

Aug 8th, 2018
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  1. #Stats 1.0 by Tapioca_MilkTea
  2. on first join:
  3. broadcast "&6%player%さんがきた"
  4. execute console command "/tp %player% 8 63 9"
  5. set {stats.%player%.xp} to 0
  6. set {stats.%player%.kill} to 0
  7. #rank
  8. set {s.%player%l1} to true
  9. set {s.%player%l2} to true
  10. set {s.%player%l3} to true
  11. set {s.%player%l4} to true
  12. set {s.%player%l5} to true
  13. set {s.%player%l6} to true
  14. set {s.%player%l7} to true
  15. set {s.%player%l8} to true
  16. set {s.%player%l9} to true
  17. set {s.%player%l10} to true
  18. set {s.%player%lbeta} to true
  19. on join:
  20. set tab header to "&6おっぱいは" and footer to "&6隠語じゃない" for player
  21. execute player command "/rs"
  22. execute console command "/gamemode 2 %player%"
  23. on death:
  24. if victim is a player:
  25. if attacker is a player:
  26. add 1 to {stats.%attacker%.kill}
  27. add 1 to {stats.%victim%.death}
  28. stop
  29. on death:
  30. if victim is a player:
  31. if attacker is a player:
  32. if player has permission "stats.MVP":
  33. add 1 to {stats.%attacker%.xp}
  34. message "&a+1xp" to attacker
  35. command /setxp <player> <number>:
  36. permission: skript.setxp
  37. trigger:
  38. set {stats.%arg 1%.xp} to arg 2
  39. broadcast "&e%player%&9さんが&b%arg 1%&9さんの所持xpを&a%arg 2%xp&9にしました。"
  40. command /setkill <player> <number>:
  41. permission: skript.setkill
  42. trigger:
  43. set {stats.%arg 1%.kill} to arg 2
  44. broadcast "&e%player%&9さんが&b%arg 1%&9さんのKillを&c%arg 2%&9Killにしました。"
  45. on rightclick holding book:
  46. name of held item contains "Main Menu"
  47. make player execute command "/menu"
  48. stop
  49. command /menu:
  50. trigger:
  51. wait 1 ticks
  52. open chest with 1 row named "Recipe" to player
  53. format slot 2 of player with head:3 named "&6ステータスを更新する" to close then run [execute player command "/rs"]
  54. format slot 4 of player with quartz named "&b職業を変更する" to close then run [execute player command "/job"]
  55. format slot 6 of player with apple named "&aルール" to close then run [execute player command "/rule"]
  56. command /reloadstats:
  57. aliases: /rs
  58. trigger:
  59. wipe player's sidebar
  60. set name of sidebar of player to "&5攻城戦"
  61. set score "&6sisoPixel" in sidebar of player to 13
  62. set score "" in sidebar of player to 12
  63. set score "Player" in sidebar of player to 11
  64. set score "&e%player%" in sidebar of player to 10
  65. set score "" in sidebar of player to 8
  66. set score "XP: &a%{stats.%player%.xp}%" in sidebar of player to 7
  67. set score "" in sidebar of player to 6
  68. set score "kills: &c%{stats.%player%.kill}%" in sidebar of player to 5
  69. set score "" in sidebar of player to 4
  70. command /reloadstatsn:
  71. aliases: /rsn
  72. trigger:
  73. if {game} is true:
  74. wipe player's sidebar
  75. set name of sidebar of player to "&5攻城戦"
  76. set score "&6sisoPixel" in sidebar of player to 13
  77. set score "" in sidebar of player to 12
  78. set score "Player" in sidebar of player to 11
  79. set score "&e%player%" in sidebar of player to 10
  80. set score "" in sidebar of player to 8
  81. set score "XP: &a%{stats.%player%.xp}%" in sidebar of player to 7
  82. set score "" in sidebar of player to 6
  83. set score "kills: &c%{stats.%player%.kill}%" in sidebar of player to 5
  84. set score "" in sidebar of player to 4
  85. set score "" in sidebar of player to 3
  86. set score "NexusHP: &d%{HP}%" in sidebar of player to 2
  87. set score "" in sidebar of player to 1
  88. set score "Time &9%{time}% &o&bMinutes" in sidebar of player to 0
  89. if {stats.%player%.xp} >= 1:
  90. if {s.%player%.l1} is true:
  91. broadcast "&e%player%がレベル1になりました!"
