
Libra's Conspiracy

Jan 4th, 2019
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  1. [2:55 PM] SwaDM: If I am not mistaken, the plan was to seek out Libra for...something, during the tram ride itself, yes? Well, as previously stated, there would be ample time for this, given that said ride took quite a few hours to complete. The tram itself is composed of three separate compartments - with travel between each being quite easy - the whole group itself would be relatively spread out, one would imagine.
  2. [2:55 PM] Kiran: Precisely! And she is being sought out for SMALL TALK
  3. [2:56 PM] SwaDM: But not big talk, because Kiran is not a big boi.
  4. [2:56 PM] Kiran: How tall is Libra, actually?
  5. [2:57 PM] SwaDM: Joking aside, Libra would be a little more separated from the group, sat in a (relatively) quieter place of the tram. Well, one asys relatively, because it is going to be somewhat loud regardless- that is just the nature of it.
  6. [2:57 PM] SwaDM: And - 5'7"!
  7. [2:57 PM] SwaDM: So, slightly tall for a woman(edited)
  8. [2:57 PM] SwaDM: But only slightly.
  9. [2:57 PM] Kiran: She certainly seems the sort that would seek out peace and quiet.
  10. [2:59 PM] SwaDM: Furthermore, she does have a book upon her hands - likely the same that she was "reading" in the war room itself, if you might remember.
  11. [2:59 PM] Kiran: I do recall there was a book in braille.
  12. [3:01 PM] Kiran: Well, with that all in mind-
  13. [3:02 PM] Kiran: walks along the carriage, a hand on the heads of each seat he passes to make sure he stays steady on his feet, coming to a halt a few feet from Libra's seat, checking to make sure she's not too busy - feeling terrible as soon as he realises she's in the middle of a book.
  14. [3:04 PM] SwaDM: Or what passes as a book. Truth be told, it is rather unlikely Kiran would even be aware of braile, given that the upper strata of society - specially within Valveria, would not really have to deal with things such as blindness - if they were able to find and pay for a sufficiently potent cleric, that is - granted, there would be very few of those around.
  15. [3:04 PM] SwaDM: Regardless, they can notice that Libra does tilt her head a little towards where they are - but do not say anything. Given the background noise, it might even be unsure to state that she even knows they're quite there.
  16. [3:05 PM] Kiran: "Uh. Hi? Sorry, I didn't realise I'd be... interrupting?"
  17. [3:06 PM] SwaDM: "Ah. Kiran."
  18. [3:06 PM] SwaDM: "I was wondering who it was. Yes?"
  19. [3:08 PM] Kiran: "Nothing important. I finished patching my clothes back together after the journey into the lab, and I was wondering how you were."
  20. [3:08 PM] Kiran: takes a few steps closer, tilting his head down at the book.
  21. [3:08 PM] SwaDM: "Patching your clothes...?"
  22. [3:08 PM] SwaDM: "Was it fire?"
  23. [3:09 PM] SwaDM: Kiran...cannot make heads or tails of the book. It has a somewhat sturdy, brown cover - with multiple, slightly raised dots acros sit's front - and upon it's pages. No letters to indicate anything.
  24. [3:09 PM] Kiran: "A little fire. Acid. Lots of sharp things. I might've died a little bit. You know, the usual."
  25. [3:09 PM] Kiran: frowns slightly.
  26. [3:09 PM] Kiran: "What are you... reading?"
  27. [3:09 PM] SwaDM: "Hm...? This?"
  28. [3:10 PM] Kiran: "Do the bevels represent text?"
  29. [3:10 PM] SwaDM: "They do, yes."
  30. [3:10 PM] SwaDM: "It's a...ah. Story book, of sorts. The Tale of the Sealers."
  31. [3:10 PM] Kiran: "That's really interesting! How do-"
  32. [3:11 PM] Kiran: moderates himself slightly.
  33. [3:11 PM] Kiran: "Oh? What's it about?"
  34. [3:11 PM] SwaDM: "...You are trying to ask two different things at once."
  35. [3:11 PM] SwaDM: "It is...rather amusing."
  36. [3:11 PM] SwaDM: "Very well. Let's take it one at a time."
  37. [3:11 PM] Kiran: chuckles. "Sorry. Bad habit."
  38. [3:12 PM] Kiran: leans back against a chair on the opposite side of the hall at the middle of the carriage.
