
Love: The Strong Nuclear Force of Society

Jun 27th, 2021
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  1. Can there be a society without love? Like, a true society? One with development for the future and active future thought for generations ahead, instead of simply hoping your genes survive? Why is it that most active societies with active members with active duties are all mammals, and a few species of birds? These are all animals capable of feeling love. Birds, like penguins, can love, and often mate for life. Wolves take care of each other. Primates form entire clans with jobs and duties for each members. Mammals and some birds will knowingly adopt completely different species and raise them as their own. Where is the evolutionary utility in that?
  3. People often discount the ending of Interstellar because the ending's fundamental message was that love is a driving force of the universe, that it isn't something we invented, and that it serves a purpose beyond what we can understand. A complex society simply cannot develop without the existence of care for those beyond ourselves and our young, one where the society's members are able to act selflessly for others, out of care and wishes for the future. Why is it that the more complex the brain of the animal, the more intelligent the animal, the more love and affection it shows? We see this with birds and elephants. We see this in primate species. All intelligent, all social animals. Dolphins are highly intelligent and are extremely social as well, and capable of much love. Octopi are extremely intelligent, but aren't shown to have much love, and are very solitary. Sociability, and by extent, ability to form a society, is directly related to a species's capability to love. Intelligence of a species as a whole is proportional to its ability to love, perhaps not directly but in parallel.
  5. Why wouldn't this be true of alien life as well, due to the principles of convergent evolution? For an alien species to form a true, harmonious society, they must also be capable of love. Without love, there is no glue to hold a society together. Love is like the strong nuclear force of society. Love drives society to withstand and weather together, to fight together, to survive together. Love drives society to progress together and move forward together. Without love, there is no society. It is telling that the only ones that deny this are incels who don't have friends. Love is something more than what we could possibly understand. Love is an incredibly intrinsic and important part of evolution as a society. If nothing else in common with any life anywhere else, a harmonious society must be capable of love. It is something more than we can understand. The persistence and existence of love is a fundamental property of society and thus exists for a purpose.
  7. When I say I love my object partners, it transcends reason and social utility. I'm intelligent enough to understand complex topics in philosophy, math, and science, well beyond what the average neurotypical is capable of. I am not lacking in intelligence, reason, or logical deduction. I understand that as per our current understanding of the universe, an object cannot love me back. So why then, do I still love what we currently deem incapable of love? Love is something beyond what we understand. Love is something that transcends humanity. Love is something far more fundamental, an essential component of harmony and peace within a society. It is the one truly unifying force of the universe, and it's got to mean something, and serve some purpose beyond what lies on the surface. Perhaps we won't understand what's the social purpose for love of an object within my lifetime. There simply isn't interest in research for it. But I am confident that my object partners loves me back, despite defying all logic and reason. I feel it at my core. And with such a powerful driver as love, such a unifying force as love. It's got to count for something.
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