  92. set {s.%player%l1} to false
  93. else:
  94. if {stats.%player%.xp} >= 3:
  95. if {s.%player%.l2} is true:
  96. broadcast "&e%player%がレベル2になりました!"
  97. set {s.%player%.l2} to false
  98. else:
  99. if {stats.%player%.xp} >= 6:
  100. if {s.%player%.l3} is true:
  101. broadcast "&e%player%がレベル3になりました!"
  102. set {s.%player%.l3} to false
  103. else:
  104. if {stats.%player%.xp} >= 10:
  105. if {s.%player%.l4} is true:
  106. broadcast "&e%player%がレベル4になりました!"
  107. set {s.%player%.l4} to false
  108. else:
  109. if {stats.%player%.xp} >= 15:
  110. if {s.%player%.l5} is true:
  111. broadcast "&e%player%がレベル5になりました!"
  112. set {s.%player%.l5} to false
  113. else:
  114. if {stats.%player%.xp} >= 20:
  115. if {s.%player%.l6} is true:
  116. broadcast "&e%player%がレベル6になりました!"
  117. set {s.%player%.l6} to false
  118. else:
  119. if {stats.%player%.xp} >= 35:
  120. if {s.%player%.l7} is true:
  121. broadcast "&e%player%がレベル7になりました!"
  122. set {s.%player%.l7} to false
  123. else:
  124. if {stats.%player%.xp} >= 45:
  125. if {s.%player%.l8} is true:
  126. broadcast "&e%player%がレベル8になりました!"
  127. set {s.%player%.l8} to false
  128. else:
  129. if {stats.%player%.xp} >= 55:
  130. if {s.%player%.l9} is true:
  131. broadcast "&e%player%がレベル9になりました!"
  132. set {s.%player%.l9} to false
  133. else:
  134. if {stats.%player%.xp} >= 65:
  135. if {s.%player%.l10} is true:
  136. broadcast "&e%player%がレベル10になりました!"
  137. set {s.%player%.l10} to false
  138. else:
  139. if {stats.%player%.xp} >= 66:
  140. if {s.%player%.lbeta} is true:
  141. message "&6Thank you beta playing!!"
  142. on rightclick holding nether wart:
  143. name of held item contains "ヒール"
  144. set {_cooldown} to difference between {skill.%player%.lastused} and now
  145. if {_cooldown} is less than 15 seconds:
  146. message "&5%difference between 15 seconds and {_cooldown}% &6後に使用可能"
  147. stop
  148. add 3 to the player's health
  149. set {skill.%player%.lastused} to now
  150. on rightclick holding feather:
  151. name of held item contains "スピード"
  152. set {_cooldown} to difference between {skill.%player%.lastused} and now
  153. if {_cooldown} is less than 17 seconds:
  154. message "&5%difference between 17 seconds and {_cooldown}% &6後に使用可能"
  155. stop
  156. apply potion of Speed 2 to the player for 8 seconds
  157. set {skill.%player%.lastused} to now
  158. on rightclick holding brick:
  159. name of held item contains "レジスタンス"
  160. set {_cooldown} to difference between {skill.%player%.lastused} and now
  161. if {_cooldown} is less than 15 seconds:
  162. message "&5%difference between 15 seconds and {_cooldown}% &6後に使用可能"
  163. stop
  164. apply potion of Resistance 1 to the player for 6 seconds
  165. set {skill.%player%.lastused} to now
  166. command /go:
  167. permission: skript.setxp
  168. trigger:
  169. execute console command "/pvp disable" #PvP禁止
  170. execute console command "/setnexus" #ネクサス設定
  171. execute console command "/gamemode 2 @a"
  172. wait 5 tick
  173. execute console command "/rc"
  174. wait 5 tick
  175. execute console command "/ctp blue blue"
  176. execute console command "/ctp red red"
  177. broadcast "&6チームがセットされました"
  178. set {game} to true
  179. loop all players:
  180. execute loop-player command "/rsn"
  181. execute loop-player command "/rule"
  182. give wooden sword to loop-player
  183. give stone pickaxe to loop-player
  184. if loop-player has permission "":
  185. equip loop-player with leather helmet
  186. dye helmet of loop-player red
  187. equip loop-player with leather chestplate
  188. dye chestplate of loop-player red
  189. equip loop-player with leather leggings
  190. dye leggings of loop-player red
  191. equip loop-player with leather boots
  192. dye boots of loop-player red
  193. if loop-player has permission "":
  194. equip loop-player with leather helmet
  195. dye helmet of loop-player blue
  196. equip loop-player with leather chestplate