  39. [3:12 PM] SwaDM: "It's based off of a real story. From what I gather, it is the real thing, really - just format. About the Sealers of Azorak - a group of heroes led by Red and Sigfrith. It tells of their adventures, and them eventually defeating an evil deity ,over at Choron."(edited)
  40. [3:14 PM] SwaDM: (Wait ,rewording.)
  41. [3:14 PM] SwaDM: (There we go - sorry about that.)
  42. [3:15 PM] Kiran: (nb)
  43. [3:15 PM] Kiran: folds his arms, frowning slightly.
  44. [3:15 PM] Kiran: "I've heard the names."
  45. [3:15 PM] SwaDM: "I am unsure if any of this existed in your world."
  46. [3:15 PM] SwaDM: "I have been told it is quite different."
  47. [3:16 PM] Kiran: "If my memory serves me, the question 'What is a Choron?' was involved in that conversation."
  48. [3:16 PM] SwaDM: "So, it does not exist here. I see."
  49. [3:16 PM] Kiran: "I've heard about Red much more than Sigfrith, though."
  50. [3:16 PM] SwaDM: "I do not know much about them either - but it's a large continent off of the coast of Vearpi - quite well-involved with magical practices, fro mwhat I've heard."
  51. [3:17 PM] SwaDM: "...Well, from what I am reading, she tends to be the stand out one. He's comparatively rather quiet and level-headed. It is an..interesting contrast."
  52. [3:17 PM] SwaDM: "Albeit I must admit that the book is structured...oddly."
  53. [3:19 PM] Kiran: elects not to spoil the romance subplot.
  54. [3:19 PM] Kiran: "How so?"
  55. [3:20 PM] SwaDM: "Well, as I said, it is meant to tell the tale of a group of heroes."
  56. [3:20 PM] SwaDM: "But the focus is...very much almost solely upon Red and Sigfrith. The others are not mentioned much - Boswell, Christian, Lucan..."
  57. [3:20 PM] SwaDM: "It feels as if a particular fan of the both of them wrote it."
  58. [3:20 PM] Kiran: "Who was the author? Maybe they were."
  59. [3:21 PM] SwaDM: "That's the thing."
  60. [3:21 PM] SwaDM: "No one's credited."
  61. [3:21 PM] Kiran: "Huh. That's... very interesting. Where did you get it?"
  62. [3:22 PM] SwaDM: "Reveno got it for me."
  63. [3:22 PM] SwaDM: "He knew I liked...stories, so..."
  64. [3:22 PM] Kiran: smiles. "That's very nice of him."
  65. [3:22 PM] SwaDM: "Mm."
  66. [3:22 PM] SwaDM: "As for your other question..."
  67. [3:23 PM] SwaDM: "The pattern of bevels indicates the letters put upon paper, essentially."
  68. [3:23 PM] SwaDM: "It is, admittedly, slower then normal, but it's quite functional."
  69. [3:24 PM] Kiran: "It's really interesting. Is this... bevelling a common thing? How does one learn?"
  70. [3:25 PM] SwaDM: "It's not particularly common, no."
  71. [3:25 PM] SwaDM: "Blindness is often not permanent, after all. As for learning..."
  72. [3:26 PM] SwaDM: "If I am not mistaken, I already knew the letters beforehand, so, it was more a matter of...recontextualizing everything. There are specific manuals and teachers for such, too."
  73. [3:26 PM] SwaDM: "I picked up on it rather quickly, at the Tower."
  74. [3:27 PM] Kiran: "Recontextualising?"
  75. [3:27 PM] SwaDM: "Learning which patterns were which letters."
  76. [3:27 PM] SwaDM: "If I'm not mistaken, the whole practice came from Estierra..."
  77. [3:28 PM] Kiran: "Ah, I see."
  78. [3:28 PM] Kiran: taps his chin.
  79. [3:29 PM] Kiran: "I wonder how difficult translating into... is there a name for it?"
  80. [3:30 PM] SwaDM: "Yama."
  81. [3:31 PM] SwaDM: "Well - the rough translation in Common would be more along the line of Yama-Gengo."
  82. [3:31 PM] SwaDM: "Mountain-Speak, essentially."
  83. [3:31 PM] SwaDM: "I think it comes from the fact that there's bevels."
  84. [3:31 PM] Kiran: grins, and laughs.
  85. [3:31 PM] Kiran: "That's brilliant!"
  86. [3:32 PM] SwaDM: "Well, from what I know, Estierran is, if anything, a practical language."
  87. [3:33 PM] Kiran: "It is."
  88. [3:34 PM] Kiran: "So, do you have a favourite character among the group?"
