
What Really Happened

Jun 28th, 2018
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  1. Prior to March 20, 2018
  2. First it was five phantom neighbors that were allegedly complaining, then it was just one. The very one I knew personally. Her name Constance Jones, she knew me and my mom and was always friendly with us. Then the old maintenance guy allegedly issued threats against me. Then it was the landlord having all these meltdowns, now it's his wife! Well which is it? How many people, neighbors, old employees and landlords and their wives is the liar Gerald Harrison going to throw under the bus? To cover his MASSIVE lies. Lie after lie after lie. I have a handwritten testimony about the one neighbor. She never complained to anyone about any cats. The other neighbors who allegedly were coming after us are all phantom neighbors who just do not exist except for in the minds of the Harrisons. Both Harrisons have mental illnesses and anger issues. In the extreme. They are violent and dangerous.
  3. How do I know? I know the liar from the very long past. And also the fact that he likes to shove text messages on his phone from the landlord (whether real or not) to my mom's face and there were no texts from ANY neighbor. Ever. I could prove he was a liar simply by talking to them. That's why he went apeshit and didn't want any neighbor to talk to other neighbors. They would know what a psychotic liar he is. So he went on the insane quest to have anyone that was a threat to him being exposed as what he is, barred.
  4. Harrison began threatening my mom with eviction prior to the 20th when he told her the landlord "didn't like" anyone talking to other neighbors. About anything. Not even to try to resolve any issues. Because in reality there were no issues to resolve with them. They weren't coming after us. But he started with a made-up rule about not talking to anyone - his goal; divide and conquer - and then he stepped it up to a threat about the landlord serving papers to whoever breaks Gerald Harrison's unlawfully imposed rules. A tyrannical drunk-on-power psychotic. That's what he is. He did not want anyone to find out what a liar and violent abuser he really is. And he's been on this insane quest since then.
  5. This is that story.
  6. On March 20th I was assaulted by Jennifer and Gerald Harrison both physically and verbally and gotten a no-contact order against the one who assaulted me, and since then both Gerald and Jennifer Harrison have been terrorizing me and my mother with threats of eviction, killing the cats, and being assaulted again, one such incident being that he would break my jaw with a baseball bat on 5/11/2018.
  7. I have incident reports where I explained the situations each time they happened. But the reports are short. I went into further detail. There was one incident where the threat of the cats being killed with a gun was leveled by Gerald Harrison to my mother on 4/18/2018 but my mom confused the person making the actual threats as at the time Gerald Harrison told her it was Michael Kimble who made the threat only to later tell my mom that he was going to carry out the threat. I had called the police back to correct the name on the report but it remains as a Michael Kimble, but it was actually Gerald Harrison who made the actual threat.
  8. My mother and myself have had a peaceful existence prior to the Harrisons moving across the street from my mom. They started to take over her life and are still attempting to tell her who she can and cannot have over to her own house. When I went to her house to pick up some things, they came over and waited to ambush me. They came over because my mom had told them she was expecting me over. But she never said anything in the negative about me and she certainly never told them she was there alone as Sherrie Taylor was home.
  9. I went in and they were sitting there in her living room. I said nothing to either of them. They started screaming at me the moment I spoke to my mother and she me. I said to my mom that I don't acknowledge them and that they are dead to me, "Don't bother, he's dead to me" (an old Jewish saying meaning one does not acknowledge the other) at which point Gerald Harrison popped off the sofa and got into my face and started screaming for me to "hit" him, and kept screaming that. I kept pushing him away from me as he continued to push forward closer to my face and this is something he has ALWAYS done. It's the same tactic he has used since he was 15 or so, and could use his size to bully and intimidate people. He has often threatened this family with death. He has an extensive criminal record and I have long ago severed all ties with anything to do with him. I did not like him living across the street from my mom because I know she is in danger and I have already been assaulted.
  10. On that night after Gerald Harrison pushed me down, he went outside and Jennifer Harrison sprung up from where she was sitting and screamed "I'm going to get involved now bitch" and she yelled those words with anger and hostility and strode toward me and grabbed my phone as I was trying to call the police back because the first time they were screaming too much for me to hear, and she threw it with great force against the wall where it bounced onto the tile floor. I can show the damage she did to my phone.
  11. She stalked me around the living room, no matter where I went. Clinching her fists and motioning her fists and gestures of punching.
  12. As Sherrie Taylor went to get my phone and told Jennifer Harrison to leave me alone, Jennifer then got right in my face and had an extremely psychotic look with pupils so narrow like a pinpoint and she got right into my face holding her hand up by her head while pointing down at me with her finger and she got close enough to the point of almost touching my face and I pushed her away from me, at that point she began punching me repeatedly and I have photos of my injuries. Jennifer Harrison would not stop striking me and she had me pinned down on the floor and was also grabbing my hair and hitting my head up against the wall. Her punches were very hard. And she would not stop despite Sherrie Taylor pawing at her to stop and my screams of STOP! Jennifer Harrison then either kicked me in the ribcage or kneed me in the ribcage, I couldn't really tell because I was busy shielding my head and face.
  13. It was brutal and extremely violent as if she had planned this since the beginning when I refused to go to her wedding. I've always avoided Harrison and I was certainly already aware of the kind of person she was/is. It would not stop. My mom in shock as she would later tell me. She froze. The attack was so brutal and lasted so long that it was apparent she was attempting murder or hospitalization.
  14. I had blocked them on facebook long ago and then had to block the agitator at facebook named Teasha Ford as she had made further threats to me on facebook via Sherrie Taylor's account. I have screenshots of all this. Also of my block list. They have been stalking my facebook for some time although I didn't know until recently. I have lamented in my own space and reported of the terror me and my mom are going through.
  15. I also have witness testimony by others who tell me of Jennifer Harrison's past where she has a history of assault of battery and that it goes back as far as high school where she beat up some kids there and then would sit and laugh at them the next day. One girl being tormented so badly that she committed suicide and her family being further mocked by Jennifer Jinks (her name before Harrison).
  16. Gerald Harrison has been actively trying to get my mom so afraid to have me over at her house as he tells her all these lies and keeps her in fear for my own safety. That fear is very real as I have already been assaulted and Gerald Harrison's psychosis and m.o. is to bully and try to provoke and goad others into hitting him and when one didn't comply, Jennifer Harrison then steps in to dish out the assault. They have been attempting to force me and my mom apart. I also believe he and the others living in 306 have a text forging website they use to send text messages to appear to come from the landlord as per the fact that he has never announced to other neighbors that he is now second in command, but my mom saw an alleged text from the landlord giving Gerald Harrison basically the full control of all his properties and to be able to use physical force to remove anyone he doesn't want there.
  17. Update: In reality the landlord made him property manager. Which is the same as maintenance.
  18. Either way that's illegal. There is never going to be a law that gives Gerald Harrison the right to assault anyone.
  19. March 25, 2018
  20. My mom was told that she would be evicted by Gerald Harrison if I came over anymore. This was after I had gotten a restraining order against the assailant.
  21. During the rest of March and specifically on March 31, My mom and Sherrie were ordered by Gerald Harrison to tell me not to come over at all anymore that the landlord was going to throw her out on the street if she called me over ever again. Later it was discovered that Sherrie was the one of the culprits behind this unlawful demand. Sherrie was the one who wanted me and my mom separated. As well as the Harrisons.
  22. During all of this he kept repeatedly calling the police to come to my mom's house, hoping to scare her and use the police to harass us. But the officer was kind and did not follow Gerald Harrison's orders even when he tried to tell the police that he is the highest authority at Tremont Circle. The police asked my mother and Sherrie if she wanted me at her house and both always replied with yes. Sherrie is still convinced she'll be evicted though and that her job depends on not pissing off Gerald and Jennifer Harrsion. There's some odd connection with Teasha Ford, Taco Bell and Sherrie. Either way, until Sherrie tells the truth, she is not a credible witness. The reason is because she too was threatened. We know that now. She had hidden that fact from me and my mom.
  23. March 31, 2018
  24. My mom calls me and tells me that she was ordered to not have me or anyone over. That we were all banned from Tremont Circle and she said Gerald Harrison told her that the landlord was issuing this ban threat. Or under threat of a ban. Either way, my mom was given an ultimatum on this and then told by Harrison that she would have to choose between him or me. And that if she didn't kick me out of her life, that he would have her evicted. It was a Saturday and I was to come over and try to rescue two cats and get them to a vet so they could be fixed. But my mom was in extreme fear and anger in the morning. We were all in such anxiety and pain. We didn't rescue the two kitties that we had planned to pick up.
  25. Apr 11, 2018
  26. Brad and I went to speak with the landlord since he was playing games by not returning our calls regarding the threats about my mom being evicted if she has her own daughter come visit. We asked him if we could have a moment of his time. He said he was on his way to the other part of the building and to make it quick. We asked him if my mom was about to be evicted for having us as company over. He said "She's fine, she can host whoever she wants, it's her decision. She is not going to be evicted." Then I asked, "Do you have an issue with us? Am I not able to present my side of things if someone is using treachery to sway you to be against me somehow to hold my mother over some fear of being thrown out?" Then he said "Not that I know of" Then I gave him my info to contact me so I could defend myself and my mom against any lies Gerald Harrison tells him regarding us because we've all been through this roller coaster before and I know he sits and lies about everyone. That's his M.O.
  27. The Harrisons threaten my mom. There was a screaming match today between mom and Harrison as he barged in the door and demanded that they rush over to my house to tell me all this drama with him and the landlord telling him that he's making him a "property manager" in otherwords, maintenance. He shoved his phone into their faces to make them read this crap storm written out by the landlord giving him all the power over Tremont Circle to wield upon all the tenants. So in fear my mom, and Sherrie (who was acting agitated) rushed to my house to tell me that we were all in danger of some kind if we come over. Mind you, this was after the landlord told me and Brad one thing and then turned around and told Harrison to act like a street thug on another power trip. Like when he held a stolen badge/shield from a cop and was using it to run down some guy he knew. We're all being harassed by the Harrisons.
