

Aug 29th, 2012
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  1. ###
  2. ### Using 'gcc' toolset.
  3. ###
  4. rm -rf bootstrap
  5. mkdir bootstrap
  6. gcc -o bootstrap/jam0 command.c compile.c constants.c debug.c execcmd.c frames.c function.c glob.c hash.c hdrmacro.c headers.c jam.c jambase.c jamgram.c lists.c make.c make1.c object.c option.c output.c parse.c pathsys.c pathunix.c regexp.c rules.c scan.c search.c subst.c timestamp.c variable.c modules.c strings.c filesys.c builtins.c pwd.c class.c native.c md5.c w32_getreg.c modules/set.c modules/path.c modules/regex.c modules/property-set.c modules/sequence.c modules/order.c execunix.c fileunix.c
  7. ./bootstrap/jam0 -f build.jam --toolset=gcc --toolset-root= -d3 --debug clean
  8. make -- clean
  9. make -- clean
  10. time -- clean: unbound
  11. made touched clean
  12. ...found 1 target...
  13. ...updating 1 target...
  14. [DELETE] clean
  16. rm -f "bin.linuxx86_64.debug/yyacc" "bin.linuxx86_64.debug/mkjambase" "bin.linuxx86_64.debug/b2" "bin.linuxx86_64.debug/bjam"
  18. ...updated 1 target...
  19. ./bootstrap/jam0 -f build.jam --toolset=gcc --toolset-root= -d3 --debug
  20. make -- all
  21. make -- all
  22. time -- all: unbound
  23. make -- yyacc
  24. make -- yyacc
  25. bind -- yyacc: bin.linuxx86_64.debug/yyacc
  26. time -- yyacc: missing
  27. make -- yyacc.c
  28. make -- yyacc.c
  29. time -- yyacc.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  30. made* newer yyacc.c
  31. make -- bin.linuxx86_64.debug
  32. make -- bin.linuxx86_64.debug
  33. time -- bin.linuxx86_64.debug: 2012-08-29 20:13:08.000000000 +0000
  34. made stable bin.linuxx86_64.debug
  35. made+ missing yyacc
  36. make -- mkjambase
  37. make -- mkjambase
  38. bind -- mkjambase: bin.linuxx86_64.debug/mkjambase
  39. time -- mkjambase: missing
  40. make -- mkjambase.c
  41. make -- mkjambase.c
  42. time -- mkjambase.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  43. made* newer mkjambase.c
  44. made+ missing mkjambase
  45. make -- b2
  46. make -- b2
  47. bind -- b2: bin.linuxx86_64.debug/b2
  48. time -- b2: missing
  49. make -- command.c
  50. make -- command.c
  51. time -- command.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  52. make -- command.c
  53. make -- command.c
  54. time -- command.c: unbound
  55. make -- <.>jam.h
  56. make -- <.>jam.h
  57. bind -- <.>jam.h: jam.h
  58. time -- <.>jam.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  59. make -- <.>jam.h
  60. make -- <.>jam.h
  61. time -- <.>jam.h: unbound
  62. make -- <.>mem.h
  63. make -- <.>mem.h
  64. bind -- <.>mem.h: mem.h
  65. time -- <.>mem.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  66. make -- <.>mem.h
  67. make -- <.>mem.h
  68. time -- <.>mem.h: unbound
  69. make -- <.>debug.h
  70. make -- <.>debug.h
  71. bind -- <.>debug.h: debug.h
  72. time -- <.>debug.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  73. make -- <.>debug.h
  74. make -- <.>debug.h
  75. time -- <.>debug.h: unbound
  76. make -- <.>constants.h
  77. make -- <.>constants.h
  78. bind -- <.>constants.h: constants.h
  79. time -- <.>constants.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  80. make -- <.>constants.h
  81. make -- <.>constants.h
  82. time -- <.>constants.h: unbound
  83. make -- <.>object.h
  84. make -- <.>object.h
  85. bind -- <.>object.h: object.h
  86. time -- <.>object.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  87. made* newer <.>object.h
  88. made* newer <.>constants.h
  89. made* newer <.>debug.h
  90. made* newer <.>mem.h
  91. made* newer <.>jam.h
  92. make -- <.>command.h
  93. make -- <.>command.h
  94. bind -- <.>command.h: command.h
  95. time -- <.>command.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  96. make -- <.>command.h
  97. make -- <.>command.h
  98. time -- <.>command.h: unbound
  99. make -- <.>lists.h
  100. make -- <.>lists.h
  101. bind -- <.>lists.h: lists.h
  102. time -- <.>lists.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  103. make -- <.>lists.h
  104. make -- <.>lists.h
  105. time -- <.>lists.h: unbound
  106. made* newer <.>lists.h
  107. make -- <.>rules.h
  108. make -- <.>rules.h
  109. bind -- <.>rules.h: rules.h
  110. time -- <.>rules.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  111. make -- <.>rules.h
  112. make -- <.>rules.h
  113. time -- <.>rules.h: unbound
  114. make -- <.>function.h
  115. make -- <.>function.h
  116. bind -- <.>function.h: function.h
  117. time -- <.>function.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  118. make -- <.>function.h
  119. make -- <.>function.h
  120. time -- <.>function.h: unbound
  121. make -- <.>frames.h
  122. make -- <.>frames.h
  123. bind -- <.>frames.h: frames.h
  124. time -- <.>frames.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  125. make -- <.>frames.h
  126. make -- <.>frames.h
  127. time -- <.>frames.h: unbound
  128. make -- <.>modules.h
  129. make -- <.>modules.h
  130. bind -- <.>modules.h: modules.h
  131. time -- <.>modules.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  132. make -- <.>modules.h
  133. make -- <.>modules.h
  134. time -- <.>modules.h: unbound
  135. made* newer <.>modules.h
  136. made* newer <.>frames.h
  137. make -- <.>parse.h
  138. make -- <.>parse.h
  139. bind -- <.>parse.h: parse.h
  140. time -- <.>parse.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  141. make -- <.>parse.h
  142. make -- <.>parse.h
  143. time -- <.>parse.h: unbound
  144. made* newer <.>parse.h
  145. make -- <.>strings.h
  146. make -- <.>strings.h
  147. bind -- <.>strings.h: strings.h
  148. time -- <.>strings.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  149. made* newer <.>strings.h
  150. made* newer <.>function.h
  151. make -- <.>timestamp.h
  152. make -- <.>timestamp.h
  153. bind -- <.>timestamp.h: timestamp.h
  154. time -- <.>timestamp.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  155. make -- <.>timestamp.h
  156. make -- <.>timestamp.h
  157. time -- <.>timestamp.h: unbound
  158. made* newer <.>timestamp.h
  159. made* newer <.>rules.h
  160. made* newer <.>command.h
  161. made* newer command.c
  162. make -- compile.c
  163. make -- compile.c