  89. [3:34 PM] SwaDM: "You mean, from the book...?"
  90. [3:34 PM] Kiran: "Of course. What el-"
  91. [3:34 PM] Kiran: starts to laugh quietly.
  92. [3:34 PM] Kiran: "Yes - I'm sorry. The book."
  93. [3:34 PM] SwaDM: Libra finally cracks a small smirk.(edited)
  94. [3:34 PM] SwaDM: "I am teasing - never you worry."
  95. [3:35 PM] SwaDM: "But-"
  96. [3:35 PM] SwaDM: "Both Lucan and Sigfrith are...interesting."
  97. [3:35 PM] Kiran: "I've heard some about Sigfrith, but know next to nothing about Lucan."
  98. [3:36 PM] SwaDM: "The book does not tell much about his past either, I'm afraid. He's a rather quiet character - distant, even. But..."
  99. [3:37 PM] SwaDM: "You start getting little glimpses on who he is - and then there's a scene in the book that focuses solely upon him and Sigfrith practicing with one another and exchanging knowledge regarding archery and swordsmanship... - it's...rather genuine, I suppose."
  100. [3:37 PM] SwaDM: "Lucan feels like a simple, but earnest and kind man."
  101. [3:38 PM] Kiran: nods.
  102. [3:39 PM] Kiran: "I have a lot of respect for people like that. The firm, quiet determination to do what they need to."
  103. [3:39 PM] SwaDM: "Your favourite is Lous, then."
  104. [3:39 PM] Kiran: smiles.
  105. [3:40 PM] Kiran: "He's an inspiring person. It's hard not to respect him."
  106. [3:40 PM] SwaDM: "Mmm."
  107. [3:40 PM] SwaDM: "He is a good man."
  108. [3:41 PM] Kiran: "I don't think I've ever seen him stop, or doubt, or come close to lying down when there was more to be done. I don't think there's anyone better to be our... I don't know what you'd even call it. Heart?"
  109. [3:41 PM] SwaDM: "Motivator?"
  110. [3:41 PM] Kiran: "That's a good word for it."
  111. [3:42 PM] Kiran: "I don't know if it captures how integral he is. Motivator sounds like he's leading from the front, or back, but Lous leads from..."
  112. [3:42 PM] Kiran: gestures vaguely at the air.
  113. [3:42 PM] Kiran: "From the centre."
  114. [3:42 PM] SwaDM: "Well, you truly do admire him, then."
  115. [3:44 PM] Kiran: "Like I said. It's hard not to. I haven't met anyone on either our side of things or yours that I can't respect even a little bit."
  116. [3:44 PM] SwaDM: "It's good to have that perspective, I do suppose. As we've mentioned already, we are all here for a reason, at the very least."
  117. [3:45 PM] Kiran: nods.
  118. [3:45 PM] Kiran: "I'm curious, if you'd indulge me."
  119. [3:45 PM] SwaDM: "Go on, then."
  120. [3:46 PM] Kiran: "Your response to our plan for the next week or so, and moves toward the third Vault - you reacted as though we're absolutely mad. Is that the sort of sentiment that's shared among the Nevians? How do they see Sperans? Or us specifically?"
  121. [3:47 PM] SwaDM: "Foolish, mad, naive. Far too innocent for your own good."
  122. [3:47 PM] SwaDM: "For others, severely lacking in guts.'
  123. [3:47 PM] Kiran: tilts his head, looking thoughtful.
  124. [3:47 PM] SwaDM: "Those are certainly some of the more common perspectives."
  125. [3:47 PM] SwaDM: "Towards the Sperans in general, really."
  126. [3:49 PM] Kiran: "That's... it makes some sense. A lack of willingness to do what people thinks needs to be done?"
  127. [3:49 PM] SwaDM: Libra simply nods.(edited)
  128. [3:49 PM] SwaDM: "Or, in your case, an exceeding ammount of wilingness to do something truly stupid..."
  129. [3:50 PM] SwaDM: "But it is not as if I can stop you."
  130. [3:50 PM] Kiran: lets out a single laugh, smiling to himself.
  131. [3:51 PM] Kiran: "I can see why it would look that way from the outside."
  132. [3:51 PM] SwaDM: "Quite."
  133. [3:52 PM] Kiran: "I'm also curious about something else. You consult auguries quite regularly, right?"
  134. [3:52 PM] SwaDM: "It is one of my main tasks, yes."
  135. [3:52 PM] Kiran: nods.
