
Pony Sentai: EquiRanger! Ch 1.

Nov 18th, 2013
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  1. >Your name is Anon.
  2. >Or rather, it's Hope-Anon.
  3. >It's all your fault.
  4. >They're all dead.
  5. >Ironic. Leave only the one destined to represent hope.
  6. >Fleeing like a coward after seeing his comrades struck down like precious china.
  7. >Your spaceship is smoking, lights are flashing all around you.
  8. "God damn it."
  9. >You throw your helmet into the back of the ship.
  11. >You slam your fists into the dashboard.
  12. >You're not listening to the AI as it keeps listing the things that are wrong with the ship.
  13. >It then tells you it's taking control over the ship to preform a crisis measure.
  14. >You're not listening.
  15. >You're busy sobbing into your arms, folded over onto the dashboard screen.
  16. >The warp engine fires up and sends you to the nearest station to be rescued.
  18. >They had faith in you.
  19. >That's the last thing they said before you had failed them.
  20. >You were the newest recruit.
  21. >You got to live the dream, for about three months.
  22. >Recruited into the ultimate force, fighting for all things good.
  23. >The Galactic Force: Ultra Rangers.
  24. >Trust-Anon, Love-Femanon, Unity-Femanon and finally, you, Hope-Anon.
  25. >With you, the team was complete and you joined together to rid the universe of all evil-doers.
  28. >They were all dead.
  29. >Your ultimate technique, Ultra-Fusion where two or more rangers fuse to form an avatar of Good.
  30. >You had the dark lord, Vice cornered and you were about to perform your ultimate Fusion.
  31. >The Quadra-Fusion to gain the power to bring him to the law.
  32. >And you had failed them.
  33. >You hesitated in fear and it left you all drained and weak.
  34. >It was easy for Lord Vice to simply blast them into dust and laugh as you scurried away like a rat.
  35. >He sent his doom troopers after you but you had tricked them and got to your ship.
  36. >Now it's on a route to a ranger central to let all know of your failure.
  37. >The stars stretch before you and you're sent into hyperspace.
  38. >But the engine suddenly roars and explodes from the laser damage and the ship is sent spinning off course.
  39. >You're sent like a ragdoll through the ship, saved only by your sentai-suit.
  40. >The ship deploys it's anti-gravitational field for some reason before coming to a complete stop.
  42. >The screens on the dashboard are broken and the windshield is covered by something.
  43. >You get to your feet and stumble over to the data-slot in the dashboard, hoping the AI is still working.
  44. >You plug in your morph-watch into the port and plug it in.
  45. >Luckily, the AI is fine and successfully transfers into your watch.
  47. >You activate the watch and power the ship down to avoid further damage to the electronics.
  48. >The watch switches on and the AI comes online on the small screen.
  49. >It's voice comes up clearly.
  50. >"Hope-Anon, your body seems undamaged, but the ship is in no condition to travel. Seek assistance in repairing it."
  51. "You're blunt as ever, Zordon."
  52. >Ah, the AI based on the first founder of the Ranger squad.
  53. >Always there to cheer you up.
  54. >Why couldn't you get a hot chick like in those sci-fi games you used to play as a kid?
  55. "How am I even supposed to repair it? We're lost!"
  56. >The watch beeps and the floating head appears on a hologram in front of you.
  57. >"Negative. You're in close proximity to several Rangers. My data suggest that the ship safely arrived at a Ranger station."
  58. >Really?
  59. "Zordon, how is that even possible? My whole team is dead, I saw it myself!"
  60. >"Data suggest that you are wrong. Several life signs in close proximity display characteristics of Rangers."
  62. >You blink a few times before the hologram retracts back into the watch.
  63. >You grab your helmet and head to the escape hatch.
  64. >If it's right, you may have been wrong. Maybe they just pretended to die to catch Vile unprepared!
  65. >You don the helmet and open the hatch, feeling a soft breeze slip into the pressurized ship.
  66. >Without your helmet, your ears would probably have popped.
  67. >The sun hits you, shaded by the visor.
  68. >You're on Earth?
  69. >It looks like home, only a bit more green.
  70. >As a matter of fact, it looks colorful as hell.
  71. >Did they do something while you were away with the squad?
  72. >Like.. throw paint everywhere?
  73. >You shrug and hop out, landing on the ground.
  74. >Suddenly, you find yourself with your back against the wall.
  75. >"No sudd'n movements, partner!"
  76. >A large red horse is eying you suspiciously.
  77. >He's also speaking in a slow southern accent.
  78. >"I dun know who ya are or what'chu doin', but it's mighty suspicious."
  79. "What?"