  164. time -- compile.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  165. make -- compile.c
  166. make -- compile.c
  167. time -- compile.c: unbound
  168. make -- <.>compile.h
  169. make -- <.>compile.h
  170. bind -- <.>compile.h: compile.h
  171. time -- <.>compile.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  172. make -- <.>compile.h
  173. make -- <.>compile.h
  174. time -- <.>compile.h: unbound
  175. made* newer <.>compile.h
  176. make -- <.>builtins.h
  177. make -- <.>builtins.h
  178. bind -- <.>builtins.h: builtins.h
  179. time -- <.>builtins.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  180. make -- <.>builtins.h
  181. make -- <.>builtins.h
  182. time -- <.>builtins.h: unbound
  183. made* newer <.>builtins.h
  184. make -- <.>class.h
  185. make -- <.>class.h
  186. bind -- <.>class.h: class.h
  187. time -- <.>class.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  188. make -- <.>class.h
  189. make -- <.>class.h
  190. time -- <.>class.h: unbound
  191. made* newer <.>class.h
  192. make -- <.>hash.h
  193. make -- <.>hash.h
  194. bind -- <.>hash.h: hash.h
  195. time -- <.>hash.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  196. make -- <.>hash.h
  197. make -- <.>hash.h
  198. time -- <.>hash.h: unbound
  199. made* newer <.>hash.h
  200. make -- <.>hdrmacro.h
  201. make -- <.>hdrmacro.h
  202. bind -- <.>hdrmacro.h: hdrmacro.h
  203. time -- <.>hdrmacro.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  204. make -- <.>hdrmacro.h
  205. make -- <.>hdrmacro.h
  206. time -- <.>hdrmacro.h: unbound
  207. made* newer <.>hdrmacro.h
  208. make -- <.>make.h
  209. make -- <.>make.h
  210. bind -- <.>make.h: make.h
  211. time -- <.>make.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  212. make -- <.>make.h
  213. make -- <.>make.h
  214. time -- <.>make.h: unbound
  215. made* newer <.>make.h
  216. make -- <.>search.h
  217. make -- <.>search.h
  218. bind -- <.>search.h: search.h
  219. time -- <.>search.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  220. make -- <.>search.h
  221. make -- <.>search.h
  222. time -- <.>search.h: unbound
  223. made* newer <.>search.h
  224. make -- <.>variable.h
  225. make -- <.>variable.h
  226. bind -- <.>variable.h: variable.h
  227. time -- <.>variable.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  228. make -- <.>variable.h
  229. make -- <.>variable.h
  230. time -- <.>variable.h: unbound
  231. made* newer <.>variable.h
  232. made* newer compile.c
  233. make -- constants.c
  234. make -- constants.c
  235. time -- constants.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  236. make -- constants.c
  237. make -- constants.c
  238. time -- constants.c: unbound
  239. made* newer constants.c
  240. make -- debug.c
  241. make -- debug.c
  242. time -- debug.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  243. make -- debug.c
  244. make -- debug.c
  245. time -- debug.c: unbound
  246. made* newer debug.c
  247. make -- execcmd.c
  248. make -- execcmd.c
  249. time -- execcmd.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  250. make -- execcmd.c
  251. make -- execcmd.c
  252. time -- execcmd.c: unbound
  253. make -- <.>execcmd.h
  254. make -- <.>execcmd.h
  255. bind -- <.>execcmd.h: execcmd.h
  256. time -- <.>execcmd.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  257. make -- <.>execcmd.h
  258. make -- <.>execcmd.h
  259. time -- <.>execcmd.h: unbound
  260. made* newer <.>execcmd.h
  261. made* newer execcmd.c
  262. make -- frames.c
  263. make -- frames.c
  264. time -- frames.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  265. make -- frames.c
  266. make -- frames.c
  267. time -- frames.c: unbound
  268. made* newer frames.c
  269. make -- function.c
  270. make -- function.c
  271. time -- function.c: 2012-08-29 19:59:34.000000000 +0000
  272. make -- function.c
  273. make -- function.c
  274. time -- function.c: unbound
  275. make -- <.>filesys.h
  276. make -- <.>filesys.h
  277. bind -- <.>filesys.h: filesys.h
  278. time -- <.>filesys.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  279. make -- <.>filesys.h
  280. make -- <.>filesys.h
  281. time -- <.>filesys.h: unbound
  282. make -- <.>pathsys.h
  283. make -- <.>pathsys.h
  284. bind -- <.>pathsys.h: pathsys.h
  285. time -- <.>pathsys.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  286. make -- <.>pathsys.h
  287. make -- <.>pathsys.h
  288. time -- <.>pathsys.h: unbound
  289. made* newer <.>pathsys.h
  290. made* newer <.>filesys.h
  291. made* newer function.c
  292. make -- glob.c
  293. make -- glob.c
  294. time -- glob.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  295. make -- glob.c
  296. make -- glob.c
  297. time -- glob.c: unbound
  298. made* newer glob.c
  299. make -- hash.c
  300. make -- hash.c
  301. time -- hash.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  302. make -- hash.c
  303. make -- hash.c
  304. time -- hash.c: unbound
  305. made* newer hash.c
  306. make -- hcache.c
  307. make -- hcache.c
  308. time -- hcache.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  309. make -- hcache.c
  310. make -- hcache.c
  311. time -- hcache.c: unbound
  312. make -- <.>hcache.h
  313. make -- <.>hcache.h
  314. bind -- <.>hcache.h: hcache.h
  315. time -- <.>hcache.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  316. make -- <.>hcache.h
  317. make -- <.>hcache.h
  318. time -- <.>hcache.h: unbound
  319. make -- <.>regexp.h
  320. make -- <.>regexp.h
  321. bind -- <.>regexp.h: regexp.h
  322. time -- <.>regexp.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  323. made* newer <.>regexp.h
  324. made* newer <.>hcache.h
  325. make -- <.>headers.h
  326. make -- <.>headers.h
  327. bind -- <.>headers.h: headers.h
  328. time -- <.>headers.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  329. make -- <.>headers.h
  330. make -- <.>headers.h
  331. time -- <.>headers.h: unbound
  332. made* newer <.>headers.h
  333. made* newer hcache.c
  334. make -- headers.c
  335. make -- headers.c
  336. time -- headers.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  337. make -- headers.c
  338. make -- headers.c
  339. time -- headers.c: unbound
  340. make -- <.>subst.h
