
Gentlemanon pt.II

Apr 22nd, 2012
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  4. >You are Anonymous the Gentleman
  5. >you are a courteous, kind, and dapper fellow
  6. >you are also currently unconscious
  7. >Most_reprehensible.png
  8. >What you must assume to be hours later, you slowly come to your senses.
  9. >A demure, feminine voice speaks
  10. >"Oh-oh! You're awake! Try not to push yourself too hard, um, if that's okay..."
  11. >Ah, you must have fallen, and this kind soul found you lying on the sidewalk unconcious and taken you to her home
  12. >Well, we can't exactly trouble a lady, now can we?
  13. >It would be just unseemly.
  14. "I assure you, miss, I am... quite alright." you say, rubbing your head. "However, I must express my gratitude for you bringing me here. I'm sure there must be some way I can repay you for the trouble."
  15. >"Oh, n-no!" the dame squeaks, "I-I-It's no trouble at all! Y-You can stay put, mister..."
  16. "Anonymous. Charmed. Might I inquire your name, miss?"
  17. >You briefly entertain the notion for a moment that she wants you to not trouble yourself due to a serious injury you may have.
  18. >The mysterious lady helping you mumbles something unintelligible
  19. "Would you be so kind as to say that again, miss? I fear I didn't quite catch it."
  20. >A moment later, you dismiss the idea as nonsense; you feel that every part of you is indeed in working order
  21. >More murmuring. Poor dame must be terribly shy.
  22. >Well, everything excluding the eyes. Quickly rubbing the blurriness out of them, you gaze over to your savior.
  23. "Once more, please? It would be most helpful if you spo--"
  24. >You cut off your sentence most awkwardly
  25. >Standing before you, barely able to meet your eyes, is a small pegasus.
  26. >With a pale yellow coat.
  27. >A pink mane.
  28. > Big green eyes .
  29. >And an almost human looking face.
  30. >You can only express your bewilderment in a most laconic manner.
  31. "What."
  32. >you allow yourself a moment of confusion before swiftly regaining your composure
  33. >after all, a gentleman is not so uncouth as to gawk at a strange sight.
  34. >the meek yellow pegasus recoils in surprise, or perhaps fear, at your previous bewilderment.
  35. >"I'mFluttershy!" she squeaks.
  36. >her tone suggests that it was indeed fear
  37. >you immediately speak with a more soothing tone.
  38. "Come now, miss Fluttershy. You've nothing to fear of me."
  39. >you put on a friendly grin, ignoring your bewilderment at the fact that she is an equine for the moment.
  40. >After all, you are a gentleman. Courtesy has priority over curiosity.
  41. >She cautiously meets your gaze.
  42. >With a good natured chuckle, you rise, dusting your coat. Once it appears to be free of grass once more, you give a tip of the imaginary hat and a small bow.
  43. "After all, what sort of /ruffian/ would accost the very same being who went through the trouble of bringing them to their home and caring for them?"
  44. >you ask rhetorically, thoroughly dissipating any chance for her to believe you meant any harm.
  45. >Speaking of her home, you appraise your surroundings.
  46. >rather small, yet it has a quaint and cozy feel to it.
  47. >not a bad place to live. you could certainly think of worse.
  48. >However, there is /one/ detail that elicits a raised eyebrow from you.
  49. >The smell.
  50. "Say, do you by any chance work with other animals?"
  51. >you ask, instantly hoping you didn't put too much emphasis on "other".
  52. >After all, the dame appears to be sentient as any human.
  53. >And as such, you are not so improper as to be offensive to someone so undeserving of an insult.
  54. >that fear fades as she instantly perks up, face brightening as if it were a torch being lit
  55. >"Oh, yes! I absolutely /love/ to take care of animals! I even-- no, wait!" she begins, cut off by a speeding white blur racing out of the kitchen.
  56. >a spereding blur headed straight for your head, you might add.
  57. >reacting instinctively, you sidestep as the white projectile races past just inches away.
  58. >unamused, you turn an indignant gaze towards the attacker--
  59. >And find it locked with the beady, angry eyes of a small white rabbit wielding a large wooden spoon.
  60. >You can tell he is annoyed with you from both his eyes and having witnessed many an angry glare in your lifetime
  61. >How tactless.png
  62. "A good day to you too, sir."
  63. >you're holding a polite tone, however you are sure your attacker notices the steel behind it
  64. >Your jimmies have been rustled, and this displeases you.
  65. "I would advise against attacking me again, my good hare. Doubtless Miss Fluttershy would not approve of fisticuffs in her household."
  66. >He merely holds his gaze.
  67. "However, I must inform you that I am more than willing to defend myself if necessary."
  68. >you take off your coat and toss it expertly onto the coathanger by her door.
  69. "So what will it be? Shall we settle this peacefully?"
  70. >Fluttershy attempts to intervene
  71. >Neither of you notice
  72. >you gaze into eachother's eyes for another moment, and an understanding is met
  73. >He readies his spoon.
  74. >You put up your dukes
  75. "Very well! Have at you!"
  76. >the rabbit leaps for your head once more.
  77. >the fight is over as soon as it began
  78. >You were a gentleman.
  79. >Not a pushover.
  80. >And your opponent was a rabbit about one twentieth your size.
  81. >And although he was fast.
  82. >You were no slouch either.
  83. >even as he reaches head height and raises his spoon, you throw a swift jab.
  84. >hitting the hare square in the nose, he flies a good three feet backward before landing on the bed.
  85. >Fluttershy squeaks in horror and rushes to the fallen animal's side. "Angel! Are you all right?"
  86. >After a minute of laying, likely knocked senseless, Angel rises and begins having what appears to be a conversation with Fluttershy
  87. >So she can talk to animals. How fascinating.
  88. >"Are you sure? It looked like he really hurt you there."
  89. >Angel nods.
  90. >Fluttershy turns to you and says, "H-He says you've earned his respect, and won't attack you any more."
  91. >You raise an eyebrow, but say nothing.
  92. >He certainly is a gracious loser...
  93. >"Now why /did/ you attack him in the first place?" Fluttershy asks.
  94. >A series of exaggerated gestures.
  95. >"Angel! Anonymous is a guest! Y-you shouldn't just attack somepony because they're delaying your lunch..."
  96. >Angel crosses his arms and looks defiant.
  97. >And a spoiled brat. How infuriating.
  98. >Catching his eye, you briefly communicate your disdain for his self-righteousness before clearing your throat discreetly.
  99. "Say, Miss Fluttershy, did you, by any chance, come across my cane when you found me?"
  100. >"O-Oh, right! I meant to go and get that, but I kind of forgot while I was taking care of you... I'm sorry!" she squeaks.
  101. >you dismiss her apologies with a wave of the hand.
  102. "It's not a problem, you've put yourself through enough trouble on my behalf. If I could ask for one more favor, however, might you guide me to it's location?"
  103. >"Y-yes, could you please just give me a moment to feed Angel... um, if that's okay, I mean?"
  104. "By all means."
  105. >She quickly retreats into the kitchen with her fluffy white companion. Returning shortly, she opened the door outside.
  106. >Much to your disappointment, nobody got on the floor or walked any reptilian dances.
  107. >No matter. A gentleman's jimmies are not rustled by something so trivial.
  108. >Following your meek equine guide outside, you get your first impression of this strange new world you've found yourself in.
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