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May 22nd, 2018
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  1. Oprah Winfrey earned an S- on LeBlanc
  2. Alalia earned an S- on Syndra
  3. Everyone on your team honored a teammate! You got a little extra Honor progress this game.
  4. Oprah Winfrey was the most honorable player on your team
  5. WannabeD5Adc: in which world ist this gg
  6. WannabeD5Adc: completely fcked up matchmakeing
  7. Hello Rengar
  8. Ex3m
  9. : lol
  10. WannabeD5Adc: And a Rage quit
  11. Choemi left the lobby
  12. WannabeD5Adc: Defenition of a good game
  13. Oprah Winfrey left the lobby
  14. Hello Rengar
  15. Ex3m
  16. : maybe RQ cuz u QQ
  17. Getlar: think so
  18. Karwox: you really think
  19. Zhungga
  20. kńdrd
  21. : in a world with no tilt
  22. WannabeD5Adc: Maybe kys
  23. Karwox: people are actually evaluating the game
  24. Karwox: when they say "gg"
  25. Karwox: ?
  26. Zhungga
  27. kńdrd
  28. : i mean i still found the game enjoyable
  29. WannabeD5Adc: Im gonna repeat myself
  30. WannabeD5Adc: Kys
  31. Getlar: I wanted to kill myself
  32. Getlar: to be honest
  33. Zhungga
  34. kńdrd
  35. : pls report him
  36. WannabeD5Adc: Good
  37. WannabeD5Adc: to bad you didnt do it
  38. Alalia left the lobby
  39. Hello Rengar
  40. Ex3m
  41. : wp eve
  42. Getlar: yep
  43. Getlar: report cork
  44. WannabeD5Adc: you are worthless anyway
  45. Zhungga
  46. kńdrd
  47. : trying out new champ :P
  48. Getlar: gave you bot for this
  49. Getlar: smh
  50. WannabeD5Adc: Yea
  51. WannabeD5Adc: Good thing
  52. WannabeD5Adc: i hope your dad got ******
  53. Karwox: interesting as to how you're complaining so much after you told us "its just a normal"
  54. WannabeD5Adc: thats why youw anted to kys
  55. Karwox: good stuff
  56. Getlar: yep
  57. WannabeD5Adc: yea
  58. WannabeD5Adc: tilting
  59. Getlar: this guy hasn't got his head screwed on right
  60. Hello Rengar
  61. Ex3m
  62. : why are you so mad corki? xD
  63. WannabeD5Adc: to see diamond players tryharding in normal games
  64. WannabeD5Adc: rengar
  65. WannabeD5Adc: shut up
  66. Getlar: jesus christ
  67. Getlar: you think he's just gonna int
  68. WannabeD5Adc: You are even more worthless
  69. Getlar: because its normal?
  70. Getlar: you ******* moron lmao
  71. Hello Rengar
  72. Ex3m
  73. : truly d5 player
  74. Hello Rengar
  75. Ex3m
  76. : xD
  77. Getlar: hahaha
  78. Zhungga
  79. kńdrd
  80. : d5 players are... interesting xd
  81. Getlar: nah
  82. Getlar: more like g5
  83. WannabeD5Adc: Rengar riven yasuo
  84. Getlar: thinks he's d5
  85. Hello Rengar
  86. Ex3m
  87. : g5 == d5 :^)
  88. WannabeD5Adc: Good that people are able to read
  89. Zhungga
  90. kńdrd
  91. : he prob was before his account got banned from his toxicity :p
  92. WannabeD5Adc: lmao
  93. Getlar: xd
  94. WannabeD5Adc: if you are 4/4 as rengar in such a game
  95. WannabeD5Adc: im not gonna say that
  96. Getlar: bet leona is a good guy as well
  97. Getlar: just stuck with you
  98. Getlar: feelsbadman
  99. Hello Rengar
  100. Ex3m
  101. : i dont play leeg anymore so cant do any mechanical insane rengar combos!!!
