
Friendship was Unexpected: Part 1: Living in the Dark

Jan 21st, 2019
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  1. >Your name is Twilight Sparkle
  2. >Currently, you are enrolled in the prestigious Crystal Prep academy
  3. >Additionally, you also have the highest marks in every single class you've attended
  4. >You've even enrolled yourself in some that aren't even taught anymore, as extra curricular learning
  5. >That took some doing, but luckily the curriculum were just filed away, waiting for someone to dig them up and enjoy all that sweet, sweet learning.
  6. >But that's neither here nor there
  7. >Wherever here is
  8. >Which is starting to look like a very real question that needs to be answered
  9. "E-er..." It is hard to bring to mind any kind of real words to react to what you are seeing at the moment.
  10. >No amount of learning could have prepared you for this
  11. >Sugarcoat, Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, Sunny Flare, and Sour Sweet are all watching you, without any glares, scowls, or even smirks
  12. >Your five bullies from the past ten or so years
  13. >And they are expecting a reply
  14. >"Twi...? You okay, fam?" Lemon Zest repeats herself in a slow, calm tone, making sure her music was turned down a notch lower than the lowest you had ever heard it so she can hear you
  15. >Your name is Twilight Sparkle, and you are very, very confused.
  17. >Earlier that day
  18. >7:35 AM
  19. >You're late for school
  20. >Technically, you're late for being early to school
  21. >Being early keeps you from encountering anyone who...
  22. >Well anyone who attends Crystal Prep, honestly
  23. >Unless a new, amiable person transfers today, you don't really want to interact with anyone right now
  24. >That said, you find yourself in the peculiar situation of dressing, eating, grooming, and running down the sidewalk at the same time
  25. >For some reason, your alarm clock was turned off, and your cell phone was unplugged and dead, leaving you with no feasible means of waking up on time
  26. >You didn't even bother making breakfast, opting for a manageable, on the go friendly apple
  27. >It takes you until fifteen minutes of sweaty half-jogging, half-limping for your dazed mind to process that you could have asked your BBBFF (big brother best friend forever :) ) for a ride to school
  28. >You noticed his car out on the curb but paid it no mind in your rush
  29. >With a pant, you look at your watch
  30. >7:52
  31. >Looking up past your wrist, you see the outline of Crystal Prep Academy
  32. >Five minutes away
  33. >Still technically early, but most of the student body would already be entering the front doors by the time you arrived
  34. >Darn
  35. >With a sigh, you straighten up your hair one more time, making sure the stray hairs are all recollected and wound into your bun
  36. >You slowly curl your fingers around the straps of your backpack and trudge forward, easing your breathing a bit, but feeling it rise again for a completely different reason
  37. >Luckily you don't have class until second period. Free study and all...
  38. >Then you don't have class with any of the particularly rowdy or... Ehm, careless students you know until fourth period
  39. >You can do this
  40. >Just get through another week, Twilight
  41. >Start with another Monday at Crystal Prep Academy
  43. >Keeping your head down, you avoid catching the other students' gazes or attention as best you can
  44. >Not many are here just yet, but enough to give you a reason to make yourself as inconspicuous as possible
  45. >As quickly as you can, you walk to your locker, ignoring everyone around you as you do so
  46. >Hopefully they will do the same, and you can get through another day in peace
  47. >Placing your hand on your locker, you take a steadying breath
  48. >Twist
  49. >Twist
  50. >Twist
  51. >Click, locker's open
  52. >You deposit your books and notebooks and pens exactly the way you like, and begin filling your backpack with the correct books and tools needed until you will return after lun-
  53. >"Good morning Twilight Sparkle, I can see and smell that you ran here. That's unfortunate. Did you sleep in or did your phone's alarm malfunction again?"
  54. >You flinch so hard that you drop your text book to the ground along with three pens and a notebook
  55. >You gulp, your breath catching in your throat
  56. >That monotone voice...
  57. >Without looking, you hear a huff and some shuffling
  58. >You turn slightly and see your locker door opened further, Sugarcoat standing there with your school supplies in one hand and the door in the other
  59. >She's giving you her usual blank stare
  60. >And she's holding out your stuff to you
  61. >You gulp and look from her face to the books then back again
  62. >"Twilight Sparkle."
  63. >You flinch at the abrupt name drop
  64. >"Twilight Sparkle?"
  65. >You gulp
  66. "Y-yes, Sugarcoat?"
  67. >Sugarcoat stares at you and your school supplies bob in her hand
  68. >"You dropped these. You should be careful, next time you might end up dropping something more important into a place you can't retrieve it from which would be unfortunate to say the least."
  69. >You blink and look down at your stuff, grasping it in both hands.
  70. >You fight the urge to whimper as you look back into your locker, head tilted downward
  71. "Th-thank y-you, Sugarcoat."
  72. >There's only silence until you hear the locker next to you opening and its contents being rifled through
  73. >You glance over and find Sugarcoat still there
  74. >Which is weird since her locker is nowhere near yours
  75. >The air is caught in your throat as it dawns on you that Sugarcoat isn't here to terrorize you
  76. >Instead it seems like she was doing something to that poor student's locker
  77. >That's unfortunate for whoever it belongs to but...
  78. >Fortunate for you that you get one peaceful day
  79. >...
  80. >No, that's not right.
  81. >Sighing, you rub your forehead. You shouldn't take joy in other's misfortune, no matter how good it is for you
  82. >"Twilight."
  83. >You flinch again, gripping your stuff tighter this time
  84. >A gulp, followed by a glance and you're face to face with Sugarcoat again
  85. >She's staring, unblinking
  86. "Y-yes?"
  87. >She turns to face you fully, slinging her backpack onto her shoulder.
  88. >"Can I borrow your lab notes? I forgot to bring my chemistry notebook to class on Friday because I was preoccupied Thursday night studying for a calculus test."
  89. "O-oh, um... Sure."
  90. >You turn to your locker and grab your chemistry notebook, handing it to her.
  91. >She nods and slides it into her backpack. "Thank you, Twilight. Professor Bond told me since we are friends that he would allow me to copy your notes as is without suspecting any cheating, which is good because we both know how suspicious he is about cheating students."
  92. >You slowly nod.
  93. >Professor Ionic Bond. Right, you're in his chemistry class this year
  94. >But Sugarcoat isn't
  95. >As your mind drifts off, Sugarcoat tilts her head
  96. >"Twilight."
  97. >Another twitch, and you're back to reality
  98. "Y-yes?"
  99. >Sugarcoat leans in a little. "Are you okay? You seem nervous, which isn't unlike you, but it is unlike you to be nervous around me, at least as far as I've been able to surmise from past experiences."
  100. >To further punctuate or just make you nervous, she takes a hard step toward you, causing you to slink further away, almost cramming yourself into your locker
  101. >You shake your head and look down, turning back to your locker.
  102. "N-no. I'm f-fine."
  103. >Sugarcoat was out of your sight, but you could hear her distinct heavy footsteps as she backed away.
  104. >All you could hear was a thoughtful humming and then the sound of the locker next to you being shut.
  105. >"Okay. If you want to talk about it you know full well you can always talk to me or the others anytime. That was the purpose of my giving you my number."
  106. >With that, she just walked away.
  107. >You shiver and hold your head.
  108. >Was she being nice to you?
  109. >Can Sugarcoat be nice?
  110. >You sigh and set your head against the back wall of your locker.
  111. >Maybe Cadence can help you figure it out. She's always been so supportive.
  112. >Even though she can be busy sometimes.
  113. >A smile forms as you think of her. Being dean of Crystal Prep could be hard, but she and your brother always made time for you.
  114. >Still smiling, you stand upright and make sure no one's looking.
  115. >The hall is clear except for...
  116. >Lemon Zest, who is sitting on a window sill, blowing bubbles. You just now realize you can hear her music.
  117. >You stiffly turn back to your locker and look up, smiling again.
  118. >There's a picture you drew when you were in first grade. Its of you, Shining Armor, and Cadence, all in crayon and poorly done up.
  119. >You allow yourself a moment to enjoy the warm feeling in your chest before closing your locker.
  120. >Your smile drops however, as soon as you turn around.
  121. >There is Lemon Zest, standing over you. She has her fists on her hips, which are swaying so very slightly
  122. >Her music almost totally silent, only the bass-heavier notes escaping her tangled green mane and invading your personal space
  126. >You avert your gaze.
  127. "H-h-hi..." Your voice comes out as a whimper, and you hate yourself for it. You gulp and close your eyes. "Lemon."
  128. >She probably wants some money for lunch, or an album, or just to hit you for fun.
  129. >"Sup, fam!"
  130. >You reach into your pocket, rummaging for your wallet
  131. >Your breath catches when you realize you left it on your dresser.
  132. "I-i-i d-don't have any m-money, Lemon." You peek up at her.
  133. >Her brow furrows, and she tilts her head.
  134. >With a sigh, she reaches behind her
  135. >You flinch.
  136. >Monday
  137. >Starting off with a Lemon Tart for breakfast
  138. >"How much ya need, fam?"
  139. >You pant, and feel a cold sweat roll over you
  140. >Looking up, you see Lemon is digging through her wallet, tongue peeled over her upper lip.
  141. >"I got like a hundred on me, but its only in big bills. That cool, Twi-fam?"
  142. >She meets your gaze and gives you a huge, toothy grin.
  143. "U-um." You look away.
  144. >What is happening?
  145. >"You kay, fam?"
  146. >The way she talks, and how she's carrying herself, that... Sisterly way she inflects on everything she's doing
  147. >What happened to the bruiser from Friday?
  148. >You take a deep breath and then shudder.
  149. "Y-yeah."
  150. >You flinch when you feel a warm hand on your shoulder. You look up and see those lively yellow eyes and that big grin
  151. >"Good. I know you get like anxiety and shit sometimes. Whatevs bugging you, you know you got me, aight fam?"
  152. >She slips a twenty into your breast pocket and waves as she walks off.
  153. >You almost go to say something, but as soon as she gets five feet from you, she reaches up to her headphones and cranks up the dial to deafening levels
  154. >What is happening?
  156. >First period
  157. >8:30
  158. >Checking your watch, you confirm the time once more
  159. >It isn't even noon yet and your world has kind of flipped upside down on you
  160. >Two of the five girls who loved making you miserable are acting strange
  161. >Friendly almost, but still like themselves?
  162. >Sort of?
  163. >Sugarcoat was rudely talking over you, but she sounded concerned for you and didn't ignore what you said like usual
  164. >Lemon Zest didn't punch you in the gut so that's nice
  165. >Didn't eat a lemon tart for breakfast
  166. >Regardless of weirdness, not eating a tart is always a plus
  167. >...
  168. >Sliding into your seat at your open study period, you notice something's off about the class room
  169. >More people than usual
  170. >"Hello, ma chérie~"
  171. >You pause
  172. >That singing voice
  173. >Turning, you see Sunny Flare, who is giving you the smallest smile, sliding into the seat next to you
  174. >After depositing some books onto her desk, she turns back to you again
  175. >"So? How has your morning been?"
  176. >She speaks slow, and with a sweet undercurrent to every word
  177. "U-um..." You rub the back of your neck. "I w-woke up l-late."
  178. >Looking her in the eye, you notice her jut out her lower lip and put her hand to her heart.
  179. >"Poor baby!" She reaches out and faintly holds your shoulder. Her hands are cold, but not icy cold. "You should have called me, I would have had dear Turnover come to fetch you on my way to school~"
  180. >She almost looks like she's going to tear up any second
  181. >Everyone's so weird
  182. >What is happening to your life, why does Sunny Flare even care about you at all?
  183. >You put on a fake smile, resisting the urge to bite your lip
  184. "O-oh I d-don't know." You give her a chuckle and pat her hand which recedes. "I-I really sh-should ask f-for more help th-these days." You gulp. "A-after all, w-we have b-been f-friends for h-how long?"
  185. >She starts at the question, her mouth rounding out into an O.
  186. >Putting a manicured finger to her chin, she hums a soft tune. "Hm~!"
  187. >She closes one eye and then splays out her hand when she's visibly struck with the answer. "It must be ten years now~! My how time flies~"
  188. >You have to admit, you appreciate how she can sing everything she says without being annoying yet
  189. >You nod, taking in the information.
  190. "Y-yeah. Y-y-you're a g-good friend, F-F-F-Flare." You turn your head so she can't see you blush.
  191. >That is the last thing you thought you'd ever say to Sunny Flare
  192. >Lying hurts, but Sunny has lied about you before in the form of gossip
  193. >Well, not this Sunny, but
  194. >The other one
  195. >From Friday
  196. >And before Friday
  197. >You feel a chilly finger under your chin and almost flinch as Sunny pulls your head to face her
  198. >She's smiling, her eyes starting to mist up
  199. >"Do you really, really mean that, ma petite?" She bites her lip, and you notice that a soft purple blush has formed in her cheeks.
  200. >The air gets caught in your throat at the sight.
  201. "U-uhm. U-uh. Y-y-y-y-y..." You close your eyes and tremble.
  202. >This is too much.
  203. >"Sunny!"
  204. >You fall out of your chair with a strangled shriek.
  205. >Sunny catches you
  206. >Someone else grabs you under your arms and hoists you up onto your feet. With a shaky hand, you grab your desk for support
  207. >Whoever it is, is still holding you by the hips
  208. >You look over your shoulder and see a big arrogant grin
  209. >Gaudy goggles with some blue hair coming out from under them
  210. >Piercing yellow eyes- Its Indigo
  211. >Indigo Zap is probably your friend too, so you give her a shaky smile
  212. >"Hey bae, Sunny fucking with your head again?"
  213. >You give her a quick nod. "S-s-sorry." You look back down at Sunny, who's dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief.
  214. "I-I didn't m-mean to-"
  215. >You feel a knuckle against your head as Indigo chuckles. "Don't be sorry, it's Sunny's fault."
  216. >Indigo slides a hand around your shoulder, leaning closer to Sunny. "Ain't that right? You know Twi gets nervous easy, don'tcha, Sunny?"
  217. >Sunny frowns and crosses her arms. She turns away and turns her nose up. "That would be Flare~, or Sunny Flare to you~, Indigo Zap~!."
  218. >Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Indigo's smirk twitch into a sneer.
  219. >"Not even halfway through first period and you're already giving me shit, huh."
  220. >Sunny just rolls her head to look Indigo in the eye with one of the cold glares you are so so used to seeing
  221. >You gulp as it dawns on you that you're so much used to seeing that look in Sunny's eye that it doesn't even faze you
  222. >You've seen worse from her.
  223. >Indigo however, tenses up visibly at the gaze
  224. >The balls of her fingers are squeezing gently into your shoulder, and there is a tremble going through her hand
  225. >Your breath hastens as you make another realization
  226. >This isn't a simple argument
  227. >Sunny Flare and Indigo Zap genuinely don't like each other
  228. >Why?
  229. >WhatIsHappening.png
  230. >You hope this works
  231. >You clear your throat, and both girls turn their attention to you
  232. >Sunny looks sunnier, smiling at you and all
  233. >Indigo's got a defeated look to her grin
  234. "D-do y-you mind?" You clasp your hands together in front of yourself, taking a breath. "N-not... F-fighting I mean..."
  235. >You clear your throat, finding the acrid taste of this morning's breakfast apple rising
  236. >Looking down, you only hear a sigh
  237. >It's from Indigo. She pats your back once and rubs it without shaking you around at all
  238. >"Sure, bae. Just relax, aight?"
  239. >You peek up and catch Sunny's eye. She nods as well, her sunny smile replaced with a soft frown.
  240. >She bridges her fingers and props her chin over her hands. "I'm sorry I rose my voice to Indigo, ma petite~"
  241. >Gulping once more, you nod.
  242. "Th-thank you." And with that, you sit down.
  243. >Indigo and Sunny give each other a quick glare once more before Indigo goes back to sitting at her desk
  244. >On your other side
  245. >Fifteen minutes pass, and studying is actually going pretty well
  246. >While you and Sunny study for your own classes, Indigo goofs around
  247. >Fortunately, she's quiet about it
  248. >Unfortunately, she seems to want to incorporate you into her shenanigans
  249. >Between the low volume of the class and her subtlety, you don't think the advising teacher will notice
  250. >So that's no excuse
  251. >And unless Indigo has drastically shifted away from your Indigo, she won't take your appreciation for learning as a good reason to study either
  252. >You flinch when a paper football lands in between the pages of your text book
  253. >Blinking, you look to Indigo
  254. >She's got her fingers propped up like a goal post
  255. >Frowning, you shake your head
  256. >Ex-bully or no, you don't goof around when it comes to studying
  257. >And now is no exception
  258. >You deftly place the paper toy on Indigo's desk and return to your work before she can react
  259. >Five minutes pass
  260. >Indigo has tossed you thirty paper footballs
  261. >And grew bored
  262. >With a sigh, you drag the little paper bits to the edge of your desk, and with no better place to put them, into your bag.
  263. >You try to catch her eye, but she seems totally oblivious to you
  264. >Shaking your head, you turn back to your book
  265. >Sigh
  266. >You pick up the first one she tossed and look back at her. Still ignoring you.
  267. >She is smiling a little as you hold it up
  268. >Before you can do anything, you notice something written on it
  269. >Did she use her homework for this?
  270. >What is wrong with her?
  271. >With no little agitation, you tear the toy open, looking for what subject it is supposed to be
  272. >Your breath comes short
  273. >You take a slow, steady effort, and stop scanning the page to really make sure it says what you think it says
  274. >"Dear bae"
  275. >"LOVE YA"
  276. >"<3<3<3" There's just hearts everywhere and a pen drawing of Indigo with kissy lips and a peace sign
  277. >You shudder, your entire body tensing up
  278. >You slowly look over to Indigo
  279. >She's got a smug look on her face, that's overlaid a hard blush
  280. >"Something the matter, bae?" She whispers. You couldn't have imagined a more snarky tone if you tried.
  281. >You ball up the love letter and throw it at her
  282. >She just lays her head into her textbook and giggles into the pages
  283. >Leaving you to scream internally
  284. >[Internal Screaming In Progress]
  285. >...
  286. >Checking your watch, you find that the entire Indigo ordeal took twenty minutes
  287. >[Shorter Internal Screaming Session]
  289. >Indigo has calmed down
  290. >You think she's sleeping, until you notice her turn a page
  291. >She seems kind of... Nice
  292. >In an... Assholeish way
  293. >You've heard of people having friends like that
  294. >Like
  295. >'Dude, he's an asshole, but he's our asshole!'
  296. >Well, it happens in movies and tv
  297. >Sometimes comics
  298. >A group of friends, who are all fairly unique of one another
  299. >One of the friends is typically an ass
  300. >You glance between Indigo and Sunny
  301. >They are your friends...
  302. >Now that you think about it, this whole situation is very strange
  303. >Without anyone talking to you to distract you, you let your mind wander...
  304. >Something strange is happening or has already happened to Indigo Zap, Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, and Lemon Zest
  305. >You can only assume Sour Sweet has also changed in some way
  306. >Hopefully?
  307. >You still don't understand how to feel about all this
  308. >They are treating you like a friend, which is so new
  309. >You haven't had a friend since Sunset, and that was well over...
  310. >Ten years ago
  311. >Your eyes narrow, and you look to Sunny
  312. >She's reading, but catches your gaze and passes you a sweet smile
  313. >You smile back and return to your studies
  314. >Ten years ago, she said
  315. >What is happening?
  316. >Is the better question, what happened?
  317. >So many possibilities...
  318. >Your brow furrows and you turn to a new page in your notebook
  319. >Theory crafting....
  320. >Begin.
  322. >1: Insanity
  323. >Every member of the old group has lost their freaking minds
  324. >It doesn't make any sense, but...
  325. >These girls being nice to you doesn't make any sense either
  326. >2: Prank
  327. >This makes sense
  328. >This makes SO much sense
  329. >(You underline SO a few times)
  330. >It falls perfectly in line with the kind of things they have done to you in the past
  331. >More than likely, Sugarcoat was the one who organized the whole affair as well
  332. >3: ...Universe collapse
  333. >Hm. Maybe the entirety of reality is collapsing in on itself, and the cosmic miasma has seeped into-
  334. >You sigh. That's a really stupid idea.
  335. >4: Multiversal mix up
  336. >These girls got crossed from an alternate reality where you six have always been friends!
  337. >Makes no sense!
  338. >Also, there is so little substance to it, you don't even know where to start filling in the holes
  339. >...That Twilight must have been very happy.
  340. >You squeeze your eyes and rub away some undue moisture
  341. >Theories
  342. >5: Hypnotism
  343. >Were they all hypnotized at the same time?
  344. >Perhaps they all decided to try seeing a hypnotist for some reason
  345. >Or went to the carnival, which you think might still be in town
  346. >And they were hypnotized into liking you for some reason
  347. >Sensible.
  348. >6: ...Forced?
  349. >Did someone convince them to like you?
  350. >Are they perhaps being forced into being your friends?
  351. >It sounds vaguely plausible...
  352. >There isn't any wild speculation needed to determine that someone doesn't like those girls
  353. >There are some very powerful people attending this school
  354. >Not even Sugarcoat's father, or Sunny's mother can protect them from everything
  355. >Was this some kind of elaborate ploy to get at those girls?
  356. >Make them be your friend in order to mess with them in some way?
  357. >...Your throat dries up and you almost go into a coughing fit
  358. >Are you... Is it really possible that you could be punishment for someone?
  359. >Shaking your head, you get back into distracting yourself
  360. >7: Twins x5
  361. >This one makes less sense, but it is not impossible
  362. >Maybe they all have twins?
  363. >And all the twins know you?
  364. >And all the twins like you?
  365. >Yeah
  366. >8: Vampires
  367. >Well your life has been pretty miserable up until this point
  368. >Five bullies chasing you around middle school and high school
  369. >But you're pretty sure reality's GM knows how to balance CR
  370. >And you're nowhere near ready to take on something like that
  371. >Besides, vampires (hopefully) don't exist
  372. >9: Magic
  373. >Magic doesn't exist
  374. >But you are very familiar with it!
  375. >If /tg/ and roleplaying games have taught you anything, it's that magic can do whatever it wants
  376. >No explanation needed
  377. >Don't gotta explain shit :^)
  378. >You giggle to yourself
  379. >And notice Indigo and Sunny smiling at you
  380. >You smile back and return to your work
  381. >It's good to have a laugh when you're working...
  382. >So if magic suddenly sparked into reality, the wild side affects could just be written off as "Magic did it"
  383. >10: A deep one approaches
  384. >Same argument for magic, but 'madness' instead of 'magic'
  385. >Also more water, tentacles, and you are going to die a horrible death
  386. >11: Random atonement?
  387. >Are they just trying to make it up to you?
  388. >It is not impossible, by any standard
  389. >It also makes the most sense, you suppose
  390. >However, there is significant mounting information to prove that this isn't the case
  391. >You've evidently been friends for too long for them to be... The same
  392. >As you knew them
  393. >Hm...
  394. >You scribble a new item before number 12 and renumber the following points
  395. >12: Multiversal Mix Up (Me?)
  396. >Did you trade places with some other Twilight?
  397. >Makes sense
  398. >13: DIO?
  399. >Did that bastard steal your grandfather's body!?
  400. >You quickly glance around, to make sure no one would notice
  401. >And you take a sort of selfie of the back of your neck
  402. >No star
  403. >You are not a Joestar, so DIO probably isn't trying to ruin your life by recruiting these five girls and having them be nice to you to lower your guard and allow him or them to off you
  404. >Hopefully
  405. >14:
  406. >Just as you were having fun with your insanity, the period bell rings
  407. >You look down at your notes
  408. >Its all just mad scribbles and ravings
  409. >You barely got any studying done
  410. >[Short Internal Screaming Session]
  411. >Everyone around you packs, and you join them
  412. >Walking toward the door, you notice Sunny and Indigo fall in line next to you
  413. >You grin at them both nervously
  414. >Sunny gives you a gentle grin
  415. >Indigo looks up from her cell phone. She smirks and gives you a V
  416. "U-uhm." You clutch at your backpack's straps
  417. >Indigo glances at you. "Sup?"
  418. "W-w-w-wha..." You scrunch up your face and frown.
  419. >You take a short breath. "Wh-where a-are you h-heading n-next..." You tense up, and squeak out a quiet "Indy..."
  420. >Indigo shrugs. "Jus' math."
  421. >She shrugs and stuffs her phone into her pocket. "What about you, bae? Where you goin?"
  422. >Indigo leans in too close, smirking. "What're you playin at?"
  423. >You shake your head. "N-no, no, I-I was... J-just asking. Is all."
  424. >Indigo's smile falters slightly, and she gives you a peace sign. "Whatever. This is my stop, see you at club after school."
  425. >As you wave, Indigo runs off into the class room next to you
  426. >Leaving you alone with Sunny
  427. >Is she going her own way too?
  428. >As if sensing your thought's mention of her, Sunny gives you a quick shug.
  429. >The embrace is soft and cushioned by her... Body.
  430. >You gulp as she pulls away. She sings to you as she smiles and turns, "Until we meet again, ma chérie~"
  431. >She walks away with a contented hum, leaving you to yourself
  432. >...Your face feels hot.
  433. >You grab your forehead and then your cheeks.
  434. >Ah, that's just blush.
  435. >...Sigh
  436. >As you sigh, you find yourself loosening your tie and collar
  437. >Now that she's not stepping on you or having people spread vitriolic rumors about you, you have a great opportunity to notice that she's gorgeous.
  438. >And soft...
  439. >Your breath starts coming shorter and you shake your head, expelling the thoughts
  440. >Peering around the corridor, you notice some of the rooms are in different places
  441. >Of course.
  443. >Same day
  444. >1:00 PM
  445. >Lunch time
  446. >Your entire life might be falling apart at the seams, but lunch is a stable constant
  447. >Just like all high schools, Crystal Prep's lunch session is packed with students
  448. >Unlike other schools, your lunch period is mostly silent
  449. >Everyone keeps to themselves unless they are okay with being unpopular exceptions
  450. >As you go to pay you remember Lemon Zest, and smile
  451. >It was nice of her to give you lunch money for once
  452. >Maybe the nicest thing anyone at Crystal prep has ever done for you
  453. >As you carry your salad away, you pull out your cell phone
  454. "Hm."
  455. >Yes, you seem to have many more contacts than you used to
  456. >L
  457. >Lemon
  458. >The messenger presents you with an empty screen and an input box
  459. >With a smile, you text her as you sit down
  460. 'Thank you so much for the money, I really appreciate it. :)'
  461. >Setting down your phone, you notice that you actually have a few messages from other people
  462. >Indigo, Sour Sweet, and Sugarcoat
  463. >Indigo sent you some... 'Memes'
  464. >Mostly supposedly funny images with words superposed onto them
  465. >You resist the urge to scowl
  466. >You're not petty
  467. >Your... Company... From the internet just... Rubs off on you, you guess
  468. >Taking a look, you just
  469. [Internal Cringe]
  470. "N-normie..." You clutch your phone to your chest, and look around, hoping no one heard you
  471. >You sigh. Don't turn into one of those kinds of girls, Twilight.
  472. >Scrolling through, you notice that she's been texting you all year, at least that's as far as your history tells you
  473. >You almost choke on your lunch
  474. >You have been giving her encouraging and amused replies to the pictures
  475. "F-f-f-f..." You gulp down.
  476. >You're friends with a normie?
  477. >N-new topic!
  478. >What does Sour Sweet want!?
  479. >Oh, its a bunch of selfies of you and her she sent you
  480. >High quality
  481. >You two went bowling, to a carnival, hung around after school
  482. >She seems to leave messages with the pictures
  483. >'Love goofing around and hanging out with you, twilight :D'
  484. >'Sucks that your extra schoolwork takes up your time. >:('
  485. >So Sour's your friend too
  486. >That's good to know
  487. >You toss her a noncommittal reply and a smiley face
  488. >Sugarcoat thanked you for your chemistry notes
  489. >'Would you like to come over to my home after school tomorrow to watch a film with me?'
  490. 'Sure :)'
  491. >You munch on your food in silence, and look down at the almost empty bowl.
  492. >With a shrug, you work on your milk.
  493. >All this... Friendliness actually gives you an idea
  494. >Does this whole weird situation you are in mean Moondancer doesn't hate you still?
  495. >Opening your messenger again, you text Moondancer
  496. -"Hi, moonie."
  498. >Well that's the same
  499. >It was just a birthday party...
  500. >There's two rapid buzzings
  501. >You got two messages at the same time!
  502. >Whatever happened, it's made you so social!
  503. >With a grin, you check your texts
  504. >Sugarcoat replied
  505. >'Cola will pick you up at home tomorrow, after I've finished all of my homework and have studied an amount that father finds desirable. There will be the usual snacks, your favorites as well as mine. The film in question' 1/2
  506. >You never noticed, but Sugarcoat talks a lot
  507. >Lemon replied
  508. >'who is this'
  509. >Furrowing your brow, you pick up your phone in both hands
  510. 'Twilight Sparkle. This is Lemon Zest's number, right?'
  511. >'...'
  512. >Did you say something wrong?
  513. >'this is her father. i thought you two werent friends.'