  80. >"Don't try nuffin' stupid, ya hear?"
  81. "...sure."
  82. >What the heck?
  84. >You're cornered by a large red talking equine and YOU'RE suspicious?
  85. >He takes a few steps closer and inspects you from head to toe.
  86. >"Now. What in tarnation are ya?"
  87. >You decide not to screw around, he looks pretty strong by his physique.
  88. >As far as your knowledge of horses go.
  89. "My name is Anon. I'm an Ultra Ranger, a defender of Truth and Justice."
  90. >You flash the golden badge on your chest.
  91. >"Hm.. I dun' know nuffin' about no Rangers, but Truth and Justice sounds good to me."
  92. >He backs off a bit and you slump down onto the ground.
  93. >"Sorry for bein' so harsh on ya, but I got ah family ta protect here."
  94. "It...It's fine. I'm just.. lost I suppose."
  95. >You click the watch.
  96. "Zordon... is this some kind of joke?"
  97. >"What ya mean?"
  98. "Not you, I'm talking to my watch."
  99. >"Yer a strange one."
  100. "That's kinda funny."
  101. >The hologram appears and the red horse falls back onto his haunches.
  102. >"A-A ghost!"
  103. >"I would appreciate it if you did not refer to me as a ghost. I am an Artificial Intelligence."
  104. "What he said."
  105. >The red one scoots back a bit as you talk to your adviser.
  106. "You said we were at a Ranger station. This is not a ranger station, Zordon."
  107. >"It appears that my calculations were off. However, this creature registers as a ranger by my data."
  109. >You look to the red horse who seems to be shaking a bit.
  110. "How'd you figure that? He's an equine of some sort."
  111. >"Correct, however, his spirit registers as compatible for a ranger. I have detected hundreds of these creatures and they all seem compatible."
  112. "That... That's impossible."
  113. >"I have to disagree. According to his spiritual patterns, he repr-hold on! I sense danger approaching!"
  114. >It sets of a series of beeps and suddenly a map of the terrain along with an altitude meter appears holographically.
  115. >"Oh no! A ship carrying the mark of Lord Vice is approaching!"
  116. >It shows a small marker descending on your location.
  117. >You look up and see a ship quickly come down from beneath the clouds.
  118. >It continues past, over a few apple trees and loudly sets down out of sight.
  119. >You spring to your feet, joined by the red horse.
  120. >"OH NO!"
  121. "What? You know who they are too?"
  122. >"Ahm guessing ya know who they are, I don't. but I know WHERE they are!"
  123. "What do you mean?"
  124. >"They are at tha farm!"
  125. "Where your family is?"
  126. >"Eeyup! I gotta go help them!"
  127. "I'm coming too. If your family is in danger, it's my duty to help them!"
  128. >"Good, come with me!"
  131. >The two of you rush through the trees towards the farm.
  132. >"Yer little doo-hickey said they were trouble, right?"
  133. "They are. It's the soldiers of Lord Vice, the lord of evil!"
  134. >"Ya know how ta beat them?"
  135. "A good pummeling of Justice should do the trick."
  136. >"I can do that!"
  137. >The red farmhouse and barn come up over a hill and you see the doom troopers approaching the house.
  138. >An orange horse wearing a cowboy hat is standing in front of the door, brandishing a lasso.
  139. >"Applejack!"
  140. >The red one speeds ahead of you, joining the other one.
  141. >"Big Mac, who are these fellers?"
  142. >"Trouble, that's who!"
  143. >The doom troopers close in on them but are suddenly made painfully aware of your presence as you send one of them flying with a flying kick to the back.
  144. >It's sent tumbling into the side of their ship and it breaks down into circuits and plastic.
  145. >Robot soldiers, cheap to make, good in numbers, horrible at fighting rangers.
  147. "They're robots. Mindless automatons, don't hold back!"
  148. >It seems thy get what you're saying as they rush into the fray and after a short while they're sprawled across the ground.
  149. >The horses seems to have held back as most of them are tied up rather than smashed.
  150. >"Ah dun' like violence, but none lays their hands on the apples and get away with it!"
  151. >The orange one, who you recall is called Applejack is berating the tied up troopers.
  152. >They look at each other, looking confused.
  153. "They can't understand you."
  154. >"Say what now?"
  155. >She looks over at you, looking quite tense.
  156. "They're lifeless machines. They are kind of like tools. No emotions, no thinking, nothing."
  157. >You walk over to one of the smashed troopers and pick up it's head, rip off the helmet and show them the ball of circuits and metal.
  158. >"So they're like golems or sumthin'?"
  159. "Pretty much, yes. They don-"
  160. >"Bravo!"