  102. WannabeD5Adc: you are probably mentally ******** or smthing
  103. Hello Rengar
  104. Ex3m
  105. : xDD
  106. Hello Rengar
  107. Ex3m
  108. : this guy
  109. Getlar: typical euw
  110. Getlar: player
  112. WannabeD5Adc: HOLY ****
  113. Getlar: this is my server
  115. Getlar: you goon
  116. Hello Rengar
  117. Ex3m
  118. : usually the people who flame are atleast decent
  119. Getlar: xd
  120. WannabeD5Adc: 6/5? playing vs Diamond 2 players with 70%winrate
  121. WannabeD5Adc: i think that is okey
  122. Getlar: 124 farm 23 min
  123. WannabeD5Adc: remember the fact that we got camped
  124. Getlar: constant crying
  125. Getlar: not ok friend
  126. Getlar: you got camped?
  127. WannabeD5Adc: 1/6
  128. Hello Rengar
  129. Ex3m
  130. : isnt oprah kata onetrick? :^)
  131. Getlar: I came bot 340594056 times
  132. WannabeD5Adc: as twisted fate
  133. Getlar: tilt mate
  134. Getlar: tilt from trying to help you
  135. Getlar: should've went to riven
  136. WannabeD5Adc: YEA
  137. WannabeD5Adc: WHAT DID YOU DO
  138. WannabeD5Adc: NOTHING
  139. Getlar: hard to with a monkey on ad
  140. Zhungga
  141. kńdrd
  142. : hes not even ad
  143. Zhungga
  144. kńdrd
  145. : hes ap >.>
  146. Getlar: true
  147. WannabeD5Adc: Thats why i got 16 k dmg
  148. WannabeD5Adc: top kek
  149. Zhungga
  150. kńdrd
  151. : 80% ap to be exact
  152. Getlar: more with abils
  153. WannabeD5Adc: "useless ad"
  154. Zhungga
  155. kńdrd
  156. : with that tiny little 20% ad >.>
  157. WannabeD5Adc: got more dmg than ashe
  158. Getlar: you were legit trash
  159. WannabeD5Adc: 2hHHAHAHAHAA
  160. WannabeD5Adc: DO IT
  161. WannabeD5Adc: JUST KYS
  162. WannabeD5Adc: DO IT
  163. Getlar: damn
  165. WannabeD5Adc: HOLY ****
  166. Hello Rengar
  167. Ex3m
  168. : this guy must have a sad life
  169. WannabeD5Adc: YOU ARE PLAYING A 10MAN GAME
  170. WannabeD5Adc: ALONE
  171. Getlar: think this is a call for help
  172. WannabeD5Adc: GO 1/6
  173. Getlar: personally
  174. WannabeD5Adc: AND FLAME OTHERS
  175. WannabeD5Adc: DUDE
  176. WannabeD5Adc: MY LIFE IS PERFECT
  177. Getlar: :>
  178. WannabeD5Adc: I am basicly rich
  179. Zhungga
  180. kńdrd
  181. : Can anyone book a doctor appointment for him? :s
  182. WannabeD5Adc: got a gf and a decent place to work
  183. WannabeD5Adc: what do you want more
  184. Getlar: more like trip to labotomy
  185. Zhungga
  186. kńdrd
  187. : abusive relationship?
  188. Hello Rengar
  189. Ex3m
  190. : where do you work?
  193. WannabeD5Adc: WHere
  194. WannabeD5Adc: where
  195. Getlar: uhh
  196. WannabeD5Adc: is the point
  197. WannabeD5Adc: in playing league alone
  198. Getlar: would rather alone than with you
  199. WannabeD5Adc: Well
  200. WannabeD5Adc: atleast you would win some games then
  201. WannabeD5Adc: ***
  202. Getlar: really
  203. Zhungga
  204. kńdrd
  205. : Are u and leona in coms?