  28. Also the landlord directly told me and Brad before that we were fine. Saying that mom was not under threat of eviction. To which, of course, Gerald Harrison doubled down because that's how he is, once he's caught in a lie he just doubles down on it.
  29. Me and Brad went over to her house anyway because we were told to earlier by mom to help her with those large blankets she wanted washed. The police were called again. The cops had to explain to mom and Sherrie that the landlord simply CANNOT tell them who they can and cannot have over. It was officer Pacheco who was there again to explain the law and how the landlord or his maintenance has no right to tell my mom to keep her own children away from her.
  30. Added intel about the landlord's erratic behavior; when he had told Brad and I that my mom could host whoever she wants, he then texted my mother saying just that with a paranoid slight to it and the reason we are reading into his strange shifting back and forth between texting in a side-stepping way is because everything he texts to mom is actually seen by Gerald Harrison. Somehow Gerald Harrison got the landlord to agree to add his phone into any conversation, even if it's private, to go to him too. So when he said that my mom could have whoever she wanted over, Gerald Harrison immediately jumped all over that and demanded that the landlord call Sherrie Taylor and tell her "I would prefer that you didn't have visitors". It was the landlord's way, from the conclusion we're seeing here, that the landlord was trying to keep Gerald Harrison appeased since he apparently got screamed at by Gerald Harrison by telling my mom that she had rights and freedom and so forth and that did not set well with Gerald Harrison.
  31. April 12, 2018
  32. Mom and Sherrie get a new bunch of threats issued by Gerald Harrison saying that the landlord was extremely pissed off and was going to evict her in a 72 hour time span although, again, the landlord never contacted my mom or Sherrie about any eviction notice nor did they receive one.
  33. April 18, 2018
  34. My mom had been told that the cats would all be killed, at first Gerald Harrison blamed Michael Kimble but then he turned around and told that it would be him that carried out the deed.
  35. Terrified and in extreme distress I took the little savings I had and rented the little duplex right next door to me, and God had made available at the crucial time it was needed. I have the rent receipt and copy of the lease I signed on April 19th to prove I rented this unit so I could save the cats from death. So my mom made arrangements that if he were going to put traps out on her property which she did not want, but was forced to, that all the cats that were trapped would be brought to me. She wanted only two that were her favorites. One named Chloe and the other Cali, who is a Calico cat and both Chloe and Cali were always together, they had never been apart. That was an agreement that she thought he would keep but he lied to her, as he always has. This testament shows and will show how cruel, malicious, vindictive, vicious and violent he really is.
  36. May 8, 2018
  37. Gerald Harrison was already putting traps all over my mom's property although she did not want that, so when Cali was trapped, she was placed inside until my mom could drive her over to the place I had rented. I explained to my mom to let the cat go if she was nursing kittens because there were two calicos in the neighborhood and we knew one of them just had kittens somewhere in the tunnels. So I explained to my mom to let the mother cat go if that was the mother cat. I explained how to tell if a mother cat is still nursing, and how to check that. She could not do it because she was unable to follow my instructions on how to do that. So I told her to just bring her over and I would check and if she was the mother cat, to let her go so she could go back to her kittens.
  38. Gerald Harrison came barging through the door, grabbed the trap which had the Calico (though I don't know which calico it was) and drove to the golf course although at the time Brad and I didn't know the cat was already in his car, but my mom had called in tears and said the cat was gone. I was also in tears. Then she called Gerald Harrison and begged him to bring the cat back. At that time Brad and myself were heading towards the golf course to try to find the cat because we had been told that's where the cat was. And then we wanted to check the road that leads to a cemetery where it's been known as a place cats and dogs get abandoned at, so we headed there. Just as we were going toward that area, the Harrisons were right behind us and were following us in their car. Brad pulled off the road to let them pass us, and they took off toward Harvard Road, at which point my mom had called and said to come over and get the second trap to hopefully get Cali back.
  39. After I had already frantically looked in the Fianna Hills golf course for the cat.
  40. When Brad and I arrived at my mom's house Jr's wife was sitting in the yard and acting like a crazy person. When we were in my mom's house, Jr was screaming at her on the phone and screamed "You know damned good and well you'll get in trouble if they are anywhere near Tremont Circle" as he was referring to the fact that we were on Texas Road at the time he started following our car.
  41. This is a prime example of the power he thinks he and the landlord have over Fort Smith. Through the landlord, he threatened my mother with eviction again if me or Brad were even near Tremont Circle. Using the landlord's power unlawfully, to make it seem as if the landlord can do something to my mother for the simple use of a street or road near that area of town, let alone Tremont. Although the landlord never uttered a word about my mom being in trouble. About anything. There was never any proof that he was truly behind giving Gerald Harrison that kind of power, because legally, it doesn't exist. But the Harrisons think they own swaths of Fort Smith and public roads around those areas. Not just the properties, but the roads around them, even streets that aren't connected to them. The asphalt, as he stated to my mom, even the asphalt. Exact words.
  42. We are still looking for Cali. Gerald Harrison told my mom that night that she was at the Fianna Hills golf course, then he changed his story to the Hardscrabble golf course. We had looked everywhere for the cat. Both staffs at both places can testify that I and several others have talked with them about keeping a look out for her. Then the story changed to her being near a body of water. So we still don't know where she is. Chloe has been in a depression as well as me, my mom and Brad over this. Those two cats had always hung out together. Chloe is not doing very well and nobody knows where her companion is as Gerald Harrison is cruel and will not tell my mom where I can find her. He is as any psychopath, enjoying the torment he is causing all of us. My friends in and around Tremont Circle have already told me that they will keep their pets inside at all times, except for the German lady who knows her cats won't wander off. I still expressed great concern about her letting her cats outside and to keep a close eye on them.
  43. May 9, 2018
  44. My mom was harassed again by Gerald and Jennifer Harrison, being told that she will never see me again and that they will have the landlord arrest me for slander. I had blocked them on facebook long ago, but apparently they were stalking my page and my friends' pages. They told my mom that the landlord was going to have me arrested if I showed up on Tremont Circle. I asked her, what would the crime be for this alleged arrest? And she said it would be for slander. I laughed at that because 1. I had done no slander. 2. It's a civil matter, not a criminal matter. And 3. What my friends post on facebook is their own free will. A friend of mine simply posted what she had found regarding the landlord's past. Which was a matter of public record. There was no slander. But the Harrisons intimidated my mother into believing some gross exaggeration of something that is a non issue. I have screenshots of all these posts that they were referring to.
  45. May 11, 2018
  46. Gerald and Jennifer Harrison open my mother's garage door and enter her home, where she is sleeping. They began shouting at her and jolting her out of bed and told my mom that if they saw me at her house or anywhere near Tremont Circle that they would "break my jaw or face with a baseball bat" and my mother was told that the landlord was extremely pissed off and was just inches away from signing eviction notices to her and Sherrie. My mother was shocked and mortified at hearing the threats they were issuing to her knowing she would tell me of these threats.
  47. I called the police. This was on a Friday. They made for me an incident report though not very detailed.
  48. I was told I'd have to wait until Monday to see the P.A. to press charges against them for terroristic threats. I did not have a chance to see the P.A. on the following Monday. My mom and me both don't have full time access to a car so we had to wait until Friday, the 18th to see the P.A. But a few days before, I had received this order with lie after lie written in by some advocate who did not once have any proof to just drag me to court based on these lies. When I had gotten my restraining orders against the Harrisons (at two different points in time) I had proof and witnesses to back me up. So this is just another example of how the Harrisons use landlords, police, the courts to harass and bully me and my mother.
  49. May 27, 2018
  50. Stacey Rinehart, Brad and myself met at her house to get our notes ready. Our Q&A for court as we prepared for the court date. Stacey informed me that her and David had heard Gerald Harrison say PRIOR to March 20th that "she's going to get beat up over those cats" and Stacey stated that she and David were unnerved to hear that. It was premeditated and it was something that Jennifer Harrison had planned on doing and Gerald was going to aid and assist in that assault. And he did. They waited to ambush me. It was now confirmed to me what I already knew, that it was premeditated.
  51. I asked Stacey why she didn't say anything to the P.A. when we met with him back in March and she said that she did and reminded me of her words; that it was something that the Harrisons were planning on doing. She just didn't go into detail and the P.A. wasn't really listening. And then I remembered that. I said 'oh okay'. I recalled that at that point.
  52. May 29, 2018
  53. As Gerald Harrison walked by my mother, Stacey Rinehart, Brad and me, he was smiling psychotically. In court he kept interrupting with lies about me when the judge and me were trying to figure out a date for the hearing since we were successful in getting a continuance. I explained that we were all here on a waste of time since I do not and never will associate with the Harrisons and this whole thing is another attempt to keep me from visiting my mother and harassment of us now using the state to help him in his continued bullying and threats. The judge specifically said that there was no problem with my going to my mom's house. Gerald Harrison then said that he would not allow it because "you two sit over there and plot against me" and when my mother got back home, he threatened her again and said that the judge has no say-so over any of this.
  54. He went on and told my mom that Kermit (real name Corey Woodard) filed some incident report against me and that if he saw me on Tremont Circle anywhere that he was going to "put a bullet through my head and his wife would beat me up" in otherwords he was threatening me again but using Kermit as the fallguy this time. My mother then told me of this new threat against me coming from Gerald Harrison's own mouth.
  55. Side note: I know Kermit well enough to absolutely testify that he would NEVER utter such words. That he is not a violent person at all. Neither is his wife. Neither of them would do such a thing let alone say such things even in jest. I can also testify that Kermit has only ever been civil and a gentleman toward me. He also stated that he doesn't want involved in ANY of the Harrison's drama. Or any drama that is being brought on because of them. He does not want any part of this. But Gerald Harrison tried to convince my mother that this was the case. It was not. It was another death threat by Gerald & Jennifer Harrison against me.
