

Mar 20th, 2019
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  1. -ˏˋ ECHO ˊˎ-
  2. ❝ we’re too young to only get hurt ❞
  5. ..⃗. USERNAME ― cosmicshua
  7. ..⃗. NAME― ji haeseung
  9. ..⃗. NICKNAMES ―
  10. Fake emo ; having no friends didn’t really help haeseung when kids at his school would call him this. He would usually spend time looking down and just sad, but when haeseung smiled it was so gummy and bright that along with his dimple, people didn’t think he deserved to just be called emo but a fake emo.
  11. haehae ; he absolutely hates his name, it was something his mom would call him when hae seung was about 1-3 years old, and loathes anyone who dares to call him that.
  14. ..⃗. BIRTHDAY ― 9.08.02
  19. -ˏˋ HELLEVATOR ˊˎ-
  20. ❝ i’ll be somebody’s clown even if i make it through ❞
  23. ..⃗. NATIONALITY ― korean
  25. ..⃗. BIRTHPLACE ― incheon, south korea
  27. ..⃗. HEIGHT ― 172 cm, still growing
  29. ..⃗. WEIGHT ― 50 kg
  34. -ˏˋ A LIE ˊˎ-
  35. ❝ i’ve only said scarring words and turned around ❞
  38. ..⃗. TRIVIA ―
  39. 。he played soccer for about seven years before his mom pulled him out
  40. 。he’s allergic to latex
  41. 。he would love to get a tattoo on his right forearm
  42. 。haeseung would’ve become an author if he didn’t debut
  43. 。can pop his left thumb in and out of place but not his right thumb
  44. 。knows how to cook fairly well, he had to learn at one point, everytime he cooks he doesn’t trust himself enough that he won’t burn down the whole kitchen
  45. 。he tried to write lyrics one time but he thought they sucked ass
  46. 。has an unnatural sleeping pattern, don’t ask why, he just can’t sleep at the same time no matter how hard he tries
  47. 。he has a very high metabolism
  51. ..⃗. LIKES ―
  52. 。he enjoys melodic rap
  53. 。the colour yellow
  54. 。honey milk tea
  55. 。red bean bingsoo
  56. 。prefers shorts over pants
  57. 。smoking at night
  58. 。loves the coffee flavoured esse cigs, no matter if they’re supposed to be for “girls”
  59. 。dirty humour
  60. 。loves artificial strawberry flavoured things
  64. ..⃗. DISLIKES ―
  65. 。hates boiled eggs, probably because of the foot smell and awful texture
  66. 。facing backwards on the subway
  67. 。fine sand beaches
  68. 。heights
  69. 。people who start conversation in a public place, especially on public transit or in a line up
  70. 。noisy children
  71. 。people telling him to do stuff
  76. -ˏˋ DISTRICT 9 ˊˎ-
  77. ❝ they just look us as a bunch of trouble makers
  78. it won’t be an easy one to change their views ❞
  81. ..⃗. FACE CLAIM ― verivery’s hoyoung
  83. ..⃗. BACKUP ― dongkiz’ park jaechan
  88. -ˏˋ MY SIDE ˊˎ-
  89. ❝ we’re frustrated as we can’t see the road ❞
  92. ..⃗. STAGE NAME ― haeseung
  93. honestly I’m bad at stage names so if you want you can use seunghae has his stage name if you really wanted a stage name for him
  95. ..⃗. INTRODUCTION ― your very own, hi i am haeseung!
  102. -ˏˋ AS A STAR ˊˎ-
  103. ❝ seeing how there’s a star right in front of me
  104. that means i’m also a bright star somewhere ❞
  111. ..⃗. PERSONALITY ―
  112. Ji haeseung is honestly more than a simple introvert, as cheesy as that may sound it’s completely true. Because of having parents who didn’t particularly spend time with him or show any sort of affection it kind of messed with head as he was growing up. As a younger child he tried to tell himself that his parents cared for him once he found out that most parents usually don’t leave their sons or daughters alone for more than 24 hours. As soon as he stopped believing the words he would tell himself every night he just shut himself from anyone just like how his parents would just themselves towards haeseung.