  136. [3:53 PM] Kiran: "Presumably, you didn't see our plan coming. Does that mean that there's some limitation on who or what you can see, or simply that nobody could be expected to ask whether we'd try something so potentially suicidal?"
  137. [3:53 PM] SwaDM: "Both."
  138. [3:54 PM] SwaDM: "Seeing the future is not something clear - time is a wild, vicious thing."
  139. [3:54 PM] SwaDM: "I can witness images, certainly - but it is quite easy to lack context for them."
  140. [3:54 PM] SwaDM: "If I could see it all with utmost clarity, we'd have won by now, don't you think?"
  141. [3:55 PM] Kiran: "I do. But it's not a branch of magic I'm particularly familiar with, and wondered about how it worked for you."
  142. [3:55 PM] SwaDM: "Blurs - images flowing one after the other - sounds and whispers, here and there."
  143. [3:56 PM] SwaDM: "I knew I would be in this tram, for an example, because I did feel myself being somewhere that provided this same exact sound. Of the tracks."
  144. [3:56 PM] SwaDM: "But I could not know why I would be there."
  145. [3:56 PM] SwaDM: ", really. It is no longer there."
  146. [3:57 PM] Kiran: "Interesting. And in theory, you could have chosen not to be here."
  147. [3:57 PM] SwaDM: "Could I?"
  148. [3:57 PM] SwaDM: "If I was already there, then who's to say I've had a choice in it to begin wtih?"
  149. [3:59 PM] Kiran: "It made the most sense for you to take this course of action - and I assure you I'm glad you're here - but in theory you could have recognised the tram, and chosen not to accompany us, right? Would that change other things that you had seen, do you think?"
  150. [3:59 PM] SwaDM: "Nothing that I see can be changed Kiran."
  151. [4:00 PM] SwaDM: "Regardless of what fancy storybooks might tell you - about great heroes defying odds - or sundering fate - one cannot do that. I couldn't not choose to be here - that was already predetermined."
  152. [4:01 PM] SwaDM: "What can change is certainly one how goes about to attain said result, I will grant you this - but what precisely lays ahead is already set in stone."
  153. [4:03 PM] Kiran: "Interesting. Foresight sounds... would it be bad if I described it as frustrating?"
  154. [4:03 PM] SwaDM: "No. It wouldn't be bad."
  155. [4:03 PM] SwaDM: "It is a curse as much as it is a blessing."
  156. [4:03 PM] SwaDM: "I would not wish it on anyone."
  157. [4:04 PM] Kiran: "I've heard sometimes getting really, really drunk helps."
  158. [4:04 PM] SwaDM: "...Mayhaps, but I never was one for alcohol, I must admit."
  159. [4:05 PM] Kiran: "Me neither. I like getting lost in my work instead."
  160. [4:05 PM] Kiran: gestures down at her book.
  161. [4:05 PM] Kiran: "Or a book."
  162. [4:05 PM] SwaDM: "Mmm. Books are nice."
  163. [4:05 PM] SwaDM: Libra lets out a small - quiet sigh, giving her head a small shake.
  164. [4:06 PM] Kiran: folds his arms, looking a little concerned.
  165. [4:06 PM] Kiran: "Are you... okay?"
  166. [4:07 PM] SwaDM: "Are you?"
  167. [4:07 PM] Kiran: takes his turn to sigh.
  168. [4:07 PM] Kiran: "No. Not particularly."
  169. [4:08 PM] SwaDM: "I suppose you have your answer then..."
  170. [4:08 PM] SwaDM: "...Rest assured, however. That does not mean I do not appreciate your intentions."
  171. [4:08 PM] SwaDM: gives one of the pages of her book a little tap. "You are a little bit like Sigfrith."
  172. [4:09 PM] SwaDM: "Less...cute, however. And a little bit less gallant ,too. But a bit similar, nonetheless."
  173. [4:09 PM] SwaDM: cracks another small - almost forced smile back over towards Kiran.
  174. [4:09 PM] Kiran: laughs quietly.
  175. [4:09 PM] Kiran: "I'll have to work on being more gallant, then."
  176. [4:10 PM] SwaDM: "I hear wearing shiny plate armor helps."
  177. [4:10 PM] Kiran: looks down at himself.
  178. [4:10 PM] Kiran: "Believe it or not, that's something I'm working on."
  179. [4:10 PM] SwaDM: "Oh? Is that so?"
  180. [4:11 PM] SwaDM: "Ah - wait. Do not say it. May I guess?"
