

Jul 24th, 2018
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  1. options:
  2. ZePrefix: &9RZE>
  4. command /zombieescape [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<offline player>]:
  5. permission: ze.setup
  6. permission message: {@ZePrefix}&c必要な権限を持っていません。
  7. aliases: ze
  8. trigger:
  9. if arg 1 is "lobby":
  10. set {ze.lobby} to location of player
  11. message "{@ZePrefix}&7ロビーの位置を&e%{ze.lobby}%&7に設定しました。"
  12. else if arg 1 is "clearjoinerss":
  13. loop {joinerss::*}:
  14. set {ze.joined.%loop-value%} to ""
  15. set {ze.role.%loop-value%} to ""
  16. clear {joine::*}
  17. else if arg 1 is "sayjoinerss":
  18. broadcast "%{joinerss::*}%"
  19. else if arg 1 is "startpoint":
  20. if arg 2 is "escape":
  21. set {ze.start.human.%arg 3%} to location of player
  22. message "{@ZePrefix}&7ステージ&e%arg 3%&7の人間のスタート位置を&e%{ze.start.human.%arg 3%}%&7に設定しました。"
  23. else if arg 2 is "zombie":
  24. set {ze.start.zombie.%arg 3%} to location of player
  25. message "{@ZePrefix}&7ステージ&e%arg 3%&7のゾンビのスタート位置を&e%{ze.start.zombie.%arg 3%}%&7に設定しました。"
  26. else:
  27. message "{@ZePrefix}&c無効な引数です:&e%arg 2%"
  28. else if arg 1 is "stage":
  29. if arg 2 is "add":
  30. loop {stages::*}:
  31. if loop-value is arg 3:
  32. message "{@ZePrefix}&c既にそのステージが存在しています。"
  33. stop
  34. add arg 3 to {stages::*}
  35. message "{@ZePrefix}&7ステージ&e%arg 3%&7を追加しました。"
  36. if arg 2 is "remove":
  37. loop {stages::*}:
  38. if loop-value is arg 3:
  39. remove arg 3 from {stages::*}
  40. message "{@ZePrefix}&7ステージ&e%arg 3%&7を削除しました。"
  41. stop
  42. message "{@ZePrefix}&cステージ&e%arg 3%&cは見つかりませんでした。"
  43. if arg 2 is "list":
  44. message "{@ZePrefix}&e***ステージリスト***"
  45. set {_num} to 0
  46. loop {stages::*}:
  47. add 1 to {_num}
  48. message "{@ZePrefix}&6No.%{_num}%: &f%loop-value%&8---&7表示名&2%{ze.stagename.%loop-value%}%"
  49. else if arg 1 is "play":
  50. if {ze.started}:
  51. message "{@ZePrefix}&cゲームは既に開始しています。"
  52. else:
  53. if {ze.joined.%player%}:
  54. message "{@ZePrefix}&c既に参加しています。"
  55. else:
  56. set {ze.joined.%player%} to true
  57. add player to {joinerss::*}
  58. broadcast "{@ZePrefix}%{color.%player's uuid%}%%player%&7さんが参加しました。"
  59. else if arg 1 is "setname":
  60. loop {stages::*}:
  61. if arg 2 is loop-value:
  62. if arg 3 is set:
  63. set {ze.stagename.%arg 2%} to arg 3
  64. message "{@ZePrefix}&e%arg 2%&7の表示名を%arg 3%に設定しました。"
  65. else:
  66. message "{@ZePrefix}&c表示名を設定してください。"
  67. stop
  68. message "{@ZePrefix}&cシステム名&e%arg 2%&cというステージは見つかりませんでした。"
  69. else if arg 1 is "setbuilder":
  70. loop {stages::*}:
  71. if arg 2 is loop-value:
  72. if arg 3 is set:
  73. set {ze.builder.%arg 2%} to arg 3
  74. message "{@ZePrefix}&e%arg 2%&7の建造者を%{ze.builder.%arg 2%}%に設定しました。"
  75. else:
  76. message "{@ZePrefix}&c建造者を設定してください。"
  77. else if arg 1 is "start":
  78. set {ze.requested} to false
  79. set {ze.occpupation} to false