  341. make -- <.>subst.h
  342. bind -- <.>subst.h: subst.h
  343. time -- <.>subst.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  344. make -- <.>subst.h
  345. make -- <.>subst.h
  346. time -- <.>subst.h: unbound
  347. made* newer <.>subst.h
  348. made* newer headers.c
  349. make -- hdrmacro.c
  350. make -- hdrmacro.c
  351. time -- hdrmacro.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  352. make -- hdrmacro.c
  353. make -- hdrmacro.c
  354. time -- hdrmacro.c: unbound
  355. made* newer hdrmacro.c
  356. make -- jam.c
  357. make -- jam.c
  358. time -- jam.c: 2012-08-29 13:25:23.000000000 +0000
  359. make -- jam.c
  360. make -- jam.c
  361. time -- jam.c: unbound
  362. make -- <.>option.h
  363. make -- <.>option.h
  364. bind -- <.>option.h: option.h
  365. time -- <.>option.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  366. made* newer <.>option.h
  367. make -- <.>patchlevel.h
  368. make -- <.>patchlevel.h
  369. bind -- <.>patchlevel.h: patchlevel.h
  370. time -- <.>patchlevel.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  371. made* newer <.>patchlevel.h
  372. make -- <.>scan.h
  373. make -- <.>scan.h
  374. bind -- <.>scan.h: scan.h
  375. time -- <.>scan.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  376. make -- <.>scan.h
  377. make -- <.>scan.h
  378. time -- <.>scan.h: unbound
  379. made* newer <.>scan.h
  380. make -- <.>output.h
  381. make -- <.>output.h
  382. bind -- <.>output.h: output.h
  383. time -- <.>output.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  384. make -- <.>output.h
  385. make -- <.>output.h
  386. time -- <.>output.h: unbound
  387. made* newer <.>output.h
  388. make -- <.>pwd.h
  389. make -- <.>pwd.h
  390. bind -- <.>pwd.h: pwd.h
  391. time -- <.>pwd.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  392. make -- <.>pwd.h
  393. make -- <.>pwd.h
  394. time -- <.>pwd.h: unbound
  395. made* newer <.>pwd.h
  396. made* newer jam.c
  397. make -- jambase.c
  398. make -- jambase.c
  399. time -- jambase.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  400. make -- Jambase
  401. make -- Jambase
  402. time -- Jambase: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  403. made stable Jambase
  404. made* newer jambase.c
  405. make -- jamgram.c
  406. make -- jamgram.c
  407. time -- jamgram.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  408. make -- jamgram.c
  409. make -- jamgram.c
  410. time -- jamgram.c: unbound
  411. made* newer jamgram.c
  412. make -- lists.c
  413. make -- lists.c
  414. time -- lists.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  415. make -- lists.c
  416. make -- lists.c
  417. time -- lists.c: unbound
  418. made* newer lists.c
  419. make -- make.c
  420. make -- make.c
  421. time -- make.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  422. make -- make.c
  423. make -- make.c
  424. time -- make.c: unbound
  425. made* newer make.c
  426. make -- make1.c
  427. make -- make1.c
  428. time -- make1.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  429. make -- make1.c
  430. make -- make1.c
  431. time -- make1.c: unbound
  432. made* newer make1.c
  433. make -- mem.c
  434. make -- mem.c
  435. time -- mem.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  436. make -- mem.c
  437. make -- mem.c
  438. time -- mem.c: unbound
  439. make -- <.>boehm_gc/reclaim.c
  440. make -- <.>boehm_gc/reclaim.c
  441. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/reclaim.c: boehm_gc/reclaim.c
  442. time -- <.>boehm_gc/reclaim.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  443. make -- <.>boehm_gc/reclaim.c
  444. make -- <.>boehm_gc/reclaim.c
  445. time -- <.>boehm_gc/reclaim.c: unbound
  446. make -- <boehm_gc>private/gc_priv.h
  447. make -- <boehm_gc>private/gc_priv.h
  448. bind -- <boehm_gc>private/gc_priv.h: private/gc_priv.h
  449. time -- <boehm_gc>private/gc_priv.h: missing
  450. made stable <boehm_gc>private/gc_priv.h
  451. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/reclaim.c
  452. make -- <.>boehm_gc/allchblk.c
  453. make -- <.>boehm_gc/allchblk.c
  454. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/allchblk.c: boehm_gc/allchblk.c
  455. time -- <.>boehm_gc/allchblk.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  456. make -- <.>boehm_gc/allchblk.c
  457. make -- <.>boehm_gc/allchblk.c
  458. time -- <.>boehm_gc/allchblk.c: unbound
  459. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/allchblk.c
  460. make -- <.>boehm_gc/misc.c
  461. make -- <.>boehm_gc/misc.c
  462. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/misc.c: boehm_gc/misc.c
  463. time -- <.>boehm_gc/misc.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  464. make -- <.>boehm_gc/misc.c
  465. make -- <.>boehm_gc/misc.c
  466. time -- <.>boehm_gc/misc.c: unbound
  467. make -- <boehm_gc>private/gc_pmark.h
  468. make -- <boehm_gc>private/gc_pmark.h
  469. bind -- <boehm_gc>private/gc_pmark.h: private/gc_pmark.h
  470. time -- <boehm_gc>private/gc_pmark.h: missing
  471. made stable <boehm_gc>private/gc_pmark.h
  472. make -- <boehm_gc>il/PCR_IL.h
  473. make -- <boehm_gc>il/PCR_IL.h
  474. bind -- <boehm_gc>il/PCR_IL.h: il/PCR_IL.h
  475. time -- <boehm_gc>il/PCR_IL.h: missing
  476. made stable <boehm_gc>il/PCR_IL.h
  477. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/misc.c
  478. make -- <.>boehm_gc/alloc.c
  479. make -- <.>boehm_gc/alloc.c
  480. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/alloc.c: boehm_gc/alloc.c
  481. time -- <.>boehm_gc/alloc.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  482. make -- <.>boehm_gc/alloc.c
  483. make -- <.>boehm_gc/alloc.c
  484. time -- <.>boehm_gc/alloc.c: unbound
  485. make -- <boehm_gc>version.h
  486. make -- <boehm_gc>version.h
  487. bind -- <boehm_gc>version.h: boehm_gc/version.h
  488. time -- <boehm_gc>version.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  489. made* newer <boehm_gc>version.h
  490. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/alloc.c
  491. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mach_dep.c
  492. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mach_dep.c
  493. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/mach_dep.c: boehm_gc/mach_dep.c