  181. [4:11 PM] Kiran: "Sure!"
  182. [4:11 PM] SwaDM: "Celestial Plate armor?"
  183. [4:12 PM] Kiran: "Ah, almost. The full plate version would still be a little too heavy for me. I'm thinking of crafting a more light-weight variant."
  184. [4:12 PM] Kiran: "It'll still be really shiny, though."
  185. [4:12 PM] SwaDM: "I believe I know what you are talking about."
  186. [4:13 PM] SwaDM: "Quite a valued set, that - do keep in mind, finding and working with celestial silver is meant to be quite difficult."
  187. [4:13 PM] Kiran: grins.
  188. [4:13 PM] Kiran: "That's half the fun."
  189. [4:13 PM] SwaDM: "I suppose it is."
  190. [4:14 PM] SwaDM: "...Still. Since you are here, and you did ask..."
  191. [4:14 PM] SwaDM: "What is it that has been bothering you?"
  192. [4:17 PM] Kiran: "Guilt. I've been too content with the speed we're moving through things. Wondering if I should have been pushing us harder, fighting harder - working harder. There's so much still to do, and every day longer it takes us to end this makes it harder to recover from it. Wondering if we'll ever be able to recover."
  193. [4:18 PM] SwaDM: Libra remains silent while Kiran speaks, simply nodding one - twice, as they are listened to. Only then does she pipe up, after a few more seconds of silence.
  194. [4:19 PM] SwaDM: "I think I understand."
  195. [4:19 PM] Kiran: looks up at her, nodding again.
  196. [4:19 PM] SwaDM: "Yet, are you not one of the most..."
  197. [4:19 PM] SwaDM: 'Active ones, within your group?"
  198. [4:20 PM] Kiran: "Yes."
  199. [4:20 PM] SwaDM: "That being the case..."
  200. [4:20 PM] SwaDM: "You've already seen what happens.. If someone decides to push themselves too hard - farther then the should be."
  201. [4:21 PM] SwaDM: "In the end, it doesn't help anyone. While I understand what you are thinking about, I...I cannot fully understand it. It isn't my world. The sense of urgency makes sense."
  202. [4:21 PM] SwaDM: "But lamenting it won't cause it to go away, will it?"
  203. [4:25 PM] Kiran: "I know. Trying to keep everyone well-stocked, alive, make sure that everyone on the battlefield has exactly what they need to when they need it... I don't know how you and Lous handle the role. Other than knowing that it needs to be done."
  204. [4:27 PM] Kiran: "And even if we burn ourselves out, push ourselves too far... I have to believe that the people around us will be there to pull us back."
  205. [4:28 PM] SwaDM: "So, you are telling me that you are not entirely confident in your...daring plan either, then?"
  206. [4:28 PM] SwaDM: "Because, let us be honest - it is a...tall order."
  207. [4:29 PM] Kiran: "It's an insane plan. But all the pieces of it are there. It's possible, even if it's improbable."
  208. [4:30 PM] Kiran: "I believe that if we give it everything we've got - if we're smart about it, and careful about it, and daring where we need to be - we'll succeed."
  209. [4:31 PM] SwaDM: "Then why feel guilt? You're already taking your step forward."
  210. [4:31 PM] Kiran: "Because of the same question I've been asking my entire life. Is this enough? What is enough?"
  211. [4:32 PM] Kiran: "I've been satisfied with a lot of things I've done in my life, but I don't think I've ever been... finished."(edited)
  212. [4:33 PM] Kiran: "There's always more work to be done. I feel guilty because I feel like I could be doing more."
  213. [4:33 PM] SwaDM: "To be...finished , as such - is that not just death?"
  214. [4:34 PM] SwaDM: "Because I find that will always be the case. Of course you'll always have more things to do. If you don't, it leads to indolence and decay. There's nothing wrong with knowing you have a lot more to do. You just can't let it consume you."
  215. [4:34 PM] SwaDM: "I think you'll know. When you've done enough."
  216. [4:37 PM] Kiran: "Finished entirely? Death, or retirement, maybe. Even the individual things, never finished. There's always a way to improve the process there, a lesson to be learned and re-applied. The first iteration is satisfying, but never finished. If you know what I mean."
  217. [4:38 PM] SwaDM: "Oh, I understand that much - never you worry."
  218. [4:38 PM] SwaDM: "As I've said - just don't lose yourself to it, please. It would be rather...pointless."
  219. [4:39 PM] Kiran: "Thanks."