  80. set {ze.requested} to false
  81. set {ze.started} to true
  82. set {ze.playingstage} to random element out of {stages::*}
  83. set block at {ze.finishredstone.%{ze.playingstage}%} to redstone_block
  84. wait 4 tick
  85. set block at {ze.finishredstone.%{ze.playingstage}%} to air
  86. loop {joinerss::*}:
  87. set {ze.noattack} to false
  88. make console execute command "shot give %loop-value% %{ze.maingun.%loop-value's uuid%}%"
  89. make console execute command "shot give %loop-value% %{ze.subgun.%loop-value's uuid%}%"
  90. make console execute command "shot give %loop-value% Knife"
  91. loop {ze.ammos.%loop-value's uuid%} times:
  92. make console execute command "give %loop-value-1% minecraft:melon_seeds 1 0 {display:{Name:""Gun Ammo""}}"
  93. loop {joinerss::*}:
  94. set loop-value's gamemode to adventure
  95. add 1 to {ze.humans}
  96. teleport loop-value to {ze.start.human.%{ze.playingstage}%}
  97. command "effect %loop-value% minecraft:slowness 5 126 true"
  98. command "effect %loop-value% minecraft:jump_boost 5 251 true"
  99. set {ze.role.%loop-value%} to "escape"
  100. loop all players:
  101. send loop-player title "&e%{ze.stagename.%{ze.playingstage}%}%" with subtitle "&2建造者---&9%{ze.builder.%{ze.playingstage}%}%" for 5 seconds
  102. broadcast "{@ZePrefix}&7あと&e10&7秒で開始します..."
  103. wait 5 seconds
  104. broadcast "{@ZePrefix}&7あと&c5&7秒で開始します..."
  105. wait 1 second
  106. broadcast "{@ZePrefix}&7あと&c4&7秒で開始します..."
  107. wait 1 second
  108. broadcast "{@ZePrefix}&7あと&c3&7秒で開始します..."
  109. wait 1 second
  110. broadcast "{@ZePrefix}&7あと&c2&7秒で開始します..."
  111. wait 1 second
  112. broadcast "{@ZePrefix}&7あと&c1&7秒で開始します..."
  113. loop all players:
  114. send loop-player title "&c---Game Started---" with subtitle "&2ゾンビは&9%{ze.time.%{ze.playingstage}%}%&2秒後に選ばれます..." for 5 seconds
  115. broadcast "{@ZePrefix}&cゲーム・スタート!"
  116. set {_wait2} to {ze.time.%{ze.playingstage}%} parsed as number
  117. loop {_wait2} times:
  118. wait 1 second
  119. set {ze.firstzombie} to random player out of {joinerss::*}
  120. set {ze.role.%{ze.firstzombie}%} to "infected"
  121. remove 1 from {ze.humans}
  122. clear {ze.firstzombie}'s inventory
  123. command "replaceitem entity %{ze.firstzombie}% slot.armor.head minecraft:wool 1 13 {ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}]}"
  124. command "replaceitem entity %{ze.firstzombie}% slot.armor.chest minecraft:leather_chestplate 1 0 {ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}],Unbreakable:1}"
  125. command "replaceitem entity %{ze.firstzombie}% slot.armor.legs minecraft:leather_leggings 1 0 {ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}],Unbreakable:1}"
  126. command "replaceitem entity %{ze.firstzombie}% slot.armor.feet minecraft:leather_boots 1 0 {ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}],Unbreakable:1}"
  127. broadcast "{@ZePrefix}&7最初に選ばれたのは&e%{ze.firstzombie}%&7だ!"