  56. Upon hearing this, I called the police and asked if there was any incident report against me with those terms; bullet through head/beating me up. There was no such report. For the record, I knew it was bullshit from the beginning because the last time I spoke with Kermit in person, he was very cordial to me, very nice. Not at all hostile. So I knew the threat was aimed at me BY the Harrisons (Gerald Harrison putting a bullet through head and his wife beating me up - in this case "again") but my mom still can't tell that Gerald lies whenever he opens his mouth. So I called the police and asked if there were any such reports. None. I called an officer over to my house in person to look this up on his car computer database. Nothing.
  57. So I called my mom back and put it on speaker phone so the officer himself could tell my mom that there was nothing of any sort by Corey "Kermit" Woodard regarding me or her. And she thanked him and said that she suspected the threat came from the Harrisons and that they were looking to make Kermit the patsy. Harrisons thought I'd be stupid and call the police against him. I knew it was a lie and I called the police to basically show my mother that he was lying about Kermit and Kermit's wife. The Harrisons were threatening me again while trying to stir as much crap as they could. But I didn't fall for it.
  58. The kind officer that helped me and my mom with this is a Mr. Ohm. I recommend him very highly for a promotion. As with the kind officer Pacheco who had been called out to my mom's house to explain to her once and again that Gerald Harrison has no power over who she visits with in her own home.
  59. And my mother does keep her doors locked now. Both the front door and the one that is accessed through the garage.
  60. Added intel that my mom told me on this night is that Gerald Harrison said that Steve Belinga isn't the one "mad at me" and that it was his wife Mireille. A woman I had never met before in my life. Nor even seen. And funny that he would be putting the wife's name out there when prior to this, it was always Steve Belinga that was enraged and pissed off and frothing at the mouth angry at me and my mom. Now it was Mireille who was majorly pissed. We don't buy any of it for a second.
  61. There is much more, we have suffered financially, emotionally and physically because of the Harrisons.
  62. May 30, 2018
  63. Harrison demands that Belinga file a police report against me to make it seem like the lies he told the night before were real. The police report was bogus and whatever was stated on it was fabricated. Belinga agrees to the scare tactic and succumbs to Harrison's demands.
  64. June 2, 2018
  65. Got screenshots from a friend who got screenshots from one of Jennifer Harrison's facebook accounts. The screenshots show that she bragged about assaulting me and there were death threats as well.
  66. June 10. 2018
  67. Received more information and me and my mom will be seeking a lawsuit against several entities.
  68. June 13, 2018
  69. Received information about the Harrisons planning on getting the judge to hand them a win so they can do their plan to have a lookalike do something so that the sickos can have me framed for something, hoping to have me falsely arrested. A set up. The Harrisons have also been exposed as wanting to get court orders against the rest of the family.
  70. June 22, 2018
  71. Gerald and Jennifer Harrison lied under oath. Getting their stories all messed up. Gerald first claimed that he never said anything to the police but then suddenly he did, but then it wasn't something he wanted to tell them but then it was them who didn't write it down. Then he claimed that my mom said that I told her to pour sugar in his gas tank. My mom never said that, he made it up and was the one who came up with that threat. Not me or my mom. He bullied my mom in the courtroom. She stood her ground. Also newer cars come with locked gas caps. The fear was all fake. All feigned.
  72. My lawyer is seeking for me and hopefully for my mom, a criminal restraining order against the Harrisons. It will be our turn now.
  73. Prior to this date, on 6/20/2018, Gerald Harrison told my mom that she had better not come to court because he was going to really destroy me in there. He just screamed and lied and flailed around bitching about the cats and claimed to be deathly afraid of me so he could get his piece of paper. The lawyer called it a win for the one month bit. Money from the victim.
  74. June 24, 2018
  75. Gerald Harrison went into my mom's house claiming to look for a drill and then showed her some text that the landlord had allegedly sent him regarding me. And there was a fight. My mom caved to his demands again, and was convinced that she was going to be evicted and that I was going to be arrested if I came to visit her. So it was back to the landlord that was allegedly having a meltdown and Belinga's wife was never mentioned although it was supposed to be her that's behind all of this wrath and now it was back to being the landlord.
  76. The day before, on Saturday I was able to visit my mom, lock the doors while I was over and nothing happened but apparently the car was seen and of course he worked on conjuring up his old trick of forged texts from the landlord and he used an excuse to come over and that's when he showed my mom this text. However the landlord never sent her a text about anything. Nor me. And the landlord would have my number since I had tried to call him several times back in April.
  77. The lie this time was via a forged text message that only came to Harrison and not once did the landlord text my mom about anything. He told my mom that Belinga would come and talk directly to her tomorrow. This never happened.
  78. June 25, 2018
  79. Gerald Harrison told my mom the previous day that she would see the landlord in person and talk to him. This day the story changed to the landlord would only call him and hand her his phone just to hear his voice make some demand or statement. In otherwords Harrison controlling the conversation, the communication, where my mom has no way to talk to him one on one. Turned out the the landlord never called Harrison or wanted to tell my mom anything through his phone. It was all a lie. As usual because he is a constant liar. Then the bully demanded that my mom tell me that the landlord did show up on her doorstep and show this phantom police report that was allegedly filed against me, and that he had this and other stuff against me. But it was Harrison that ordered my mom to tell me all this.
  80. Brad and I went down to the FSPD around 6:15 PM and asked the desk officer to look up any reports regarding me or Brad. There was absolutely nothing! But I knew it was a lie coming out the gate. See the May 29 entry regarding having Mr. Ohm look up in his police database for any report about me. He stated that there was nothing. And did add that if there was anything, it would have shown up.
  81. So the lie on Sunday was that the LL would stop by my mom's house. Sunday came and the lie changed to the LL would be just calling Harrison and would just talk to mom on the phone. That never happened either. There was no calls. No visits. Nothing. Then my mom was intimidated by Harrison to tell me a huge lie. Which was quickly proven a lie.
  82. The nightmare is neverending.
  83. June 26, 2018
  84. My mom was told by Harrison that he and the landlord talk all the time, everyday. But for some reason the landlord couldn't come by to talk to mom or call her because he's "out of the country" but this detail was somehow something Harrison didn't know despite that he "talks to him all the time" and he told my mom that he waited all day yesterday for him to call so he could take the phone to her. Still the landlord is not telling my mom himself about anything. It's all Harrison that is assuming control over my mom's life. As is his agenda. The LL had already told my mom that she can host whoever she wants. The police, detectives Brooks and Hardin and even a judge (twice) told my mom that her rights to her own home and who she has over is her call. It's Harrison who is flipping out over her having me visit her home and is the only one telling her that she will be living under a bridge if she exercises her rights in her own home. Monster. Psychopath. Serial Bully. Controlling and abusive. Threatening, harassing and unlawfully presenting harm to free citizens. That's what Gerald Harrison is! He thinks all these properties are in a prison and he's the warden. The LL should hire professional people and stop hiring (under the table) convicted criminals like Gerald Harrison.
  85. June 30, 2018
  86. One of Gerald's old buddies named Crash was trying to rent the place right next to me about a month ago (Early May) though at the time I had no idea who he was but he looked familiar from the days of weirdos coming into my mom's house when he had all manner of criminals in and out of her home. I later found out that was one of Harrison's old meth buddies. He had come back around and was standing by the door of the unit next to 621 and was there in the shadows with another guy and when I saw them, they came out from the shadows and asked if the place of 623 was still available and I said no, and he was with someone who he called Crash. I kind of froze without seeming alarmed. It was creepy that they asked about my cats. How would they know? I called the police and he made a report for me. With no real name to go on, except "Crash" they only entered that name and an "Unknown" as the second person. I had no names that I could give the police, just a description. There was a report filed of this incident.
  87. July 4, 2018
  88. Mom had told me that we couldn't come and take her to see any fireworks because she was too afraid Gerald Harrison would see us and her going someplace together. So we just talked on the phone about Q and our hopes for having freedom again. My mom had reminded me that months ago Gerald Harrison was accusing one of the neighbors of infesting their own unit with termites (or some other bug) before they moved. I figured he was trying to blame Kermit for yet another paranoid delusion of his. But Kermit would not seek any kind of revenge on anyone taking his job. Kermit himself told me that he was working full time anyway and could not keep the maintenance gig. Kermit is just as innocent as we are of these accusations regardless of the constant slander done by Gerald Harrison.
  89. When we were re-visiting this subject, I asked her if that's why she wanted to read the chapter on termites in a humor book I had. Months ago I had figured she wanted to know what the deal was with termites for personal reasons. She just wanted to know if it was possible if someone had really done that. At the time I didn't know that someone was actually being blamed for hoarding termites. I recalled sending her some links to the wikipedia article on termites but she wanted to read the chapter in the book for herself. I told her that the wikipedia article backed up what the book was saying about the length of time it takes termites to infest some place and that there's no way she'd have them and not notice them. So when she told me the reason she wanted to read the chapter, it was to confirm the way termites do, their stages of life from larva to adult. It's a lengthy process. That someone would have had to plan it a year ago to see any signs of an infestation. She told me that every place built was with untreated wood. Not to mention built over what used to be the woods. They were already there in their natural environment. I applied Occam's Razor and had hopefully proven that Kermit did not, nor any former tenant for that matter planted any bugs. I know me and mom certainly didn't! One doesn't buy them like a bag of pet food and then enact a Mission Impossible scenario to lower themselves into a unit and plant bugs. Or tunnel their way underground and build a nest for them. Or waltz in and sprinkle them like fairy dust. She told me that Gerald Harrison saw the books and went crazy. I had to laugh knowing that the reason I even loaned them to her was to prove she didn't have them and now I know it had proven another thing. That if it were possible, someone would have had to plan something a year or so ago. Also I have no idea who allegedly had termites. Neither me or my mom even figure into the equation at all. Having reading material about a subject isn't against the law. Books I had since the 1990s. And the ONLY books I owned that even touched on the subject of termites. If owning a book is illegal and that were the case, maybe the police would be interested in the Harrisons apps and other criminally used gadgets he has and has been using. They might be interested in the drugs he's been obtaining without legal means. i.e. Prescriptions and such.