  206. Getlar: lmao
  207. WannabeD5Adc: Your parents
  208. Hello Rengar
  209. Ex3m
  210. : when you int and cry in allchat?
  211. WannabeD5Adc: rly have to think
  212. WannabeD5Adc: Stupid fking mistakes man
  213. WannabeD5Adc: but happens
  214. Getlar: keep em coming mate
  215. Zhungga
  216. kńdrd
  217. : Leona can u calm him down?
  218. Getlar: nah dw
  219. WannabeD5Adc: hes trying
  220. Zhungga
  221. kńdrd
  222. : u guys are duo right?
  223. WannabeD5Adc: but hes not getting to me
  224. Getlar: soon as he leaves the lobby
  225. Getlar: he's fine
  226. Reformed Rakan: na he is on a rampage rn
  227. Getlar: when he goes outside
  228. Getlar: he's fine
  229. Getlar: but rn on internet
  230. Getlar: behind screen
  231. Getlar: he's a big lad
  232. WannabeD5Adc: *big *****
  233. Zhungga
  234. kńdrd
  235. : why would u play someone who has anger issues?
  236. Getlar: oh god
  237. Getlar: you're a 12 y/o then
  238. Zhungga
  239. kńdrd
  240. : i feel worried for u
  241. WannabeD5Adc: *11
  242. Reformed Rakan: idk man
  243. Reformed Rakan: zulul
  244. Reformed Rakan: forsencd
  245. WannabeD5Adc: Ich würde mich als sehr Ausgeglichenden menschen beschreiben
  246. WannabeD5Adc: Mein Chi ist im reinen
  247. Reformed Rakan: he is jusz havong a bad day
  248. Zhungga
  249. kńdrd
  250. : oh boi hes german >.>
  251. Reformed Rakan: just having
  252. Hello Rengar
  253. Ex3m
  254. : out of english words to flame with
  255. WannabeD5Adc: ?
  256. WannabeD5Adc: i didnt even flame him
  257. WannabeD5Adc: Holy ****
  258. WannabeD5Adc: Rengar IQ
  259. Getlar: ???
  260. Zhungga
  261. kńdrd
  262. : actually french people are worst :/
  263. WannabeD5Adc: DÖÖÖÖÖ
  265. Hello Rengar
  266. Ex3m
  267. : thats swedish
  268. WannabeD5Adc: not even french
  269. WannabeD5Adc: not even swedish
  270. WannabeD5Adc: HOLY ****
  271. Getlar: I wanted to kill myself -> too bad you didn't do it
  272. WannabeD5Adc: YOU ARE SO SMART
  273. Getlar: "I didn't even flame him"
  275. Getlar: christ
  276. Hello Rengar
  277. Ex3m
  278. : how old are you?
  279. WannabeD5Adc: Yea
  280. WannabeD5Adc: 11
  281. Getlar: you are genuinely next level ********
  282. WannabeD5Adc: already said it
  283. WannabeD5Adc: just do it 4head
  284. WannabeD5Adc: I know
  285. Getlar: can we do it together? x
  286. Karwox: good game fellas
  287. Karwox: gl net
  288. Karwox: next
  289. WannabeD5Adc: kys
  290. Karwox: !
  291. Getlar: u2 singed
  292. Hello Rengar
  293. Ex3m
  294. : peace singed
  295. Zhungga
  296. kńdrd
  297. : bye singed
  298. Karwox left the lobby
  299. WannabeD5Adc: Hau rein
  300. WannabeD5Adc: btw
  301. WannabeD5Adc: where did we stop
  302. WannabeD5Adc: ah yea
  303. WannabeD5Adc: Jewish nibba
  304. WannabeD5Adc: kys
  305. Getlar: fkin hell
  306. Hello Rengar
  307. Ex3m
  308. : watching this corki flame is pretty nice entertainment
  309. WannabeD5Adc: i rly hope
  310. Getlar: would be amazing if riot actually banned ppl like you
  311. WannabeD5Adc: that your dad is dead
  312. Getlar: then you would have nothing left to live for
  313. Zhungga
  314. kńdrd
  315. : he will get banned
  316. WannabeD5Adc: Yea
  317. WannabeD5Adc: 100% banned tbw
  318. Getlar: not if he keeps it in post game lobby
  319. Zhungga
  320. kńdrd
  321. : he said a lot of censored words
  322. WannabeD5Adc: i talk like this for 25 lvls
  323. Hello Rengar
  324. Ex3m
  325. : post pic on reddit :^) jk only famous people get banned. so corki is safe for life.