  128. send {ze.firstzombie} title "&2最初に感染したのはお前だ!" with subtitle "&c出来るだけ多くの人間を感染させろ!" for 3 seconds
  129. teleport {ze.firstzombie} to {ze.start.zombie.%{ze.playingstage}%}
  130. if {ze.humans} is 0:
  131. set {ze.occupation} to true
  132. loop all players:
  133. send loop-player title "&2Zombies Win!" with subtitle "&7全員を感染させた" for 4 seconds
  134. wait 4 seconds
  135. command "ze stop"
  136. else if arg 1 is "stop":
  137. set block at {ze.finishredstone.%{ze.playingstage}%} to redstone_block
  138. wait 4 tick
  139. set block at {ze.finishredstone.%{ze.playingstage}%} to air
  140. loop {joinerss::*}:
  141. teleport loop-value to {ze.lobby}
  142. set {ze.joined.%loop-value%} to ""
  143. set {ze.role.%loop-value%} to ""
  144. clear loop-value's inventory
  145. set {ze.humans} to 0
  146. set {ze.requested} to false
  147. set {ze.occupation} to false
  148. clear {joinerss::*}
  149. set {ze.started} to false
  150. set {ze.playingstage} to ""
  151. set {ze.firstzombie} to ""
  152. else if arg 1 is "goalsign":
  153. if arg 2 is set:
  154. loop {stages::*}:
  155. if arg 2 is loop-value:
  156. if targeted block of player is sign:
  157. set {ze.sign.%arg 2%} to location of targeted block
  158. message "{@ZePrefix}&7座標&e%{ze.sign.%arg 2%}%&7の看板を&7%arg 2%&7のゴール看板として設定しました。"
  159. else:
  160. message "{@ZePrefix}&cそれは看板ではありません。"
  161. stop
  162. message "{@ZePrefix}&e%arg 2%&cというステージは見つかりませんでした。"
  163. else:
  164. message "{@ZePrefix}&c対象となるステージのシステム名を選択してください。"
  165. else if arg 1 is "time":
  166. if arg 2 is set:
  167. loop {stages::*}:
  168. if arg 2 is loop-value:
  169. set {ze.time.%arg 2%} to arg 3
  170. message "{@ZePrefix}&7ステージ&e%arg 2%&7の人間の逃走猶予時間を&e%{ze.time.%arg 2%}%&7秒に設定しました。"
  171. stop
  172. message "{@ZePrefix}&e%arg 2%&cというステージは見つかりませんでした。"
  173. else:
  174. message "{@ZePrefix}&c対象となるステージのシステム名を選択してください。"
  175. else if arg 1 is "exit":
  176. if arg 2 is set:
  177. loop {stages::*}:
  178. if arg 2 is loop-value:
  179. set {ze.exit.%arg 2%} to arg 3
  180. message "{@ZePrefix}&7ステージ&e%arg 2%&7の脱出所要時間を&e%{ze.exit.%arg 2%}%&7秒に設定しました。"
  181. stop
  182. message "{@ZePrefix}&e%arg 2%&cというステージは見つかりませんでした。"
  183. else:
  184. message "{@ZePrefix}&c対象となるステージのシステム名を選択してください。"
  185. else if arg 1 is "safename":
  186. if arg 2 is set:
  187. loop {stages::*}:
  188. if loop-value is arg 2:
  189. if arg 3 is set:
  190. set {ze.safename.%arg 2%} to arg 3
  191. message "{@ZePrefix}&7ステージ&e%arg 2%&7のセーフゾーンのregion名を&e%{ze.safename.%arg 2%}%&7に設定しました。"
  192. stop
  193. message "{@ZePrefix}&cシステム名&e%arg 2%&cというステージは見つかりませんでした。"
  194. else if arg 1 is "finishredstone":
  195. if arg 2 is set:
  196. loop {stages::*}:
  197. if loop-value is arg 2:
  198. set {ze.finishredstone.%arg 2%} to location of targeted block
  199. message "{@ZePrefix}&7ステージ&e%arg 2%&7の終了時のレッドストーン配置位置を&e%{ze.finishredstone.%arg 2%}%&7に設定しました。"
  200. else if arg 1 is "data":
  201. loop {stages::*}:
  202. if loop-value is arg 2:
  203. message "{@ZePrefix}&7<<<<<<&6&l%arg 2%&fのデータ&7>>>>>>"
  204. message "{@ZePrefix}&7逃走猶予時間>> &e%{ze.time.%arg 2%}%"
  205. message "{@ZePrefix}&7脱出所要時間>> &e%{ze.exit.%arg 2%}%"
  206. message "{@ZePrefix}&7ゾンビのスタート位置>> &e%{ze.start.zombie.%arg 2%}%"
  207. message "{@ZePrefix}&7人間のスタート位置>> &e%{ze.start.human.%arg 2%}%"
  208. message "{@ZePrefix}&7表示名>> &e%{ze.stagename.%arg 2%}%"
  209. message "{@ZePrefix}&7建造者>> &e%{ze.builder.%arg 2%}%"
  210. message "{@ZePrefix}&7ゴール看板の位置>> &e%{ze.sign.%arg 2%}%"
  211. message "{@ZePrefix}&7セーフエリア>> &e%{ze.safename.%arg 2%}%"
  212. message "{@ZePrefix}&7最終処理のレッドストーン>> &e%{ze.finishredstone.%arg 2%}%"
  213. stop
  214. message "{@ZePrefix}&e%arg 2%&cというステージは見つかりませんでした。"
  215. else if arg 1 is "ammo":
  216. if arg 2 is "give":
  217. if arg 3 is set:
  218. if arg 4 is set:
  219. add arg 3 parsed as number to {ze.ammos.%arg 4's uuid%}
  220. message "{@ZePrefix}%{color.%arg 4's uuid%}%%arg 4%&7に&e%arg 3%&7発の銃弾を与えました。"
  221. if arg 2 is "take":
  222. if arg 3 is set:
  223. if arg 4 is set:
  224. remove arg 3 parsed as number from {ze.ammos.%arg 4's uuid%}
  225. message "{@ZePrefix}%{color.%arg 4's uuid%}%%arg 4%&7から&e%arg 3%&7発の銃弾を減らしました。"
  226. if arg 2 is "set":
  227. if arg 3 is set:
  228. if arg 4 is set:
  229. set {ze.ammos.%arg 4's uuid%} to arg 3 parsed as number
  230. message "{@ZePrefix}%{color.%arg 4's uuid%}%%arg 4%&7の銃弾を&e%arg 3%&7発に設定しました。"
  231. else if arg 1 is "setmaingun":
  232. set {ze.maingun.%player's uuid%} to arg 2
  233. message "{@ZePrefix}&7メインウエポンを&e%arg 2%&7に設定しました。"
  234. else if arg 1 is "setsubgun":
  235. set {ze.subgun.%player's uuid%} to arg 2
  236. message "{@ZePrefix}&7サブウエポンを&e%arg 2%&7に設定しました。"
  237. else if arg 1 is "weapons":
  238. open chest with 1 row named "&6&l||&8&lGuns&6&k||" to player
  239. wait 1 tick
  240. format slot 2 of player with 1 of iron_horse_armor named "&6&lMainWeapon" to run [make player execute command "ze mainw"]
  241. format slot 6 of player with 1 of iron_horse_armor named "&a&lSubWeapon" to run [make player execute command "ze subw"]
  242. else if arg 1 is "mainw":
  243. open chest with 1 row named "&6&lMainWeapons" to player
  244. wait 1 tick
  245. format slot 0 of player with 1 of iron_horse_armor named "&bAK-47" to close then run [make player execute command "ze setmaingun AK-47"]
  246. format slot 1 of player with 1 of golden_hoe named "&aDragunov" to close then run [make player execute command "ze setmaingun DRAGNOV"]