  514. >You cock your head
  515. >Maybe its just the blunt way he said it, but you get an odd uneasiness in your stomach at the words
  516. >Could also be because you're just very recently becoming social
  517. 'Um, yes. At least, I think so.'
  518. >'...'
  519. >You stare for a moment, flicking at the screen to keep it alive
  520. >Lunch is almost over, and your food is gone
  521. >The wait is killing you
  522. >'okay. after what happened, i wont ask. ill give you her new number. she got a new phone.'
  523. >You blink and smile a little, grabbing your phone
  524. 'Thank you very much, sir. :)'
  525. >That went well
  526. >You grab Lemon Zest's number and after some reformatting of your contacts list, resend your message
  527. 'Thank you so much for the money, I really appreciate it! c:'
  528. >You get a reply an instant later
  529. >'is this twi fam? no probs! totes not even a prob! :D:D:D:D:D \o/'
  530. >You giggle to yourself, not caring if anyone notices
  531. >Her energy is infectious!
  532. >Lunch ends, and you just glide through the rest of the day
  533. >Your mind does wander to the situation at hand a few times, of course
  534. >At your last period, you dig through all the paper footballs and notebooks to find the piece of folded paper with your theories
  535. >Ignoring the teacher's explanation on the changes to the syllabus (which you already knew), you look over your notes
  536. >You discredit most of them immediately
  537. >So you're only left with...
  538. >Prank, Force, and Atonement
  539. >These are the only likely causes of change, but there is some concerning holes in each theory
  540. >If this were a prank, then it is a very well thought out one
  541. >But it doesn't leave much room for an impressive finish today
  542. >Hm
  543. >Unless they want to get at you tomorrow...
  544. >You scribble that in
  545. >If this whole thing was the girls being forced to be nice to you, then....
  546. >It would not make much sense
  547. >At all
  548. >For a few reasons....
  549. >They've mentioned having history with you already, history which conflicts quite critically with what you remember
  550. >Additionally, they are all going right over the top, and maintaining the act
  551. >Sugarcoat may be able to do that
  552. >Sunny Flare could try to do that, for a while
  553. >But Lemon Zest? Indigo Zap?
  554. >Sour Sweet, the one who hates you the most openly?
  555. >You have a picture of yourself and her making ironic poses with a dozen kittens at a shelter
  556. >Your phone.
  557. >You have no reason to believe any of them have the technological skills required to supplant that much history into your phone overnight.
  558. >You rub your head.
  559. >You sigh and cross out atonement.
  560. >That one doesn't even make any sense, so there's no use arguing it...
  561. >This is giving you a headache.
  562. >Tossing your theory nonsense into your bag, you start paying attention.
  563. >The professor is talking about an essay that's due Friday.
  564. >Of course you already did it last month.
  565. >It's on your desk somewhere at home..
  566. >Your gaze drifts down to your backpack.
  567. >You're holding the sheet again.
  568. >...What is happening, though?
  569. >What does it all mean? How can it be explained?
  570. >A small, angry voice in the back of your head startles you, snarling 'Why do you care?'
  571. >Setting down your notes, you're startled by the end of class bell.
  572. >You check the clock.
  573. >3:30 PM
  574. >End of school
  575. >Wow, today just flew by.
  576. >You wonder wh-
  577. >You don't need to wonder why.
  578. >So busy.
  579. >With a sigh, you pack up your things and wander out of the class room.
  581. >Your science lab didn't move!
  582. >So that's nice
  583. >Considering no one but Cadence knows you use this room, it shouldn't be that much of a surprise
  584. >You trace your fingers along the plaque you made yourself
  585. >Unknown Properties and Logics Study Lab. Its sitting right next to the door.
  586. >You smile, knowing you have some kind of rock in your life right now
  587. >Any kind of anchor in this sea of weirdness is appreciated
  588. >"Damnit!"
  589. >You jump back at the violent outburst
  590. >It came from inside your lab
  591. >Worse whoever it was sounded angry
  592. >Even worse... She sounded familiar
  593. >Oh no...
  594. >Why is Sour Sweet in there?
  595. >What is happening in your lab?
  596. >You go to open the door, but raise your hand instead
  597. >Carefully, you press a knuckle to the door
  598. >Sour Sweet is better, right?
  599. >You don't want to deal with Sour Sweet right now
  600. >The back of your hand floats centimeters from the door
  601. >Your breath comes a little too fast
  602. >Your head starts to become light
  603. >Sour Sweet has to be different, right?
  604. >Something gets caught in your throat
  605. >It's your tongue, so you swallow
  606. >Sour Sweet is...
  607. >In there
  608. >You can still feel her hot breath in your face
  609. >That dark look in her eye
  610. >The milk on her blouse, everyone snickering around you both
  611. >Friday was a long time ago
  612. >You lower your hand
  613. >Instead of just letting it fall, you grasp the strap of your back pack and squeeze
  614. >It makes you feel more in control, like you aren't going to collapse
  615. >You slowly turn around and begin walking away
  616. >Your stomach hurts. Must be from the anxiety.
  617. >...You wonder
  618. >You glance at the door
  619. >Does this Sour Sweet also carry around knives in school?
  620. >Does she remember practicing archery, and making you come cheer for her, even though everyone wanted you to go away?
  621. >Does she remember shooting you in the thigh with practice arrows?
  622. >Your face feels warm again
  623. >You reach up and sniff
  624. >Examining your fingers, you find that you've started to cry a little.
  625. >Just misting up, really
  626. >The doorknob turns, and you're stuck there
  627. >You gulp, but you can't even move as you stare with wide eyes at the opening portal
  628. >There's Sour Sweet
  629. >She's got her eyes glued to some game system, and she seems to be chewing on some snacks that are sticking out of her pocket
  630. >You don't move
  631. >She doesn't notice you until she's half a meter away
  632. >"Huh?"
  633. >She stops and looks away from her game
  634. >When her eyes meet yours, they light up
  635. >You internally cringe
  636. >But as soon as she can take full stock of you, her eyes soften and she stows her toy
  637. >She reaches a hand out, placing it against one of your hands, which are both still gripping your backpack tight
  638. >"Twilight?"
  639. >Her hand is so warm
  640. >You just now realize you're shaking
  641. >You look away from her hand and look her in the eye
  642. >What you see makes your stomach turn upside down
  643. >Sour Sweet is looking at you with what is unmistakable concern
  644. >She tries prying your hand free, and you let her
  645. >She holds your hand in both hands, warming it up.
  646. >"You're trembling... Did you have another episode, Twilight?" Her sweet voice is kind of calming-
  647. >She looks down at your hand and scowls, and she quickly grumbles to herself. "You really should have texted me if it got this bad."
  648. >You gasp and pull your hand back
  649. >She puts both hands out. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, it just slipped out!"
  650. >No, this is...
  651. "T-t-t-too m-much."
  652. >You turn and sprint
  653. >Only to get a face full of body
  654. >You stop and look up, past her chest, and look Lemon Zest in the eye
  655. >She's smiling real wide down at you. "Sup, fam?"
  656. >You hear Sour Sweet growl behind you. "So that's what's bothering you, is it?"
  657. >You turn back and see Sour Sweet. She's snarling, and her brow is furrowed, giving her that classic deadly dark glare
  658. >You almost wet yourself
  659. >"Get over here!" Sour shouts, giving you cause to yelp
  660. >Lemon sighs above you
  661. >There's a warmth as her hands squeeze your shoulders once before she steps away from you
  662. >You stand there, facing away from Sour as Lemon joins her
  663. >Your back is turned, so you can't see them
  664. >You're too scared to even turn around, honestly. But you do turn your head
  665. >There's a loud smacking sound
  666. >You grab your cheek
  667. >But you aren't the one who got hit
  668. >"Who said you could get anywhere near her!?"
  669. >If Lemon had been wearing her headphones, they would have been sent flying from Sour Sweet's smack, which you think you can still hear echoing through the hall. But it may just be your imagination.
  670. >Lemon is uncharacteristically stoic as she turns to look down at Sour Sweet. "Don't start something you can't finish, Sour Patch."
  671. >She clenches her fists so hard, you can hear the knuckles cracking.
  672. >"Hey bae, what's happening?" Someone whispers into your ear.
  673. "Guah!" You jump and look straight at Indigo, who's smirking. "D-don't do that!" You whisper back, holding your pounding heart.
  674. >She nods and thumbs to the two at the door. "What's with Sugar Tits and Lemon Lime?"
  675. >Before you can reply, Sour Sweet interjects, shouting at Indigo. "Lemon fucked with Twilight so now I'm going to fuck her up, that's what's with us!"
  676. >Indigo scowls and shakes her head, reaching into her duffle bag.
  677. >To your surprise, she pulls out an aluminum bat
  678. "W-wh-wha-" You point at the bat
  679. >Indigo winks at you. "Don' worry bae, I got this." She taps the end of the bat against her heel and saunters over to the two.
  680. >Before you can say anything, Indigo is tapping her bat on the ground.
  681. >"Hey, Lemon, what's up?"
  682. >Lemon glares down at Indigo, looking her and her bat over. She takes a deep breath. "Wassap?"
  683. >"Deez nuts, kid!" Indigo swings up with her bat, swinging right at the taller girl's chin
  684. >But Lemon punches, yes punches, the bat, almost knocking it out of Indigo's hand
  685. >Just as Indigo hisses in pain as no doubt welts form on her palm, you notice two more people join you
  686. >Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare are standing on either side of you
  687. >Sugarcoat has her arms crossed, scowling at the scene
  688. >Sunny just has a withered expression
  689. >You turn to Sugarcoat then to Sunny Flare
  690. "P-p-p-p-l-lease... S-stop th-them!"
  691. >Sugarcoat looks at you out of the corner of her eye then turns to you fully. "Why?"
  692. >You flinch back.
  693. "Wh-wha?"
  694. >Sugarcoat shrugs. "Sorry if I intimidated you, I didn't mean to do that at all, this scene is just really ugly to watch. Why should I stop them though? I don't care if they get in trouble or not."
  695. "H-huh? What?"
  696. >There is a loud pounding sound
  697. >You turn just in time to see Indigo land in a heap. She groans, but holds fast to her bat as she cradles her stomach
  698. >Lemon Zest has a fist held next to her side and one outstretched. She turns and glares at Sour Sweet as she pulls her hands to her sides again.
  699. >"Such a brute..." Sunny mutters from next to you. Her voice is flat.
  700. >You look between both of them. "Y-you..."
  701. >You glance at Lemon Zest. She's got both hands raised as she nears Sour Sweet.
  702. >Sour Sweet is reaching into her pocket, and you can see her gripping something
  703. >Your breath starts coming faster and faster
  704. "I-I-I th-th-thought..."
  705. >Sunny leans in to catch your gaze
  706. "B-b-b-ut y-y-y..."
  707. >Indigo picks herself up. "I'm not done." She coughs and uses her bat as support.
  708. >This doesn't make any sense!
  709. >They're friends!
  710. >Lemon turns her head toward Indigo, frowning
  711. >You and Sunny gasp as Sour Sweet whips out a switchblade, glaring dark death at Lemon
  712. >Sugarcoat doesn't seem phased
  713. "F-f-friends...?"
  714. >Sugarcoat turns to face you.
  716. >"We aren't friends, if that's what you've been trying to stutter out, Twilight Sparkle. I hate everyone here but you, and while she wouldn't necessarily use such a strong word, I assume Sunny Flare feels exactly the same."
  717. >You stare at Sugarcoat, eyes wide
  718. >That- What is happening?
  719. >You look to Sunny
  720. >She just nods
  721. "N-n-n-n-n..."
  722. >Looking back at the fight, Lemon has Indigo in a full nelson, and Indigo's bat is on the ground, behind them
  723. >Sour Sweet is edging toward Lemon, from the back, her knife shining in the fluorescent school light
  724. "No."
  725. >Louder
  726. "Nnnnn!" Your stomach turns inside out and you fall to your knees with a yelp
  727. >Ma petite~!" Sunny gasps, loud enough that you can hear over your own thoughts
  728. >You feel her wrapping her hands around your arm. "Are you okay~? Please, stand up~"
  729. "S-stop!"
  730. >As soon as you said that, all three fighters stopped
  731. >Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap are still grappled together, with Indigo having almost no chance to get free. Her hair is all messed up and her goggles were nowhere to be seen
  732. >Lemon has some bruises on her forearm, from the bat, and a hand print is actually forming from when Sour slapped her. You can't tell if her hair looks any worse than usual
  733. >She places Indigo down without hurting her
  734. >Suddenly realizing what was happening, Sour Sweet quietly put away her blade. She then flattened out her skirt, looking at you with sad, guilt-ridden eyes.
  735. >Everyone's quiet for a solid minute
  736. >Looking at them, you take a deep breath
  737. >Collecting yourself, you walk past Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare
  738. >Without looking at them, you walk past Indigo, and then Lemon, and Sour Sweet
  739. >Sour reaches out to you. She tries to say something, but whatever it was, it dies on her lips with a squeak.
  740. >You take a quick look at her, then to the others
  741. >The door closes without a sound
  742. >You pull a seat up and sit down
  743. >Why?
  744. >Why aren't they friends?
  745. >This doesn't make any sense
  746. >They go from hating you to... To loving you
  747. >And they go from being best friends to hating each other
  748. >Well they weren't really friends, but
  749. >Still, it doesn't help it make more sense
  750. >Your eyes close and you slump back, tossing your backpack onto the desk, next to your computer
  751. >Spike peeks up from his spot in the corner, but yawns and goes back to sleep
  752. "W-what is happening...?"
  753. >You hear music
  754. >Peeking, you spot the door
  755. >Someone's playing music outside
  756. >Lemon Zest?
  757. >They're whispering to each other
  758. >You can make out Indigo mostly
  759. >She seems agitated
  760. >You pull your glasses off and rub your face
  761. >Please don't fight again.
  762. "P-please don't f-fight again."
  763. >The whispering stops
  764. >You shake your head.
  765. >What happened?
  766. >Why is your life so backwards?
  767. >How do you figure out what happened, when you have nothing to go by?
  768. >How much else has changed that just isn't apparent?
  769. >Is this just your life now?
  770. >Your breath gets caught in your throat, and you cough a little
  771. >These girls are nice and all, but
  772. >This isn't your life
  773. >You very apparently don't have the right grades anymore
  774. >You're missing credits you worked hard to earn, and it's too late to earn them now that you are very obviously an average junior and not a masterful senior
  775. >You can't get into Everton with the current grades of whoever you replaced
  776. >Everton
  777. >You let yourself sob at that
  778. >Goodbye, future
  779. >Hello, life of mediocrity
  780. >There's nothing you can do
  781. >So you just half laugh half sob at how powerless you are
  782. >Whatever wanted to ruin your life did it
  783. >Someone or something replaced you with a more popular you
  784. >Leaving you intellectually and socially stranded
  785. >No grand future in academics
  786. >A group of friends who hate each other enough to fight at the drop of a hat
  787. >Something taps your shoulder and you fall right out of your seat, landing with a thud on the floor
  788. >You groan to yourself as your rear smarts under you
  789. >Darn bony behind...
  790. >"You okay, fam?"
  791. >Your head whips up and you have to blink
  792. >This is...
  793. "E-er..." It's hard to bring to mind any kind of real words to react to what you're seeing at the moment.
  794. >No amount of preparation or full-experience immersion could have prepared you for this
  795. >Taking a step back, you think nothing could have
  796. >Sugarcoat, Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, Sunny Flare, and Sour Sweet are all watching you, without any glares, scowls, or even smirks
  797. >Your five bullies from the past five or so years
  798. >They're... Well they think they're your friends
  799. >And they are expecting a reply
  800. >"Twi...? You okay, fam?" Lemon Zest repeats herself in a slow, calm tone, making sure her music was turned down a notch lower than the lowest you had ever heard it so she can hear you
  801. >No.
  802. >You giggle into your hand
  803. >The giggle turns into a cackle and you put your hands back onto the floor to support yourself
  804. "N-no! N-no I-I'm not o-okay!"
  805. >You shake your head as the bitter laughter comes out
  806. >It feels good to laugh, but you still feel so lost
  807. >Looking up, the five give each other uneasy and uncomfortable looks
  808. >Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare each help you back to your seat while you laugh into your hands
  809. >Your eyes hurt from squeezing together after all the fake giggles
  810. >"Stop laughing, fam..."
  811. >You do
  812. >Your sore face relaxes into serious lines
  813. >Looking around again, you see your five friends, all giving you worried and concerned looks
  814. >You sigh, and take off your glasses to rub at your eyes.
  815. "L-look... Girls..."
  816. >Reflexively sniffling, you replace your glasses and blink up at them.
  817. "I-I may b-be losing m-my mind." You shake your head and pull yourself closer to the desk, scanning some documents you had there on the new energy readings you were gathering from that other school. They seemed off.
  818. >Whatever.
  819. >"What are you talking about, you seem very put together, Twilight. Even though you had one of your episodes, that's fine, it happens sometimes with you. It isn't the end of the world, it just means you're stressed out."
  820. >Everyone but Lemon nods and mutters some form of agreement.
  821. >You look up at Lemon Zest, and she just awkwardly looks down at her feet, or the floor, or anything but you as she leans against a table
  822. >Her music is at one percent volume
  823. >It sounds pleasant, almost appropriate mind-losing background music
  827. >You shake your head
  828. >Of course they wouldn't get it, no matter how you explained
  829. >You're just their... Twilight
  830. >...Their Twilight
  831. >You drop your head into your hands and sigh.
  832. "C-can I..." You clear your throat. "Can I h-have some time t-to m-myself?"
  833. >The sounds of shoes scuffing smooth tile fills your ears as the girls approach you
  834. >Indigo presses a hand to your shoulder and kneels down next to you.
  835. >She puts a thumbs up in your face and rubs your shoulder. "You got it, bae. Relax a bit... Text me later."
  836. >You hear her make some kind of kissing sound and realize she's blowing you a kiss as she walks away
  837. >"See you nerds later. You too, Sunny~"
  838. >Sunny huffs at Indigo.
  839. >"Get better soon, ma chérie~" Sunny leans down and presses your head into her chest as a hug.
  840. >It feels... Nice.
  841. >Really nice.
  842. >It ends with her walking away
  843. >"Twilight, I hope you are better by tomorrow evening. If you aren't, we can reschedule our movie night."
  844. >There's some more shuffling of feet, and when you peek up, you don't see anyone.
  845. >Sighing, you swing around and set your head on your desk
  846. >What is happening?
  847. >You sit up and pull a piece of paper toward yourself and start scribbling down notes
  848. >You consolidate your theories notes down, marking them by type, rank of validity, and etcetera
  849. >You were just about to boot up your computer when you heard a soft melody at the door
  853. >Music?
  854. >You ignore it for now, returning to your computer
  855. >The hell is this?
  856. >Your wallpaper isn't you and Spike! It's a collage of selfies of you and Sugarcoat, Sour, Indigo, and Sunny, just tiled together
  857. >Ugh
  858. >Should you maybe wipe it and reinstall the OS?
  859. >There's a gentle rapping at the door
  860. >...Maybe later
  861. "Y-yes?" You turn in your seat, and see the door open to reveal...
  862. >Lemon Zest. Her fingers are curled around the door as she peeks in at you
  863. >She's got her headphones on, and the music turned up loud
  864. >But as soon as you make eye contact, she turns it all the way down.
  865. >No no, you have had enough of people today
  866. "I-I want to be alone!"
  867. >Between dealing with ghosts of your past and relationships of the present, the last thing you want is a one on one session
  868. >She gulps and goes to close the door. "Just for a minute, fam?"
  869. "No!" You jump out of your chair, your fists balling up by your sides
  870. >Lemon flinches back at that
  871. >She looks down and you see that she's trying to get some words to come out
  872. >"Okay. I'm sorry for bothering you so much."
  873. >She looks up at you, trying to grin
  874. >"We still... Are we friends again?"
  875. >You grab your forehead and sit down.
  876. "Y-yeah, sure."
  877. >Lemon sighs, and when you look at her, she has a wide smile.
  878. >"Thank you, Twilight."
  879. >Lemon stops crouching and stands upright, placing a hand to her chest
  880. >You stare
  881. "I mean it, thank you."
  882. >You push up your glasses and shoo her
  883. >She winks and closes the door
  884. >Her music grows louder, and then quieter
  885. >When Lemon finally closes the door, you sigh. Maybe now you can get to work-
  886. >There's a ringing from your phone
  887. "Augh!" You whip it out and see a few messages
  888. >From your... SSSFF
  889. >The hell?
  890. >We DBZ now?
  891. >Lame joke
  892. >Whoever this SSSFF is they're asking if you need a ride home or if you want to walk
  893. >Mom? Dad? Shining? Super Shining Something Friend Forever?
  894. >Shiney!
  895. >You grin, giggling to your phone
  896. >Shiney can help you get all these confusing elements to make sense!
  897. >Or at least he can comfort you
  898. 'Yes, I would like to be picked up :)'
  899. >'Is that a smiley face? Wow sis, you must be in a good mood! lol'
  900. 'It's just been a long, long day. :( Happy to hear from you. :)'
  901. >'K. See you in five.'
  902. >You collect your stuff and pick up spike
  903. >He yawns and blinks at you
  904. >After sniffing a little, he grins and licks your nose. His tail wags listlessly below him.
  905. "W-wow... Spike, you're so old..."
  906. >He pants and licks you
  907. >You let out a soft giggle and set him down.
  908. >He follows you around as you pack up and leave.
  909. >4:30
  910. >Way after school
  911. >You and Spike exit the school and you notice a familiar head and pair of headphones
  915. >You narrowly sidestep Lemon Zest, who is for whatever reason sitting on the steps outside
  916. >When she catches sight of you, she grins wide and waves
  917. >You give a nervous smile and wave back
  918. >This calms her down, and she tilts her head at you, turning down her music
  919. >"Sup?"
  920. >You slowly shrug. "J-just waiting for m-my brother..."
  921. >She bobs her head, smiling. "Didn' know you had a bro, fam."
  922. >You stop in front of her, clutching the straps of your backpack.
  923. "Y-yeah, he's k-kinda the coolest p-person ever."
  924. >Your fingers are cold. Damn winter.
  925. >Your thighs are cold. Damn uniform.
  926. >You sigh, and look to the front, where your BBBFF should be pulling in soon.
  927. >With all the grace of an extra large serving of Italian cuisine, you stand leaning against the railing, trying not to interact with Lemon
  928. >Despite her efforts to interact with you
  929. >"So you kay, fam?"
  930. "Hm?" You look down at her.
  931. >Just now you notice, she's holding a sketch pad or something similar to it
  932. >Before you have a chance to comment, a white car pulls up in front of the school
  933. >Smiling, you walk forward, Spike following at your heel
  934. >As you grasp the doorhandle however, you get a weird feeling
  935. >You blink once, and turn back, looking at Lemon
  936. >She smiles and reaches up to wave at you nice and big
  937. >Awkwardly, you wave back
  938. >That seems to please Lemon, because she grins even wider from where she's sitting
  939. >Weird
  940. >People are weird
  941. >You slide in next to Shining
  942. >He's bundled up in a lot of clothes
  943. >You almost cant see his face
  944. >Silly Shiney
  945. >The sight makes you giggle
  946. >You hear a muffled "What?"
  947. >Shaking your head, you poke at him
  948. "You, you're wearing so much it's funny."
  949. >He chuckles along with you, sounding a little nasally
  950. >And without much else, he takes off
  951. >You fiddle with the heat, but it doesn't do anything
  952. >The outfit makes more sense now you guess
  953. >"So Twiley?"
  954. >You look away from the knob to Shining. You catch his eyes between the slit made by his hat and scarf
  955. "Y-yeah?"
  956. >Shining looks back at the road
  957. >"Cadance was wondering why you didn't wait for her to drive you to school this morning. Did something come up?"
  958. >What
  959. "Huh?"
  960. >Your brother glances at you, for just a second. "Cadance? Driving you to school?"
  961. >What is he talking about?
  962. "I-I didn't kn-know she was driving m-me..."
  963. >Shining gives a bemused grunt of acknowledgement and doesn't say much else
  964. >That was weird
  965. >4:40 PM
  966. >Home
  967. >You smile as you and Spike almost prance through the front door
  968. >Spike rushes to the kitchen and you hear him chowing down
  969. >It's so good to be home
  970. >Before you can say anything, someone lets out an exagerated sigh from behind you
  971. >"Good to be home, ey Twiley?"
  972. >You start, feeling your brow furrow
  973. >Literally who is that
  974. >You turn and see Shining unwrapping and hanging his winter clothes onto the coat rack
  975. >His back is turned to you, and there's no one else there
  976. "Uh... Who was that?"
  977. >"Who was what?"
  978. >Shining looks over her shoulder-
  979. >With a sigh you fall back, hitting the ground with a thud
  980. >Your head hurts
  981. >Pushing down, you find yourself on a soft surface
  982. "W-wha?"
  983. >You push yourself up into a sitting position and scan around
  984. >It takes an active effort, because your glasses are missing, but whatever
  985. >You can tell easily enough that you're in your living room
  986. >Cadence is next to you
  987. >She has a hand on yours
  988. >"Oh, Twilight, you're okay."
  989. >Cadence?
  990. "C-Cadence?"
  991. >She smiles at you
  992. >That bright smile that you're so used to.
  993. >You squint a little, and to little surprise, it dawns on you that you're lacking your glasses
  994. "What... Is happening...? M-my glasses..."
  995. >Cadance starts and picks up something
  996. >Your sight starts to adjust and you find Cadence taking her hands away from your face
  997. >"You had a fainting spell near the front door, dear. Are you feeling well?"
  998. >You clear your throat and sit up
  999. "S-Sure."
  1000. >All things considered, sure, you're pretty okay.
  1001. >Shining's a girl, so there's that...
  1002. >That's good to know. Not useful at all, but good to know, nonetheless
  1003. >With a hup, you stand up off of the couch
  1004. >Cadence flinches and stands up with you
  1005. >"I really think you should sit back down, Twilight, you just fainted-"
  1006. >You raise a hand and take a deep breath. Then you interrupt her
  1007. "I-I'm better."
  1008. >"...You sure?"
  1009. >"You sure, Twiley?" You can hear your genderbent brother from the kitchen. It feels weird hearing her say that.
  1010. >Calling you Twiley
  1011. >You nod. "Yeah, I just need to relax in my room for a bit..."
  1012. >Cadence puts a hand to your shoulder and pulls you in for a hug
  1013. >Before you even know what's going on, Cadence has you in her grip
  1014. >She rests your head against her soft chest, and you instinctively nuzzle her
  1015. >Given that she does the same to the top of your head, you doubt she thinks doing so is as weird as you think it is
  1016. >"Okay." Cadence lets go of you, smiling down at you with her bright white grin. "Dinner should be done soon, so don't relax too too much."
  1017. >With a soft chuckle, you see yourself out.
  1018. >5:30 PM
  1019. >Home
  1020. >Your bedroom
  1021. >Nothing is different!
  1022. >Not one damn thing is different, and you've just been running around your room for the past ten minutes thanking whatever forced you into this for giving you ONE sanctuary from the madness outside
  1023. >In a whirl of energy, you slip off your uniform and shoes and toss on some older clothes
  1024. >You go to put something else on, but you notice something
  1025. >Holding your only mirror to leg level, you study yourself
  1026. >You uh, you hadn't anticipated something like this, but it seems your body is slightly different
  1027. >Your thighs are thicker than you recall, but not obscenely so. Just... Enough that you noticed
  1028. >As are your hips. Actually, looking closely, you are positive your hips are much wider than before. To an almost illicit degree
  1029. >You also remember having a much smaller rump yesterday
  1030. >Blinking, you reach down and...
  1031. >Easily fill your hands with soft purple flesh (and underwear). You have a pair of one and a half handful buns.
  1032. >Neat.
  1033. >...What is happening, why are you grabbing yourself like this
  1034. >You continue dressing yourself
  1035. >Placing the mirror down, you grab a niche graphic tee and some comfy shorts.
  1036. >Got to be comfy c:
  1037. >Grabbing your laptop, you slide into bed
  1038. >The familiar softness of your comforter does a great job of comforting you
  1039. >Everything is just awesome right here and right now
  1040. >All your weeb shit is where it's supposed to be.
  1041. >Your hand built Power Pony model kits, lovingly painted and posed right next to your toku models
  1042. >Masked Matter-Horn... Vs Kamen Rider W
  1043. >Yes. That would be a crossover for the ages
  1044. >Your little girl heart would just explode from the pure awesome
  1045. >Also
  1046. >All your tabletop books and minis are still set up on their shelves
  1047. >Carefully painted (you like painting, Shining introduced you to it) wargame minitures, character statues, and customized official product protect your roleplaying books from any intruders
  1048. >And your bad taste in music is all lined up and neat on your desk
  1049. >You don't care about that noise too much.
  1050. >But just enough not to get rid of it
  1051. >Ah, your hamper is still stuffed full like you left it...
  1052. >Which you should fix...
  1053. >...Later
  1054. >This is literally more important in every possible way
  1055. >You yawn and slump down onto your bed.
