump14::
  178. gg.searchNumber('-1000', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  179. gg.getResults(9000)
  180. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('1.1', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  181. gg.clearResults()
  182. goto sdone
  184. ::jump15::
  185. gg.searchNumber('4000', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  186. gg.getResults(9000)
  187. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-500', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  188. gg.clearResults()
  189. goto sdone
  191. ::jump16::
  192. gg.searchNumber('-500', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  193. gg.getResults(9000)
  194. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('4000', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  195. gg.clearResults()
  196. goto sdone
  198. ::jump17::
  199. gg.searchNumber('100', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  200. gg.getResults(9000)
  201. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('3.123', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  202. gg.clearResults()
  203. goto sdone
  205. ::jump18::
  206. gg.searchNumber(3.123, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  207. gg.getResults(9000)
  208. gg.editAll(100, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  209. gg.clearResults(9000)
  210. goto sdone
  212. ::jump19::
  213. gg.alert('Can Only Use R15 If You Have R6 Does Not Work')
  214. gg.searchNumber(16, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  215. gg.getResults(9000)
  216. gg.editAll(999999, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  217. gg.clearResults(9000)
  218. goto sdone
  220. ::jump20::
  221. gg.searchNumber(999999, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  222. gg.getResults(9000)
  223. gg.editAll(16, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  224. gg.clearResults(9000)
  225. goto sdone
  227. ::jump21::
  228. gg.alert('Can Only Use R15 If You Have R6 Does Not Work')
  229. gg.searchNumber(16, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  230. gg.getResults(9000)
  231. gg.editAll(-20, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  232. gg.clearResults(9000)
  233. goto sdone
  235. ::jump22::
  236. gg.searchNumber(-20, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  237. gg.getResults(9000)
  238. gg.editAll(16, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  239. gg.clearResults(9000)
  240. goto sdone
  242. ::jump23::
  243. gg.alert('Can Only Use R15 If You Have R6 Does Not Work')
  244. gg.searchNumber(16, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  245. gg.getResults(9000)
  246. gg.editAll(1.789, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  247. gg.clearResults(9000)
  248. goto sdone
  250. ::jump24::
  251. gg.searchNumber(1.789, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  252. gg.getResults(9000)
  253. gg.editAll(16, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  254. gg.clearResults(9000)
  255. goto sdone
  257. ::jump25::
  258. gg.alert('Only R15 has to have a game with normal speed and speed and you can use that hack')
  259. gg.searchNumber(16, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  260. gg.getResults(9000)
  261. gg.editAll(103, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  262. gg.clearResults(9000)
  263. goto sdone
  265. ::jump26::
  266. gg.searchNumber(0.8, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  267. gg.getResults(9000)
  268. gg.editAll(-3, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  269. gg.clearResults(9000)
  270. goto sdone
  272. ::jump27::
  273. gg.searchNumber(-3, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  274. gg.getResults(9000)
  275. gg.editAll(0.8, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  276. gg.clearResults(9000)
  277. goto sdone
  279. ::jump28::
  280. gg.searchNumber(0.9, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  281. gg.getResults(150)
  282. gg.editAll(1.0, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  283. gg.clearResults(150)
  284. goto sdone
  286. ::jump29::
  287. gg.searchNumber(1.0, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  288. gg.getResults(150)
  289. gg.editAll(0.9, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  290. gg.clearResults(150)
  291. goto sdone
  293. ::jump30::
  294. gg.searchNumber(0.13, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  295. gg.getResults(150)
  296. gg.editAll(58.0, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  297. goto sdone
  299. ::jump31::
  300. gg.searchNumber(58.0, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  301. gg.getResults(150)
  302. gg.editAll(0.13, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  303. gg.clearResults(150)
  304. goto sdone
  306. ::jump32::
  307. gg.alert('You Can not Go Back To Normal But You Will Not Happen To The Avatar The Bad You Can not Choose The Most Scripts')
  308. gg.searchNumber(0.8, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  309. gg.getResults(9000)
  310. gg.editAll(0, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  311. gg.clearResults(150)
  312. goto sdone
  313. ::jump33::
  314. gg.setSpeed(3)
  315. goto sdone
  317. ::jump34::
  318. gg.setSpeed(1)
  319. goto sdone
  322. ::jump35::
  323. if gg.isVisible(true) then
  324. gg.setVisible(false)
  325. end
  327. ::SuperJump::
  328. gg.clearResults()
