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Apr 21st, 2019
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  1. const steem = require("steem");
  2. const fetch = require("node-fetch");
  3. const md5 = require("md5");
  4. const KEYS = require("./keys.json");
  5. const cardData = require("./cardData.json");
  7. class Battle {
  9. constructor(callback, appName = "steemmonsters", matchType = "Ranked") {
  10. this.callback = callback;
  11. this.status = {};
  12. this.submittedTeam = false;
  13. //broadcast sm_find_match
  14. steem.broadcast.customJson(KEYS.posting, [], [KEYS.username], "sm_find_match", JSON.stringify({
  15. match_type: matchType,
  16. app: appName
  17. }), (err, result) => {
  18. if (err) throw err;
  19. console.log("Broadcasted sm_find_match");
  20. this.findMatchId =;
  21. });
  22. //start /battle/status check loop
  23. this._checkInterval = setInterval(() => {
  24. this._checkBattleStatus();
  25. }, 2500);
  26. //
  27. }
  28. end() {
  29. this.ended = true;
  30. clearInterval(this._checkInterval);
  31. delete this;
  32. }
  34. setTeam(team) {
  35. = team;
  36. }
  37. broadcastTeam(summoner, monsters, skipReveal = false) {
  38. const secret = Battle.generatePassword();
  39. const teamHash = md5(summoner + "," + monsters.join() + "," + secret)
  40. const team = {
  41. summoner,
  42. monsters,
  43. secret
  44. };
  46. this.submittedTeam = true;
  47. var data = {
  48. trx_id: this.findMatchId,
  49. team_hash: teamHash,
  50. app: this.appName
  51. };
  52. if (skipReveal) {
  53. data.summoner = summoner;
  54. data.monsters = monsters;
  55. data.secret = secret;
  56. }
  57. steem.broadcast.customJson(KEYS.posting, [], [KEYS.username], "sm_submit_team", JSON.stringify(data), async (err, result) => {
  58. if (err) throw err;
  59. console.log("Broadcasted sm_submit_team");
  60. this.findMatchId =;
  61. if (!skipReveal) {
  62. await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 3300));
  63. console.log("Revealing team...");
  64. steem.broadcast.customJson(KEYS.posting, [], [KEYS.username], "sm_team_reveal", JSON.stringify({
  66. summoner: summoner,
  67. monsters: monsters,
  68. secret: secret
  69. }), (err, result) => {
  70. console.log("Revealed team!");
  71. });
  72. }
  73. });
  74. }
  76. _revealTeam() {
  78. }
  79. async _checkBattleStatus() {
  80. if (!this.findMatchId) return;
  81. const rawResponse = await fetch("" + this.findMatchId);
  82. const json = await rawResponse.json();
  83. = json;
  85. if ((typeof json) === "string") {
  86. console.log(json);
  87. this.status.statusName = "battleTxProcessing";
  88. this.callback(this.status);
  89. return;
  90. }
  92. if (json.error) {
  93. this.status.statusName = "error";
  94. } else if (json.status === 0) {
  95. this.status.statusName = "searchingForEnemy";
  96. } else if (json.status === 1) {
  97. this.status.statusName = "enemyFound";
  98. } else if (json.status === 3) {
  99. this.status.statusName = "noEnemyFound";
  100. }
  101. this.callback(this.status);
  102. }
  103. _checkBattleTrxStatus() {
  105. }
  106. static generatePassword(length = 10) {
  107. var charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789",
  108. retVal = "";
  109. for (var i = 0, n = charset.length; i < length; ++i) {
  110. retVal += charset.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * n));
  111. }
  112. return retVal;
  113. }
  114. }
  115. async function getSMJson(url) {
  116. const res = await (fetch("" + url));
  117. const text = await res.text();
  118. try {
  119. return JSON.parse(text);
  120. } catch (e) {
  121. console.log("Invalid JSON; retrying", text)
  122. await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
  123. return await getSMJson();
  124. }
  125. }
  127. function cardBcx(xp, rarity, edition, gold) {
  128. if (edition === 3) edition = 1; //reward cards are same as beta
  129. var cards = 0;
  130. if (edition == 0 && gold == 0 && rarity == 4)
  131. cards = (xp / 1000) + 1
  132. if (edition == 0 && gold == 0 && rarity == 3)
  133. cards = (xp / 250) + 1
  134. if (edition == 0 && gold == 0 && rarity == 2)
  135. cards = (xp / 100) + 1
  136. if (edition == 0 && gold == 0 && rarity == 1)
  137. cards = (xp / 20) + 1
  138. if (edition == 0 && gold == 1 && rarity == 4)
  139. cards = xp / 2500
  140. if (edition == 0 && gold == 1 && rarity == 3)
  141. cards = xp / 1000
  142. if (edition == 0 && gold == 1 && rarity == 2)
  143. cards = xp / 500
  144. if (edition == 0 && gold == 1 && rarity == 1)
  145. cards = xp / 250
  147. // Beta Edition Cards per XP
  148. if (edition == 1 && gold == 0 && rarity == 4)
  149. cards = (xp / 750) + 1
  150. if (edition == 1 && gold == 0 && rarity == 3)
  151. cards = (xp / 175) + 1
  152. if (edition == 1 && gold == 0 && rarity == 2)
  153. cards = (xp / 75) + 1
  154. if (edition == 1 && gold == 0 && rarity == 1)
  155. cards = (xp / 15) + 1
  156. if (edition == 1 && gold == 1 && rarity == 4)
  157. cards = xp / 2000
  158. if (edition == 1 && gold == 1 && rarity == 3)