  1056. >You rub at your sore, tired eyes
  1057. >You have important business to attend to, but you are tuckered out from today
  1058. >If everyday is like this, you may die from mental exhaustion
  1059. >How do people do this social thing all the time?
  1060. >With a groan, you sit up right and pop open your laptop
  1061. >Wow look at that
  1062. >Sunny Flare's bright smile beaming at you from some cropped picture of you and her
  1063. >Sugarcoat relaxing on a couch. Her arms are folded and she has a faint smile. You can see your hand on her shoulder, but the rest of you is cropped out
  1064. >A sweat slicked Indigo is grinning up at a camera and giving you a v for victory
  1065. >Lastly Sour Sweet is caught in midair, her midriff exposed. She's out of her uniform, and is instead wearing some frilly thing that looks out of place on her.
  1066. >Everyone but Lemon Zest, made into a wallpaper
  1067. >Neat, your computer's been infected by meta shenaniganery
  1068. >Sigh
  1069. >You quickly search up a random correctly sized picture from your folders and set that as a background
  1070. >[spoiler]Pic Related[/spoiler]
  1071. >You gaze at his expression of disbelief
  1072. "S-same..."
  1073. >With that done, you unminimize your browser and set to searching up something to relax with
  1074. >6:00 PM
  1075. >Your room
  1076. >So all of the quest threads you lurk don't exist
  1077. >The generals you post in don't exist
  1078. >The draw thread you are OP of doesn't exist
  1079. >The website is called 4hoof now
  1080. >What is happening
  1081. >What did Mook do?
  1082. >Probably nothing, but
  1083. >Eh
  1084. >This is all getting really weird in a way you'd want to call meta, but
  1085. >No wait
  1086. >World changing is meta
  1087. "Egh."
  1088. >It feels gross calling this meta, like it's just some joke that can be turned back with a new post
  1089. >You slide your hand under your glasses and rub your face a bit
  1090. >Sigh
  1091. >Looking back down at your laptop, you shake your head
  1092. >Going to have to find new generals and quests
  1093. >Hm...
  1094. >You guess you could...
  1095. >Work on this insanity?
  1096. >Your belly rumbles
  1097. >You now notice the scent of warm good food wafting in through your cracked door
  1098. >There's something meaty and filling and greasy being cooked
  1099. >Your belly rumbles again, angrier. Hangrier.
  1100. "S-same..."
  1101. >The smell distracts you from your laptop, which you just close and slide away
  1102. >"Twiley, dinner!"
  1103. "Oh, n-nice."
  1104. >You crawl off of bed and join Shining and Cadence in the dining room
  1105. >When you take your seat, you can't help but notice Shining smiling at you
  1106. >It's just like his usual smile, just...
  1107. >He's a girl
  1108. >She's got the same smile, that makes you feel special and safe, and her eyes still have that same masculine sparkle
  1109. >But her face has softer curves, as does her body
  1110. >She's not shorter, but her shoulders aren't as broad and are draped in that handsome blue you like
  1111. >Although she is still toned and muscular as you recall your brother being
  1112. >It's weird, she's your brother but also not, but now that you get a closer look...
  1113. >This isn't the worst thing to happen today
  1114. >Spike nudges your ankle and you're knocked out of your reverie
  1115. >You lean down to pet Spike as Shining pipes up between eating her dinner
  1116. >"So you seem better. What happened at school?"
  1117. >You bite your lip
  1118. >Uh
  1119. >You sit back up and stare at your... Sister for a moment
  1120. "U-uhm..."
  1121. >How do you even respond to that?
  1122. >Things are great, Shiney
  1123. >I just, you know
  1124. >Swapped places with your Twilight
  1125. >No big deal, right?
  1126. >Also I have a lot of new friends
  1127. >Also my grades are slipping
  1128. >But its cool, because that's only from my perspective
  1129. >"Twiley?"
  1130. >You flinch and look Shining in the eye
  1131. >She's just staring at you
  1132. >Frowning
  1133. >Not angry, or nervous or even confused. Of course not.
  1134. >That's the face of br-sisterly concern.
  1135. >You sigh and look down at your food
  1136. >Suddenly you aren't hungry
  1137. "...Things are changing really fast, that's all."
  1138. >"Oh Twilight, honey..." Cadence places a hand over yours
  1139. >You look up and see her smiling, but it isn't one of those huge smiles she always has
  1140. >It's... Newish
  1141. >Like when she used to baby sit you and you'd accidentally make a mess and start crying
  1142. >But then she'd put on that smile, and calmly clean everything up while telling you it isn't your fault and that everything would be okay
  1143. >You suppose motherly would be the best word for that smile
  1144. >"It's perfectly natural for a girl your age to be feeling this way. Part of growing up is dealing with all sorts of things changing."
  1145. >Oh wow, this talk
  1146. >Roll with it
  1147. >You do and smile back for her sake
  1148. "I-I know..." You chuckle a little and look back at your food.
  1149. "I... I j-just guess that... I just got o-overwhelmed today."
  1150. >Cadence takes her hand away, grasping her fork again
  1151. >But she's still smiling as she does so
  1152. >"That's totally understandable, hun." Cadence finally beings eating.
  1153. >"You know if you ever need to talk, your sister and I are always here for you."
  1154. >"Yeah, of course... Always here."
  1155. >You up look to Shining, and you see she's got a small smile.
  1156. >"I'm always here for you, Twiley, no matter how hard things may seem."
  1157. >You actually smile at that.
  1158. >Shining...
  1159. >He always know what to say and what to do to make you feel warm and safe.
  1160. >You sigh and rub at the corners of your eyes, where some water was forming
  1161. "Th-thanks... SSSFF."
  1162. >"SSSFF?" Cadence repeats, holding some forgotten dinner in front of her
  1163. >You look back to Shining, just in time to see her chuckle
  1164. >"Wow, you haven't called me that in a while..."
  1165. >You nervously smile back at her. "Y-yeah... I realized you're on my phone as that, and I actually forgot what it means at this point..."
  1166. >You nervously chuckle and pick at your food.
  1167. >Cadence and Shining are quiet for a moment as you eat.
  1168. "S-sorry. For uh... Forgetting something like that."
  1169. >"Heh."
  1170. >Looking up, you see Shining, lips curled upwards as she giggles
  1171. >"Hehehe!"
  1172. "Wh-what?"
  1173. >Cadence also gives Shining a quizzical glance, but Shining just raises a hand and shakes her head.
  1174. >Shining calms down and raises a finger while holding a fork. "After all these years, I'm not surprised. It's been quite some time since you called me your Super Special Sister Friend Forever..." Shining looks down at her food, still smiling.
  1175. >Though the smile is just a little sad now
  1176. >She plucks some meat up and bites down, cleaving it. "You and those four girls... I figured you didn't need boring ol' Gleaming Shield anymore..."
  1177. >Who?
  1178. >Eh, it fits. Sounds pretty too, actually
  1179. >When she looks up at you, there's hints of mist in her eye. "Ah, it might sound kinda dorky, but, you've really grown, Twiley."
  1180. >Cadence coos and places a hand over your sister's. They share a very familiar look, and you can't help but smile
  1181. >She's... Different, but some things are a constant, after all.
  1182. >You take a deep breath and sigh.
  1183. "Th-thank you... For always b-being there for m-me, ...Gleamy."
  1184. >Your sister frowns, but then smiles. "Always, Twiley."
  1185. >Cadence giggles a little as she looks between both of you
  1186. >"It's so good to see you two reconnecting."
  1187. >7:30 PM
  1188. >Your bedroom
  1189. >Dinner was very nice. You got some insight into the daily life of your brother and uh...
  1190. >Well... Your sister and other sister
  1191. >You got some insight on their lives here
  1192. >They have fairly normal lives, but ones that are completely removed from your own
  1193. >So
  1194. >Not helpful in your chase to figure out what is happening or has happened
  1195. >Although the stories were pleasant
  1196. >You look down at your bed and crawl into it, pressing your face into the cool fabric
  1197. >You sigh and remove your glasses, placing them on your laptop as you rub your cheek against your nerd blanket
  1198. >Oh Masked Matter-Horn, what would you do if everyone around you and the world itself was turned upside down?
  1199. >Probably psi-blast someone, to be honest.
  1200. "Heh..."
  1201. >Your eyes start to drift closed on their own
  1202. >You're exhausted. You did so much today...
  1203. >Or it feels like that
  1204. >You sigh and wrap yourself up in a sheet with a murmur.
  1205. >Today you 'made friends'
  1206. >You were socializing with 'new' people
  1207. >And finally you relaxed with your long lost sister
  1208. >There's a buzzing in your pocket, and it catches you off guard
  1209. >Heart racing from the shock, you grope around the outside of your thigh until you find your phone
  1210. >You bring your phone and glasses to your face and stare at the screen
  1211. >You have twenty or so messages
  1212. >From all of the girls at school
  1213. >The whole gang
  1214. >Sigh
  1215. >You kind of want to lay down, and not deal with weirdness
  1216. >Your phone buzzes again, to your chagrin
  1217. >Just
  1218. >The oldest message is from Indigo
  1219. >She's meming at you
  1220. >She sent you one message, but divided into fifteen ebin mey meys
  1221. >You give her a :^) and carry on
  1222. >But then you notice one of them has something to do with you
  1223. >It's a baby elephant tromping around. 'I don't forget anything. Not even my bae, Twilight <3'
  1224. >Oh gods they're all like that, they're all about you and her
  1225. >Oh no, she's talking with memes
  1226. >She apologized for how she acted today using memes
  1227. >Oh no, she's talking to you using memes!
  1228. >[Internal Screaming Session]
  1229. >What is wrong with her? That's not even a normie thing to do, that's straight sperg!
  1230. >Fifteen captioned reaction faces and still pictures of nature, and they're all a freaking conversation!
  1231. >You spring to an upright position, flailing to get your blanket off of you
  1232. >You almost throw your phone
  1233. >You come so close
  1234. >Just
  1235. >You're hyperventilating now
  1236. >Why? This can't be real, can it?
  1237. >How does she think this is okay?
  1238. >You delete your ironic emoticon and...
  1239. >You don't know what to say.
  1240. >With a sigh, you set your phone down so you can stare at your bed
  1241. >In the corner of your bed, the blinking sleep light your laptop catches your eye.
  1242. >Maybe that quest thread updated
  1243. >Wait
  1244. >...If she's gonna shitpost, maybe you can talk to her like a fellow shitposter
  1245. >Raising your phone to your face, you reflexively type away
  1246. 'You need some chill. All that meming is dangerous, senpai. :^)'
  1247. >You feel a smile forming. That felt kind of nice.
  1248. >Oh wait, she might not know what senpai means
  1249. "Bah, w-whatever."
  1250. >You check your other messages.
  1251. >Sugarcoat sent you five messages. Hopefully it's all just one paragraph
  1252. >Sour Sweet, Sunny, and of course Lemon want to talk too.
  1253. >Sugarcoat then...
  1254. >'Hello Twilight Sparkle. I was wondering how you were doing over the past couple of hours so I decided to send you a text message asking about it. So how are you since your outburst in the hallway outside of your Unknown Properties and Logics Study Lab this afternoon? Are you still feeling up to spending time with me tomorrow evening? The movie is still yours to decide, otherwise I have a few ideas on what we could watch. I could choose a movie if you aren't feeling up to looking for something interesting to watch, that is perfectly fine with me. Please text me or call me as soon as you get this message so I know you're feeling better. It may not seem like it but I am actually very anxious and I hope that you're okay.
  1255. >Wow she's wrote even more
  1256. >Why does she do this. It was intimidating when she was bullying you, but...
  1257. >'Twilight, I understand that you may have not seen my message yet, and I don't want to bother you too much especially after one of the only episodes you've had in a few years, but I would appreciate you getting back to me as soon as possible.'
  1258. >...If you had any right to say so, you'd call her a big nerd.
  1259. >You sigh and type away
  1260. 'Hi, I'm okay now. Thanks for checking up on me.'
  1261. >After a moment, you also send a smiley along. Maybe that will make her feel better
  1262. >Make her feel better? Since when were you the expert?
  1263. >You roll onto your back and close your eyes again.
  1264. >Social interaction is hard, and a little exhausting. Going from 0 to 50 friendly interactions in one day is hard
  1265. >Someone in a dark part in the back of your head asks you "Why bother then?"
  1266. >You don't know. You're just going along with the ride until you can figure out what happened to you.
  1267. >You're startled when your phone vibrates along your chest
  1268. >Sitting upright, you look.
  1269. >A few messages still
  1270. >Indigo sent you a quick one
  1271. >'>2016'
  1272. >'>Not loving my memes.'
  1273. >'Shiggy diggy doo doo :^)'
  1274. >What the heck, this is actually starting to bother you. But at least you know how to talk to her
  1275. >So you can at least not spaghetti with Indigo if you need to chat for whatever reason
  1276. >So
  1277. >Sunny, Lemon, Sour, and Sugar
  1278. >Sunny is sending you lovely vibes
  1279. >As in she's well...
  1280. >'Ma chérie~ My lovely Twilight! I miss you so~ Won't you tell me? How are you! My dear, sweet, lovely Twilight~'
  1281. >'~<3'
  1282. >Texting you like that
  1283. >You have to ignore the soft fluttering in your belly.
  1284. 'I'm okay, thanks.'
  1285. >You grunt and rub your face.
  1286. >Your burning, blushing face
  1287. >Why does this hottie have to try to flirt with you
  1288. >You flinch
  1289. >Wait
  1290. >No
  1291. >Why does this girl have to try to flirt with you
  1292. >Right
  1293. >She's hot though
  1294. >But from an objective stand point
  1295. >[Flustered Internal Screaming Session]
  1296. >Lemon, fortunately, is just casually trying to strike up a conversation
  1297. >'Sup fam, whatru up to??? :D:D:D'
  1298. >Thank the gods, this one is just acting normal
  1299. 'I am currently trying to relax. What about you?'
  1300. >'lol you still txt all srs like. Thas cool :D:D:D Im just finishing my workout! Then Im going home! :D:D:D'
  1301. >A thoughtful hum escapes you.
  1302. >Lemon works out?
  1303. 'Work out?'
  1304. >You suppose you never thought about it at all, but that huge strength she has, had... Still has?
  1305. >It couldn't all be natural talent, could it?
  1306. >'Workin these guns! lol :D:D:D I've been wrkin out a lot since ya know what. Punching and lifting! It feels gud , so I still do lol'
  1307. >You know what? What do you know?
  1308. >What happened?
  1309. >Is that what happened?
  1310. '"Ya know what."? What happened...?'
  1311. >You pause, your thumb hovering over the SEND button
  1312. >Do you want to keep your cover?
  1313. >This will give away that you aren't you immediately
  1314. >What will
  1315. >FUCK
  1317. >[Internal Screaming Session x10!]
  1318. >How do you cancel a text message from being delivered?
  1319. >Before you can figure it out, the little bubble with your words in it confirms that it has been sent
  1320. >'...fam, that hurts :'C'
  1321. >You gasp.
  1322. >Crap
  1323. >What do you do?
  1324. >What do you do!?
  1325. >Do something, you freaking sperg!
  1326. >Don't lose your friend, you need her to trust that you're who you say you are!
  1327. 'Oh!'
  1328. >Good start! Make sure to sound friendly!
  1329. 'haha, I thought I was talking to someone else!'
  1330. >Keep going, don't take the advantage! Keep lying!
  1331. 'I'm so sorry, I got your message mixed up with someone else's!
  1332. >Finish the fight! Apologize again!
  1333. 'Sorry, fam!'
  1334. >Oof, good use of terrain. Taking her word to your advantage like that
  1335. >'...'
  1336. >Crap. You've always sucked at tactical gaming
  1337. >'Oh lol I getcha. You talkin to the others? lol'
  1338. >You sigh as you sit upright
  1339. >Squeezing your eyes shut, you stretch, hearing your back pop a little.
  1340. >That was hard
  1341. >You look back down at your phone
  1342. >Still a message from Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet
  1343. >Sunny sent you a ';o ~<3'
  1344. >Whatever that means
  1345. >You had no idea 3d girls were so difficult to deal with
  1346. >Usually, 2d grills just say what they say and you read a few choice responses, but this whole open response kind of thing is kind of intimidating
  1347. >And you aren't even trying to date them like in your neighponese imports
  1348. >The fingers of your free hand curl and bunch up your sheets
  1349. >...M-maybe you can try?
  1350. >Your heart flutters and you immediately shake your head with a shudder
  1351. >Focus
  1352. >Figure out what happened
  1353. >You have a mission!
  1354. >You pick up your phone again and open up your messager
  1355. >Which is already open to Lemon
  1356. >Perfect
  1357. 'Yeah, sorry for the mix up. I'm gonna try to make sure I don't upset you like that. Wanna hang out some time?'
  1358. >Now to check Sour
  1359. >Uh
  1360. >It's just her
  1361. >She took a selfie of her frowning, and holding up a piece sign
  1362. >'I love you, twiley. :) Sorry I'm an ass. :('
  1363. >It looks like she's been crying, and her hair is down and frayed
  1364. >And this picture was taken inside your lab?
  1365. >'Sour? Are you okay...?'
  1366. >Everything is silent for a few minutes
  1367. >Eventually, Lemon replies
  1368. >'Totes :D:D:D Seeya... Sat????'
  1369. 'Yeah, that sounds good.'
  1370. >After that, everything is quiet.
  1371. >No one replies back to you after that torrent of replies and social productivity
  1372. >And all is quiet, phone-wise
  1373. >...Do you want to instigate a conversation?
  1374. "N-nah."
  1375. >You're done with your phone for now, and it looks like it's at 30% anyway
  1376. >You set it to charge and head back to the internet
  1377. >You set forth and establish a list of possible sources you can investigate to figure out what happened
  1378. >First things first, you click over to /x/
  1379. >To lurk, of course
  1380. >Autoupdate is king
  1381. >Next, actual research
  1382. >You'll have to hit the library later this week, and while you aren't there, you'll need to be on the internet, finding clues
  1383. >You pull out a notepad and jot down some notes
  1384. >It definitely has to be something paranormal
  1385. >If it isn't that, then you're insane
  1386. >...If it starts looking like that, you're giving up.
  1387. >Sigh
  1388. >What is happening?
  1389. >Your phone blares some music, waking you up
  1390. >Oh heck yeah, Power Pony theme song
  1391. >Go go Power Ponies!
  1392. >You hum along with the music as you slide out of bed and stretch
  1393. >The music winds down and you grab your phone and glasses, checking for anything new
  1394. >7:00 AM
  1395. >(Your room)
  1396. >Sour Sweet sent you a few messages at 4 AM and onward
  1397. >'I'm glad you're my friend. :) Even if we have our problems. :('
  1398. >'Together we kind of even out. :) I don't want to lose you to anyone. :('
  1399. >You blink and sigh, rubbing at your face
  1400. >Looking around, you spot your clothes, and then your notepad
  1401. >So today you need to do a couple of things
  1402. >Try to get information out of the girls
  1403. >Find out what happened between you and Lemon Zest
  1404. >Learn about anything else different between this reality and the one you remember
  1405. >And watch a movie with Sugarcoat
  1406. >Which you're supposed to choose. You totally forgot about that
  1407. >What do you choose, even?
  1408. >Obviously, you're going to choose trash
  1409. >That isn't even a point of argument, if she's giving you the choice, you're watching a bad fun movie
  1410. >Sci fi, that's your only restraint
  1411. >But yeah, the choice will be trashy
  1412. >You yawn as you disrobe down to your undies
  1413. >Trash movies, trash movies...
  1414. >You peek into your undie drawer and grab a clean pair, tossing these into the hamper
  1415. >The Toxic Avenger? Been a few years since you saw that and Toxie is just a big lovable goof.
  1416. >You slip into your shirt, buttoning up in front of your figures.
  1417. >Plus the weird romance between him and that girl was kind of sweet
  1418. >You stop and stare at Masked Mater-Horn as you think, as per your daily ritual
  1419. >Toxie started as a nerd no one liked, didn't he?
  1420. >Then he got super powers, killed a bunch of people, and then everyone saw him as a hero
  1421. >Hrm
  1422. >Toxic Avenger was a fantastic movie, no one can convince you otherwise
  1423. >You get down and slide up your fancy Crystal Prep skirt and buckle it up over your shirt
  1424. >Socks
  1425. >You kind of don't want to watch anything else, actually, at least not now that you have the idea in your head.
  1426. >The surreal parallel between yourself and Toxie that's there is... Oddly alluring
  1427. >Then again
  1428. >This is your chance to ironically watch trash with someone
  1429. >You can't just not choose the best possible trash, regardless of who this person was last week.
  1430. >Like Wicker Man is totally deserving of your choice, as is The Stuff, Star Wars I...
  1431. >Heh
  1432. >You stow your phone and notepad into your pockets and grab your bag
  1433. >Your door squeaks softly, stopping your plotting
  1434. >Oh
  1435. "H-hi Cadence."
  1436. >Cadence smiles at you, holding her hands together. She has her hair up in a ponytail,
  1437. >"Good morning, Twilight."
  1438. >You grin and give her a small wave. "H-hi."
  1439. >You slowly slide your right foot into your shoe, wiggling your foot around until it fits right
  1440. >"Do you want a ride to school today?"
  1441. >Uh
  1442. "Y-yeah, sure. Thanks."
  1443. >You smile, stuffing your other foot into your other shoe, and awkwardly stuff your heel in until the leather wraps around your heel
  1444. >Cadence giggles and steps away. "I'll get some breakfast ready, see you in a bit."
  1445. >You watch her go
  1446. >Good ol' Cadence, always helping you out
  1447. >Shining's lucky to have a girl like that
  1448. >Couldn't really ask for a better girl
  1449. >Anyway, on the topic of good bad fun movies
  1450. >Wicker Man, Toxic Avenger, The Stuff, and maybe one other
  1451. >Taking a quick glance around your room, you decide you're all set
  1452. >Out into the house then, to join Cadence in the kitchen
  1453. >The Stuff might not be good enough to stand on its own, at least not from the last time you watched it
  1454. >You don't know why
  1455. >The story was decently bad
  1456. >The acting was hilarious
  1457. >You sit down at the breakfast table, watching Cadence shift around the stove
  1458. >She is humming to herself while she fries up something pleasant smelling
  1459. >You fiddle with the salt shaker while trying to puzzle this movie thing
  1460. >The Stuff
  1461. >It didn't really have any good zingers, you guess, nothing to really take away from it
  1462. >You click your tongue and set the shaker down
  1463. >No, when you watched it, you were dealing with shitty dial-up because mom and dad were both between jobs and Shining hadn't moved out yet
  1464. >Ugh
  1465. >It took you five hours to watch that travesty
  1466. >You groan and lean back, rubbing your face under your glasses. Overall, it was an unpleasant experience
  1467. >Cadence places a plate in front of you, drawing your mind away from your thoughts
  1468. >Ooh, bacon, eggs, and toast
  1469. >Yum.
  1470. >Cadence sits down next to you and sets to eating her own plate, while reading on her phone
  1471. >She seems to catch you watching her and puts her phone away. "Something the matter?"
  1472. "Uh... Just thinking..." You chuckle softly and begin stuffing your face. "Thanks for breakfast, Cadence." You smile to her
  1473. >She smiles back and wraps an arm around your shoulder. "Don't mention it, Twiley."
  1474. >You pause, and slowly resume chewing
  1475. >Weird, you've never heard her call you that before
  1476. >That's usually Shiney's thing
  1477. >Weird, but not the weirdest thing to happen this week
  1478. >Wow it's only Tuesday
  1479. >God dang
  1481. >After a few minutes, you and Cadence finish breakfast and pack into her big pink car
  1482. >Old Cadence didn't have a car, so you don't know what you should have expected
  1483. >Definitely not an old beater full of boxes of paperwork
  1484. >Seeing no Crystal sigil and that she's out of uniform, you know this isn't for Crystal Prep
  1485. >What does she do for work then? Why does she have these?
  1486. >As you buckle up, you take a peek back
  1487. >Hm. Time to work on your investigative skills
  1488. >Bethesda trained you for this.
  1489. "M-more boxes?"
  1490. >Cadence giggles as she backs out of the driveway
  1491. >"Nah, but it seems like it everyday!"
  1492. >You smile. Better, but you need more...
  1493. >When she's out on the road, you poke again with another question
  1494. "W-when do you get t-to put them somewhere else a-again?"
  1495. >Cadence purses her lips and skews them to the side as she hums.
  1496. >After a moment of driving, she stops at a red light. "...I dunno." She smiles over at you.
  1497. >"I suppose whenever the boss lady lets me order that filing cabinet we need for the office."
  1498. >You chuckle softly at that. Who? "Is she still that bad?"
  1499. >She chuckles back, shaking her head. "Are you kidding? Chrysalis? She's the worst!"
  1500. "W-worst of the district."
  1501. >Cadence gives a merry laugh as she pulls up to Crystal Prep and parks.
  1502. >You peek at your phone.
  1503. >7:15 AM
  1504. >Cadence startles you with a hug when you aren't looking, squeezing a yelp out of you
  1505. >When she lets go, you both give each other a look
  1506. >She seems confused
  1507. >You know your face is burning with embarrassment
  1508. >Crap, did you go to far?
  1509. >You think so, but then she smiles, which you return with a giggle
  1510. >"Have fun at school, Twiley."
  1511. >You nod a little and pull out of the car. "I'll be sure too. See you later, Cadence!"
  1512. >You turn from the car as Cadence pulls away, and look on at Crystal Prep's looming face
  1513. >Big building, full of overachievers and smart bullies
  1514. >Something strange happened to one of it's students recently
  1515. >And that student still doesn't know what movie she wants to watch with her ex-bully friend
  1516. >You start walking, tucking your fingers behind your backpack's straps
  1517. >You duck in. So far, so good.
  1518. >Not many kids are here yet
  1519. >Just like you like it
  1520. >Or used to like it?
  1521. >No, it's still the same, nice and quiet without the trodding of designer shoes on marble and lockers being swung open and closed
  1522. >Gives you some peace of mind to think
  1523. >You pull out your notepad and quickly go over your notes
  1524. >Sugarcoat's Movie
  1525. >Investigate relationship with Sugarcoat while watching (something)
  1526. >'Pretend to befriend her' is crossed out
  1527. >Maintain relationship with her is scribbled underneath it
  1528. >Be friends?
  1529. >Possibly have her help you figure out WHAT IS HAPPENING
  1530. >That's your new favorite phrase
  1531. >Continuing on to your locker, you hear a soft beat
  1532. >Peering around, you spot Lemon Zest one two stepping down the hall as she bobs her head
  1533. >Away from you
  1534. >Trying your best not to engage, you creep closer to your locker and watch her
  1535. >You want to talk to as few people as possible today-
  1536. >Ah crap, she turned around
  1537. >As soon as she saw you, she smiled wide, set her headphones on her shoulder and tromped up to you and your locker
  1538. >"Hi Twi-fam!"
  1539. >She's grinning from ear to ear as she looks down at you
  1540. >She's also really close, so you take a half step back, minding the lockers behind you
  1541. "H-hey... Lem-fam..."
  1542. >She gasps and you look up
  1543. >She's got her hands to her cheeks, and an astonished sparkle in her eye
  1544. >"Dude, Twi-fam, that's so totes perf!"
  1545. >You chuckle softly
  1546. >"Y-yeah..."
  1547. >You just stand there for a few moments with Lemon
  1548. >After only a few seconds, she lowered her hands to her hips
  1549. >You look up and see she's still got a faint smile
  1550. >Your arm feels kind of warm, so you reach up and adjust your sleeve
  1551. "S-so-"
  1552. >"Anyway-"
  1553. >You look up at her
  1554. >She has an expectant stare for you
  1555. >You roll your wrist toward her.
  1556. "Y-you go first..."
  1557. >She smiles. "Anyway, I can see you're a bit busy. I won't bother you too much, fam. Just wanted to ask something real quick."
  1558. >She throws her arms out wide. "Are we back to hugs yet?"
  1559. >You reflexively gulp
  1560. "Y-yeah, hugs are c-c-cool."
  1561. >She grins wide and leans down, picking you up in a hug.
  1562. >It's... A hug. You were totally prepared to die just now, but Lemon just holds you aloft for a second or two
  1563. >She lets out a content grunt and sets you down. "Yeah, hugs are cool."
  1564. >Letting out a soft breath, she lazily crosses her arms across her upper belly.
  1565. >She looks kind of off
  1566. >But you don't know how
  1567. >There's a distant look in her eye, and a small smile across her lips
  1568. >You guess pleased is the best word
  1569. >But from a hug?
  1570. >Before you can inquire, she raises a hand and waves
  1571. >"Seeya, Twi-fam."
  1572. "B-bye." After a split second's hesitation, you add "Lem-fam."
  1573. >Lemon Zest giggles to herself and replaces her headphones as she walks
  1574. >W I H?
