
Randy Credico Interviews Roger Stone (09/13/2016)

May 8th, 2017
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  1. Supplemental document for: "Theory that Roger Stone's back channel to Wikileaks was Randy Credico", link:
  3. Roger Stone on "Live on the Fly" hosted by Randy Credico. Broadcast September 13, 2016.
  5. Transcript runs from 24:05 to 37:45 in file.
  7. Link:
  9. Audio is very, very choppy in the file, jumping around from point to point, with chunks missing, like a needle on an old fashioned record player.
  12. That was Annette Henshaw, "Button Up Your Overcoat", 1929. Very few people know about Annette Henshaw. Do you know who she is, Roger?
  15. I'm vaguely familiar with her work, yes.
  18. She was around during Bessie, I think, Bessie Smith, and the one that...Doris Day played, with Jimmy Cagney...back in the fifties. What was her name- It was Ruth Etting- is with us today- I think I put you-
  20. STONE
  21. -playing opposite Eddie Cantor, in an early vehicle, called "Whoopee".
  24. No kidding.
  26. STONE
  27. After his famous song. Kinda puts her on the...very famous golf club scene. In which Cantor's wearing these ridiculously sized, checkered, you know, plus fours.
  30. [laughs] Well, you're a man of fashion. So, if it was...
  32. STONE
  33. Giant giant hit for Eddie Cantor, but puts the actress Ruth Etting on the map.
  36. Yeah. She was great. [does Cagney] I saw the movie with Jimmy Cagney, but that's not why I called you. I called you for other reasons. [switches out of Cagney] Welcome to the show, uh, Roger Stone. You've been on before. And I think the reason I put you on, and I know it drives some of our listeners crazy. And that's okay. Because I'll get a lot of emails, uh, because people really can't figure out where Roger Stone stands-
  38. STONE
  39. Well-
  42. Are you involved-
  44. STONE
  45. This is not hard- This is not hard to explain, Randy. I am a libertarian, I have many friends that are progressive and liberal. And I am opposed to the two party duopoly and the crony capitalists that infect both the Republican and Democratic party. So uh, and I am a whistleblower, in the sense that, yes, I was a participant to a lot of bare knuckle politics in American politics in the last thirty five years, but that's why I call it as it is. I have very conservative views on matters of defense and security, I have very conservative views when it comes to taxes and spending and waste, particularly about taxes. But I have very- some might call progressive views when it comes to social issues. I've never been a "Moral Majority" Republican, it was never my bag-
  48. Did you ever hang out with Pat Robertson?
  50. STONE
  51. Uh, he looks like a real barrel of monkeys, doesn't he?
  54. Yeah, yeah.
  56. STONE
  57. This guy looks like he'd be a laugh riot-
  60. Yeah, yeah.
  62. STONE
  63. A veritable laugh riot.
  66. He's not one of those guys you'd like to sit down and have a beer or a joint with, Pat Robertson.
  68. STONE
  69. Well, I remember very distinct- I remember very distinctly when he was debating Jack Kemp, in some New Hampshire televised debate [during the 1988 Republican primary]. There was a rule against notes, and Pat smuggled in a file under- but not in the front, in the back. And when Trump patted him on the back, he realized that the guy was cheating.
  72. No kidding. [laughs] That's hilarious. What, uh- [goes into Robertson] I do a pretty good impression of Pat Robertson. But I wanna move on from him...if he's so close to god, by the way, why doesn't god fix that neck of his. [switches out] He's got one of those Fred MacMurray head shakes, he's constantly like a bobble doll.
  74. STONE
  75. Well, of course, I think it's very interesting that he's of course the son of Willis Robertson, one of the stalwarts of the Byrd machine. U.S. senator, powerful U.S. senator from Virginia, and a-
  78. West Virginia.
  80. STONE
  81. No, Virginia. The state of Virginia.
  84. Mmmmhmmm.
  86. STONE
  87. Yes indeed.
  90. Yeah, well, that must have gone way back, before West Virginia broke off. Uh, so, now, since I can't pigeonhole you politically, and I don't know, so you have two dogs in this race. You're a libertarian, Gary Johnson, and I guess you have an association in the past with Donald Trump.