  90. As for his repeated paranoid delusion of sugar and gas tanks; as my friend at Tremont Circle commented: Maybe he should learn to either lock his gas cap OR stop taking people's beloved pets and abandoning them in some faraway place. Maybe people wouldn't loathe him and curse the day he and his bullying crew came around? But sociopaths/psychopaths like the Harrsions are oblivious to other people's feelings or wishes for peace. His wife certainly cannot abide anyone who sees her or him for what they are to the point of brutal violence and attempted murder and continuing talking about murdering someone. Methinks he accuses others of all these things because he, himself has attempted all these things in the past. Or has done these things.
  91. And also there's the fact that the Harrisons hate animals and will do anything to destroy anyone who loves them.
  92. July 7, 2018
  93. I saw Crash and his friend walking towards Rogers Ave. They were walking with a brisk pace. I did not feel it was something to call the police over. But still creepy anyway.
  94. July 16, 2018
  95. A strange guy, white, average looking, came to our front door asking about a phone he was pinging. Came straight to our house (619 South 20th) and he talked with Brad. I stayed inside. This man talked about a stolen phone. Saying he was from the North side of Rogers Ave. 17th Street to be exact. He drove a black car over to our house to knock on the door and ask about his phone. He told of his phone being stolen and that he pinged it via his computer and came right to our house. Naturally this was suspicious as we don't go around breaking into houses to steal phones which was his story of why he came to us. He thought we had his phone. He left and I wrote all this down.
  96. August 1, 2018
  97. Steve-Felix Belinga resigns from Mercy hospital, effective immediately. We have also learned around July 13 that Belinga told another tenant who no longer rents from Belcorp, LLC that he wasn't the landlord. That he was just the maintenance man. We have also learned that Belinga claims to be out of the country often when someone is trying to get their rightful money back from him and that Belcorp, LLC is has been delinquent on taxes for over a year. And property manager is maintenance. Same thing. But no landlord. As for quiting the hospital, the feedback was 100% that he was such a bad doctor that former patients were filing lawsuits against him for crippling them even worse than before with the wrong drugs and the wrong treatments. An overwhelming number of people have submitted complaints.
  98. None of this should surprise anyone who knows that Belinga hired a convicted felon whose crimes were mainly violent-related but a number of his crimes were theft, to have access to other people houses and the fact his hired help's wife is a psychotic and a very violent person who has never had any treatment regarding her drug abuse, her violent abuse, even of her own kids, and her anger issues that are extremely severe and who has premeditated violence numerous times and has a record of getting violent with anyone for the smallest of things, like threatening an employee at a pizza place. She is also actively trying to defraud the state for funds regarding her physical health. As a most experienced witness to her violent nature, I can assure anyone reading this that she had absolutely no problems carrying out brutal violence. No problems with stooping to strike blow after blow and no problems with her feet as she balanced herself over me with force so hard she attempted to bloody my head against the wall and put a hole in it, since the plaster and material of the wall was cheap and, as Harrison said before, easily replaced.
  99. August 12-20, 2018
  100. My mom is still afraid of Belinga trying to do something to her as Gerald Harrison keeps the cycle of abuse eternal, just like his dad did before him. The bullying and intimidation continues as he keeps telling her that Belinga is the one behind the threats of eviction against my mom and threats of violence against me, as well as threats of arrest, although I've broken no laws. Gerald Harrison's first set of lies concerning the alleged texts from the landlord were about him having this great wrath against me for talking to Constance and Kermit, when I have known them for years. Gerald Harrison is the one who has the problem with that because we have exposed his lies. The second set of lies concerning Belinga were about Belinga having me arrested for slander that was posted on facebook by SOMEBODY ELSE! How does that work exactly? The ONLY ones who have the problem with facebook posts are the very ones who have lied and broken the law; Gerald Harrison and Jennifer Jinks! And the reality is, nothing was slanderous, just facts about Belinga. But the two mentally insane people who came into my mom's house screaming about facebook (see May 11 above) and how Belinga would have me arrested for it. Slander is also a civil matter and one cannot be arrested for such, especially when I wasn't the one who posted it and even if I did, there was nothing untruthful about it AND it's facebook where there are numerous people already posting about Belinga and none of it is good.
  101. So I talk to neighbors, which is a human right of mine, that the insane Harrisons want to take away from people, and he uses that as an excuse to violate human rights, then it's something on facebook and threats of arrest, and just a lot of lies gleaned from Harrison's own mental insanity that he controls people just because he has this job as a maintenance man. Well which is it? Belinga wants me to never see my mom again over the neighbors being informed of Harrison's violence or over facebook posts? Which is it? Reality: Gerald Harrison wants to have my mom never see me again because he's insane and jealous of me and my mom's bond and his wife is violent and he justifies any violence that she and he does, violence that he had planned with her to do that violence, and is actively trying to have something bad happen to me.
  102. Me and my mom want to have the regime of this unlawful trio of Belinga, Harrison and Jinks be done away with. We want our lives back!
  103. August 21, 2018
  104. The texts that Harrison allegedly gets from Belinga are either forged or they discuss how they'll keep their unlawful regime going. The evidence is, that Belinga never said directly to me or my mom about us being unable to visit each other. In texts and in person Belinga has said that he has no problem with it. It was Gerald Harrison flipping out and screaming at my mom about her visitation rights. But Belinga never said anything other than she could "host whoever she wants" and it was Gerald Harrison who kept repeatedly calling the police to try to get me to leave when my mom wanted me at her house! It was him, not Belinga. It was also telling when Gerald Harrison would wait until there were no judges or witnesses around so he could continue his bullying of her with these lies that Belinga was going to evict her and do other terrible things to us but didn't say anything about Belinga in court! Nada, zilch, zero. He waited until my mom was vulnerable again. If Belinga is part of this bullying then he's told Gerald Harrison to never bring his name up in court or mention him at all, so it they don't investigate him and realize he's part of this criminal situation they have going or the so-called texts are forged.
  105. August 30, 2018
  106. Several attempts at contacting the lawyer fail due to some bizarre reason or another. The restraining order he promised to have for me against my attackers was taking much longer than is normal. He promised me and my mom this on June 22. It was well over two months ago.
  107. September 11, 2018
  108. Received some bizarre requests online to connect and meet me someplace. The persons asking for this deleted their accounts so I could not research the person asking to see if it was legit but I knew it wasn't. Teasha Ford had also sent me several threats via facebook about his private parts. I was sickened. Literally.
  109. September 25, 2018
  110. Some unknown but equally violent woman in Texas by the name of Pamela High sends me threats. Direct threats to me about harming me the same way the Harrisons have done. I came to find out it was a relative of Gerald Harrison's and that she and the Harrisons have been texting and talking for quite some time about killing me or doing something violent and in one description involved causing me to lie in a pool of blood. This is all on their messages back and forth with each other. This Pamela High/Harrison was attacking me on facebook over some alleged Wilmer Police Department being contacted about their on-going criminal activity. I have not contacted any police other than the FSPD. I was threatened by way of the Harrisons which violates the restraining order that I'm supposed to have against them.
  111. September 26, 2018
  112. I call the number again at 783-1069 and am told that I cannot seek any help whatsoever for the threats being leveled at me. That I'm just not able to seek that kind of protection. That I'm not on any "program" to seek help. That should something happen to me, a woman named Erin of a P.A. would have to enable an investigation and that she is not about to since the Harrisons are her clients and they can do pretty much what they want. The threats were not taken seriously and the law once again has failed the real victims of violence as well as threats of violence. Then I am reminded again that I am on a status that prevents me from reporting crime done by the Harrisons or anyone. Whether I was believed or not, I was never to seek help in any form from the people who control the city of Fort Smith. By this time me and my research team have uncovered multiple logs of texts between the judge, the lawyer and other authorities. Also a paper trail of a staggering number of human adoptions from third world countries coming through Fort Smith family courts. 50% of the locations did not exist within the stated countries. Towns and villages that could not be found. Also found were strange documents of a basement room built at the Belinga residence without any specific building specs, or contractors on record. And there were several other residences that had that same criteria about a secret basement room being built under a portion of the existing structure. It was back in April that we had noticed a large pipe of sorts gushing water out of the bottom part of the house when we drove by on Free Ferry Road. I noted this to then-detective Brooks.
  113. October 10, 2018
  114. More threats issued by the Harrisons via people in Texas and from 17th Street (BelClin area) and has been ongoing since September. Threats include violence via hammers, and other blunt tools. My mom stressed out and wanting out and away from them all.
  115. October 20, 2018
  116. My sister Rachel visits Arkansas to see my mom and me. Not wanting anything to do with the Harrisons. But a confrontation took place when she called them out for the violence they had done. They screamed at her and threatened her as well with banning her from Tremont Circle. Where they claim they are allowed to go into anyone's house and get violent with tenants but the tenants have no rights to keep them from terrorizing them. So my sister was brave to confront them. My mom again, was threatened with eviction because Rachel confronted their criminal and terroristic activities. The Harrisons had said "she had it coming" in more pathetic attempts to justify what is unjustifiable and reprehensible. Just like Jennifer Jinks Harrison bragged about assaulting me to Teasha Ford of which there are facebook screenshots of Ford stating that it happened and issuing further threats of violence as promised by Jinks. And again the bragging was apparently done to this Pamela High in Texas where we now have screenshots of her statements about "not taking a beating too well" to solidify the fact that the assault did happen and that the perpetrators bragged about doing it and is still bragging about the crime.