  1575. >Maybe Lemon Zest is just the weird one
  1576. >She's your freebie
  1577. >Lemon's all figured out, she's just weird
  1578. >You whip out your notepad and scribble that down next to a poorly drawn headshot of Lemon Zest
  1579. >Possibly knows nothing about what happened as well
  1580. >She seems clueless enough
  1581. >Unless what you're supposed to know is what happened
  1582. >Ugh
  1583. >You stow your notepad and turn to your locker
  1584. >Twist
  1585. >Twist
  1586. >Twist
  1587. >Click, locker's open
  1588. >You set to work moving your stuff around and back and forth and such
  1589. >Mostly you're just going through the motions
  1590. >With the classes you're in, you could take a ream of loose wide ruled paper to class and a dozen blue pens and you'd still pass with flying colors
  1591. >Whoever you replaced was so casual about her curriculum...
  1592. >"L-lemme just s-sign up for the m-most basic suite of c-classes real quick. T-then off to... P-post on... Facebook..." Or whatever it is normal girls your age do.
  1593. >What do normal girls your age do?
  1594. >Wow, never thought you'd ask that
  1595. >You rub your chin and stare at the pile of papers you grabbed and the fistful of pens in the other hand
  1596. >What do girls do?
  1597. >Just hang out, right?
  1598. >Go to the park?
  1599. >Watch movies?
  1600. >Crap, Sugarcoat
  1601. >You toss your things into your backpack and whip out your notepad
  1602. >You have a few ideas...
  1603. >Sugarcoat's father owns a big business, right?
  1604. >And she's sort of a big shot kind of girl, walking around like she owns the place?
  1605. >Maybe she'd enjoy the brutal ramblings of The Drake?
  1606. >Hobo With a Shotgun was fun times, the first time you watched it
  1607. >Freaking quality production, right there
  1608. >That freaking movie has everything, it has thrills, chills, and that special stuff in everybody
  1609. >The Spills
  1610. >The first time you saw that movie, you couldn't help but draw parallels between your big brother as the hobo and either Sour Sweet or a very crazed Sugarcoat as The Drake
  1611. >It's The Drake
  1612. >Gods, hamfisted acting is the best acting
  1613. >You smile, giggling to yourself
  1614. >Box office directors don't know what they're doing anymore
  1615. >There's no one delivering justice one shell at a time in these big budget productions anymore.
  1616. >Delivering justice
  1617. >One
  1618. >Shell
  1619. >At a
  1620. >Time
  1621. >You chuckle to yourself
  1622. >"What's so funny, Twilight? Did you perhaps watch something funny on the internet again, or did you hear a good joke as of late?"
  1623. >Pause
  1624. >Look
  1625. >There's Sugarcoat
  1626. >You grin softly
  1627. "O-oh, I was just thinking a-about what movie we can w-watch..."
  1628. >"Do tell. I always look forward to your film choices. You have such an excellent taste in cinematic pieces."
  1629. >You're gods damn right
  1630. >Don't you fucking forget it.
  1631. >You smile and peer at your notepad one last time before stowing it
  1632. "Uh... Heh, w-well, w-would you r-rather watch a s-super hero m-movie, or would you r-rather watch a s-story about a w-wayward vagabond?"
  1633. >"Twilight, I love hanging out with you, but I really don't want to watch any more Power Ponies films, animated or otherwise, nor do I want to watch any neighponese subtitled dramas. I understand that you love them... Hm?"
  1634. >She thankfully stops when you wave your hands around and shake your head
  1635. "It's n-neither of those, I-I swear."
  1636. >Wow you forced your shit tastes on her?
  1637. >That's sad
  1638. >Regardless, Sugarcoat crosses her arms, watching you
  1639. >"I'm listening to whatever it is you're trying to propose."
  1640. >You grin and hold your hands behind your back.
  1641. "I-it's an a-awesome m-movie."
  1642. >"And does this supposedly awesome movie have a title so I can have Cola download it for us?"
  1643. >You nod, and fix your glasses
  1644. "It's called Th-The Toxic Avenger!"
  1645. >Sugarcoat stares at you for a moment. She then furrows her brow and slowly looks away
  1646. >Her eyes narrow as she glares away from you
  1647. >You follow her gaze and find nothing there, just wall
  1648. >You look back to her, and she's looking down with her arms crossed over her chest tighter than usual
  1649. >"...I've never heard of that film."
  1650. >Oh good
  1651. >Perfect, as a matter of fact
  1652. "It's a little out there, I'll admit, but I think it'll be fun to watch it with you."
  1653. >Sugarcoat just stares at you for a moment
  1654. >She blinks and looks down into her locker. "Okay."
  1655. "Okay?"
  1656. >"Okay."
  1657. "Okay."
  1658. >"Okay."
  1659. >You giggle a bit, and she joins you.
  1660. >She stops
  1661. >"I'll have Cola download it for us while we're at school as well as fetch us the proper snacks and other accommodations necessary..." Sugar pulls out her cell phone and starts typing away, leaving you standing there next to her
  1662. >You lean toward your locker and rework your bag again.
  1663. >You're seriously going to just take almost nothing to class and you're actually cool with it
  1664. >If yesterday was any indicator, you don't have to put in much of any effort into any of these classes
  1665. >"Okay, Cola has the instructions and we can trust him to carry these instructions to the letter." She sets her phone into her her jacket pocket and smiles at you. "I'm looking forward to this. I adore our monthly movie nights, Twilight. I don't think I told you how much I adore spending time with you, but I really do."
  1666. >She reaches out and places a hand on your shoulder
  1667. >With a blink, you look down at her hand, and she slowly takes it away, crossing her arms again
  1668. >You look back at her
  1669. >Her brow furrows and she slowly looks to her locker
  1670. "U-uh-"
  1671. >"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I just meant that I really appreciate you as a friend and companion, especially these days when I find myself getting lonely."
  1672. >She says all this without looking away from her locker.
  1673. "S-sugarcoat, I..."
  1674. >She takes a deep breath and sets her locker closed.
  1675. >She looks at you out of the corner of her eye
  1676. >You lock up, sort of frozen between reaching out to her and flinching away
  1677. >The grimace stuck on your face may not be helpful
  1678. >What is she upset about?
  1679. >Your fingers curl up and you slowly transition into a cringe
  1680. >"I'm sorry, again, I'm sorry. I did not intend at all to make you feel uncomfortable and I know that certain things can make you uncomfortable or even upset."
  1681. >She looks back to her locker and furrows her brow.
  1682. "S-sugarcoat, please-"
  1683. >"Please forget I said anything, okay? It sort of slipped out and I wasn't thinking about what I was saying before I said it, which is my fault. I'm always good at that, just these past couple of days have been a little troublesome for me, emotionally speaking."
  1684. >You sigh, wrapping your fingers around the straps on your backpack.
  1685. >What do you even say to her?
  1686. >You should know how to react to this situation, at least the other you should know
  1687. >Quick, what do you do?
  1688. >Something something
  1689. >You smile
  1690. "R-relax, I'm not u-upset with y-you. O-or anything."
  1691. >Sugarcoat seems to relax at that. Good.
  1692. >Thank the gods you can learn with sink or swim type situations, or you would have crashed and burned a long time ago with this social interaction stuff.
  1693. >She adjusts her glasses and gives you a small smile. She crosses her arms again, but this time much looser, just so she's holding her elbows and not any more than that.
  1694. >"I am so happy to hear that, Twilight. I was positive I might have upset you, but apparently my assessment was wrong, much to my delight. If that's the case, can I still count on our plans to be carried out this evening?"
  1695. >You nod, inwardly sighing. "O-of course. I-I wouldn't m-miss it for the w-world."
  1696. >She nods at that and picks up her backpack, slinging it on.
  1697. >After a quick adjustment, she looks back at you once more, and gives you a short wave
  1698. >You reply in turn, and she sets off on her own way
  1699. >...Well that was pleasant
  1700. >But weird in a way
  1701. >You glance around. The halls are empty at the moment
  1702. >Sugarcoat seems off.
  1703. >It's like she thought you were reacting wrong to something?
  1704. >Was it the hand to shoulder thing?
  1705. >Was that a thing? Like a thing thing, that people consider important?
  1706. >Or was it you?
  1707. >Do you seem off to her?
  1708. >Was it about yesterday or...?
  1709. >Is your cover being blown?
  1710. "B-bluh."
  1711. >You pull out your phone
  1712. >7:30 AM
  1713. >You have a message from Sour Sweet
  1714. >'Would you like to hang out tomorrow? :) To sort of say sorry for yesterday... :('
  1715. >Bluh
  1716. >'Sure, that sounds fine. You can choose where we hang out, as long as we don't have to spend too much.'
  1717. >7:32 AM
  1718. >School... Starts at 7:45 AM
  1719. >First period starts at 8:30 AM
  1720. >You don't actually have any reason to be this early
  1721. >You used to have a lot of homework to do
  1722. >But you don't anymore
  1723. >Maybe you could go to the library and read a bit
  1724. >But...
  1725. >Nah?
  1726. >More students are starting to stream in now
  1727. >The library is probably crowded
  1728. >You could go to your lab, and crunch some numbers on energy X
  1729. >You turn around and dig through your locker
  1730. >Nice, your notes
  1731. >...Look weird
  1732. >You thumb through the pages of the binder you set up
  1733. >And all the numbers look wrong
  1734. >There are no lengthy algorithms
  1735. >There is none of the extended data you collected
  1736. >There's no mention of your X detection device beta!
  1737. >You groan to the ceiling
  1738. >At least you have a year to redo it
  1739. >But that was a year's worth of work
  1740. >You'll have to remake the X detection device beta from scratch
  1741. >And you'll have to correct these numbers, or make sure that the readings were recorded so you can ensure that they are incorrect or not
  1742. >Ugh
  1743. >You set the binder into your backpack.
  1744. >This is going to be one of those take home weeks.
  1745. >7:55 AM
  1746. >Your lab
  1747. >You stare at the door
  1748. >Please don't be in there
  1749. >Please don't anyone be in there
  1750. >With a sigh, you grab the doorknob and pull
  1751. >The door opens to reveal...
  1752. >An almost entirely empty room!
  1753. "Y-yeah..."
  1754. >"Hey, Twi."
  1755. >You flinch, jumping into your lab
  1756. >You twist your head around and spy Sour Sweet standing behind you in the doorway, holding her small bag in both hands
  1757. >She smiles and steps inside, shutting the door behind her
  1758. >"Fancy meeting you here!" She frowns and takes a seat. "Usually I spend mornings alone..."
  1759. >You watch her and after a moment, you take a seat, pushing your lab computer on
  1760. >Behind you, you hear her do the same. You mostly ignore her as you wait for this old computer to boot up
  1761. >Several times, you hear her humming to herself behind you
  1762. >You also hear her grumbling to herself behind you
  1763. >You try your best to ignore her
  1764. >Emotional trauma heals slow, man
  1765. >Real slow
  1766. >Which is sad, because thanks to your recent experience in social interaction, you can tell she's really expecting you to start the conversation
  1767. >She does keep turning to face you, and her chair squeaks loudly enough whenever she fully swivels to face you
  1768. >But, nah
  1769. >Research
  1770. >You hastily search up some terms to begin your investigation on "their Twilight"
  1771. >Alternate Realities
  1772. >Cross Dimensions
  1773. >Missing Persons
  1774. >You hear footsteps, and your hands freeze over the yellowed keyboard
  1775. >Looking up, you see Sour Sweet
  1776. >She has a faint smile and a concerned look in her eye
  1777. >She waves down at you
  1778. >You give her a thin smile and wave up
  1779. >You glance at your backpack, which she moved to the table without you noticing
  1780. >Your brow furrows
  1781. >...You search up CHS as well, in a new tab
  1782. >"What are you researching...?"
  1783. >She mumbles something into her fist
  1784. "U-um... Just... S-some r-random things..."
  1785. >It's not entirely a lie
  1786. >Still, you don't like faking it like this
  1787. >Regardless of how you feel, Sour Sweet seems to take your words to heart, nodding with earnest as she watches you
  1788. >She takes a seat, setting herself down with care, before scooting closer to you
  1789. >Hopefully just to look over your shoulder
  1790. >Hopefully she doesn't want to talk anymore
  1791. >"So..."
  1792. >Crap
  1793. >"About yesterday...?"
  1794. >Double Crap
  1795. >"Are you... You know... Friends with Lemon Zest now?"
  1796. >Now? What does that mean?
  1797. >Sour angrily grumbles something to the air next to her, away from you
  1798. >Three piece Crap combo
  1799. >Uh
  1800. "U-uh..."
  1801. >You look away from her and back to the computer
  1802. >8:12 AM
  1803. >Uh
  1804. >"It's totally fine if you are!" Sour raises her hands slightly. "I-I just wish you'd have told me!"
  1805. >You risk glancing up at her
  1806. >And you regret it in an instant when you see the torn up grimace-grin she's wearing
  1807. >Holy crap, you don't need this, not from her
  1808. >Not from anyone
  1809. "I-I'll try to explain... L-later, okay?"
  1810. >You lock eyes with her, and she slowly lowers her hands, letting them hang slightly by her sides. She rests into a neutral expression, too
  1811. >"Oh... Okay." She slowly looks down as her hands connect, her fingers weaving together just under her belly
  1812. >She murmers "It's not like I'm worried." as she gets up and collects her things
  1813. >Crap, this looks really bad
  1814. >As much as you don't want to deal with her, you can't let your reputation turn to total garbage because you're in over your head
  1815. "S-sour... S-s-s-sweetie...?"
  1816. >Sour Sweet visibly flinches, midway slinging her bag over her shoulder
  1817. >Nicknames are good, right?
  1818. >Her bag hangs loosely in her hand
  1819. >You're about to say something, when you hear a sniffling come from her
  1820. >"Y-yeah?"
  1821. >Come on, careful
  1822. >Damage control
  1823. >Don't lose any friends, Twilight
  1824. >Real or fake
  1825. "I uh... I s-still care a-about you... Y-you know, as... A-a... F-friend?"
  1826. >At first she doesn't react
  1827. >But then she slowly turns and faces you, smiling wide as tears run down her face
  1828. >Again, she acts quicker than you can react, slamming herself onto you, squeezing you tight as she cries into your shoulder
  1829. >It isn't a violent cry, just some wet sobbing
  1830. >You reach up to adjust your glasses, and set your hand on her back
  1831. >You don't know what to do with your other hand, so you sort of hold her shoulder
  1832. >After a few minutes, she eases down, resting her head against your shoulder while she kneels before you
  1833. "B-better?"
  1834. >She nods
  1835. "...W-what was th-that?"
  1836. >Sour chuckles. You can hear some bitterness in her laughter though, which is somewhat concerning
  1837. >"I was being dumb... As usual, I got ahead of myself."
  1838. >You don't respond.
  1839. >It might be a good idea to see where she takes this
  1840. >She picks herself up and wipes her face with the back of her hands
  1841. >"I thought that after yesterday, and how you didn't support getting Lemon to go away, that you had changed..." She wraps her hands together and looks down, furrowing her brow
  1842. >"I got ahead of myself last night, thinking too hard about you, and Lemon and..." She motions between you and her, "Us."
  1843. >She slowly looks into your eyes
  1844. >Is she going to start crying again?
  1845. >You want to check the time, to make sure she isn't going to make you late, but you also don't want to hurt her feelings by being rude
  1846. >Why do you care all of a sudden?
  1847. >Why should you care if you're rude to her or not, after all she's done?
  1848. >Even if this is some weird new Sour Sweet, what does this person owe you?
  1849. >You look straight at her, your brow knitting together. You barely know her.
  1850. >Sour Sweet starts to tremble under your gaze
  1851. >She might start crying again
  1852. >You're not her Twilight
  1853. >She's not your friend...
  1854. >Right?
  1855. >"S-stop looking at me like that..."
  1856. >You stand up, but you instantly regret doing so
  1857. >You stumble back into your chair, as you become light headed and feel a headache coming on at the same time
  1858. >You groan and grab your head, feeling the pounding slowly grow
  1859. >"Shh..."
  1860. >There's a cool sensation on your forehead
  1861. >You open your eyes and see Sour Sweet
  1862. >She's sitting in your lap with her legs draped across yours
  1863. >You flinch and she shakes her head
  1864. >"Relax..." She runs her hand over the back of your head and neck
  1865. >You try to say something
  1866. >But
  1867. >Your throat is dry
  1868. >Is that her heartbeat or yours?
  1869. >You look down, and see her chest barely even pressed against yours
  1870. >Wow, definitely not hers, from how far away her heart is
  1871. >Wow, you might die from this
  1872. >Are you really so desperate for affection that just any physical contact can make you panic like this?
  1873. >Apparently, so Twilight. Apparently so
  1874. >Sour Sweet continues cooing, her free hand sliding along your cheek, her thumb rubbing just under the frame of your glasses
  1875. >Wow
  1876. >This is... Relaxing
  1877. >Whatever that headache was, it's dead and gone now
  1878. >You lean your head forward and use her chest as a pillow
  1879. >Sour Sweet giggles, hugging you
  1880. >"Poor Twilight, always having meltdowns. You should let me help more often!"
  1881. >She squeezes you tighter and grumbles to herself
  1882. >"That way I can fucking help you instead of feeling like a useless side bitch."
  1883. >Okay?
  1884. >Seriously? What does that even mean?
  1885. >You pat her on the back. "Th-thanks, S-sweetie."
  1886. >She giggles again and stands up
  1887. >You look up at her and find her smiling extra wide down at you
  1888. >You glance at your phone
  1889. >8:20 AM
  1890. >You glance back at Sour Sweet
  1891. >She seems calmer
  1892. >"Are you better?"
  1893. "Y-yeah, my head w-was light a-all of a sudden."
  1894. >You rub your forehead a little
  1895. >Everything up there seems fine enough
  1896. >You clear your throat and stand back up, putting your hand on your hip as you grab your backpack
  1897. >Wow your hip is really easy to grab
  1898. "I-I don't know w-what it was, r-really."
  1899. >Ugh, maybe stress from dealing with this... Girl
  1900. >Reaching over, you grab your bag
  1901. >"So..."
  1902. >As you hook your backpack to yourself, you look back at Sour
  1903. >She smiles. "Y-you're friends with Lemon then?"
  1904. >You cock a brow and slowly nod. "Y-yeah, I guess."
  1905. >"Interesting."
  1906. >You close the door behind you as you exit. "W-why, w-why is it i-interesting?"
  1907. >Sour gives you a sly look as you walk together.
  1908. >She looks forward again as she walks. "Well, after that big deal you made over cutting her off... I didn't think you had it in you to forgive her."
  1909. >CRAP
  1910. >Fucking SHIT
  1911. >You chuckle under your breath, and try to hide your swallowing
  1912. "I-I g-guess I'm j-just t-trying to t-turn over a n-new leaf..."
  1913. >At that, Sour Sweet slowly looks to you. At first it was just out of the corner of her eye, but then she's looking straight at you as she walks
  1914. >For a moment, she holds her gaze, and the only thing you can hear is the tapping of each of your shoes against the pale crystal floor
  1915. >Glancing back, you see she's still staring at you
  1916. >She has a coy smile as she does so
  1917. >"...Interesting."
  1918. >You stop in front of your first period class and nod.
  1919. "Y-yeah, i-interesting..."
  1920. >"Do you have plans for this weekend?"
  1921. >She blurted it it out so quick you don't have time to process it
  1922. "Wha?"
  1923. >"Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?"
  1924. "W-what about them?"
  1925. >"Are you doing anything?"
  1926. "N-no... Maybe... N-no?"
  1927. >Are you?
  1928. >She smiles wide. "Do you want to go to the carnival Saturday?"
  1929. "S-sure..."
  1930. >Sweetie clasps her hands together, and gives a small bounce. Your eyes widen slightly. "Great! I'm already so excited."
  1931. >Her smile fades slightly. "It's been so long since we've hung out..."
  1932. "Y-yeah... T-that's nice..." You shake your head and adjust your glasses "S-s-see you l-later, okay?"
  1933. >Sour Sweet nodded and waved to you, leaving you to enter your first period class...
  1934. >You peek at your phone
  1935. >8:28 AM
  1936. >Early.
  1937. >Nice.
  1939. >You aren't the first one into class, but you're not the last in either
  1940. >Which is nice
  1941. >Letting other people seem worse than you are is practically one of Crystal Prep's codes of conduct
  1942. >Actually it might literally be, it wouldn't surprise you
  1943. >You set yourself down next to Sunny and Indy
  1944. >They both instantly perk up at your appearance
  1945. >Sunny waves. "Good morning, ma petite~ How has your morning been~?"
  1946. >That steady rhythm she speaks with... It sets you at ease
  1947. >You sigh, easing back into your seat
  1948. "I-it's been one of th-those m-mornings..."
  1949. >A concerned frown appears on her lips, but she turns it around, placing her chin onto her weaved fingers
  1950. >"I'm so sorry to hear that~"
  1951. >You glance at her
  1952. >She hums softly. "Is there anything I can do for you, ma chérie~?"
  1953. >You let out a long breath and close your eyes
  1954. >It's really easy to listen to Sunny talk, especially now that she's being friendly toward you
  1955. >Having Sunny as your friend is probably your favorite part about all this
  1956. "I... W-would j-just like to r-relax..."
  1957. >You slouch a bit in your seat, letting your mental exhaustion translate into the physical realm as you stare at the blackboard half-lidded
  1958. >Indigo takes this as a chance to pipe up
  1959. >"What's gotcha down, bae? Like, ya know, specifically."
  1960. >Your eyes roll away from Sunny, who's now frowning, to the edge of your field of vision
  1961. >Then you turn your head to look at Indigo
  1962. >She's grinning wide, but when you roll your head toward her, her grin falters just a little
  1963. >"Well?"
  1964. >You take a deep breath
  1965. >And let it out
  1966. "W-well... Y-yesterday, m-mostly..."
  1967. >Indy furrows her brow and you can see the cogs work in her head as her bright eyes dart around inside that thick skull of hers
  1968. >"...Yesterday?"
  1969. >"The fight, dearie, she's complaining about the fight."
  1970. >Indigo jumps a little, suddenly realizing now that Sunny told her
  1971. >"Oh you mean that thing with Sour Patch and Lemon Lime?"
  1972. >Ignoring Sunny Flare's soft grunt of a sigh behind you, you slowly nod, squeezing your hands under your... Surprisingly soft thighs
  1973. >How did you survive without all this flesh?
  1974. >Uncomfortably, to be honest
  1975. >Even now, all of the weight of your slouch is being absorbed by your butt.
  1976. >Fat ass tech is the way of the future; what a time to be alive
  1977. >Focus. Indy is just wrapping up gloating about her exploits in that stupid fight
  1978. >Blowing it out of proportion, too
  1979. >"...Like not even a chance, you know? Besides, that's what Lemon Lime gets for starting shit with you."
  1980. >You narrow your eyes
  1981. >Is she finished?
  1982. >Indigo points a thumb at herself, smirking. "Me, she gets me."
  1983. >Sunny groans next to you. "Really, dearie, you shouldn't be such a braggart."
  1984. >Shifting your gaze, you see a downright cocky Sunny Flare raise her nose at Indigo
  1985. >"If you continue to go on and on like that, your head may pop from all the hot air~" At that, she flips her hair back, smiling
  1986. >Looking back at Indigo, you raise a hand slightly, hoping to nip this argument in the bud
  1987. >But she ignores you, glaring right over you at Sunny
  1988. >"Excuse me?"
  1989. >You feel your headache coming back, so you lean forward and press a finger to your temple
  1990. >You hear a scoff roll out of Sunny's tongue
  1991. >"Now that I think on it, perhaps it's you're fault that happened~?"
  1992. >It's Indigo's turn to scoff, though indignantly
  1993. >"Yeah, w-well-"
  1994. >"It wouldn't have been the first, either~"
  1995. >Sigh
  1996. >You lower your hand and look between who's talking
  1997. >Indigo looks like she's about to say something, but Sunny interrupts her
  1998. >"Oh, remember the summer of 09~? Ohohoho~ The ninety day brawl~?"
  1999. >There's a slight jab in the back of your head, from this headache coming back
  2000. >You grab your head and rub as you watch these two
  2001. >Sunny just starts chuckling into the back of her hand, while glowering at Indigo
  2002. >You hear Indigo growling next to you
  2003. >Her face is burning red, and she's clenching her fists so hard, her knuckles are white
  2004. >Gods, how could two people hate each other so much?
  2005. >Indigo slams her fist into her desk, jerking your attention away from your thoughts
  2006. >"Listen, ya dumb slut, that summer was my freakin legacy! You can't just mention it like it was some stupid shit like that, you hear me?"
  2007. >Indigo's fingers curled around the back of her seat as she looked across you at Sunny
  2008. >
  2009. >Whatever, let them hate ea-
  2010. >You double over, grabbing your head with a yelp
  2011. >What is this!?
  2012. >It's ten times more painful!
  2013. >Explode! Your head is going to explode!
  2014. >Sunny and Indigo both latch onto you
  2015. >"Twi!"
  2016. >"Twi!"
  2017. >Their voices barely penetrate the haze of red hot pain drilling its way through your skull
  2018. >Why?
  2019. >What is happening?
  2020. >What is this pain?
  2021. >Your friends...
  2022. >You sigh as you feel cold spread across your neck
  2023. >The pain eases quite a bit as it crawls up the back of your neck and prods into your head
  2024. >It's numbing, in a way
  2025. >It reduces the pain
  2026. >You groan and slouch in your seat, rubbing at your forehead
  2027. >Ow
  2028. >Your throat hurts now too
  2029. >Looking around, it seems like a small crowd formed
  2030. >You nervously smile
  2031. "I-I'm... O-okay."
  2032. >This seems to dissipate their interest, but Indy and Sunny are still staring
  2033. >You glance between them both as the students sit back down, murmuring about your antics
  2034. >Indigo has a straight face. She's not showing you what she's thinking, or any reaction to what just happened
  2035. >Whatever that was
  2036. >She blinks and slowly looks away
  2037. >Indigo sets her hands on either side of her desk and slouches a bit
  2038. >All while wearing that same stoic expression
  2039. >Turning, you see Sunny isn't much better
  2040. >Well, actually, she's worse
  2041. >She's just then dabbing at her eyes, and her lip is quivering
  2042. >When she catches you looking at her, she takes a deep breath, clutching her hankie to her chest
  2043. >After a moment, she tears her gaze away, looking far away from you
  2044. >What the heck is going on?
  2045. >What is happening?
  2046. >...
  2047. >Your throat is sore
  2048. >Glancing once more, Indigo is still despondent, but when she notices you, she puts on an uncomfortable sneer and turns her head away
  2049. >And Sunny still won't look at you.
  2050. >Well, isn't this neat
  2051. >You glance at the clock
  2052. >8:45 AM
  2053. >With a sigh, you set your head down onto your desk
  2054. >To your mild annoyance, your glasses make a clattering sound as they slip off and land between your face and the wood
  2055. >It's only Tuesday
  2056. "F-f-frick..."
  2058. >Lunch
  2059. >You don't care what time it is
  2060. >This headache is coming and going, but thank the gods, it's not nearly as bad as when you were with Indigo and Sunny
  2061. >Thank the gods lunch is a relatively quiet period, away from questions and chatting students
  2062. >You press your hand to your forehead and stare at your food
  2063. >You used your change from yesterday to buy it
  2064. >So there's not much
  2065. >But you don't really need that much, anyway
  2066. >Hm
  2067. >You grab your cell phone
  2068. >1:08 PM
  2069. >You have a few messages
  2070. >Everyone
  2071. >Sugarcoat and Lemon are so far the least annoying
  2072. >Lemon is closer to the top of the list of messages
  2073. >':D:D:D dude, twifam, how r u????'
  2074. >The innocence
  2075. >You sip on your milk
  2076. 'I'm fighting a bad headache today. How about you?'
  2077. >Pause
  2078. >'Lemfam'
  2079. >You smile, and wince at the pinching pain in your head
  2080. >Sugarcoat...
  2081. >Blah blah blah... Everything is set for movie night
  2082. >Should you be ashamed of skimming what she's saying?
  2083. >Nah, she probably doesn't mind
  2084. >Movie night...
  2085. >You smile again.
  2086. >Watching a bad movie with a cute girl...
  2087. >That sounds really nice, actually.
  2088. >Definitely better than anything else right now
  2089. >You sigh and glance at the other messages
  2090. >Indigo, a reply from Lemon, Sunny, and Sour
  2091. >Sour sent you a selfie
  2092. >Okay, it's just her smiling
  2093. >With a...
  2094. >A few buttons undone
  2095. >Oh wow
  2096. >Saved
  2097. >...Gosh. You didn't notice, but she's so...
  2098. >Deep, squishy, creamy-
  2099. >You flinch and shake your head
  2100. >Indigo and Sunny are saying the same thing
  2101. >'Hey, no meme, I'm sorry for what happened today, bae. Like, you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, it's just that Sunny really irritates me...'
  2102. >'Ma chérie... I wish to tell you that I am sorry, for how I acted today. It was not my intent to upset you at all, I just wanted Ms. Zap to end her indulgent fairy tale.'
  2103. >You give them both a simple 'Thanks' as reply and check up on Lemon
  2104. >'Yo dude, twifam, that sucks :C:C:C'
  2105. >You glance at your milk
  2106. >Sigh, it's empty
  2107. >You get up and throw away your trash while texting
  2108. >'Yeah, I just have to get through the day on force of will, I suppose.'