  92. STONE
  93. I am- I want to overturn the two party duopoly. I don't argue that Trump is the perfect candidate, no person is perfect. But when it comes to finding somebody who is completely unbought and paid for by the special interests that bisect our country and have no problem flouting what's in the best interests of the people, I put my faith in Trump before a pathological liar and stealing criminal like Hillary. Hillary's not a progressive, she's not a liberal, nothing that she's done proves that. She talks the talk but she hasn't walked the walk. She has- she has sucked on the tit of corporate America, she sells access at the highest levels, the- you heard Charles Ortel [birther and anti-Muslim radical], the Clinton Foundation is not a charity, it's a slush fund for grifters. Uh, so, and I think Gary Johnson's a very good man. There's no question about that. I admire him very much and look, Aleppo Marx, I thought he was one of the Marx brothers, right? Aleppo Marx. He's-
  96. [does Harpo] Youcanleaveinataxi. Ifyoucan'tgetataxi,youcanleaveinahuff. Ifthat'stoosoon,youcanleaveinaminuteandahalf. So, uh, we're just sixty-
  98. STONE
  99. By the way, your Chico Marx is much better-
  101. CREDICO
  102. [does Chico] That'salrightwithmebutIgotapartner. Aringspotonespottwospotzingzackzoh. Haremscaremmerchantzingzat. So, [inaudible] we got just like ten weeks away from this election, how do you handicap it? Seriously.
  104. STONE
  105. I think it's a- I do think there's an undercurrent of votes for Trump that don't show in the polls, is it two points, is it three, who knows? But it is not fashionable to be for Trump, we know that when a live caller poll is conducted, versus a live operator, that Trump does two to three points better in the automated poll because no one is listening to them record their vote, interestingly enough. Turnout will be everything. Hillary seems to be collapsing before our very eyes. The cover-up that she's not ill is just not holding. She- [inaudible because CREDICO talks over it]
  107. CREDICO
  108. You really think she's that ill? You think...more things are going to come, uh, out about her that are damaging to her prospects?
  110. STONE
  111. Well, there's no question about that, but I think most of that will be issue-oriented. Look, the Clinton Foundation was the greatest single money-laundering operation in U.S., and perhaps international, history. We haven't even unfolded the international escapades of the Clintons. We're just focused on their incredible stealing here within the United States. Ten percent of this money is going to charity. Ten percent, ladies and gentlemen. And I don't care if you're a progressive-
  113. CREDICO
  114. But what about some of the problems that- that-
  116. STONE
  117. -conservative, or neo-con. It's gotta make you sick.
  119. CREDICO
  120. Yeah. But you know, what is it about Trump? He won't show us his taxes, he apparently doesn't give much money to charity, so, uh, I mean- guys-
  122. STONE
  123. As you know, Randy, I'm on record as saying-
  125. CREDICO
  126. -he release his taxes.
  128. STONE
  129. -do not want to do so while being audited. Can't explain-
  131. CREDICO
  132. But you know that that is not a-
  134. STONE
  135. I publicly urged him to do so.
  137. CREDICO
  138. Before Christmas? Or before [laughs], before November?
  140. STONE
  141. -issue hurts him, and I want to get it out of the way.
  143. CREDICO
  144. Yeah. Yeah.
  146. STONE
  147. -but I think, in the end, is going to have to release his own medical records.
  149. CREDICO
  150. Yeah. You think they're good? He seems to eat a lot of bad food.
  152. STONE
  153. He does eat a lot of bad food, but I think he's in good shape, and he's, you know, got an extraordinary vigor for a guy who's seventy years old. [inaudible, because CREDICO talks over him]
  155. CREDICO
  156. You know, a lot of people- He does move around, seems to have a lot of energy. I guess he doesn't drink. Uh, but a lot of people I know, that would normally, may, alright- I'll go with- guys like Chris Christie, Sheriff Joe, and Rudy Giuliani, these major law-and-order, kinda reactionary guys, being at the helm of the Department of Justice. A lot of people are very worried about that, and I think you probably-
  158. STONE
  159. I totally agree. I totally agree. I could say, very distinctly, Randy, that Donald Trump, for those associations, would not be very attractive for much of your audience. To those people, I say, in a complete open and honest way, if you're really a progressive and a liberal, if you liked Bernie and you feel like now we have absolute proof that he got it, you know, without vaseline, then you should vote for Jill Stein. She is a woman of integrity, she's a true progressive, I mean, the Clintons are just crony capitalists.
  161. CREDICO
  162. Well-
  164. STONE
  165. ...and their connections are lethal.
  167. CREDICO
  168. Today, Roger, is the forty five year anniversary of the massacre at Attica. You were working at the Nixon White House, and your feelings about what happened at Attica.
