

Dec 5th, 2016
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  1. [BALKA] gigX - Today at 5:57 PM
  2. All access to Keepstar defense is removed
  3. And only I will keep control of Keepstar
  4. because someone with access fcked up our keepstar
  5. and turned modules offline
  6. [BDZ.] Lord Kaho - Today at 5:57 PM
  7. ?!
  8. burn that bitch down !
  9. [BALKA] gigX - Today at 5:58 PM
  10. I took control today
  11. and I was able to watch it only
  12. because with fighters that still can be used
  13. I cant do shit
  14. [BDZ.] Lord Kaho - Today at 5:58 PM
  15. are you able to see who has turned the moduls offline?
  16. [BALKA] gigX - Today at 5:58 PM
  17. Logs are not showing that
  18. [BDZ.] Lord Kaho - Today at 5:59 PM
  19. ....
  20. [NOGAG] Seraph IX Basarab - Today at 5:59 PM
  21. Do you have a list of people who had access?
  22. [BALKA] gigX - Today at 5:59 PM
  23. The list was very big
  24. [BALKA] gigX - Today at 6:00 PM
  25. and I dont want to point finger on anyone
  26. But anyway tomorrow we will try to defend Keepstar with everything we have
  27. [BDZ.] Lord Kaho - Today at 6:02 PM
  28. but keepstar has 3 reinforce timer or?
  29. Qtipp (BSCL) - Today at 6:03 PM
  30. Man that sucks.. This back stabbing crap sure can ruin a good game..
  31. [NOGAG] Seraph IX Basarab - Today at 6:03 PM
  32. so much for "gudfites"
  33. Qtipp (BSCL) - Today at 6:04 PM
  34. or Content !!
  35. RAW Paste Data
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