  159. cards = xp / 800
  160. if (edition == 1 && gold == 1 && rarity == 2)
  161. cards = xp / 400
  162. if (edition == 1 && gold == 1 && rarity == 1)
  163. cards = xp / 200
  164. // Promo Edition Cards per XP
  165. if (edition == 2 && gold == 0 && rarity == 4)
  166. cards = (xp / 1000) + 1
  167. if (edition == 2 && gold == 0 && rarity == 3)
  168. cards = (xp / 250) + 1
  169. if (edition == 2 && gold == 0 && rarity == 2)
  170. cards = (xp / 100) + 1
  171. if (edition == 2 && gold == 0 && rarity == 1)
  172. cards = (xp / 20) + 1
  173. if (edition == 2 && gold == 1 && rarity == 4)
  174. cards = xp / 2500
  175. if (edition == 2 && gold == 1 && rarity == 3)
  176. cards = xp / 1000
  177. if (edition == 2 && gold == 1 && rarity == 2)
  178. cards = xp / 500
  179. if (edition == 2 && gold == 1 && rarity == 1)
  180. cards = xp / 250
  181. if (cards === 0) throw new Error("Unable to find card BCX");
  182. return cards
  183. }
  185. async function main() {
  186. let curBlock = -1;
  187. steem.api.streamBlockNumber((err, b) => curBlock = b);
  188. let ourCollection = (await getSMJson("/cards/collection/" + KEYS.username)).cards;
  189. setInterval(async () => {
  190. ourCollection = (await getSMJson("/cards/collection/" + KEYS.username)).cards;
  191. scanCollection();
  192. }, 1200000);
  194. function scanCollection() {
  195. ourCollection = ourCollection.filter(card => canPlayCard(card));
  196. }
  197. scanCollection();
  198. setInterval(() => scanCollection(), 25000);
  200. function bestCard(id) {
  201. return ourCollection.filter(card => (card.card_detail_id === id))
  202. .map(card => ({
  203. ...card,
  204. rarity: cardData.filter(cardD => card.card_detail_id ===[0].rarity
  205. }))
  206. .sort((a, b) => {
  207. console.log(a, b);
  208. return cardBcx(a.xp, a.rarity, a.edition, - cardBcx(b.xp, b.rarity, b.edition,
  209. }).reverse()[0];
  210. }
  212. function canPlayCard(card) {
  213. if (card.market_id)
  214. return false;
  215. if (!card.last_transferred_block || !card.last_used_block)
  216. return true;
  218. if (curBlock === -1) return true;
  219. var last_block = curBlock;
  220. return card.last_transferred_block <= last_block - 201600 || card.last_used_block <= last_block - 201600;
  221. }
  222. var submittedTeam = false;
  223. const battle = new Battle(async status => {
  224. console.log(status.statusName);
  225. if (!submittedTeam && (status.statusName === "enemyFound")) {
  226. var manaUsed = 3; //for summoner
  227. var colorSummoners = {
  228. Red: 5,
  229. Blue: 16,
  230. Green: 27,
  231. White: 38,
  232. Black: 49
  233. };
  234. let bestSpliner = "Blue";
  235. let cardsToScore = possibleCards(bestSpliner,
  237. function possibleCards(Blue, battle = {}) {
  238. return cards.filter(card => {
  239. if (card.type !== "Monster") return;
  240. if ((card.color !== "Blue") && (card.color !== "Gray")) return;
  241. if (battle.ruleset === "Lost Legendaries" && card.rarity === 4) return;
  242. if (battle.ruleset === "Rise of the Commons" && card.rarity > 2) return;
  243. if (battle.ruleset === "Taking Sides" && card.color === "Gray") return;
  244. //these should actually take in to account the level of the card. creeping ooze becomes a melee monster @ level 4, but this never allows it
  245. if (battle.ruleset === "Up Close & Personal" && card.stats.attack[0] === 0) return;
  246. if (battle.ruleset === "Broken Arrows" && card.stats.ranged[card.stats.ranged.length - 1] > 0) return;
  247. if (battle.ruleset === "Little League" && (card.stats.mana[0] > 4)) return;
  248. return true;
  249. });
  251. };
  252. var summoner = cardData.filter(card => === colorSummoners[bestSpliner])[0];
  253. for (let i = 0; i < cardsToScore.length; i++) {
  254. const card = cardsToScore[i];
  255. const cardMana = card.stats.mana[0] ? card.stats.mana[0] : card.stats.mana;
  256. //verify it's in our collection
  257. if (ourCollection.filter(colCard => === colCard.card_detail_id)[0] === undefined) continue;
  258. if ((manaUsed + cardMana) > {
  259. if (team.length < 6) continue;
  260. let lastCardMana = team[team.length - 1].stats.mana[0] ? team[team.length - 1].stats.mana[0] : team[team.length - 1].stats.mana;
  261. if (((manaUsed - lastCardMana + cardMana) <= && (cardMana > lastCardMana)) {
  262. team[team.length - 1] = card;
  263. } else {
  264. continue;
  265. }
  266. } else if (team.length < 6) {
  267. if (card.stats.ranged[0] === 0) {
  268. //not a ranged monster
  269. if ( !== 91) nonRangedUsed++; //ignore ooze
  270. } else if ((nonRangedUsed < 2) && (team.length > 4)) {
  271. //Ranged monster, and we have more than 4 monsters already. We need more melee monsters now, as we have either only 0 or 1, so skip this
  272. continue;
  273. }
  274. team.push(card);
  275. }
  276. manaUsed += cardMana;
  277. battle.broadcastTeam(bestCard(, => {
  278. return bestCard(
  279. }));
  280. submittedTeam = true;
  281. }
  282. }
  283. });
  285. }
  286. main();
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