  117. October 21, 2018
  118. Bryant asks me as far back as early August to come in and talk to his secretary. This after his secretary is revealed to be best friends with the corrupt judge Blatt. Even letting me know that the tyranny will not end and I am a little nobody that will never see justice. Since early August Bryant had rarely contacted me and when he did it was vague and there was NO details of anything being moved forward at all. I explained to him a multitude of times that I did not want to cross paths with those two women. Me and my mom had very good reasons to not want anything to do with the secretary. Still the lawyer kept vague, the only time he sent a note was to claim he was out of town and to talk to his secretary. I never once dropped off and pulled a radio silence. He did. And every time there was a peep out of him, nothing was explained and no opportunity was given to me to meet outside the zone I was understandably uncomfortable with. All my rights as a human being did not matter to the judge, to the secretary or to the lawyer. I was not given an opportunity to KNOW what the hell was going on. He never said anything about my case with me directly. He acted like the mere middleman. But on this day he told me about an affidavit to be signed but no such affidavit seems to exist as I went to the court place on the (26th) to find out what had been filed for me to sign to get my restraining order against the Harrisons. They not only didn't have any such file on record, they told me they never heard of Bryant.
  119. October 27, 2018
  120. My mom was told that Belinga was furious because some cop was contacted in Texas about the brutal assault by Gerald Harrison and his wife and that if my mom allows me to visit her that she would meet with some dire consequences. Which is all a lie by Gerald Harrison to continue to bully my mom. Apparently some people in Texas know what he and his wife are. Bad news. Trouble and all kinds of crazy. In their minds Belinga is their white knight. Or rather their black knight. Mordred. Same dif.
  121. November, 2018
  122. During this month I was unable to go get a permission slip from the police to visit my mom for Thanksgiving. The guy never called back. I was unable to visit my mom for Thanksgiving. More threats against me from the violent Harrisons.
  123. December 4, 2018
  124. Called to ask about my permission slip and they said I could obtain one via the front desk.
  125. December 6, 2018
  126. Nobody at the front desk when I called.
  127. December 9, 2018
  128. Found out that my name was added to a list of foundations that I would sooner see taken down and the perpetrators sent to Gitmo.
  129. December 10, 2018
  130. I did not hear back from the detective and was told he'd not be in until after xmas and new years.
  131. January 2, 2019
  132. I did not get to see my mom for Thanksgiving. For Christmas, For New Years. Did not get to see my furbabies and give them their toys and blankets I got for them. I did however get word that the judge Shannon Blatt was overheard gloating about being able to destroy my family because me and my mom were "cat ladies" and in her opinion one should be more interested in having loads of human children. Which is odd considering she has no children but is seen on twitter as having kids dressed in "Vote for Pizza" shirts. Hmm.
  133. January 7, 2019
  134. The scumbag Harrisons have issued more threats against me and my cats. I had to rebuild the outside shelter area where some outside cats I care for are sleeping. They had stolen more blankets from there and kicked over one of the wall sections of the shelter. It was broken.
  135. January 8, 2019
  136. I made copies of the evidence again. Twice on facebook there were two equally violent people who threatened me via the Harrisons. The first time was by Teasha Ford who posted that "it would happen again" confirming that Jennifer Harrison did the assault and bragged about it and had Teasha Ford threaten me and then she threatened my sister. The next threat of violence came from a Pamela High in Texas. I wasn't even aware of her existence until September when she sent me threats and in one instance says some garbage about "can't take a beating" again echoing Teasha Ford in the fact that Jennifer Harrison not only bragged about doing the assault but then confirmed she is still wanting to repeat her brutal violence by wanting to do it again. And both Harrisons keep trying to convince the world, family members, and even those against violence that when they get violent and crazy that their targets "deserved it" or "had it coming" which is what they've been proclaiming all this time. Facts of their mindset which they omitted from their frivolous court case where they acted like the victims and failed to tell anyone there about how they bragged about assaulting me and then went around to say "she had it coming" since that would expose them as liars to the court in which they were projecting everything onto me. And they forged text messages to appear to come from Belinga and his "mission to see me dead" to someone I know. It was similar the obvious forgery that one of Belinga's previous tenants had gotten after he told Harrison off about his belligerent attitude.
  137. January 9, 2019
  138. I added up the primary financial cost to me and Brad, Harrisons and Belinga cost me all of my savings to save those cats that were doing perfectly fine before, and a 295$ a month for 6 months + desposit which comes to 1,970$ and I have saved all receipts. Then there's the lawyer fees which brings the total up to 2,470$ and Blatt's Kangaroo court 25$ for Jr's temper tantrum court that sprung from where he and his wife assaulted me but had lied so well to get his little court going after assaulting me and then getting me to pay more costs so he can feel like the biggest baddest badass, which brings the total up to 2,495$ and these are just the tip of the iceberg. The financial and emotional damage that psycho pair has done to me and my life, will start at 2,495$ and this will be before punitive damages!
  139. And why did the police not get my report on that night? Why did they say they that I had left before they could get my report? I was the one who called them. I was on the phone first with them with that psychotic screaming in the room so I couldn't hear them. Then he called and tried to say all the things that I was saying so it would seem he called first. Timestamps on calls are there to prove that I'm the first caller. I called the police, he calls the police. I get no contact orders against them (rightfully), he finds a way to get something so to continue forcing me to be harassed by him via a court. See the pattern. I had to call a totally different officer just so I could report something that the three failed to. Then I was denied to give testimony in court. The lawyer told me that I couldn't or shouldn't. Not sure which he meant.
  140. February 19, 2019
  141. More veiled threats come in the form of various unidentified messages via facebook and emails about Belinga on the verge of shooting and killing his intended targets. Whether it was against me or my mom is unknown but the threat was made and the mention of the cats being left to die and/or starve was one of the psychopathic threats.
  142. February 20, 2019
  143. The phone records have been compiled and updated on the end of those in the research team who have been tracking the abuses of power in Fort Smith, Arkansas. And the further threats against cats are still ongoing from the Harrisons and a recent incident when he shouted at my mom that he would come in and kill the mother cat and her kittens because one was a stillborn and he was trying to use scare tactics to bully my mom into thinking the mother cat killed her kitten when that was not the case. He and his violent wife are the ones who kill and wish to kill and harm animals. They have been fascinated with killing animals all their wretched wicked lives.
  144. March 6, 2019
  145. We learn that the lawyer was paid 600$ by Belinga in order to keep his violent psychopath free maintenance. Seems that Belinga is sure keeping a large tab running for a free employee. What else could he possibly be doing besides maintenance work? So far Belinga's desperation to keep someone who uses violence and intimidation and lies against tenants, on as maintenance has been costing him thousands of dollars, whereas hiring a professional and sane person would have been less expensive. Wonder why this violent thug is so valuable to Belinga?
  146. March 7, 2019
  147. Further proof of this payment is documented by way of a transcript of the phone conversation between the two entities. It was also confirmed that I was classified as an "Under Citizen" meaning someone that any crime can happen to, and it would never be brought to light as I was a "nobody" in their system other than a slave of the system to be used and abused and thrown away at any convenient time. In the name of a violent couple of thugs no less.
  148. March 10, 2019
  149. Jennifer Harrison made some comments to one of her relative's friends about having a pellet gun and going target practicing on cats and other small animals and then turning the gun at my mom and me if she is ever able to do it without being caught. Which is her M.O. as always. Violent acts all her life where she has never faced any consequences.
  150. March 11/13, 2019
  151. I call to try to obtain a permission slip from the police, in order to visit my mom without fear of harm or threats against her or me. The police said they could not help. Brad and I handed in a detailed report updating all the things that have happened since the last report we handed in. With further details of ongoing threats and explained to some people at the by-now disproved family offices that Harrisons are still bullying, threatening and unlawfully conducting a regime within Fort Smith under the name of Belinga to keep my mom from having any visitors to her own house.
  152. March 22/23, 2019
  153. Late at night, Brad and I were going to put some things in our storage unit and as we were leaving the house we saw what looked like Gerald Harrison Junior walking by our house with some woman that looked around 25-35 years of age, wearing a short black dress and barefooted. They walked by on the other side of the road and the male looked back at us as they got to the next block. Brad had a better look at them and said he did not recognize the female with him, but identified the male who looked exactly like Harrison Junior who was dressed all in black clothing, with the same chain he wears from his pocket and walked the same way.
  154. We also learn that Harrison Junior threatened the life of another tenant he was evicting, but told my mom that he was the one threatened. As always lying to cover up his evil deeds. He does the deed and then immediately accuses his victim of what he did. His abuse of power is sickening and colossal. No doubt he acted as if to brush it off and we can only hope that the recent victim tenant had some recording device on at the time.
  155. April 13/15, 2019
  156. We called the tax collector and the state commissioners offices and both confirmed that the properties under the "Belcorp, LLC" name was delinquent in paying his taxes for over two years and that since last year, when I first confirmed the delinquency on the taxes, that status never changed. Since April the properties had been turned over to the state commissioner and filed under numerous parcel numbers for all these properties. Properties my mom and me didn't even know existed until the psychotic Harrison listed them all in his bid to attempt to ban me from as many places in Fort Smith as possible, as that has been a power-trip he has often played time and time again. He is a violent thug as his wife is but this news of Belinga's failure to pay taxes on properties was showing to finally be a way out for my mom and me to be free of the Harrison/Belinga regime that the place had become under his tyrannical harassment, terroristic threats, and abuse. Properties that several people have told me that he really doesn't own but in reality the Clintons own. Most of the properties in Fort Smith that would be classified as 'low-rent' complexes, like Trinity and anything with a "LLC" in it, is owned by the Clintons via a multitude of real estate companies that apparently operate out of Hot Springs, Arkansas and the states of Nevada and New York. Where the paper trail leads to many other names and entities that will give you no answers or contact info to reach any real landowner. Because the real land owners are the Clintons. Or entities tied to them.
  157. My next move might have to be to save enough money to get the property my mom is actually living on, the unit she's living in, to be owned by her and for her to hold the deed so no one can ever do this to us ever again. Wait for the auction or get it before the foreclosure date. And whoever the next drug/land lord is that buys up the properties around it, at least my mom will be free and clear of whatever thugs they try to bring in to threaten and assault me, we'll be free to actually report it to the police without fear of them doing something worse to us. Although we actually did report it to the police the first time. But unfortunately the police are protecting the drug cartel under Belcorp, LLC here. Protecting Clinton's operations and "investments". Also Sherrie Taylor lied to the police because of her fear that they had already been working on prior to that. My goal remains to get my mom out of there entirely. My mom and myself are too poor to pay property taxes anyway. We've never owned anything. But we can at least rent from someone who isn't a sadistic lying two-faced psychotic who surrounds himself with equally sadistic psychotic liars who are first-degree felons as maintenance that are extremely violent and drunk on power from a job description.