  2109. >You sigh and look up from your phone.
  2110. >Hopefully that's all today will take.
  2112. >3:00 PM
  2113. >After school
  2114. >Your headache is... There
  2115. >It's not worse
  2116. >But it's not better either
  2117. >You sigh as you stare at your lab's door
  2118. >Sweetie is going to be in there
  2119. >Will your headache get worse dealing with her?
  2120. >Probably
  2121. >There's a throb, and you reflexively grab your head
  2122. >Why is she here so often?
  2123. >You grab the knob with your free hand
  2124. >Sigh
  2125. >Maybe you can...
  2126. >The throbbing continues, pervading your thoughts and concentration
  2127. >Just
  2128. >Ignore her?
  2129. >There's a softer throb, interrupting the
  2130. >This damn headache!
  2131. >If you had any real classes, you would have been struggling the entire day
  2132. >Eh...
  2133. >You pull the door open, leering the entire time
  2134. >Sour is sitting at a table, jotting notes or drawing
  2135. >She looks over at you and smiles, waving
  2136. >And that's it
  2137. >She just goes back to her schoolwork
  2138. >You stand upright
  2139. >You debate starting a conversation with her
  2140. >Should you?
  2141. "U-uh..."
  2142. >She looks over at you
  2143. >Giving you a curious stare
  2144. >Your headache throbs and you grab your head
  2145. >"H-hey...?"
  2146. >She smiles wider. "Hello, Twilight! Welcome back, I'm just doing homework."
  2147. >She turns away and mumbles something before turning back
  2148. >You stare at her for a second, before walking to your computer
  2149. >You grab the back of your chair, feeling her gaze on you
  2150. >Looking toward her, you catch her gaze.
  2151. >You have a staring contest
  2152. >Wow
  2153. >Why is she so focused on you?
  2154. >Wait, crap
  2155. >Your Sour was obsessed with bullying you
  2156. >But this one is really nice...
  2157. >Gasp
  2158. >"What's wrong?"
  2159. >You look back at her, blinking a few times
  2160. "S-sweetie...?"
  2161. >"Hm?"
  2162. >Uh...
  2163. >"W-what's m-my fa-favorite book?"
  2164. >Without missing a beat, she replies, "Of this month, this week, or all time?"
  2165. >You inwardly flinch
  2166. >Gods damn, you have yourself a Sweet fangirl
  2167. >"All time."
  2168. >"Your sister's favorite book, The Once and Future King."
  2169. >You take a step back and set into your chair
  2170. "Mhm..."
  2171. >"What's your favorite of the week?"
  2172. >Reflexively, the words spill out, "D-daring Doo And T-the Immortals..."
  2173. >Looking up, she nods, seemingly approving of your choice.
  2174. >She smiles and sets her pencil down, before walking toward you
  2175. >"On a more serious note..."
  2176. >Your eyes widen as she slides her arm around your shoulder and eases into your lap
  2177. >What is this?
  2178. >What is happening?
  2179. >"I have a bit of a serious question to ask you..."
  2180. >Your headache is evaporating, but your heart rate is accelerating!
  2181. >Get off, you Mega Milk monster!
  2182. >She places her other hand under your chin, looking you in the eye
  2183. >Or don't, really, it's cool, it's cool
  2184. >Sour Sweet presses herself closer to you, her chest squeezing against yours
  2185. >You're cool with this
  2186. >She looks you in the eye, smiling a small, sweet smile. "Are you feeling better than this morning?"
  2187. >You're on cloud nine, honestly
  2188. >Friendship ain't half bad, if this is what it gets you
  2189. >Realizing she wants an answer, you dumbly nod
  2190. >She giggles and hugs you
  2191. >"Good..." She nuzzles the top of your head
  2192. >"I wouldn't want the world's best girlfriend being stressed out."
  2193. >Oh.
  2194. >Well, that's... Neat
  2195. >Sour cocks her head, her smiling curling farther upward
  2196. >You smile back, albeit with a sort of crook
  2197. >Sour Sweet pulls her hand away, one finger at a time, and taps your nose
  2198. >With slow, deliberate movements, she places both hands on your chest, so she's just barely touching your shoulders, while her palms rest just... Over...
  2199. >Her smile shifts into the coy grin from this morning as she pulls her hands away
  2200. >"Interesting."
  2201. >You stare at her, your face flushing
  2202. >W-what?
  2203. >"Dude, seriously? It's not even Friday yet, chill."
  2204. >Your head whips around to look at the now open door
  2205. >There's Indigo, standing with her duffle bag hanging on her hip
  2206. >Sour slides off of your lap, leaving your thighs to cool, and pats out her skirt
  2207. "W-what?"
  2208. >You rapidly blink, looking between Sour and Indy
  2209. >Sour is smirking, tenting her fingers against her belly
  2210. >Indigo has a less than impressed scowl as she stares at Sour Sweet, holding a hand on her hip.
  2211. >"Seriously?"
  2212. >Sour giggles. "I don't see what the problem here is~" She scowls. "Unless you're jealous of me and MY bestie..."
  2213. >Don't fight, seriously
  2214. >You look to Indigo
  2215. >Please, please don't fight
  2216. >Please read my mind, Indigo
  2217. >You catch her eye just as she was going to retort
  2218. >Whatever flare of anger she was about to spit at Sour dies on her lips with a strangled grunt
  2219. >She sighs and looks away from you
  2220. >"Dude... Whatever."
  2221. >Indy marches in with her bag of athletic stuff and immediately goes for the chair right next to you, behind Sour
  2222. >Within a moment, she's fully composed again
  2223. >She winks and drops her heavy bag onto the table. "Ey bae."
  2224. >You smile and nod at her
  2225. >With a confused frown, Sour watches Indigo for only a moment before looking away and taking her own chair
  2226. >They quietly sit, facing each other
  2227. >The sounds of footsteps break the short silence, and you see Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare at the doorway
  2228. >Sugarcoat wanders in, almost seeming to not notice anyone as she picks up the chair next to Sour Sweet
  2229. >She drags it away, sitting a little bit between both Sour and Indy
  2230. >Almost as an after thought, she takes off her backpack, setting it down next to her as she sits with her arms crossed loose across her belly
  2231. >Sunny slowly steps in, carefully treading the completely safe crystal flooring with dainty little steps
  2232. >She ends up taking the last seat for herself, between you and Sour with a silent sigh.
  2233. >She offers you a withered grin as she places her book bag on her lap
  2234. >You look among the four gathered
  2235. >Gang's all here
  2236. >...Except for Lemon
  2237. >Is that because of yesterday?
  2238. >You hope she's alright-
  2239. >Why is everyone staring at you?
  2240. >Everyone's turned around in their seats and is watching you expectantly
  2241. >You can feel your face flushing again
  2242. >What is this?
  2243. >What is happening?
  2244. >You reach up and wipe some sweat off your brow
  2245. "H-hi... G-girls..."
  2246. >You give them a grin that you hope isn't too nervous looking
  2247. "H-how is e-everyone...?"
  2248. >Everyone gathered mutters a positive response over each other
  2249. >Okay...
  2250. >So, what is this?
  2251. "S-so... W-what w-would you girls l-like to d-do?"
  2252. >They glance at each other
  2253. >Indigo in particular looks confused
  2254. >"Uh... Bae, you don't have anything planned?"
  2255. >You grin, looking between each of them
  2256. >What should you have?
  2257. >Is this like a club meeting or something, or just a casual gathering?
  2258. >What are we doing?
  2259. >What are you doing?
  2260. "U-uh... I-I th-thought that, u-uh..."
  2261. >"Twilight..."
  2262. >Sour attracts everyone's attention as she leans forward in her chair, looking to you
  2263. >"Did the recent stress keep you from planning any activities for this week's lit club meeting?"
  2264. >Lit club?
  2265. >Literature club?
  2266. >A BOOK CLUB?
  2268. >You audibly gulp
  2269. >Rolling with it, you nod
  2270. >While on the inside
  2271. >You have the best friends ever
  2272. >Even if they're just casually hanging out...
  2273. >[Joyous Internal Screaming Session]
  2274. >This is so exciting...!
  2275. >Sour clears her throat, and pulls her bag up in front of everyone
  2276. >"If that's the case, how about we discuss my fanfiction?"
  2277. >Everyone but you groans
  2278. >Except for Sunny, who sighs
  2279. >And Sugarcoat, who is silently watching Sour with a straight face
  2280. >Really, it's just Indigo who's making any kind of fuss
  2281. >She's currently groaning into the air, leaning as far back in her chair as she can with her head thrown back and her hands holding onto the backrest
  2282. >Looks like you are the leader of this club
  2283. >Nice
  2284. "S-sorry... I k-kind of... F-forgot to p-plan something..."
  2285. >"Yeah, it's fine, bae."
  2286. <Indigo flips forward, her chair clacking loudly as it almost topples over.
  2287. >She gives you a small smile and glances to Sunny, then back to you
  2288. >"You had a hard week."
  2289. >Oh gods you have no idea
  2290. >Still, you smile to Indigo
  2291. "Th-thanks."
  2292. >You motion to Sour Sweet
  2293. >"So as you all must know, the lore of Hyperspace Hyperwars is inconsistent at best..."
  2294. >Indigo throws her head back and screams into a closed mouth
  2296. >Thirty minutes of riveting discussion later, and everyone is packing up to leave
  2297. >It may not have been a traditional discussion of literature, but hey, HH fanfiction can be good too
  2298. >Shoot, talking about lore can be fun regardless of what fandom
  2299. >Everyone threw in their two cents on the discussion, after learning enough to do so
  2300. >For all her aggravation, Indigo sure was knowledgeable about the various chapters of the Space Elites...
  2301. >You smile as you wave to the girls
  2302. >Today is turning better
  2303. >Not even a hint of that headache, either
  2304. >"See you later, Twilight." Sugarcoat starts. "I'll be sure to send you a text message as soon as father has told me that you can come over. I'll tell you when Cola is coming to pick you up. I've been told that all of the accommodations are already prepared, along with the movie, which Cola has faithfully acquired for us in the form of a dvd."
  2305. >Sugarcoat stands in front of you, looking up into your eyes.
  2306. >Her glasses are crooked
  2307. >Before you can comment, she fixes them and smiles.
  2308. >"See you later, Twilight."
  2309. >Before you can even respond, she turns on her heel and walks out of your lab
  2310. >You half wave
  2311. >Sour and Sunny both shrug and begin walking as well
  2312. >Sunny shows some haste as she's already gone by the time you're standing
  2313. >But Sour walks extra slow and blows you a kiss
  2314. >You just stare at her, which makes her giggle
  2315. >For some reason
  2316. >"Fuckin Sour Patch..."
  2317. >You look at Indigo
  2318. >She's staring ahead toward the door
  2319. >"...Hey, Twi."
  2320. >You give her a small wave
  2321. "H-hey."
  2322. >Indy looks over to you, her usual smirk gone
  2323. >In its place is a small frown
  2324. >She doesn't even seem to be looking at you. It's more like she's looking past you
  2325. >She hoists up her bag, laying it neater on her hip
  2326. >"I'm sorry I..." She takes a breath. "I'm sorry we bugged you this morning..."
  2327. >Your hand still hangs in the air, so you kind of pull it down
  2328. >Indigo looks to you, with her lip curled into a sneer and brow furrowed
  2329. >She remains silent for a few seconds
  2330. "I-Its okay..."
  2331. >She nods and looks to the ground
  2332. >"Yeah..." Her features relax a little
  2333. >Within a moment, she whips toward you with a finger almost stabbing your chest. "But hey!"
  2334. >You blink, barely stuttering out a reply
  2335. "W-what?"
  2336. >She slams her hands onto her hips and smirks again. She gulps. "Without you around to tell me how shit I am at things, I'd still be a chubby little geek, ya know?"
  2337. >What
  2338. >You slowly smile at that, for her
  2339. "R-right..."
  2340. >She crosses her arms and nods. "Yeah..." She looks away again, and again, frowns
  2341. >While she's not talking, you pick up your backpack, slinging it onto your back
  2342. >"The 90 day brawl..." Her frown softens
  2343. >Her eyes flit about, trying to look at not you, so she turns away
  2344. >This conversation seems really important, but you lack the context as to why
  2345. >Never mind the fact that Indigo Zap is just being borderline emotional on you, a far cry from how you remember her
  2346. >That lithe, tough as nails athletic star
  2347. >Breaker of every record on her freshman year, leader of every sports team club, assistant coach of the baseball team, national track legend
  2348. >She blinks a few times and rubs at her face
  2349. >And she looks like she's about to break down on you
  2350. >And you don't get why exactly
  2351. >"...Bae?"
  2352. >You half-flinch and smile to her. "Y-yeah?"
  2353. >Indigo drops a hand to her duffle bag, and the other to her hip. "I'll try, okay?"
  2354. "T-try?"
  2355. >She slowly nods, closing her eyes. "If it's for you bae, I can try."
  2356. >She pumps a fist, smirking once more. "I can move mountains if you think I can!"
  2357. >You blink and honestly giggle. "Y-you're so s-silly..."
  2358. >She joins you, laughing along with her stupid metaphor
  2359. >Indy puts her hand on your shoulder as she starts to double over
  2360. >You both laugh together for a few seconds, but eventually you calm down
  2361. >Still softly giggling, you glance at Indigo's hand
  2362. >She glances up and grins, pulling you in for a hug
  2363. >You breath catches in your throat
  2364. >She isn't warm, kind of cold actually
  2365. >But all the tone in her belly and arms make the hug enjoyable nonetheless
  2366. >As you lay your head on her shoulder, you swear you can smell blueberries
  2367. >Indigoberries
  2368. >You snort and hug her back for just a second
  2369. >When you part, she's all smiles and gives you a two finger salute
  2370. >"Seeya, bae."
  2371. >You wave as she runs off
  2373. >Today is pretty okay
  2374. >You glance at your phone as you shut the door
  2375. >4:18 PM
  2376. >Twelve minutes until Shiney can come
  2377. >You stow your phone away as the front doors come into view
  2378. >Parting them, you're immediately alerted to Lemon Zest's presence
  2382. >You feel good
  2383. >It's good to see her
  2384. >You step closer to your big pink friend and stand next to her
  2385. >She glances at your legs, then up at you, and smiles wide
  2386. >Turning down her music, she waves up
  2387. >"Sup, Twifam!"
  2388. >You wave down and kneel down, making sure to swoop up your skirt, to sit next to her
  2389. "H-hey, L-lemfam."
  2390. >She gives you a toothy grin, and closes up her sketchpad
  2391. >"Just waitin on pops..." She looks back at the street, and quickly starts drumming on her book. "You?"
  2392. >You shrug
  2393. "S-same..."
  2394. >You lean forward and set your chin into a palm
  2395. >It's really nice out...
  2396. >The wind isn't very strong, and the snow is either flat and untouched, or neatly shoveled out of the way
  2397. >It's nice
  2398. >"Hey, Twifam..."
  2399. >You turn yourself away from the street
  2400. >Lemon's got her arms wrapped around her knees
  2401. >She's got a tiny smile on. "I'm excited for saturday, Twifam."
  2402. >You cock a brow
  2403. "W-what's happening S-saturday?"
  2404. >Lemon chuckles, throwing her hands behind her head. She splays herself out a bit, resting her feet on the lower steps.
  2405. >"Duh! We're hanging out for the first time in like forever!"
  2406. >We are?
  2407. >You are?
  2408. >You furrow your brow
  2409. >...You are! You made plans with Lemon yesterday!
  2410. >Crap... And you just made plans today with Sour
  2411. >Gulp
  2412. >You raise a finger. "A-ah..."
  2413. >"Now you remember?"
  2414. >You nod, turning back the street and stare at the asphalt.
  2415. "Yup."
  2416. >"Something wrong, Twifam?"
  2417. >Crap
  2418. >How do you resolve this?
  2419. "U-uh... Y-yeah, j-just..."
  2420. >You chuckle, pulling your knees closer to your chest
  2421. >Lemon slowly sits up, and just as slowly, speaks. "Hey, you don't want to cancel, do you?"
  2422. >You flinch and look straight at Lemon. "No!"
  2423. >She flinches back as well
  2424. >Gulp
  2425. >You can feel your cheeks and the back of your neck heating up
  2426. "I-it's just..."
  2427. >You reach back and rub your neck with your cold fingers
  2428. >"...Yeah?"
  2429. >You cringe just a little when you notice the hurt look in her eyes
  2430. >Despite being such a big girl, she still has quite a cute face
  2431. >...Like a little girl
  2432. >Y-yeah
  2433. >How do you explain this without sounding like an ass?
  2434. >Both you and Lemon's attention are grabbed by the honking
  2435. >It's Shiney here to save the day!
  2436. >No awkward social interaction for you!
  2437. >You jump to your feet and brush off the bottom of your skirt
  2438. "I-I'll t-tex-"
  2439. >Lem grabs your sleeve and stands up
  2440. >She looks you in the eye
  2441. >She's breathing really slowly, in through the nose, out through the mouth
  2442. >"Twi... Twilight, please don't jerk me around."
  2443. >This close, you can't look away from her bright yellow eyes. For a girl her age, she has such tired, sad eyes.
  2444. >You don't know what to say, so you just stare until Shiney honks again
  2445. >You look to the car, then back to Lemon, who's hanging her head
  2446. "Lem-"
  2447. >She cuts you off with a half angry half depressed "I get it."
  2448. >She sits back down, and opens her sketch book up to a tree
  2449. >You want to say something, but
  2450. >You have no idea what to say
  2451. >...You start down the stares and head toward Shiney
  2452. >With your hand on the door, you look back
  2453. >Lemon's drawing
  2454. >But she seems to notice you
  2455. >You smile and wave
  2456. >She just looks back down at her drawing pad
  2457. >You climb into the car
  2458. >Sigh
  2459. >"What was that about?"
  2460. >You look over and see Gleaming all wrapped up in her winter wear
  2461. >You give a soft sigh and shake your head
  2462. "J-just t-trying to m-make friends, I-I guess."
  2463. >Gleamy gives you a thoughtful hum as she pulls away from the curb
  2464. >5:00 PM
  2465. >Home
  2466. >Scenic The couch
  2467. >...Living room
  2468. >Sigh
  2469. >You slump back into the cushions
  2470. >You've been sitting here with Cadence for all of twenty minutes
  2471. >This is all you've done since you came home
  2472. >You don't want to do anything else, really
  2473. >Just relax
  2474. >Vent out the toxins you picked up today
  2475. >First it was Sugarcoat, who is currently your favorite person
  2476. >She's great
  2477. >This one's great
  2478. >The Sugarcoat you've seen today and yesterday have been pretty great to be honest
  2479. >But Sunny and Indigo were just plain, bleh
  2480. >Individually, they seem really nice, but together, they're really annoying
  2481. >They argue over everything it seems, and they may have bad blood?
  2482. >They gave you that headache, which is back
  2483. >You groan and rub a temple
  2484. >"Everything alright, Twilight?"
  2485. >You roll your head and look at Cadence.
  2486. >She's relaxing with you, while filling out some forms
  2487. >You shrug and look forward again
  2488. >Oh the tv's on
  2489. "Eh."
  2490. >You're not really feeling that great right now
  2491. >"Would you like to talk at all about it?"
  2492. >Then Sour Sweet dropped that bomb on you
  2493. "Eh." You close your eyes.
  2494. >And now you upset Lemon
  2495. >You don't know how... Or why
  2496. >Would she be okay with hanging out with both you and Sour?
  2497. >Groan
  2498. >You want dialogue options
  2499. >You want a script
  2500. >How do normal people do this everyday?
  2501. >"Twilight."
  2502. >You open an eye and glance toward Cadence
  2503. >She's smiling down at you
  2504. >She raises her brow and waves, wiggling her fingers
  2505. >"Wakey wakey."
  2506. >You blink, furrowing your brow and sit up
  2507. >Whipping out your phone...
  2508. >5:56 PM
  2509. >You've missed an hour?
  2510. >Cadence pats your head and stands up, sliding her feet into her slippers.
  2511. >"What's for dinner, honey?"
  2512. >You stand up and wander along
  2513. >"Steak and potatoes, what else?" Gleaming chuckles as she sets down a pot onto the table
  2514. >You smile, taking your seat
  2515. >Your belly rumbles, begging for Gleamy's cooking
  2516. >It's a good thing she's not confused by this crazy world
  2517. >Spike bumps your leg, whining
  2518. >You smile and offer him a bit of potato which he gobbles up before licking your fingers
  2519. >Silly Spike
  2520. >"So, Twiley..."
  2521. >You look back at Gleamy
  2522. >She's currently sawing away at a bit of steak. She smiles to you
  2523. >"How was school? Was that Lemon Zest I saw out there?"
  2524. >Cadence looks to you as well as she chews
  2525. >You shrug
  2526. >Wait, Shining has always helped you!
  2527. >You grin and look Gleamy straight in the eye
  2528. "A-actually, th-th..." How to word it though?
  2529. >Gleaming cocks her head, smiling a bit
  2530. >At least she understands you're trying to word it out
  2531. >Where do you start?
  2532. >What's important for Gleaming to know?
  2533. >You think you upset her
  2534. >Sigh
  2535. "W-well... I-I think I u-upset her..."
  2536. >Cadence furrows her brow and looks to Gleaming
  2537. >Gleamy, for her part, just nods
  2538. >"Go on, Twiley..."
  2539. >You pick some bits of meat and chew on them while you look away
  2540. >How much of your personal life does she know about?
  2541. >"D-do you know a-anything a-about the g-girls I hang a-around?"
  2542. >Gleamy grabs her chin and gives a thoughtful hum.
  2543. >"I know of them, but not personally. There's Sugarcoat, and Indigo Zap, and I believe a few others..."
  2544. >Hm. So she knows two of the five Shadowbolts...
  2545. "W-well, th-there's S-sour Sweet... And S-sunny Flare, and L-lemon Z-z-zest." You smile. You have quite a few friends.
  2546. >Cadence stops midway carrying her food to her mouth
  2547. >Gleaming seems to notice too, because she's also staring
  2548. >Cadence just quietly resumes eating a moment later
  2549. >...Weird
  2550. >"...Hon, you okay?" Gleamy puts both hands on the table and leans closer to Cadence.
  2551. >She got an immediate "I'm fine." So she leaned back
  2552. >"...Kay."
  2553. >She sighs and looks back at you
  2554. >"What about your friends, Twiley? Did you have another fight?"
  2555. >Eh
  2556. "S-sorta, b-but..."
  2557. >Gleamy sighs, stuffing half a potato in her mouth and chewing.
  2558. >Gulp
  2559. >You look between Cadence and Gleaming and...
  2560. >Even you can tell you've said something wrong
  2561. "W-well... T-there w-was a m-misunders-standing... B-but it's n-not relevant."
  2562. >You clear your throat and look between Cadence and Shining. Neither has changed. Cadence is eating, and Shining is just intently watching you
  2563. >You undo the clearing by trying to swallow a bit of potato that doesn't want to go down
  2564. "A-anyway... I-I got i-invited to h-hang out by L-lem, but th-then I g-got invited to h-hang out w-with S-sour at... A-at th-the c-carnival, b-but I..." You look down and sigh
  2565. "I-I accidentally a-agreed t-to both..."
  2566. >"How did you manage that?"
  2567. >You look up to Cadence. She's frowning
  2568. "W-well, I-I... I've..."
  2569. >You completely forgot because you were busy having an existential crisis in the most LITERAL SENSE
  2570. >...MOM
  2571. >Sigh
  2572. >(It's not a phase)
  2573. >...Internal meming is great
  2574. >You look down at your lap. "I-I... F-f-for... G-got..."
  2575. >You try your best not to curl up, which is easy because you're sitting at a table.
  2576. >Cadence sighs.
  2577. >Gleaming chuckles a little. "It happens to everyone, Twiley."
  2578. >You look back up at her
  2579. >She's smiling while chewing. "Is that what was bothering you?"
  2580. >You smile back and nod. "I-I guess... It s-sounds s-silly, h-huh?"
  2581. >You chuckle a little as does Gleaming
  2582. >"A little, but is it actually bothering you?"
  2583. >You nod
  2584. >Gleaming nods as well. "I see... Well, have you considered hanging out with both of them at the same time? That's what I would do."
  2585. >Cadence pipes in. "Perhaps you can just hang out with Lemon Zest?"
  2586. >You both look to her and she nods.
  2587. >"Maybe you can hang out with her for a little bit, one on one, since it's been a while since you've hung out?"
  2588. >You pause
  2589. >Well, not true
  2590. >Zero percent true, but to the others, that may seem accurate?
  2591. >To maintain your cover, you may have to
  2592. >But your girlfriend...
  2593. >Hm.
  2594. >How do you ask about her?
  2595. >Because she could just be like...
  2596. >Not your girlfriend?
  2597. >Now that you have her pinned as a fangirl, the creepy too-close part might also apply
  2598. >"So what do you think, Twiley?"
  2599. >You look back to Cadence
  2600. "U-uh... I-I'll h-have t-to th-think a-about it, b-but both a-are good ideas." You smile
  2601. >There's a buzzing in your pocket
  2602. >You grin at Gleaming and Cadence and check
  2603. >Sugarcoat... And everyone else!
  2604. >Sugarcoat says...
  2605. >Eh...
  2606. >Cola's coming
  2607. >'Okay! See you soon then! c:'
  2608. >You slide your phone back into your pocket
  2609. >"Who was that?"
  2610. >You shrug. "J-just S-sugarcoat."
  2611. >Cadence nods, and checks her watch. "It is about time for your movie night, isn't it?"
  2612. >You nod, grinning
  2613. >Gleaming chuckles and swallows even as she's working on a new piece of meat. "What are you watchin?"
  2614. >You cross your arms and grin. "A-a true classic..."
  2615. >You adjust your glasses dramatically. "The Toxic... Avenger!"
  2616. >You gasp. Careful breathing is great to overcome your stutter, but you need more practice
  2617. >Gleaming gives a thoughtful hum. "Cool."
  2618. >Cadence giggles at your show though. "I hope you two have fun tonight!"
  2619. >Thanks mom.
  2620. >"Th-thanks, Cadence."
  2621. >The doorbell rings, and all three of you look to the door
  2622. "O-oh, he g-got here f-faster than I thought."
  2623. >Gleaming wipes her mouth. "Ol Cherry Cola... Go do whatcha gotta do, Twiley, I'll keep 'im busy."
  2624. >You hurry to your room
  2625. >What do you even wear?
  2626. >You're down to your undies, holding your hips cause that's fun to do, and looking for something to wear
  2627. >You squat down and grab up a pair of jeans
  2628. >...They smell clean enough
  2629. >And... This... Shirt
  2630. >Bluh, no, it smells rancid
  2631. >You pluck another one, one of the dozen or so with your cutie mark and slide it on
  2632. >Comfy
  2633. >You smile as you squeeze into your jeans
  2634. >Nice and snug!
  2635. >You have your phone, you have your keys, you have your wallet, you have a set of polyhedral dice (just in case)
  2636. >You're good to go!
  2637. >You slide out of your bedroom and shut the door. You can already hear Gleaming
  2638. >Walking up behind her, you see she's chatting up an older gentleman in a simple suit.
  2639. >"Yeah, so how's Vanny? He seems quiet."
  2640. >The older man sighs. "Young Vanilla has been grieving as of late. You see, a dear aunt of ours recently passed."
  2641. "Aw."
  2642. >They both look at you, and who you assume is Cola nods.
  2643. >"A tragedy, yes. I was never close to her, but for Vanilla, she was like a second mother."
  2644. >Gleaming clicks her tongue and rubs her chin. "Shame. Hey but he's picking up, at least. Throwing himself at his work."
  2645. >"That's most good to hear. I trust you're taking good care of my younger brother? Not letting him get into too much danger?"
  2646. >Gleaming throws her hands up, smirking. "Ah you know me, always looking out for my boys. Heh. Even though it's just mall security, I like to think I take it seriously."
  2647. >Cola gives a tired smile. "I thank you." He turns to you. "Miss Sparkle, if you are ready, the good lady is waiting for you at Sweet manor."
  2648. >You nod and hug Gleaming
  2649. "S-see you later, G-gleamy!"
  2650. >She at first doesn't react, but then she squeezes you right back, picking you up. "Have fun, Twiley!"
  2651. >With a giggle, you follow Cola to the a looking black car, where he's holding the door open for you.
  2652. >6:30 PM
  2653. >By Odin's magnanimous golden beard
  2654. >Sweet manor is huge
  2655. >Set on the highest hill of a sugar cane plantation on the outskirts of Canterlot, the manor itself is a grand overdeveloped farmhouse
  2656. >Really the only thing keeping it from being a stereotypical high roller mansion (aside from being made of wood) is the lack of a water fountain
  2657. >And you've just been staring for five minutes or so
  2658. >"Are you quite ready, Miss Sparkle?"
  2659. >You jump a little and look at Cola
  2660. >He's just watching you
  2661. >You clear your throat and smile. "Y-yeah, sure..."