  494. time -- <.>boehm_gc/mach_dep.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  495. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mach_dep.c
  496. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mach_dep.c
  497. time -- <.>boehm_gc/mach_dep.c: unbound
  498. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/mach_dep.c
  499. make -- <.>boehm_gc/os_dep.c
  500. make -- <.>boehm_gc/os_dep.c
  501. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/os_dep.c: boehm_gc/os_dep.c
  502. time -- <.>boehm_gc/os_dep.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  503. make -- <.>boehm_gc/os_dep.c
  504. make -- <.>boehm_gc/os_dep.c
  505. time -- <.>boehm_gc/os_dep.c: unbound
  506. make -- <boehm_gc>atomic_ops.h
  507. make -- <boehm_gc>atomic_ops.h
  508. bind -- <boehm_gc>atomic_ops.h: atomic_ops.h
  509. time -- <boehm_gc>atomic_ops.h: missing
  510. made stable <boehm_gc>atomic_ops.h
  511. make -- <boehm_gc>AmigaOS.c
  512. make -- <boehm_gc>AmigaOS.c
  513. bind -- <boehm_gc>AmigaOS.c: boehm_gc/AmigaOS.c
  514. time -- <boehm_gc>AmigaOS.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  515. make -- <boehm_gc>AmigaOS.c
  516. make -- <boehm_gc>AmigaOS.c
  517. time -- <boehm_gc>AmigaOS.c: unbound
  518. make -- <boehm_gc>gc_priv.h
  519. make -- <boehm_gc>gc_priv.h
  520. bind -- <boehm_gc>gc_priv.h: gc_priv.h
  521. time -- <boehm_gc>gc_priv.h: missing
  522. made stable <boehm_gc>gc_priv.h
  523. made* newer <boehm_gc>AmigaOS.c
  524. make -- <boehm_gc>th/PCR_ThCtl.h
  525. make -- <boehm_gc>th/PCR_ThCtl.h
  526. bind -- <boehm_gc>th/PCR_ThCtl.h: th/PCR_ThCtl.h
  527. time -- <boehm_gc>th/PCR_ThCtl.h: missing
  528. made stable <boehm_gc>th/PCR_ThCtl.h
  529. make -- <boehm_gc>mm/PCR_MM.h
  530. make -- <boehm_gc>mm/PCR_MM.h
  531. bind -- <boehm_gc>mm/PCR_MM.h: mm/PCR_MM.h
  532. time -- <boehm_gc>mm/PCR_MM.h: missing
  533. made stable <boehm_gc>mm/PCR_MM.h
  534. make -- <boehm_gc>vd/PCR_VD.h
  535. make -- <boehm_gc>vd/PCR_VD.h
  536. bind -- <boehm_gc>vd/PCR_VD.h: vd/PCR_VD.h
  537. time -- <boehm_gc>vd/PCR_VD.h: missing
  538. made stable <boehm_gc>vd/PCR_VD.h
  539. make -- <boehm_gc>private/msvc_dbg.h
  540. make -- <boehm_gc>private/msvc_dbg.h
  541. bind -- <boehm_gc>private/msvc_dbg.h: private/msvc_dbg.h
  542. time -- <boehm_gc>private/msvc_dbg.h: missing
  543. made stable <boehm_gc>private/msvc_dbg.h
  544. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/os_dep.c
  545. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mark_rts.c
  546. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mark_rts.c
  547. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/mark_rts.c: boehm_gc/mark_rts.c
  548. time -- <.>boehm_gc/mark_rts.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  549. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mark_rts.c
  550. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mark_rts.c
  551. time -- <.>boehm_gc/mark_rts.c: unbound
  552. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/mark_rts.c
  553. make -- <.>boehm_gc/headers.c
  554. make -- <.>boehm_gc/headers.c
  555. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/headers.c: boehm_gc/headers.c
  556. time -- <.>boehm_gc/headers.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  557. make -- <.>boehm_gc/headers.c
  558. make -- <.>boehm_gc/headers.c
  559. time -- <.>boehm_gc/headers.c: unbound
  560. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/headers.c
  561. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mark.c
  562. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mark.c
  563. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/mark.c: boehm_gc/mark.c
  564. time -- <.>boehm_gc/mark.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:37.000000000 +0000
  565. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mark.c
  566. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mark.c
  567. time -- <.>boehm_gc/mark.c: unbound
  568. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/mark.c
  569. make -- <.>boehm_gc/obj_map.c
  570. make -- <.>boehm_gc/obj_map.c
  571. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/obj_map.c: boehm_gc/obj_map.c
  572. time -- <.>boehm_gc/obj_map.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  573. make -- <.>boehm_gc/obj_map.c
  574. make -- <.>boehm_gc/obj_map.c
  575. time -- <.>boehm_gc/obj_map.c: unbound
  576. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/obj_map.c
  577. make -- <.>boehm_gc/pcr_interface.c
  578. make -- <.>boehm_gc/pcr_interface.c
  579. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/pcr_interface.c: boehm_gc/pcr_interface.c
  580. time -- <.>boehm_gc/pcr_interface.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  581. make -- <.>boehm_gc/pcr_interface.c
  582. make -- <.>boehm_gc/pcr_interface.c
  583. time -- <.>boehm_gc/pcr_interface.c: unbound
  584. make -- <boehm_gc>config/PCR_StdTypes.h
  585. make -- <boehm_gc>config/PCR_StdTypes.h
  586. bind -- <boehm_gc>config/PCR_StdTypes.h: config/PCR_StdTypes.h
  587. time -- <boehm_gc>config/PCR_StdTypes.h: missing
  588. made stable <boehm_gc>config/PCR_StdTypes.h
  589. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/pcr_interface.c
  590. make -- <.>boehm_gc/blacklst.c
  591. make -- <.>boehm_gc/blacklst.c
  592. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/blacklst.c: boehm_gc/blacklst.c
  593. time -- <.>boehm_gc/blacklst.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  594. make -- <.>boehm_gc/blacklst.c
  595. make -- <.>boehm_gc/blacklst.c
  596. time -- <.>boehm_gc/blacklst.c: unbound
  597. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/blacklst.c
  598. make -- <.>boehm_gc/new_hblk.c
  599. make -- <.>boehm_gc/new_hblk.c
  600. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/new_hblk.c: boehm_gc/new_hblk.c
  601. time -- <.>boehm_gc/new_hblk.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  602. make -- <.>boehm_gc/new_hblk.c
  603. make -- <.>boehm_gc/new_hblk.c
  604. time -- <.>boehm_gc/new_hblk.c: unbound
  605. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/new_hblk.c
  606. make -- <.>boehm_gc/real_malloc.c
  607. make -- <.>boehm_gc/real_malloc.c
