

Mar 21st, 2018
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  1. import React, { Component } from "react";
  2. import {
  3. Platform,
  4. StyleSheet,
  5. Text,
  6. View,
  7. Button,
  8. Alert,
  9. Dimensions,
  10. Image,
  11. Animated,
  12. Easing,
  13. LayoutAnimation,
  14. NativeModules,
  15. TextInput
  16. } from "react-native";
  18. const { UIManager } = NativeModules;
  20. UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental &&
  21. UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental(true);
  23. let deviceWidth = Dimensions.get("window").width;
  24. let deviceHeight = Dimensions.get("window").height;
  26. export default class AppHome extends Component {
  27. constructor(props) {
  28. super(props);
  29. this.state = { x:null,y:null,
  30. size: new Animated.Value(0),
  31. size1: new Animated.Value(0),
  32. size2: new Animated.Value(0),
  33. sizenho: new Animated.Value(0),
  34. screen1: true,
  35. screen2:false,
  36. time: new Animated.Value(0),
  37. tab1:true,
  38. tab2:false };
  39. }
  40. componentDidMount() {
  41. const anim1 = Animated.timing(this.state.size, {
  42. toValue: 1,
  43. duration: 1000,
  44. easing: Easing.bounce
  45. }).start();
  47. const anim2 = Animated.timing(this.state.size1, {
  48. toValue: 1,
  49. duration: 500,
  50. easing: Easing.ease
  51. }).start();
  53. const animnho = Animated.timing(this.state.sizenho, {
  54. toValue: 1,
  55. duration: 1000,
  56. easing: Easing.bounce
  57. });
  58. animnho.start();
  59. //Animated.stagger(200, [anim1, anim2]).start();
  60. }
  62. onPreeScreen1 = () => {
  63. this.state.size.setValue(0);
  64. this.state.size1.setValue(0);
  65. this.state.sizenho.setValue(0);
  66. this.state.time.setValue(0);
  67. const ani1 = Animated.timing(this.state.size, {
  68. toValue: 1,
  69. duration: 1000,
  70. easing: Easing.bounce
  71. });
  72. const ani2 = Animated.timing(this.state.size1, {
  73. toValue: 1,
  74. duration: 200,
  75. easing: Easing.ease
  76. });
  78. Animated.timing(this.state.sizenho, {
  79. toValue: 1,
  80. duration: 1000,
  81. easing: Easing.bounce
  82. }).start();
  84. Animated.stagger(0, [ani1, ani2]).start();
  86. Animated.timing(this.state.time, {
  87. toValue: 1,
  88. duration: 1000,
  89. easing: Easing.bounce
  90. }).start();
  92. if (this.state.screen1 == true) {
  93. this.setState({
  94. screen1: false
  95. });
  96. } else {
  97. this.setState({
  98. screen1: true
  99. });
  100. }
  102. if (this.state.screen2 == true) {
  103. this.setState({
  104. screen2: false
  105. });
  106. } else {
  107. this.setState({
  108. screen2: true
  109. });
  110. }
  111. };
  113. onPreeScreen2 = () => {
  114. this.state.size.setValue(0);
  115. this.state.size1.setValue(0);
  116. this.state.sizenho.setValue(0);
  117. this.state.time.setValue(0);
  119. const ani1 = Animated.timing(this.state.size, {
  120. toValue: 1,
  121. duration: 500,
  122. easing: Easing.ease
  123. }).start();
  124. const ani2 = Animated.timing(this.state.size1, {
  125. toValue: 1,
  126. duration: 500,
  127. easing: Easing.ease
  128. }).start();
  130. Animated.timing(this.state.sizenho, {
  131. toValue: 1,
  132. duration: 1000,
  133. easing: Easing.bounce
  134. }).start();
  135. //Animated.stagger(200, [ani1, ani2]).start();
  137. Animated.timing(this.state.time, {
  138. toValue: 1,
  139. duration: 1000,
  140. easing: Easing.bounce
  141. }).start();
  143. if (this.state.screen1 == true) {
  144. this.setState({ screen1: false });