  247. format slot 2 of player with 1 of iron_horse_armor named "&bM1A1-Edition" to close then run [make player execute command "ze setmaingun M1A1"]
  248. format slot 3 of player with 1 of shears named "&eMP5" to close then run [make player execute command "ze setmaingun MP5"]
  249. format slot 4 of player with 1 of iron_horse_armor named "&eM249" to close then run [make player execute command "ze setmaingun M249"]
  250. else if arg 1 is "subw":
  251. open chest with 1 row named "&a&lSubWeapons" to player
  252. wait 1 tick
  253. format slot 0 of player with 1 of stone_shovel named "&aGlock18" to close then run [make player execute command "ze setsubgun GLOCK18"]
  254. format slot 1 of player with 1 of carrot_on_a_stick named "&eFive-SeveN" to close then run [make player execute command "ze setsubgun FIVE-SEVEN"]
  255. else if arg 1 is "help":
  256. if arg 2 is "1":
  257. message "{@ZePrefix}&7ヘルプ (1/2)*********"
  258. message "{@ZePrefix}&6/ze &flobby &7--- ロビーを設定します"
  259. message "{@ZePrefix}&7必ずロビーとして設定したい位置に立って実行してください。"
  260. message "{@ZePrefix}&6/ze &fstartpoint [escape/zombie] (ステージのシステム名) &7--- ゾンビや人間のスタート位置を設定します"
  261. message "{@ZePrefix}&7必ずスタート位置として設定したい位置に立って実行してください。"
  262. message "{@ZePrefix}&6/ze &fstage [add/remove] (ステージのシステム名) &7--- ステージを追加します"
  263. message "{@ZePrefix}&6/ze &ftime (ステージのシステム名) (時間) &7--- 最初に人間が逃げる時間を設定します"
  264. message "{@ZePrefix}&6/ze &fexit (ステージのシステム名) (時間) &7--- 脱出所要時間を設定します"
  265. message "{@ZePrefix}&6/ze &fsafename (ステージのシステム名) (ゴールとなるregion名) &7--- 脱出所要時間を設定します"
  266. else if arg 2 is "2":
  267. message "{@ZePrefix}&7ヘルプ (2/2)*********"
  268. message "{@ZePrefix}&7システム名は必ず半角アルファベットで設定してください。"
  269. message "{@ZePrefix}&6/ze &fstage list &7--- ステージの一覧を表示します"
  270. message "{@ZePrefix}&6/ze &fsetname (ステージのシステム名) (ステージの表示名) &7--- ステージの表示名を設定します"
  271. message "{@ZePrefix}&7何の文字を使っても大丈夫です。"
  272. message "{@ZePrefix}&6/ze &fsetbuilder (ステージのシステム名) (建造者) &7--- ステージの建造者を設定します"
  273. message "{@ZePrefix}&7何の文字を使っても大丈夫です。"
  274. message "{@ZePrefix}&6/ze &fplay &7--- ゲームに参加します"
  275. message "{@ZePrefix}&6/se &fstart &7--- ゲームを開始します"
  276. message "{@ZePrefix}&6/ze &fgoalsign (ステージのシステム名) &7--- ステージのゴール看板を設定します"
  278. on join:
  279. command "ungod %player%"
  280. if player is not op:
  281. clear player's inventory
  282. set {ze.joined.%player%} to false
  283. teleport player to {ze.lobby}
  284. set {ze.role.%player%} to ""
  286. on rightclick on a sign:
  287. if {ze.requested} is false:
  288. if {ze.started}:
  289. if {ze.role.%player%} is "escape":
  290. if {ze.sign.%{ze.playingstage}%} is location of targeted block:
  291. set {ze.requested} to true
  292. broadcast "{@ZePrefix}&e%player%&7さんが脱出申請をしています!"