  330. SuperJump = gg.choice({'Small','Medium','Big','Very Big','Very very big','Small Off','Medium Off','Big Off','Very Big Off','Very very big Off','Exit'})
  331. if SuperJump == 1 then goto ju1 end
  332. if SuperJump == 2 then goto ju2 end
  333. if SuperJump == 3 then goto ju3 end
  334. if SuperJump == 4 then goto ju4 end
  335. if SuperJump == 5 then goto ju5 end
  336. if SuperJump == 6 then goto ju6 end
  337. if SuperJump == 7 then goto ju7 end
  338. if SuperJump == 8 then goto ju8 end
  339. if SuperJump == 9 then goto ju9 end
  340. if SuperJump == 10 then goto ju10 end
  341. goto noselect
  342. ::ju1::
  343. gg.searchNumber(500, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  344. gg.getResults(9000)
  345. gg.editAll(800, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  346. gg.clearResults(150)
  347. goto sdone
  348. ::ju2::
  349. gg.searchNumber(500, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  350. gg.getResults(9000)
  351. gg.editAll(1500, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  352. gg.clearResults(1500)
  353. goto sdone
  354. ::ju3::
  355. gg.searchNumber(500, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  356. gg.getResults(9000)
  357. gg.editAll(3000, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  358. gg.clearResults(150)
  359. goto sdone
  360. ::ju4::
  361. gg.searchNumber(500, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  362. gg.getResults(9000)
  363. gg.editAll(5000, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  364. gg.clearResults(9000)
  365. goto sdone
  366. ::ju5::
  367. gg.searchNumber(800, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  368. gg.getResults(9000)
  369. gg.editAll(500, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  370. gg.clearResults(150)
  371. goto sdone
  372. ::ju6::
  373. gg.searchNumber(800, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  374. gg.getResults(9000)
  375. gg.editAll(500, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  376. gg.clearResults(150)
  377. goto sdone
  378. ::ju7::
  379. gg.searchNumber(1500, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  380. gg.getResults(9000)
  381. gg.editAll(500, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  382. gg.clearResults(150)
  383. goto sdone
  384. ::ju8::
  385. gg.searchNumber(3000, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  386. gg.getResults(9000)
  387. gg.editAll(500, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  388. gg.clearResults(150)
  389. goto sdone
  390. ::ju9::
  391. gg.searchNumber(5000, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  392. gg.getResults(9000)
  393. gg.editAll(500, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  394. gg.clearResults(150)
  395. goto sdone
  396. ::ju10::
  397. gg.searchNumber(10000, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  398. gg.getResults(9000)
  399. gg.editAll(500, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  400. gg.clearResults(150)
  401. goto sdone
  403. ::jump36::
  404. gg.searchNumber('103', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  405. gg.getResults(9000)
  406. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('16', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  407. gg.clearResults()
  408. goto sdone
  410. ::jump37::
  411. gg.searchNumber('0.75', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  412. gg.getResults(9000)
  413. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-1000', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  414. gg.clearResults()
  415. goto sdone
  417. ::jump38::
  418. g.searchNumber('-1000', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  419. gg.getResults(9000)
  420. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('75.0', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  421. gg.clearResults()
  422. goto sdone
  424. ::jump39::
  425. gg.searchNumber('0.25', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  426. gg.getResults(9000)
  427. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.011111', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  428. gg.clearResults()
  429. goto sdone
  431. ::jump40::
  432. gg.searchNumber('0.011111', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  433. gg.getResults(9000)
  434. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.25', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  435. gg.clearResults()
  436. goto sdone
  438. ::jump41::
  439. gg.searchNumber('0.010', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  440. gg.getResults(9000)
  441. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-999', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  442. gg.clearResults()
  443. goto sdone
  445. ::jump42::
  446. gg.searchNumber('-999', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  447. gg.getResults(9000)
  448. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.010', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  449. gg.clearResults()
  450. goto sdone
  452. ::jump43::
  453. gg.searchNumber('0.25', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  454. gg.getResults(9000)
  455. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('10.1', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  456. gg.clearResults()
  457. goto sdone
  459. ::jump44::
  460. gg.searchNumber('10.1', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  461. gg.getResults(9000)