  2662. >Cola steps away, and opens the front door for you
  2663. >The insides are just like a cabin, but shaped like a foyer and you imagine the rest is like an actual mansion
  2664. >As you walk in, you notice a small man in a fine white suit standing next to Sugarcoat, who is still in uniform
  2665. >They both have their arms crossed across their bellies, but he's holding a glass of amber liquid
  2666. >That's her dad
  2667. >Duh
  2668. >You walk closer to them, and as you do so, they both notice you at the same time
  2669. >Both Sugarcoat and her father offer you small smiles
  2670. >Her dad looks almost exactly like her, sans the hair
  2671. >Actually if it weren't for the subtle creases in his forehead and along his eyes, they could even be brother and sister. Twins even.
  2672. >"Twilight Sparkle, how good it is to have you in my home once again, to spend time with my favorite daughter."
  2673. >...Its really awkward looking down to look into an adult's eyes
  2674. >You smile nonetheless, wrapping your hands together. "And once again, it's an honor to be in your home, sir."
  2675. >Sugarcoat's father flinches, almost dropping his glass. He blinks a few times, then grins that crafty crooked grin you didn't think people actually did.
  2676. >"The manners... I always liked you, but I didn't expect such formality after all these years! It's refreshing, really, but come on, you're practically my daughter at this point."
  2677. >"Dad..."
  2678. >Mr. Coat raises a hand. "Now, now, Sugar, I'm just trying to impress on your friend how much I appreciate good formality in the younger generations, but..." He looks to you, giving you a shark-like grin. "It ain't quite necessary, now is it?"
  2679. "I-I suppose not..."
  2680. >He chuckles and takes a sip. "Twilight, you go on ahead and call me whatever you like. Mr. Tea, Sweet Tea, Sweet Daddy!" He chuckles aloud at that. He has a big booming voice for someone of his stature.
  2681. >Good for him
  2682. >Sugarcoat is scowling, staring her father down now.
  2683. >You smile to her
  2684. >Her frown dissipates and she smiles back.
  2685. >Sweet Tea chuckles softly to himself. "Speaking of me liking you enough to give ya allowances and permissions, I was just telling little Sugarcoat here to make sure to invite you to go ahead and sleep over if you like. We can have Cherry boy drive ya to your house right and early to change into your school clothes and get situated if you like."
  2686. >Oh wow, no
  2687. >Wow wow wow, no
  2688. >No sleepovers, please
  2689. >Although...
  2690. >You glance at Sugarcoat
  2691. >She has a small smile as she holds her hands behind her back
  2692. >It would be a good experience, to say the least
  2693. >Especially if that book about sleepovers is to be trusted
  2694. >Which, given the extreme sexual undertones it threw around, it probably shouldn't be
  2695. >Still...
  2696. >Just swinging by and getting a clean-
  2697. >You shake your head
  2698. "I-I can't... I-I have s-some stuff to d-do at home."
  2699. >Tea shrugs, sipping from his glass. "That's fine too. You both have a good night."
  2700. >He gets in to hug his daughter, but she pushes him away
  2701. >He chuckles, holding his arms together again like you see Sugarcoat doing and walks off
  2702. >You turn to Sugarcoat
  2703. >She huffs, staring at her dad as he walks out of the foyer
  2704. >It's kind of strange seeing Sugarcoat like this
  2705. >You suppose anyone can be embarrassed by their parents
  2706. >But before now, you've never seen a flustered Sugarcoat
  2707. >You slowly start smiling at the image before you
  2708. >Her arms are crossed a little tighter than normal, and there's a blue tinge to her lighter colored cheeks
  2709. >She looks back at you and smiles in turn
  2710. >"I see you're already changed. I haven't had the chance yet, so how about we stop by my room so I can put something more casual on?"
  2711. >Uh
  2712. >You nod, putting up a small smile
  2713. >Please don't strip in front of me
  2714. >You follow alongside Sugarcoat and marvel at all of the details of the mansion
  2715. >More than once, you see a painting or photo with a plaque under it
  2716. >Each plaque says the same thing, but in a language you don't know
  2717. >When you see a photo of yourself, Sugarcoat, Gleaming, and Tea, you stop
  2718. >It's summer
  2719. >All four of you are at a farm, probably this farm, having lunch together
  2720. >You and Sugarcoat have to be only five in this photo...
  2721. >You're both clinging together, laughing as Gleaming arm wrestles a profusely sweating Tea
  2722. >"Twilight are you okay? You've been staring at that old picture for ten minutes now."
  2723. >You stir and look down at Sugarcoat
  2724. >You've been friends for over a decade
  2725. >Probably your whole lives
  2726. >You look back at the photo and smile
  2727. >That's...
  2728. >You feel a warmth flooding your chest and your eyes watering a little
  2729. "I-I'm okay." You sniff and rub away the waterworks. You smile over at Sugarcoat. "I just realized its been over ten years since this was taken."
  2730. >Sugarcoat blinks, looks at the photo, and her eyes immediately widen. "You're right, it has been that long. I can't believe how fast time can go by when you aren't paying attention."
  2731. >Sugarcoat sighs, smiling. She looks back at you and motions for you to follow
  2732. >As you do
  2733. >A few more doors, and you're in Sugarcoat's room
  2734. >You... Don't know what you expected
  2735. >Certainly not a brightly lit room filled with board games and posters upon posters of A-list movies
  2736. >You think you could marry this girl
  2737. >Uh
  2738. >W-well...
  2739. >You clear your throat and pull a comfy looking leather chair out from a desk and sit yourself down
  2740. >Sugarcoat peeks up from her dresser. "Something the matter, Twilight? Do you need anything?"
  2741. >You shake your head and recline a bit. "I-I'm f-fine..."
  2742. >Sugarcoat hums softly but doesn't say anything else. She looks back and continues to pick articles of clothing.
  2743. >Glancing around, you notice that her tastes are varied
  2744. >She seems to have a poster of something from every genre, and there are colorful game boxes piled as high as you can imagine she can reach
  2745. >You recognize most of the titles, but only because of your time on /tg/...
  2746. >You've never actually met someone who collected games like this
  2747. >Out of the corner of your eye, you see Sugarcoat stand up
  2748. >Looking, you watch her walk behind a small divider
  2749. >Hm
  2750. >At least there's no chance of you spilling pasta on your first date by seeing her strip
  2751. >Wait. Movie date
  2752. >Movie night
  2753. >This isn't a date
  2754. >Sugarcoat is cute, but this isn't a date
  2755. >She's cute from a subjective standpoint
  2756. >She's tiny and has an adorable face-
  2757. >You lower your head into your hands, almost burning your palms
  2758. >[Internal Screaming Session]
  2759. >"Twilight, are you feeling well? You've been holding your head for at least five minutes now and I'm starting to get worried."
  2760. >You take a deep breath and sit upright
  2761. >Gasp
  2762. >There's a soft flutter in your chest when you see Sugarcoat
  2763. >The little girl is standing in front of you, wearing shorts over her pantyhose and a too large for her sweater that matches her hair
  2764. >She's currently holding the sleeves from the insides as she crosses her arms across her belly
  2765. >She's so... Cute
  2766. >She raises an arm and points(?) at you through the sleeve
  2767. >"Twilight, your face is bright red, are you okay? I really don't want you to stay if you have to force yourself to do so."
  2768. >You stand up, wiping your forehead
  2769. "I-I'm fine..."
  2770. >Sugarcoat frowns and moves closer to you, extending a hand up to your forehead. "Twilight, you're very warm, are you sure you're okay?"
  2771. >Oh gods she has to stand on her toes to reach
  2772. >Help
  2773. >You're going to die
  2774. >You put your hand over her hand and take it down. "I-I'm f-fine..." You smile wide for her
  2775. >For her
  2776. >This is a weird situation you're in
  2777. >Just last week, this girl sucker punched you in the gut on her way to class for no good reason
  2778. >Now she's doting over you like a good friend
  2779. >You're confused
  2780. >So is your heart
  2781. >Maybe your libido
  2782. >Stop
  2783. >Don't think about that
  2784. >You take a deep breath and clear your throat. And your mind.
  2785. >Mostly.
  2786. >"Maybe you'll be pleased to hear that I have had Cola acquire your... Preferred snacks." As she says this, Sugarcoat puts on some kind of cheeky grin and crosses her arms
  2787. >The grin looks weird on her. You haven't seen her using that kind of cocky expression before
  2788. "U-uh..."
  2789. >Her grin falters ever so slightly, but she covers it with a dry chuckle. "I had Cola fetch you an entire bucket of fried chicken." She coolly adjusts her glasses for emphasis
  2790. >...
  2791. >W-what
  2792. "W-what? W-why?" Why would she do that?
  2793. >Sugarcoat's grin morphs into a frown for a second before she clears her throat.
  2794. >"Well you remember how we had talked last movie night and then you made that joke?"
  2795. >Uh...
  2796. >You resist the powerful urge to cringe and slowly shake your head, hoping this isn't going where you think it's going
  2797. >Sugarcoat pauses, and her eyes dart around a bit.
  2798. >"Uh well..." She lowers her arms slightly, seeming like she was going to rub her own hands a few times before crossing her arms again
  2799. >What is this?
  2800. >Are you actually making her nervous?
  2801. "C-can you r-remind me?"
  2802. >Sugarcoat licks her lips and looks to the side. "Uh... I honestly would rather not, Twilight."
  2803. >She forces out a small chuckle as she avoids eye contact. "It seemed funny at the time, so i thought I would maybe try to play with the joke again..."
  2804. >Sugarcoat bites her lip and tightens her grip on her elbows.
  2805. >Wow, Sugarcoat is...
  2806. >Being awkward
  2807. >In a really cute way
  2808. >You smile and put your hands to your soft hips
  2809. "W-wanna try t-telling the j-joke again?"
  2810. >Sugarcoat scrunches up her face
  2811. >"It should be obvious, with the chicken... You just mentioned that you were the living stereotype sometimes, and we both thought it was really funny... At least..." She mumbles the last words, "I did."
  2812. >She furrows her brow behind her glasses, still not looking you in the eye
  2813. >Oh wow, it went exactly there.
  2814. >Awkward
  2815. >But teasing Sugarcoat like this is really fun, especially after all the years you've had to deal with her
  2816. >Aside from that, you can't think of any other reason why you would think this was so cute
  2817. >Time to use your years of suffering into practical use. Bully this little girl
  2818. >You cock your head. "I-I can't h-hear you..."
  2819. >Sugarcoat winces and takes a deep breath, before looking up at you
  2820. >"I said I thought it was funny at the time. I can see now that I was being insensitive, and for that, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to offend you, Twilight, I just wanted to have... Fun."
  2821. >You give her a small smile. "A-at my e-expense."
  2822. >Sugarcoat whips her hands up in front of herself and waves them back and forth. "No, no, Twilight, never at your expense! You're my best friend, I would never deliberately do anything to hurt you..."
  2823. >This is... Not as fun as you thought it would be
  2824. >Before you can say anything though, Sugarcoat adds
  2825. >"Twilight, please... You're the only purple friend I've ever had, I was just joking..."
  2826. "P-purple?" You motion to yourself, chuckling. "I-I'm Violet, silly!"
  2827. >Jokes are good, right?
  2828. >Sugarcoat gasps and puts her hands to her mouth. "That's not what... I didn't mean... You and I..."
  2829. >She looks like she's struggling to get out a complete sentence, and the starting beads of tears are forming at the corners of her eyes
  2830. >She finally manages to quickly mutter out "I meant you're my only friend, period."
  2831. >You let out a soft half grunt. You can feel your mouth hanging slack
  2832. >Your entire body actually goes slack, and as your hands fall off of your hips, you almost fall back into the chair
  2833. >Looking back at Sugarcoat, she's just watching you. She's breathing very slowly and deliberately, with calm well paced breaths
  2834. >That's what you do to keep yourself from crying
  2835. >In the back of your head, you wonder who between you two thought of that technique first
  2836. >...She's watching you
  2837. "S-sugarcoat..." You take a moment and sigh, unable to think of anything better to say. "I-I'm sorry."
  2838. >Her lip trembles slightly as she breathes
  2839. "I-I was j-just teasing you, b-but I didn't r-realize you would t-take it this bad."
  2840. >"Oh." She bites her lip and looks away. "I see, just teasing. After these past couple of weeks, I guess I didn't expect you of all people to tease me. But life is full of surprises, after all."
  2841. >Crap. Fix it!
  2842. >Maintain this relationship, even if you have to fake it!
  2843. >You stand up and Sugarcoat looks back to you
  2844. "S-sugarcoat... I-I'm s-sorry."
  2845. >You can't believe you're going to say this, but...
  2846. >Gulp
  2847. "I-I'm glad I-I have m-myself a g-good friend l-like you."
  2848. >Sugarcoat, despite still fighting tears, slowly places a hand over her chest and you notice her eyes widen slightly around the edges of her glasses frames, as well as her mouth gape
  2849. >While she still tries to keep her breathing steady.
  2850. >After taking a moment, she finally gets some words out. "Thank you, Twilight. Thank you so very much. I... I don't know what to say other than thank you. Thank you..." She tenses up a little, and it looks like she's going to finally cry.
  2851. >But she doesn't, she just continues. "I needed that, especially after how terrible I've felt these past few weeks without telling you..."
  2852. >You frown. Sugarcoat? Feeling terrible?
  2853. >You suppose anything is possible in this topsy-turvy world, especially when you compare it to your past experiences
  2854. >Looking at her, with that deep frown, and how tightly her arms are clinging to her own chest...
  2855. >You believe its possible
  2856. >You believe Sugarcoat could actually feel bad, despite your past life with her
  2857. >But more importantly than that?
  2858. >You sort of want to hug her, on impulse
  2859. >She's a tiny, sad grill
  2860. >You open out your arms and give your new friend the warmest smile you can make
  2861. >After only staring for a second, Sugarcoat falls into your arms without a word or sound
  2862. >Your arms automatically swing around to hold her small frame
  2863. >You hear some sniffling, and you can feel your upper arm growing damp
  2864. >"Thank you, Twilight..."
  2865. >You take a page from the book of your new friend Sour and stroke the back of Sugarcoat's head as you hold her
  2866. >She sniffles into your shirt. "You're such a good friend... I... I love you."
  2867. >Gasp
  2868. >Sugarcoat immediately freezes
  2869. >Wait, no
  2870. >No... You got this
  2871. >You squeeze her tighter. "I love you too, Sugar. You're my very best friend."
  2872. >She releases her breath and drags her arms around you, giving you a languid hug
  2873. >Is this friendship?
  2874. >If so, it's great
  2875. >Just feeling together with someone else, you can't think of anything much better
  2876. >Wait, something else could make this better!
  2877. >You pry sugarcoat away from you and look down at her
  2878. >She's cute in that oversized sweater
  2879. "W-wanna w-watch a m-movie?"
  2880. >She wipes her eyes on her sleeves. "Yes. I do."
  2881. >She pulls you by your wrist out of her room. "Cola?"
  2882. >Cola appears at the end of the hall, wearing slippers. "Yes, Miss Sugarcoat?"
  2883. >You watch as she transforms from a sniffling mess to her usual commanding self
  2884. >All she had to do was cross her arms
  2885. >"Prepare the movie room."
  2886. >"Already done, Miss Sugarcoat."
  2887. >"The snacks then?"
  2888. >"Done, miss."
  2889. >"Drinks?"
  2890. >"Done."
  2891. >Sugarcoat nods. "Very good, Cola." She looks over her shoulder up at you. "Come along Twilight, we have a movie to watch. And if Cola is to be believed, there are special features as well."
  2892. >Oooh~
  2893. >"S-sure, Sugar."
  2894. >With a much more confident smile, Sugar grabs you by the wrist, holding onto you through her big sweater
  2895. >Heh, it's cute
  2896. >Sugarcoat leads you away from her room, holding you by the wrist as you both walk
  2897. >You don't bother to ask why she's leading you around, you just roll with it
  2898. >Without breaking stride, she pulls you down the stairs and leads you through a hall on the first floor
  2899. >And straight into a room decorated similarly to her room
  2900. >There is a fifty inch plasma, a fine white couch with a table full of snacks and drinks (fried chicken and a 2 liter of grape soda stand out...)
  2901. >(...You're still eating it first, though)
  2902. >There's the same white walls as her room, lots of posters of... Oh you helped decorate it
  2903. >There's a bunch of A-list posters stacked onto the walls, and intermingled with them are a bunch of tokusatsu and anime and Power Ponies posters...
  2904. >You furrow your brow
  2905. >Not a single poster of any bad movies
  2906. >Shame
  2907. >Sugar walks ahead of you, and to your delight, her sweater bounces on her small body with every step until she bounces onto the couch
  2908. >Her bounce sends a remote flying up, which she catches
  2909. >You wander over and sit next to her
  2910. >The soft couch hugs you nice and snug, especially when you lean back
  2911. >Oh gods, this is actually the comfiest couch you've ever sat in
  2912. >Sugarcoat pulls up a bag of chips and her leg
  2913. >You stare at each other for a second before her eyes dart to the bucket
  2914. >With a jump, you snatch it up and start eating before she can even make a move on your chicken
  2915. >Which just makes her giggle into the back of her hand
  2916. >She holds out the remote and starts the movie up
  2917. >You take a few deep breaths and utter out in your most profound voice
  2918. "The Toxic Avenger..."
  2919. >Sugar looks up at you and gives you a weird look
  2920. >But then she smiles and leans against you. The movie starts up with the introduction of the main character, a nerdy guy, being ridiculed and bullied by the noticeably attractive group of antagonists
  2921. >The perfect start to a great night
  2923. >The movie is going great, obviously
  2924. >It's Toxie, you can always trust him to deliver
  2925. >But in real life, you notice something
  2926. >Every time Toxie delivers justice to an evil doer, she seems to look away or down at her food for a few seconds
  2927. >You grab up the remote and pause the movie
  2928. >Sugarcoat looks up at you, still leaning her head against your shoulder
  2929. "A-are you okay?"
  2930. >She nods and looks back to the screen
  2931. >It's just Toxie holding a man's arm and striking him with it
  2932. >Freaking amazing
  2933. >"I don't think the violence is all that amazing. The movie goes out of the way to be violent and even with the poor special effects, it still makes me uncomfortable..."
  2934. >Oh...
  2935. >You frown and look to the screen. "O-Oh."
  2936. >"I can still watch it if you want to. I know you think this movie is great, and I don't want to force any movie night to be canceled."
  2937. >You look back down at her and smile
  2938. "Th-thanks... I-I swear, it g-gets better..."
  2939. >You wrap an arm around her and with your free hand, take a bite of this delicious chicken.
  2940. >It's really good, actually
  2941. >"Press play, Twilight."
  2942. >You flinch and jab the button
  2944. >The movie, like all good things in this world, ends
  2945. >Toxie slayed many a villain, and saved the city of Tromaville from the menace of its corrupt politicians
  2946. >But more importantly?
  2947. >Sugarcoat seemed to grow on it a bit
  2948. >There were a few parts where she couldn't contain herself, so she reacted adorably
  2949. >Your favorite bit was when she jumped forward, pumping her fists at the screen
  2950. >It was when the mayor called in the national guard to capture Toxie
  2951. >But what got you amused was, in her words, "Twilight, are they really going to let him kill Toxie?"
  2952. >But it did end
  2953. >And both of you are sitting together on that couch, looking at a recycling animation scene on the dvd's main menu
  2954. >"Twilight, that was amazing."
  2955. >You grin and hug her from the side. "I-I'm so glad."
  2956. >She sets her head against your chest. "I was hesitant at first, but when he fought that group and announced himself, I was sold."
  2957. >You raise your head. "W-which group?"
  2958. >She pauses for a moment, looking up
  2959. >"They were indistinct. But I liked it because he announced to them," She switches to a boyish voice, "Tell your scum friends there's a new guy in town. And I'm not just a pretty face" She smiles. "That's when it started getting good. I think I get these kinds of movies now."
  2960. >You chuckle softly, leaning back in the sofa.
  2961. >Having someone to actually watch your garbage movies with is an amazing feeling
  2962. "I-I'm glad you l-liked it, Sugar."
  2963. >Sugarcoat nods and leans back, laying her head against you. "Twilight, why have you been calling me Sugar?"
  2964. >You shrug, bumping her cheek. "I-I just th-think it's a c-cute nickn-name."
  2965. >She nods. "Would you like a nickname, then, Twilight? It is only fair that you get one if I get one."
  2966. >You relax a bit, resting your head. "S-sure."
  2967. >Sugarcoat is silent for a moment, until Cola arrives.
  2968. >"It is almost time for Miss Sparkle to return home."
  2969. >"Thank you, Cola."
  2970. >As Cola leaves, she looks at you. "Ready to go, Twiley?"
  2971. >You smirk and stand, following her
  2973. >9:30 PM
  2974. >Home
  2975. >The laundry room
  2976. >Your back hurts
  2977. >It doesn't really hurt, it's just sore from lifting and carrying all of your laundry over several trips...
  2978. >You hoist yourself up onto the dryer and ease yourself back a bit
  2979. >You reach back and push the start butto-
  2980. >Oh gods...
  2981. >You slide back and lean against the wall with a dumb smile on your face
  2982. >Now these are some good vibes...
  2983. >The buzzing of your phone in your shorts pocket startles you upright again
  2984. >Digging it out, you see that you have a few messages
  2985. >From all the girls, and one from Gleaming
  2986. >Phew
  2987. >Uh, let's see
  2988. >Lemon's... You don't want to read yet
  2989. >You upset her, you think, and you still don't know why
  2990. >Sugarcoat sent you a selfie
  2991. >It's just her in a tank top, giving you a peace sign
  2992. >Well you're dressed the same, so you send her your own selfie, copying her
  2993. >Indigo is just meming some more
  2994. >She only sent one picture, of a rainstorm
  2995. >Oh, instead of actually putting text, she just typed it out
  2996. >Hm
  2997. >'Hey bae... I'm serious about what I said today. I had no idea it was so important to you, so I didn't know how to react at first. But if it's for you, I can try anything. As always, just remember what I always say."
  2998. >Wow that's...
  2999. >You have no idea what she's talking about
  3000. >w.i.h.
  3001. >Sugarcoat...
  3002. >You smile as you skim her message
  3003. >You made her positively ecstatic tonight
  3004. >There's a soft flutter in your chest as your smile deepens
  3005. >You hold your phone close
  3006. >You've got a friend~
  3007. 'I don't know what to say except c: I'm all c: right now, Sugar.'
  3008. >Lem... Sunny
  3009. >Sunny only has '...' to say
  3010. >Hm
  3011. 'Hi Sunny.'
  3012. >A second later you get a response
  3013. 'I'm so, so sorry, ma chérie... I had no idea how hurt you have been for so long! I feel like such a terrible friend, for causing you such extended, cruel distress! I do not know if I can do what you r (1/6)
  3014. >By Sleipnir's icy mane
  3015. >One should not be able to type... Twelve hundred characters in under five seconds
  3016. >...Lemfam.
  3017. >Slowly, your thumb slides up to the notification area
  3018. >Sliding downward, a preview of Lem's message covers Sunny's essay
  3019. >This is making you a little nervous
  3020. >Just a little
  3021. >'Hey, I wanted to ask you a que...'
  3022. >You bite your lip and click the message
  3023. >'Hey, I wanted to ask you a question. Call me when you get this, ok'
  3024. >Her writing is better
  3025. >You can't tell if that's a bad thing or not
  3026. >Probably is...
  3027. >Still
  3028. >Gulp
  3029. >Call her
  3030. >Call her, you got her message
  3031. >...Just call her
  3032. >...
  3033. >You're too nervous, after all
  3034. >You'd do it, but your throat is kind of
  3035. >Tight
  3036. >What if she's still upset?
  3037. >You have no idea what the big deal is
  3038. >The idea of talking to her this late at night kind of makes your heart race, too
  3039. >What if she's asleep, and you wake her up?
  3040. >What if she's relaxing with her parents, and you interrupt them?
  3041. >She could be at a movie, for all you know
  3042. >Just text her
  3043. >...Yeah
  3044. 'Hey, I just got your message.'
  3045. >Okay
  3046. >'Cool, call me ok'
  3047. >Augh
  3048. >Taking a deep breath should help
  3049. >Just call her
  3050. >You jam the call button and press your phone to your ear
  3051. >"Hey."
  3052. >She says it flat and quiet, not unlike when she spoke to you this afternoon
  3053. >You try to not sound aggressive or insulting or anything when you respond
  3054. "H-hey..."
  3055. >You rub your thighs together
  3056. >The dryer still feels pleasant under your rump, but now it's kind of distracting more than anything
  3057. >So you hop off
  3058. >Lemon hasn't said anything for a solid minute now
  3059. "H-hey..."
  3060. >You try to say something else, but she cuts you off
  3061. >"Hey, so yeah, uh... What are you doing Saturday?"
  3062. >Darn it
  3063. "U-uh..."
  3064. >What do you say?
  3065. "W-well..."
  3066. >"I can stay home, if you want. I know that hanging out outside of school this soon is probably like too much."
  3067. >Wha
  3068. >You're confused, but you don't really know what to say
  3069. "I-I-"
  3070. >She cuts you off again
  3071. >"I know, it's probs too much too fast, I get how this whole deal is."
  3072. "N-no-"
  3073. >What is this whole deal?
  3074. >What is happening?
  3075. >She sniffs and chuckles
  3076. >"I'm good, really."
  3077. "L-lemfam."
  3078. >Sounds like she just jumped into bed
  3079. >"Twi... I don't know what's up with you recently, but I just want to go slow, okay? I'm in a pretty good place and... Well, you know I'd love to hang out more, but... I dunno."
  3080. >You don't know either
  3081. >Everyday, it feels like you know less and less
  3082. "L-lem?"
  3083. >As much as you want to figure out what is happening, dealing with your relationships is really hard
  3084. >But you have to maintain your status, to avoid suspicion
  3085. >You guess.
  3086. >"Yeah, Twilight?"
  3087. >You take a deep breath, and close your eyes
  3088. "I-I really w-want to h-hang out w-with you... J-just..."
  3089. >She sighs and rolls the words right out without any emphasis
  3090. >"Gotta keep up appearances."
  3091. "N-no!"
  3092. >What does that even mean?
  3093. >There's only silence on Lem's end of the line
  3094. >Gulp
  3095. "I-I just w-wanna... Y-you know... H-hang out b-because it's b-been so l-long..."
  3096. >You don't even know why you're trying so hard
  3097. >It's just... Losing someone, whether the relationship is real or not...
  3098. >The idea hurts
  3099. >Lemon isn't responding
  3100. >But you can hear her breathing
  3101. >You sigh and rub the bridge of your nose
  3102. >Luckily, the headache isn't coming back
  3103. >Something about relationships brings it, but not this time
  3104. >"Dude, Twi, you seem really worked up."
  3105. >You grunt as she chuckles
  3106. >"Like, I am too, but you are way more than me. Chill."
  3107. >You roll your head back and groan.
  3108. >"Hey. Hey Twi."
  3109. "Y-yeah?"
  3110. >She gives you a soft chuckle. "Why you so stressed? Twifam."
  3111. >You can almost hear her smile
  3112. >You chuckle to yourself. "I-it's dumb..."
  3113. >"Tell me, silly."
  3114. "I-I t-told S-sweetie th-that I-I was free t-to hang o-out at the c-carnival. I-I completely f-forgot."
  3115. >"Oh."
  3116. "Y-yeah..."
  3117. >Lem sighs and quickly rumbles, "Is she gonna be there?"
  3118. "H-huh?"
  3119. >She talks very slowly, putting stress on every syllable
  3120. >"Is Sour Sweet going to be at the carnival with us!"
  3121. >She goes quiet after that
  3122. >Careful
  3123. "W-why?"
  3124. >"Answer the question."
  3125. "Y-yeah..."
  3126. >There's just silence
  3127. >You look at your phone
  3128. >She hung up
  3129. >You put your phone away and look to the dryer
  3130. >Laundry's done
  3131. >You've just been staring at your phone for a while
  3132. >With a sigh, you pack your clothes into your little basket and carry them back to your room
  3133. >Once in your room, you dump it all onto your bed and start folding
  3134. >Sigh
  3135. >What's with Lem?
  3136. >What's her deal with Sweetie?
  3137. >What happened?
  3138. >What happened between you both?
  3139. >What happened to y-
  3141. >You clench your underwear tight
  3142. >Having friends is amazing and all, but you have to figure out what happened to your life!
  3143. >You quickly hustle, folding your underwear up into neat piles
  3144. >You have to get back to your parents...
  3145. >Who uh...
  3146. >And your uh
  3147. >Friendless... School life
  3148. >Um
  3149. >Oh, Everton, you have Everton to look forward to!
  3150. >That gives you something to grin about!
  3151. >Gosh, when you discovered Everton, you were so excited!
  3152. >You still are! A program where you can study whatever you want, whenever you want?
  3153. >It's all you've ever wanted!
  3154. >Yeah, you've worked your entire life to... Kind of like...
  3155. >Have a reason to be by yourself
  3156. >Your face falls as you reach for your shirts
  3157. >Wow
  3158. >You're kind of...
  3159. >Really fucking sad, aren't you?