  326. WannabeD5Adc: honor 2 Checkpoint 1
  327. WannabeD5Adc: kys
  328. WannabeD5Adc: kys
  329. WannabeD5Adc: kys
  330. WannabeD5Adc: this is lobby
  331. WannabeD5Adc: only ingame chat counts
  332. WannabeD5Adc: Holy christ
  333. Zhungga
  334. kńdrd
  335. : pretty sure the system still looks are the lobby :/
  336. Zhungga
  337. kńdrd
  338. : at*
  339. WannabeD5Adc: no
  340. WannabeD5Adc: stop talking ****
  341. WannabeD5Adc: it doesnt
  342. WannabeD5Adc: i informed myself
  343. WannabeD5Adc: you didnt
  344. WannabeD5Adc: btw
  345. WannabeD5Adc: wp eve
  346. Zhungga
  347. kńdrd
  348. : "stop talking ****" looks whose talking :/
  349. WannabeD5Adc: you are good
  350. WannabeD5Adc: atleast
  351. WannabeD5Adc: 70% of the time
  352. WannabeD5Adc: i was a 40% of the time
  353. Zhungga
  354. kńdrd
  355. : 70% poggers
  356. WannabeD5Adc: and tf was a 4% of the time
  357. Getlar: ngl I was expecting less
  358. WannabeD5Adc: 96% to go eh
  359. Getlar: <3
  360. Getlar: you're already d5 tbh
  361. WannabeD5Adc: I dont think that he will reach it before killing him self
  362. Getlar: think you're a god, total ****
  363. Getlar: just quit while you're ahead mate
  364. WannabeD5Adc: Mate
  365. WannabeD5Adc: Ay mate
  366. WannabeD5Adc: Gross gore btw
  367. Getlar: aye
  368. Getlar: lads
  369. Getlar: boys
  370. WannabeD5Adc: Tf
  371. WannabeD5Adc: Why did you want to kys
  372. Getlar: playing w/ this ***** *** adc constantly complaining about "diamond tryharders in normal"
  373. Getlar: makes for an unfun experience
  374. Getlar: you know what I'm saying?
  375. WannabeD5Adc: Does it
  376. Getlar: my apologies - apc
  377. WannabeD5Adc: ey
  378. WannabeD5Adc: du
  379. WannabeD5Adc: Why did you want to kys
  380. Getlar: just answered that one friend
  381. WannabeD5Adc: Prob because you only have 1 friend
  382. WannabeD5Adc: Jokes on you
  383. WannabeD5Adc: come on dude
  384. WannabeD5Adc: this is the internet
  385. Getlar: 0 friends actually
  386. Getlar: :/
  387. WannabeD5Adc: just tell us
  388. Hello Rengar
  389. Ex3m
  390. : atleast his friends arent embarrassed about him like ur leona
  391. WannabeD5Adc: we dont know who you are anyway
  392. WannabeD5Adc: hhes not embarrassed
  393. WannabeD5Adc: hes entertained
  394. Getlar: aren't we all
  395. WannabeD5Adc: Why did you want to kys
  396. Getlar: like watching an ape go wild
  397. Zhungga
  398. kńdrd
  399. : true :>
  400. Reformed Rakan: stupid fking mistakes man
  401. Hello Rengar
  402. Ex3m
  403. : xDDD
  404. WannabeD5Adc: Why did you want to kys
  405. WannabeD5Adc: we
  406. WannabeD5Adc: dont know you
  407. WannabeD5Adc: and im interested
  408. Getlar: I already said
  409. WannabeD5Adc: because you had 0 friends?