  462. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.25', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  463. goto sdone
  465. ::jump45::
  466. gg.searchNumber('1.5', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  467. gg.getResults(9000)
  468. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-2.1549', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  469. goto sdone
  471. ::jump46::
  472. gg.searchNumber('-2.1549', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  473. gg.getResults(9000)
  474. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('1.5', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  475. gg.clearResults()
  476. goto sdone
  478. ::jump47::
  479. gg.searchNumber('0.125', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  480. gg.getResults(9000)
  481. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('9999', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  482. gg.clearResults()
  483. goto sdone
  485. ::jump48::
  486. gg.searchNumber('9999', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  487. gg.getResults(9000)
  488. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.125', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  489. gg.clearResults()
  490. goto sdone
  492. ::jump49::
  493. gg.alert('To Do It You Should Put Another Application And Return To The Roblox Game Some Map Does Not Work')
  494. gg.searchNumber('0.9', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  495. gg.getResults(9000)
  496. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-1.0920', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  497. gg.clearResults()
  498. goto sdone
  500. ::jump50::
  501. gg.searchNumber('-1.0920', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  502. gg.getResults(9000)
  503. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.9', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  504. gg.clearResults()
  505. goto sdone
  507. ::jump51::
  508. gg.alert('Warning If your Avatar teleports many times and you can be dropped, you want to do it','Continue')
  509. gg.searchNumber('1000', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  510. gg.getResults(9000)
  511. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-15', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  512. goto sdone
  514. ::jump52::
  515. gg.searchNumber('-15', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  516. gg.getResults(9000)
  517. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('1000', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  518. goto sdone
  520. ::jump53::
  521. gg.alert('You Have Selected A Dangerous Hack You Can Be Banned Or Kicked From The Server Please Leave')
  522. gg.searchNumber('0.05', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  523. gg.getResults(9000)
  524. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('1000', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE))
  525. goto sdone
  526. ::jump54::
  527. gg.searchNumber('-0.1', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  528. gg.getResults(9000)
  529. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('1.0712', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  530. goto sdone
  532. ::jump55::
  533. gg.searchNumber('1.0712', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  534. gg.getResults(9000)
  535. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-0.1', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  536. goto sdone
  538. ::jump56::
  539. gg.searchNumber('-0.3', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  540. gg.getResults(9000)
  541. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('2500', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  542. goto sdone
  544. ::jump57::
  545. gg.searchNumber('2500', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  546. gg.getResults(9000)
  547. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.3', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  548. goto sdone
  550. ::jump58::
  551. gg.searchNumber('-0.5', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  552. gg.getResults(9000)
  553. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-1.067', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  554. goto sdone
  556. ::jump59::
  557. gg.searchNumber('-1.067', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  558. gg.getResults(9000)
  559. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.3', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  560. goto sdone
  562. ::jump60::
  563. gg.alert('Warning Some Games Can Be If It Is An Incorrect Game That Will Close Roblox')
  564. gg.searchNumber('0.5', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  565. gg.getResults(9000)
  566. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('5.123', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  567. goto sdone
  569. ::jump61::
  570. gg.searchNumber('5.123', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  571. gg.getResults(9000)
  572. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.5', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  573. goto sdone
  575. ::jump62::
  576. gg.searchNumber('0.1', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  577. gg.getResults(9000)
  578. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('15', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  579. goto sdone
  581. ::jump63::
  582. gg.searchNumber('15', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  583. gg.getResults(9000)