  161. >A voice you recognize sends you twirling back towards the ship.
  162. "General Skull... why am I not surprised he sent YOU."
  163. >The man in black and white armor descends from the staircase of troopers lying down for him.
  164. >The long black cape flows in the wind and he trows his arm out.
  165. >"Fool! Who else would be sent to finish off your failure of a troop?"
  166. >He laughs diabolically before his body becomes a blur.
  167. >He dashed over and sent you flying with a punch to your stomach.
  169. >The hay flies all over the place as you're sent trough the barn wall.
  170. >You're luck the haystacks cushioned you, or you would have been a stain on the other side by now.
  171. >A gasp is heard from the two before a yelp from who you assume to be the orange one is followed.
  172. >"Let me down ya big rust bucket!"
  173. >"Applejack! oomph!"
  174. >Suddenly Big Mac comes flying through the same hole you created, widening it a bit.
  175. >He lands in the hay next to you and you look at each other after some wincing.
  176. "What happened?"
  177. >"He's got Applejack!"
  178. >You jump to your feet and help him up.
  179. >The two of you rush out from the barn to find applejack being held by her tail by Skull.
  180. "Let her go!"
  181. >He laughs and swings her around a bit.
  182. >"Why? I think she makes an excellent flail. I think I'll keep her, HAHAHAHA!"
  183. >You grit your teeth. General Skull is a strong warrior and much more powerful than you.
  184. >Much more powerful than big Mac too, since he met the same fate as you.
  185. >"May I suggest Fusion, Anon?"
  186. >Zordon appears on your visor.
  187. "What? With who?"
  188. >He looks to the side and you follow his eyes to Big Mac.
  189. >"As I told you, he's compatible for ranger status and non-humans are able to perform it since aliens have also been active in the ranger squads before you. We made fusion of cross-species a simple thing."
  190. "So, you're saying we can combine?"
  191. >"Yes."
  192. >You look at Big Mac who has heard the conversation. He's looking at you with curious eyes.
  193. >"Ah dun' know what that means, but if it'll save mah sister I'm all for it."
  195. "Right."
  196. >You kneel down beside him and shoot General Skull a glare.
  197. "We're going to fuse our beings into one, multiplying our spiritual and physical power to try and stop him."
  198. >He looks a bit nervous, but another yelp from Applejack sets his eyes into Go-Mode.
  199. "Bump it, Big Mac."
  200. >You slam your palm onto the watch.
  201. "Spirit fusion, Activate!"
  202. >You extend your knuckle to him and he bumps it with his hoof.
  204. >Energy explodes around you, your bodies fading away as you begin to swirl around each other like a whirlpool of light.
  205. >Your minds meld into one and you can see the love of his family like a wildfire, burning in your mind.
  206. >He's a stand-up guy, loyal and brave.
  207. >He's laid back and calm, but within him burns a fury that waits to be unleashed upon whom should harm those he cares for.
  208. >You grin as your form re-emerges from the light.
  209. >You stand tall, wearing your suit which has changed to fit his spirit that empowers you.
  210. >It's a red and gold armor, a golden mane stands on your helmet shaped like a furious stallion.
  211. >From your eyes burns a furious flame.
  212. >The general stands in shock and he accidentally drops Applejack who scurries to your side.
  213. >"B-big Mac? What's goi-"
  214. >Your voices speak in unison. Your body, his spirit.
  215. "Stand back, Applejack."
  216. >The ground breaks into chunks as you burst off towards Skull.
  217. >Your boots, tipped in hoof-shaped guards cause the ground to shake as your thunderous stomps bring you right up in his helmet-clad face.
  218. >"Wha-"
  219. >He gets no chance to speak as you send him hurling into a tree with a flying knee.
  220. >the tree breaks in half and he tumbles to the ground.
  221. >As he staggers to his feet, you're all over him, raining blows in a blurred fury.
  222. >A roundhouse kick sends him back into the side of the ship and it buckles behind him.
  225. >As he gets back onto his feet, he holds his side and looks at you.
  226. >If you could see his face, you know you'd see fear in it.
  227. >"Impossible!"
  228. "No."
  229. >You point at him.
  230. "With hope, nothing is impossible!"
  231. >With that, you ram into him with you elbow, sending him flying through the ship out onto the other side.
  232. >He collapses on the ground, hand reaching up into the sky before it falls down limply.
  233. >"I... I can't f-fail! I'm strong than y-you!"
  234. >You walk over to him, trembling the very earth.
  235. >You grab him by the chain that ties his cape around his neck and lift him close to your face.
  236. >The visor opens up, revealing your freckled cheeks and green eyes, courtesy of Big Macintosh.