  608. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/real_malloc.c: boehm_gc/real_malloc.c
  609. time -- <.>boehm_gc/real_malloc.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  610. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/real_malloc.c
  611. make -- <.>boehm_gc/dyn_load.c
  612. make -- <.>boehm_gc/dyn_load.c
  613. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/dyn_load.c: boehm_gc/dyn_load.c
  614. time -- <.>boehm_gc/dyn_load.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  615. make -- <.>boehm_gc/dyn_load.c
  616. make -- <.>boehm_gc/dyn_load.c
  617. time -- <.>boehm_gc/dyn_load.c: unbound
  618. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/dyn_load.c
  619. make -- <.>boehm_gc/dbg_mlc.c
  620. make -- <.>boehm_gc/dbg_mlc.c
  621. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/dbg_mlc.c: boehm_gc/dbg_mlc.c
  622. time -- <.>boehm_gc/dbg_mlc.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  623. make -- <.>boehm_gc/dbg_mlc.c
  624. make -- <.>boehm_gc/dbg_mlc.c
  625. time -- <.>boehm_gc/dbg_mlc.c: unbound
  626. make -- <boehm_gc>private/dbg_mlc.h
  627. make -- <boehm_gc>private/dbg_mlc.h
  628. bind -- <boehm_gc>private/dbg_mlc.h: private/dbg_mlc.h
  629. time -- <boehm_gc>private/dbg_mlc.h: missing
  630. made stable <boehm_gc>private/dbg_mlc.h
  631. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/dbg_mlc.c
  632. make -- <.>boehm_gc/malloc.c
  633. make -- <.>boehm_gc/malloc.c
  634. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/malloc.c: boehm_gc/malloc.c
  635. time -- <.>boehm_gc/malloc.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  636. make -- <.>boehm_gc/malloc.c
  637. make -- <.>boehm_gc/malloc.c
  638. time -- <.>boehm_gc/malloc.c: unbound
  639. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/malloc.c
  640. make -- <.>boehm_gc/stubborn.c
  641. make -- <.>boehm_gc/stubborn.c
  642. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/stubborn.c: boehm_gc/stubborn.c
  643. time -- <.>boehm_gc/stubborn.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  644. make -- <.>boehm_gc/stubborn.c
  645. make -- <.>boehm_gc/stubborn.c
  646. time -- <.>boehm_gc/stubborn.c: unbound
  647. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/stubborn.c
  648. make -- <.>boehm_gc/checksums.c
  649. make -- <.>boehm_gc/checksums.c
  650. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/checksums.c: boehm_gc/checksums.c
  651. time -- <.>boehm_gc/checksums.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  652. make -- <.>boehm_gc/checksums.c
  653. make -- <.>boehm_gc/checksums.c
  654. time -- <.>boehm_gc/checksums.c: unbound
  655. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/checksums.c
  656. make -- <.>boehm_gc/pthread_support.c
  657. make -- <.>boehm_gc/pthread_support.c
  658. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/pthread_support.c: boehm_gc/pthread_support.c
  659. time -- <.>boehm_gc/pthread_support.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  660. make -- <.>boehm_gc/pthread_support.c
  661. make -- <.>boehm_gc/pthread_support.c
  662. time -- <.>boehm_gc/pthread_support.c: unbound
  663. make -- <boehm_gc>private/pthread_support.h
  664. make -- <boehm_gc>private/pthread_support.h
  665. bind -- <boehm_gc>private/pthread_support.h: private/pthread_support.h
  666. time -- <boehm_gc>private/pthread_support.h: missing
  667. made stable <boehm_gc>private/pthread_support.h
  668. make -- <boehm_gc>gc_inline.h
  669. make -- <boehm_gc>gc_inline.h
  670. bind -- <boehm_gc>gc_inline.h: gc_inline.h
  671. time -- <boehm_gc>gc_inline.h: missing
  672. made stable <boehm_gc>gc_inline.h
  673. make -- <boehm_gc>private/darwin_semaphore.h
  674. make -- <boehm_gc>private/darwin_semaphore.h
  675. bind -- <boehm_gc>private/darwin_semaphore.h: private/darwin_semaphore.h
  676. time -- <boehm_gc>private/darwin_semaphore.h: missing
  677. made stable <boehm_gc>private/darwin_semaphore.h
  678. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/pthread_support.c
  679. make -- <.>boehm_gc/pthread_stop_world.c
  680. make -- <.>boehm_gc/pthread_stop_world.c
  681. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/pthread_stop_world.c: boehm_gc/pthread_stop_world.c
  682. time -- <.>boehm_gc/pthread_stop_world.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  683. make -- <.>boehm_gc/pthread_stop_world.c
  684. make -- <.>boehm_gc/pthread_stop_world.c
  685. time -- <.>boehm_gc/pthread_stop_world.c: unbound
  686. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/pthread_stop_world.c
  687. make -- <.>boehm_gc/darwin_stop_world.c
  688. make -- <.>boehm_gc/darwin_stop_world.c
  689. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/darwin_stop_world.c: boehm_gc/darwin_stop_world.c
  690. time -- <.>boehm_gc/darwin_stop_world.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  691. make -- <.>boehm_gc/darwin_stop_world.c
  692. make -- <.>boehm_gc/darwin_stop_world.c
  693. time -- <.>boehm_gc/darwin_stop_world.c: unbound
  694. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/darwin_stop_world.c
  695. make -- <.>boehm_gc/typd_mlc.c
  696. make -- <.>boehm_gc/typd_mlc.c
  697. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/typd_mlc.c: boehm_gc/typd_mlc.c
  698. time -- <.>boehm_gc/typd_mlc.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  699. make -- <.>boehm_gc/typd_mlc.c
  700. make -- <.>boehm_gc/typd_mlc.c
  701. time -- <.>boehm_gc/typd_mlc.c: unbound
  702. make -- <boehm_gc>gc_typed.h
  703. make -- <boehm_gc>gc_typed.h
  704. bind -- <boehm_gc>gc_typed.h: gc_typed.h
  705. time -- <boehm_gc>gc_typed.h: missing
  706. made stable <boehm_gc>gc_typed.h
  707. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/typd_mlc.c
  708. make -- <.>boehm_gc/ptr_chck.c
  709. make -- <.>boehm_gc/ptr_chck.c
  710. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/ptr_chck.c: boehm_gc/ptr_chck.c
  711. time -- <.>boehm_gc/ptr_chck.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  712. make -- <.>boehm_gc/ptr_chck.c
  713. make -- <.>boehm_gc/ptr_chck.c
  714. time -- <.>boehm_gc/ptr_chck.c: unbound
  715. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/ptr_chck.c
  716. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mallocx.c
