
CABIN 9 | wngykh

Jun 1st, 2018
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  3. ㅡ USERNAME | wngykh
  4. ㅡ PASSWORD | exo / blackpink (this was so hard so i picked randomly oof)
  6. ㅡ SLOT | seoul
  7. ㅡ BACKUP SLOT | frankfurt
  9. ㅡ FACECLAIM | @jung.y00n
  10. ㅡ BACKUP FACECLAIM | @sooviin38
  16. ㅡ FULL NAME | choi rina
  18. ㅡ OTHER NAME(S) | n/a
  19. ㅡ NICKNAME(S) |
  20. rinnie / the older girls call her this just to tease her
  21. mango / changbin’s nickname for her since she likes mangoes
  23. ㅡ AGE | 18
  24. ㅡ BIRTHDATE | february 4th, 2000
  26. ㅡ NATIONALITY | korean
  27. ㅡ ETHNICITY | korean
  29. ㅡ BIRTHPLACE | seoul, south korea
  30. ㅡ HOMETOWN | seoul, south korea
  38. BRIGHT & CURIOUS | rina is someone who enjoys meeting new people and learning about new things. she asks a lot of questions but is a great listener. when she’s in a conversation with another person, all of her attention is on them. nothing else matters in that moment. as rina is someone who enjoys learning and talking about the wonders of the world, she makes sure she doesn’t miss any detail. with a warm heart, rina wants everyone to feel welcomed and appreciated. her smile is enough to make you melt.
  40. BOOK NERD | honestly, she’s probably the biggest book nerd there. you can name many books and she has probably read them. rina loves whenever people recommend books to her that she has never read before. it’s like being introduced to whole other realm that she can’t wait to explore. rina is super passionate about books and will take any chance to talk about them. she also refrences them a lot in conversations especially if a situation reminds her of something she read. reading is an escape for her. rina loves feeling like she is in the story and going through the same things as the characters.
  42. INNOCENT | rina is always keeping it pg for the kids. now, she has her knowledge on a few things but she never understands dirty jokes and is always the odd one out for not laughing. and if she does understand, her jaw drops at the vulgar jokes and she’ll start blushing like mad. it’s such an easy thing to tease her about. not to mention, she’s always trying to protect those younger than her from being “ruined” even though most of them understand them and are used to it. she was kind of reserved as a child and her parents would never let her around people that would expose her to a “dangerous” world.
  44. CARING & SENSITIVE | rina has always cared about others more than herself. she doesn’t want anyone to feel left out or unwanted. she’s also one that gets upset whenever someone doesn’t like her. because she doesn’t think of herself as a bad person, she feels taken aback whenever someone isn’t fond of her because she’s only ever been kind. sometimes she’ll even start worrying so much, she needs to someone snap at her no matter how disappointed and heartbroken she can get. since she grew up in a small neighborhood where everyone was friendly and welcoming, rina never had to deal with being disliked. someone’s gotta tell her the world isn’t perfect.
  46. DAYDREAMER | as a young girl, rina was always one to dream big and think positively . with her head always in a book, she constantly had ideas running through her head. despite doing good in school, rina was known to daydream a lot in class. she’d block out lessons and go into one of the worlds she created in her head. her poetry is always about the beauty of the world, never the dark stuff. sometimes others admire how she can be so free and happy but it can also be annoying at how she always tries to be positive about situations whenever the ugly truth is what needs to be told.
  50. ㅡ BACKGROUND | rina grew up in a rather normal family. they weren’t too rich and they weren’t too poor. it was always just right in the middle. she grew up as your typical good girl in school. she always got good grades, especially in english since that’s where she got to read and write the most. rina was always praised for her beautiful writing and her way with words. she found her love for the art when she’s was younger. she was a curious one and often wondered around the backyard, playing pretend or observing the nature around her. her neighborhood was small and everyone was nice to each other. she never left that place so she was never opened up to the dangers of the world. one day, she came home and started telling her father about how they were learning about different cultures around the world and how much she loved it. it ultimately sparked something in her father’s brain. first off, finacially they weren’t doing so great so if this camp went as planned, they could get back on track. her mother left them after her father had been trying to work overtime to get more money. she was stressed from trying to work and take care of rina and fled without thinking of them. it haunts rina to this day and she doesn’t enjoy talking about her mother. she was close to her mother so when she just left one day, it had a big impact on the young girl. second, the idea of bringing people closer to their culture was amazing to him and he had so many ideas for it. rina was always happy to help her father in building this camp. she even offered to work there but soon changed her mind, saying she would love to be a camper there to feel closer to her culture as well learn about other ones.