  584. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.1', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  585. goto sdone
  587. ::jump64::
  588. gg.searchNumber('0.75', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  589. gg.getResults(9000)
  590. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('1200', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  591. goto sdone
  593. ::jump65::
  594. gg.searchNumber('1200', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  595. gg.getResults(9000)
  596. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.75', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  597. goto sdone
  599. ::jump66::
  600. gg.alert('The Heads Will Go Big For Seeing Away')
  601. gg.searchNumber('0.8', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  602. gg.getResults(9000)
  603. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('30', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  604. gg.clearResults()
  605. goto sdone
  607. ::jump67::
  608. gg.searchNumber('30', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  609. gg.getResults(9000)
  610. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.8', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  611. gg.clearResults()
  612. goto sdone
  614. ::jump68::
  615. gg.searchNumber('0.7', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  616. gg.getResults(9000)
  617. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-17', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  618. goto sdone
  620. ::jump69::
  621. gg.searchNumber('-17', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  622. gg.getResults(9000)
  623. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.7', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  624. goto sdone
  628. ::jump70::
  630. menu =
  631. gg.choice({'Hack Roblox Games','Avatar Glitch','Red Death','Red Death Off','World Virus','World Virus Off','Super Virus World','Super Virus World Off','Large Objects','Large Objects Off','Strange Avatar','Strange Avatar Off','Black Clothes','Black Clothes Off','Plants vs Zombies Battlegrounds HACK','Strange Screen','Strange Screen Off','Computer Mode','Computer Mode Off','Floor Texture','Floor Texture Off','Giant Things','Giant Things Off','Ghost Eliminated Mode','Chat Black Box','Chat Black Box Off','Chat Transparent Box','Chat Transparent Box Off','New R6 Animation','New R6 Animation Off','EXIT'},nil,'More Hacks')
  633. if menu == 1 then goto a1 end
  634. if menu == 2 then goto a2 end
  635. if menu == 3 then goto a3 end
  636. if menu == 4 then goto a4 end
  637. if menu == 5 then goto a5 end
  638. if menu == 6 then goto a6 end
  639. if menu == 7 then goto a7 end
  640. if menu == 8 then goto a8 end
  641. if menu == 9 then goto a9 end
  642. if menu == 10 then goto a10 end
  643. if menu == 11 then goto a11 end
  644. if menu == 12 then goto a12 end
  645. if menu == 13 then goto a13 end
  646. if menu == 14 then goto a14 end
  647. if menu == 15 then goto a15 end
  648. if menu == 16 then goto a16 end
  649. if menu == 17 then goto a17 end
  650. if menu == 18 then goto a18 end
  651. if menu == 19 then goto a19 end
  652. if menu == 20 then goto a20 end
  653. if menu == 21 then goto a21 end
  654. if menu == 22 then goto a22 end
  655. if menu == 23 then goto a23 end
  656. if menu == 24 then goto a24 end
  657. if menu == 25 then goto a25 end
  658. if menu == 26 then goto a26 end
  659. if menu == 27 then goto a27 end
  660. if menu == 28 then goto a28 end
  661. if menu == 29 then goto a29 end
  662. if menu == 30 then goto a30 end
  663. if menu == nil then print('error') end
  664. goto START
  666. ::a1::
  667. menu = gg.choice({'Battle Of Titans HACK','Flood Escape HACK','The Pizzeria Roleplay Remastered HACK','RoCitizens HACK','Broken Bones 3 HACK','SharkAttack! HACK','Boys And Girls Dance Club HACK','Granny Money Hack','Prison Life HACK','Jailbreak Infinite Ammo','Super Bomb Survival Crystal Wings Fast','Battle Of Titans HACK Damage','Ragdoll Sytem Test Hacks','Plants vs Zombies Battlegrounds HACK','EXIT'},nil,'select whatever you want')
  669. if menu == 1 then goto A end
  670. if menu == 2 then goto B end
  671. if menu == 3 then goto C end
  672. if menu == 4 then goto D end
  673. if menu == 5 then goto F end
  674. if menu == 6 then goto G end
  675. if menu == 7 then goto H end
  676. if menu == 8 then goto I end
  677. if menu == 9 then goto M end
  678. if menu == 10 then goto N end
  679. if menu == 11 then goto O end
  680. if menu == 12 then goto P end
  681. if menu == 13 then goto Q end
  682. if menu == 14 then goto R end
  683. if menu == nil then print('error') end
  684. goto noselect
  686. ::A::
  687. gg.alert('Go To Any Store Look At The Price And Put The Price Here And You Will Be A Millionaire')
  688. p = gg.prompt({'Enter a valid value:'}, { [1] = 0 }, { [1] = 'number' })
  689. gg.searchNumber(p[1], gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  690. gg.getResults(9000)
  691. gg.editAll(-999999999, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  692. gg.clearResults()
  693. gg.toast('Money Hacked', true)
  694. goto sdone
  696. ::B::
  697. gg.alert('You must expect that I loaded the script inside the store and free shopping without playing')
  698. gg.searchNumber(6, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  699. gg.getResults(150)
  700. gg.editAll(0, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  701. gg.clearResults(150)