  717. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mallocx.c
  718. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/mallocx.c: boehm_gc/mallocx.c
  719. time -- <.>boehm_gc/mallocx.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  720. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mallocx.c
  721. make -- <.>boehm_gc/mallocx.c
  722. time -- <.>boehm_gc/mallocx.c: unbound
  723. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/mallocx.c
  724. make -- <.>boehm_gc/gcj_mlc.c
  725. make -- <.>boehm_gc/gcj_mlc.c
  726. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/gcj_mlc.c: boehm_gc/gcj_mlc.c
  727. time -- <.>boehm_gc/gcj_mlc.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  728. make -- <.>boehm_gc/gcj_mlc.c
  729. make -- <.>boehm_gc/gcj_mlc.c
  730. time -- <.>boehm_gc/gcj_mlc.c: unbound
  731. make -- <boehm_gc>gc_gcj.h
  732. make -- <boehm_gc>gc_gcj.h
  733. bind -- <boehm_gc>gc_gcj.h: gc_gcj.h
  734. time -- <boehm_gc>gc_gcj.h: missing
  735. made stable <boehm_gc>gc_gcj.h
  736. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/gcj_mlc.c
  737. make -- <.>boehm_gc/specific.c
  738. make -- <.>boehm_gc/specific.c
  739. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/specific.c: boehm_gc/specific.c
  740. time -- <.>boehm_gc/specific.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  741. make -- <.>boehm_gc/specific.c
  742. make -- <.>boehm_gc/specific.c
  743. time -- <.>boehm_gc/specific.c: unbound
  744. make -- <boehm_gc>private/thread_local_alloc.h
  745. make -- <boehm_gc>private/thread_local_alloc.h
  746. bind -- <boehm_gc>private/thread_local_alloc.h: private/thread_local_alloc.h
  747. time -- <boehm_gc>private/thread_local_alloc.h: missing
  748. made stable <boehm_gc>private/thread_local_alloc.h
  749. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/specific.c
  750. make -- <.>boehm_gc/gc_dlopen.c
  751. make -- <.>boehm_gc/gc_dlopen.c
  752. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/gc_dlopen.c: boehm_gc/gc_dlopen.c
  753. time -- <.>boehm_gc/gc_dlopen.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  754. make -- <.>boehm_gc/gc_dlopen.c
  755. make -- <.>boehm_gc/gc_dlopen.c
  756. time -- <.>boehm_gc/gc_dlopen.c: unbound
  757. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/gc_dlopen.c
  758. make -- <.>boehm_gc/backgraph.c
  759. make -- <.>boehm_gc/backgraph.c
  760. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/backgraph.c: boehm_gc/backgraph.c
  761. time -- <.>boehm_gc/backgraph.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  762. make -- <.>boehm_gc/backgraph.c
  763. make -- <.>boehm_gc/backgraph.c
  764. time -- <.>boehm_gc/backgraph.c: unbound
  765. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/backgraph.c
  766. make -- <.>boehm_gc/win32_threads.c
  767. make -- <.>boehm_gc/win32_threads.c
  768. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/win32_threads.c: boehm_gc/win32_threads.c
  769. time -- <.>boehm_gc/win32_threads.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:37.000000000 +0000
  770. make -- <.>boehm_gc/win32_threads.c
  771. make -- <.>boehm_gc/win32_threads.c
  772. time -- <.>boehm_gc/win32_threads.c: unbound
  773. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/win32_threads.c
  774. make -- <.>boehm_gc/finalize.c
  775. make -- <.>boehm_gc/finalize.c
  776. bind -- <.>boehm_gc/finalize.c: boehm_gc/finalize.c
  777. time -- <.>boehm_gc/finalize.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  778. make -- <.>boehm_gc/finalize.c
  779. make -- <.>boehm_gc/finalize.c
  780. time -- <.>boehm_gc/finalize.c: unbound
  781. made* newer <.>boehm_gc/finalize.c
  782. make -- <.>duma/duma.c
  783. make -- <.>duma/duma.c
  784. bind -- <.>duma/duma.c: duma/duma.c
  785. time -- <.>duma/duma.c: missing
  786. made stable <.>duma/duma.c
  787. make -- <.>duma/print.c
  788. make -- <.>duma/print.c
  789. bind -- <.>duma/print.c: duma/print.c
  790. time -- <.>duma/print.c: missing
  791. made stable <.>duma/print.c
  792. made* newer mem.c
  793. make -- object.c
  794. make -- object.c
  795. time -- object.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  796. make -- object.c
  797. make -- object.c
  798. time -- object.c: unbound
  799. made* newer object.c
  800. make -- option.c
  801. make -- option.c
  802. time -- option.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  803. make -- option.c
  804. make -- option.c
  805. time -- option.c: unbound
  806. made* newer option.c
  807. make -- output.c
  808. make -- output.c
  809. time -- output.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  810. make -- output.c
  811. make -- output.c
  812. time -- output.c: unbound
  813. made* newer output.c
  814. make -- parse.c
  815. make -- parse.c
  816. time -- parse.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  817. make -- parse.c
  818. make -- parse.c
  819. time -- parse.c: unbound
  820. made* newer parse.c
  821. make -- pathsys.c
  822. make -- pathsys.c
  823. time -- pathsys.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  824. make -- pathsys.c
  825. make -- pathsys.c
  826. time -- pathsys.c: unbound
  827. made* newer pathsys.c
  828. make -- regexp.c
  829. make -- regexp.c
  830. time -- regexp.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  831. make -- regexp.c
  832. make -- regexp.c
  833. time -- regexp.c: unbound
  834. made* newer regexp.c
  835. make -- rules.c
  836. make -- rules.c
  837. time -- rules.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  838. make -- rules.c
  839. make -- rules.c
  840. time -- rules.c: unbound
  841. made* newer rules.c
  842. make -- scan.c
  843. make -- scan.c
  844. time -- scan.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  845. make -- scan.c
  846. make -- scan.c
  847. time -- scan.c: unbound
  848. make -- <.>jambase.h
  849. make -- <.>jambase.h
  850. bind -- <.>jambase.h: jambase.h
  851. time -- <.>jambase.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  852. made* newer <.>jambase.h
  853. make -- <.>jamgram.h
  854. make -- <.>jamgram.h
  855. bind -- <.>jamgram.h: jamgram.h
  856. time -- <.>jamgram.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  857. made* newer <.>jamgram.h
