

Oct 29th, 2020
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  1. As a not too qual­i­fied com­man­der, Mag de­pends on the ex­pe­ri­ence that in­her­its from Alex there, con­ducted a thor­ough dis­cus­sion and plan with Do­minic.
  2. Big of this scale of war, in­volved branch of the ser­vices, com­plex of sit­u­a­tion, is more ex­ag­ger­at­ing com­pared with the dur­ing that time race war.
  3. dur­ing that time race war, is 2-3 races grasps to slaugh­ter­ing, looks be­comes a hope­less mess ran­domly, but the sep­a­rate, the war of mag­nif­i­cent scene are not many.
  4. More­over the al­lied armies are the tem­po­rary com­po­si­tion , let alone spent tac­itly, even the con­fi­dence level may not draw fully.
  5. „So arrange­ment, once the de­fense line falls into enemy hands, per­haps is very dif­fi­cult to con­trol the as­pect.” Do­minic looks that Mag in the de­fen­sive bat­tle for­ma­tion that on the sand table sets up in an array, knits the brows to say.
  6. Charge that „ 1 mil­lion dead spirit reg­i­ments, fierce do not fear, the pure de­fense line can­not de­fend, there­fore I planned that leaves in these three canyons opens the mouth, puts them to come.
  7. 1 mil­lion brave sol­diers di­ver­gences, then elon­gates the front.
  8. Canyon both sides arrange­ment ar­tillery camps and Magic Caster groups, max­i­mum killing dead spirit reg­i­ment.
  9. Arranges a mouth baggy en­cir­clement ring in the canyon exit po­si­tion, sup­poses array and clings to tena­ciously with large army.
  10. Be­fore giant dragon reg­i­ment, kills the dead spirit reg­i­ment by the air su­pe­ri­or­ity ahead of time.
  11. But our ul­ti­mate goals, di­rects Cthulhu to act, and tries to en­tice to enter array it, and its seal.
  12. Once Cthulhu the seal is suc­cess­ful, dead spirit reg­i­ment a group of peo­ple with­out a leader, the cri­sis also re­lieved. ”
  13. Of Mag on the sand table fid­dled with, caused a re­cent bat­tle for­ma­tion chart.
  14. Do­minic eyes lit up, gath­ered round the sand table to trans­fer two, was knits the brows: „So the arrange­ment, can block the dead spirit reg­i­ment ac­tu­ally some time, but how can we en­tice to enter the seal Cthulhu?”
  15. The dev­ils are sur­rep­ti­tious, if not for the seal out­side Chaos City opened wiped the veil, they do not even know the Nolan con­ti­nent un­ex­pect­edly seal such fear­ful ex­is­tence.
  16. They have the long life, even ex­ceeds the time that a race had.
  17. Has giant dragon of long life, re­gard­ing this also knows noth­ing.
  18. They have the fear­ful abil­ity, is un­able to be killed, even can­not cause heavy losses.
  19. Seal array that only then an­cient times spread, can their again seal.
  20. But this is the dif­fi­cult mat­ter, their plan­ning, look like in it, per­haps is also only the joke.
  21. „Does not know that you have heard the multi-layer steamed bread the­ory?” Mag asked.
  22. „Multi-layer steamed bread?” Do­minic shakes the head, this sounds like the the­ory of food, what thing is also?
  23. Mag showed a some­what mys­te­ri­ous smile: „ Cthulhu had the in­nu­mer­able years, the imag­i­na­tion of wis­dom in­evitably far super­egos has, but re­gard­less of his in­tel­li­gence quo­tient high, fac­ing trap that we arrange, it must pon­der as be­fore:
  24. He pos­si­bly sees this is a trap, then it in sec­ond floor, it thinks us in first floor, ac­tu­ally we in fifth floor. ”
  25. Do­minic nod of look­ing pen­sive, silent a meet­ing, can­not bear ask: „There­fore, what there­fore fifth floor is?”
  26. „This, you knew when the time comes.” Mag smiles, „de­ploys troops and forms lines to give you, the trap array mat­ter gives me, I to your only re­quest am to elim­i­nate 200,000 dead spirit reg­i­ments, and en­sure the block­ade line was not bro­ken through.”
  27. „Good.” Do­minic fa­cial ex­pres­sion earnest nod.
  28. 1 mil­lion brave sol­diers in hand, this self-con­fi­dent , if no , he worked as these years em­pire Mar­shal in vain.
  29. ......