  220. [4:41 PM] SwaDM: "...You can....stay ,if you want, by the way. I along."
  221. [4:41 PM] SwaDM: "If you're interested, of course."
  222. [4:44 PM] Kiran: "I- I'd really love that. But there's something else I need to bring up first, though."
  223. [4:44 PM] SwaDM: "What is it?"
  224. [4:44 PM] Kiran: sits down in one of the chairs on the opposite side of the aisle.
  225. [4:46 PM] Kiran: "I'm sorry to bring it up. It's about Reveno. Linus - the Graveknight - he said more about... about his history."
  226. [4:46 PM] SwaDM: "Linus...? Linus, Linus..."
  227. [4:46 PM] SwaDM: "Wait ,which Linus?"
  228. [4:46 PM] SwaDM: "I remember that name from Salem's memoirs - I've read them, too."
  229. [4:47 PM] Kiran: "He was apparently involved in the war. He said he was called a knightmare, or something?"
  230. [4:47 PM] SwaDM: "...I've heard of that term too, but it was applied to Sha'Ti, instead, but...alternate worlds, I suppose. Things must've gone differently somewhere else."
  231. [4:47 PM] SwaDM: "What does that have to do with Reveno, though?"
  232. [4:47 PM] Kiran: looks down at his hands.
  233. [4:48 PM] Kiran: "Forgive me, I'm not sure what the etiquette on Faceless' memories are."
  234. [4:48 PM] SwaDM: "I don't...quite understand what you mean, by that."
  235. [4:49 PM] Kiran: "Well. They're lost. I've always sort of assumed that they're viewed as intensely private things."
  236. [4:49 PM] Kiran: "I may be wrong."
  237. [4:49 PM] SwaDM: "Not..particularly. Well, I suppose it depends on the person, but..."
  238. [4:49 PM] SwaDM: "They're the past - something we've left behind."
  239. [4:49 PM] Kiran: nods.
  240. [4:49 PM] SwaDM: "We willingly left that person aside and became someone else. So, I would not call them intensely private, just...lost?"
  241. [4:50 PM] Kiran: "Okay. With that in mind... Linus revealed some things about Reveno. That I think you should know."
  242. [4:50 PM] SwaDM: simply tilts her head to the side, in what might be confusion.
  243. [4:55 PM] Kiran: "He said that Reveno was a traitor. Specifically because he was not always on the Nevian side."
  244. [4:56 PM] Kiran: waits a fraction of a second to gauge reaction before continuing.
  245. [4:56 PM] SwaDM: Another tilt of her head - Libra does not appear incredibly surprised, from what Kiran is gathering.
  246. [4:57 PM] Kiran: "While he was... Speran, Reveno attempted to save a girl from being abducted by Linus, and other Nevian graveknights. A girl who was somewhere that was swarming with hordes of demons. He said that the girl was you. The memories came back to Reveno at the time, I think."
  247. [4:57 PM] SwaDM: That, however, does visibly cause Libra to tauten her lips, for a moment.
  248. [4:57 PM] SwaDM: It is shortly followed by an admittedly rather dry "...Oh."
  249. [4:58 PM] Kiran: swallows.
  250. [4:58 PM] Kiran: "Yeah."
  251. [4:58 PM] SwaDM: "I would not...take that at face value. You said it was a Graveknight."
  252. [4:58 PM] SwaDM: "They could have been simply manipulating Reveno - unnerving him."
  253. [5:00 PM] Kiran: "I know. I'm not sure how hazy memories tend to be if they return to Nevians. Reveno's hate for the Graveknights seemed... genuine. He really did appear to remember. And what he did with his glimmer, I'm not sure if a false memory could help him do that. Could it?"
  254. [5:00 PM] Kiran: looks concerned.
  255. [5:00 PM] SwaDM: "I don't.... I don't know."
  256. [5:00 PM] SwaDM: "If you have no concrete memories from the past, then who's to say what's real and what isn't? Would it even really matter to the person? Although..."
  257. [5:01 PM] SwaDM: "Reveno's always... been one of the Faceless with the better grasp of his past."
  258. [5:01 PM] SwaDM: "Him and Adalet, they've had an easier time...remembering, I suppose. I knew that Reveno used to be a Speran - he...told me that, but.."
  259. [5:02 PM] SwaDM: "Not - that. If it's even real..."
  260. [5:03 PM] Kiran: "If you don't remember, I suppose it wouldn't matter. But I thought you should know, because it concerns you, and even if it isn't real... he thinks that it is."