  410. Getlar: absolutely, definitely
  411. Getlar: certainly not that you were a whiney ***** from minute 1
  412. WannabeD5Adc: What
  413. Getlar: 100% not that
  414. WannabeD5Adc: Why did you want to kys
  415. WannabeD5Adc: THAT IS MY QUESTION
  416. Getlar: indeed
  417. WannabeD5Adc: ur dad got ******=
  418. WannabeD5Adc: ?
  419. Getlar: holy **** how did you know
  420. WannabeD5Adc: really?
  421. Getlar: what else do you know?
  422. Getlar: tell me more
  423. WannabeD5Adc: did he die from it
  424. WannabeD5Adc: i hope so
  425. Getlar: yes!
  426. Getlar: ******* hell
  427. Hello Rengar
  428. Ex3m
  429. : his dad got what? I have nice boy filter on, cant see spooky words?
  430. WannabeD5Adc: ima say worth
  431. Getlar: el can sor
  432. WannabeD5Adc: hehe
  433. WannabeD5Adc: he ded
  434. Getlar: hehehe xd
  435. WannabeD5Adc: he never come bak
  436. Getlar: t1
  437. Getlar: you t1 fanboy?
  438. WannabeD5Adc: t1 me mom
  439. Getlar: hmm
  440. WannabeD5Adc: t1 me mom for 2 years
  441. Getlar: you must be **** ugly then?
  442. WannabeD5Adc: t1 my dad
  443. WannabeD5Adc: you no dad
  444. WannabeD5Adc: you dad dead
  445. Getlar: you got nothing else?
  446. WannabeD5Adc: i do
  447. WannabeD5Adc: how is your mother
  448. Hello Rengar
  449. Ex3m
  450. : he rather want a dead dad than his own
  451. WannabeD5Adc: ?
  452. Zhungga
  453. kńdrd
  454. : Im a l9 fanboy personally
  455. Getlar: the same
  456. WannabeD5Adc: REALLY
  457. WannabeD5Adc: GREAT NEWS
  458. WannabeD5Adc: Btw
  459. WannabeD5Adc: LETS GET BACK TO THE NEWS
  460. Reformed Rakan left the lobby
  461. WannabeD5Adc: You are lying
  462. WannabeD5Adc: arent you
  463. Hello Rengar
  464. Ex3m
  465. : your friend left
  466. Getlar: noooooooo.... O.O
  467. Zhungga
  468. kńdrd
  469. : oh leona left
  470. WannabeD5Adc: he ded
  471. Zhungga
  472. kńdrd
  473. : guess he had enough
  474. Getlar: when your friend added me to say
  475. Getlar: "hey sorry about him idk whats going on with him lately"
  476. Hello Rengar
  477. Ex3m
  478. : dw his friend will stick with him. dont forget corki is basically rich
  479. Getlar: truedat
  480. Hello Rengar
  481. Ex3m
  482. : lol he really said that tf? xD
  483. Getlar: yeah lmao
  484. Zhungga
  485. kńdrd
  486. : hes rich?
  487. WannabeD5Adc left the lobby
  488. Zhungga
  489. kńdrd
  490. : can u gift me £50 of rp pls? :D
  491. Getlar: rip
  492. Zhungga
  493. kńdrd
  494. : oh he left :C
  495. Getlar: he sensed it
  496. Getlar: and bailed in time
  497. Zhungga
  498. kńdrd
  499. : dam ;/
  500. Getlar: oh well that was fun
  501. Getlar: cya guys
  502. Zhungga
  503. kńdrd
  504. : he too good
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