  293. broadcast "{@ZePrefix}&7脱出まで&a%{ze.exit.%{ze.playingstage}%}%"
  294. set {_wait} to {ze.exit.%{ze.playingstage}%} parsed as number
  295. loop {_wait} times:
  296. wait 1 seconds
  297. if {ze.occupation} is false:
  298. loop {joinerss::*}:
  299. send loop-value title "&9Humans Win!" with subtitle "&7脱出に成功した" for 5 seconds
  300. command "god %loop-value%"
  301. wait 5 seconds
  302. command "ze stop"
  304. on damage of player:
  305. if damage cause is fall:
  306. cancel event
  307. else if {ze.joined.%victim%} is true:
  308. if {ze.noattack.%attacker%} is false:
  309. if {ze.role.%victim%} is "escape":
  310. cancel event
  311. if {ze.joined.%attacker%} is true:
  312. if {ze.role.%attacker%} is "infected":
  313. command "effect %victim% minecraft:slowness 5 126 true"
  314. command "god %victim%"
  315. command "effect %victim% minecraft:jump_boost 5 251 true"
  316. set {ze.noattack.%attacker%} to true
  317. broadcast "{@ZePrefix}&9%victim% &4<< &2%attacker%"
  318. clear victim's inventory
  319. send victim title "&7<<<<&c&l<&2攻撃を受けてしまった!&c&l>&7>>>>" for 1 second
  320. wait 1 second
  321. send victim title "&7<<<&c&l<<&2攻撃を受けてしまった!&c&l>>&7>>>" for 1 second
  322. wait 1 second
  323. send victim title "&7<<&c&l<<<&2攻撃を受けてしまった!&c&l>>>&7>>" for 1 second
  324. wait 1 second
  325. send victim title "&7<&c&l<<<<&2攻撃を受けてしまった!&c&l>>>>&7>" for 1 second
  326. wait 1 second
  327. send victim title "&c&l<<<<<&2攻撃を受けてしまった!&c&l>>>>>" for 1 second
  328. wait 1 second
  329. send victim title "&6&l<<<<<&2ゾンビに感染しました&6&l>>>>>" with subtitle "&c出来るだけ多く人間を感染させろ!" for 4 seconds
  330. command "ungod %victim%"
  331. set {ze.noattack.%victim%} to false
  332. remove 1 from {ze.humans}
  333. set {ze.role.%victim%} to "infected"
  334. command "replaceitem entity %victim% slot.armor.head minecraft:wool 1 13 {ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}]}"
  335. command "replaceitem entity %victim% slot.armor.chest minecraft:leather_chestplate 1 0 {ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}],Unbreakable:1}"
  336. command "replaceitem entity %victim% slot.armor.legs minecraft:leather_leggings 1 0 {ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}],Unbreakable:1}"
  337. command "replaceitem entity %victim% slot.armor.feet minecraft:leather_boots 1 0 {ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}],Unbreakable:1}"
  338. if {ze.humans} is 0:
  339. set {ze.occupation} to true
  340. loop all players:
  341. send loop-player title "&2Zombies Win!" with subtitle "&7全員を感染させた" for 4 seconds
  342. loop {joinerss::*}:
  343. command "god %loop-value%"
  344. wait 4 seconds
  345. command "ze stop"
  347. on death of player:
  348. if {ze.joined.%victim%} is true:
  349. if {ze.noattack.%attacker%} is false:
  350. if {ze.role.%victim%} is "infected":
  351. heal the victim
  352. if {ze.role.%attacker%} is "escape":
  353. command "effect %victim% minecraft:slowness 5 126 true"
  354. command "god %victim%"
  355. command "effect %victim% minecraft:jump_boost 5 251 true"
  356. set {ze.noattack.%victim%} to true
  357. send victim title "&7<<<<&c&l<&2ゾンビに再生しています...&c&l>&7>>>>" for 1 second
  358. wait 1 second
  359. send victim title "&7<<<&c&l<<&2ゾンビに再生しています...&c&l>>&7>>>" for 1 second
  360. wait 1 second
  361. send victim title "&7<<&c&l<<<&2ゾンビに再生しています...&c&l>>>&7>>" for 1 second
  362. wait 1 second
  363. send victim title "&7<&c&l<<<<&2ゾンビに再生しています...&c&l>>>>&7>" for 1 second
  364. wait 1 second
  365. send victim title "&c&l<<<<<&2ゾンビに再生しています...&c&l>>>>>" for 1 second
  366. wait 1 second
  367. send victim title "&6&l<<<<<&2ゾンビに再生しています...&6&l>>>>>" with subtitle "&c出来るだけ多く人間を感染させろ!" for 4 seconds