  702. gg.searchNumber(20, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  703. gg.getResults(150)
  704. gg.editAll(0, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  705. gg.clearResults(150)
  706. gg.searchNumber(12, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  707. gg.getResults(150)
  708. gg.editAll(0, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  709. gg.clearResults(150)
  710. gg.searchNumber(65, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  711. gg.getResults(150)
  712. gg.editAll(0, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  713. gg.clearResults(150)
  714. goto sdone
  716. ::C::
  717. gg.alert('Put Animatronic Choose Any Price Put The Price Here And You Will Be A Millionaire')
  718. p = gg.prompt({'Enter a valid value:'}, { [1] = 0 }, { [1] = 'number' })
  719. gg.searchNumber(p[1], gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  720. gg.getResults(9000)
  721. gg.editAll(-999999999, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  722. gg.clearResults()
  723. gg.toast('Money Hacked', true)
  724. goto sdone
  726. ::D::
  727. gg.alert('Go to the hamburger shop. Put the price here on the menu')
  728. p = gg.prompt({'Enter a valid value:'}, { [1] = 0 }, { [1] = 'number' })
  729. gg.searchNumber(p[1], gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  730. gg.getResults(9000)
  731. gg.editAll(-999999999, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  732. gg.clearResults()
  733. gg.toast('Money Hacked', true)
  734. goto sdone
  736. ::F::
  737. gg.alert('Go to Utilities and Show A Menu Put The Price Here And You Will Be A Millionaire')
  738. p = gg.prompt({'Enter a valid value:'}, { [1] = 0 }, { [1] = 'number' })
  739. gg.searchNumber(p[1], gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  740. gg.getResults(9000)
  741. gg.editAll(-9999999999999, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  742. gg.clearResults()
  743. gg.toast('Money Hacked', true)
  744. goto sdone
  746. ::G::
  747. gg.alert('Go to the store that is near Choose food Put the price here, but you will not have to Remove the menu of meals')
  748. p = gg.prompt({'Enter a valid value:'}, { [1] = 0 }, { [1] = 'number' })
  749. gg.searchNumber(p[1], gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  750. gg.getResults(9000)
  751. gg.editAll(-999999999, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  752. gg.clearResults()
  753. gg.toast('Money Hacked', true)
  754. goto sdone
  756. ::H::
  757. gg.alert('Go To R$ And Choose The Price Any And Put It Here')
  758. p = gg.prompt({'Enter a valid value:'}, { [1] = 0 }, { [1] = 'number' })
  759. gg.searchNumber(p[1], gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  760. gg.getResults(9000)
  761. gg.editAll(-999999999, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  762. gg.clearResults()
  763. gg.toast('Money Hacked', true)
  764. goto sdone
  766. ::I::
  767. gg.alert('Enter The Store Choose Any Price And Put The Price Here Next')
  768. p = gg.prompt({'Enter a valid value:'}, { [1] = 0 }, { [1] = 'number' })
  769. gg.searchNumber(p[1], gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  770. gg.getResults(9000)
  771. gg.editAll(-999999999, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  772. gg.clearResults()
  773. gg.toast('Money Hacked', true)
  774. goto sdone
  776. ::M::
  777. gg.alert('Now You can go through walls')
  778. gg.searchNumber(15, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  779. gg.getResults(150)
  780. gg.editAll(1, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  781. gg.clearResults(150)
  782. goto sdone
  784. ::N::
  785. gg.alert('Put The Number Of Any Should Be To Fill The Weapon Or Ammunition If It Increased Ammunition')
  786. p = gg.prompt({'Enter a valid value:'}, { [1] = 0 }, { [1] = 'number' })
  787. gg.searchNumber(p[1], gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  788. gg.getResults(9000)
  789. gg.editAll(9999, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  790. gg.clearResults()
  791. gg.toast('Money Hacked', true)
  792. goto sdone
  794. ::O::
  795. gg.alert('Only Crystal Wings When The Round Starts The Script Then It Will Be Removed Upon Finishing The Round And You Can Put It In All The Rounds')
  796. gg.searchNumber('45.0', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  797. gg.getResults(9000)
  798. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('80', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE))
  799. gg.clearResults()
  800. goto sdone
  802. ::P::
  803. gg.alert('Attack A Monster with your Sword See The Damage What It Does And Put The Damage Next And You Will Kill The Monsters Just A Blow')
  804. p = gg.prompt({'Enter a valid value:'}, { [1] = 0 }, { [1] = 'number' })
  805. gg.searchNumber(p[1], gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  806. gg.getResults(9000)
  807. gg.editAll(9999999999999, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  808. gg.clearResults()
  809. gg.toast('Money Hacked', true)
  810. goto sdone
  812. ::Q::
  813. if gg.isVisible(true) then
  814. gg.setVisible(false)
  815. end
  817. ::RagdollHacks::
  818. gg.clearResults()
  820. RagdollHacks = gg.choice({'InfPunch','InfKick','InfUpperCut','InfHayMaker','InfBlock','Exit'})
  822. if RagdollHacks == 1 then goto q1 end
  823. if RagdollHacks == 2 then goto q2 end
  824. if RagdollHacks == 3 then goto q3 end