  145. } else {
  146. this.setState({ screen1: true });
  147. }
  149. if (this.state.screen2 == true) {
  150. this.setState({ screen2: false });
  151. } else {
  152. this.setState({ screen2: true });
  153. }
  154. };
  156. onPress(evt) {
  157. const { locationX, locationY } = evt.nativeEvent;
  158. this.setState({ x: locationX, y: locationY });
  159. console.log(locationX, locationY);
  160. }
  162. onMove(evt) {
  163. const { locationX, locationY } = evt.nativeEvent;
  164. const { x, y } = this.state;
  165. if (1.5 * (locationX - x) / deviceWidth > 0.2) {
  166. if(this.state.tab1=true)
  167. {
  168. this.setState({
  169. tab1:false,
  170. tab2:true
  171. });
  172. }
  173. }
  175. if (1.5 * (locationX - x) / deviceWidth < -0.2) {
  176. if (this.state.tab2 = true) {
  177. this.setState({
  178. tab1: true,
  179. tab2:false
  180. });
  181. }
  182. }
  184. }
  186. render() {
  187. const size = this.state.size.interpolate({
  188. inputRange: [0, 0.5, 1],
  189. outputRange: [110, 130, 150]
  190. });
  191. const size1width = this.state.size1.interpolate({
  192. inputRange: [0, 0.5, 1],
  193. outputRange: [200, 250, 300]
  194. });
  195. const size1height = this.state.size2.interpolate({
  196. inputRange: [0, 0.5, 1],
  197. outputRange: [10, 20, 40]
  198. });
  199. const sizenho = this.state.sizenho.interpolate({
  200. inputRange: [0, 0.5, 1],
  201. outputRange: [150, 130, 110]
  202. });
  203. const marginBottom = this.state.time.interpolate({
  204. inputRange: [0, 1],
  205. outputRange: [-2 * deviceHeight, 0]
  206. });
  208. return <View style = {
  209. {
  210. backgroundColor: "#b2d0ff",
  211. width: deviceWidth,
  212. height: deviceHeight,
  213. flex: 1
  214. }
  215. } >
  216. {this.state.screen1 ? <View style={{ alignSelf: "center", flex: 1 }}>
  217. <Animated.Image source={require("./image/iconmap.png")} style={{ width: size, height: size, marginTop: 50 }} />
  218. </View> : null}
  220. {this.state.screen2 ? <View style={{ alignSelf: "center", flex: 1 }}>
  221. <Animated.Image source={require("./image/iconmap.png")} style={{ width: sizenho, height: sizenho, marginTop: 50 }} />
  222. </View> : null}
  224. {this.state.screen1 ? <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
  225. <Animated.View style={{ width: size1width, height: 40, margin: 20, alignSelf: "center" }}>
  226. <Button onPress={() => {
  227. Alert.alert("You tapped the button!");
  228. }} style={{ height: 40, backgroundColor: "#5a9afc", alignContent: "center" }} title="Create Account" />
  229. </Animated.View>
  231. <View style={{ flexDirection: "row", alignSelf: "center" }}>
  232. <View style={{ backgroundColor: "#ffffff", width: deviceWidth / 3, height: 1 }} />
  233. <Text style={{ color: "#ffffff", fontWeight: "bold", fontSize: 10, marginTop: -7, marginLeft: 2, marginRight: 2 }}>
  234. OR
  235. </Text>
  236. <View style={{ backgroundColor: "#ffffff", width: deviceWidth / 3, height: 1 }} />
  237. </View>
  239. <View style={{ margin: 10 }}>
  240. <Animated.View style={{ height: 40, width: size1width, marginRight: 10, marginLeft: 10, alignSelf: "center" }}>
  241. <Button onPress={this.onPreeScreen2} style={{ backgroundColor: "#5a9afc" }} title="Sign In" />
  242. </Animated.View>
  243. </View>
  244. </View> : null}
  246. {
  247. this.state.screen2 ? <Animated.View style = {
  248. {
  249. backgroundColor: "rgba(12, 6, 182, 0.3)",
  250. flex: 2,
  251. marginBottom
  252. }
  253. } >
  255. {this.state.tab1 ? <View