  368. set {ze.noattack.%victim%} to false
  369. command "ungod %victim%"
  371. on quit:
  372. loop {joinerss::*}:
  373. if loop-value is player:
  374. remove player from {joinerss::*}
  375. if {ze.role.%player%} is "escape":
  376. remove 1 from {ze.humans}
  377. if {ze.humans} is 0:
  378. set {ze.occupation} to true
  379. loop all players:
  380. send loop-player title "&2Zombies Win!" with subtitle "&7全員を感染させた" for 4 seconds
  381. loop {joinerss::*}:
  382. command "god %loop-value%"
  383. wait 4 seconds
  384. command "ze stop"
  386. on region enter:
  387. if "%region at player%" contains "%{ze.safename.%{ze.playingstage}%}%":
  388. if {ze.role.%player%} is "infected":
  389. set {ze.occupation} to true
  390. loop all players:
  391. send loop-player title "&2Zombies Win!" with subtitle "&7セーフエリアを占拠した" for 4 seconds
  392. wait 4 seconds
  393. loop {joinerss::*}:
  394. command "god %loop-value%"
  395. command "ze stop"
  397. command /rank [<text>] [<offline player>]:
  398. trigger:
  399. if arg 2 is set:
  400. if arg 1 is "default":
  401. set {rank.%arg 2's uuid%} to "default"
  402. set {color.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&7"
  403. set {prefix.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&7"
  404. if arg 1 is "stone":
  405. set {rank.%arg 2's uuid%} to "stone"
  406. set {color.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&8"
  407. set {prefix.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&8&k|&8Stone&8&k|"
  408. else if arg 1 is "iron":
  409. set {rank.%arg 2's uuid%} to "iron"
  410. set {color.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&8"
  411. set {prefix.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&7&k|&7Iron&7&k|"
  412. else if arg 1 is "lapis":
  413. set {rank.%arg 2's uuid%} to "lapis"
  414. set {color.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&1"
  415. set {prefix.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&1&k|&1Lapis&1&k|"
  416. else if arg 1 is "gold":
  417. set {rank.%arg 2's uuid%} to "gold"
  418. set {color.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&6"
  419. set {prefix.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&6&k|&6Gold&6&k|"
  420. else if arg 1 is "diamond":
  421. set {rank.%arg 2's uuid%} to "diamond"
  422. set {color.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&b"
  423. set {prefix.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&b&k|&bDiamond&b&k|"
  424. else if arg 1 is "emerald":
  425. set {rank.%arg 2's uuid%} to "emerald"
  426. set {color.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&a"
  427. set {prefix.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&a&k|&aEmerald&a&k|"
  428. else if arg 1 is "obsidan":
  429. set {rank.%arg 2's uuid%} to "obsidan"
  430. set {color.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&5"
  431. set {prefix.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&5&k|&5Obsidan&5&k|"
  432. else if arg 1 is "mod":
  433. set {rank.%arg 2's uuid%} to "mod"
  434. set {color.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&2"
  435. set {prefix.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&2&k|&2MOD&2&k|"
  436. else if arg 1 is "admin":
  437. set {rank.%arg 2's uuid%} to "admin"
  438. set {color.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&d"
  439. set {prefix.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&d&k|&dADMIN&d&k|"
  440. else if arg 1 is "owner":
  441. set {rank.%arg 2's uuid%} to "owner"
  442. set {color.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&c"
  443. set {prefix.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&c&k|&cOWNER&c&k|"
  444. else if arg 1 is "builder":