  197. dye chestplate of loop-player blue
  198. equip loop-player with leather leggings
  199. dye leggings of loop-player blue
  200. equip loop-player with leather boots
  201. dye boots of loop-player blue
  202. broadcast "&610秒後にゲームを開始します"
  203. wait 10 seconds
  204. command /resetp:
  205. trigger:
  206. set {game} to false
  207. loop all players:
  208. execute console command "/pex user %loop-player% remove"
  209. execute console command "/pex user %loop-player% remove"
  210. command /otamesi:
  211. trigger:
  212. loop all players:
  213. if loop-player has permission "":
  214. message "あなたはれっど" to loop-player
  215. if loop-player has permission "":
  216. message "あなたはぶるー" to loop-player
  217. on break of iron ore:
  218. drop 1 iron ingot
  219. cancel event
  220. on break of gold ore:
  221. drop 1 gold ingot
  222. cancel event
  223. on item spawn of iron ore:
  224. cancel event
  225. on item spawn of gold ore:
  226. cancel event
  227. on item spawn of wooden sword:
  228. cancel event
  229. on item spawn of stone pickaxe:
  230. cancel event
  231. command /yehh:
  232. trigger:
  233. if player has 3 gold ingot:
  234. broadcast "aa"
  235. on break of end stone:
  236. if player has permission "":
  237. remove 1 from {HP}
  238. broadcast "ネクサスのHPは%{HP}%"
  239. cancel event
  240. if {HP} is 0:
  241. broadcast "&6GAME SET!!"
  242. set {game} to false
  243. loop all players:
  244. execute console command "/pex user %loop-player% remove"
  245. execute console command "/pex user %loop-player% remove"
  246. execute console command "/clear @a"
  247. execute console command "/tp"
  248. command /setnexus:
  249. trigger:
  250. set {HP} to 5
  251. message "せっと"
  252. on respawn:
  253. force respawn player
  254. give stone pickaxe to player
  255. give wooden sword to player
  256. if player has permission "":
  257. equip player with leather helmet
  258. dye helmet of player blue
  259. equip player with leather chestplate
  260. dye chestplate of player blue
  261. equip player with leather leggings
  262. dye leggings of player blue
  263. equip player with leather boots
  264. dye boots of player blue
  265. if player has permission "":
  266. equip player with leather helmet
  267. dye helmet of player red
  268. equip player with leather chestplate
  269. dye chestplate of player red
  270. equip player with leather leggings
  271. dye leggings of player red
  272. equip player with leather boots
  273. dye boots of player red
  274. command /tabchange [<text>] [<text>]:
  275. aliases: /tc
  276. permission: skript.admin
  277. trigger:
  278. loop all players:
  279. set tab header to "%colored arg-1%" and footer to "%colored arg-2%" for loop-player
  280. if arg 1 is not set:
  281. message "&a/tc (text) (text)"
  282. command /pvp [<text>]:
  283. permission: skript.admin
  284. trigger:
  285. if arg 1 is "off":
  286. disable PvP in all worlds
  287. message "&cPvP is disable"
  288. else:
  289. if arg 1 is "on":
  290. enable PvP in all worlds
  291. message "&aPvP is enable"
  292. command /shop:
  293. trigger:
  294. wait 1 ticks
  295. open chest with 1 row named "Shop" to player
  296. format slot 2 of player with wooden sword named "&bSword" to close then run [execute player command "/sword"]
  297. format slot 4 of player with wooden pickaxe named "&6pickaxe" to close then run [execute player command "/pickaxe"]
  298. format slot 6 of player with cake named "&aOther" to close then run [execute player command "/other"]
  299. command /sword [<text>]:
  300. trigger:
  301. if arg 1 is not set:
  302. wait 15 ticks
  303. open chest with 1 row named "Sword" to player
  304. format slot 0 of player with stone sword named "&7stone Sword" with lore "必要:5個の鉄" to close then run [execute player command "/sword stone"]
  305. format slot 1 of player with iron sword named "iron Sword" with lore "必要:25個の鉄" to close then run [execute player command "/sword iron"]