  113. For those reasons, he wouldn’t care to have friends are doesn’t care if he doesn’t have friends. If haeseung fails to ignore human interaction, he’s reserved and usually his mind isn’t on the topic of the conversation, you could think of him as a skilled daydreamer. Despite barely knowing anyone beyond their first and last name, he’s very self conscious about himself, and no matter how much he loves the waves of warmth and pretty taste he experiences when he smokes he hates that he loves it so much. As a child he was enrolled in soccer lessons when he was four and did it up until eleven, the only thing his mom would actually did for haeseung because she would always complain about her son being so quiet and not going out more. He loved soccer and it was one of the few things that brought a smile to his face when he was younger but his mom made him quit the team right before the next season started, she said that they were tight on money but haeseung overheard them arguing about who was to drop him off or pick him up.
  114. When haeseung talks to people, he’s always drifting off unless it’s something that really boosts his interest, he’s fully engaged. His eyes seem to glow with curiosity and just everlasting interest. He’s been told by peers to smile more since his smile is probably one of the wonders of the world but being hae seung he would ignore them and smile less. Haeseung is sensitive to other’s own words, but he hides it well, only bawling out his tears when he’s along, he doesn’t know this but he can also cry with someone he trusts.
  115. Now this may be the nicotine in him but he’s very addictive to something and stubborn about others, if he finds one thing he likes he’ll stick to it like actual superglue and won’t let go. If someone tells him to stop doing something, he’ll do it more and would love to see the reaction of that person when he continues. But there are a few sides haeseung has that he doesn’t even know himself. He loves to laugh and he laughs at the most stupidest things, but most especially at inappropriate jokes. In retrospect, ji haeseung is full of different surprises that he himself doesn’t even know he holds.
  119. ..⃗. BACKGROUND ―
  120. To haeseung, hearing kids complain about their parents felt like someone hit him in the head with a million pieces of sharp glass. It was like they were saying “my parents take care of me enough that I can complain about them, I see them enough so I can complain about how much they care about me”. From the moment he could say his ABC’s or count to twenty, he knew his parents were just too busy for him. When he would hear kids at school talk about their weekends spent with their moms and dads, haeseung would just say his parents were busy. He excused the fact that his parents cared too much about their job than haeseung himself, he still wanted to feel loved.
  121. His mother and father were both equally wealthy, his dad being one of south korea’s best orthodontists and his mother being an assistant surgeon, their family was far off from being needy or poor. Haesung grew up in a large house full of rooms that just held millions and millions of things, usually wondering mindlessly through the halls of the home that was isolated from the major city and small studio dorms.
  122. Haeseung prided himself in his writing ability, he loved the way words would describe a situation more easily than anything, words were his own therapy. His writing teacher found out about the gift haeseung had and tried to get closer to haeseung about his writing skill but he blocked out all the words of praise from the teacher for his parents own abandonment said that he wasn’t worth to love. Kids were amazed from haeseung’s own skills at school and thought he was friendship worthy, but haeseung had a wall in his mind that blocked out any form of love, he didn’t deserve to be cherished, he didn’t want to associate it nor did he want it. It was now that Haeseung was twelve and wandering among the empty house looking for a pen, this house is so damn big and my parents are god-fucking doctors why can’t there be any pens, when he stumbled into his father’s office.
  123. It smelt like his father; a clean dentist office, mint, pages of worn out books, sanitizing liquid, and something only hae seung could smell: ignorance. The tall walls were lined with his father showing off his doctors certificates and framed pictures or letters that haeseung didn’t give a shit for since he was born into the family. He silently walked over to the desk, his boney feet pushing into the plush carpet with each stride, as he opened the door a new scent emerged, something sharp with the slightest bit of sour notes, haeseung wasn;t stupid, his father smoked but he had never seen him actually do it or actually smell it on him. God, did dad really blow smoke into the drawer like a damn pussy? His eyes scanned the small wooden drawer and he found a pen next to a box labeled “Esse”. They were slims and haeseung laughed to himself, he smokes cigarettes marketed towards women what a damn fool. He grabbed the pen with a grin on his face and stopped to pick up the half empty back of cigs, he paused to look at the pack and waited for someone to suddenly burst through the tall windows behind him and yell a loud “STOP WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!” but it never happened. Haeseung was a fool to think like that. He pocketed the cigarettes in the back of his jeans and covered it with his long graphic tee thinking it would give some sort of coverage.