  445. set {rank.%arg 2's uuid%} to "builder"
  446. set {color.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&9"
  447. set {prefix.%arg 2's uuid%} to "&9&k|&9BUILDER&9&k|"
  448. else:
  449. message "&9Rank> &c無効なランクです。"
  450. set arg 2's tablist name to "%{prefix.%arg 2's uuid%}%%{color.%arg 2's uuid%}%%arg 2%"
  452. on chat:
  453. cancel event
  454. broadcast "%{prefix.%player's uuid%}%%{color.%player's uuid%}%%player%&f> %message%"
  456. on join:
  457. set {ze.noattack.%player%} to false
  458. if {ze.maingun.%player's uuid%} is not set:
  459. set {ze.maingun.%player's uuid%} to "AK-47"
  460. if {ze.subgun.%player's uuid%} is not set:
  461. set {ze.subgun.%player's uuid%} to "GLOCK18"
  462. if {rank.%player's uuid%} is not set:
  463. set {rank.%player's uuid%} to "default"
  464. set {color.%player's uuid%} to "&7"
  465. set {prefix.%player's uuid%} to "&7"
  466. set player's tablist name to "%{prefix.%player's uuid%}%%{color.%player's uuid%}%%player%"
  467. if {ze.ammos.%player's uuid%} is not set:
  468. set {ze.ammos.%player's uuid%} to 128
  470. on first join:
  471. set {rank.%player's uuid%} to "default"
  472. set {color.%player's uuid%} to "&7"
  473. set {prefix.%player's uuid%} to "&7"
  475. on right click holding a nether_star:
  476. make player execute command "ze weapons"
  478. command /play:
  479. trigger:
  480. if {ze.started}:
  481. message "{@ZePrefix}&cゲームは既に開始しています。"
  482. else:
  483. if {ze.joined.%player%}:
  484. message "{@ZePrefix}&c既に参加しています。"
  485. else:
  486. set {ze.joined.%player%} to true
  487. add player to {joinerss::*}
  488. broadcast "{@ZePrefix}%{color.%player's uuid%}%%player%&7さんが参加しました。"
  490. command /weapon:
  491. trigger:
  492. open chest with 1 row named "&6&l||&8&lGuns&6&k||" to player
  493. wait 1 tick
  494. format slot 2 of player with 1 of iron_horse_armor named "&6&lMainWeapon" to run [make player execute command "mainweapon"]
  495. format slot 6 of player with 1 of iron_horse_armor named "&a&lSubWeapon" to run [make player execute command "subweapon"]
  497. command /mainweapon:
  498. trigger:
  499. open chest with 1 row named "&6&lMainWeapons" to player
  500. wait 1 tick
  501. format slot 0 of player with 1 of iron_horse_armor named "&bAK-47" to close then run [make player execute command "maingun AK-47"]
  502. format slot 1 of player with 1 of golden_hoe named "&aDragunov" to close then run [make player execute command "maingun DRAGUNOV"]
  503. format slot 2 of player with 1 of iron_horse_armor named "&bM1A1-Edition" to close then run [make player execute command "maingun M1A1"]
  504. format slot 3 of player with 1 of shears named "&eMP5" to close then run [make player execute command "maingun MP5"]
  505. format slot 4 of player with 1 of iron_horse_armor named "&eM249" to close then run [make player execute command "maingun M249"]
  507. command /subweapon:
  508. trigger:
  509. open chest with 1 row named "&a&lSubWeapons" to player
  510. wait 1 tick
  511. format slot 0 of player with 1 of stone_shovel named "&aGlock18" to close then run [make player execute command "subgun GLOCK18"]
  512. format slot 1 of player with 1 of carrot_on_a_stick named "&eFive-SeveN" to close then run [make player execute command "subgun FIVE-SEVEN"]
  514. command /maingun <text>:
  515. trigger:
  516. set {ze.maingun.%player's uuid%} to arg
  517. message "{@ZePrefix}&7メインウエポンを&e%arg%&7に設定しました。"
  519. command /subgun <text>:
  520. trigger:
  521. set {ze.subgun.%player's uuid%} to arg
  522. message "{@ZePrefix}&7サブウエポンを&e%arg%&7に設定しました。"
  524. every 1 second:
  525. if {ze.started} is false:
  526. if {ze.countdowned} is false:
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