  825. if RagdollHacks == 4 then goto q4 end
  826. if RagdollHacks == 5 then goto q5 end
  827. goto sdone
  828. ::q1::
  829. gg.searchNumber(1.5, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  830. gg.getResults(150)
  831. gg.editAll(0, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  832. gg.clearResults(150)
  833. goto sdone
  834. ::q2::
  835. gg.searchNumber(12, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  836. gg.getResults(150)
  837. gg.editAll(0, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  838. gg.clearResults(150)
  839. goto sdone
  840. ::q3::
  841. gg.searchNumber(15, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  842. gg.getResults(150)
  843. gg.editAll(0, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  844. gg.clearResults(150)
  845. goto sdone
  846. ::q4::
  847. gg.searchNumber(10, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  848. gg.getResults(150)
  849. gg.editAll(0, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  850. gg.clearResults(150)
  851. goto sdone
  852. ::q5::
  853. gg.searchNumber(15, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  854. gg.getResults(150)
  855. gg.editAll(0, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  856. gg.clearResults(150)
  857. goto sdone
  859. ::R::
  860. gg.alert('Search The Price Of The Coins And Put The Price Here That You Wanted To Buy Notice If You Buy A Zombie Or A Cheap Plant Your Coins Will Be Spent')
  861. p = gg.prompt({'Enter a valid value:'}, { [1] = 0 }, { [1] = 'number' })
  862. gg.searchNumber(p[1], gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  863. gg.getResults(9000)
  864. gg.editAll(-999999999, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  865. gg.clearResults()
  866. gg.toast('Money Hacked', true)
  867. goto sdone
  869. ::a2::
  870. gg.alert('The Avatar Can Be Glitched Will Not Return Normal')
  871. gg.searchNumber('100', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  872. gg.getResults(9000)
  873. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  874. gg.clearResults()
  875. goto sdone
  878. ::a3::
  879. gg.searchNumber('20', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  880. gg.getResults(9000)
  881. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('107', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE))
  882. gg.clearResults()
  883. goto sdone
  885. ::jump71::
  886. gg.alert('Made By Estuardo145
  887. gg.alert('This Is The Ultimate Mod Menu I Upload')
  888. gg.toast('yt know for hacks')
  889. print("like subscribe")
  890. goto sdone
  891. ::a4::
  892. gg.searchNumber('107', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  893. gg.getResults(9000)
  894. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('20', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE))
  895. gg.clearResults()
  896. goto sdone
  898. ::a5::
  899. gg.searchNumber('3.75', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  900. gg.getResults(9000)
  901. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('18', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  902. gg.clearResults()
  903. goto sdone
  905. ::a6::
  906. gg.searchNumber('18', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  907. gg.getResults(9000)
  908. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('3.75', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  909. gg.clearResults()
  910. goto sdone
  912. ::a7::
  913. gg.searchNumber('3.75', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  914. gg.getResults(9000)
  915. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.123', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  916. gg.clearResults()
  917. goto sdone
  919. ::a8::
  920. gg.searchNumber('0.123', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  921. gg.getResults(9000)
  922. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('3.75', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  923. gg.clearResults()
  924. goto sdone
  926. ::a9::
  927. gg.searchNumber('1.25', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  928. gg.getResults(9000)
  929. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-99', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  930. gg.clearResults()
  931. goto sdone
  933. ::a10::
  934. gg.searchNumber('-99', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  935. gg.getResults(9000)
  936. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('1.75', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  937. gg.clearResults()
  938. goto sdone
  940. ::a11::
  941. gg.searchNumber('0.25', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  942. gg.getResults(9000)
  943. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-99', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  944. gg.clearResults()
  945. goto sdone
  947. ::a12::
  948. gg.searchNumber('-99', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  949. gg.getResults(9000)
  950. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.25', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  951. gg.clearResults()
  952. goto sdone
  954. ::a13::
  955. gg.searchNumber('0.75', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  956. gg.getResults(9000)
  957. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.124', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  958. gg.clearResults()
  959. goto sdone
  961. ::a14::
  962. gg.searchNumber('0.124', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  963. gg.getResults(9000)
