

Oct 23rd, 2017
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  1. [color=transparent]##### QQBot[/color]
  2. [X] 1 Appearance.: (Valette-Serafina)
  3. [X] 2 First Voice - Bigger, is better. You become akin to a humanoid Monster, with a emphasis on raw power and general physical capabilities. Oh and size too, that size. Unfortunately, you don't gain the magical power to back it up. It works a bit while you're in your original form though! (++Physical Prowess, +Physical minor boost in original form ; -Size can suck in crammed spaces, -No innate magical bonus): (Omida, Reader_as_a_Hobby)
  4. [X] 2 Fourth Voice -: (Lunaryon, Valette-Serafina)
  5. [X] 3 Fourth Voice - Your form uh... is rather malleable, like a slime or a shadow actually. Anyhow, you're pretty damn resilient against what your form's adapted against which takes a week to fully change from. And what you can do with it is pretty nifty too. Oh and you pretty much can't carry over any damage back to your original form too!. You don't hit very hard though, and gain a weakness corresponding to your resilience. (+Regeneration Power/Speed, ++Adaptive resilience, +0% Alter-Ego damage carry-over ; -Adaptive weakness, -Adapation takes a week, -No innate strength bonus.): (Imabot, Happerry, Crawkid)
  6. [X] 2 Name: Gideon: (Omida, Imabot)
  7. [X] 2 Name: Vesah: (CrossyCross, megrisvernin)
  8. [X] 2 Not a girl dammit! (appearance): (Omida, Imabot)
  9. [X] 2 Not a girl damnit. ( (CrossyCross, megrisvernin)
  10. [X] 1 Plain looking.: (Happerry)
  11. [X] 1 Plan Bebop: (Reader_as_a_Hobby)
  12. [X] 2 Second Voice - Your form is rather akin to a humanoid Demon... with tentacles and a bit of emphasis on a good looking figure. Which lends itself well even if you're in your original form, but provides the least combat utility, and risks a bit of being recognized compared to the others- even when in full Alter-Ego form. (+Seduction, +Works in Original Form +Tentacles! ; -Chance of being recognized in both original & Alter-Ego form, -Weak Combat benefits.): (The Froggy Ninja, Robotninja)
  13. [X] 1 The Dungeon Academy of Eternia: (Happerry)
  14. [X] 2 The Dungeon Academy of Eternia - The 'Eternal Academy' that has lasted since forever, and developed and changed with the times as well. It is quite up to date with the new 'modern' technological developments, yet it retains a more 'traditional' look and feel, favoring magic and traditional combat over things such as guns and other crude tools of warfare. It is also fairly dangerous due to being built upon the 'core' origin where all Dungeons originate from, and has since suppressed the spawning of dungeons in the world to reasonable levels- through the efforts of its Students, Staff, and those seeking fortunes of their own. It lacks much in the way of formal Classes thanks to its far greater emphasis on hands on practical experience, though this likewise gives Students plenty of leeway, yet the expensive tution costs and general living expenses all but ensures that the majority of the Student population is active and engaged in learning and earning their keep. Religious beliefs are mostly ignored along with prosecutions due to religion, though enforcing it is practically impossible when Students are not on Academy Grounds.: (The Froggy Ninja, Robotninja)
  15. [X] 1 The Fortress City of Midgard: (Reader_as_a_Hobby)
  16. [X] 5 The Frontier - A part of the world beyond the Middle Kingdom and other hubs of civilization. A lawless place, in theory, yet one that's been actively carved out by religious factions and others seeking to establish their own nation or organization. Furthermore every group is quite the opportunist, yet cautious as well. One could say things are but at the edge of open conflict, though strangely enough, not one group or faction present stands alone. And naturally, due to the lawlessness of this part of the world, that means monsters are quite common while civilians unaffiliated with any group or faction are extremely rare.: (Omida, CrossyCross, Imabot, megrisvernin, Crawkid)
  17. [X] 2 Third Voice - This ain't even humanoid anymore. Just plain monster, like one of those movies with a "alien" that uses humans as hosts to breed and burst out of their chests from. Or something like that, appearance-wise. Unfortunately, or not, that way of spreading through infection ain't a bodily form thing. But hey, you're just fucking brutal. (++Prowess physical and magical ++Fast, ++Regeneration ; --Public Enemy, --Effectively can't communicate, --Not humanoid, --Doesn't benefit original form, and has no real extra bodily parts): (CrossyCross, megrisvernin)
  18. [X] 1 insert pic of Spike Spiegal here: (Reader_as_a_Hobby)
  19. [X] 1 name: Spike Spiegel: (Reader_as_a_Hobby)
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