  261. [5:04 PM] SwaDM: "I don't know what to think. But-"
  262. [5:04 PM] SwaDM: "I guess it does explain further. Why he just...left. Without even seeing me again."
  263. [5:04 PM] SwaDM: Libra's tone of voice has been kept consistently rather neutral, across the entire exchange - oddly paused - measured, to a rather unnatural tone.
  264. [5:05 PM] Kiran: nods.
  265. [5:05 PM] Kiran: "We're going to bring him back."
  266. [5:05 PM] SwaDM: gives a small shake of her head.
  267. [5:05 PM] SwaDM: "But if this is all true."
  268. [5:06 PM] SwaDM: "Then, what?"
  269. [5:06 PM] SwaDM: "Did he treat me like he did because he felt...guilty? Because he tried to make up for something?"
  270. [5:06 PM] SwaDM: "Was I just...a way for him to feel better about himself? And if I was captured, does that mean that I even chose to-...."
  271. [5:08 PM] SwaDM: The more emotionless tone appears to be giving way - Kiran can pick up, in spite of their admittedly rather lackluster perception - a trembling in Libra's lips. A sudden swallowing - a sharp breath. Albeit as quickly as it came...
  272. [5:08 PM] SwaDM: She gives another small shake of her head. "No. No, it doesn't matter."
  273. [5:08 PM] SwaDM: "I'm not that person anymore, regardless."
  274. [5:08 PM] SwaDM: "I've no reason to care for it."(edited)
  275. [5:12 PM] Kiran: "I'm sorry. And- and I don't think anything he did was because of guilt. Until recently, maybe."
  276. [5:13 PM] Kiran: "And you're right. Maybe - maybe you're not that person. If it's true, it won't necessarily tell you anything about yourself. But it might tell you something about the people around you. And that's just as important."
  277. [5:14 PM] Kiran: "... I think, anyway."
  278. [5:14 PM] SwaDM: "What people? Reveno? A graveknight I care nothing about? I-"
  279. [5:15 PM] SwaDM: "I understand why you told me this, but-..."
  280. [5:15 PM] SwaDM: "I don't know what else it explains."
  281. [5:19 PM] Kiran: "Okay. Well, even if it doesn't change how you feel, it's always better to have more information. I'm definitely going to be asking Spera more about this when I can."
  282. [5:19 PM] Kiran: "It's-"
  283. [5:19 PM] Kiran: thins his lips, looking at Libra.
  284. [5:20 PM] SwaDM: "It's you getting involved in other people's pasts."
  285. [5:20 PM] Kiran: nods.
  286. [5:20 PM] Kiran: "Yes. I'm sorry. I just- I thought- yes. It is that."
  287. [5:21 PM] SwaDM: "Well, I don't know what to tell you."
  288. [5:21 PM] SwaDM: "Or what to tell myself. Or Reveno. Or...anyone, really."
  289. [5:22 PM] Kiran: "I wasn't looking for answers from you. But if - if nothing else, I know you care about him, and that he cares about you. This is something that'll be on his mind, that'll be maybe making him act unexpectedly. Like..."(edited)
  290. [5:22 PM] Kiran: gestures above.
  291. [5:22 PM] SwaDM: Kiran may briefly remember Libra is blind.
  292. [5:23 PM] Kiran: "... like what's happening right now."
  293. [5:23 PM] Kiran: looks incredibly guilty for a moment.
  294. [5:23 PM] SwaDM: "...I understand."
  295. [5:23 PM] SwaDM: "Lous, he..."
  296. [5:23 PM] SwaDM: "He talked with me, too. Yesterday."
  297. [5:24 PM] SwaDM: "Not about this - not about what you told me. Other things - some more personal matters. Small talk, in some cases."
  298. [5:24 PM] SwaDM: "He did mention Reveno too, of course. What he gathered with his own interactions with him. From what I know, the both of them have been conversing and metting togehter some some time, now."
  299. [5:25 PM] SwaDM: "All that's happened."
  300. [5:25 PM] SwaDM: "The way he's pushed himself - that doomed expedition. The curious fact that this precise graveknight happened to be there..."
  301. [5:26 PM] SwaDM: "In that exact manner. With him being given the clearance to do...whatever."
  302. [5:26 PM] SwaDM: "There's Fate."
  303. [5:26 PM] SwaDM: "And then there's fabrication."
  304. [5:26 PM] Kiran: "I'm having a hard time trusting a lot of what's happened."