  306. format slot 2 of player with diamond sword named "&bdiamond Sword" with lore "必要:35個の金" to close then run [execute player command "/sword diamond"]
  307. format slot 3 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&bdiamond Sword+" with lore "必要:5個のエメラルド" to close then run [execute player command "/sword emerald"]
  308. if arg 1 is "stone":
  309. if player has 5 iron ingot:
  310. give stone sword to player
  311. remove 5 of iron ingot from player
  312. stop
  313. if player do not have 5 iron ingot:
  314. message "鉄が足りません"
  315. if arg 1 is "iron":
  316. if player has 25 iron ingot:
  317. give iron sword to player
  318. remove 25 of iron ingot from player
  319. stop
  320. if player do not have 25 iron ingot:
  321. message "鉄が足りません"
  322. if arg 1 is "diamond":
  323. if player has 35 gold ingot:
  324. give diamond sword to player
  325. remove 35 of gold ingot from player
  326. stop
  327. if player do not have 35 gold ingot:
  328. message "金が足りません"
  329. if arg 1 is "emerald":
  330. if player has 5 emerald:
  331. give diamond sword of sharpness 1 to player
  332. remove 5 of emerald from player
  333. stop
  334. if player do not have 5 emerald:
  335. message "エメラルドが足りません"
  336. command /pickaxe [<text>]:
  337. trigger:
  338. if arg 1 is not set:
  339. wait 15 ticks
  340. open chest with 1 row named "Pickaxe" to player
  341. format slot 0 of player with stone pickaxe named "&7stone Pickaxe" with lore "必要:5個の鉄" to close then run [execute player command "/pickaxe stone"]
  342. format slot 1 of player with iron Pickaxe named "iron Pickaxe" with lore "必要:20個の金" to close then run [execute player command "/pickaxe iron"]
  343. format slot 2 of player with diamond Pickaxe named "&bdiamond Pickaxe" with lore "必要:2個のエメラルド" to close then run [execute player command "/pickaxe diamond"]
  344. format slot 3 of player with diamond Pickaxe of Efficiency 1 named "&bdiamond Pickaxe+" with lore "必要:5個のエメラルド" to close then run [execute player command "/pickaxe emerald"]
  345. if arg 1 is "stone":
  346. if player has 5 iron ingot:
  347. give stone pickaxe to player
  348. remove 5 of iron ingot from player
  349. stop
  350. if player do not have 5 iron ingot:
  351. message "鉄が足りません"
  352. if arg 1 is "iron":
  353. if player has 20 gold ingot:
  354. give iron pickaxe to player
  355. remove 20 of gold ingot from player
  356. stop
  357. if player do not have 20 gold ingot:
  358. message "金が足りません"
  359. if arg 1 is "diamond":
  360. if player has 2 emerald:
  361. give diamond pickaxe to player
  362. remove 2 of emerald from player
  363. stop
  364. if player do not have 2 emerald:
  365. message "エメラルドが足りません"
  366. if arg 1 is "emerald":
  367. if player has 5 emerald:
  368. give diamond pickaxe of Efficiency 1 to player
  369. remove 5 of emerald from player
  370. stop
  371. if player do not have 5 emerald:
  372. message "エメラルドが足りません"
  373. command /other [<text>]:
  374. trigger:
  375. if arg 1 is not set:
  376. wait 15 ticks
  377. open chest with 4 row named "def" to player
  378. format slot 0 of player with Chainmail Helmet named "&7Chainmail Helmet" with lore "必要:5個の鉄" to close then run [execute player command "/other ch"]
  379. format slot 9 of player with Chainmail chestplate named "&7Chainmail chestplate" with lore "必要:15個の鉄" to close then run [execute player command "/other cc"]
  380. format slot 18 of player with Chainmail leggings named "&7Chainmail leggings" with lore "必要:10個の鉄" to close then run [execute player command "/other cl"]
  381. format slot 27 of player with Chainmail boots named "&7Chainmeil boots" with lore "必要:5個の鉄" to close then run [execute player command "/other cb"]
  382. format slot 1 of player with iron Helmet named "&7iron Helmet" with lore "必要:10個の金" to close then run [execute player command "/other ih"]
  383. format slot 10 of player with iron chestplate named "&7iron chestplate" with lore "必要:25個の金" to close then run [execute player command "/other ic"]