  858. make -- <.>jamgramtab.h
  859. make -- <.>jamgramtab.h
  860. bind -- <.>jamgramtab.h: jamgramtab.h
  861. time -- <.>jamgramtab.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  862. made* newer <.>jamgramtab.h
  863. made* newer scan.c
  864. make -- search.c
  865. make -- search.c
  866. time -- search.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  867. make -- search.c
  868. make -- search.c
  869. time -- search.c: unbound
  870. made* newer search.c
  871. make -- subst.c
  872. make -- subst.c
  873. time -- subst.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  874. make -- subst.c
  875. make -- subst.c
  876. time -- subst.c: unbound
  877. made* newer subst.c
  878. make -- w32_getreg.c
  879. make -- w32_getreg.c
  880. time -- w32_getreg.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  881. make -- w32_getreg.c
  882. make -- w32_getreg.c
  883. time -- w32_getreg.c: unbound
  884. made* newer w32_getreg.c
  885. make -- timestamp.c
  886. make -- timestamp.c
  887. time -- timestamp.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  888. make -- timestamp.c
  889. make -- timestamp.c
  890. time -- timestamp.c: unbound
  891. made* newer timestamp.c
  892. make -- variable.c
  893. make -- variable.c
  894. time -- variable.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  895. make -- variable.c
  896. make -- variable.c
  897. time -- variable.c: unbound
  898. made* newer variable.c
  899. make -- modules.c
  900. make -- modules.c
  901. time -- modules.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  902. make -- modules.c
  903. make -- modules.c
  904. time -- modules.c: unbound
  905. make -- <.>native.h
  906. make -- <.>native.h
  907. bind -- <.>native.h: native.h
  908. time -- <.>native.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  909. make -- <.>native.h
  910. make -- <.>native.h
  911. time -- <.>native.h: unbound
  912. made* newer <.>native.h
  913. made* newer modules.c
  914. make -- strings.c
  915. make -- strings.c
  916. time -- strings.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  917. make -- strings.c
  918. make -- strings.c
  919. time -- strings.c: unbound
  920. made* newer strings.c
  921. make -- filesys.c
  922. make -- filesys.c
  923. time -- filesys.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  924. make -- filesys.c
  925. make -- filesys.c
  926. time -- filesys.c: unbound
  927. made* newer filesys.c
  928. make -- builtins.c
  929. make -- builtins.c
  930. time -- builtins.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  931. make -- builtins.c
  932. make -- builtins.c
  933. time -- builtins.c: unbound
  934. make -- <.>md5.h
  935. make -- <.>md5.h
  936. bind -- <.>md5.h: md5.h
  937. time -- <.>md5.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  938. made* newer <.>md5.h
  939. made* newer builtins.c
  940. make -- pwd.c
  941. make -- pwd.c
  942. time -- pwd.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  943. make -- pwd.c
  944. make -- pwd.c
  945. time -- pwd.c: unbound
  946. made* newer pwd.c
  947. make -- class.c
  948. make -- class.c
  949. time -- class.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  950. make -- class.c
  951. make -- class.c
  952. time -- class.c: unbound
  953. made* newer class.c
  954. make -- native.c
  955. make -- native.c
  956. time -- native.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  957. make -- native.c
  958. make -- native.c
  959. time -- native.c: unbound
  960. made* newer native.c
  961. make -- md5.c
  962. make -- md5.c
  963. time -- md5.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  964. make -- md5.c
  965. make -- md5.c
  966. time -- md5.c: unbound
  967. made* newer md5.c
  968. make -- modules/set.c
  969. make -- modules/set.c
  970. time -- modules/set.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  971. make -- modules/set.c
  972. make -- modules/set.c
  973. time -- modules/set.c: unbound
  974. make -- <modules>../native.h
  975. make -- <modules>../native.h
  976. bind -- <modules>../native.h: modules/../native.h
  977. time -- <modules>../native.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  978. make -- <modules>../native.h
  979. make -- <modules>../native.h
  980. time -- <modules>../native.h: unbound
  981. made* newer <modules>../native.h
  982. make -- <modules>../object.h
  983. make -- <modules>../object.h
  984. bind -- <modules>../object.h: modules/../object.h
  985. time -- <modules>../object.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  986. made* newer <modules>../object.h
  987. made* newer modules/set.c
  988. make -- modules/path.c
  989. make -- modules/path.c
  990. time -- modules/path.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  991. make -- modules/path.c
  992. make -- modules/path.c
  993. time -- modules/path.c: unbound
  994. make -- <modules>../constants.h
  995. make -- <modules>../constants.h
  996. bind -- <modules>../constants.h: modules/../constants.h
  997. time -- <modules>../constants.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  998. make -- <modules>../constants.h
  999. make -- <modules>../constants.h
  1000. time -- <modules>../constants.h: unbound
  1001. made* newer <modules>../constants.h
  1002. make -- <modules>../frames.h
  1003. make -- <modules>../frames.h
  1004. bind -- <modules>../frames.h: modules/../frames.h
  1005. time -- <modules>../frames.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  1006. make -- <modules>../frames.h
  1007. make -- <modules>../frames.h
  1008. time -- <modules>../frames.h: unbound
  1009. made* newer <modules>../frames.h
  1010. make -- <modules>../lists.h
  1011. make -- <modules>../lists.h
  1012. bind -- <modules>../lists.h: modules/../lists.h
  1013. time -- <modules>../lists.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  1014. make -- <modules>../lists.h
  1015. make -- <modules>../lists.h
  1016. time -- <modules>../lists.h: unbound
  1017. made* newer <modules>../lists.h
  1018. make -- <modules>../timestamp.h
  1019. make -- <modules>../timestamp.h
  1020. bind -- <modules>../timestamp.h: modules/../timestamp.h