  52. ㅡ LIKES |
  53. poetry
  54. fluffy socks
  55. puppies
  56. reading
  57. sunsets
  58. the smell of clean clothes
  59. the color lilac
  60. mangoes
  61. nature pictures
  63. ㅡ DISLIKES |
  64. bugs
  65. bad movie adaptations of books
  66. thunderstorms
  67. hot chocolate
  68. clowns
  69. tomatoes
  70. judgmental people
  71. wet socks
  72. crying in front of others
  74. ㅡ HOBBIES |
  75. writing poetry
  76. reading
  77. collecting seashells
  78. baking
  80. ㅡ HABITS |
  81. she twirls her hair when she’s nervous
  82. humming
  83. cuddling the nearest thing/person when she’s sleeping
  84. stress cleans
  86. ㅡ TRIVIA |
  87. - she wears contacts whenever they’re doing outdoor activites, but any other time she’ll wear her glasses.
  88. - she is always the first one awake.
  89. - she is ambidextrous.
  90. - every night before bed, she likes to stargaze.
  91. - she has a secret diary that she hides under her mattress that is filled with poetry she never shares with anyone.
  92. - she is surprisingly good at archery.
  93. - she’s not very good with pop culture as she doesn’t watch TV and doesn’t get on her social media that much.
  94. - she has a teddy bear named ‘eddie’ that she sleeps with.
  95. - she wears a necklace with an ‘R’ on it that her mother gave to her. she never takes it off.
  96. - she’s known for being hella short but she’s proud of it.
  102. ㅡ DID HER PARENTS MAKE HER GO TO THE CAMP OR DID SHE WANT TO GO? | well, considering her father owns the camp she was kind pushed into going but it was ultimately her decision. she did want to go though because she thought it would be to get to know people from around the world and learn more anout her culture.
  104. ㅡ HOW DOES SHE FEEL ABOUT BEING A KOREAN TEENAGER LIVING IN ANOTHER COUNTRY? | if i understood this correctly, i don’t need to answer this one ??
  106. ㅡ DOES SHE HAVE ANY INTEREST IN KOREAN CULTURE? | despite being born and raised there, she is geniunely interested in her own culture and its history!
  108. ㅡ CAN SHE SPEAK KOREAN? | yes, fluently
  110. ㅡ WHAT CLASSES WOULD SHE LIKE TO TAKE? | (choose only two)
  111. • Calligraphy
  112. • Art & Carving
  118. ㅡ LOVE INTEREST | seo changbin
  121. — CHANGBIN : he thought she was pretty but found her annoying at first. especially since he tries to be a bad boy, he thought she just kept getting in the way. therefore, he was a little rude to her even though deep down inside, he understood she was just trying to be welcoming.
  123. — RINA : she was taken aback by his attitude. of course, upon seeing him, she could tell that he was not someone most people would approach but that never stopped her. however, whenever he rudely pushed her away, she was upset but also intrigued as someone is not like that no for no reason.
  127. - “it’s late. why are you still up?” | rina is having a hard time sleeping and sneaks out as counting stars always helps her. she heads towards the lake and just sits there, letting her mind wander. the sound of a stick crunching in the back makes her shoot up but when she sees changbin, her racing heart dies down. he confronts about being out late which she does right back. eventually the two stare at the sky, cliché and everything. this is the first time changbin is genuinely nice to her and they have a decent conversation.