  384. format slot 19 of player with iron leggings named "&7iron leggings" with lore "必要:15個の金" to close then run [execute player command "/other il"]
  385. format slot 28 of player with iron boots named "&7iron boots" with lore "必要:10個の金" to close then run [execute player command "/other ib"]
  386. format slot 2 of player with diamond helmet named "&7diamond helmet" with lore "必要:2個のエメラルド" to close then run [execute player command "/other dh"]
  387. format slot 11 of player with diamond chestplate named "&7diamond chestplate" with lore "必要:4個のエメラルド" to close then run [execute player command "/other dc"]
  388. format slot 20 of player with diamond leggings named "&7diamond leggings" with lore "必要:3個のエメラルド" to close then run [execute player command "/other dl"]
  389. format slot 29 of player with diamond boots named "&7diamond boots" with lore "必要:2個のエメラルド" to close then run [execute player command "/other db"]
  390. if arg 1 is "ch":
  391. if player has 5 iron ingot:
  392. give chainmail helmet to player
  393. remove 5 of iron ingot from player
  394. stop
  395. if player do not have 5 iron ingot:
  396. message "鉄が足りません"
  397. if arg 1 is "cc":
  398. if player has 15 iron ingot:
  399. give chainmail chestplate to player
  400. remove 15 of iron ingot from player
  401. stop
  402. if player do not have 15 iron ingot:
  403. message "鉄が足りません"
  404. if arg 1 is "cl":
  405. if player has 10 iron ingot:
  406. give chainmail leggings to player
  407. remove 10 of iron ingot from player
  408. if player do not have 10 iron ingot:
  409. message "鉄が足りません"
  410. if arg 1 is "cb":
  411. if player has 5 iron ingot:
  412. give chainmail boots to player
  413. remove 5 of iron ingot from player
  414. if player do not have 5 iron ingot:
  415. message "鉄が足りません"
  416. if arg 1 is "ih":
  417. if player has 10 gold ingot:
  418. give iron helmet to player
  419. remove 10 of gold ingot from player
  420. if player do not have 10 gold ingot:
  421. message "金が足りません"
  422. if arg 1 is "ic":
  423. if player has 25 gold ingot:
  424. give iron chestplate to player
  425. remove 25 of gold ingot from player
  426. if player do not have 25 gold ingot:
  427. message "金が足りません"
  428. if arg 1 is "il":
  429. if player has 15 gold ingot:
  430. give iron leggings to player
  431. remove 15 of gold ingot from player
  432. if player do not have 15 gold ingot:
  433. message "金が足りません"
  434. if arg 1 is "ib":
  435. if player has 10 gold ingot:
  436. give iron boots to player
  437. remove 10 of gold ingot from player
  438. if player do not have 10 gold ingot:
  439. message "金が足りません"
  440. if arg 1 is "dh":
  441. if player has 2 emerald:
  442. give diamond helmet to player
  443. remove 2 of emerald from player
  444. if player do not have 2 emerald:
  445. message "エメラルドが足りません"
  446. if arg 1 is "dc":
  447. if player has 4 emerald:
  448. give diamond chestplate to player
  449. remove 4 of emerald from player
  450. if player do not have 4 emerald:
  451. message "エメラルドが足りません"
  452. if arg 1 is "fl":
  453. if player has 3 emerald:
  454. give diamond leggings to player
  455. remove 3 of emerald from player
  456. if player do not have 3 emerald:
  457. message "エメラルドが足りません"
  458. if arg 1 is "db":
  459. if player has 2 emerald:
  460. give diamond boots to player
  461. remove 2 of emerald from player
  462. if player do not have 2 emerald:
  463. message "エメラルドが足りません"
  464. command /job [<text>]:
  465. trigger:
  466. if arg 1 is not set:
  467. message "&cError"
  468. if arg 1 is "enchanter":
  469. set {enc.%player%} to true
  470. if arg 1 is "miner":
  471. set {miner.%player%} to true
  472. if arg 1 is "imm":
  473. set {imm.%player%} to true
  474. if arg 1 is "Assassin":
  475. set {assassin.%player%} to true
  476. command /speed [<player>] [<text>] [<number>]:
  477. Executable by: players
  478. Permission:
  479. permission message: &cYou don't have permission.