  964. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.75', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  965. gg.clearResults()
  966. goto sdone
  968. ::a15::
  969. gg.alert('Search The Price Of The Coins And Put The Price Here That You Wanted To Buy Notice If You Buy A Zombie Or A Cheap Plant Your Coins Will Be Spent')
  970. p = gg.prompt({'Enter a valid value:'}, { [1] = 0 }, { [1] = 'number' })
  971. gg.searchNumber(p[1], gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  972. gg.getResults(9000)
  973. gg.editAll(-999999999, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  974. gg.clearResults()
  975. gg.toast('Money Hacked', true)
  976. goto sdone
  978. ::a16::
  979. gg.searchNumber('3', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  980. gg.getResults(9000)
  981. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-1.345', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  982. gg.clearResults()
  983. goto sdone
  985. ::a17::
  986. gg.searchNumber('-1.345', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  987. gg.getResults(9000)
  988. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('3', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  989. gg.clearResults()
  990. goto sdone
  992. ::a18::
  993. gg.searchNumber('3', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  994. gg.getResults(9000)
  995. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('4.567', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  996. gg.clearResults()
  997. goto sdone
  999. ::a19::
  1000. gg.searchNumber('4.567', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  1001. gg.getResults(9000)
  1002. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('3', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  1003. gg.clearResults()
  1004. goto sdone
  1006. ::a20::
  1007. gg.searchNumber('300', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  1008. gg.getResults(9000)
  1009. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-102', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  1010. gg.clearResults()
  1011. goto sdone
  1013. ::a21::
  1014. gg.searchNumber('-102', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  1015. gg.getResults(9000)
  1016. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('300', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  1017. gg.clearResults()
  1018. goto sdone
  1020. ::a22::
  1021. gg.searchNumber('2.5', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  1022. gg.getResults(9000)
  1023. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-1002', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  1024. gg.clearResults()
  1025. goto sdone
  1027. ::a23::
  1028. gg.searchNumber('-1002', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  1029. gg.getResults(9000)
  1030. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('2.5', gg.TYPE_FLOAT))
  1031. gg.clearResults()
  1032. goto sdone
  1034. ::a24::
  1035. gg.alert('I do not know how to return to normal and probably it will not work')
  1036. gg.searchNumber('10', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  1037. gg.getResults(9000)
  1038. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE))
  1039. gg.clearResults()
  1040. goto sdone
  1042. ::a25::
  1043. gg.searchNumber('0.6', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  1044. gg.getResults(9000)
  1045. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-1600', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE))
  1046. gg.clearResults()
  1047. goto sdone
  1049. ::a26::
  1050. gg.searchNumber('-1600', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  1051. gg.getResults(9000)
  1052. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.6', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE))
  1053. gg.clearResults()
  1054. goto sdone
  1056. ::a27::
  1057. gg.searchNumber('0.6', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  1058. gg.getResults(9000)
  1059. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('9999', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE))
  1060. gg.clearResults()
  1061. goto sdone
  1063. ::a28::
  1064. gg.searchNumber('9999', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  1065. gg.getResults(9000)
  1066. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.6', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE))
  1067. gg.clearResults()
  1068. goto sdone
  1070. ::a29::
  1071. gg.alert('If you zoom in on the camera you can get close up and it will not be removed')
  1072. gg.searchNumber('0.1', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  1073. gg.getResults(9000)
  1074. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('14', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE))
  1075. gg.clearResults()
  1076. goto sdone
  1078. ::a30::
  1079. gg.searchNumber('14', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  1080. gg.getResults(9000)
  1081. print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0.1', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE))
  1082. gg.clearResults()
  1083. goto sdone
  1087. ::sdone::
  1088. print('Its the first time I create the Mega Mod Menu')
  1089. os.exit()
  1091. ::noselect::
  1092. print('you not select anything')
  1094. ::update::
  1095. print('update your gameguardian')
  1096. gg.toast('GG not support')
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