  1021. time -- <modules>../timestamp.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  1022. make -- <modules>../timestamp.h
  1023. make -- <modules>../timestamp.h
  1024. time -- <modules>../timestamp.h: unbound
  1025. made* newer <modules>../timestamp.h
  1026. made* newer modules/path.c
  1027. make -- modules/regex.c
  1028. make -- modules/regex.c
  1029. time -- modules/regex.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  1030. make -- modules/regex.c
  1031. make -- modules/regex.c
  1032. time -- modules/regex.c: unbound
  1033. make -- <modules>../mem.h
  1034. make -- <modules>../mem.h
  1035. bind -- <modules>../mem.h: modules/../mem.h
  1036. time -- <modules>../mem.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  1037. make -- <modules>../mem.h
  1038. make -- <modules>../mem.h
  1039. time -- <modules>../mem.h: unbound
  1040. made* newer <modules>../mem.h
  1041. make -- <modules>../strings.h
  1042. make -- <modules>../strings.h
  1043. bind -- <modules>../strings.h: modules/../strings.h
  1044. time -- <modules>../strings.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  1045. made* newer <modules>../strings.h
  1046. make -- <modules>../subst.h
  1047. make -- <modules>../subst.h
  1048. bind -- <modules>../subst.h: modules/../subst.h
  1049. time -- <modules>../subst.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  1050. make -- <modules>../subst.h
  1051. make -- <modules>../subst.h
  1052. time -- <modules>../subst.h: unbound
  1053. made* newer <modules>../subst.h
  1054. made* newer modules/regex.c
  1055. make -- modules/property-set.c
  1056. make -- modules/property-set.c
  1057. time -- modules/property-set.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  1058. make -- modules/property-set.c
  1059. make -- modules/property-set.c
  1060. time -- modules/property-set.c: unbound
  1061. make -- <modules>../compile.h
  1062. make -- <modules>../compile.h
  1063. bind -- <modules>../compile.h: modules/../compile.h
  1064. time -- <modules>../compile.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  1065. make -- <modules>../compile.h
  1066. make -- <modules>../compile.h
  1067. time -- <modules>../compile.h: unbound
  1068. made* newer <modules>../compile.h
  1069. make -- <modules>../variable.h
  1070. make -- <modules>../variable.h
  1071. bind -- <modules>../variable.h: modules/../variable.h
  1072. time -- <modules>../variable.h: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  1073. make -- <modules>../variable.h
  1074. make -- <modules>../variable.h
  1075. time -- <modules>../variable.h: unbound
  1076. made* newer <modules>../variable.h
  1077. made* newer modules/property-set.c
  1078. make -- modules/sequence.c
  1079. make -- modules/sequence.c
  1080. time -- modules/sequence.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  1081. make -- modules/sequence.c
  1082. make -- modules/sequence.c
  1083. time -- modules/sequence.c: unbound
  1084. made* newer modules/sequence.c
  1085. make -- modules/order.c
  1086. make -- modules/order.c
  1087. time -- modules/order.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  1088. make -- modules/order.c
  1089. make -- modules/order.c
  1090. time -- modules/order.c: unbound
  1091. made* newer modules/order.c
  1092. make -- execunix.c
  1093. make -- execunix.c
  1094. time -- execunix.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:38.000000000 +0000
  1095. make -- execunix.c
  1096. make -- execunix.c
  1097. time -- execunix.c: unbound
  1098. made* newer execunix.c
  1099. make -- fileunix.c
  1100. make -- fileunix.c
  1101. time -- fileunix.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  1102. make -- fileunix.c
  1103. make -- fileunix.c
  1104. time -- fileunix.c: unbound
  1105. made* newer fileunix.c
  1106. make -- pathunix.c
  1107. make -- pathunix.c
  1108. time -- pathunix.c: 2012-08-29 13:02:36.000000000 +0000
  1109. make -- pathunix.c
  1110. make -- pathunix.c
  1111. time -- pathunix.c: unbound
  1112. made* newer pathunix.c
  1113. made+ missing b2
  1114. make -- bjam
  1115. make -- bjam
  1116. bind -- bjam: bin.linuxx86_64.debug/bjam
  1117. time -- bjam: missing
  1118. made+ update bjam
  1119. made update all
  1120. ...found 160 targets...
  1121. ...updating 4 targets...
  1122. [COMPILE] bin.linuxx86_64.debug/yyacc
  1124. "gcc" -o bin.linuxx86_64.debug/yyacc "-DOPT_HEADER_CACHE_EXT" "-DOPT_GRAPH_DEBUG_EXT" "-DOPT_SEMAPHORE" "-DOPT_AT_FILES" "-DOPT_DEBUG_PROFILE" "-DOPT_FIX_TARGET_VARIABLES_EXT" "-DOPT_IMPROVED_PATIENCE_EXT" "-DYYSTACKSIZE=5000" "-DBJAM_NEWSTR_NO_ALLOCATE" "-pedantic" "-fno-strict-aliasing" "-g" "-O0" "-fno-inline" "-Wno-long-long" "yyacc.c"
  1126. [COMPILE] bin.linuxx86_64.debug/mkjambase
  1128. "gcc" -o bin.linuxx86_64.debug/mkjambase "-DOPT_HEADER_CACHE_EXT" "-DOPT_GRAPH_DEBUG_EXT" "-DOPT_SEMAPHORE" "-DOPT_AT_FILES" "-DOPT_DEBUG_PROFILE" "-DOPT_FIX_TARGET_VARIABLES_EXT" "-DOPT_IMPROVED_PATIENCE_EXT" "-DYYSTACKSIZE=5000" "-DBJAM_NEWSTR_NO_ALLOCATE" "-pedantic" "-fno-strict-aliasing" "-g" "-O0" "-fno-inline" "-Wno-long-long" "mkjambase.c"
  1130. [COMPILE] bin.linuxx86_64.debug/b2
  1132. "gcc" -o bin.linuxx86_64.debug/b2 "-DOPT_HEADER_CACHE_EXT" "-DOPT_GRAPH_DEBUG_EXT" "-DOPT_SEMAPHORE" "-DOPT_AT_FILES" "-DOPT_DEBUG_PROFILE" "-DOPT_FIX_TARGET_VARIABLES_EXT" "-DOPT_IMPROVED_PATIENCE_EXT" "-DYYSTACKSIZE=5000" "-DBJAM_NEWSTR_NO_ALLOCATE" "-pedantic" "-fno-strict-aliasing" "-g" "-O0" "-fno-inline" "-Wno-long-long" "command.c" "compile.c" "constants.c" "debug.c" "execcmd.c" "frames.c" "function.c" "glob.c" "hash.c" "hcache.c" "headers.c" "hdrmacro.c" "jam.c" "jambase.c" "jamgram.c" "lists.c" "make.c" "make1.c" "mem.c" "object.c" "option.c" "output.c" "parse.c" "pathsys.c" "regexp.c" "rules.c" "scan.c" "search.c" "subst.c" "w32_getreg.c" "timestamp.c" "variable.c" "modules.c" "strings.c" "filesys.c" "builtins.c" "pwd.c" "class.c" "native.c" "md5.c" "modules/set.c" "modules/path.c" "modules/regex.c" "modules/property-set.c" "modules/sequence.c" "modules/order.c" "execunix.c" "fileunix.c" "pathunix.c"
  1134. [COPY] bin.linuxx86_64.debug/bjam
  1136. cp -Rpf "bin.linuxx86_64.debug/b2" "bin.linuxx86_64.debug/bjam"
  1138. ...updated 4 targets...
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