  170. STONE
  171. It is an outrageous abuse of power by Nelson Rockefeller. There was- And it's interesting, because Bill Safire told me that Rockefeller _informed_ Nixon. He didn't clear anything with Nixon. He informed Nixon of the state police's moves. Nixon probably was supportive...because they had the force. They ended up killing ten of their own officers, cover-up for many years of what really transpired. It really soils the image of Nelson Rockefeller. But I already had an animus because of the 1970 drug laws. I mean, look, Nixon and the Silent Majority are riding high, Rockefeller's trapped in a multi-candidate race, going for an unprecedented fourth term, he takes a sharp shift to the right. And some pollster, some other beanhead, came up with the Rockefeller drug laws. Which are draconian, and racist.
  173. CREDICO
  174. Well, you've been-
  176. STONE
  177. -they make Rocky [Rockefeller] sound tough for the election.
  179. CREDICO
  180. Well, you've been a longtime opponent, since I first met you, 2002, against the drug war. You've been a vocal opponent against the drug war. And...would that change under an administration headed by Donald Trump?
  182. STONE
  183. You know, I have some hope because Trump is on record as expressing real skepticism that the drug war is working, and suggesting that we need to move to legalization. If you can find the video on- you can find it on youtube.
  185. CREDICO
  186. Well, Gary Johnson- [STONE is inaudible] Oh, he has? Well, Gary Johnson has been very explicit about his position. You actually ran his-
  188. STONE
  189. [inaudible] This is one of- I was with Johnson four years ago, because I could not stomach a country club stiff Mitt Romney. I mean, the guy was not a conservative, he's not even a Republican, he switched at the last minute to run for governor, he had run for the U.S. Senate to Ted Kennedy's left, as if there's any room over there.
  191. CREDICO
  192. Well, there is. [laughs] Come join me. [does awful Ted Kennedy] And let me just say this...I'm to the left of Ted Kennedy.
  194. STONE
  195. He supports gay marriage in that race, then in the run for governor, he no longer supports it, and then, pardon me, when he runs for governor he still supports it, and then when he runs for president, he no longer supports it.
  197. CREDICO
  198. Yeah, he was kindof a buffoon. I thought he was a very bad candidate.
  200. STONE
  201. -cowardice. That's cowardice.
  203. CREDICO
  204. He definitely was "The Best Man", on that cake next to Thomas Dewey. Right? Wouldn't you say? He looked-
  206. STONE
  207. -had six different hairdos in one election is a bit much.
  209. CREDICO
  210. And they focused on John Edwards' hair. But his hair changed like every week. Well, Roger, uh, we appreciate you being on this show. We've gotta move- Oh, by the way, what, I wanted to ask you, about your thoughts on Julian Assange. And the situation that he's in. At this point. I got a minute to wrap this up.
  212. STONE
  213. Yeah, you know, look, I admire Assange and I think that he is a hero, in exposing the deep state. I have had no doubt from the beginning that these sex harassment or abuse charges are trumped up nonsense. Trying to slow him down or silence him. I think he's a freedom fighter. I think he doesn't care whether it's left or right, he's interested in the truth. It's interesting to me how the left loved him when he was exposing the deep secrets of the Bush administration, but now suddenly, when he lays out the sad facts of Hillary, there's a giant campaign in the United States to discredit him.
  215. CREDICO
  216. Yeah.
  218. STONE
  219. You can see it on twitter, you can see it on Facebook. Soros funded trolls, like David Brock, a man who would make Joseph Goebbels proud. When to comes to misinformation about the Clintons.
  221. CREDICO
  222. The guy who destroyed Anita Rice, you mean [sic, he means Anita Hill]?
  224. STONE
  225. [pause - STONE may be confused as to who CREDICO is talking about] Yes. And Charles, Charles- James Carville. That's a guy who denigrates women-
  227. CREDICO
  228. Yeah. Yeah. What a clown.
  230. STONE
  231. -disagree with Hillary.
  233. CREDICO
  234. What a clown.
  236. STONE
  237. -wanna subject yourself to that. You know?
  239. CREDICO
  240. Well, thank you very much, Roger. We have another guest coming on in just a minute or so. I appreciate your insight, and your forthrightness. About all of these issues. And we look forward to- you can be heard on the Stold- Stold- Stone Cold Truth, which is on...the internet. What's the link to that?
  242. STONE
  243. It's syndicated on the Genesis Communications Network. I think we will shortly be heard on 970-
  245. CREDICO
  246. AM. AM, on the Answer.
  248. STONE
  249. In New York. On the Answer. We are already up in Ausin and a half dozen other cities. You can also listen to us on-line.
  251. CREDICO
  252. Okay. Stone Cold Truth. You have Tony Pappa on. Or you did have Tony Pappa on. I gotta leave it at that, Roger, thank you very much, and good luck, and we'll be talking to you soon. Roger Stone! From the Stone Zone.
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