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Jan 19th, 2019
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  1. The components of the system are communicating using HTTP POST calls, mainly the flow of the data consists of: the front-end component is making the HTTP POST request to a back-end server interface, firstly completing the parameters as documented. The server is responding to the front-end component by using a JSON response formatted by the following users: every response has a field “answer”, which can be “Success”, “Warning” and “Error”. If the answer is “Warning” or “Error”, the server is guaranteed to return another field, called “reason”, which consists of a descriptive message why this has happened. The front-end component is expected to treat warnings and errors explicitly, by showing in the user interface layer the reason returned by the server. If the “answer” field is “Success”, the other fields contain information requested by the front-end component, depending on the interface called. The front-end services must know exactly which interface respond in which format in case of Success, so that the reported answer can be treated and converted to React objects by this component.
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