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Toras nap gets interrupted

a guest
Oct 12th, 2023
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  1. The sounds of snoring were coming from the far booth in the tavern, none of the locals would dare to bother its resident without a good reason, for as masculine as the snoring was they knew it belonged to Tora...A drunkard woman who attracted all sorts of losers to this village in search of training and secret 'cheats' to getting stronger. Rumors spread throughout the world of the young woman who had never known a challenge in her life, able to face highly rate threats without breaking a sweat... It was all very tiresome. To the villagers she was just a deadbeat drunkard who barely paid her tabs, to the Master she was a doomed fighter who would never enjoy a single day of her life... But to the rare few students who struggle through her abusiveness, who put up with the degradation and downright incoherent teaching she slurred at them through her alcohol-induced hazes, she was a master that could not easily be replaced.
  3. One of these students, marked by a simple red bow tied to his gear now cleared his throat and called out "Mas-tah" toward the darkened corner, recieving a half-empty bottle of booze aimed at his head in response and a grumble as the woman sat up and took in the sight. A good half dozen dropouts who thought they were owed something by the world. Barely better than bandits as they stood there intimidating the locals.
  5. She entered a coughing fit before finally reluctantly turning her gaze properly to the new arrivals. "If you've got time to act tough you've got time to go collect firewood and help out the farmers with their planting" It was a pretty simple request, but she had learned long ago that Hunters tended to think differently. 'Such a thing is beneath us surely?' One of the more smug looking brats said while stepping towards a local miner. 'This one is strong, couldn't he do it? We have to keep our strength up to protect weaklings right?'
  7. Honorable Tora fished out a mostly empty bottle and downed the last dregs. "Let me guess. You brought a big pocket full of motivation because you heard I was a wandering master, you hoped to buy out my title and coast through light training before getting a cushy job bodyguarding some young master who would never leave his family home to begin with" ... "Not far off the mark I'm guessing. Do you know what my students have that you don't? Its not money, or fame."
  9. A look of sheer dissapointment came across her face as she gestured at the student that had lead them here. "He could face you alone, you know why? Because he has respect. A reason to fight. Determination. You lot are just scum. After you apologize for ruining the villagers dinner you can fuck off back to your parents with your tail between your legs and tell them how you failed to find a master."
  11. 'Tch - You don't know who you're insulting bitch, I'm a one in a hundred thousand potential! I'll destroy your student and this shitty bar that you call home!'
  14. Several Hours later the bar was being cleaned up by five newly hired temporary waiters while a sixth bruised up young troublemaker was being pelted with rotten fruit outside by some of the braver locals.
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