
Attempt 2 Stone Fantasy Builder

May 24th, 2018
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  1. -----------FLUFF---------
  2. Magic - Normal/Artifice
  3. Magic is the art of creating arrays from mana crystals and products produced from mana crystals. Mana crystals are known to grow in areas of high magical energy called Nexus. Arrays are a general term for two dimensional or three dimensional creations of mana crystal products that create a magical effect. Arrays continue to function until such a point that the array no longer exists, such as if someone breaks the circle.
  4. -Magical Energy:
  5. Magical energy is a naturally occurring energy that permeates around a Nexus and causes the growth of mana crystals. It causes animals and people to mutate into monsters.
  6. -Mana Crystal types:
  7. >Common:
  8. Fire (Red)
  9. Water (Blue)
  10. Earth (Orange)
  11. Air (Yellow)
  12. >Uncommon:
  13. Life (Green)
  14. Death (Purple)
  15. Light (Pink)
  16. Darkness (Black)
  17. >Rare (only found in special circumstances, from Asteroids or random magic fluxes)
  18. Astral (Grey) - soul, awakening; can make sentient monsters or new humanoids from beasts, transmutation
  19. Space (Black) - gravity, space manipulation, teleportation
  20. Time - Stopping time, Accelerating time of a person or area
  22. Alchemy-
  23. The first monster part taken from a dead monster contains it's power. This can be used to make potions, magic items, or used outright for some reason. Some are tied to a certain body part. Magic venom requires the venom glands or the venom itself. Fire breath would require the glands for that.
  25. Starting Fluff: Long ago, for three nights, an aurora of shifting colors covered the skies of the world. Men, beasts, and plants changed into monsters, altered by the chaotic magic in the air. The tribes survived and the monsters died or bred true. Over the generations the event faded to myth, and myth faded to legend. New races sprang sprang forth and formed their own tribes, their origin lost to history. Now many tribes find themselves with new ways to feed themselves, more people come together forming a community, and building a city state. Now the new nations of the world set forward into the world now with the ability to shape it to their desires, or be lost to the footnotes of history.
  27. -----Rules----
  28. You have 3d100, you may use these for different actions or combine them and I will take the highest dice for the same action.
  29. natural 100: good shit, critical success
  30. ect.
  31. 80-99: 3 sucesses
  32. 60-79: 2 successes
  33. 40-59: 1 success
  34. 20-39: 0
  35. 10-19: -1
  36. 2-9: -2
  37. 1: Critical failure, I have fun with these and these are bad for you.
  39. Economy: Economy is a general measurement of how many resources your government can put forth to upkeep projects and troops. This can increased with new laws and techs.
  41. Resources: These are simple abstract amounts of resources that your government owns to use. Stuff like stone, copper, iron, wood, ect.
  43. Armies: When you make an army apply all the techs/magic you wish the army to use. Armies get a +0.2 per tech but for each their upkeep goes up by 1. Base upkeep for all units is 1 for 'light' units (infantry, smaller monsters), 2 for 'heavy' (planes, tanks, monsters, cavalry), 3 for 'large' units (Ships, big planes, airships, orbital ships), 4 for Titanic units (Titans, Large ships), 5 for 'compensating' units (flying city filled with guns). All units have tags that represent other abilities they have. Generally when I make a new one I will put what it does down here. You can make a [Fodder] unit that costs no upkeep, gets no bonuses, can quickly be churned out, reduces happiness when made, and their rolls are reduced by half when fighting non [Fodder] units. Upkeep rounds up to nearest whole number. Armor and weapons apply as separate techs, even if the same tech is being used. Upgraded techs count with their base techs.
  45. Tags:
  46. [Fodder] - See above
  47. [Giant] - this unit counts as a 'heavy' unit that gains a bonus +0.4 to combat and ignore half the penalty from defenses.
  48. [Armor X] - Armor reduces damage a unit takes in a turn of combat by X, does not stop magic based damage or elemental damage.
  49. [M. Armor X] - As armor but only blocks magic based damage
  50. [E. Armor X] - As armor but only blocks elemental based damage, whether natural or magical.
  51. [Pierce X] - Ignores X amount of armor.
  52. [Construct] - Are not affected by spells or abilities that only affect living things. Require resources or spells to heal.
  53. [Vehicle] - Require resources or spells to heal
  54. [Fear X] - Gives the enemy engaged a penalty of X and if the total bonuses go into the negatives and the enemy rolls under X the unit dies instantly. Fearless units and heroes are immune.
  55. [Unarmed] - half upkeep, spells that affect weapons have no effect, half damage against armored units.
  57. Movement: Armies need to be somewhere and made somewhere. The army will usually start at a location depending on the buildings, such as a training grounds in the capital, and from there need to be sent out. Normal armies can move at 3 hexes per turn with some being faster and slower. Calvary moves at 4 base. Wooded terrain, hills, swamp, rivers, and other hazardous terrain take two movement to go through.
  59. Combat: PM me a list of units in the fight in whichever order you want and roll a d10 for each unit. The units will fight in that order against the other in that order, wrapping around if one side has more units. This means a unit might not be able to harm it's opponent, such as a ground infantry trying to shoot down an orbital ship.
  61. Technology/Magic: Nothing much special here. Research shit and get bonuses or access to new stuff. You get a +10 if you have a sample to study, such as having a sample natural bronze to work with to figure out how to alloy bronze. Magic requires mana crystals to research.
  63. Heroes: Heroes are special people and units. Non-combat heroes can give a bonus to one roll a turn and combat heroes can usually fight on par with titans. As well combat heroes can not die in battle unless they are outnumbered by 3, fighting a titan or another hero, or started the battle at 1 hp. They can be assassinated.
  65. Stealth and espionage: If a unit has the [Stealth] tag they can attempt to sneak into enemy territory, this has the same rules as a normal move, or you can use an action to hide them in one of your territories. Two d10s with bonuses, that don't benefit from pure combat techs, are rolled in secret by me. If the results are within 5 in aggressors favor they get a partial success and get 1.5x their bonuses in the fight or can forgo joining combat and give the enemy army a debuff equal to the number of stealth units, but can not drop their bonuses below 0. Greater than 5 and they get 2x their bonuses in the combat and can drop the enemy units below 0 bonuses.
  67. Espionage units need the [Spy] tag and don't benefit from pure combat techs. As an action you can attempt to infiltrate an enemy nation you share a plane with or can reasonably explain getting a spy into. Two d10s with bonuses will be rolled where a defenders win with greater than 5 means your spy is caught, less than 5 and your spy gets away but the defender knows your spy just tried to infiltrate his nation. If the attacker wins by less than 5 the spy infiltrates the nation but the defender knows a spy entered his land, and at greater than 5 he knows nothing. From there you count as having a sample of all the techs they have, can use a free action to double the bonuses but must roll another spy roll, can reduce happiness of a city but takes multiple spy actions, can reduce defense bonuses, and more. Run it by me if you have an idea.
  69. [Assassin] units are much like spy units but they get bonuses from some combat techs and can assassinate hero units, reduce ticks on certain projects, or give penalties to an army. Assassins get a -10 to actions the turn after they complete an action.
  71. Rule 0: I give bonuses for fluff, so be fluffy. It also keeps me interested and more likely to update.
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