  237. "You chose to follow darkness, Skull. Darkness is only strong when the light isn't there to shine."
  238. >the mane catches fire as you tower over him.
  239. "The light protects this place, General Skull! I failed before, but for as long as I live, this place will never fall to darkness!"
  240. >With that, you slam him into the ground, knocking him out.
  241. >Applejack is quick to tie him up with her rope and you separate from Big Mac.
  242. He shakes his head once he's back to his normal form.
  243. >"That was something."
  244. "You said it."
  246. >Applejack jumps onto Big Mac and gives him a hug.
  247. >"Ahm glad yer okay."
  248. >He chuckles and rubs her mane.
  249. >"Ahm fine AJ and don't forget ta thank Anon here."
  250. >She trots over and offers her hoof.
  251. >You shake it and take off your helmet.
  252. >"Thanks ya Anon. Ah dun know where ya came from, but we have you ta thank for savin' tha farm so in mah book yer alright!"
  253. >She grins.
  254. "I'm glad to help. It's what the Ultra Rangers do! We protect others, in the name of Truth and Justice!"
  255. >You strike your famous pose.
  256. >It's repaid in laughter from behind the two.
  257. >"Yer a funny one, Mr Anon."
  258. >It's a small yellow one with red hair and a pink bow.
  259. >"Now don't be rude, Apple Bloom."
  260. >applejack pokes her in the side with her hoof.
  261. >"This here is my little sister, Apple Bloom."
  262. "Nice to meet you."
  263. >"Likewise, sorry fer laughing."
  264. >You all exchange a chuckle before you're interrupted by a sound.
  265. >You look to the sky, hoping it's not another ship.
  266. >It's not. It's a large amount of armored horses followed by a chariot drawn by four of them.
  268. >"Stay where you are, whatever you are!"
  269. >one of them points a spear at you and you remain motionless.
  270. >Best not to ruin your reputation now that you've got a good one going.
  271. "I submit. A ranger does not fight the law."
  272. >Letting him know you're here to help is hopefully appreciated.
  273. >"That's good to hear. Mind explaining this?"
  274. >A tall white equine, clad in golden ornaments with large white wings spread apart and a long horn on her forehead approaches you.
  275. >"Princess!"
  276. >Applejack and the other gasp out in surprise.
  277. "Princess?"
  278. >Oh boy, play it cool.
  279. "Oh, uhm. Well these guys, lead by the man in black and white armor came here to cause trouble. We sorted them out though."
  280. >She looks at the tied up troopers and the General that's muttering something in a daze.
  281. >"Is this true, Applejack?"
  282. >She turns to the orange mare.
  283. >"Yes Princess, is all true. He and Big Macintosh gave those hooligans what for. Then we tied 'em up nice and tight."
  284. >She swings her lasso a bit and grins.
  285. >"Well then. I trust Applejack to tell the truth. You have my thanks, Mr..?"
  286. "Anon. It was nothing, really."
  287. >She shakes her head, giving you a smile.
  288. >"You've helped my little ponies in their time of need. That is certainly something."
  289. >She waves her wing and the guards begin to round up the troopers and the General.
  290. >"We'll put them in a safe place until we can figure out what to do with them."
  291. >A few ponies with horns join the guards and use some sort of levitation to carry them while they themselves sit in another carriage.
  292. >They ride off into the sky before the Princess turns to Applejack once more.
  294. >"May I ask of you that you let Anon stay with you until tomorrow?"
  295. >Applejack nods, walks up beside you and pokes you in the thigh.
  296. >"No worries, princess. He's welcome ta stay as long as he needs."
  297. >The princess smiles before returning to her carriage.
  298. >"Thank you Applejack. Take him to Twilight tomorrow, I'd like her to meet our hero as well."
  299. >She sits down on her carriage and they fly off.
  300. >"Can do!"
  301. >Applejack shouts before pulling on your suit.
  302. >"Come on Anon. Ah recon' ya could use a meal after all that."
  303. >Your stomach wants to marry this horse.
  304. >Ew.
  305. "Thanks. I won't decline an offer like that."
  306. >You, Applejack and Big Mac with Apple Bloom on his back head off to the house.
  307. >The oddity of all this hasn't struck you as hard as you thought it would.
  308. >Talking ponies, huh?
  309. >Guess it's better than being lost in space.
  310. >You send a thought to your comrades, hoping they're in a better place.
  311. >You think to yourself.
  312. >"I'm sorry I let you down. I promise I won't do the same to them, I promise. I'll carry our name from now. I'll be the Hope I was meant to be."
  313. >You enter the house and up in the darkening sky, painted by the sunset, a trio of stars twinkle in reply.
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