  256. onStartShouldSetResponder={() => true}
  257. onMoveShouldSetResponder={() => true}
  258. onResponderMove={this.onMove.bind(this)}
  259. onResponderGrant={this.onPress.bind(this)}
  260. style={{ flex: 1, margin: 10 ,backgroundColor:'red'}}>
  261. <TextInput
  262. onChangeText = {
  263. (value) => this.setState({
  264. username: value
  265. })
  266. }
  267. value = {
  268. ''+this.state.x
  269. }
  270. underlineColorAndroid="transparent" autoCapitalize="none" placeholder="User name or Email" placeholderTextColor="#ffffff" style={{ marginTop: 130, marginLeft: 10, marginRight: 10, backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)", height: 40 }} />
  272. <TextInput
  273. onChangeText = {
  274. (value) => this.setState({
  275. username: value
  276. })
  277. }
  278. value = {
  279. ''+this.state.x
  280. }
  281. underlineColorAndroid = "transparent"
  282. autoCapitalize = "none"
  283. placeholder = "Password"
  284. placeholderTextColor = "#ffffff"
  285. style = {
  286. {
  287. margin: 10,
  288. backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)",
  289. height: 40
  290. }
  291. }
  292. />
  294. <View style={{ margin: 10 }}>
  295. < Animated.View style = {
  296. {
  297. height: 40,
  298. width: size1width,
  299. marginRight: 10,
  300. marginLeft: 10,
  301. alignSelf: "center"
  302. }
  303. } >
  304. <Button onPress={this.onPreeScreen2} style={{ backgroundColor: "#5a9afc" }} title="Submit" />
  305. </Animated.View>
  306. </View>
  307. <Text style={{ color: "#ffffff", fontSize: 14, textAlign: "center", fontWeight: "bold",marginBottom:2 }}>
  308. Login With Facebook = {this.x}{this.y} !
  309. </Text>
  310. </View>:null}
  312. {this.state.tab2 ? <View
  313. onStartShouldSetResponder={() => true}
  314. onMoveShouldSetResponder={() => true}
  315. onResponderMove={this.onMove.bind(this)}
  316. onResponderGrant={this.onPress.bind(this)}
  317. style={{ flex: 1, margin: 10 ,backgroundColor:'#123'}}>
  318. <TextInput
  319. onChangeText = {
  320. (value) => this.setState({
  321. username: value
  322. })
  323. }
  324. value = {
  325. ''+this.state.x
  326. }
  327. underlineColorAndroid="transparent" autoCapitalize="none" placeholder="User name or Email" placeholderTextColor="#ffffff" style={{ marginTop: 130, marginLeft: 10, marginRight: 10, backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)", height: 40 }} />
  329. <TextInput
  330. onChangeText = {
  331. (value) => this.setState({
  332. username: value
  333. })
  334. }
  335. value = {
  336. ''+this.state.x
  337. }
  338. underlineColorAndroid = "transparent"
  339. autoCapitalize = "none"
  340. placeholder = "Password"
  341. placeholderTextColor = "#ffffff"
  342. style = {
  343. {
  344. margin: 10,
  345. backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)",
  346. height: 40
  347. }
  348. }
  349. />
  351. <View style={{ margin: 10 }}>
  352. < Animated.View style = {
  353. {
  354. height: 40,
  355. width: size1width,
  356. marginRight: 10,
  357. marginLeft: 10,
  358. alignSelf: "center"
  359. }
  360. } >
  361. <Button onPress={this.onPreeScreen2} style={{ backgroundColor: "#5a9afc" }} title="Submit" />
  362. </Animated.View>
  363. </View>
  364. <Text style={{ color: "#ffffff", fontSize: 14, textAlign: "center", fontWeight: "bold",marginBottom:2 }}>
  365. Login With Facebook = {this.x}{this.y} !
  366. </Text>
  367. </View>:null}
  370. </Animated.View> : null}
  371. </View>;
  372. }
  373. }
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