  129. - “you’re so annoying! can’t you leave me alone for once?” | rina is doing her daily checkup on everyone and asking how they are doing. however, some people don’t seem too happy tp have questions being thrown at them so early. changbin snaps at her, annoyed at how set she was on getting him to open up. needless to say, rina didn’t take it too well.
  131. - “damn it, i wish you wouldn’t do that.” | changbin found himself in some deep trouble after he pulled a prank on some of the girls. the same time he was brought in for a talk with rina’s father, she was also in there. he began to confront the teenage boy but rina cut him off, telling her father about how she was actuallh the one that did the prank but the girls didn’t want her to get trouble. no matter how much he tried to switch back to changbin, she stopped him. when they walked out, changbin just stared at her and just chuckled. he says that dialogue right at the beginning of this and i can just see it being really soft and shit.
  133. - “have a little fun. you always have your head in a book.” | typical bad boy and good girl scenario. rina is reading her book, all peaceful and stuff. a few moments later, she hears a knock on her window and when she goes to open in, changbin starts crawling through. rina’s just like “wtf” and he’s like “i’m forcing you to come steal food with me.” and after a lot of convicing, rina finds herself sneaking about the window and into the pantry of the kitchen.
  135. - “i. don’t. like. you. understand?” | more towards the beginning, when camp is starting. rina is making her rounds, welcoming everyone to the camp. when she gets to changbin, ahe remembers their first encounter which didn’t go to well but brushes it off. she sits down, a big smile on her face. he merely glances up before he scoffs and gets up. she frowns and asks him where he is going to which he replies that doesn’t like her, leaving rina alone.
  137. - “i didn’t know you had it in you to cry in front of me.” | poor boy changbin is broken. around the middle of the book, rina begins to confront changbin about why he hates her so much and she is not taking any excuses this time. no, my girly is mad. at first, it starts out with changbin giving ber short answers but as rina keeps talking, he’s breaking piece by piece. unexpectedly, he finds himself crying and rina stops everything, immediately hugging the boy. soft hours. he opens up about how he never recieved a lot of love as kid and in return, she tells him about how her mother left them. it hurts her to talk about it but suddenly, she doesn’t feel so bad about crying in front him.
  139. - “you’re so different, yet why do i like you so much?” | moRE SOFT HOURS. okay, first kiss. rina is resting in her favorite part of the forest which is an open space with lots of flowers and it’s just really pretty. she’s writing poetrt as usual before changbin comes crashing through the bushes, breathing heavily. she immediately gets up and notices a cut on his cheek. changbin tells her that he was running from seungmin because he accidentally found his journal, got the hot tea, and cut his face on a branch while running. although kind of useless, she rips out a piece of paper from her diary and attempts to wipe off the blood dripping down his face. changbin can’t help himself, she’s so close to him so he just leans down and kisses her. rina’s so confused but responds quickly anyway. he pulls away and que that line ^
  145. - “nobody plays truth or dare anymore.” | it’s the first night all the girls are together in the cabin. one of them takes it upon herself to gather them up to get to know each other. it’s like a bonding time and what ultimately brings the girls closer to each other.
  147. - “don’t touch that. it’s private.” | one of the girls finds rina’s secret diary and out of curiousity, starts reading it. rina comes out from the bathroom, shocked find one of her friends reading through her private stuff. she trusted all of them so it hurt her to see one of them invading her privacy like thag.
  149. - “rina’s got a crush!” rina accidentally revealed her secret to BARCELONA and AUCKLAND about her small crush on changbin. although it was supposed to be between them, LONDON somehow found it and we know how talkative she is. although, she never found out who rina had a crush on (thank god), she let it slip multiple times and now nearly the whole camp was teasing her about it.
  151. - “i can’t believe they’re making us hike this early.” | a hiking trip!! how fun!! they are split up into groups of 3. needless to say, it’s a mess. there’s TORONTO, who was so hyped, she nearly fell off the side of a cliff. there’s MELBOURNE who literally wants kill both of them. and then there’s rina, the girl who is so caught up in the beauty of nature, she causes them all to get lost in the forest.
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