

Apr 29th, 2019
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  1. HeraAndRook brainstorming
  3. [8:19 AM] Patashu: Ok SO. This puppet is a pair of characters. HeraAndRook. Hera, a female deer engineer/dodgetank (halberdier) unit. Rook, a male bear siege/grappler unit. They hail from the setting of Silas, an 'after the apocalypse' setting where organics built a bunch of technology, got themselves killed off, and now everything is robots and has been for so long that they don't very well understand their origins. They arrived via a two way macguffin (thinking a door they found in a building that's Weird) to Spindizzy and can return whenever they like. Schizotech, in the sense that they don't know how to make everything they find, so they often hybridize 'old' and 'new' technology just to make things work. Making a new robot frame isn't easy, either - factories are finicky and often heavily contested if they're especially effective, and building your own by hand is an ordeal.
  4. [8:21 AM] Skai: Oooh interesting :>
  5. [8:21 AM] Skai: I like it
  6. [8:24 AM] Patashu: Things I would want this setting to be about:
  7. * sword and sorcery adventuring and geopolitics in an unusual setting
  8. * how robots, initially given purposes and specific designs, drift in their behaviour based on their ability to learn and adapt, generations derived from their initial intent and from the creators who would normally have kept them domesticated
  9. * robotic behaviour and thinking that's a mix between stoic/goal driven and emotionally driven
  10. * how such robots adapt to, effectively, self sufficient and communal lifestyles instead of being compartmentalised into having a job to do, a frame that's always maintained to spec, and every externality handled for them
  11. [8:25 AM] Patashu: Also it's a bit HZDish in that there are feral/wild robots and factories/facilities who won't have your interests in mind when you happen to meet them. There could also be scavengers, aware of the planet because its people were once spacefaring, and now its a more or less undefined technology and materials cornucopia
  12. [8:26 AM] Skai: Ooooh yes, interesting. Wonder if they'd like Skai and Vesra :> Since they are adventurers too
  13. [8:28 AM] Patashu: Yes that is a Thing that would happen
  14. [8:28 AM] Skai: Heee excellent~
  15. [8:29 AM] Skai: What was the Big Bad Thing that happened,
  16. OOC?
  17. [8:30 AM] Patashu: Based on what the visible outcome is, my guess is
  18. * oops, I spilled genetically engineered plague everywhere
  19. * no one knows how to fix it??
  20. * everyone just ups and leaves because the alternative is dying and they're not stupid
  21. * they intend to come back later once it's subsided (which it has by now)
  22. [8:31 AM] Skai: Huh, ok!
  23. [8:31 AM] Patashu: It's not locked in yet, if you have a good idea for an alternative
  24. [8:31 AM] Skai: I'll think on it :>
  25. [8:31 AM] Patashu: I think that it needs to be pretty raptuous so as to not leave too much evidence behind of their organic precursor civilisation
  26. [8:32 AM] Skai: Right, hmmm
  27. [8:46 AM] Skai: So how long ago was this event. Sounds like a couple generations, so over 100+ years?
  28. [8:46 AM] Patashu: That sounds right
  29. [8:46 AM] Skai: How cobbled together are Hera and Rook
  30. [8:46 AM] Skai: How does magic work?
  31. [8:47 AM] Skai: Any big threats to their world?
  32. [8:47 AM] Patashu: HmmMMmm
  33. [8:47 AM] Patashu: I picture Hera and Rook as being like... well made frames but with a lot added on/remade after the fact
  34. [8:48 AM] Patashu: Reactors but also exhausts, changes in weaponry and gadgets
  35. [8:48 AM] Patashu: Undecided on how magic works
  36. [8:48 AM] Skai: This all sounds good oo
  37. [8:49 AM] Patashu: Big threats would be like: wild robots/factories making a mess of things, wars between two factions, scavengers or even more organised forces coming from elsewhere in the galaxy, and of course the ever present question of 'what if we exhaust all the useful precursor tech through exploitation or mutually assured destruction'
  38. [8:50 AM] Patashu: I'm thinking btw that these robots have certain vanities and complexions about their appearances and wanting to look 'rightK
  39. [8:50 AM] Patashu: Kind of like how us organics do
  40. [8:50 AM] Skai: Yeah! Sounds good :>
  41. [8:52 AM] Skai: So all their spacefaring tech left the planet right?
  42. [8:53 AM] Patashu: But they don't have the time or resources to make themselves perfect, so wear and tear are the natural order of things
  43. [8:53 AM] Patashu: Yeah that sounds right
  44. [8:55 AM] Skai: Cool. And yeah, wear and tear!
  45. [8:59 AM] Skai: Also has Silas been around for a while? That name sounds familiar (or I may have heard it somewhere else a long time ago)
  46. [8:59 AM] Patashu: I might have randomly generated that name before
  47. [9:00 AM] Skai: Cool ^^
  48. [9:00 AM] Skai:
  49. [9:00 AM] Patashu: No hits in Discord or Telegram at least
  50. [9:01 AM] Patashu: Good halberd
  51. [9:01 AM] Skai: Hee
  52. [9:01 AM] Skai: Need weapons ideas for Hera :>
  53. [9:03 AM] Patashu: Hera has a technoglaive but I'm not sure what the other function is yet
  54. [9:03 AM] Patashu: Rook will probably be a elemental power source because Cool
  55. [9:03 AM] Skai: Yes of course :>
  56. [9:04 AM] Skai: Wonder what they'll think of mechs (probably think of them as the big feral robots at first?)