  305. [5:26 PM] SwaDM: "So is Jugo. Lous. And now me, I suppose."
  306. [5:27 PM] SwaDM: "Somebody is specifically trying to break him."
  307. [5:27 PM] SwaDM: "This is too much to just chalk to "bad luck."
  308. [5:27 PM] SwaDM: "Neviltis? Maybe. But why would he do that?"
  309. [5:27 PM] SwaDM: "Need...answers. For that. And...whatever happened in the past too. It's not important for me, no, but I suppose I need...context, too."
  310. [5:28 PM] Kiran: "How the Mimic could use his form, yet he's still alive - but we don't know how he came back. Why Spera never mentioned his history to us."
  311. [5:28 PM] SwaDM: "There's something rotten here."
  312. [5:28 PM] SwaDM: "Something we aren't seeing."
  313. [5:29 PM] SwaDM: "I just-"
  314. [5:29 PM] SwaDM: Libra breathes in - pausing one more time, afore letting out another small, defeated exhale.
  315. [5:29 PM] SwaDM: "I can't tell what it is."
  316. [5:30 PM] Kiran: "It feels like one of those-"
  317. [5:30 PM] Kiran: looks blankly at Libra.
  318. [5:30 PM] Kiran: "Goddamnit, a lot of my metaphors are visual."
  319. [5:31 PM] Kiran: thinks intently for a moment.
  320. [5:31 PM] Kiran: "Like something that you're standing in the middle of. It's too big for you to be able to grasp the edges from where you are, so you don't really even know what shape the problem is."
  321. [5:32 PM] SwaDM: "Conspiracy?"
  322. [5:32 PM] Kiran: "Maybe. Conspiracy implies intent, and I don't even know who would be doing it."
  323. [5:32 PM] SwaDM: "Me neither, but as I said - this is too coincidental."
  324. [5:32 PM] Kiran: "It would mean that one of the factions is doing it, or that somehow there's another we're unaware of."
  325. [5:32 PM] SwaDM: "Too targeted."
  326. [5:33 PM] SwaDM: "I have no doubts anymore. This has to be intentional. But I can't tell by who, or why."
  327. [5:33 PM] SwaDM: "What would anything or anyone gain by seeking to break him like that? Revenge? From what?"
  328. [5:33 PM] SwaDM: "If not, what else? It's..."
  329. [5:34 PM] SwaDM: "...Just keep your wits about you. It's too specific."
  330. [5:34 PM] Kiran: "If it's Spera? I don't know. If it's Neviltis? Maybe there's some tactical advantage to be gained - Reveno's ability to use his glimmer as he did? The Void? If we could understand what it wanted..."
  331. [5:35 PM] Kiran: runs a hand through his hair.
  332. [5:35 PM] SwaDM: "Spera's not cruel, Neviltis hates uncontrollable pieces, and The Void...the Void- who knows."
  333. [5:35 PM] SwaDM: "Just keep in mind. If it can be done to him - neither of you are safe, either."
  334. [5:35 PM] SwaDM: "You may be hounded, just the same."(edited)
  335. [5:36 PM] Kiran: "I'll be careful. I doubt you need me to say it, but please do the same."
  336. [5:36 PM] SwaDM: "Of course."
  337. [5:37 PM] SwaDM: Libra brings her palms slowly over her face, propping her elbows upon her thighs as she leans forward, letting out another sharper - frustrated exhale.
  338. [5:38 PM] SwaDM: "I think that's...all I can take of this, for the moment."
  339. [5:40 PM] Kiran: "Okay. Well, if - if that's the case, why don't I try reading something instead? Maybe it would help."
  340. [5:40 PM] SwaDM: Libra gives a shake of her head.
  341. [5:40 PM] SwaDM: "I'd...rather be alone."
  342. [5:40 PM] Kiran: nods.
  343. [5:40 PM] Kiran: "I'll be in the next compartment, if you change your mind, or..."
  344. [5:41 PM] Kiran: shakes his head and gets up.
  345. [5:41 PM] SwaDM: There's simply a nigh-imperceptible nod from Libra, as she remains exactly how she was beforehand - keeping quiet.
  346. [5:42 PM] Kiran: stands where he is for a second or two, considering his options.
  347. [5:43 PM] Kiran: reaches out, as though to put a hand on her shoulder, looks slightly terrified, then pulls his hand back before walking back out of the carriage.
  348. [5:44 PM] SwaDM: No direct response, albeit they are atl east able to exit the carriage without agression, at the very least.
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