
In defense of device specific design

Apr 30th, 2021
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  1. So, in the context of million dollar revenue companies that are contributing to educational culture andust like culture in general today: I think that it's really important to center user experiences when you're designing a product.
  3. So if that means that you are designing a product for someone who is experiencing your platform on mobile (maybe they're sitting on a couch or in their a train, or in the backseat of a car.) That's one context, or if they're sitting in front of a computer (which means they're probably at a desk and they might have a pen or a pencil or a window next to them and they're static stationary) those are two very different experiences to design for.
  4. So while it is physically possible to just stretch the work, be it media content interactive content, a static website an app or something with controls, when you do that –and you take something that was designed for one type of physical device, like a computer, in mind, and you just try to kind of shoehorn it into another device, be it a mobile phone or an AR experience or anything else, what you're going to get is an inferior experience, users who know that this is inferior experience that’s not valuing them or the context that they're using the app product in, lower engagement and less because of that less money, either from subscriptions or advertisers or whatever the monetization negative impact on revenue because the revenue is always based relies on engagement. (*and user trust)
  6. So often when I talk about these things, I feel really held back by this perspective that it's me who's not understanding how to use (digital) products, or that I'm stupid or that users are stupid. I really would advise everybody to get away from that type of thinking and think more about how can we make things more accessible, how will we make things more useful, and how can we actually center the usability, and the beauty of designing every single experience (*for the unique format it’s in) rather than just saying, “Oh, while things are imperfect people can figure them out. *and if they can’t figure them out, they’re irrelevant.”
  7. I really don't think that that sort of perspective of putting the onus on the user is a competitive advantage when it comes to designiung the future of our technological infrastructure at all.
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  11. --- original pastebin url:
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