  124. As hae seung slipped on the glossy wooden floor he made his way to the kitchen to find a half empty white lighter and pocketed it too. Haeseung glanced to the clock on the wall, 5:46, and just whispered a fuck it, looks like his parents were doing overtime. He belted up the stairs to his room and placed the long forgotten pen on his unfinished homework, it was the cigarettes showtime now. He opened up the window above his desk and sat down on his papers. He pulled the box and lighter out from his pocket and took one of the slims, placed it on the tip of his lips and lit the lighter. He puffed in, and almost instantly had a fit of coughs. But after he stopped coughing, haeseung pulled in for another and felt something that he didn’t feel before, (well technically he still coughed but this was much better)
  125. The flavour dripped into his mouth like sweet honey and it tasted like how it smelt, acrid but this time a little sweeter and more pleasurable. He puffed out and the taste was awful, but something in his mind was telling him to do it again, and so he did. This time it felt like it went straight to his head, he felt dizzy but a good kind of dizzy. He loved the aromatic taste on his breath and the feeling of floating, he pulled in for another, his indurance was taking charge and every time he pulled in for more his coughs died down. He was left with a stub in no time and groaned, he knew he smelt bad and he felt bad, but he would describe the first few moments of some sort of euphoria entering him. The time where he felt warmth enter his body and the pretty flavor that danced in his head and mouth were almost so amazing it felt unreal. He thought about lighting another one but realized that he didn’t know the next time he would get some more of the blessed slims.
  126. The routine would carry on, after school haeseung would take a quick puff of one and quickly try to air out his room, too scared to try to smoke outside and be seen. He was on edge at school, constantly fidgeting and waiting for the dreaded day to end so he would have his chance to inhale something. His writing teacher looked at him even more wildly than ever now a days, always trying to look haeseong in the eye when he was being extra fidgety. What’s her fucking problem? Does she have anything else better to do then stare at twelve year old boys, goddamn, woman. She made an announcement the next morning that she were going to smell everyone’s uniforms because of health concerns and she was concerned about what they were doing outside of school. Haeseung wasn’t paying any bit of attention to the woman’s words, just waiting for the ticking clock to announce that the long day was over. She came around to Haeseung and almost looked horrified. She sat down without checking the rest of the students and didn’t speak for the rest of the class.
  127. The next morning at school he was called to the office and to his surprise his parents were there. He was told to sit down and they asked him the big question: if he was smoking on the regular. Of course, he denied the accusations but his father grabbed the back of his collar and pushed haeseung so hard the chair he was sitting in fell to the ground with a loud slam. A woman screamed but he knew it wasn’t his mother, how did he know it wasn’t his mother? Because he already could tell she was getting ready to leave. His father spoke gruff to the principal and teacher, saying they were going to transfer haeseung to a boarding school by next week for haeseung to heal. But the thing was, he didn’t call haeseung by his name but by words a father should never call their son.