  158. We just wanted to live our lives, take care of the innocents and be left alone. You simply can't do that with psychos who make it their life to destroy others' lives. And if you love something, he will make it his personal evil deed to take that from you. Same with the violent bully Harrison Jinks who assaults and batters anyone because that's what she is and that is all she is, and also on his say-so like a rabid dog.
  159. May 11/16/17, 2019
  160. Threats have been sent to some of my friends on facebook by someone who keeps deleting their account.
  161. May 26/27, 2019
  162. Info was passed along to me of the fact that Belcorp, LLC has filed for bankruptcy since March 1, 2018. File number 4475273 and even available on file here
  163. Strange that Belcorp, LLC is still in "good standing" when it's bankrupt and has been delinquent on its taxes for over two years now. Is this why BelClin, LLC is now raking in money? To pay off debt or to just commit tax fraud and bankruptcy fraud? My bet is the latter.
  164. May 28, 2019
  165. My mom calls me and tells me that Harrison had issued another threat toward me over something on facebook or something I was saying to Chris supposedly. He tells my mom that Belinga is planning on having me arrested for harassment while he stalks MY facebook page and then tells her to tell me that "This doesn't end well for her" meaning me. Another threat of injury done to me while claiming that his boss can just snap his fingers and make the police just come after me because they have now been offended again, and are that insane to think that is a crime. That power trip is like meth and they sure are getting off on that. They use and weaponize the police and courts (as they have done in the past) to come after anyone who talks. Even on facebook.
  166. May 29, 2019
  167. My mom tells me that the harassment threat of theirs is back to being "slander". This nonsense again. So a civil case is being threatened against me for offending them by voicing my experiences, but somehow my facebook stuff is being taken to the police? And by his lapdog thug and not by the idiot who is ordering threats be made against me. Hysterical in the most obvious of scare tactics. 1. the police do not handle civil cases. 2. if you want to file a report, you do it yourself, you don't send a thug to play intimidate and control whoever it is, whether it be the police or some lawyer. You file it yourself. What the hell do they think this is? They act like some ruler over a country who has this pinhead going out of his way to use his size to do what he has always done; intimidate, bully and threaten on behalf of his master. With my diligence of documentation, it won't end well for them. They have broken every law to destroy me. Violence, terroristic threatening, perjury and the absolute taking away of my civil rights. The unlawful harassment they have engaged in since he got himself a thug who is willing to break laws and destroy families to please his boss. That's what kind of people they are. The deranged trio also keeps repeating to others that their violence is justified if they feel "you deserved it" and they have spewed that often to other family members and others in general. Or that you "had it coming", that's how they think, that violence is how to deal with anyone. Other tenants of Belginga have been assaulted by his thug Harrison in the last year. So in that, I'm not alone. I hope this testimony that's written over a year, will finally bring an end to the violent tyranny of Belinga and his psychopathic Harrison nutjobs. Here is how insane junior is, Belinga could ask him to kill me and my mom, and he'd do it to be further praised for his "abilities", he's NOT human. After all, Harrison Jr has often bragged about killing someone in Salem, Oregon to get into a gang. That kind of need for worship makes him a danger to everyone. And Belinga is fueling this monster. And Belinga is supposed to be a doctor? Wow. That doctor sure likes having a thug whose first and every reaction to everything is through violence and unhinged freakouts, to present to the innocent tenants of these units that he's claimed to others that he's not even the landlord of.
  168. May 30, 2019
  169. Just found out that the disgusting liars had used my mom's name on a police report last year, same date as today. Steve Belinga used his own name and then my mom's name to file a fraudulent report against me. Nothing recent, but his lying and falsifying witnesses to officers now has a paper trail directly to him. My mom confirmed that she in no way filed or agreed with any such report. She wasn't even there. I have the case number. More evidence of his and Harrison lying to police. Which is a crime. I have proven time and time again that the psychopaths of Belcorp, LLC are criminal and determined to destroy anyone who talks to anyone about their crimes, and he's trying to use anyone to cause me harm, great torment, and punitive damages. No doubt he did this to interfere with a frivolous court case his thug had lied to get into where he already bribed the very corrupt judge, Blatt, whose campaign slogan was "a vote for Blatt is a vote for pizza". No doubt he's already discussing ways to "Arkancide" me. These people are SICK!
  170. June 2/3, 2019
  171. More suspicious people are trying to friend me on facebook. A friend got me in touch with someone who might be able to help. One of the threatening messages sent from a blank profile that was deleted shortly after entailed how all my friends on facebook have been doxxed and that Belcorp, LLC will be coming after all of them to find out who is helping me. Of course the help I seek is to see justice done against some psychopaths who have been criminally harassing me and threatening me for over a year now, and it includes the brutal assault done to me by an unhinged top-heavy sucker puncher named Jennifer Harrison. They have repeatedly tried to justify their crimes and the shallowness of these narcissists is astronomical. My mom had told me that they only admitted to their assault as being a "mistake" since now the whole family hates her (they should hate him too - it's him who assaulted me first and days prior to that he was telling everyone that it was going to happen) and instead of admitting how wrong they [Harrisons] were in carrying out their premeditated assault, they're worried about being "popular" in a family. Not about the harm or hurt they caused me, not about the fact that they are evil and won't own up to it, but about their "standing" in a family. They repeatedly blame their victim, victim-blaming, and still use methods of threats and harassment against me and my mom. My mom is so dizzy and confused by all their lies. He has her on a very short leash. I have been saving money to get my mom out of there. And to gain a permanent restraining order against the violent Harrisons.
  172. July 12/13, 2019
  173. My mom and myself are looking at the house two doors down from where I live, I have to make about another 100$ for the down payment, but she is really hoping we can get that house.
  174. August 6, 2019
  175. Gerald Harrison Jr. is screaming profanities at my mother in her garage after she asks him to help her vacuum the floors. At the time she was on the phone with me, and my phone answering machine picked it up. At the time I didn't know it was captured on my phone. When I found it, I went to Sprint to get the audio file onto a flashdrive. I had to wait a week to get the file in the right format as the guy at Sprint was gone for a couple of days. Then when we got the file and it worked, I then sent it to all my circle in the support group. Here is the upload to youtube of that file:
  176. August 15, 2019
  177. The house that was for sale, took down the sign as it was apparently not ready yet. I have been keeping my mom posted on what's going on with the property as it seems to be getting cleared of tree branches, etc.
  178. September 14, 2019
  179. Me and my mom are on the phone talking about her wishes to move and has talked about moving for a long time now. Somehow Sherrie Taylor overhears my mom talking about moving into a house close to me or close enough to me where she would not need Sherrie and told me, again, that she is tired of Sherrie's shit.
  180. September 15, 2019
  181. My mom is in the hospital with a huge black eye and bruise on her head, like the one I had when the violent psychotic Jennifer Jinks Harrison attacked me. I inform a security guy at Mercy hospital, his name is Joe or Joel, about all of this. Then I filed a police report detailing what had happened in the last 24 hours.
  182. September 17/18, 2019
  183. Harrison Jr. comes to Mercy hospital to inform my mom that her cats, including two of mine, were stolen from her home while she lay in the hospital. Claiming David Rinehart was the culprit, who then drove them out to a place called Wedington Lake area, where there was allegedly someone with a barn to take them. This Wedington person took the cats but was told some kind of a lie so to cover the fact they were stolen from my mom's house. At the time David Rinehart apparently made the threats of taking the cats and dumping them somewhere. My mom nor I never heard Rinehart actaully say that, but knowing how he is, a real bastard to begin with, it wasn't much of a stretch. However Jr's story kept changing between Wednesday and Thursday. At first he claimed David Rinehart worked for the guy who owns this farm property but the story changed to Jr was the one who worked for the this guy who apparently lives in the Wedington area. On Wednesday Jr claimed that David Rinehart came to my mom's house and stole her cats, then claimed that Sherrie Taylor (who is also a liar, and has no reservations about lying to the police about anything) was livid and didn't allow David Rinehart in the house because of said threats against the cats. But on Thursday Jr changed his story about three different times regarding what happened. Confusing my mom and telling her that he knew the Wedington guy and met up with him about the cats. Also a week prior to this, when my mom asked me to sneak her over some food, I noticed several items that belonged to me were gone. Decor and other things that I hadn't gotten into the storage unit yet.
  184. September 18/19, 2019
  185. Brad wanted to drive over to where Sherrie was and wanted to know if the cats were really gone. Sherrie then seemed to gloat about it. Sherrie was also caught in another lie when she tried to tell us that the cats tripped my mom. My mom confirmed that Sherrie was flat out lying and trying to justify the cruelty to animals that she has taken part in. My mom's injuries were either caused by Sherrie herself and the Harrisons for the horrifying neglect of my mom's needs and environment and/or she tripped on the stool that she has tripped on before as was what she told me. But it wasn't the cats. My mom told me, Brad and several nurses that she tripped on that little stool up to her bed. Harrisons and Taylor continually scapegoat the cats and exaggerate their presence in my mom's life as something evil, to cover up their factual evil deeds. Trying to justify what they've done to her and to me. The cats are like me and my mom; INNOCENTS! The insane Harrisons and Taylor are after my mom's money and they want anything and anyone she loves to be ripped from her, as they want to do to me for being the one that is helping my mom live her life, as that goes against them and their agenda.
  186. Between the hours of the 18th to the 19th, Brad and I were at the Lake Wedington area to look for the cats. I also talked with two officers of the Fayetteville PD who gave me some numbers to contact and a few leads to go on.