  57. [9:04 AM] Patashu: Yes, they'd think of them as familiar but oddly docile
  58. [9:05 AM] Skai: Hee
  60. 11:51 AM] Patashu: Ok so cracking knuckles Let's figure out how this should work :>
  62. So I figure pre-apocalypse there were different factions, cultures, manufactures, all that kind of thing. And there'd be robots both explicitly military, industrial, scientific, civilian alike. So there'd be marking schemes and serials and logos and all that stuff. So what might have happened in the intermediate 1+ century, and what are Hera and Rook's origins, is the question for discussion~
  63. [11:52 AM] Skai: As an engineer, Hera's origin should be industrial or scientific in nature, I'm thinking Rook might be militaryish?
  64. [11:52 AM] Patashu: I like that. So two different factories? Do they have different marking schemes (because they retained those of their factories' and respect them as they are) or the same one (because they came together under a single faction and that faction has their own ideals)?
  65. [11:53 AM] Skai: Hmmmm
  66. [11:53 AM] Skai: I kind of like the idea of them being different marking schemes BUT
  67. [11:53 AM] Skai: having some kind of unifying marking as well
  68. [11:53 AM] Patashu: One for the faction they both reside in and contribute towards?
  69. [11:53 AM] Patashu: That's a good idea
  70. [11:53 AM] Patashu: Kind of a best of both worlds thing that way
  71. [11:54 AM] Skai: Nod Right!
  73. 12:05 PM] Patashu: Oh I do have a good question actually
  74. [12:05 PM] Patashu: Metal exteriors or softmetal (think like VaderSan synths)?
  75. [12:05 PM] Skai: Hmm
  76. [12:06 PM] Patashu: I do want the armour and paint and wear and tear and reasonably modular/DIY aesthetic
  77. [12:06 PM] Patashu: But I also like cuddling (I might just handwave it so they're perfectly fine to touch LOL)
  78. [12:06 PM] Skai: I think metal then
  80. 5ft6in and 7ft?
  82. theme song: satellite 01? ice frontier? something high tech, adventurous and contemplative
  84. cyberglaive becomes a cable grappling hook. either that or it flips into a multitool.
  86. lots of satchels and gear and stuff worn externally
  88. HeraAndRook, both Deer and Bear Adventurer Robots
  90. FAS - 'Field Analysis and Salvage'.
  91. HEST - 'Heavy Elemental Siege Tank'
  93. A pair of characters stand before you, two robot adventurers from the far off land of Silas who do practically everything as a team. Their hull are armoured metal panelling - articulated and flexible, worn and showing a fight against age with much work put in to keep everything servicable and presentable, unpainted except for bright markings here and there. Their bodies are schizotech in that they've taken the frames they were 'born' in from factories of their precursor civilization (long since lost to the passage of time) and modified it with things they can design and repair with their own two hands - they have reactors as well as engines, integrated electronics and contraptions alike.
  94. -H0-
  95. Hera is a 5ft6in/1.68m tall female deer robot, all slim and athletic and feminine. Her metal frame is tempered on the different sculpted panel to give the appearance of a tan body with lighter cream underbelly, though the metal gloss is interrupted by wear and scrapes and streaks of untreated corrosion. She has a small, stubby set of antlers, a fine black clump of wiry artificial hair sitting between perked ears, partially covering her blue eyes, artificial lenses covering all kinds of micro-optics that spin and focus, the protective covers having a yellow HUD projected in real time. She is nimble with her hands and with her cloven hoofed feet, spunky and full of outgoing energy. A segmented tail twitches behind her, and her every movement whizzes, whirrs and ratchets with electronic and mechanical actuation alike, coverings sliding smoothly to keep joints unexposed.
  96. -H1-
  97. She is wearing a faded pair of short jeans that hardly go past her hips, a creamy yellow work vest lined with pouches and straps that keeps her belly exposed and has a clanking and complex technoglaive strapped to her back, the pointy, bladed and long shafted weapon looking like it could be reconfigured into different forms. Stenciled down her left thigh in vibrant yellow is the 'Neodyne Systems' logo, a zigzagging lightning bolt slicing a circular outline into three parts, as well as her serial, FAS-ENG-041. Shared by Rook is the Freesite Foundation faction logo in white on the right shoulder, a thick hexagon outline with the top point removed, a thick line rising from the center upwards.
  98. -R0-
  99. Rook is a 7ft/2.13m male bear robot, a hulk of a figure with a wide, round stance enforced by the impressive belly and chest they present. His metal tempered to a dull brown with a light red belly, he constantly rumbles and thrums, vibrating with the purr of diesel engines that supplement his core Elemental Energy Reactor, soot puffing from the exhaust pipes that curve S-shaped either side of his puffball tail. His arms and legs are bulky matching one of his weight, and he has the strength and stance of a labourer. His ears are rounded dishes and eyes are black, belying subtle mechanisms and optics beneath, and his computer systems chatter and vent warmth when deep in thought. He is quiet although wise, speaking and acting when important.
  100. -R1-
  101. Well articulated otherwise, his armoured hull has many extruded panels that look like they can slide or flip out to expose gadgets, weaponry and interfaces stored within, many of them having painted on yellow arrowheads and technical indicators/labels. He wears a durable black coatlike a belt, its sleeves tied into a knot behind him, the many pouches and pockets acting as storage. Stenciled in gray, metallic blue on his upper stomach is the 'Ironclaw Engineering' logo, a geometric beast's head in profile with narrowed cutout eyes and jagged claws, looking like it could be a dire wolf or bear, as well as his serial, HEST-BU2866. Shared by Rook is the Freesite Foundation faction logo in white on the right shoulder, a thick hexagon outline with the top point removed, a thick line rising from the center upwards.
  102. -S-
  103. (As per Patashu character rules, Hera and Rook are safe pleasant to cuddle with and touch!)
  105. Theme Song: Satellite One / Future Crew
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