  129. ..⃗. FAMILY ― name/age/relation/how close are they on a scale of 1-10
  130. Ji TaeKyo / 49 / mother / 1/10
  131. Ji Beomjoon / 50 / father / 1/10
  136. -ˏˋ I’M OK ˊˎ-
  137. ❝ even though i’m better off by myself, loneliness hits me from time to time ❞
  141. 。ORIGINAL ; pities him for having unsupportive parents and sort of relates to him, silently knowing that addiction is hard
  142. 。CAT'S WALTZ ; wonders what kind of art he does, thinks he's pretty badass but won't say that outloud
  143. 。86400 ; very skeptical, wonders why the company would even debut him. stays away from him more than the other members
  144. 。FIFTY FIFTY ; jealous of even having a father that probably has never layed a hand on him, gives silent props to him for being so kind and caring
  145. 。 COMEPLETE ; doesn't really mind that he has a kid because he seems responsible and loving enough, kinda just stares at complete and freaks the latter out
  146. 。INCOMPLETE ; realizes it's that kid on the news who his parents always tsked at whenever he came up, kinda gapes at him but slowly starts to really really like him
  147. 。FLY ME TO THE MOON ; finds him cute, and silently acconowledges his courage for apologozing but stays away because he reminds him of his old classmates
  148. 。FIRE & ICE ; thinks he's cute just because he's the youngest, i mean what do you expect? he's the youngest. but also relates to him silently (just like he does to everyone else) when his parents didn't care and just shipped him off to wherever.
  152. ..⃗. RELATIONS ―
  153. 。ORIGINAL ; thinks he's super cool, and a pretty good leader, thinking about talking to him more about addiction
  154. 。CAT'S WALTZ ; appricates his art and determenation, called him badass outloud and stayed quiet for the rest of the day
  155. 。86400 ; will actaully beat up the girl who caused the accusations on him and will support him even if he has to talk to people about this girl (read: snake)
  156. 。FIFTY FIFTY ; thinking about taking some money from his parents to give to fifty fifty for his dad
  157. 。 COMEPLETE ; really wants to meet his son and will actually probably (not) ask if he could meet the son, if he already has then that will probably be the most amount of time where haeseung smiles
  158. 。INCOMPLETE ; he's super close to him and they're practically friends, but haeseung is too scared to offically declare him as his friend, loves to laugh and talk with him
  159. 。FLY ME TO THE MOON ; still thinks he's like his old classmates but doesn't mind and thinks he's pretty cool for apologizing
  160. 。FIRE & ICE ; still thinks he's cute and thinks that FLY ME TO THE MOON and him are cute together
  164. they both know how it feels it be shut away from rich ass parents and surprisingly haeseung is comfortable with him, not nessarily the most comfortable but haeseung comfortable, ya feel? he walks into their shared room to find a wasted INCOMPLETE and sorta helps him out, he smokes a bit and they both kinda laugh and hit it off. they drink and smoke together during free time, and haeseung doesn't feel that weird to be around him regularly anymore. with their shared time they slowly become closer through the smell of hard liquor and sweet ciggarettes. haeseung doesn't know that their relationship is basically a friendship relationship, but everytime haeseung thinks about it he brushes it off with "just coworkers"
  169. -ˏˋ WALKIN’ IN TIME ˊˎ-
  170. ❝ i don’t even smile that often anymore ❞
  172. ..⃗. GROUP INTRODUCTION ― free to be us, free to be you, hello we are freedom!
  174. ..⃗. TRACKS ―
  175. 。most stray kids tracks esp : question, voices, insomnia, 0325
  176. 。prada - jooyoung and ph-1 > two members duo
  177. 。sunrise - jb > single member tracks, if they could all go a single track or something but that might be too much
  178. 。cupid - ph-1 > this is all in english, so if theres a foregin member
  179. 。cherry bomb - nct127 ot9
  180. 。monster - exo
  184. ..⃗. VARIETY ―
  185. 。weekly idol
  186. 。knowing bros
  187. 。return of superman - like something that exo did, but it might be a bit problematic thinking that the group isn't loved my netizens
  188. 。possibly their own reality show?
  191. ..⃗. VARIETY PT. 2 ―
  192. 。definantly something along with verivery or oneus
  193. 。^ such as appearing on weekly idol with rookie groups
  198. -ˏˋ HALF MOON ˊˎ-
  199. ❝ looking at the same ceiling
  200. why do i feel so empty ❞
  203. ..⃗. PASSWORD ― YAYAYA - skz, onf, mxm
  205. ..⃗. OTHER ― nope uwu
  207. ..⃗. MESSAGE TO ME ― hi i’m zoë and i hope my long ass background didn’t turn you off from my form :))
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