  3160. >You grab your shirts up and walk over to your dresser
  3161. >Instead of folding them, you just dump them in, and squeeze it shut
  3162. >Your hands drift up to the top of your dresser and you lean on it, looking down at the various pencils and trinkets
  3163. >It took you long enough, but
  3164. >You're really fucking lonely
  3165. >No one your age should be this lonely
  3166. >No one should be this lonely
  3167. >You squeeze your eyes shut and breathe as calmly as you can
  3168. >You can feel some tears coming
  3169. "N-no one."
  3170. >You take a deep breath and look up, looking into a Power Ponies poster.
  3171. >It's from the Hearth's Warming special
  3172. >Everyone's gathered together in Masked Matter-Horn's mansion, enjoying cookies and cocoa
  3173. >No masks, no fighting, just six magical little equines being friends on a cold winter night...
  3174. >You smile and wipe at the sides of your eyes
  3175. >You reach into your pocket and pull out your phone
  3176. >Giving the poster one more glance, you toss Lem a text
  3177. 'I'm sorry. I really want to be friends still, and I'd love if you could still come to the carnival with us. I promise it will be fun. Let me know what you think, Lemfam c:'
  3178. >With a smile, you slide it back in and walk back to your laundry
  3179. >You should relax a bit
  3180. >Going forward, you're going to...
  3181. >...You don't know
  3182. >Make friends you guess?
  3183. >Make friends of these weirdos, anyway
  3184. >And still figure out what... What is happening
  3185. >Ugh
  3186. >You crawl into bed, pushing your uniforms away
  3187. >Gotta figure this out eventually...
  3189. >Go go Power Ponies!
  3190. >You grab your phone and roll out of bed, humming along with the theme song as you lay on the floor
  3191. >Wednesday
  3192. >7:00 AM
  3193. >With a hup, you jump to your feet a few times before getting it
  3194. >...It's early
  3195. >You pull off your shorts and stuff and put on clean undies and a new uniform
  3196. >Fresh
  3197. >You also grab a coat and scarf
  3198. >This morning is quick
  3199. >You grab your shoes and step out into the house
  3200. >Just as Cadence rounds the corner
  3201. >She stops, hand raised, with a surprised look
  3202. >But then she smiles. "Ready for school already?"
  3203. >You nod and quickly pick up your backpack from just inside your room
  3204. "N-now I a-am."
  3205. >With a giggle, Cadence motions you to follow
  3206. >You both sit down to the kitchen table, where Cadence has already set out two plates of eggs sausage and toast
  3207. >You lick your lips and smile up at your mom-sister
  3208. "Th-thanks, Cadence."
  3209. >She just grins back at you and takes out her phone. "It was no trouble, Twiley."
  3210. >You gobble up all the greasy goodness
  3212. >7:30 AM
  3213. >Crystal Prep Academy
  3214. >You look up at the tall crystalline spires and thick shining gems embedded into the walls
  3215. >So gaudy
  3216. >You shake your head and look around
  3217. >You're the only one here right at this moment
  3218. >Oh
  3219. >Just your luck, Lem is coming
  3220. >You smile and wave at her
  3221. >She doesn't say or do anything to indicate that she notices you
  3222. >So you lower your hand and watch her
  3223. >She walks past you, and you frown
  3224. "L-lemfam?"
  3225. >She stops in her tracks, one foot resting on her toes behind the other
  3226. >But she's faced away from you
  3227. "U-uhm... D-did you g-get my t-text?"
  3228. >"Yup."
  3229. >She continues on, faster than before
  3230. >Oh
  3231. >You continue on, too
  3232. >Passing the threshold, Lem's nowhere to be seen
  3233. >Sigh
  3234. >You walk to your locker and lean against it for a minute or so, debating your agenda
  3235. >Sugarcoat
  3236. >Sunny/Indy
  3237. >Sour Sweet
  3238. >Home
  3239. >Let's go
  3240. >"You seem quite determined today, Twiley. Did you have a good night's rest or maybe a very satisfying breakfast?"
  3241. >You look away from you clenched fist and to Sugar
  3242. >She has a small smile
  3243. >You match it
  3244. "I-I'm just f-figuring out w-what I have p-planned."
  3245. >Sugar nods, still smiling as she turns to her locker. "And what do you have planned for today, Twiley? Anything special planned or are you just trying to sort out the day's events ahead of time?"
  3246. >You shrug. "B-bit of b-both."
  3247. >You look down at Sugar
  3248. >She's working her textbooks into her bag for the day
  3249. "H-hey, S-s-sugar..."
  3250. >She glances up from her bag and smiles a little. "Yes, Twiley? Is something the matter?"
  3251. >You sigh and rub your arm
  3252. "W-why do y-you dislike a-all of the o-others?"
  3253. >Sugar's smile falls and she looks back at her bag, filling it.
  3254. >"I suppose because those four girls have insulted me in a major way at some point over the years that I've known them, and have not or cannot apologize."
  3255. >You furrow your brow
  3256. >Well there's the long term memory you recall
  3257. >Sugarcoat was great at bringing old stuff back and making it relevant...
  3258. >Sugar stands upright, sliding her backpack on
  3259. >She shrugs, looking up at you. "I suppose it's a matter of respect. I would be able to stand them much more if I felt like they respected me enough to apologize for how they've wronged me."
  3260. >She motions behind you
  3261. >You turn and see Lem walking
  3262. >You wave and smile
  3263. >"Take Lemon Zest as an example. I imagine I could stand her, but given how she's been acting after what happened between you and her, I don't think I could stand to be around her too long."
  3264. >Lem approaches and passes, ignoring both of you
  3265. >Sugar frowns, just as you do
  3266. >You watch her go
  3267. "I-I wish things c-could be d-different between u-us."
  3268. >Sugar looks up at you and rolls her head to the side. "In what way exactly would you wish things were different? Things have been this way for so long between you two, I thought you would have gotten used to it by now."
  3269. >You give her a soft hum as reply
  3270. >There's a few moment of content silence that you both share, leaning against the lockers and staring at nothing
  3271. >But then you and Sugar share a soft embrace and part ways
  3272. >You have no idea where she's going, but you're headed straight for your lab
  3273. >Without pause, you just slide right in, glancing at Sweetie where she's sitting before turning back to your computer
  3274. >She doesn't seem to notice you. She's busy, you guess
  3275. >You take a seat at your computer and release a soft sigh
  3276. >Reaching over, you shake the mouse to wake up your computer
  3277. >Old junk
  3278. >You need new equipment, but the SRM won't give it to you
  3279. >What do do?
  3280. >Firstly, you send an email to the school resource manager and request some supplies for your lab
  3281. >That corkboard you had was a good idea
  3282. >You should rebuild all the notes you compiled on Energy X
  3283. >Good idea, actually, you have an hour or so
  3284. >Searching around, you find your notes on Canterlot High School and Energy X
  3285. >Research is fun
  3286. >You stand up and swing all the drawers open, pulling out paper and pens and markers
  3287. >With little effort, you type a few commands in, and have your old junk process the data you collected again
  3288. >You're going to have to redo all of this.
  3289. >Not because you want to, which you do, but because you have to
  3290. >There's no telling what kind of miscalculations or oddities that the other you might have made
  3291. >And if you do ever figure out how to get out of here, she will be happy to know that you've...
  3292. >Just about...
  3293. >Finished...
  3294. >All the work she's done and left her with more than she had
  3295. >Ah, all in under fifteen minutes
  3296. >You switch to a new page, glaring at the screen
  3297. >"Whatcha doin, Twilight?"
  3298. >You glance over at boobs
  3299. >Looking up from your bent over position, you see Sour Sweet smiling at you
  3300. "S-science."
  3301. >She grins. "I can see that." She mumbles something into her fist and smiles again.
  3302. >You gulp and look between her smile and her chest and back at your papers
  3303. >Maybe there's a reason the other Twilight didn't get much work done
  3304. "S-specifically... I-I am m-measuring a n-new form of e-energy."
  3305. >This seems to placate Sour Sweet as she just nods and stands upright again, watching you work
  3306. >Leaning over, you rewind the data stream as best you can until it matches up with what you have
  3307. >And then you get back to work
  3308. >Scribbling away
  3309. >Sweetie takes the chair next to you and relaxes into it, placing her hands on her lap
  3310. >Well, this is easier now that you've already done it
  3311. "Ah!" You flinch at something cold touching your thigh.
  3312. >Looking down, it's Sour Sweet's hand
  3313. >She's giving you that coy, half smile and those hungry looking eyes
  3314. >Gulp
  3315. >She gets up and moves closer to you
  3316. >Just... Focus
  3317. >She bends over you, squishing her breasts against your back
  3318. >Focus
  3319. >And she wraps her arms around your belly. "How is your morning, Twilight?"
  3320. >You inhale sharply and stand upright
  3321. >Sour just shifts, holding you as you stand so she stands with you
  3322. "I-It was g-good. I-I should be h-heading to class n-now."
  3323. >For emphasis, you cap the pen you're holding
  3324. >Sour sighs and lets go of you, stepping away enough to give you space to breathe
  3325. >"Fine, you go ahead to class. Just wanted to spend time with you..."
  3326. >You frown and pick up your backpack, slinging it onto your back and wrapping your fingers around the straps
  3327. "S-sorry, I j-just need some t-time..."
  3328. >You hustle out before she can reply, leaving the door open for her
  3329. >You need to chill today, seriously
  3330. >You're going to decompress the past few days with more work on Energy X
  3331. >Just today though. Tomorrow... You don't know
  3332. >Making a beeline for your first class, you notice Sunny and Indy are already there
  3333. >Oh boy
  3334. >With a sigh, you take your seat between them.
  3335. >Both wave to you, but otherwise are silent
  3336. >Sunny has a small, stilted smile
  3337. >Indy is frowning and has her arms crossed
  3338. >Weird, but okay
  3339. >So
  3340. >You take out your notes on Energy X and work on that some more
  3341. >You guess
  3342. >Well these two aren't going to start a conversation any time soon, it seems
  3343. >Every couple of minutes, you'll look up to them
  3344. >But every time you do, Sunny is reading her book, and Indy is just doing some math homework
  3345. >They both look kind of weird too
  3346. >Nervous or anxious or something
  3347. >It's weirding you out a bit, because you've never known these girls to act like this
  3348. >But having them clam up a bit is not that bad
  3349. >It's just awkward is all
  3350. >Sitting next to these two
  3351. >Quietly
  3352. >You want to help them fix whatever's going on, but
  3353. >Research...
  3354. >Sigh
  3355. "A-are you b-both okay? Y-you've been q-quiet."
  3356. >Sunny shrugs to you, and looks at Indy
  3357. >You look at Indy. She peeks at you from one eye and likewise shrugs.
  3358. >"Sorry bae... Just trying to work out some issues..."
  3359. >You nod, understanding nothing of what she just said.
  3360. "I-I see..."
  3361. >Sunny places a hand over your own and you glance back to her
  3362. >She has the smallest smile
  3363. >And big worried eyes
  3364. >"We're trying our best, ma petite~"
  3365. >Whatever that means, it sounds important
  3366. >You smile back at her and nod. "O-okay, th-thank you b-both."
  3367. >You give Sunny's hand a squeeze
  3368. >Then you turn to Indy and reach across the divide to grab her hand
  3369. >She smiles, and snickers just a little bit, squeezing your hand back.
  3370. >"Told you I could do it. I just need more time."
  3371. >You chuckle with her and return to your research.
  3372. >This is pretty pleasant
  3373. >This day is pretty amiable in general
  3374. >It kind of just slides by without a lot of hoopla
  3375. >Well if you were paying closer attention, you may have noticed some ruckus among your friends
  3376. >But well
  3377. >Sugar seems totally fine
  3378. >Indy and Sunny seem like they're balancing each other or something
  3379. >Sour Sweet is kind of confusing you, but you're gonna live with it
  3380. >And Lem...
  3381. >What about Lem?
  3382. >You pull your scarf tighter
  3383. >It isn't snowing out again, but it is windy
  3384. >So windy that your knees are shaking under your skirt
  3385. >Dumb uniform
  3386. >There's Lem though
  3387. >Sitting on the steps after school
  3388. >You take a few steps forward and ease yourself in next to her
  3389. >You smile up at her
  3390. >But she's just got a very angry scowl on as she draws the pair of trees in front of the school.
  3391. >You look down at her sketchpad
  3392. >The lines are all angrily scrawled on and interlaced with errant scratchy lines
  3393. >She's got the trees' shape correct, but there's tiny imperfections in the drawing, like missing shading, or not drawing the knot in the trunk
  3394. >There's a honking
  3395. >You look up and see the car
  3396. >You turn back to Lem and smile.
  3397. "S-see you t-tomorrow?"
  3398. >She ignores you, so you join Gleaming in the car
  3399. >She makes a funny muffled noise.
  3400. "S-same."
  3402. >7:12 PM
  3403. >Home
  3404. >You rub the back of your neck as you inhale the intoxicating aroma of meatloaf
  3405. >Your neck is a bit stiff from reworking all the data on Energy X
  3406. >You've already finished all the work the other you has neglected
  3407. >Luckily for both of you, Energy X is totally the same as you recall it being
  3408. >Which means you have almost no work to do
  3409. >After you finish up rewriting everything, you'll have to eventually get started on that field work...
  3410. >You toss a chunk of meat in your mouth
  3411. >Greasy
  3412. >You smile
  3413. >Delicious
  3414. >Gleamy chuckles across from you. "You like it?"
  3415. >You realize your eyes were closed and look to Gleaming
  3416. >You nod and swallow, already picking up another piece. "I-I love y-your cooking, G-gleamy."
  3417. >Cadence giggles at that, but Gleaming pauses
  3418. >She blushes a bit and smiles. "Geeze, Twiley, thanks!"
  3419. >You chuckle, taking another couple of bites
  3420. >"Oh, I was wondering."
  3421. >You look up from your food, and see Gleaming looking across to you, with a small smile as she eats
  3422. >"How did things go between you and that girl?"
  3423. >You notice Cadence pauses and looks to you as well
  3424. "L-lem?"
  3425. >"Yeah. That was her on the steps today, right?"
  3426. >You look down at your food and nod.
  3427. >You'd almost forgot about Lemon
  3428. >This doesn't look so appetizing, anymore
  3429. >"You're still going to hang out with her, right?"
  3430. >You look back to Cadence
  3431. >She has an unusually neutral expression
  3432. >Are you?
  3433. >Probably not
  3434. >You shrug and pick at your meat, eating a few bits
  3435. >Everyone sits in silence for a few minutes as you all eat
  3436. >You want to go do something with Lemon Zest
  3437. >It doesn't have to be going to the carnival
  3438. >But you already told her that you'd go hang out with her Saturday
  3439. "A-as much as I-I'd like to, p-probably not."
  3440. >There's a shorter pause
  3441. >"Oh, well, maybe next time."
  3442. >You nod, looking down at your food
  3443. >But you do want to...
  3445. >You pick up your glasses and wipe them off a bit
  3446. >You woke up before your alarm
  3447. >Which is now going off
  3448. >Bobbing your head a little, you press the cancel button on your phone and unplug it
  3449. >Carrying your phone with you, you sit down at your desk and scan over your notes
  3450. >With a quick scribble, you mark off where you need to continue tomorrow
  3451. >You grab your backpack and stuff the folders and binders in with your usual care
  3452. >Not much
  3453. >Clothes...
  3454. >Scarf and jacket...
  3455. >Shoes and keys...
  3456. >And you're good to start the day
  3457. >You have no idea what you're going to do today, aside from work on Energy X!
  3458. >But you hope you get a chance to clear up what's going on with Lemon at some point
  3459. >Or figuring out what is happening
  3460. >Going home would solve all of this
  3461. >Uh... Eh...
  3462. >You clear your throat and swing open your door
  3463. >Startling Cadence
  3464. >You both stare at each other for a moment
  3465. >She smiles. "Want some breakfast, Twiley? Gleaming left us some today."
  3466. >Oh gods.
  3467. >You excitedly nod, licking your lips
  3469. >7:30 AM
  3470. >School
  3471. >Nice and early just like you like it
  3472. >There are any students here yet, just as you expect
  3473. >But given that the winds last night have persisted all the way up until now that may just be because all the students who have arrived already have already gone inside
  3474. >Looking around, you don't see anybody approaching when walking down the sidewalk or anything
  3475. >Sigh
  3476. >You walk up the steps and quietly cross the threshold
  3477. >You hope today goes a little bit better than yesterday
  3478. >Yesterday wasn't that bad, per se, to be honest
  3479. >But you do want to make some progress on your friendships
  3480. >...And figuring out what is happening
  3481. >...Which you haven't been researching at all
  3482. >As you walk, you pull out your phone
  3483. >Hey maybe you should research on that a little
  3484. >Yeah
  3485. >You punch in a few search terms on your phone
  3486. >Missing Persons
  3487. >Twilight Sparkle
  3488. >Shining Armor
  3489. >Strange occurrences in Canterlot City
  3490. >And you start reading on your way to your locker
  3492. >8:07 AM
  3493. >"Good morning, Twiley. Did you have a good night's rest last night? Did anything happen? You didn't return my text, so I assumed you had gotten yourself wrapped up in something at least somewhat important."
  3494. >You blink and look away from your phone
  3495. >Oh it's Sugar
  3496. >She sure is a sight for literally sore eyes
  3497. "I-I was r-researching something th-that I've been w-working on for a f-few weeks."
  3498. >Sugar nods and works to collect her materials for the day
  3499. >You look back to your phone, skimming the twenty pages you've got open
  3500. >/x/ is blowing up trying to investigate what is happening
  3501. >Which is nice
  3502. >Help is welcome, even if it's just from anons
  3503. >But you do have some... Other sites open
  3504. >Mostly pages about missing persons reports from the CPD and a few blogs about weird things in Canterlot
  3505. >Apparently you're not the first to notice weird things happening at CHS
  3506. >But with what these weirdos are reporting, you're the only sane one
  3507. >Demons and magic...
  3508. >As if
  3509. >Sugar looks up to you as she tightens the straps on her backpack
  3510. >You look down at her
  3511. >She smiles
  3512. >You smile
  3513. >You both go in for the hug at the same time
  3514. >"Good luck with your research, Twiley. Let me know if I can help at all, I'm very good at researching of all kinds, and I would love to help you."
  3515. >You nod. "I-I will, S-sugar."
  3516. >She and you wave your farewells, and you remain at your locker
  3517. >Reading
  3518. >...
  3519. >>26728XXX
  3520. so what you're telling us, OP, is that you unironically think that the entire world, from your perspective, is different?
  3521. there's a common variable from what you've told us here: you
  3522. Have you considered that your psyche has been warped-
  3523. >You close that thread
  3524. >You rub your forehead
  3525. >That post gave you cancer.
  3526. >Sighing, you look back at the other sites you've opened
  3527. >The CPD doesn't have any record of you
  3528. >There aren't any notable sites mentioning you
  3529. >There aren't any men named Shining Armor in this country, or your brother's age
  3530. >You glance away
  3531. >8:28 AM
  3532. >Welp.
  3533. >You turn heel and start jogging before you're late to class
  3535. >Without a word, you squeeze into your chair between Sunny and Indy
  3536. >Who are currently talking to each other?
  3537. >"Now, mon chèr, I don't know why you insist~"
  3538. >Sunny's smirking, brow raised
  3539. >Indigo scoffs. "You kidding, the dude made a bad call, that's all."
  3540. >She leans forward, putting her hands down and gesticulating a person flipping around
  3541. >"See that? You don't just trip and flip like that. Doesn't happen. He should have been DQ'd. He put a shoe to a head on purpose."
  3542. >You look between them
  3543. >They seem to be enjoying themselves
  3544. >Sunny giggles. "If you insist~!"
  3545. >Indy nods, crossing her arms. "And I do, Sun." She glances at you
  3546. >She gives you a grin, and slides her hands behind her head. "Told ya, bae."
  3547. >Sunny giggles again, and fetches a book from her bag. "Good morning, ma petite~"
  3548. >You look between them and smile, pulling out your phone
  3549. "Y-you two s-seem happy t-today..."
  3550. >"Course. Ya know, just relaxing."
  3551. >"Indeed, ma chèrie~" Sunny looks up from her book, gracing you with a dazzling smile. "Zap and I were discussing hm~" She puts a finger to her chin and looks up. "International sports~"
  3552. >Hunh
  3553. >Good
  3554. >You nod. "G-good. I-it's good th-that y-you're both getting a-along."
  3555. >Behind you, Indy chuckles, and you can hear her reclining.
  3556. >In front of you, Sunny nods, winking at you before going back to her book
  3557. >Well now
  3558. >This is better
  3559. >You look between both of them again
  3560. >This is nice. You can live with this
  3561. >Whatever happened...
  3562. >You furrow your brow
  3563. >One mystery at a time
  3564. >Without saying much else, you start work on your research
  3565. >On what is happening
  3566. >The teacher shouldn't have a problem. Most of the students you notice used their phones while they didn't do anything else
  3567. >Actually, this is a really lax period
  3568. >...One mystery at a time, seriously
  3569. >You glance back down at your phone
  3570. >And go straight to /x/, asking for advice on what to do about your psuedo-solipsistic world warping
  3572. >3:00 PM
  3573. >Final bell
  3574. >You rub the back of your neck
  3575. >You've been shitposting on /x/ for eight hours straight
  3576. >So far, they've thrown every single meme at you
  3577. >Some are claiming that you're a new form of skinwalker
  3578. >Others, that maybe you imagined the world
  3579. >Some want you to go in for psychiatric help
  3580. >Still, most of them insist that solipsism anon is right
  3581. >All of your life didn't happen, and you've only imagined everything up to this point to cope with some traumatic event
  3582. >Now they're fouling up the thread with green text about you and the possible things that could have happened to you
  3583. >But some of them suggested seeking psychic/divining aide
  3584. >You don't know where to find these people, but you will before long...
  3585. >So that's where you are
  3586. >You stop in front of your lab
  3587. >Sour Sweet...
  3588. >...You don't need to visit your lab today
  3589. >You turn and walk away, but as you do so, you catch sight of a big pink girl
  3590. >Lem looks down at you, face blank
  3591. >You smile and wave
  3592. >Is this your chance to make up?
  3593. >She looks down for a moment, glancing between you and the floor for a few moments
  3594. >Maybe you can explain what happened to her?
  3595. >Sighing, she walks over to you, taking careful steps and maintaining eye contact
  3596. >Prove that you're not a terrible friend
  3597. >She stops a foot away from you, looking down at you
  3598. >Gulp
  3599. >Do something to show that you want to make up
  3600. >You spread your arms out and smile
  3601. >She furrows her brow, staring at you
  3602. >You give her a grin, knowing how nervous it must look
  3603. "H-hug?"
  3604. >She rumbles softly and looks at the door. She nods toward it.
  3605. >"Is Sour Sweet in there?"
  3606. >You glance back at the door and up at her
  3607. "I-I think s-so..."
  3608. >She immediately walks past you, grabbing you by the hand, and using the other to firmly grip the knob
  3609. "L-lemfam?"
  3610. >She halts and looks over her shoulder at you
  3611. >Her voice goes quiet
  3612. >"I just want to talk to her, Twilight."
  3613. >What does that mean...?
  3614. "S-sure..."
  3615. >She turns slightly, pulling you closer
  3616. >She has a nervous look in her eye
  3617. >She bites her lip and looks down
  3618. >"O-or not..."
  3619. >She lets go of the door, and your hand, and starts to walk away
  3620. >Before you have a chance to say anything, she picks up her school bag and continues
  3621. >You reach out with the hand she held
  3622. >Which is still warm
  3623. "L-lemfam..."
  3624. >She looks back at you
  3625. >Gulp
  3626. "I-I really do w-want to h-hang out with y-you."
  3627. >She's silent
  3628. >If she wasn't ten feet away, you'd think she couldn't or didn't hear you
  3629. >Maybe she chose not to hear you
  3630. >She shuts her eyes and takes a deep breath
  3631. >Without opening her eyes, she smiles back at you, extra wide
  3632. >"Then I guess we're gonna hang out, huh, Twifam!?"
  3633. >You chuckle as she puts on her headhones and runs off
  3637. >Watching her hair bounce like that is kind of mesmerizing
  3638. >"Are you okay, Twilight?" First you hear a sweet voice. "What was that all about?"
  3639. >Then it's Sour. Sour Sweet
  3640. >Turning, you find a confused looking Sour standing in the doorway, knob in one hand, phone in the other
  3641. >You shrug
  3642. "J-just L-lemfam."
  3643. >Sour frowns and shakes her head
  3644. >"Just Lemfam. Whatever."
  3645. >She places her hand to her ample chest and pouts
  3646. >"Don't you want to spend time with me right now?" She glares at the hallway. "Rather than that huge bumbling doofus?"
  3647. >Sigh
  3648. >Why don't they like each other?
  3649. >You stare at her
  3650. >They both seem friendly enough toward you
  3651. >Who hates who here?
  3652. >"What?"
  3653. >You step closer to Sweetie and...
  3654. "W-why don't y-you like h-her?"
  3655. >Sour Sweet blinks
  3656. >She opens her mouth, but only a grunt rolls out
  3657. >She leans back a bit, taking a step for support
  3658. >"Whah?"
  3659. >You stare at her
  3660. >"Twilight, what do you mean?"
  3661. >You shake your head and sigh
  3662. >You close your eyes and take a few deep breaths
  3663. >Rolling your head with the breathing, you calmly speak, knowing you'll have a lot to say.
  3664. "I thought maybe my girlfriend would be friends with my friends."
  3665. >Deep breaths. "It just made sense."
  3666. >Sour seems quiet for a moment. As far as you can tell, she's still in that shocked pose.
  3667. >But then she chuckles. "You know that was only a joke, right? I love you, you are my very best friend forever, but I was only pretending to be your gf."
  3668. >You take a few deep breaths and hold up your finger. "Yeah."
  3669. >It was sort of obvious. Now that you're in this zen like state you have to be in to not stutter.
  3670. >Sour seems to just enjoy flirting with you to get you flustered.
  3671. >But you continue, reasserting your finger
  3672. "I was wondering, could you maybe try though?"
  3673. >You lower your finger, but continue to breathe as calm as you can.
  3674. >Almost as soon as you lower your finger, she snaps. "Are you serious?"
  3675. >Breathe.
  3676. >"After what she's done, are you serious?" Her voice is starting to raise, cracking a little near the end
  3677. >After what she's done?
  3678. >Breathing, you can almost feel the sparks of Hamon glittering through your hands. That or you're starting to get light headed. "After she did what?"
  3679. >Sour growls and you can hear her clenching her knuckles and grinding her teeth. "What!?"
  3680. >You raise your finger. "That's what i thought... Each of you hates her, but that's not fair."
  3681. >You keep your digit raised, happy to know that Sweetie will not interrupt you. "I'm trying to forgive her. I'm trying to change, okay?"
  3682. >Once more, you reassert your finger, and finally open your eyes.
  3683. >You see a Sour Sweet, with her arms wrapped around her head, hands curled up and tugging at her face, which is beat red with fury.
  3684. >And you are undeterred
  3685. >And possibly high as fuck from breathing too deeply
  3686. >If that's possible
  3687. >You look her straight in the eye and realize just who you're talking to
  3688. >You're telling the one person you've feared the most to stop it and behave
  3689. >Hm.
  3690. "And on top of that, i would appreciate it if you tried to change a bit too, starting with accepting Lemfam as a friend, or at least, the very least, dealing with her."
  3691. >You lower your head and cough a bit into your fist.
  3692. >Ow your throat
  3693. >You clear your throat and dig through your pockets
  3694. >Out of cough drops
  3695. >You look up at Sour, who looks caught
  3696. >She looks hilariously angry
  3697. >But she she also looks sad?
  3698. >For some reason?
  3699. "I-if thats o-okay with you, S-sweetie."
  3700. >Sour Sweet huffs and throws up her arms
  3701. >"Fine! If we're just passing out redemptions like they're candy, I guess I'm all on board!"
  3702. >She stomps into the lab, grabs her bags and stomps back to you
  3703. >"Why though?"
  3704. >You give her a confused look.
  3705. >She shakes her head and hugs you
  3706. >She sniffles and presses your head against her chest, where comfort lay
  3707. >"I can try, Twi. I can definitely try..."
  3708. >Before you can wrap your arms around her, she departs, wiping at her eyes as she walks away from you
  3709. >You shake your head and walk into your lab
  3710. >There's a bit of time before Shiney should be coming
  3711. >So you plop down into your seat and boot up the ol' 98
  3712. >Truly a masterpiece of design, the '98
  3713. >You spend the million hours needed to open chrome reading more of that thread
  3714. >You have no idea why you're still reading
  3715. >Most of it's just bumps
  3716. >But some of it
  3717. >Some of it is totally scary
  3718. >Like someone posted what city you live in
  3719. >Somehow
  3720. >And after someone else confirmed, everyone jumped at the chance to help, by posting ads for the various mediums, pyschics, and occultists in Canterlot
  3721. >Which, as it turns out, is a stupid amount
  3722. >You lean forward again, and drag your mouse across the desktop
  3723. >Why do you have this
  3724. >You upload all the data you have on Energy X to your private cloud and shut everything down
  3725. >That was a chore
  3726. >You stand and depart, heading straight for the exit
  3727. >Sort of want to get home as soon as possible
  3729. >Stepping outside, you notice two things
  3730. >First, Lem
  3731. >Just sitting on the steps, listening to music while she draws
  3732. >Secondly, the winds have died down
  3733. >You get to loosen this scarf...