  187. September 20, 2019
  188. Brad and I plan to press charges for theft of property against all parties involved. David Rinehart may not have actually taken the cats but the psychopathic jr himself would have as he would have closer access than Rinehart who lives in Alma. Also Harrison cannot breathe without lying. It's also the Harrisons and Taylor who have seen to it that my mom's health deteriorate so bad that she wasn't even being cared for at all, and had to ask me to sneak her food! I had not been able to go freely to her house since 2018 when the Harrisons attacked me, and officer Pecho can back me up that I was, then, keeping my mom's house clean, and making her meals while the Harrisons did everything in their power to remove the one element from my mom that was of help to her well being. Brad and I will continue to look for her cats and my two cats.
  189. September 26/27, 2019
  190. My mom got out of the rehab/hospital situation, and the Harrisons and Sherrie Taylor had told several staff members to act rude to anyone asking for her. I had washed her clothes from the night before and was bringing them to her. They acted completely different than to the way they had normally acted. The Harrisons and Sherrie Taylor lie to everyone they can about my mom, me, Rachel, and Brad. Experienced this more than million times. So it stands to reason they had some grotesque lies to spew at the staff where my mom was at.
  191. All day of the 26th, Rachel and myself were unable to reach mom by phone, Rachel had left several messages, and I left one. Rachel and I both knew that Sherrie could have taken my mom's phone and saw to it that she didn't have access to it, as that was how she managed to keep my mom's phone from receiving calls while she was in the hospital. Sherrie and Harrisons had done something to my mom's phone, making it inoperable. Sherrie bought her a new phone but didn't fix the wifi part where my mom could receive emails from her aol account. Sherrie and the Harrisons want to monitor who my mom speaks with and since the lender wasn't getting any replies from my mom, it's best assumed that her emails were deleted. My mom and I would sometimes send coded messages to each other via email when my mom couldn't talk in the phone. We had developed this strategy since last year. Sometimes, as instructed, I would send emails knowing they may be seen by the enemy.
  192. That evening, I had to call for a police stand-by when my mom wasn't even answering her phone, to bring my mom's clothes to her. Sherrie Taylor is still acting obviously guilty at the fact I reported my mom's injuries to the police and gave them the details of how the night before my mom was talking about wanting away from Sherrie Taylor. That she is getting worse and worse. When the police came with me to make sure my mom was okay and that she gets her clothes, Sherrie at first screamed through the door for us to "go away" and she threatened to call the police...on the police. Then she opened the curtain and saw that there were police at the door. She went to get something on. Opening the door she demanded that I lay the clothes on the doorstep. So I did that. She then kicked the clothes making them fall onto the ground off the doorstep. The police asked to speak with my mom, at that point Sherrie slammed the door in their faces, causing them to knock again and go around to the back. My mom finally rang my phone and asked me two things right away, that she wanted to come to my house, and have I found her cats. I told her that she can come with me right now, that the police are here and will help us. She then said she would stay and call me tomorrow. That her phone was working now except for getting emails, and her computer is not really working either.
  193. The following day and night, my mom calls me and Rachel to speak more in length when Sherrie is gone.
  194. September 28/29, 2019
  195. I file a police report in the dark of the moon, about the theft of the cats. The officer took the info and said "Have a blessed night". The cats from around the area came to sit with me for a while. I could hear their purring. Their low frequency tones blended with the quiet air, lifting my spirits.
  196. September 30, 2019
  197. Belinga has some trolls by the names of Brent and Ashlynn Grover come to a group where a contact of mine posted the details of the corrupt Steve-Felix Belinga, showing proof of his maintenance having an extensive criminal record, mostly for violent crimes and showing evidence of his fraudulent business practices and his general treatment of people who either rent from him or are receiving prescriptions from him, along with the numerous properties he is delinquent on his taxes with. The Grover trolls then start attacking both my contact and me with insults and slander (lying about backyards and dogs and other events that didn't happen) while letting it be known that he was taking stock of what my mom had on her porch as if it was any of his business. Steve-Felix Belinga having these trolls post attacks against those for exposure of his criminal behavior and his enabling of violent thugs to assault tenants had demanded that his message filled with threats was posted by Brent Grover (who himself has an interesting criminal record) and the threats detailed his much repeated mantra of how if anyone were to defy his regime that they would be "dealt with" and he threatened his usual threat of how he would "deal with" [sic] me and then implied that court and jail was coming to me by him via his lapdog Grover to the group my contact was on. Although I havn't committed any crimes. Again I can state with confidence that it's NOT a crime to offend violent psychotics like the Harrisons regardless of their belief that they are above the law and have a license to harm others due to their psychosis. I have committed no crimes unlike the multiple counts of assault, battery, conspiracy to commit assault, premeditated assault and attempted murder or serious injury which I still carry, terroristic threats, perjury and theft of property done by him and by his maintenance and his wife.
  198. My contact asks the group admin to step in and also to save the evidence of all of this to send to the police even if Belinga no longer has access to the post.
  199. October 2/3, 2019
  200. It is discovered that while my mom was in the hospital, Sherrie Taylor had deactivated my mom's aol email account and changed her Sprint online username and password to one of her emails. In the hopes that should my mom not make it, she could then move in to deactivate my and Rachel's phone from my mom's family plan. Couldn't even wait for my mom to actually pass, let alone a body being cold in the ground before taking over all her accounts that she had access to. I have also spoken with the State Police about hitchhiking, to make sure it was legal before setting out on the quest to search for the cats in the Lake Wedington area. Knowing I have to knock on a lot of doors, but that daytime is the only time to really do that. It's frowned upon to show up at night, and that would be the only time I'd have access to a car. The nightmare continues.
  201. October 3/4, 2019
  202. Have received several private messages from a few lurking group members about how they know Gerald Harrison Jr. and how he had assaulted them and stole property from them. All of whom asked me to redact their names if I post their experiences online. And one who expressed extreme fear of him that I was asked to not even breathe a word about her experiences on facebook or connecting her name to anything. She was brutally raped and he attempted to kill her as she related her ordeal to me. She's in hiding and sleeps with a gun under her pillow. Has PTSD because of her experiences of him. If asked by the police to provide the messages, I will as it would be wrong to sit on this and not let them have a look at it. Also they could subpoena me and I won't make authorities do that. I will willingly hand this stuff over to them.
  203. The other people who have contacted me have similar stories.
  204. October 9, 2019
  205. Had to go to the prosecuting attorney, who viewed the attacks by another henchmen that the cowardly Belinga sent to post messages to a group I was invited to. The P.A. said he'd make some phone calls after viewing the evidence I brought in. I asked for an extension on the assault and battery case of the violence of Belinga's sadistic psychotic Harrassons.
  206. October 11, 2019
  207. Gave the applications for my mom's new place to be filed to get the ball to rolling.
  208. October 13, 2019
  209. Sherrie is turning off my mom's phone whenever my mom isn't aware of it, so I can't alert her to the alerts mom has specifically asked for, no matter what time of the day or night. My mom is literally in a prison created by those psychotics. Four raging insane psychos. She tells me all the time "I just want away from those people!"
  210. October 24, 2019
  211. My mom wants to look at the house across the street that is available, but has no way to look at it as they won't drive her to anywhere. She tells me that they will not allow her out of the house. When she asks me how long it would take to move all her stuff, I tell her maybe 5 - 6 hours, maybe less, but that I'd have to have a police stand-by. An extended stand-by. My mom freaks out and goes Medusa. Not knowing that the stand-by does not include the police actually moving anything. Just that they would be there to protect us.
  212. October 25, 2019
  213. My mom is acting extremely weird and says her phone has been compromised. I call for a welfare check. Sherrie was there and interfered and ran her mouth as my mom explained later that Sherrie is evil and has been outed as the main agitator. Around this time my mom told me about Sherrie asking for her food stamp card to go and buy food with it to then sell the food for cash. Telling me that Sherrie was going to sell Harrison Jr. food with what she would buy with my mom's food card. Which is fraud, which Sherrie excels at doing. My mom would not give Sherrie her food card. A couple of days later, my mom informs me that she had to surrender her food card to Harrison Jr. Along with her SS card.
  214. November 5, 2019
  215. Sherrie and Harrison Jr take my mom's food card, her SS card, and run out and buy themselves new phones at Sprint with her SS money. This after Sherrie took her credit card when she was in the hospital in September, and bought a new phone for herself and my mom. Making this the second new phone Sherrie bought herself using my mom's cards.
  216. My mom tells me about what they did and that she is livid that they misused her cards, lying to her about paying bills with them. She also told me that they will not take her to Sprint to have her phone fixed. That they will not take her to the store, or let her do anything at all. I call for a welfare check because she is sounding desperate. Sherrie is there when police arrive. Sherrie is heard by my mom telling them lies and really running her mouth and trying to get the cops to have the same unrealistic hatred for me that she has always harbored. When I mentioned to her to never give them her cards, and why did she do that, her answer trailed off in half finished sentences and lead to no explanation, afraid Sherrie was listening. She seemed to be telling me that they would have forced her to hand over her cards with or without her consent.
  217. November 6, 2019
  218. My mom again complains about the phone. I call police to ask them if they knew anyway to help my mom get to the Sprint store or at least call her, if they could get through, or go to her when Sherrie was gone and help her fix her phone if they can. I specifically ask about them about helping her understand her phone and if there's a way to just fix it without going to Sprint. They send another welfare check and again, fail to fix her phone. They are not on the same page. No one is hearing. They have their hands tied. Cannot move forward without radical events such as the psychopaths being arrested for their unlawful bans and keeping someone prisoner in their own home. When Jr gave my mom that ultimatum back in March 31, 2018 about choosing him or me, my mom never adhered to his deranged demands. So he set about forcing her to be completely removed from me, and me from her. Forcing his ultimatum to choose him against her will. With his fraudulent whacked kangaroo case, he attempted to have me banned from seeing my own mom. When that didn't work, he used more intimidation by Belinga. Saying that Belinga wasn't impressed with the judge's decision and that Jr could go ahead and wreck havoc anyway in my mom's life. Enabling him to further abuse and threaten. See May/June of 2018 of how they use the courts illegally and to abuse unlawful power and extreme abuse through their non-existent authority.