  480. trigger:
  481. if arg 1 is not set:
  482. execute player command "/playsound player %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 0"
  483. send "&8&m----------------------------"
  484. send "&a&oPlease use &8(&aplayer) &7fly&8/&7walk &8(&enumber&8)"
  485. send "&7Available speed for fly and walk&8:"
  486. send "&e1/2 and 3 4 5"
  487. send "&8&m----------------------------"
  488. else:
  489. if arg 2 is "walk":
  490. if arg 3 is set:
  491. execute player command "/playsound player %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 1"
  492. if arg 3 is not set:
  493. send "&a&oPlease use&8: &7/speed walk (number)"
  494. if arg 3 is 1:
  495. set the player's walk speed to 0.2
  496. message "&7Walking set back to normal."
  497. if arg 3 is 2:
  498. set the player's walk speed to 2
  499. message "&7Walking speed set to 2."
  500. if arg 3 is 3:
  501. set the player's walk speed to 3
  502. message "&7Walking speed set to 3."
  503. if arg 3 is 4:
  504. set the player's walk speed to 4
  505. message "&7Walking speed set to 4."
  506. if arg 3 is 5:
  507. set the player's walk speed to 5
  508. message "&7Walking speed set to 5."
  509. if arg 2 is "fly":
  510. if arg 3 is not set:
  511. send "&a&oPlease use&8: &7/speed fly (number)"
  512. if arg 3 is 1:
  513. set the player's fly speed to 0.1
  514. message "&7Fly speed set back to normal."
  515. if arg 3 is 2:
  516. set the player's fly speed to 2
  517. message "&7Fly speed set to 2"
  518. if arg 3 is 3:
  519. set the player's fly speed to 3
  520. message "&7Fly speed set to 3"
  521. if arg 3 is 4:
  522. set the player's fly speed to 4
  523. message "&7Fly speed set to 4"
  524. if arg 3 is 5:
  525. set the player's fly speed to 5
  526. message "&7Fly speed set to 5"
  527. command /rule:
  528. trigger:
  529. message "&aルール"
  530. message "&5========================================================="
  531. message "&6このゲームは守る側と攻める側で戦います"
  532. message "&6攻める側は守る側のエンドストーンを五回壊せば勝ちです"
  533. message "&6守る側は10分守れば勝ちです"
  534. message "&6準備時間が2分与えられます、その間にはPvPはできません、エンドストーンも壊せません"
  535. command /reset:
  536. trigger:
  537. loop all players:
  538. execute console command "/pex user %loop-player% remove"
  539. execute console command "/pex user %loop-player% remove"
  540. execute console command "/clear @a"
  541. execute console command "/ct removeall"
  542. broadcast "&6Reset"
  543. command /yes:
  544. trigger:
  545. broadcast "aa"
  546. #equip player with leather chestplate
  547. equip player with leather chestplate
  548. dye chestplate of player red
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