  3734. >As you're undoing your scarf, you take a few steps toward the stairs and sit down
  3735. >Right next to your bigger buddy
  3736. >She glanced down at you
  3737. >You grin, but she turns her head back to the trees
  3738. >The drawing looks better
  3739. >Does she just sit here and draw the same trees over and over?
  3740. >The background is all wrong
  3741. >Is that a... Cactus?
  3742. >The picture is pulled away, and you follow it, locking eyes with Lemfam
  3743. >She seems neutral
  3744. >Until she closes up her pad, and stuffs it in her backpack
  3745. >Then she looks sort of let down
  3746. >She leans back next to you, laying herself out over five steps
  3747. >You hold your knees close to you for warmth
  3748. "S-so..."
  3749. >She glances over to you
  3750. "W-would you m-mind coming to the c-carnival with S-sweetie and I-I?"
  3751. >She closes her eyes and sighs
  3752. >"...I dunno, Twifam."
  3753. >After all that, you expected a little more
  3754. "W-well, I t-talked to Sweetie, a-and she seems fine w-with you coming a-after all."
  3755. >She lets out a soft hum and reaches up to drum her fingers across one speaker of her headphones
  3756. >"Maybe..."
  3757. >You smile and look out toward the street going past Crystal Prep
  3758. >Sunny and Indy are getting along better than they were the other day
  3759. >Sugar is like your best friend right now
  3760. >You may get Sour Sweet and Lemon Zest to befriend each other
  3761. >Making friends with your bullies is surprisingly rewarding
  3762. >"Hey, Twifam?"
  3763. >You glance down at Lem, who's got her eyes closed
  3764. "Hm?"
  3765. >Lem takes a breath and sighs. "Happy birthday, yo."
  3766. >You flinch and whip out your phone
  3767. >It is your birthday!
  3768. >You lean down and hug Lem
  3769. >She giggles, hugging you back
  3770. "Th-thank you!"
  3771. >She smiles at you and reaches into her coat pocket
  3772. >She pulls out a cookie and hands it to you, chuckling a little
  3773. >You take the huge cookie in both hands
  3774. "Aw!"
  3775. >It's got your cutie mark on it, in icing!
  3777. >7:00 PM
  3778. >You slide into your seat, as eager as can be
  3779. >Gleaming chuckles at your energy
  3780. >"Maybe you shouldn't get any cake with the way you're hopping around!"
  3781. >You grin and roll your eyes
  3782. >"What's got you so energetic, Twiley?"
  3783. >You turn to Cadence and smile
  3784. >"T-today was j-just a really g-good day, I s-suppose!"
  3785. >"I'll say..." Cadence gives you a small smile before going back to her phone to read
  3786. >You giggle
  3787. >Seriously, having someone who isn't family wish you a happy birthday is the happiest thing that's happened to you in a while!
  3788. >Okay, that sounds sadder than it is
  3789. >You're just really glad that you have actual friends
  3790. >All of them actually did the same
  3791. >Checking your phone, everyone sent you a happy birthday message of their own!
  3792. >Ignoring the fact that Sour sent you a bunch of pictures of herself topless but covering up (fucking saved), it was all very sweet and heartwarming!
  3793. >Speaking of heartwarming...
  3794. >"There you go. Happy birthday, Twiley." Gleamy sets down a platter of chicken and fries for everyone to grab from
  3795. >You giggle and reach out for one.
  3796. "Th-thank you, s-so much, G-gleamy."
  3797. >For the next ten or so minutes, you are in stunned silence as you consume the delicious fruits of Sister's labors
  3798. >But then Cadence breaks it
  3799. >"So, Gleaming mentions that you were with Lemon Zest this afternoon?"
  3800. >You glance at Gleamy
  3801. >She's got a mouth full of food and shrugs.
  3802. >So are you. So you nod
  3803. >"Did you make up with her yet?"
  3804. >You nod again
  3805. >"How did that go."
  3806. >You pause and quickly chew and swallow, washing it down with milk
  3807. "U-uh..." You glance back over to Cadence. "I-It went w-well."
  3808. >Cadence smiles, placing her hands together. "So you're going to be hanging out with her alone on Saturday?"
  3809. >Wha?
  3810. "N-no..."
  3811. >Cadence's smile falters. "Oh..."
  3812. "I-I'm going w-with her and a-another friend."
  3813. >Cadence gives you a thoughtful hum. "Are you sure?"
  3814. >What is up with her?
  3815. "Y-yes, w-why?"
  3816. Cadence shakes her head. "Just wondering which choice you would make, I guess."
  3818. >3:00 PM
  3819. >Final Bell
  3820. >Friday
  3821. >School
  3822. >This is ridiculous
  3823. >You've been searching for days now, and all to no avail
  3824. >There is not a single shred of evidence that anything happened to Twilight Sparkle
  3825. >Facebook posts, going back to a year after the website's inception, support her existing up until you woke up Monday morning
  3826. >Her internet footprint is wide berthed, too
  3827. >She was on every social media site, and not in a 'maybe that was her' sort of way
  3828. >She linked every account together through blogposts and comments and view histories
  3829. >She updated her Myspace last month!
  3830. >You're ready to tear your hair out
  3831. >How does someone vanish?
  3832. >And there's no proof that you exist!
  3833. >Seriously, you looked everywhere
  3834. >Your shitty oekakis, ask blogs, and contributions to the Ogres and Oubliettes communities are just gone
  3835. >(RIP Magic of Incarnum overhaul)
  3836. >Sure, you both liked toku
  3837. >Sure, you both liked rpgs and tabletop games
  3838. >...But the similarities between the both of you are so superficial, it hurts your head
  3839. >You groan and lean back
  3840. >"You kay, Twifam?"
  3841. >You gaze, bleary eyed, at Lem
  3842. >Shaking your head, you groan again
  3843. >"Wassap?" She gives you a worried look
  3844. >Bah, don't let your existential crisis bother her
  3845. >You groan again and take your glasses off to wipe them off
  3846. >Squinting, Lem looks like a big blob of pink and lime
  3847. "W-well..." You sigh, replacing your glasses
  3848. >You blink a few times and smile when you see her worried frown
  3849. >Try not to let it show
  3850. "I-I sorta d-don't know what to e-expect today..."
  3851. >Don't let her see how panicked you are
  3852. >Which easy, because you've already come down from your panic attack
  3853. >You barely remember yesterday aside from the epiphany that you don't exist around lunch time...
  3854. >Lem frowns and closes up her drawing pad
  3855. >"Yeah, you need to learn how to chill."
  3856. >You glare at her
  3857. >She grins and gets to her feet
  3858. >"Twifam, come on, I'm just kidding."
  3859. >Her grin gets a little smaller as she slings her back onto her shoulder
  3860. >"I'll do my best to make tonight special..."
  3861. >Before you could say anything, she walks away, leaving you waiting for Gleaming
  3863. >You gently shut the front door behind you
  3864. >You had to walk home because Gleaming is working later than expected
  3865. >As soon as you get a few steps in, you hear Cadence call out
  3866. >"Twilight? Is that you?"
  3867. >She sounds like she's in the living room, so you wander on over to her
  3868. >A bright smile welcomes you, infecting you with your own grin
  3869. >"Welcome home, Twilight."
  3870. >You give her a soft chuckle and sit down next to her
  3871. >Cadence is always in such a good mood
  3872. >Even if you can't directly talk to her about your problems, you are positive just having a chance to relax with her will set you at ease, even if just a little bit
  3873. >So you recline into the plush fabric of the couch with a sigh
  3874. >"Long day?"
  3875. >You nod to her, letting out another sigh
  3876. >There's a moment's pause
  3877. >The nagging thoughts are at the back of your mind still
  3878. >Where Twilight went
  3879. >Where you came from
  3880. >How no one has noticed yet
  3881. >What would happen if anyone noticed
  3882. >Things like that...
  3883. >But next to your... Sister... In-law?
  3884. >...That's a ring on her finger
  3885. >Next to your sister/mom/babysitter, those problems seem far off
  3886. >"Just like every Friday, I'll be cooking." She smiles to you. "In case you forgot."
  3887. >Nice, she's making it easy for you
  3888. "H-heh... Y-yeah, I m-might have."
  3889. >You sit upright, taking off your backpack. "W-what are we h-having?"
  3890. >She puts a finger to her chin. "Mm..." After a moment, the words slowly roll out, like she's still thinking. "What would you like?"
  3891. >Shrugging, you shake your head a bit. "A-anything's f-fine."
  3892. >She smirks, cocking her brow. "Not something low fat and low cal as usual?"
  3893. >You chuckle. "N-no...?"
  3894. >Why would you want some boring gross food when you can have some delicious meats?
  3895. >Cadence hums thoughtfully, her smirk replaced by a contemplative frown
  3896. >...crap?
  3897. >You smile and with a quick "E-excuse me" depart for your room
  3899. >6:12 PM
  3900. >You stare down at the steaming plate and bowl in front of you
  3901. >"This is your favorite, right?" Cadence asks as she stands next to you
  3902. >You look back down
  3903. >You have a plate stacked high with thirty or so half inch cubes of tofu covered in some kind of... Sauce? Glaze? It smells like dirt.
  3904. >And next to that is a piping hot bowl of what you've been told is steamed cabbage
  3905. >You don't have the willpower to not scrunch up your face in disgust, so you just stare down at the food so she can't see
  3906. "U-um..." You poke at a tofu cube with a fork and it sticks to the tines without any force needed
  3907. >Where is the satisfying release of tension from stabbing into a hot side of flesh?
  3908. >This isn't meat.
  3909. >Cadence, out of the corner of your eye, raises a hand to her mouth. "It is, isn't it?"
  3910. >She gets lower, to look you in the eye, but you masterfully avoid eye contact using your latent hikikomori strats.
  3911. >She's quiet for a moment before sighing, grasping at the plate and bowl. "You've always mentioned that you love it..."
  3912. >Before you can do anything, she steps away
  3913. >You nibble on the gross white block and set down your fork
  3914. >Disgustingly bland, with a hint of grass
  3915. >Behind you, you hear her setting the dishes on the counter. "I just assumed after all the times you said you loved it that it must be your favorite."
  3916. >Y-you what?
  3917. >You gulp, hoping that the empty void below will devour that cube
  3918. >After a moment of rummaging through the fridge, she sets down a wrapped dish in front of you
  3919. >The cold scent of gravy and beef makes your mouth water
  3920. >You smile up at her
  3921. >She smiles down
  3922. >She doesn't look nearly as hurt as she sounded
  3923. >Before you can ponder any longer, your belly rumbles in dissatisfaction of the fake food you just tossed in there
  3924. >You snap back to the plate before you, unwrapping it
  3925. >Cadence sits down next to you, eating what she was serving you
  3926. >You eat in silence
  3927. >Cadence is reading something on her phone
  3928. >You're gobbling cold, greasy meat
  3929. >Life's pretty okay
  3930. >"So you're going to the carnival tonight, yes?"
  3931. >You swallow.
  3932. "N-no, Saturday."
  3933. >Cadence nods, looking back to her phone
  3934. >You resume eating
  3935. >"With lemon zest?"
  3936. >You stop and look at her, fixing your glasses.
  3937. >Spike paws at your shin, so you reach down and feat him some meat. "Y-yeah..."
  3938. >"Alone?"
  3939. >You shake your head as you cut up some more meat. "N-no."
  3940. >Cadence's mouth forms a surprised o and she sits upright before leaning forward, turning her head to the side a bit as she asks, "Who else?"
  3941. "...S-sour sweet."
  3942. >She nods again before looking down at her phone. "I see."
  3943. >Things are quiet again between both of you
  3944. >This silence actually lasts for a bit
  3945. >You finish the plate, and happily groan as you lean back, content and bloated
  3946. >You're a happy little nerd
  3947. >Cadence takes your plate and hers and steps to the sink to clean them.
  3948. >"How is school?"
  3949. >You gurgle in response. "Fffiiine..."
  3950. >She giggles as she runs the water. "How are your friends?"
  3951. >You groan and turn to look at her. "S-same."
  3952. >She chuckles, grabbing a sponge. "I see."
  3953. >Cadence chuckles again as she slowly squeezes the sponge. "You know, it seems just like yesterday that you..."
  3954. >She giggles
  3955. >You stare in silence
  3956. >She runs the sponge under the hot water and clenches it again. "That you and i would well..." Satisfied that the sponge is wrung out, she pours some soap onto it. "...Not get along i suppose."
  3957. >She slowly looks at you over her shoulder and smiles
  3958. >"What was it you said Friday?"
  3959. >She smiles wider. "I thought it was funny."
  3960. >You just give her a blank stare, watching her
  3961. >Her shoulders sag slightly. "Come now, you must remember..."
  3962. "U-um..."
  3963. >You slowly shake your head. Why is she acting like this?
  3964. >She looks back at the dishes, still smiling
  3965. >"Oh well. It was a funny joke, and I wanted to share it with Gleaming."
  3966. >...Okay
  3969. >Ugh
  3970. >You slam your hand on your phone, turning off the Power Pony theme
  3971. >Your stomach is killing you
  3972. >Rolling out of bed, you welcome the floor slamming into your ample butt
  3973. >It wakes you up
  3974. >But your belly still hurts from all that beef
  3975. >You pick yourself up and stretch a little, ignoring the haze of sleep that still envelops your mind
  3976. >Weekend ritual, begin
  3977. >You stare at the fresh undies in your hand
  3978. >...Boy, these are stretchy
  3979. >Uh... You should probably shower, actually
  3980. >You grab up some clean clothes and wander out to the bathroom
  3981. >Shower: Go!
  3982. >As you enter auto-mode, you let your mind wander
  3983. >Tonight should be fun, right?
  3984. >You're going to hang out with Lem and Sour
  3985. >They're not going to fight, hopefully
  3986. >Well, Lem isn't going to start a fight
  3987. >...What are all these bottles!?
  3988. >You glare at the articles cluttering up the wall of the shower
  3989. >Easily twenty bottles
  3990. >Eh
  3991. >You sniff one
  3992. >Lavender, probably yours
  3993. >Says shampoo, so you get to it
  3994. >Anyway, tonight should be fine
  3995. >Probably
  3997. >5:17 PM
  3998. >Street clothes
  3999. >Cell phone
  4000. >Keys
  4001. >Modern D&T deck, just in case
  4002. >Check, check, check, check
  4003. >You still have everything, just like you did when you left the house
  4004. >You let out a breath
  4005. >The carnival is in sight
  4006. >You really hope Lem and Sweetie aren't going to be at each other all night
  4007. >You really want to make this work
  4008. >For some reason
  4009. >...Because letting them hate each other gives you that headache?
  4010. >Groan
  4011. >Looking forward again, you can see Lem and Sweetie
  4012. >Sweetie is glaring up at Lem, grumbling something
  4013. >Lem is just staring at her, arms crossed
  4014. >Neither notices you until you're a few feet away
  4015. >As usual, Lem has her headphones wrapped around her head, and muffled music escapes her ocean of green
  4019. >You think maybe she has a playlist or something, since you've heard this song a dozen times this week
  4020. >Regardless, she's the first to notice you, reaching up to turn down the jams as she smiles at you
  4021. >"Yo, Twifam! Good to see ya!"
  4022. >Lem glances at Sweetie before grabbing you up in a big warm hug
  4023. >You giggle and hug her back
  4024. >Until you hear Sour growl below
  4025. >You look down at her from where Lem's holding you
  4026. >Lem sets you down and before you can do anything else, Sour reaches over and pulls you into a tight hug
  4027. >She almost knocks the wind out of you
  4028. >Sweetie squeezes you really close, pressing a hand against the back of your head and firmly placing your cheek against her shoulder
  4029. >Nice.
  4030. >Hugs are nice.
  4031. >At first
  4032. >But after being held for about a minute, you start to feel uncomfortable
  4033. >You reach over and tap Sweetie
  4034. >"What."
  4035. "U-uh... Sh-shouldn't we g-go do s-stuff?"
  4036. >She releases you, and grabs your hand. "Of course we can! Let's have as much fun as possible!"
  4037. >Sour glares at Lem. "If someone can keep up, or even get lost..."
  4038. >You feel a soft throb in your head and sigh
  4039. >But Lem just shakes her head, crossing her arms again as she walks next to you, opposite Sour
  4040. >Sigh
  4041. >Your head already hurts
  4042. >The three of you walk along, going along with the noisy crowd
  4043. >The carnival is actually pretty nice
  4044. >There's bad food everywhere, and super cheap
  4045. >There's a stall game around every corner
  4046. >And the rides look sweet in that classic death trap kind of way only a carnival can deliver
  4047. >The horizon is aglow with bright lights and stall lamps
  4048. >You're so ready for fun
  4049. >You smile between Sweetie and Lem, and they both smile back
  4050. >Sweetie pulls you close and takes a selfie, giggling
  4051. >She flips her phone around and frowns
  4052. >It's you, her, and Lem, all smiling
  4053. >She glares back at Lem, who's got an impassive look
  4054. >Sour grumbles but saves the picture anyway
  4055. >Stowing her phone, she whips her head around, and smirks
  4056. >She smiles to you and pulls you along as she points. "Let's go play a game, Twilight, it'll be fun!"
  4057. >You grin at her enthusiasm
  4058. >"Especially if that photobombing bimbo stays here!"
  4059. >You squint and look back at Lem, who's following easily enough
  4060. >Before Lem finishes catching up, Sweetie's already throwing balls
  4061. >Glancing, you notice-
  4062. >By the All Father
  4063. >They have Mane-I-Ac plushes
  4064. >No one has Mane-I-Ac anything
  4065. >You point, blubbering as Sweetie growls and throws balls
  4066. >"I'd have it already if this game wasn't rigged!"
  4067. >The hipster girl behind the counter chuckles. "Ain't rigged, you jus' can' throw."
  4068. >Sour glares at her, growling as she picks up her last of five balls
  4069. >She lines up, and just like the last two, hits the milk bottles
  4070. >One topples over
  4071. >The girl reaches under and pulls out a keychain, winking at you as she tosses it to Sour
  4072. >Sour growls, squeezing the toy
  4073. >She leans onto the counter top, leaving the girl to passively raise her hands and back up
  4074. >"This game is rigged! You can't knock over the milk bottles!"
  4075. >The girl shrugs and flicks the bottle stack, knocking them over
  4076. >She smirks
  4077. >Lem steps forward, setting down a few bucks
  4078. >The girl looks down at the money and up at Lem. "That's not enough."
  4079. >Lem grins and holds up two fingers. "I only need two."
  4080. >The girl chuckles, setting down a pair. "This I gotta se-"
  4081. >CRASH
  4082. >The girl blinks and looks over at the bottles
  4083. >Which have been shattered
  4084. >You grin, and Sour gapes
  4085. >Lem has her free hand on her hip, while she playfully tosses her ball in the air
  4086. >"They down, yo."
  4087. >The girl snarls and gives Lem a middle finger. "Fuck off! Now I have to clean your mess cause you can' just play along!"
  4088. >Lem opens her mouth to reply
  4089. >But instead hooks the ball at the girl
  4090. >You and Sour flinch
  4091. >The girl flinches
  4092. >Lem chuckles, tossing again. "Ye. Gimme my prize before I fuckin deck ya."
  4093. >She points up at...
  4094. >Not Mane-I-Ac
  4095. >You gingerly pull her arm until she's pointing at it
  4096. >And grin when she winks down at you
  4097. >The girl grumbles and tosses the plush down on the counter along with a fistful of junk from under the counter
  4098. >With a jump, she pulls some shutters down, closing up
  4099. >You snatch and hug your villain plush
  4100. >Lem grabs up the junk toys and hands a few to Sour
  4101. >Sour eyes them, before taking a few rings and glow sticks
  4102. >Sour grumbles to herself as she affixes a ring to her middle finger
  4103. >She makes it glow and gives the stand the bird
  4104. >Lem taps her side with the back of her hand. She glares up at the pink girl
  4105. >"C'mon, less get some junk food."
  4106. >You nod, stuffing your chilling hands into your hoodie pockets
  4107. >Sour groans, her shoulders sagging. "I guess... I could go for a pretzel."
  4108. >Glancing around, the nearest food stand is only a few stalls down, and there's only a few of people between you and snacks
  4109. "C-come on." You motion to both of them, and they fall in line
  4110. >You stare at the options
  4111. >Deep fried dough, pretzels, deep fried cookies, popcorn, fried... french fries
  4112. >There's a lot of fried things here
  4113. >Is what you're noticing
  4114. >Grinning, you dig out your wallet
  4115. >Lem reaches over you and sets down a few bills. "Peanuts!"
  4116. >You do the same. "D-dough!"
  4117. >Sour steps around you as you collect your snacks
  4118. >"You two are weird..."
  4119. >She shouts at the guy dishing out food. "Hot dog!"
  4120. >All three of you step away, enjoying your snacks
  4121. >"Twilight Sparkle! Well, isn't it interesting to meet you here!"
  4122. >You stop and look around
  4123. >Lem taps your shoulder and points
  4124. >You look and see a girl wearing a blue hoodie, flanked by two younger boys
  4125. >She saunters closer to you, sneering along the way
  4126. >"Stunned? Trixie would imagine so."
  4127. >Is she speaking the third person? Do people do that?
  4128. >Who is this person
  4129. >You quietly take a bite of your fried dough
  4130. >Trixie's sneer falters, but she reshapes it into a smirk
  4131. >"And look what we have... Two of Crystal Prep's elite." She steps around, circling the three of you
  4132. >She stops in front of you, crossing her arms. "Trixie supposes you think that you're one of them, then?"
  4133. >Trixie chuckles as she turns away
  4134. >With a snap of her fingers, the boys join her by her side
  4135. >She looks over her shoulder at you, glaring as she grins
  4136. >sfx:Menacing
  4137. >"Enjoy this night while you can. It may be the last bit of fun you have."
  4138. >With a scoff, she faces forward and walks away
  4139. >All three of you stand there
  4140. >Lem munches on her peanuts
  4141. >Eventually, eat your dough
  4142. >"The hell was that?"
  4143. >You and Lem look at Sour, who seems to be the only one bothered by what just happened
  4144. >You don't know how Lem feels, but
  4145. >Girl can be crazy all she wants, you have enough to deal with without adding vauge threatening girl to the list
  4146. "I-I dunno... P-probably no one i-important."
  4147. >Lem lets out a short chuckle
  4148. >But Sweetie sighs
  4149. >"If you don't care, I don't care..."
  4150. >You smile and look around for something new to do
  4151. >Looking up, you see Lem digging away at her bag of peanuts, shells and all
  4152. >She looks away from Trixie and smiles at you
  4153. "W-what do you w-want to do L-lemfam?"
  4154. >She slows down her chewing and looks around as she swallows
  4155. >She nods and points. "Wanna try that, Twifam?"
  4156. >You and Sour look
  4157. >It's a tent with a hanging sign showing a crystal ball
  4158. "F-fortune telling?"
  4159. >"If ya wanna..."
  4160. >You nod
  4161. >That sounds cool, actually
  4162. >You grab Lem and Sour and pull them with you to the tent
  4163. >Peeking inside, you see a much more tribal set up than you expected
  4164. >Masks hang from the walls, vials hang from the rafters, and the scent of dust and incense wafts about
  4165. >The table in the center isn't even a showy clothed affair
  4166. >Lastly, there's a woman, the fortune teller, sitting in front of the crystal ball, lounging with a book and pen
  4167. >She glances up as you enter, a lazy smile- Oh hey
  4168. >"S-stripes."
  4169. >She gapes slightly
  4170. >Sour leans in, staring at you
  4171. >Lem looks away, rubbing the back of her neck
  4172. "W-what?"
  4173. >"Twilight, you don't just go and call someone a... That!"
  4174. >You can't?
  4175. "W-why?"
  4176. >"If you are called Twilight, Maybe your father is Night Light?"
  4177. >You both pause and look back at the fortune teller.
  4178. >You nod
  4179. >She has her relaxed grin again
  4180. >"Daughter of Night Light... You are quite a sight."
  4181. >Huh?
  4182. "Y-you knew my d-dad?"
  4183. >She chuckles. "Indeed, but put that aside, do you require a guide?"
  4184. >You glance back at Lem and Sweetie
  4185. >They shrug
  4186. >You do as well
  4187. "S-sure..."
  4188. >You sit down at the crate, and she slides to face you
  4189. >She sets her hands on the wooden surface, gazing into the crystal
  4190. >"For you I see many strange events, but the darkness impairs sight and circumvents..."
  4191. >She looks up at you and frowns, holding out her hand
  4192. >"Can you, if you are willing, disperse the darkness of unwilling?"
  4193. >You have no idea what she's saying at this point
  4194. >So you hold out your hand
  4195. >She doesn't take it
  4196. >"Do not rely on me; whatever you desire, to instruct would make me a liar."
  4197. >Uh
  4198. >You look between the crystal and her
  4199. >Slowly you reach for it
  4200. >Glancing at her
  4201. >She just watches
  4202. >You brush your fingers across the surface of the ball and pull away
  4203. >She leans in, staring intently
  4204. >Crick
  4205. >She sits upright with a start when a crack forms in her crystal
  4206. >"No this cannot be, not as I see..."
  4207. >She raises her hands and steps away, behind the curtain
  4208. >You glance at Lem and Sour, who look as confused as you are
  4209. >The fuck is happening?
  4210. >She comes back with a small vial, which she pours into her palm
  4211. >Dabbing at it, she traces some symbols across the back of your hand and lower arm
  4212. >She's panting as she steps back
  4213. >She glances at the crystal
  4214. >Rhythmically mumbling something
  4215. >Your hand feels strange
  4216. >You look away from her and down at your hand as she groans
  4217. >The paint or whatever is glowing
  4218. >It's a shifting, rolling purple and black
  4219. >It's really cool looking, so you chuckle
  4220. >"This is no laughing matter, not at all from what I gather!"
  4221. >She pockets the vial and sits down, grasping at her forehead
  4222. >She rhythmically grumbles in a different language
  4223. >"What is it?" Lem mumbles out
  4224. >The shimmering has ended, and the paint faded with it
  4225. >She grumbles again
  4226. >And then sighs
  4227. >"For your telling, there is no charge. For I see a grim future for life at large."
  4228. >...What
  4230. >8:52 PM
  4231. >Unfortunately, that was all she would tell you.
  4232. >Both Lem and Sour tried yelling at her for more info, but she wasn't having it
  4233. >It was sort of a cross between pins and needles and something crawling under your skin
  4234. >Claimed she needed more time to research
  4235. >Consult the spirits
  4236. >Investigate the auras of Canterlot
  4237. >You stare at your hand
  4238. >The paint is long gone, but you can still sort of feel the tingling on your skin
  4239. >It was sort of a cross between pins and needles and something crawling under your skin
  4240. >You look between Lem and Sweetie
  4241. >Sweetie leans in and hugs you again
  4242. >"Don't let that lady get you down, Twilight."
  4243. >Sour continues. "She was probably trying to scare you into buying stuff."
  4244. >Lem shrugs and pats your shoulder
  4245. >"Yeah, Twifam, she probably saw somethin wrong, or somethin."
  4246. >You smile.
  4247. >"Th-thanks girls."
  4248. >You finish your second fried dough, wiping the cinnamon from your lips
  4249. >Aside from that, this night was nice
  4250. "Th-thanks for g-getting along."
  4251. >Sweetie nuzzles your cheek
  4252. >"It was no effort, was it Lemon Zest?"
  4253. >Lem nods, smiling wide. "Yeah, I think we did a good job a not pissin each other off."
  4254. >Sour gives a contented sigh as she holds you close
  4255. >She's warm
  4256. >You glance at your hand again
  4257. >For real though, that was weird
  4258. >There's a beeping and you all look to see a car
  4259. >Sour unwinds herself from you and bounds off
  4260. >"See you Monday!"
  4261. >You wave as Sour piles into the little car
  4262. >Leaving just you and Lem
  4263. >Lemon Zest
  4264. >You look up at her
  4265. >She's got her hands in her hoodie pockets, and she's bobbing her head back and forth
  4266. >She grins back at you
  4267. >"Have fun?"
  4268. >You grin and nod
  4269. >"Good."
  4270. >You both stand around, waiting for your rides
  4271. >"Ya know..."
  4272. >You glance at her
  4273. >She rubs her chin
  4274. >"Ah think... Maybe her fortune is correct, but she was just too... Ya know... Scared to make sense of it."
  4275. >You cock your head
  4276. >She frowns and rubs at her neck. "Like uh... She said grim future for life, right? Well maybe something's gonna go down, like a big extinction event, but then you'll be there to fix it?"
  4277. >You giggle and hug your friend
  4278. >She seems startled but hugs you back anyway, chuckling
  4279. >Tonight was okay
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