  30. Mag then saw Michael, un­der­stood one at pre­sent the man­u­fac­ture progress of ar­tillery.
  31. „ De­pends on the full power sup­port of Miss Hill, at pre­sent the daily out­put of ar­tillery has achieved 300, the shell out­put achieves 5000 rounds.
  32. Also has docked suc­cess­fully with dwarf clan that side, yes­ter­day 50 tech­ni­cal per­son­nel car­ried the blue­print to ar­rive in dwarf clan, they will sup­ply the ar­tillery full power.
  33. The gnome race as­pect has also pledged to sup­ply the ma­te­r­ial that the shell needs full power, after dwarf clan ar­tillery mass pro­duc­tion, Chaos City will make the shell full power, closes the ar­tillery pro­duc­tion line. ” Michael brought Mag to visit the ar­tillery pro­duc­tion work­shop, at the same time in­tro­duced.
  34. „Miss Hill, is re­ally the big pat­tern.” Mag nods, the ap­praisal to Hill got to a stair at heart.
  35. The tu­mul­tuous times have the fierce and am­bi­tious, al­though Hill is a woman, has the enor­mous pat­tern and vi­sion.
  36. Train that be­fore cleared, now be­came the best tool of trans­porta­tion ore, freight trans­porta­tion trains went be­tween Vik Ridge and Chaos City, the ef­fi­ciency pro­moted in­nu­mer­able times.
  37. If not for the tur­moil, is faced with an arch­en­emy im­me­di­ately, var­i­ous races def­i­nitely will pay at­ten­tion to this unim­peded traf­fic line.
  38. So long as Nolan con­ti­nent can sup­port this wave, will be over the fol­low­ing hun­dred years peace­ful, the train def­i­nitely be­comes ex­is­tence that leads the de­vel­op­ment.
  39. Must be rich, first builds roads.
  40. This is ex­is­tence of truth in gen­eral.
  41. But Hill grasps Buf­fett bank this big trea­sury, has the ad­van­tage that first sends, in the hand is also pinch­ing the steam en­gine core tech­nolo­gies, sim­ply is an out­stand­ing money-mak­ing tool per­son.
  42. Mag has even thought, lie down on the shoul­der of giant, crossed the fi­nan­cial free­dom to live.
  43. „Yes, tu­mul­tuous times cur­rent, women is will will­ing to be left be­hind by men.” Michael quite sigh with emo­tion nod, „, is not only Miss Hill, More­ton fam­ily that Miss Glo­ria, ar­rived at City Lord's man­sion the day be­fore yes­ter­day, said that must con­tribute a num­ber of huge quan­tity of op­er­a­tional cot­ton-padded jack­ets for the al­lied armies.”
  44. „Glo­ria?” The Mag brow tip se­lects, said, some of his days have not seen that miss who likes eat­ing tofu pud­ding.
  45. Comes out from City Lord's man­sion, is the high noon time.
  46. The sun­light falls on his face, is some­what daz­zling, snow al­ready sim­i­lar, nearby wil­low tree braved green sharp, it seems like, spring ap­proaches fast.
  47. „Alex!”
  48. The some­what pleas­antly sur­prised sound re­sounds to­gether.
  49. Mag takes back the vi­sion, looks that stands be­fore the body this knight that is pulling a black don­key, the coun­try char­ac­ter face, the waist is match­ing an emer­ald long sword, the smile is sim­ple and hon­est, pairs of eyes is clear.
  50. Kandy Nicholas.
  51. In Mag’s mind first emerged his name, said, sev­eral months have not seen him.
  52. He was seem­ingly blacker, the left face were many a tall and slen­der scar, seems like by the trace that the claw of some magic beast stays be­hind.
  53. Armor has many traces of at­tri­tion, is no longer bright.
  54. But only that pairs of eyes, as be­fore cool bright, such as ring­ing young­ster!
  55. „Hello, I am Alex.” Mag vis­its him to say.
  56. „I heard that your not slaugh­ter dragon, changes the slaugh­ter demon now, right?” Kandy looks at Mag, some­what ex­cit­ing ask­ing.
  57. „Re­cently arranged like this.” Mag slightly nod­ded.
  58. „In this case, I also can only join the Chaos City North­ern Ex­pe­di­tion reg­i­ment, can fight side-by-side with you.” Kandy some­what sim­ple and hon­est say­ing with a smile.
  59. Mag vis­its him, looks at the eye he was pulling that black don­key, is say­ing with a smile: „Don­key is good.”
  60. Kandy put out a hand to touch grop­ing the head of don­key, is say­ing with a smile: „New waiter, but is in­deed good.”
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