  219. November 8, 2019
  220. I call the Sprint Fraud department and let them know about these people buying phones with my mom's SS card. I find out that the phones they bought were not added to my mom's Sprint account, thus confirming the suspicion that the devices will be used as "burner phones" with other phone numbers attached to them. My mom's SS card however is what bought these phones, so if used in criminal activity, they will be able to blame her. I left a request to keep a full document of the recorded phone call with Sprint, begging them to help, to take this matter to a higher up. And in hopes that the NSA could intervene and prove all of what my mom said to me on the phone about all of this.
  221. November 11, 2019
  222. I called Sprint customer care and they confirmed that there was no block on my mom's phone on any number. Every number, Rachel, Brad, mine, even people that would call to see if they could get through all had the same report of ringing once or twice and then going straight to voice mail. My mom had already complained about the phone and that they would not take her to Sprint. The Sprint Representative gave me a case number file, #I1867737527.
  223. November 12, 2019
  224. My mom calls me and tells me again that they are keeping her from having any contact with other family members. I tell her that word has gotten around of Sherrie's plans to wait for her to die so she can take all the money and whatever my mom has of value and flee Arkansas. While the Harrisons also plan to take everything from my mom thinking Sherrie will alert them to any event that my mom would not make it and then to split the spoils among themselves, Sherrie's plan is actually not aligned with theirs, but both are just as bloodthirsty, being that she would be right there in the same house. Sherrie's plan is to find my mom's IQD and other valuables and skip town with all of it. This was something Sherrie had told someone who then gave this info to one of my contacts to give to me. My mom confirms also that she did not give them permission to use her SS card to buy new phones with. And that she still has not gotten her cards back. Also again, confirming that she does not want to be around those people, afraid of the police state, and believes the money will come in and that they will not win. My mom told me to trust in my Father.
  225. November 20, 2019
  226. My mom tells me that she cancelled her food card and her social security card and was having them resend them. I advised her to change the pin numbers on them to where Sherrie would not know them. But my mom failed to and when the mail came, Sherrie took her new cards.
  227. December 2, 2019
  228. After many calls for over a week, mom calls me and asks me to get her the phone numbers to EBT food card people so she could have her cards cancelled again. That Sherrie won't give her cards back. I called every possible number that could help her and explained the situation. I told my mom she would have to call the police and file a report of her stolen cards as there really was nothing I could do. I called some out-of-state friends and asked for their advice, and everything they told me to try, I had already tried. I am at a loss. We know it is Sherrie, the liar and obstructor of justice, that is preventing my mom from having her cards so she can pay her phone bill, thus completely isolating my mom from ever having any outside contact again. Her life is in peril.
  229. December 3, 2019
  230. My mom calls and tells me that she got a letter from Belcorp, LLC explaining that they were firing Belinga and getting a new landlord/owner. After a couple of days of trying to find out who the new owners were so I could call them and warn them about Harrisons and Taylor and what all they did to my mom, her cats, and myself, I heard back from my mom. She told me that Harrison Jr had informed her that Belinga was selling all the properties, and that he was buying them. That he would be the new owner of all of Belcorp's properties. My heart sank because I knew if this was real, I would never see my mom again. Harrison and Taylor would see to that, as they had done illegally. In this instance it would be legal as they would be the owners. But none of it made sense. Why would Belcorp fire Belinga but sell the lands to his maintenance? How does that happen? But we all knew it was a lie because where was he going to get the money to buy hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of commercial properties? So we stuck with the idea that Belinga was fired and someone else was buying the lands. Leading to the hope that new onwers would finally get rid of Harrisons. We tried to find out who would be the new owners so we could tell them to please hire professional management of the lands. And not keep the rent-free, lazy-do-nothing maintenance maniac living in 306.
  231. December 12/15/17, 2019
  232. Brad knows a guy at his work that lives on Tremont Circle who talks about things going on over there, and who confirmed that he never got any such letter about Belinga being fired.
  233. December 25/26, 2019
  234. Once again I cannot see my own mom on Christmas. She called and told me that she gave up trying to get her cards back. I was upset. She was upset. There was nothing we could do. We lamented. She was cooking herself something to eat.
  235. December 30/31, 2019
  236. I get the news from Rachel in Utah that mom was being moved to another house because Belinga sold Tremont Circle. However I informed Rachel that Belinga did not sell anything. He was getting rid of Harrison. Finally seeing what people had been trying to tell him for two years! I also spoke about the guy at Brad's work and the fact that the Sebastian county deeds office was showing no change in ownership of anything related to Tremont Circle. Rachel of course had been listening to lip-liar Harrison and didn't believe what I told her. Believing in the fake and blurred illusion rather than the cold and hard reality of facts.
  237. January 6, 2020
  238. I got a call from Baptist hospital about my mom and them needing consent to do a procedure. I was freaking out because I had no idea she was in the hospital. What we came to find out is that she had been dumped off at Mercy on the 2nd (not more than 2 days after being moved) by Harrison's wife Jinks, and left there. Jinks didn't even bother to sign her name to anything, just the label of in-law, and left my mom there with only the clothes on her back. Mercy then transferred her to Baptist within a few hours where she lay in ICU. For four days she lay there alone, no one came to visit her in those four days. But on the 6th when I was made fully aware of where she was, Brad and I came to her side every night, sometimes as much as three times an evening/night. And she came out of ICU and moved to another floor for a week.
  239. January 13, 2020
  240. My mom was transferred to Fianna Hills Re-Hab. Brad and I have been coming to her side every evening/night twice a night. Spending time with her to help her recover. She is still afraid to speak too much of anything but when she feels it's safe to talk, she asks me what I was able to do regarding her phone, getting her cards back from being used by the three sadistic lowlifes who are circling like vultures. She is getting better despite everything. I was able to talk to Sprint several times over the course of this month and keep the phone connection alive. Sprint has been very understanding and has done much to help us in what they can and are able to do.
  241. January 28, 2020
  242. Discovered that my mom's phone has been turned back on from spending a month of being shut off, but upon my visit with my mom (as I do regularly now that she's in Fianna Hills and I am able to see her) they told me that she did not obtain her phone. So that means the psychos have her phone and that they are using it. No doubt that they are using it for nefarious purposes. I have no idea how long the phone had been active again, but it couldn't have been more than a week.
  243. February, 2020
  244. My mom was freed from a life of slavery and oppression via Earth Exit. During the whole time she was in hospital and rehab, the only ones who visited her every day and night were me and Brad. Those in Utah and Idaho would have visited but were too far away. Those who put her where she was, gloated everyday over the spoils of what they would obtain of my mom's things and money. During the times she was awake, she often told me to rent her her own house. She did not want to return to Harrison and his cult. Whenever he'd come around, she'd lose more hope. But she got away.
  245. She can watch over all her babies that she dearly loves and was heartbroken to have lost, and she has promised to return when evil has been cleansed from all our lives. I stand seemingly alone in the face of fools who won't believe the truth about those monsters, and all I have done was for love for my mom and those babies. Honorable and noble. Against a total psychopath, and his equally psychotic followers, who wanted my mom all to himself and did everything to erase me and everything else she loved so it would only be him and all him.
  246. I will bring my mom back through the gates (having the keys) when the time is right and those evil entities will be gone by then. Gates that the psychotics will be banned from and will have no passage, and will have no say-so over, whatsoever. Their power utterly gone. And their only legacy is the torment they have caused, evil, ego, and arrogance they served, and their abuse of power as written here in this document.
  248. We are finally free.
  252. Added info as a TL;DR
  253. Gerald Harrison has been from the beginning of March telling my mom that the landlord was extremely pissed off at her and Sherrie. That he had a great anger against them. Throughout the months as he kept threatening and harassing them it went from the landlord was going to draw up papers to have her visitors banned, and it went from threat to threat as he kept threatening physical violence and death and his wife did the crime of assault and battery.
  254. During March it was the lie that the landlord was just going to evict her.
  255. During April it was that the landlord doesn't like anyone talking to anyone else, i.e. no neighbors are allowed to talk amongst themselves since Gerald Harrison was already exposed as a liar to at least one other neighbor that I know. Her name is Constance Jones. I have a handwritten document concerning that too. To be added with this file.
  256. During May it was that the landlord was going to have arrests made over facebook posts that the Harrisons labelled as "slander" when in reality their victims were simply posting about these evil deeds and experiences at the hands of the Harrisons.
  257. During June it was more forging text messages, lies about the landlord and everyone else and continued harassment by Gerald Harrison. Who also committed perjury.
  258. During July, August it was the same bullying over and over. Making my mom afraid of what will happen to her and me. Very severe and psychotic abuse as done by a psychopath to a hostage.
  259. During September, there seems to be no end in sight of the regime of Belinga's "maintenance" thug and every indication that Belinga is not the real landlord but has placed the Harrisons as the sole landowners in name only so that a paper trail with the name Steve Belinga would be easily scrubbed.
  260. During October, it was more of the same threats against me and my mom and now my sister.
  261. During November, more bullying and threats. Tried to visit my mom for Thanksgiving and could not due to the Harrisons stopping a permission slip from being issued on my behalf.
  262. During December, my name was used to commit some type of fraud as I never donated a cent to Belinga Foundations or anything he's connected with. My name was unlawfully used by Shannon Blatt and her thieving group of advocates to extort more money from me by way of adding my name to some foundation to do with her. They used my C...4... email.
  264. During 2019, a series of official abuses, threats and constant fear of danger befalling me and my mom is the norm.
  266. During 2020, their reign of terror only lasted two months, and they did try to hold onto any power they could and saw to it that they could get their way. Their power was taken utterly away in the 52nd day of 2020 and only a few cultist remain loyal to the most psychotic lowlife you'll ever know about.
  268. This testimony should reveal the true intentions, tyranny, unlawful use of a job position and abuse, violence and endangerment done by the Harrisons.
  269. We have suffered financially, emotionally and physically because of the Harrisons.
  271. This concludes the testimony of Lorraine & her daughter Iggy of the location to be known as The Ark, Arkansas.
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