

Feb 3rd, 2018
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  1. QnDebShadow: Morning/Afternoon Jake
  2. xXSacredJakeXx: Afternoon my dear
  3. xXSacredJakeXx: Has your day been well?
  4. QnDebShadow: i just got up a bit ago, to find a message, claiming i sent someone to kill a person i barely even know
  5. QnDebShadow: member of MASK
  6. AzraelCenturion: Greetings.
  7. QnDebShadow: .Greetings, how can we help you
  8. AzraelCenturion: I'm simply observing rooms and determing which peak my interest.
  9. QnDebShadow: I see, well just an FYI, members of MASK are not welcome in this rp
  10. AzraelCenturion: The mask is over.
  11. AzraelCenturion: It was ended months ago, like any great mountain, it is now washed away, aided by the our flaws of their leader.
  12. AzraelCenturion: Even the mighty, fall and crumble to ash.
  13. QnDebShadow: .lol not much of a leader if you ask me
  14. AzraelCenturion: You hold a vendetta against him, it is plain to see.
  15. QnDebShadow: i just find it hilarious he set out to cause chaos and kingdoms to fall, and his group falls instead
  16. QnDebShadow: i dont hold vendettas
  17. QnDebShadow: i dont seek revenge, i just find it funny
  18. AzraelCenturion: But that failure is chaos, so in a manner of speaking his goal was met.
  19. QnDebShadow: chaos for those that followed him
  20. AzraelCenturion: Then ask yourself, did the group honestly fail? Or did time see die as all things do.
  21. AzraelCenturion: it^
  22. QnDebShadow: It was short lived, i just think he didn't have the time to keep it going, rl and all, so no, i think it just died
  23. AzraelCenturion: Precisely.
  24. QnDebShadow: either he will come back and revive it, or someone else will take it over like in the past
  25. AzraelCenturion: You know, I find it amusing how humans have brains to be able to ponder all matters of the univese, yet some people lack a deeper understanding of something not interstellar but of one another.
  26. AzraelCenturion: Quite unfathomable really.
  27. xXSacredJakeXx: Apologies, I was eating dinner.
  28. QnDebShadow: wb Lord Jake
  29. xXSacredJakeXx: Thank you My Lady
  30. AzraelCenturion: Salutations.
  31. xXSacredJakeXx: Good evening
  32. xXSacredJakeXx: A great mountain you say?
  33. xXSacredJakeXx: And heres me thinking that mountains dont yield.
  34. AzraelCenturion: All fall to omnipotent forces of the universe.
  35. QnDebShadow: Moutains do yield to forces stronger than the mountain
  36. AzraelCenturion: It is an eventually that awaits us all
  37. xXSacredJakeXx: As i see it, it was a failure from the get go.
  38. AzraelCenturion: It achieved its objective, I would hardly define that as failure.
  39. xXSacredJakeXx: And what objective was that?
  40. AzraelCenturion: To cause chaos and that it did.
  41. xXSacredJakeXx: Cause chaos?
  42. xXSacredJakeXx: The weak corralled around a pitiful reject
  43. AzraelCenturion: The same could be said for us all.
  44. AzraelCenturion: Have you never experienced rejection?
  45. xXSacredJakeXx: That is irrleivent
  46. xXSacredJakeXx: What you call a "Great power who achieved its goal"
  47. xXSacredJakeXx: I call a weakling who has had no grasp of stability or power in his entire life
  48. xXSacredJakeXx: If thats what you wanted to follow. Thats on you
  49. AzraelCenturion: I never followed them, I'm simply stating that it would be unfair to apply a principal to one without applying it to the massess.
  50. xXSacredJakeXx: A member but did not follow
  51. xXSacredJakeXx: That entirely defeats the point
  52. AzraelCenturion: Not so.
  53. QnDebShadow: So let me get this straight, To get the imvu rp community together, you find it is to be done through sending people to kingdoms, get accepted, then proceed to cause chaos for the kingdom to fall so he can take it over? That isnt bringing the rp community together, that is him trying to rule all of imvu
  54. xXSacredJakeXx: Im sure this could have all been solved if he was hugged as a child
  55. xXSacredJakeXx: -Sigh-
  56. AzraelCenturion: A member can deviate from a route and have disagreement, however this makes a member no less a member just one that embraces freedom of thought and follows another philosphy.
  57. xXSacredJakeXx: You are a walking contridiction.
  58. QnDebShadow: It states specifically thats what he was working towards, in one of his threads, oh yes, i went in and read everything he was about
  59. AzraelCenturion: Did you know him, or did you merely gather information?
  60. QnDebShadow: Now, if you don't mind, Jake and i have some business to discuss, you can either leave on your own or one of us can show you the door -smiles- I don't know him per say, but i have talked to him and he is a pompous piece of garbage
  61. xXSacredJakeXx: Even without knowledge of the man
  62. xXSacredJakeXx: The actions of those he took under his wing reflect on his as well
  63. xXSacredJakeXx: Nothing but Trash.
  64. AzraelCenturion: Garbage, that is fine way to greet a guest.
  65. xXSacredJakeXx: And if you wanted to join that cause. You are no better than him.
  66. xXSacredJakeXx: The only thing joining that organisation did for its members was ruin any relations you might want to have with people on here.
  67. xXSacredJakeXx: That is the only thing he achieved
  68. AzraelCenturion: Hmm, so in your eyes individuality is not a factor?
  69. xXSacredJakeXx: Fucking it up for himself. And the braindead shells that followed him.
  70. QnDebShadow: Individuality? i saw no individuality
  71. xXSacredJakeXxxXSacredJakeXx WhisperAdd Friend: Now as Deb said
  72. xXSacredJakeXx: Theres the door.
  73. xXSacredJakeXx: Remove yourself.
  74. AzraelCenturion: Maybe you should of paid closer attention. Anyway, the pleasure is mine to have met you both.
  75. xXSacredJakeXx: Must i count to three?
  76. QnDebShadow: Have a wonderful day.
  77. xXSacredJakeXx: 1
  78. xXSacredJakeXx: 2
  79. xXSacredJakeXx: 3
  80. AzraelCenturion has left the chat
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